11. (1) Volunteers who, in the discretion of the Com-
mandant, may be usefully employed as interpreters, trans-
lators and interrogators and volunteers who possess special
knowledge may be held in the Specialist Cadre.
(2) Such volunteers shall be organized in such
manner, as the Commandant may think lit, in order to put
their specialist qualifications to the best use in time of
12. Officers and volunteers of Force Headquarters
shall carry out the training and instruction as ]aid down
in the regulations governing their respective units with the
following modifications-
(a)personnel of the Specialist Cadre, who may not be
able to undergo the full annual training shall com-
plete such other training and instruction as the
Commandant shall direct;
(1)a Service Commander may, after consultation with
the Commandant, atithorize the attachment of the
personnel of the Officer Cadet Cadre, and the
Specialist Cadre for service with His Majesty's
regular forces in lieu of or in addition to the annual
training camp or periods of instruction.
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[7th May, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Hong Hong
Regiment Regulations.
2. The Regiment may consist of the following-
(a) Regimental Headquarters;
(b) One Infantry Battalion;
(c) One Squadron Armoured Cars;
(d) One Anti-Aircraft Battery;
(e) Engineer Detachment;
(f) Signal Detachment;
(g) Supply and Transport Detachment;
(h) Medical Detachment;
(1) Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Detachment.
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Army Act,
King's Regulations and all other regulations, orders or
instructions issued by the Army Council, the Hong Kong
Defence Force. Ordinance, and these regulations, the
Regiment, or any part of it, when serving in the Colony
shall be undei. the orders of the G.neral or other OFficer
Commanding, Land Forces, Hon(,, Kong, as the appro-
priate Service Commander thereof, subject to the control of
the Governor, but the Regiment, or any part of it, if serving
outside the Colony, shall be under the orders of such com-
petent authority as may be appointed.
(2) Where any power or duty is vested in or imposed
upon the Army Council by the Army Act, King's Regula-
tions and all other regulations, orders or instructions issued
by the Army Council, such power or duty shall, in respect
of the Reg;ment, be vested in, exercised or performed by
the Governor.
4. The Regiment shall be 'allowed an Honorary
Colonel. The officer holding this appointment shall
normally be a distinguished ex-officer of the Regiment re-
sident in the Colony. He shall be appointed by the
Governor on the recommendations of the Service Corn-
niandant. He shall vacate his appointment on attaining
tile ag-
t:le Of 70 Years.
5. The Regiment shall be under the executive com-
mand of an officer, who shall normally be a civilian,
appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Service
Commander and the Commandant. Where special circurn-
stances make it advisable or necessary, an officer of His
Majesty's regular forces, seconded by the Ari-ny Council
may be placed in command.
6. The Commanding Officer shall hold the rank of
Lieu te nan t-Colonel.
7. Appointment as Commanding Officer shall be
made for a period of three years. The Governor, upon the
recommendations of the Service Commander and the Coin-
mandant, may extend such period by one year, but no
Commanding Officer shall be permitted to retain his con]-
rnand beyond four years in all, or beyond the age laid down
in paragraph (i) of regulation iS hereof whichever may,
first happen.
8. The Coniniandin- Ofl'icer shall be responsible to
the commandant-
(a)for the maintenance of discipline, efficiency and
proper system in the unit;
(b)for the preservation of the health of those under
his command when called out or under training;
(c)for the supervision and control of all duties per-
formed by those tinder his coniniand
(d)to account for public equipment and stores of what-
ever description appertaining to his unit;
(e) for the condition of the arms in his charge;
for the proper supervision of the system, as pre-
scribed by the Commandant, of accounting for
stores, equipment, pay, records et cetera;
(g)to ensure that the account books returns, et cetera
as prescribed by the -Commandant, are used ;
(h)for the correct receipts and issue of all supplies,
including petrol, 'oil and grease;
(i)for such other duties as the Commandant may im-
pose frorri, iirne to time.
9. (1) The Comn-i,,.inding Officer shall have as Ills
Adjutant an officer seconded from Ilis Majesty's regular
forces who shall hold the rank of Major.
(2) The appointment of Adjutant shall be for a period
of three years.
10. (1) The Commanding. Officer shall have as his
Quartermaster a Quartermaster of His Majesty's regular
forces. If no such officer is available, and wilen special
circumstances ii~.ike it advisable ol- necessary, then this
appointment may be filled b), an officer of the Regirrient,
who may be permanently employed.
(2) If a Quartermaster is a member of His Majesty's
regular forces his appointnient sliall in the first instance be
made for a probationary period of one year and on com-
pletion of this period, the Governor may, if the officer so
agrees, and upon the recommen dat ions of the Service Corn-
mander, the Commandant and the Commanding Officer,
extend the period of service for a further three years.
(3) No Quartermaster who is a member , of His
Allajesty's regiiiar forces shall remain in his appointment
for more than four years in all.
11. (1) The age for enlistment into the Regiment
shall normally be between the ages of iS and 36 years.
(2)(a) Youths between the a-es of 17 and 18 years,
who are otherwise qualified may be accepted for
enlistment : Provided that their parents or guar-
dians consent in writing in such form as the
Commanding Officer may require before proceeding
with their,attestation.
(b)Youths so enlisted shall be regarded as men for all
(3)(a) The term of service shall be for a period of four
(b) (i) A voltinteer desiring to re-engage must do
so within six months of the expiration of his current
term of service.
(ii) Ile shall make before an officer such declara-
tion as the Commanding Officer may prescribe.
(i;i) Should the Commanding Officer be doubtful
as to the volunteer's physical fitness to continue
serving for a further terni, lie should cause him to
be re-examined. The examination shall be as laid
down for recruits, and, where practicable, shall be
carried out during training.
(iv) A volunteer in receipt of a disability pension
shall not be permitted to re-engage.
(v) Re-engagement in the Regiment shall be for
one, two, three or four years. The term shall be
fixed at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.
12. Officers and volunteers shall carry out the training
and instruction laid down in the First Schedule.
t 13. The establishment of the Regiment shall be deter-
mined from time to time by the Governor as circumstances
may require.
n 14. (1) Recommendations for the appointment and pro-
motion of all officers to substantive, temporary or acting
ranks shall in the first instance be submitted by the Corn-
manding Officer to the Commandant, who shall then subillit
the recommendations to the Governor through the Service
(2) Appointments and promotions of officers shall be
vested in the Governor and shall be notified in the Gazette,
and shall be effective from the date of such Gazette or from
such other date as may be specified.
(3) Officers shall be promoted to vacancies in the
establishment. Promotion shall be by selection based on
merit and seniority.
15. (1) The ages which officers shall normally be
retired are as follows-
(a) Colonels ..............6o years.
(b) Lieutenant-Colonels .. * so
(c) Majors ................45
(d) Captains ..............40
(e) Subalterns ............40
(f) Quartermaster .........55
(2) An officer retiring after tell years' commissioned
service may, on the recommendation of the Sei-vice Coni-
rnander, be granted-
(a)an honorary rank equivalent to his substantive
rank ; and
(b)the privilege of wearing the uniform ol' his
within the British Empire on State and other
occasions of ceremony onl.~ .
(3) An officer who is permitted to resign his collinlis-
sion or who is permitted to retire shall riot be released fron]
his military obligations, until the date of retirement ot-
resignation is notified in the Gazette.
16. Officers of the Regiment while serving with
members of the regular forces stationed in the Colony, may
exercise the powers of command laid do~,s7n in paragraph 196
of the K ' ing's Regulations, 1940, when called out, in training
or under ;instruction.
17. (1) The ages at wIiich warrant officers, non-
commissioned officers and other ranks shall be discharged are
as follows-
(a) Warrant Officer Class I 50 years,
(b) Warrant Officer Class II 48
(c) N.C.O.'s and privates ... 40
Provided that the Commanding Officer may retain the
services of a specialist for such longer period as lie may
think fit but not exceeding five years.
(2) Warrant officers and non-commissioned officers,
other than those of the perm~inent staff of the Force, or any
part thereof, after ten years in or above the rank of sergeant,
may if specially recommended by the Commanding Officer,
be permitted to retaln their rank oil discharge with the right
to wear the uniform of the Regiment on appropriate occasions
on the written authority of the Commandant.
18. (1) The appointment and promotion of all warrant
and non-commissioned officers to substantive, temporary, or
acting warrant or non-commissioned ranks are vested in the
Commanding Officer subject to the Commandant's approval.
(2) Promotion shall be subject to such tests as may be
prescribed b), the Commanding Officer.
19. (1) An officer or volunteer whose transfer to the
Auxiliary Force is approved by the Commandant, and every
officer or volunteer who shall remain absent from the Colony
for a longer period than nine months, or in an emergency
for such shorter period as the Governor may prescribe, shall
be transferred to the Auxiliary Force as an auxiliary except
in such cases where the Governor on the recommendation of
the Commandant directs that he shall retain his substantive
(2) An officer or volunteer who has beet., transferred to
the Auxiliary Force by reason of his absence from the
Colony, may subject to his age and physical fitness, be
re-transferred to the Regiment in his substantive rank, or
may be retained in the Auxiliary Force at the discretion of
the Commandant.
20. Officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned
officers, whose attendance at a course of instruction in the
United Kingdorn or elsewhere has been approved by the
Service Commander, shall receive their normal pay and
allowances together with all necessary travelling expenses
in the country in which the course is being held. Any
capitation fee levied by the organizer of such courses shall
be borne by the Government of Hong Kong.
21. (1) The Commanding Officer may, subject to the
right of the non-commissioned oflicer to elect, previous to
the award, to be tried by a District Court Martial, award
any deduction from the ordinary pay of a non-commissioned
officer allowed to be made by a Commanding Officer under
the provisions of the Army Act.
(2) The Commanding Officer may also inflict on a
non-commissioned officer the following minor punishments,
the non-commissioned officer having no right to claim trial
by court-martial-
(a) severe reprimand or reprimand;
(b) admonition.
22. A non-commissioned officer, including an acting
non-commissioned officer, will not be Subjected to punish-
merits by his Commanding Officer, except as specially laid
down in regulation 21 hereof or by being placed in any
lower position on the list of flis rank. An ' y non-conimis-
sioned officer or volunteer holding any appointment 01-
acting rank or lance appointment may be ordered by the
Commanding Officer to revert to the rank (whether per-
manent or temporary) which lie was holding at the time
of appointment to acting rank, or to revert to any inter-
mediate acting rank or lance appointment, but lie will not
be awarded for the same offence any other punishment '111
addition. A non-commissioned officer holding temporary
rank cannot, however, be ordered by his Commanding
Officer to revert to any loNver rank b.v.~s-a.~- of punishment
of an offence.
23. (1) The Commanding Officer may, subject to the
soldier's right to elect, previous to the award, to be tried
by a District Court 1Martial, inflict on a private soldier the
following summary punishments-
(a) Detention, not exceed- The power of awarding de-
ing 14 days. tention exceedingseven
days, except in case of ab-
sence without leave, will riot
be exercised by the Com-
manding Officer tinder the
rank of field officer except
that the Service Commander
i-nay empower a Captain
temporarily in command of
the Regiment to award de-
tention not exceeding 14
(b) A fine not exceeding For drunkenness only.
(c) Any deduction frorn or- When a soldier is to be
dinary pay allowed to dealt with for the commis-
be. made by a Corn- sion of any damage cause-A
rnanding Officer under by neglect to his arms, am-
the provisions of the munition, equipments, in-
Army Act. struments, clothing or regi-
mental necessaries,if the
amount proposed to be re-
covered from him exceeds
$250, the approval of the
Commandant must first be
In all other cases of loss
or damage (e.g. damage
caused by negligence.to 11
motor vehicle) through the
commission of an offence,
if the amount proposed to
be so recovered from any
soldier exceeds $too, the
approval of the Command-
ant must first be obtained.
(d) Field punishment, not Only when called out.
exceeding 28 days.
(e)Forfeiture of all o l--
dinary pay under the
provisions of the Army
Act for a period begin-
ning on the day of
award and not exceed-
ing 28 days.,
(2) The Commanding Officer may also Inflict oil l
private soldier the following minor punishn-ients, the soldier
having no right to clairri triVil by Court-martial-
(a) Confinementtobarracks Whell Call(.,(] out or in traill-
for ally period not ex- ing dcl'~ILIIICI-S Will I)C I-C-
ceeding 14 days. quired to answer to thell,
names at uncertain hours
throughout the day, and
,will be employed on fatigue
duties to the fullest pi,Itc-
ticable extent with a view to
relieving well-conducted sol-
diers therefroni. Defaulters
will attend parades and take
all duties in regular turn.
When the fatigue duties re-
quired are not sufficient to
aulters fully
keep the def,
employed, the Commanding
Officer may order thein to
z extra instruction
which will be limited to one
hour a day and l-nust. be of
a useful nature.
If the de-
faulter is required to wear
field service marching order
for such instruction, packs
will not be carried.
(b) E x t r a guards or These will only be awarded
piquets. as a punishment for minor
offences or i rregulari ties
committed by soldiers when
on, or parading for, these
(c) Admonition.
24. An officer will not introduce or adopt any system
of punishment that is in any respect at variance with the
P1,ing's Regulations and these regulations.
25. (1) Officers shall provide and maintain their own
tiniforni andin accordance with the scale laid
down in the Second Schedule: Arms, binoculars, corn
passes and i-espii-~itoi.s anti-gas shall be issued by the Force.
(2) Volunteers shall be provided with uniforms in
accordance with the scales laid down in the Third Schedule.
(3) 111 no Cii'CUII]Staiices shall articles of unifo-iii be
worn with plain clothes.
26. (1) An allowance of $700 towards the cost of his
outfit sliall be paid to each ' officer on his first appoint-
merit as an officer in the Regiment, provided that the allow-
ance shill be linilted to outfit purchased within three months
of the first appointnient and in respect of which
an account supported by receipts approved by the Corn-
manding Officer is promptly submitted by the officer to the
Commandant : 131-o~,ided further that every officer to whom
any such is paid shall sign an undertaking to
liand back to the Regiment in serviceable condition (fair
wear and tear excepted) his equipment, pistol, binoculars
and conipass and respirator anti-gas Or to refund to the
Commanding Officer the full value of the said articles not
so returned, or to refund the assessed value of Any damage
Clue to ullftlir wear.
(2) Should in officer fail to become proficient within
twelve rnonths from appointment he shall at the discretion
of the Commanding Officer be liable to refund all or part
of th c allowance made to blin.
(3) An annual allowance of $ioo towards the upkeep
of outfit mav be ciainied by an officer for the fourth and.
each su[-~seqlleil~ complete year of service as an officer. The
allowance shall be payable in arrear. Applications for pay-
ment shall be accornpanied by a certificate signed by the
Commanding Officer stating that the officer is in possession
of uniform and equipment according to the scale laid down
in the Second Schedule and that they are in a satisfactory
27. An account book for every article issued on repay-
ment to officers and volunteers shall be kept. The full
description and value of each item and the name of the
officer or volunteer to -whom it is issued sImIl be shown.
28. (1) Every receipt and issue of stores sliall be
supported by a receipt or issue voucher, A requisition
book for all stores shall be kept and on receipt of the stores
an entry shall be made in the stock book. The receipt
vouchers will be form S.F. 28 in use in the Government
of llong Kong in the case of Government Stcres and the
fourth copy of form A.F. 982 E. in use in the Army in
the case of stores obtained from the Royal Ari-ny Ordnance
Corps or the. invoices from the Crown Agents or from the
firms or departments which supply the stores. Every
ieceipt for stores from whatever source shall be given a
receipt voucher number on the appropriate document.
(2) The issue vouchers shall be the receipts signed by
officers and volunteers to whom the stores are issued or
any authorized person. A separate issue ledger shall be
kept for ekli unit of the regiment with the pages numbered
consecutively. The unit issue ledgers will be inspected by
the Commanding Officer periodically.
29. In every case the folio of the stock book shall be
inserted on the voucher and the entries shall be made on
the day of issue.
30. The Commanding Officer may, with the approval
of the Commandant make regulations for the management
of Regimental Institutes.
31. (1) The following books shall be kept by the
(a) nominal roll of the Regiment;
(b) record of attendance at parades;
(c) annual weapon training return
seniority roll for officers, warrant officers and non-
commissioned officers;
(e)all other records as may be prescribed from time
to time by the Commanding Officer.
(2)The following books shall be kept by the Quarter-
(a) stock book for stores;
(b) unit issue ledgers;
(c)articles issued on repayment account;
(d)requisition books for stores S.F. 25;
(e) returned stores book S.F. 23;
(f) ammunition account
(g) arms account ;
(h)all otlier records as may be prescribed from tinic
to time bs, the Commanding Officer.
1. Every officer and volunteer shall-
(a)be liable to attend not more than 45 instruction parades
annually which may be reduced at the discretion of the
Commanding Officer;
(b)carry out the weapon training, instruction and Range Course
prescribed for the sub-unit of the Regiment to which he
belongs, and as ordered by the Commanding Officer;
(c)attend camp for not less than 7 days. For attendance in
~amp to count as a day, an officer or volunteer MUST be
in camp 24 consecutive hours;
(d) attend one ceremonial parade;
(e)attend combined operations, if so ordered by the Command-
ing Officer.
2. (1) The Commanding Officer with the approval of the
Commandant may substitute any training or instruction for any of
the training or instructional requirements enumerated in paragraph
1 hereof.
(2) The Commanding Officer may at his discretion exempt any
officer or volunteer from his training or other obligations or any
part thereof.
3. The Commanding Officer shall fix the times and places of
4. No officer or volunteer shall be deemed proficient in any
given year until he has undergone the annual training prescribed by
or under this Schedule and until he has passed such tests of efficiency
as may from time to time be laid down by the Commanding Officer
and approved by the Commandant. The Commandant may, in
special circumstances, exempt an officer or a volunteer from the pro-
visions of this paragraph.
Uniforms and Equipment to be provided by Officers.
Anklets web pairs ............1
Badges Cap ...................1
Battle Dress Serge Blouse ....1
Battle Dress Serge Trousers ..1
Buckles Brass nickel-plated ..2
Beret khaki ..................1
Boots Ankle pairs (Black) ....2
Coats Trench Waterproof with lining 1
Hosetops drab pairs ..........1
Jerseys Pullover .............1
Jackets Bush O.G. with belt ..2
Signs Formation pairs ........2
Shorts Drill O.G . ...........2
Shirts Drill Tropical.with collar attached 2
Socks Worsted pairs ..........4
Ties khaki ...................1
Titles pairs slip on Embroidered 1
Titles pairs Emb. Battle Dress :***',***111 1
Trousers Drill O.G. pairs ....2
Jackets Blue Patrol : **'''*'*''*'*'*''*'*',1 1
Trousers Blue Patrol pairs ...1
Caps Blue Patrol .............1
Attachment Brace WX. Patt 37 .2
Belts Waist W.E. Patt 37 .....1
Bottles Water W.E. Patt 37 ...1
Braces W.E. Patt 37 ..........2
Carriers Waterbottle W.E. Patt 37 1
Cases Pistol W. E. Patt 37 ...1
Cases Binoculars W.E. Patt 37 1
Haversack WX. Patt 37 ........1
Helmets Steel ................1
Helmets Steel Covers Camouflage N.P . 1
Lanyards Pistol ..............1
Packs W.E. Patt 37 ...........1
Pouches ammunition Pistol W.E. Patt 37 1
Rods Cleaning Pistol .........1
Sheets Ground Mk. 8 ..........1
Straps Shoulder Haversack WX. Patt 37 (L. & R.) 2
Straps Web supporting ........2
Tins Mess Rectangular ........1 1
Personal Clothing-Volunteers.
Buckles Brass Nickel Plated ..2
Buckles Dress Universal ......1
Badges Cap ...................1
Bags Kit Universal ...........1
Discs Identity Oval ..........1
Discs Indenti ty Round .......1
Cord Nylon Identity 38' yards 1
Anklets Web................Pairs .......................................... 1
Ties Khaki Other Ranks .......1
Boots Ankle Pairs ............1
Laces Leather Pairs ..........1
Shoes Canvas Rubber Pairs ....1
Greatcoats Dismounted ........1
Berets .......................1
Battle Dress Serge Blouse ....1
Battle Dress Serge Trousers ..1
Trousers Drill O.G . .........1
Jackets Bush O.G. with Belt ..3
Shorts Drill O.G . ...........2
Hosetops Drab Pairs ..........1
Signs Formation Pairs ........2
Jerseys Pullover .............1
Titles Pairs Slip On Embroidered 1
Overalls Denim ...............1
Dressing Field ...............1
Shirts Tropical with collar attached 2
Socks Worsted. Pairs .........2
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[7th May, 1949.]
1. Tliese. regulations may be cited as the Hong Kong
Air Force Regulations.
2. The Air Force may consist' of the following-
(a) Air Force Headquarters;
(b) a Fighter Control Unit;
(c) a Flying Unit.
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Air Force
Act, King's Regulations and Air Council Instructions and
all oilier regulations, orders or instructions issued by the
Air Council, tlif. Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance,
and these regulations the Air Force or any part of it, when
serving in the Colony shall be tinder the orders of the
Air Officer Commanding, Royal Air Force, Hong Kong,
as the appropriate Service Commander thereof, subject to
the control of the Governor, but the Air Force, or any
part of it, if serving outsid. the Colony, shall be under
the orders of such competent authority as may be appointed.
Employment of volunteers in the Specialist Cadre. Training. G.N.A. 95/49. Citation. Composition. Command. (Cap. 199.) Honorary Colonel. Civilian to be appointed as Commanding Officer. Rank of Commanding Officer. Period of engagement. Commanding Officer's responsibilities. Appointment of a regular officer to be adjutant. Appointment of Quarter-master. Enlistment. Training. Establishment of the Regiment. Appointment and promotion of officers and staff. Retirement. Power of command of officers of the Regiment in relation to regular officers. Age limits for volunteers. Appointment and promotion of non-commissioned officers. Transfer to Auxiliary Force. [r. 19 cont.] Course of instruction. Summary and minor punishments of non-commissioned officers. Reversion to rank. Summary and minor punishments of private soldiers. [r. 23 cont.] Prohibition of adoption of system of punishment at variance with regulations. Clothing and equipment. Officer's outfit allowance. Account book. Stores. Insertion of folio of stock book. Regimental Institutes. Books and returns. G.N.A. 96/49. G.N.A. 59/50. Citation. Composition. Command. (Cap. 199.)
Employment of volunteers in the Specialist Cadre. Training. G.N.A. 95/49. Citation. Composition. Command. (Cap. 199.) Honorary Colonel. Civilian to be appointed as Commanding Officer. Rank of Commanding Officer. Period of engagement. Commanding Officer's responsibilities. Appointment of a regular officer to be adjutant. Appointment of Quarter-master. Enlistment. Training. Establishment of the Regiment. Appointment and promotion of officers and staff. Retirement. Power of command of officers of the Regiment in relation to regular officers. Age limits for volunteers. Appointment and promotion of non-commissioned officers. Transfer to Auxiliary Force. [r. 19 cont.] Course of instruction. Summary and minor punishments of non-commissioned officers. Reversion to rank. Summary and minor punishments of private soldiers. [r. 23 cont.] Prohibition of adoption of system of punishment at variance with regulations. Clothing and equipment. Officer's outfit allowance. Account book. Stores. Insertion of folio of stock book. Regimental Institutes. Books and returns. G.N.A. 96/49. G.N.A. 59/50. Citation. Composition. Command. (Cap. 199.)
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HONG KONG REGIMENT REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2023.