(3) The appropriate decorations, medals and awards
shall be the following-
(a) for the Naval Force
officers - The Volunteer Reserve Decoration;
ratings - The Long Service and Good Conduct
(b) for the Regiment
officers - The Efficiency Decoration;
other ranks - The Efficiency Medal.
(c) for the Air Force
officers and aircraftsmen - The Air Efficiency Award.
(4) Service in the Auxiliary Force or in the various
sub-units of Force Headquarters shall count towards
eligibility for the above awards.
20. Any person guilty of a breach of these regulations
or of any regulations made under the Ordinance for which
no special penalty is provided shall be liable on conviction to
a fine of five hundred dollars and in default of payment to
imprisonment for three months.
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[7th May, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Force Head-
quarters Regulations.
2. The Commandant shall have a staff (hereinafter
referred to as the Commandant's staff) consisting of-
(a) a Senior Staff Officer who shall hold the rank of
Commander, Royal Navy, or its equivalent;
(b) a Depot Commander who shall hold the rank of
Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy, or its
(c) a Staff Officer who shall hold the rank of Lieuten-
ant, Royal Navy, or its equivalent;
(d)an Administralive Officer who sliall hold the rank
of Lieutenant (Quartermaster) or its equivalent;
(e)a Regimental Sergeant Major who shall be a
Warrant Office, Class I;
(f)a Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant who shall
be a Warrant Officer, Class II;
(g) a Personal Assistant;
(h)such other persons as the Governor may determine
from time to time.
3. The Commandant's Stall, other than the Depot
Commander, shall normally be members of His Majesty's
regular forces seconded by the Admiralty, the Army
Council or the Air Council for a period of three years. If
no such officers are available, and when special circum-
stances make it advisable or necessary, then these appoint-
ments may be filled by officers and volunteers who may be
permanently employed.
4. The Commandant's staff shall carry out the duties
laid down from time to time by the Commandant in stand-
ing orders.
5. Force Headquarters, less the Depot, shall be under
the executive command of tNe officer appointed as Senior
Staff Officer on the Commandant's staff,. who shall have
such powers of command and discipline, including powers
of punishment in respect of the personnel of Force Head-
quarters as are prescribed in section 184A of the Army Act
and section 184A of the Air Force Art and shall be respon-
sible to the Commandant-
(a) for the co-ordination of the Force;
(b)for the maintenance of discipline, efficiency and
proper system in his unit;
(c)for the preservation of the health of those under
his command when called out or under training;
(d)for the supervision and control of all duties per-
formed by those under his command;
(e)to account for public equipment and stores of
whatever description appertaining to his unit;
for the condition of the arms in his charge;
for the proper supervision of the system, as
precribed by the Commandant, of accounting for
stores, equipment, pay, records, etcetera;
(h)to ensure that the account books, returns, et cetera,
as prescribed by the Coin manclant, are used;
(i)for the correct receipts and issue of all Supplies,
including. petrol, oil and grease;
for such otlitr duties as tile, Commandant may
impose frorn time to time.
6. Force Headquarters shall be the formation head-
quarters through which the units of the Force submit all
matters appertaining to administration.
7. 'File Depot shall bc under the executive command
of the officer appointed as.Depot Commander on the Corn-
mandant's staff. He shall normally be a civilian, but
where special circumstances make it advisable or necessary,
an officer of His Majesty's regular force ' s seconded, as die
case may be, by the Admiralty, Army Council or Air
Council may be placed in command.
8. The Depot shall be the reinforcement and holding
unit of the Force where all recruits shall be. equipped and
clothed according to the scales laid down in the regulations
governing their respective units.
9. The ' regulation.-, governing the various units of the
Force relating, to-
(a)the age of enlistment, the term of service, the
method and period of re-engagement;
(b) the age of retirement;
(c) appointment, advancement and promotion
shall apply to the personnel of Force Headquarters depend-
ing on the unit to which they belong.
10. (1) Volunteers who possess the necessary qualifica-
tions may, at any stage of their training, be transferred by 'C
the Commandant, after consultation with the Commanding
Officers and on the recommendation of the appropriate Ser-
vice Commander, to the Orficer Cadet Cadre for training
with the view of obtaining commissioned rank.
(2) Such volunteers shall rank as Officer Cadets.
11. (1) Volunteers who, in the discretion of the Com-
mandant, may be usefully employed as interpreters, trans-
lators and interrogators and volunteers who possess special
knowledge may be held in the Specialist Cadre.
(2) Such volunteers shall be organized in such
manner, as the Commandant may think lit, in order to put
their specialist qualifications to the best use in time of
12. Officers and volunteers of Force Headquarters
shall carry out the training and instruction as ]aid down
in the regulations governing their respective units with the
following modifications-
(a)personnel of the Specialist Cadre, who may not be
able to undergo the full annual training shall com-
plete such other training and instruction as the
Commandant shall direct;
(1)a Service Commander may, after consultation with
the Commandant, atithorize the attachment of the
personnel of the Officer Cadet Cadre, and the
Specialist Cadre for service with His Majesty's
regular forces in lieu of or in addition to the annual
training camp or periods of instruction.
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[7th May, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Hong Hong
Regiment Regulations.
2. The Regiment may consist of the following-
(a) Regimental Headquarters;
(b) One Infantry Battalion;
(c) One Squadron Armoured Cars;
(d) One Anti-Aircraft Battery;
(e) Engineer Detachment;
(f) Signal Detachment;
Penalties. G.N.A. 94/49. Citation. Composition of staff of Commandant. [r. 2 cont.] Members of Commandant's staff normally to be members of H.M.'s regular forces. Execution of duties. Appointment and responsibility of Commanding Officer of Force Headquarters. Force Headquarters to be formation headquarters. Appointment of Commanding Officer of the Depot. Depot to be reinforcement and holding unit of Force. Application of the regulations governing various units of the Force to Force Headquarters. Transfer to Officer Cadet Cadre. Employment of volunteers in the Specialist Cadre. Training. G.N.A. 95/49. Citation. Composition.
Penalties. G.N.A. 94/49. Citation. Composition of staff of Commandant. [r. 2 cont.] Members of Commandant's staff normally to be members of H.M.'s regular forces. Execution of duties. Appointment and responsibility of Commanding Officer of Force Headquarters. Force Headquarters to be formation headquarters. Appointment of Commanding Officer of the Depot. Depot to be reinforcement and holding unit of Force. Application of the regulations governing various units of the Force to Force Headquarters. Transfer to Officer Cadet Cadre. Employment of volunteers in the Specialist Cadre. Training. G.N.A. 95/49. Citation. Composition.
Subsequent Cap No.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“FORCE HEADQUARTERS REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025,