No. 26 of 1910, incorporated in --\o, 10 of 1910-
.No. 27 of 1910, incorporated 1 of 1873.
No. 28 of 1910, repealed by -INo. 42 of 191.2.
No. 29 of 1910Y incorporated in No. 9 of 1910.
No. 30 of 1910, repealed by 'No. S ol' 1912 s. 87.
No. 31 of 1910, repealed by 9 of 1911.
No. 32 of 1910, repealed by No of 1869.
No. 33 of 1910, incorporated in -23 of 1909.
No. 34 of 1910.
To consolidate and amend the laws relting to the administration
and regu dation of the New Territories.
128th October, 1910.]
1. The New Territories Regnlatlion Ordinance, 1910.
2. All regulations,. rules and orders made tinder the Nem, Terri-
tories (Regulation) Ordinance, 1,899, the New Territories Land
Ordinance, 1905, and the New Territories Sinall Debts Court, Ordi-
nance, 1908.1 respectively (all of which Ordinances are hereby
repealed) shall continne to be valid and binding.
3. In this Ordinance,-
- District officer - includes Assistant District Officer.
* As. ainended b v No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 3912.
+ As. amended by No. 8 of 1912, No. 12 of 1912, 'No. 13 of 1912 and
No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
' Land--- includes land covered by water or within the flow of
the sea, and houses and other buildings, and any undivided share
in land, and every estate and interest in land, and also includes any
rent or profit issuing out of land and any easement affecting land.
Income in relation to land includes rents and profits, and
possession includes receipt, of income.
Conveyance--- includes assignment, appointment, lease, settle-
ment and other assurance, made by deed on a sale, mortgage, de-
mise, or settlement of land or on any other dealine, witli land; and
convey--- has a meaning corresponding with that of conveyance.
Mortgage'includes any charge on any land for securnia
money, or money's worth; mortgage monery' means money,or
money's worth, secured by mortgage; ' mortgagor--- includes any
person deriving title tinder the original mortgagor, or entitled to
redeem a mortea-e, to his estate, interest or right, in the
mortgaged property; ---morteragee--- includes any person deriving
title under the original n-tortgagee; a:nd ' mortgagee in possession
is a mortgagee who, in right of the mortgage, has entered into and
is in possession of the mortgaged property.
Instrument incledes deed, will, power of attorney, Act of
Parliament or Ordinatice. --
4. Ordinance N, o. 8 of 1887 sbal 1 not apply to the New Territories,
except New Kowloon, unless the Governor-in-Council otherwise
Arty rules, regulations, by-laws, orders of the Governor-in-Councll,
notifications or proclamations made under any Ordinance which does
not apply to the New Territories except New Kowloon, shall not
apply to the New Territories except New Kowloon, unless the
Governor-in-Council otherwise directs.
5. Where in any existing grant of any right or privilege or farm,
or in any existing contract, the expression ---the Colony--- or the
word ' Hongkong ' or any similar expression referring to geographi-
cal limit or extent in relation to this Colony occurs, the same shall
apply only to the territory which was within the limits of the Colony
at the time when such grant or contract was made.
6. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council to do any or all
of the following matters to take effect within the New Territories :-
As amended by No. 12 of 1912, No. 13 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911.
(1) to make rules for the farining out or licensing for revenue
purposes in the New Territories the right to sell, manufacture, or
otherwise dea,l in spirits, opium, salt, kerosine hil, or any dangerous
goods as defined by the Dangerous Goods Ordinance, 1873, or any
other commodity which by resohition of the Legislative Council
may be included in this sub-section, and for the levying, collection,
recovery by legal proceedings and safe custody of the revenue accru-
ing from such farming or or licensing, and for the keeping of accounts
(2) to make rules for the levying, collection, recovery by legal
proceedings and safe custods, of such rent, rates, taxes and con-
tributions from the New Territories as the governor-in-Council
inay, in his absolute discretion, think fit, and for the keeplincr of
accounts thereof.
7. All rules made zinder section 6 shall be published in English
arid Chinese and notified in the New Territories in such manner as
the Governor may direct.
8. Any person who commits a breach of any rule inade under
section 6 shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not
exceeding 100 dollars, or to imprisoment for any term not exceed-
ing 6 months
9. The Governor way at any time direct the District Officer to
inquire into and report as to any matter connected with the New
Territories if such matter exclusively concenis persons of Chinese
race, whether British subjects or otherwise.
It shall be lawful for the District Officer to suninion in writnig
under his band and seal any person of Chinese race, whether a
British subJect or otherwise, who appears to him to be able to give
information regarding any matter into which he is so directed to
inquire, reciting in the summon., the subject of the inquiry.
M-M Every person so summoned shall be legally bound to
attend before the District Officer at the time and place specified in
such summons and to answer truthfully all questions which the
As arnefided by No. 12 of 1912 and 'No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
Asarnended 6y No. 30 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912, No. 21 of 1912
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As arnended bY No. 12 of 1912 and 1\o. 13 of 1912.
As amended by No. .30 of 1911, No. 51 of 1911, no. 12 of 1912
and No. 2'i of 1912,
District Officer way put to him relating to the matter under in-
quiry, and to produce if required by him to the District Officer, or
to some person deputed by him, for the purpose, ally books, docu-
ments or other written matter pertinent to the inquiry, and to
permit the inspection of any property either by the District Officer
or by sorne person deputed by him for that purpose.
(2) The District Officer sliatt for the purposes of this Ordinance
have powers similar to those vested in the Supreme Court in regard
to examining witnesses upon oath, or otherwise.
(3) Every person who wilfully gives false evidence. upoll oath
before the District Officer shall, oil summary conviction, be liable to
a fine Dot execedincr 200 dollars, or to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding 6 months.
11-(1) any person so snininoned omits to attend at the time
and place so specified it shall be lawful for the District Officer to
issue his warrant lot. the arrest such person, and sneh warrant
shall be execitted by a pollee officer in the saine inanner as if it had
been issued by a -Magistrate, and such person sliall, on summary
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 10 dollars.
(2) If any person against wboin a warrant has been so issued
absconds or conceals himself so that such warrant cannot be execut-
ed, it shall be lawful for a, Magistrate oil the application of the
District Officer to order that the rents and profits ol snell person's
property shall be attached by an officer nanied in stich order until
such tline as such person, shall appear before the Distriet Officer in
obedience to such warrant,. All or any part of the rents and profits
so attached may, if a Alagistrate so orders, be forfeited.
12.-(1 ' ) When in the opinion of the Governor there is an undue
prevalence of crime in any district, or any tumult or disorder has
taken piace, it shall be lawful for the GoverDor to station police or
extra police in such district ai id to order the levy of a special rate
eithei. upon such district or upon any particular village or villages
situate therein to an amount sufficient to defray the whole or any
portion of the cost of such police.
(2) When the levying of any such special rate is ordered by the
Governor he may by such order specify the procedure by which
As ainciided by No. 30 of 1911, No~ 51 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912,
No. 13 of 1912 and No. 21 of 1912.
payment of such rate may be enforced suminarily by a Magistrate,
and all Magistrates shall have jurisdiction so to enforce the same
11-M Part II of this Ordinance only applies to the New Ter-
(2) Upon the application of the registered owner of the lease of
any land which has been purchased froni the Crown since 17th
April, 1899, and in respect of which a separate Crom-n lease has
been or is intended to be issued, the Governor may exempt the said
land from the provisions of this Ordinance by a. ineinorandum under
his hand.
(3) Upoll the application of the registered owner of any land not
covered by the provisions of the last sub-seetion, and upon proof to
the satisfaction of the Land Officer of the title of such owner and
surrender of the lease of such land to the Crown, the Governor may
direct a new Crown lease for sticb Itand to 'be issued after due survey
thereof lias been njade and the prescribed fees paid, and the
(Tovernor nlay thereupon exempt. the said land froni the provisions
of this Ordinance by a. in writing under this band :
Provided always that, in any case in which application refers to
land of such small value, that, in the opinion of the Governor, it is
undesirable to grant exeniption, the Governor Inav refuse to grant
the same.
14. All land in the New Territories is hereby declared to be and
to have been from the conimeneetnent of the -New Territories (Land
Court) Ordinance, 1900, the property of the Crown, and all persons
in occupation of any such land after the coininencement of this
Ordinance shall be deemed to be trespassers as against the Grown,
unless such occupation is authorised by grant from the Crown, or
by other title allowed under this Ordinance, or by licence from the
Governor or from soine Governnient officer having authority -to
grant such licence.
As arnended by No. 50 of 191L -No. 12 of 1912, No. 13 of 1912
and No. i3 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As ainended bY No. 12 of 1912 and No. 23 of 1912. The date of
the. New Territories (Land Court) Ordinance 1900 (No. 4 of
1900) was 23rd July, 1900.
15.-(1)The Land Office is hereby authorised to carry into execu-
tion the provisions of this Part of this Ordinance.
(2) Wh ere by any enactment anything is required or appointed
to be done by the Land Officer, the same may be lawfully done by
any Assistant Lane! Officer appointed by the Governor, who sliall
have the same powers as are conferred upon the Land Officer by this
16. The Governor-in-Cotinell may by order one or more
district land offices for the purposes of carryin---. out the provisions of
this Ordinance, and may also define the districts into which the
New Territories shall be divided I'Or the purposes of this Ordinance,
and the place where the office for each district (hereinafter called
---the appropriate office -) shall be situate : Provided that it shall
be lawful for theto alter or vary such districts
or the place of any such office as lie, tuay think expedient. Where
in any Ordinance the terni---Land Office---is used it shall be deeni
ed to Include any district land office.
17. The registration of any deed, will, or othei. instrument, or
any judgment, order, or is pendens, in respect of or affectino- land
shall be made at the appropriate office for the district in which such
land is situate and it shall not be lawfid to register any such deed,
will, or other instrument, judgment, order, or lis pcndens, elsewhere
than at the appropriate office. If an Mstrunient, order, judgnient,
or lis pcndens affects land in more than one district it shall be
registered at the appropriate office of. each such district.
18. In any case where land is held under an agreement to pay
rent in produce it shall be lawful for the teriant of such land to pay
rent in inoney instead thereof according to a rate which shall be fixed
each year by the Governor-in-Council to be published in the Gazette
as the fair commutation of such produce.
19. In any case where land is held under an agreement to pay
rent in produce in perpetuity it shall be lawful tw. the person who is
liable to pay such rent either to pay an annual rent In money instead
of in produce at a rate to be fixed in the manner provided by the last
As arnended by No. 13 c- 191,2 and -No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
Asamended by No. 12 of 1912 and 'No. 13 of 1912. For the
Northern and Southern districts defined under this section
see 0. NN. 288 of 1912.
As aniended bs, No. 12 of 1912 and --\o. 13 of 1912.
; As aniended by No. 50 of 1911, NO. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
section, or with the consent of the Land Officer to redeem his
liability to pay such rent by paying to such person as the Land
Officer nlay direct such capital suni. of money as he may under all
the circumstances of the case consider to be fair and reasonable.
20. The Land Officer shall have power to decide in a summary
way all questions and disputes in connection with, or in anywise
arising out of, or regarding any land, and he may, within 3 months
froin giving his decision, re-open and re-hea,r the case upon such
grounds as lie shall in his discretion deem sufficient, and reverse,
vary,, or confirin the previous decision or 'udgnient. The Land
Officei. shall have power to recognise and enforce any Cbinese etistoin
or customary riluht in relation to land, and the decision or Judgment
of the Land Officer shall be binding on all parties concerned unless
the sanic is varied or set aside as hereinafter provided : Provided
that the Iand Officer shall not have pmver to decide any question
or dispute to which the Crown is a party unless the Governor con
sents in to his so doing; and further the Land Officer shall
not have power to decide any question or dispute in respect of any
land having a capital value exceeding 5,000 dollars, or an annual
value. exceeding .500 dollars, unless with the written consent of the
parties to such question or dispute.
21.-0) For the purpose oi this Ordinance the Land Officer shall
have powers sirnilar to those vested in the Supreine Court in respect
of the following matters :-
(a,) examining witnesses upon oath, or otherwise;
(b) compelling- the attendance of witnesses, and the production of
documents :
(c) entering and viewing land and ordering inspection of any
property :
(d) making and enforcing any order which may be necessary for
the proper licaring and determination of any matter before him; and
(c) enforcing any Judgnient given under the provisions of this
(2) Every person who wilfully gives false evidence upon oath
before ' the Land Officer shall, on summary conviction before the said
Land Officer, be liable to a fine not exceeding 200 dollars.
As arnended b v No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
As amended by No. 30 of 1911, No. 51 of 1911 and No. 13 of 1912.
22. No legal practitioner shall be allowed to appear on behalf of
any pirty in any matter before the Land Officer except by his special
23. Every judgment or order of the land Officer and every entry
thereof in the land register shall be conclusive for all pirrposes :
Provided that if any person shall consider Ininself aggrieved by any
such judgment order, or entry, and if the Land Offleer certifies that
the capital value of the subject in dispute exceeds 2,000 dollars, or if
a Judge shall ort good cause shown gnant special leave to appeal,
such person ruay within 3 months from tbe (late of stich judgment,
order, or entry, move a Judege to vary or set aside the same, and it
shall therekipon be lawful for such Jtj(lge to vary or set aside, the
judgment, order, or entry ori such terms as he may think fit.
24. Except by way of aplieal from tlie Land Officer, ito proceed-
ing relating to land in the New Territories shall be coninienced in
the Snpreme Court unless the Crown is a party, or unless the Land
Officer shall certify that the capital value of the Lind affected or in
distupe exceeds -5,000 dollars or that the aitritial vabie thereof ex-
ceeds .500 dollars.
25. In any proceedings in the Supreme Court, in relation to land
in the New Territories the Court shall have power to recognise and
enforce any Chinese custom or customayr right affecting stich land.
n c
26. The Land Officer shall on ind-ittent being given in respect of
any land forthwith enter a rnemorandum of such judgment in the
Land Register. No fee shall be payable for such entry.
27. Whenever -any land is held front the Crown tinder lease or
other grant, agreement, or licence in the narne of a clan, farnily or
Vong such clan, family or Vong shall appoint a manager to represent
it. Every such appointment shall he reported at the appropriate
office, and the Land Officer on receiving such proof as he may re-
quire of such appointment, shall, if he approves thereof, register the
name of the said rnanager who shall, after giving such notices as
may be prescribed, have full power to dispose of or in any way deal
with the said land as if lie were sole owner thereof, subject to the
consent of the Land Officer, and shall be personally liable for the
As aniended by No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
AR alnended by No. 12 of 1912.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912 and No. 1,3 of 1912.
payment of all rents and charges and for the observance of all coven-
ants and conditions in respect of the sald, land. Every instrument
relating to land held by a clan, family or Vovg which is executed or
signed by the registered mana er thereof in the presence of the
n 9
Land Officer and is attested by him, shall be as effectual for all
purposes as if it had been executed or signed by all the members
of the said clan, family or t'ong. The Land Officer may on good
cause shewn cancel the appointment of any manager and select and
register a. new manager in his place. If the inembers of any clan,
family or Vong holding land shall not within 3 months after the
acquisition of the land make and prove the appointment of a
manager, or within 3 mouths after any change of manager prove
the appointment of a new inanager, it shall be lawful for the Crown
to re-enter upon the land held by sueli elan, family or Vong, which
shall thereupon become forfeited. Such re-entry shall be effected by
the recsistration of a memorandum thereof in the appropriate office.
28. Any clan, family or Vong owning land ,it the commencement
of this Ordinance in respect of which a manager shall have been
duly registered tinder this Ordinance, shall not, so long as suell
land is certified by the Land Officer as being used for agricultural,
religious, educational, or charitable purposes, or such other uses of
a similar nature as are recognised by established local custom, or
for dwelling houses occupied by bond fide members of the clan,
family or t'ong, be required to be registered under the Companies
Ordinance, although such clan, fanilly or Vong may consist of more
than 20 members.
29. In the event of the death of any person in whose name any
land is registered otherwise than as a manager, if no grant of pro-
bate or administration of the estate of the deceased is made by the
Supreme Court within 3 months after such death, the Land Officer,
on aseertainin'. thename of the person who iss entitled to such land
in succession to the deceased person (hereinafter described as---the
successor shall register the name of the successor, and upon such
registration being effected the said land shall vest in the successor
for all the estate and interest of the deceased person therein, or for
such estate and interest as shall be entered on the register by the
Land Officer against the entry of the name of the successor. On the
registration of a successor the fees fixed by regulations shall be paid
As airended by No. 12 of 1912, No. 13 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912
Supp. Sched.
.to the Land Officer by the successor, but no probate fees or probate
duties shall be payable, anythiner in the Probates Ordinance, 1897,
1 C
to the contrary notwithstanding. The registered successor shall be
liable to the debts of the deceased in the same inanner and to the
same extent as if a grant of probate or administration had been
made to him. This section shall apply in the ease of a death
whether occurring before or after the commencement of this Ordi-
nance. Provided always that if a grant of probate or administration
of the estate of the deceased is made by the Snprenw Court within
the period above specified the grantee therein nained shall bc re-
gistered as the successor and the fees prescribed in tins section shall
not be payable.
30. Whenever -any land is vested in a nintor it sliall bc lawful for
the Land Officer to appoint some fit person to be a trustee thercof
for such minor during his minority, and to reinove ally 'uch trustee
and to appoint any new trustee. Every such appointment shall be
registered by the Land Officer in the appropriate office, and upon
registration the land the subject of the trust sliall vest in the
registered trustee for all the estate and interest of tlie ininor therein,
and upon registration of the removal of any trustee. the land shall
divest from the trustee so removed, and vest in the continuing
trustee or any newly registered trustee as the case may be. The
Land Officer before registeritig a trustee may require him to give
security in such manner and to such amount as lie itiav think fit for
the due execution of the trust. With the consent of the Land
Officer a trustee may buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise deal
with or dispose of any property to the like extent as if lie were the
beneficial owner thereof, anything in the Trustee OrdiDance, 1901,
to the contrary notwithstanding.
31. For the purposes of this Ordinance it shall not be necessary
for a memorial of any deed, will, or other instrunient to be verified
upon oath, but every memorial sgakk1 in lien thereof be certified by
the Land Officer asrcorrect.
32. It shall not be necessary for the Land Officer to keep an index
of names of the several parties to deeds and other instruments, or of
the devisors or devisees in the case of wills, or of the plaintiffs or
defendants in the case of judgments.
* As amended by No. 50 of 1911 and No. 13 of 1912.
33. For the purposes of this Ordinance the Land Officer and every
Assistant Land Officer shall be deemed to be a duly appointed com-
missioner for taking acknowledgments of married wonien tinder the
Married Women's (Disposition of Property) Ordinance, 1885.
34.-(1) A conveyance shall be deemed to include and shall by
virtue of this Ordinance operate to convey, with the land, all build-
ings, erections, fixtures, commons, hedges, ditches, fences, ways,
waters, water-courses, liberties, privileges, easements, rights and
advantages whatsoever, appertaining or reputed to appertain to the
land, or any part thereof, or at the time of conve ance demised,
1 y
occtipied or enjoyed with, or reputed or known as, part. or parcel of
or appurtenant to, the land or any part thereof.
(2) A conveyance of land, having houses or other buildings there-
on, shall be deemed to include, and shall by virtue of this Ordinance
operate to convey, with the land, houses or other building, all
outhouses, erections, fixtures, cellars, areas, courts, court-yards,
cisterns, sewera, gutters, drains,ways, passages, lights, water-
courses, liberties, privileges, easements, rights and advantages
Whatsoever, appertaining, or reputed to appertain to the land,
houses, or other buildings conveyed or any of them or any part
thereof, or at the time of conveyance demised, occupied or enjoyed
with, or reputed or known as part or parcel of or appurtenant to,
the land, houses, or other buildings conveyed, or any of them or ally
part thereof.
(3) This section applies only if and as far as a contrary intention
is not expressed in the conveyance and shall have effect subject to
the terms of the conveyance and the provisions therein contained.
(4) This section shall not be construed as after to any person a
better title to any property, right, or thing in this section mentioned
than the title which this section gives to him to the land expressed
to be conveyed, or as conveying to him any property, right, or thing
in this section mentioned further or otherwise than as the same
could have been conveyed to him by the conveying parties.
35. Evert conveyance executed after the commencement of this
Ordinance shall be made according to one of the forms set out in
the 3rd schedtile with such variations as circumstances inay require.
The Land Officer may prescribe such other forms as he may deem
necessary for facilitating dealings with land.
* As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
36. A conveyance on a sale shall be inade in form A in the said
schedule, and the following covenants shall be deemed to be includ-
ed in every such conveyance :--1-
(a) by the vendor with the purchaser, that notwitlistanding any
thing by the vendor done or knowingly onitted or suffered. the Crown
lease, licence, or grant under which the property conveyed is held
is at the date of the conveyance valld and subsistin. . and that the
vendor has at the date of the conveyance good right to convey the
property comprised ID the conveyance as is in Ilic conveyance
expressedIrce from incumbrances except as therein mentioned; and.
that the vendor and all persons claitning uuder or in trust, for
him will, during the. residue of tlie terni of vears by the
Crown lease, licence, or grant undel.flic properlY conveyed
is held, at the request and cost of the purchaser do all aets. altd.
execute and sign all deeds abd wrutubgs reasibably required. for
perfecting the conveyance.
(b) by the purchaser with the vendor, the (he purchaser will
during the residue of the term of years created be the Crown lea,Se,
licence, or grant mider which the property couveyed is held pay all
rents payable iri respect of the property conveyed, and will per-
form and observe all covenants and conditions so far as, they relate
to the property conveyed, contained in the said Cyown lease, licence,
or grant, and will indemnify the vendor against the noil-paynient
of the said rents and the non-perforinance and non-observance
the said covenants and conditions so far as aforesaid.
37.-(1) A conveyance by way of mortgage (when it is the
intention of the parties that the mortgagee sball not enter into
possession until default is made in payment of the mortgage - money)
shall be made in form B in the 3rd schedule, and the following
covenants by the mortgagor with the mortgagee shall be deemed to
be included in every such mortgage :-
(a) that the mortgagor will on the stated day pay to the mortgagee
the stated mortgage money, and will, so long as flic mortgage money
or any part thereof remains due, pay to the mortgagee interest
thereon by equal monthly payments at the stated rate on the stated
day of each month ;
As amended by 'No. 12 of 1912.
Asamended by 'No. 50 of 1911, Xo. 12 of 1912, So. 13 of 1912
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
(b) that the Crown lease, licence, or grant under which the pro-
L)erty canveyed is held is at the date of the conveyance good, valid
and subsisting, and that the rent thereby reserved and the lessee's
covenants therein contained have been paid and performed up to
the date of the conveyance ; and the mortgagor has at the sald date
power to assign the property conveyed in nianner therein expressed
free from incunibrances except as therein mentioned;
(c) that the property conveyed may after default in paynient of the
monies intended to be secured by the mortgage be. quietly entered
tl c
into, held and enJoyed by the niortgagee without any interruption
by any person ;
(d) that the mortgagor and every person clalming ally estate or
interest in the property conveyed will at all tinies at the cost of
in mortgagor execute and do all such assurances and things for
further or better assuring all or any of the property converyed unto
the mortgagee as by him shall be reasonably required;
(2) The following proviso shall also be deemed to be included
that if the niortgagor on the stated day pays to the mortgagee the
stated mortgage money witb interest in the meamtintle at the stated
rate the mortgagee will at any time thereatter at the request and cost
of the mortgagor release the property to the mortgagor as In this
Ordinance is provided.
38.-(1) In a conveyance by way of mortgage in form C in the
3rd seliedtile there shall be deemed to be Jncluded. the following
Lurtber covenants between the mortgagor and the mortgagee
(a) that it shall be lawful for inortgagee, as from the date of the
inortg-age, if not receiving any interest on the mortgage nioney, to
enter into possession of the property conveyed and tbenceforth to
quietly bold, occupy, enjoy, and take the saine and all benefits and
As amended 1) ' s- '-\o. 50 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912, N1o. 13 of 1912
and No. 4.3 of 11J12 Supp. Selled.
advantages accruing in respect thereof without in ally way accolint-
ing to any person whatsoever in respect thereof, and without ally
interruption by any person until the time when such mortgage Shall
be redeemed.
(b) that the mortgagee will on deniand refund to the.
all sums paid by the latter on -account of any Crown rent or taxes
payable in respect of the property conveyed during the possession
of the mortgagee, and that the mortgacsecdkiring such posses
sion indemnify the mortgagor against theand lion
observance ol the covenants and conditions, so far as they relate to
the property conveyed, contained in the Crown. ficence or
grant tinder which such property is beld.
(.2) The following llurther provisoes shall also be decined to be
included :-
(a) that on the mortgagor playing to the. the
money (without interest) and all costs lawfully due to the mortgagee
in respect of the mortgage the tge nirtgagee will at the request and cost
39. A transfer of mortgage made in form 1) in the 3rd schedule
(a) there shall be vested in the person to whom the mortgage is
experessed to be trannsferred (hereinafter called 'the transferee) the
right to demand, sue for, recover, and give receopts for the mortgage
money or the unpaid part thereof, and the right to sue on
and thenceforth to becolne due thereori, and the benefit of all securi
ties for the sarne, and the benefit, of and the nialit to site on
all covenants vvitb the mortgagee, and the right to exercise all the
powers of the mortgagee.
(b) all the estate and interest of the mortgagee in the mortgaged
C n c
property shall vest in the transferee subject to redemption.
40.-(1) In any leasc inade in the form E in the 3rd schedule the
following coveitants by the lessee and lessor respectively shall be
implied :-
As ainerided by No. 50 of 1911.
As ainevided by NO. 5( Of 1911, S- 12 of 1912, N1o. 13 of 1912
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
(a) by the lessee, at all times during the continuance of the lease,
to pay the rent at the time, and in the manner in which such rent is
stated to be payable in the lease, and all rates, taxes, and assess-
ments payable in respect thereof, except as otherwise expressly
stated, and to keep and deliver tip the said premises to the lessor of
persons deriving title under him at the expiration or sooner determi-
nation of the terni or tenancy in good order and condition according
to the custom of the country;
(b) by the lessor, to permit the lessee, and those deriving title
from or under him, to enter into and upon, or receive, and thence-
forth quietly hold and enjoy, or take the subject matter expressed
to be leased during the continuance (A the term or tenancy, so long
as the lessee shall perform all the covenants, agreements and condi-
tions contained in such lease and on his part to be observed and
perf orined.
(2) The following shall also be deemed to be included
(a,) A reservation for the lessor at all times in the daytime, by
himself or his agents, of the right to enter into and upon the said
prenilses for the purpose of inspecting the same.
(b) A proviso that the lessor, or person deriving title under him,
may, in the event ol. the rent or any part thereof being in arrear for
the space of 21 days after any of the days on which it ought to be
paid, or on the breach by the lessee of any covenant, condition, or
.agreement by hini (either expressed or implied), re-enter upon the
said preinises the subject inatter of the lease, or any part thereof in
the name of the whole, and thereupon the said lease shall absolutely
determine and become void.
41. In any conveyance under this Ordinance where any person is
expressed to convey is mortgagee or trustee or as personal repre-
sentative of a deceased person, or under an order made under this
Ordinance or by any Court, then the following covenant only, which
shall be deemed to extend to such person's own acts only, shall be
implied :-
that the person so conveying has not, executed or done or knowing.
ly suffered or been party or privy to any act, deed or thing, whereby
or by means whereof the subject matter of the conveyance or any
part thereof is, or may be impeached, charged, affected or incumber-
ed in title, estate or otherwise, or by means whereof the person who
* As amended by No. 50 of 1911 and No. 12 of 1912.
so conveys is in anywise hindered or prevented froni conveying the
subject matter of the conveyance, or any part thereof, in the manner
in which it is expressed to be conveyed.
42. A mortgagee and any person entitled to give a receipt for the
mortgage money, where the mortgage is made in accordance with
form B in the 3rd schedule, shall have the following powers to the
like extent as if they had been conferred by the mortgage deed but
not further :-
(1) where the mortgage nioney has become dtie to sell and convey
the mortgaged property, si-ib'ect to prior charges, estates and interests
(if any) to which the, inortgaged property is subject, but free from
all other estates, interests and rights to which the mortgage had
priority, in. such manner and-stibject to such conditions, not being
at variance with the meaning of this Ordinance, as he thinks fit,
with power to vary amy contract for sale, In at any auction, and
rescind any contract for sale, and to re-sell withont being answerable
for any loss occasioned thereby : Provided tbat a mortgagee shall
not exercise the power of sale unless and until notice requiring pay-
ment of the mortgage money has beeu served on the mortgagor, or
on one of the several mortgagors, or left on the mortgaged premises,
and default has been made in payment of the mortgage money or
part thereof for one nionth after such service, or sorne interest under
the mortgage is in arrear and unpaid for one month after becoming
due, or there has been a breach of some provision contained in the
mortgage deed or under this Ordinance other than a covenant, for
payment of the inortgage rtioney and interest;
(2) to insure the inortgaged property, or any part thereof, for any
sum not exceeding the amount of the mortgage moiney, and any
moneys paid for such Insurance shall be a charge on the mortgaged
property in addition to the Diortracye money, and with the same
priority, and with interest at the saine rate as the mortgage money.
The mortgagee shall account to the mortgagor for all moneys re-
ceived by him on an insuraDee effected on the mortgaged property.
43. Wheri a sale is made under a power of sale conferred by this
Ordinance the title of the purchaser shall not be impeached by rea,-
son that no case had arisen to authorise the sale, or that due notice
was not given, or that the power was otherwise improperly or
irregularly exercised ; but any person damnified by an unauthorised,
* As arnended by No. 50 of 1911 and No. 12 of 1912.
improper, or irregular exercise of the power of sale shall have his
reinedy in damages against the person exercising the power.
44. Aliv money received by a mortgagee froin the sale, after pay-
ment and discharge of prior incumbrances (if any) to which the sale
is not subject, shall be applied first in payment of all proper costs
and expenses incurred by him on such sale, secondly, in payment
of the mortgage money, interest and costs due tinder the mortgage,
and the residue Of any) shall be paid to the person entitled to the
rnortgaged property, or authorised to give. receipts for the proceeds
sale thereof.
45. The receipt in writing of a rnortgagee shall be a sufficient dis-
charge for any money arising under the power ol sale conferred by
this Ordinance., and no person paying or transferring the same to the
mortgagee shall be concerned to enquire whether any money re-
mains due under the mortgage
4.6. When ill moneys due under or lit respect of any mortgage
have been paid off or the said mortgage. has been otherwise fully
satisfied a receipt by the mortgagee in the form F in the 3rd
schedule endorsed on the inortgage, and signed in the presence of
and attested by the Land Officer, shall vest the niortgagor or
other persons deriving title by, through or under him, the property
comprised in snell mortuage, freed and absolutely discharged frorn
the said mortgage and all claims and demand in recpect thereof.
47. A receipt for any consideration money or other consideration
embodied in a deed shall be a sufficient discharge to any person
paying the same without any further receipt, and shall in favour
of any subsequent purchaser not having notice that the same was
not in fact paid or given be sufficient evidence of the payment
48. Where any mortgage made tinder this Ordinance is expressed
to be made to more persons than one jointly and not in shares, the
mortgage money shall be deemed to be owing to such persons on a
joint account, and the receipt of the survivor, or his successors or
personal representatives, shall be a complete discharge for that
49. Tn the construction of a covenant or a proviso, or other pro-
vision implied in a deed by virtue of this Ordinance words importing
As amended by No. 50 of 1911.
the singular or plural number or the masculine crender shall be read
as also importing the plural or singular number, or the feminine
gender, as the case may require.
50. The benefit of a, covenant implied by this Ordinance shall be
annexed and incident to, and shall go with, the, estate or, interest of
the implied covenantee, and shall be capable of being enforced by
any person in whom that estate or interest is, for the whole or ally
part thereof, vested.
51. Every covenant, whether expressed or iinplied, shall be deem-
ed to be made with the covenantee, his successors, executors, ad-
ministrators and assigns, and shall have effeet as if successors,
executors, administrators arid assigns were expressed.
52. Any covenant or provision iniplied by this Ordinance nia.v be
varied or extended by deed, and as so varied and extended shall,as
far as may be, operate ill the like, manner and with all the like
incidents, effects and consequences as if sticb variations and exte-n-
sions were directed in this Ordinance to be iniphed.
by virtue of this Ordinance be effectual to pass all the estate, right,
title, interest, claim and deniand which the conveying parties
respectively have in, or to, or on the property so conveyed or ex-
pressed or intended to be so conveyed, or which they respectively
have power to convey in, or to, or on the same.
54. It shall be lawful for the. Grovernor-in-Council to inake re-
gulations for the purposes of Part 11 of this Ordinance, and parti-
cularly for fixing the fees to be paid thereunder, and for providing
for the recovery of Crown rent by distraint or other proceedings.
The said regulations shall be published in both the English and
Chinese languages.
55- Any fees payable in virtue of and such re-tilation shall be
recoverable summarily.
56. A copy of or extract from a;ny docunient in the custody of the
Land Officer shall, if certified by him to be correct be admissible
in evidence in all Courts to the same extent as the original document
would be admissible.
* As arnended by No. 12 of 1912.
f As amended bY No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
A% amended by No. 13 of 1912.
57. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to affect the in-
terests of the Crown, or to confer a, larger right in relation to any
land than is granted in the Crown lease, grant, or licence where-
tinder the said land is held; and no liability shall attach to the Land
Officer, or to any Assistant Land Officer, or to the Government, or
to the Crown, in respect of any act done, or entry made by such
Land Officei. or Assistant La.nd Officer in the course of his duty.
Snuill Debts Coiirt.
58. It sliall be lawful for a Magistrate (to be atithorised for the
purpose. by the Governor by notification) to hold a Sinall Debts
Court in such place in the Territories (exclusive of New
Kowloon) as the Governor inay direct, and in such Court to exercise
a summaxy Pirisdiction at law and in equity in all actions or matters
where the claim, debt, or damages sought to be recovered does not
exceed 200 dollars and the defendant is residing or carrying on
business in any part of the New Territories, exclusive of New
Kowloon, or was residing or carrying on business there at the time
when the cause of action arose.
Provided that if both parties in any such action or matter shall
agree, by a memorandum signed by thein or duly authenticated by
their inarks, the Magistrate may, on satisfyin, himself that the
effect of the menioranduni. is fully understood by the parties, exer-
cise a like jurisdiction where the claim, debt, or damages sought to
be recovered does not exceed 1,000 dollars : Provided always that
the judgment of such Magistrate shall not be evidence of title be
tween the parties or their privies in any other action or matter in
that Court, or in any other Court: and such consent shall not pre-
judice or affect any right of appeal of either of the parties.
59. All actions for sums not exceeding 200 dollars.shall be com-
menced within 3 years next after the cause of action accrues, unless
there has been some contract, acknowledgment, undertaking, or
promise to pay in respect thereof by the party to be charged within
3 years before the commencement of such action.
As ainended by No. 21 of 1912.
Asamended- bY No. W of 1911, No. 12 of 1912, No. 1,9 of iffl 2
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
60. No person shall be precluded or exempted froni suing or being
sued for any debt or damages not exceeding 200 dollars by by reason of
his not having attained the full age of 21 years.
61. No cause of action which exists at any one tine amiunting in
the whole to a surn exceeding 200 dollars shall be split or divided so
as to be made the ground of two or more ditlerent actions in order
to bring such cases within the Jurisdiction of the Magistrate, and if
the Magistrate finds that the plaintiff in any case has split his clause
of action as aforesaid, he shall dismiss the action, without prejudice
to the plaintiff's right to sue upon the cause of action in such other
manner as he may be advised : Provided that if such plaintiff is
satisfied to recover a sum not exceeding 200 dollars, then the
Magistrate shall entertain the action of such plaintiff, and in case
any order is made in his favotir the same shall be expressed to be,
and shall be, in full discharge of the whole cause of action.
62. It shall be lawful for the Magistrate before whom a claim
t) iW
under this Part of this Ordinance is heard to appoint any fit person
to execute any process of the Court in respect of such claim.
63. Any goods or chattels seized under a distress warrant issued
by the authority of a Magistrate in respect of any clalin tinder this
Part of this Ordinance may be sold by the bailiff or other officer
executin- such warrant at or near the place of the seizure of such
64. Where a claim is made to or in respect of property taken in
execution under this Part of this Ordinance by any- person other
than the party against whom such execution issued, such claim shall
be heard and determined by the Magistrate tipon a summons calling
before him as well such claimant as the party on whose behalf such
execution issued, and the decision upon such claim shall be final.
65. No action or proceeding for sums not exceeding 200 dollars
which might be brought under this Part of this Ordinance before a
Magistrate shall be brought in the Summary Jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court unless by the leave of the Magistrate or with the
consent of the defendant. '
[s. 66, rep. No. 12 of 191.2.]
As arnended by No. 12 of 1912, No. 13 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912
Supp. Selied.
As amended by N1o. 50 of 1911 and No. 43 of 1912 Supp Sched.
As amended by No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As aniended by No. 12 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
67. N1o action or proceeding against any officer of the Govern-
tuent in his ofticial capacity shall be brought under this Ordinance
unless with the consent of the Attorney General.
68. Any Matristrate holding a court under this Part of this Ordi-
nance, if in his opinion any action of. inatter broti-lit before him is
1 L_
of sufficient importance to be dealt with by the Supreme Court may
decline to proceed with the sanie, and in such event the plaintiff
may thereafter institute proceedings in the Supreme Court as if no
proceedings had been taken tinder this Part of this Ordinance.
69. -No legal practitioner shall be aloowed to appear on behalf of
any party in any action or matter pendino, before a Magistrate under
1 ~n 0
this Part of this Ordinance except by special permission of such
70. It shall be lawful for the -Maoistrate on such grounds as he
may think sufficlent, to review any judgment or decision given by
1 _y j
him , within one month frorn the date thereof, and on such review
to re-open and re-try the case, wholh or in part, and to take fresh
evidence, and to reverse, vary, of. confirin his previous judgment or
71. Notbing in this Part of tbis Ordinance shall he 'deemed to
limit in any way any jurisdiction conlerred on the. Land Officer by
Part II of this Ordinance; nelther shall anything in this Part of this
Ordinance affect the right ofappeal of either of the parties : Provid-
ed that the. provisions of the Magistrates Ordinance, 1.890, with
respect to appeals shall apply to the decisions Of Magistrates under
this Part of this Ordinance.
72. Tho Governor-in-Council may make reules for regulating pro-
ecedings under this Part of thlis Ordinance and may prescribe the
forms to be, used and the fees to be paid in such proceedings.
73. Licelices to nioney-changers and pawnbrokers stiall be issued
in the New Territories, and the fees therefor shall be collected, by
As antended by No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As amended b No. 12 of 1912.
As, amended by No. 13 of 1912 and No. 4.3 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As amended b~. No. 8 of 19(2 and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Selied.
such officers as the (4overnor shall by notification appoint, in lieu of
the officers specified in the Ordinances relating to the said licences
and fees respectively.
Is. 74, rep. No. 8 of 1912).]
[Ist sched., rep. NNo. 12 of 1912.1
[2nd sched., rep. No. 43 of 191-2.]
Conveyance on Sale.
In consideration of $ this day paid (the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged) of (1) as Vendor hereby assigns
in district No. in the New Territories of thiscolony for the residue of the
term of years created by the Crown Lease thereof, subject to the incumbrances metin-
en in the Schedule hereto.
AS WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties this day of
SIGNED, Scaled and Delivered by
In consideration of $ this day lent (or now owing)the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged of as Mortgagor
hereby assigns unto of as Mortgagee the Lot
No. in district No. in the New Territories of this Colony for
the residue of the term of years created by the Crown Lease thereof, subject to the
incumbrances mentioned in the schedule hereto, for securing payment on the
day of 19, 0f $ as the mortgage money with interest
thereon at the rate of $ perminth payable monthly on the
day of each month.
AS WITNESS the ]lands and seals of the parties this day of 19
SIGNED, Scaled and Delivered by
Chinese Customary Mortgage.
In consideration of $ this day lent (or now owing) the recepit
whereof is hereby acknowledge of as Mortgagor
No. in district No.. in the New Territories of this Colony for
the residue of the the term of years created by the Crown Lease thereof, subject to the
incumbraces mentioned in the Schedule hereto, for decuring payment on the
day of ,19, of $ as mortgage money without interest,
the Mortgagee to be at liberty to enter into and keep possession of the mortgaged land
util redemption.
AS WITNESS the hands and seals of the parbies this day of ,19
SIGNED, Sealed arid Delivered by
Transfer of Mortgage.
In consideration of $ this day paid, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, of as Transferor hereby transfers
to of as Transferee the benefit of the mortgage
of Lot No. in District no. in the new terriroties of
this Colony, deted the day of ,19, and registered by
Memorial No.
AS WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties this day of ,19
SIGNED, Sealed and Delivered by
Lessor, hereby leases unto
Lessee, Lot No. in District No.
this Colony for the term of years from the day of
the rent of $ per month. .
AS WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties this
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by
day of 1 19
in llie New Territories of
1 19 . at
day of . 19 .
Receipt on Redemption of Mortgage.
. Received frorn
intended to be secured by the within written deed.
WITNESS to the Signature
Receipt on Redemption of Mortgage.
$ in settlement of all monies
Land Officer.
short title . Saviing existing regulations. Etc. interpretation of terms. certain enactments no t to apply to the new territories excepting new kowloon . Meaning of certain expressions in existing contracts. Making of rules relating to revenue matters. no. 1 of 1873. Publication of rules . Punishment for breach of rules . Power to wummon chinese for examination on inquiry . Obligation on person summoned to attend and answer. warrant for disobedience to summons and penalty therefor . Levying of contributions on inhabitants when extra crime reqluires provision of extra police. application of part II to land in new territories . Vesting of land in new territiories in the crown . land offices. Assistant land officer . District land offices. Documents to be registered in appropriate district office. Payment of rent in money instead of inproduce . Redemption of perpetual rent in produce or substitution of annusl rent in money . land officer to decide questions relaitng to land summarily . Powers of land officer . exclusion of legal practitioners. Appeal from land officer to supreme court . Exclusion of land disputes from jurisdiction of supreme court . Supreme court may enforce chinese customs. Registration of judgment . Registration of managers of 't'ongs' , etc. exemption of certain claus from the companies ordinances . No . 58. Of 1911. Registration of successors to deceased landholder wheree no probate granted . no . 2 of 1897. Power to appoint trustees for minors. No. 5 of 1901. Certification of memorials . Land officer not required to keep index . land officer to be commissioner to take acknowledgements . No. 5 of 1885 . Rights and things included in a conveyance. Conveyance to be in precribed forms. sales. Implied convenants: (a) validity fo lease , right to convey , further assurance . (b) purchaser tto pay rents. Etc. mortgages. Implied covenants: to apy principal and interest. validity of lease and right to convey . Quiet enjoyment after default . Further assurance. Mortgagor to pay rents, etc. proviso for redemption . Chinese custiomary mortgage. Implied covenant : quiet enjoyment . refund of crown rent and indemuity . Redemption at end of term . Notice of intention to redeem . Effect of transfer of mortgage. Leases implied covenants.: to pay rent and yield up at end of term . (b) quiet enjoyment. © lessor's right to inspect . (d) provison fro re-entry. Implied covenant on coveyanee by mortgagee, trustee, etc. powers of mortgagee; to sell; to insure . Protection of purchasers from moirtgagees. application of proceeds fo sale . Mortgagee's receijpt a sufficient discharge . Satisfaction of mortgage . Receipt in body of deed to be sufficient. Mortgage to two ro more jointly . Construction of implied covenants. covenant to be annexed to estate . Covenants to extend to successors, etc . Implied covenant may be varied . Provision for all the estate , etc. power for governor-in-council to make regulations. Recovery of fees. Certified copies receivable in evidence. ordinance not to affect crown , etc. jurisdiction of small debts court . Limitation of actions. infancy no bar. Prohibition of splitting of claims . Appointment of perosn to execute process. Goods seized may be sold at or near place fo seizure . Claims in respect of property seized .. Exclusive jurisdiction . no action against officer of government without consent. Provision as to supreme court. Exclsuion of legal practitioners . Review of judgment . Jurisdiction under part II and right of appeal reserved no .3 fo 1890. Governor-in-counil to make rules . licences to money-changers and pawnbrokers. (1) if the assignee is a mortgagee , trustee, personal representative of a deceased person ro a registered dmanager his capacity should be stated .
short title . Saviing existing regulations. Etc. interpretation of terms. certain enactments no t to apply to the new territories excepting new kowloon . Meaning of certain expressions in existing contracts. Making of rules relating to revenue matters. no. 1 of 1873. Publication of rules . Punishment for breach of rules . Power to wummon chinese for examination on inquiry . Obligation on person summoned to attend and answer. warrant for disobedience to summons and penalty therefor . Levying of contributions on inhabitants when extra crime reqluires provision of extra police. application of part II to land in new territories . Vesting of land in new territiories in the crown . land offices. Assistant land officer . District land offices. Documents to be registered in appropriate district office. Payment of rent in money instead of inproduce . Redemption of perpetual rent in produce or substitution of annusl rent in money . land officer to decide questions relaitng to land summarily . Powers of land officer . exclusion of legal practitioners. Appeal from land officer to supreme court . Exclusion of land disputes from jurisdiction of supreme court . Supreme court may enforce chinese customs. Registration of judgment . Registration of managers of 't'ongs' , etc. exemption of certain claus from the companies ordinances . No . 58. Of 1911. Registration of successors to deceased landholder wheree no probate granted . no . 2 of 1897. Power to appoint trustees for minors. No. 5 of 1901. Certification of memorials . Land officer not required to keep index . land officer to be commissioner to take acknowledgements . No. 5 of 1885 . Rights and things included in a conveyance. Conveyance to be in precribed forms. sales. Implied convenants: (a) validity fo lease , right to convey , further assurance . (b) purchaser tto pay rents. Etc. mortgages. Implied covenants: to apy principal and interest. validity of lease and right to convey . Quiet enjoyment after default . Further assurance. Mortgagor to pay rents, etc. proviso for redemption . Chinese custiomary mortgage. Implied covenant : quiet enjoyment . refund of crown rent and indemuity . Redemption at end of term . Notice of intention to redeem . Effect of transfer of mortgage. Leases implied covenants.: to pay rent and yield up at end of term . (b) quiet enjoyment. © lessor's right to inspect . (d) provison fro re-entry. Implied covenant on coveyanee by mortgagee, trustee, etc. powers of mortgagee; to sell; to insure . Protection of purchasers from moirtgagees. application of proceeds fo sale . Mortgagee's receijpt a sufficient discharge . Satisfaction of mortgage . Receipt in body of deed to be sufficient. Mortgage to two ro more jointly . Construction of implied covenants. covenant to be annexed to estate . Covenants to extend to successors, etc . Implied covenant may be varied . Provision for all the estate , etc. power for governor-in-council to make regulations. Recovery of fees. Certified copies receivable in evidence. ordinance not to affect crown , etc. jurisdiction of small debts court . Limitation of actions. infancy no bar. Prohibition of splitting of claims . Appointment of perosn to execute process. Goods seized may be sold at or near place fo seizure . Claims in respect of property seized .. Exclusive jurisdiction . no action against officer of government without consent. Provision as to supreme court. Exclsuion of legal practitioners . Review of judgment . Jurisdiction under part II and right of appeal reserved no .3 fo 1890. Governor-in-counil to make rules . licences to money-changers and pawnbrokers. (1) if the assignee is a mortgagee , trustee, personal representative of a deceased person ro a registered dmanager his capacity should be stated .
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 34 of 1910
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NEW TERRITORIES REGULATION ORDINANCE, 1910,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,