No. 25 of 1910.
To provide for the formation of a Volunteer Reserve.
1. The Volunteer Reserve Ordinance, 1910.
[16th September, 1910.]
As amended by No. 2 of 1911 and No. 8 of 1912.
As amended bY No. 30 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912 and No. 21 of 1912.
As ainended by No. 50 of 1911 and No. 12 of 1912.
2. It shall be lawful for the Governor to accept the services of
any persons desiring to be formed into a Volunteer Reserve (here-
inafter called the Reserve) and offering their services and oil such
acceptance being notified in the Clazette the Volunteer Reserve
shall be deemed to be lawfully established.
3. Every member of the Reserve upon Joining shall sign an
engagement in the form in schedule, A or to the like effect.
4. Every member of the Reserve shall, on his adnussion take
the oath or make the declaration set forth in scliedule B to
be administered by Magistate, Justice of the Peace, or the
president of the Reserve.
5. There shall be a president of the Roserve, who shAl be elecl-
ed frorn artiong the ineivibers of the Reserve by
and who on being so elected shall bc llonlinated for approval and
appointment bY the Governor. Shich president shall hold Inis
appointment during the pleasure of the Governor.
6. The Governor may appoint a fitting person to be -Military
Instructor of thewho shall be charged with attending the
annual innsketry course and with giving instruction in musketry
and in squad drill to the members of the Reserve.
7. The Governor may appoint a fitting person to bc Inspecting
Officer of the Beserve, who shall be, charged withsupervising the
military instruction of the Reserve, and shall be responsible for the
inspection of Government arms and other public property on loan
for the use of the Reserve.
8.-(1) For every member of the Beserve, a riffe and such
appointments as the Governor may direct shall be issued to the
president on loan for the such of such member; and llw president shall
be responsible to the Government foi such arins and appointmetn
(22) There shall be allowed annually for every member of
the Reserve who shall qualify by completing tlw annual musketry
course prescribed by regulations, 100 rounds of* ride ammlunition
and there shall also be issued to the president such further supply,
on such terms as to payment or otherwise as the Governor may
As taniended by No. 1.2 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1412.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912 and \o~ E3 of 1912,-
As amended by 13 of 1912.
(3) Every member of the Reserve shall pay to the president the
cost of repairing, or replacrilig any rifle or appoliArnents damaged,
destroyed, or lost by such inetriber, atid shall also pay for any
ammunition expended by him to the free issue of which he was
not entitled.
(4) Whether arty sum payable by a nicinber under the last sub-
section can be recovered from the meniber or not, repayment of
the sanie shall be inade to the Goverrinient from the funds of the
9. All moneys subscribe by or to or for the use of the Reserve,
and all efects, and other propert belonging to the Reserve, and
the exclusive right to sue for awl recover current subscriptions,
arrears of subserlptions and other moneys due to the Reserve, shall
be vested int he president, with power to bring actionss, to make
contracts an converyances, and to do all othere lawful things
in respect of relating to the same.
10. The menibers of the Reserve may b a committee composed
of the presiderit and not less than 3 persons to be elected from
among the membersof the Reserve by such members, make rules
for the general government of te Reserve and foar the manage-
ment of the propert belonging or entrusted to the Reserve, and
of the finances and civil affairs of the Reserve, and for their own
guidance: Provided that any such rules shallnto have effect unless
and until the president thinks fit to transmit the same to the Governor
for this approval, and such approvali ntoified by the Governor to
the president, to be b him forthwith communicated to the corps;
wherupon the rules so approved sall be binding on members of
the Reserve.
11.-(1) The president may, subject to such appeal to the
Governor tas is hereinafter mentioned, discharge nay memtber and
strike him offhe strength of he Reserve, eeiter ofr misconduct
as a member of for other sufficient cause, the existence or sufficency
of the cause tobe judged by the president or, in case of appeal, by
th Governor.
(2) The member so discharged shall bc liable to deliver up in
good order, fair wear and tear only excepted, all arms, ammunition,
clothing and appointment being public property or property of
* As amended by 7-\o. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of-1912.
the Reserve, and to pay all nioneys due or becon-fing due by him
under this Ordinance either before or at the time or by reason of
his discharge.
(3) Any niernber who feels aggrieved by such discharge may
appeal to the Governor at any time within 14 days, and the
Governor may cancel or confirni such discharge or give such other
directions with reference thereto as to him may seein just and
proper, and his determination shall be binding on all persons.
12. Any inember nray, except wlien actually enriffled in the
Volunteer Force under section 15, quit the Reserve oil complying
with the following conditions:-
(a) giving to the president 3 months notice in writing of his
(b) delivering up in good order, fall. and tear only
excepted, all arins and animunition, clothing and appointments
being public property or property of the Reserve issued to him:
(c) paying all nioney due or becoming due by him tinder this
Ordinance either before or at the tline or by reason of his quitting
Therenpoil lie shall be struck off.' the strongth by the president.
Provided that tile Governot shall have full power at all tinies to
perinit any itieniber to quit the Reserve on complying with the
conditions (b) and (c) in this section.
13. The Governor inay by proclamation disband or discontinue i
the services of the Reserve or ally part thereof whenever it seenis
to hlin expedient to do so, and inay give such instructions as shall
be, necessary for carrying such proclamation into effect.
14.-(1) The Governor mau make regulations,-
(a) regulating the annual Musketry course and instruction in
squad drill, and the ditties of the Military Instructor and IDspect-
ing Officer,
(b) regarding the storing, issuing and inspecting o arms and
(c) regarding shooting ranges, targets, and butts; and
(d) for giving further and better effect to the provisions of this
As amended by No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
(2) A copy of every such regulation shall be furnished to every
inember of the Reserve.
15. The Grovernor may, by proclamation, wheinever it appears to
him advisable to do so by reason of invasion or war or danger of
either of them, or by reason of any internal ernergency threatening
pubtle security, to quell which the available civil force. is deemed by
Iiini inadequate, cause all or any members of the Reserve to be en-
F(Hed as inernbers of the Volunteer Force; and all the provisions of
the Volunteer Ordinance, 1893, shall in so far as they are applicable
extend and apply to every such member on being so enrolled to all
intents and purposes as if such members had signed the engagement
and taken the oath iinder that Ordinance; and every member so
enrolled shall remain and continue subject to the provisions of the
said OrdWarice, and shall be entitled to the benefits thereof, until
the Governor shall by proclamation cancel such enrolment; -'s-here-
upon all Members go enrolled shall again become sublect to this
Ordinance as members of the. Reserve.
16.-(1) All arms, arriniunition, appointment., and other stores
supplied at the public expense and issued to anv ineinber of the
Reserve, shall be and reinain the property of the Government, and
shall be produced, exhibited and delivered to ally person authorised
by the, Governor to inspect or receive the same.
(2) Ir any person wilfullymakes away wtih, sells,pawn, wrong-
fully destroys or damages, or negligentlyloses anything issued
a member of ht Reserve, or refuses roneglects when lawfully re-
quired to produce, exhibit,or deliver on demand anything which
he is liable under this Ordinance to produce, exhibit, or deliver, the
value thereof shall be recoverable from him sunimarlls- before a.
Magistrate by the president; and he shall also for every such offence
be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding .50 dollars.
(3) Whoever knowingly buys or takes in exchange or in pawn
from any member of the Reserve or person acting on his behalf,
or solicits or entices any member to sell or pawn, or knowingly
assists or acts for any inernber in selling or pawning, or has in his
possession or keepiwy, without satisfactorily accounting therefor,
any arms, ammunition, clothing, appointments, musical instru-
ments or necessaries, being public property or the property of the
* As amended by No. 12 of 1912 and No. 1.3 of 1912.
f As amended by No. 12 of 1912, No. 13 of 1912 and No. 21 of 1912.
Reserve, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not ex-
ceeding 50 dollars for every such offence.
17. In all proceedings under this Ordinance. before a Magistrate,
the president may appear by any, member of the corps authorised by
him in that behalf by writing undet. his hand.
18. Every pecuniaxy penalty recovered stinimarily on any prose-
cution of the president shall be paid to the president and be applied
as part of the funds of the Reserve.
19. It shall be lawfu for the Treasurerto pay to the president
for the purposes of the Reserve, such sum In each year as may be
authorised bv the Governor out of moneys voted by the Legislative
Engagement to be signed by Member of he Volunteer Rescrve.
1, (insert the name, address and addition of the ineniber), herebs. engage myself to
serve in the Volunteer Reserve subject to the provisioris of the Volunteet. Beserve
Ordinance, 1910, and the rules and regalations thereunder in force.
1-0ath to be taken by Alember of the Volimleer Peserve.
1, A.B., do sincerely promise and swear that 1 wilt be faithful and bear true allegiance
to His Majesty King George V His Heirs and Successors according to law, and that 1
will faithfully serve in the Volunteer Reserve according to the conditions of wy service.
So help me God.
2-Declaration to be made by Meinber of the Volunleer Rcscree.
1, A.B., do solemnly, sincerely and trul.y declare that 1 will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to His Majesty Ring George V His Heirs and Successors according to law,
and that 1 will faithfully serve in the Volunteer Reserve according to the conditions of
my service.
As amended by No. 12 of 1912.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911 and No. 12 of 1912.
As amended by No. 21 of 1912.
Short title . power of governor to establish volunteer reserve . Engagement . Oath . President. Military instructor . Inspecting officer . Arms, ammuntion and appointments. property fo reserve vested in president . Rules for management of reserve. Expulsion . resignation . Disbandment . Regulaions. enrolement in volunteer force . No . 4 of 1893. Wronggul detention or disposal of arms, appointments or stores . appearance of president in court. Applciation of penalties . Authority for expenditure.
Short title . power of governor to establish volunteer reserve . Engagement . Oath . President. Military instructor . Inspecting officer . Arms, ammuntion and appointments. property fo reserve vested in president . Rules for management of reserve. Expulsion . resignation . Disbandment . Regulaions. enrolement in volunteer force . No . 4 of 1893. Wronggul detention or disposal of arms, appointments or stores . appearance of president in court. Applciation of penalties . Authority for expenditure.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 25 of 1910
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VOLUNTEER RESERVE ORDINANCE, 1910,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/979.