The high cost of living allowances payable to corporals, lance
corporals and privates of the army units of the 1-long Kong Defence
Force and to personnel of equivalent ranks in the Hong Kong Naval
Force and the Hong Kong Air Force shall in no case be less than
the Local Overseas Allowances payable at unaccommodated rates to
members of His Majesty's regular forces of equivalent ranks while
serving in Hong Kong.
(Cap. 19, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[8th April, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Hong Kong
Defence Force Regulations.
2. The Foree shall be. allowed .in Honorarv Coni-
mandant-General. This appointment shall be held by the
Governor and Cornmander-in-Chief of the Colony of Hong
Kong and its dependencies and Vice-Admiral of the saine.
3. The Force shall. be under the execii'tiv(, command of
the Commandant appointed by the Governor on the recom-
mendation of the Service Commanders. He shall nomialls,
be a civilian, but where special circumstances make it
advisable or necessary, an Officer of His Majesty's Regular
Forces seconded, as the case may be, by the Admiralty,
Army Council or Air Council may be placed in command.
4. The Commandant shall hold the rank of Captain,
Royal Navy or its equivalent depending on the branch of
Service to which he belongs.
5. Appointment as Cornmandant shall be made for a
period of four years. The Governor, upon the recomi-nenda-
tion of the appropriate Service Commander, may extend such
period for terms not exceeding two years, but no Com-
mandant shall be permitted to retain his command beyond
eight years in all, or beyond the age laid down for his rank
in the appropriate regulations whichever may first happen.
6. The Commandant shall be responsible to the
(a)for the maintenance of discipline, efficiency and
proper system in the Force;
(b)for the supervision and control of all duties per-
formed by those under his command;
(c)to ~,,ccotiiit for public equipirient and stores of what-
ever description appertaining to the Force;
(d)to prescribe, from tinic to time, the systen-i of
accounting for stores, equipment, pay, records, etc.
to be used by the Force or any of the units thereof;
(e)to prescribe, from time to time, the account books,
returns, etc. to be used by the Force ot- any of the
units thereof;
for the condition of the arms in his charge;
(g)for the correct receipts and issue of all supplies,
including petrol, oil and grease;
(h) for [fie proper application of all Force funds;
(1)for the supervision and control of all committees
formed for the management of all Force funds;
(J) to bring specially to.the notice of the appropriate
Sei-vice Commander any officers distinguished for
proficiencY in their cluties and also those who, from
incapacity Or apathy, are deficient in knowledge of
their duties, or who do not afford him that support
he has a right to expect, or who conduct
thernselves in a manner injurious to the efficiency
or credil. of the units in which they are serving in
tile Force;
(h)for Avising the Sei-vice Commanders on all matters
relatIng, to tile Force;
(i)to set down from time to tinic the physical standards
required of a recruit ;
On) for such other duties as the Governor may impose
from tinle to time.
7. Every person offering himself for enlistment in the
Force shall-
(a)be medi cally examined by a medical officer of the
(b) sign such forms as the Commandant may prescribe;
(c)furnish such personal references as the Commandant
may require;
(d)declare in writing whether lie is willing to serve
outside the limits of the Colony, if so ordered;
(e)be enlisted as a recruit irrespective of any rank he
may have held previously.
8. (1) A recruit, who, by reason of age and physical
fitness, is eligible to become a volunteer shall first be drafted
to the Depot of Force Headquarters for basic rnilitary train-
(2) A recruit shall, on completion of his basic ii-iilittr~,
training, be transferred, if possible, to the unit or sub-unit Of
his choice or shall undertake such special courses as the
Commandant may prescribe from time to time.
(3) Any volunteer who possesses the qualifications to
hold a commission may, in the discretion of the Commandant
after consultation with. the Commanding Officers and on the
iecorrimendation of the appropriate. Service Commander,
receive training in the Officer Cadet Cadre of Force Head-
quarters after he has passed out of the Depot, or after
a term of service in any of the units of the Force.
. (4) A volunteer may on the completion of his term of
(a)re-engage in accordance with the provisions of the
regulations governing his unit; or
(b)apply for transfer to some other unit of the Force;
(c)subject to the provisions of the Ordinance quit the
9. (1) The Commandant shall, after coiisu!tttl(.)ii with
the Service Commanders and Commanding Officers, post
officers to the various units of the Force.
(2) Appointment, promotion, removal and retirement of
officers shall be governed by the appropriate regulations laid
down for the unit in which they are serving.
10. (1) The Governor may, in his absolute discretion,
permit an officer, except during an ernergency, to resign his
(2) Resignations shall, in the first instalice, be sent to
the appropriate Commanding Officer who shall forward
them to the Governor through the Commandant and the
appropriate Service Commander.
11. (1) The administration of the Force shall vest in
the Commandant and shall consist of-
(a) records;
(b) courts martial
(c) courts of inquiry;
(d) audit boards;
(e) Institutes
(f) Wardroom /Officers' Mess;
(g) Petty Officei-s'/Serge~ints' Mess;
(h) pay.
(2) Administrative duties shall be. carried out centrally
at Force Headquarters or at such other place as the Coni-
niandant may prescribe.
(3) The non-wil administrative chain shall be the
Commanding Officers, tile Commandant, the appropriate
Service Commander.
12. All officers and volunteers shall carry out the train-
ing and instruction as laid down in the regulations govern-
ing their i.esl)cctiv~- units.
13. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in these regulations and in the regulations governing the
respective units of the Force, the periods of training and the
number of instruction parades may, during an emergency,
be increased at the discretion of the appropriate Service
Commander, with the approval of the Governor. Such
increases shall be notified in the Gasette.
14. Every officer of the Force and every volunteer when
called out, in training or under instruction shall be subject
in all respects to the provisions of the appropriate King's
Regulations applicable to him in so far as they are applicable
and consistent with the provisions of these regulations and
with the provisions of the Ordinance under which they are
15. (1) Officers and volunteers are forbidden to write
for publication or to cause to be published either directly or
indirectly any matter or information relating to the Force,
unless the permission of the Cornmandant has first been
(2), Officers and volunteers are further forbidden to
deliver any lecture or read any Paper at i Public meeting or
to broadcast on any subject relating to the Force., unless. ,i
copy of such lecture or paper or text has been pi-es,~iousls,
submitted to the Commandant and his permission his first
been obtained.
16. Officers and volunteers are forbidden to hold ineet-
ings for the purpose of expressing an opinion upon the acts
of any senior officer or of recommending him to take a
particular course of action or to draw up memorials to the
same effect. No meetings except those authorized by the
Commandant shall be recognized.
17. Officers and volunteers are forbidden to attenel,
whether individually or collectively, political meetings (r
public discussions or denion st rations, in uniform.
18. (1) Commanding Officers may, unless otherwise
ordered by the Commandant, grant leave of absence to an
officer or volunteer tip to a maximum of nine months.
(2) An officer or volunteer wishing to apply for a longer
period of leave of absence shall submit his application to the
Commandant through his Commanding Officer.
(3) An officer before proceeding on leave of absence
shall inform the headquarters of his unit of his forwarding
address and any changes therpof.
19. (1) Officers and volunteers shall be eligible for the
decorations, medals i~,sTarJs flor efficiency, long service and
good conduct, instituted by His MaJesty the King Under
Royal Warrant, applicable to their units.
(2) The award of such decorations shall be governed,
as far as they are. applicable, by regulations, as amended
from time. to time, as shall be in force for the Royal Naval
Volunteor Reserve, the Territorial Army, and the Ro ' 1 A i r
Force Volunteer Reserve or the Royal Auxiliary Air Force..
(3) The appropriate decorations, medals and awards
shall be the following-
(a) for the Naval Force
officers - The Volunteer Reserve Decoration;
ratings - The Long Service and Good Conduct
(b) for the Regiment
officers - The Efficiency Decoration;
other ranks - The Efficiency Medal.
(c) for the Air Force
officers and aircraftsmen - The Air Efficiency Award.
(4) Service in the Auxiliary Force or in the various
sub-units of Force Headquarters shall count towards
eligibility for the above awards.
20. Any person guilty of a breach of these regulations
or of any regulations made under the Ordinance for which
no special penalty is provided shall be liable on conviction to
a fine of five hundred dollars and in default of payment to
imprisonment for three months.
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[7th May, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Force Head-
quarters Regulations.
2. The Commandant shall have a staff (hereinafter
referred to as the Commandant's staff) consisting of-
(a) a Senior Staff Officer who shall hold the rank of
Commander, Royal Navy, or its equivalent;
(b) a Depot Commander who shall hold the rank of
Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy, or its
(c) a Staff Officer who shall hold the rank of Lieuten-
ant, Royal Navy, or its equivalent;
G.N.A. 74/49. Citation. Appointment of Honorary Commandant-General. Appointment of Commandant. Rank of Commandant. Period of engagement. Commandant's responsibilities. Enlistment. [r. 7 cont.] Method of Service. (Cap. 199.) Posting, retirement and promotion of officers. Resignation of officers. Administration. Training. Power to increase number of parades. Discipline. Restriction as to writing for publication and giving of lectures. Restriction as to meetings and memorials. Prohibition as to attendance at political meetings, etc., in uniform. Leave of absence. Decorations and awards for efficiency, long service and good conduct. Penalties. G.N.A. 94/49. Citation. Composition of staff of Commandant.
G.N.A. 74/49. Citation. Appointment of Honorary Commandant-General. Appointment of Commandant. Rank of Commandant. Period of engagement. Commandant's responsibilities. Enlistment. [r. 7 cont.] Method of Service. (Cap. 199.) Posting, retirement and promotion of officers. Resignation of officers. Administration. Training. Power to increase number of parades. Discipline. Restriction as to writing for publication and giving of lectures. Restriction as to meetings and memorials. Prohibition as to attendance at political meetings, etc., in uniform. Leave of absence. Decorations and awards for efficiency, long service and good conduct. Penalties. G.N.A. 94/49. Citation. Composition of staff of Commandant.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HONG KONG DEFENCE FORCE REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2021.