No. 44 of 1902.
Relating to the Naturalization of Aliens.
1. The Naturalization Ordinance, 1902.
[In force 1st January, 1903.]
2. Any alien who has continuously resided in Hongkong or been
in the service of the Crown for a term ' of not less than 5
Years immediately preceding his application, and who intends if
naturalized to reside permanently in Hongkong, may apply to the
Governor for a certificate of naturalization as a British subject in
3. - The applicant shall adduce in support of his application such
evidence of his residence or service, and. intention to reside, as the
Governor may require ; and the Governor may, on consideration of
the evidence adduced, grant or withhold a certificate as he thinks
Most conducive to the public good, and no appeal shall lie from his
4. Every such certificate shall contain the condition that the
grantee shall continue to reside permanently in Hongkong and that
the certificate shall be determinable on the grantee ceasing so to
reside. No certificate of naturalization shall be issued or take
effect until the applicant, bas taken the oath of allegiance.
5. Any alien who has been naturalized previously to the passing
of this Ordinance may apply to the Governor for a certificate of
naturalization under this Ordinance, and it shall be lawful for the
Governor to grant such certificate upon the such terms and subject
to the same conditions in and upon which such certificate might
have been granted 11 such alien had riot been previously naturalized
in Hongkong.
d 6. Any alien to whom a certiticate of naturalization is granted
shall while in Hongkong be entitled to all political and other rights,
powers, and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, to which a
natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in Hongkong.
7. The Governor may revoke any certificate of naturalization
which may have been granted to any' alien if he shall -be satisfied
that such certificate was obtained by misrepresentation; and there-
upon such certificate of naturalization shall become null and void.
No. 1 of 1912.
As, smended by ,
A notification of the revocation of any certificate of naturalization
shall be published in the Gazette.
8. There shall be paid for every certificate of naturalization and
before the issue thereof such fee as the Governor-in Council may
Is. 9, rep. No. 1 of 1912.]
10-M An alien on naturalization shall take the oath of allegi-
ance in the form provided in the Prornis-sory Claths Ordmance, 1869,
and the same shall be tendered by the Clerk of the Collnells in the
presence of the Colonial Secretary.
(2) If an alien who hag applied for a certificate of naturalization
declines or neglects to take the oath of allegiance when duly tender-
ed, he shall be disqualified from obtaining the said certificate, and
if the sarne has already been granted, it shall becoine iipso facto void.
(3 ) Section 15 of the Promissory patlis Ordniance, 1869, shall
apply to the oath required to be taken by this section.
. By His Excellency .............. 1
has applied to me for a Certificate of Naturalization as a British Subject :
AND whereas the said .......................................................................................
has satisfied me that lie has before making such application continuously resided in
Hongkong (or been in the service of the Crown) for the space of .....years and
that lie intends if naturalized to reside permanently in Hongkong
Now, therefore, I, the said .......................................................
as Governor aforesaid, Do hereby under the powers vested in me in that regard by the
Naturalization Ordinance, 1902, certify that the said ;
.................... Of
IS a Naualized British subject entitled in Hongkong to all political and other rights
powers and privileges, and subject to all obligations to which a Datural-born British
subject is entitled or subject in Hongkong.
Given under my hand this day of
By Command,
As amended by No. 50 of 1911. For the fee directed see Bowley's
Regulations of Hongkong 1910 p. 458.
As am%
,p4ed by No. 8 of 1912 s. 15.
Short title.Certificate of naturalization. Evidence in support of application. Conditions. Certificate to alien previously naturalized.[cf.No.9 of 1901.] Rights,etc., of naturalized alien. Revocation of certificate of naturalization. Fee. Oath. No.1 of 1869. [The term must not be less than 5 years.]
Relating to the Naturalization of Aliens.
1. The Naturalization Ordinance, 1902.
[In force 1st January, 1903.]
2. Any alien who has continuously resided in Hongkong or been
in the service of the Crown for a term ' of not less than 5
Years immediately preceding his application, and who intends if
naturalized to reside permanently in Hongkong, may apply to the
Governor for a certificate of naturalization as a British subject in
3. - The applicant shall adduce in support of his application such
evidence of his residence or service, and. intention to reside, as the
Governor may require ; and the Governor may, on consideration of
the evidence adduced, grant or withhold a certificate as he thinks
Most conducive to the public good, and no appeal shall lie from his
4. Every such certificate shall contain the condition that the
grantee shall continue to reside permanently in Hongkong and that
the certificate shall be determinable on the grantee ceasing so to
reside. No certificate of naturalization shall be issued or take
effect until the applicant, bas taken the oath of allegiance.
5. Any alien who has been naturalized previously to the passing
of this Ordinance may apply to the Governor for a certificate of
naturalization under this Ordinance, and it shall be lawful for the
Governor to grant such certificate upon the such terms and subject
to the same conditions in and upon which such certificate might
have been granted 11 such alien had riot been previously naturalized
in Hongkong.
d 6. Any alien to whom a certiticate of naturalization is granted
shall while in Hongkong be entitled to all political and other rights,
powers, and privileges, and be subject to all obligations, to which a
natural-born British subject is entitled or subject in Hongkong.
7. The Governor may revoke any certificate of naturalization
which may have been granted to any' alien if he shall -be satisfied
that such certificate was obtained by misrepresentation; and there-
upon such certificate of naturalization shall become null and void.
No. 1 of 1912.
As, smended by ,
A notification of the revocation of any certificate of naturalization
shall be published in the Gazette.
8. There shall be paid for every certificate of naturalization and
before the issue thereof such fee as the Governor-in Council may
Is. 9, rep. No. 1 of 1912.]
10-M An alien on naturalization shall take the oath of allegi-
ance in the form provided in the Prornis-sory Claths Ordmance, 1869,
and the same shall be tendered by the Clerk of the Collnells in the
presence of the Colonial Secretary.
(2) If an alien who hag applied for a certificate of naturalization
declines or neglects to take the oath of allegiance when duly tender-
ed, he shall be disqualified from obtaining the said certificate, and
if the sarne has already been granted, it shall becoine iipso facto void.
(3 ) Section 15 of the Promissory patlis Ordniance, 1869, shall
apply to the oath required to be taken by this section.
. By His Excellency .............. 1
has applied to me for a Certificate of Naturalization as a British Subject :
AND whereas the said .......................................................................................
has satisfied me that lie has before making such application continuously resided in
Hongkong (or been in the service of the Crown) for the space of .....years and
that lie intends if naturalized to reside permanently in Hongkong
Now, therefore, I, the said .......................................................
as Governor aforesaid, Do hereby under the powers vested in me in that regard by the
Naturalization Ordinance, 1902, certify that the said ;
.................... Of
IS a Naualized British subject entitled in Hongkong to all political and other rights
powers and privileges, and subject to all obligations to which a Datural-born British
subject is entitled or subject in Hongkong.
Given under my hand this day of
By Command,
As amended by No. 50 of 1911. For the fee directed see Bowley's
Regulations of Hongkong 1910 p. 458.
As am%
,p4ed by No. 8 of 1912 s. 15.
Short title.Certificate of naturalization. Evidence in support of application. Conditions. Certificate to alien previously naturalized.[cf.No.9 of 1901.] Rights,etc., of naturalized alien. Revocation of certificate of naturalization. Fee. Oath. No.1 of 1869. [The term must not be less than 5 years.]
Short title.Certificate of naturalization. Evidence in support of application. Conditions. Certificate to alien previously naturalized.[cf.No.9 of 1901.] Rights,etc., of naturalized alien. Revocation of certificate of naturalization. Fee. Oath. No.1 of 1869. [The term must not be less than 5 years.]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 44 of 1902
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NATURALIZATION ORDINANCE, 1902,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,