No. 18 of 1902.
To provide for the Incorporation of the Church Body of the
Chinese Anglican Church in Hongkong.
[30th June, 1902.]
1. The Chinese Anglican Church Body Incorporation Ordinance
2. In this Ordinance-
---TheBishop' ineans the Bishop of the Church of Encrland
residing and officiating at Victoria :
-Chinese Church Body- means the Church Body of the Chinese,
Anglican Church in -11ongkong constituted as follows: (1) the
Bishop, who shall be chairman; (2) a vice-chairman of the Churcli
Body appointed by the Bishop by writing under his hand; (3) all
ordained pastors and clergy of Chinese race officiating in
Anglican Churchesand Chapels in the Colony with the licence of lhe
Bishop, and all clergy of non-Cbinese race whe, are acting pastors of
such Churches and Chapels with such licence as aforesald ; (4) the
delegates appointed by, the vestries of the Chinese Churches and
Chapels in the Colony; (.5) so long as the Chinese Anglican Chtirch
in Hongkong uses buildgings belonging in whole or in part to the
Society known as the Church Missionary Society, or is dependent
on the hell) of that Society in education or other work, the secre-
tary in Hongkong of the Church Missionary Society:
Vestr - means the body constituted in rnanner provided by
the regulations made by the Chinese. Church Body for the nianage-
ment of each place of worship established by it :
Delegates - means the delegates elected by the vestries in
manner provided by the regulations made bY the. Chinese Chtirch
3. A certificate under the hand of the Bishop, or (in his absence
from the Colony) of the vice-chairman of the Chinese Church
Body that any persons therein named are the persons constituting
such Body, or that any regulations annexed to such ceritificate are
the regulations of the Chinese. Church Body, shall be accepted
for all purposes as sufficient proof of (lie fact that such persons are
the persons constituting such Body, or that such regulations were
duly made and are in force.
As ankende'd byNo. 50 of 1911, No. 1 of 1912 and No. 2 of 1912.
f As aniended by No. 1 of 1912 and No. 2 of 1912.
The Chinese Church Body shall be a body corporate
under the name of - Church Body of the Chinese Anglican Church
in Hongkong- (hereinafter referred to as the corporation).
(.2) The corporation by the name aforesaid shall have perpetual
succession, and shall and may sue and be sued in all Courts, and
shall and may have and use a cortunon seal, and mav break, change,
alter and,-make anew the said seal as to the corporation may seem
(3) The corporation shall have power to acquire, accept leases of,
purchase, take, hold and enjoy any, lands, buildings, niessuages or
tenements of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever situated,
and also to invest money upon inortgage of any lands, buildings,
inessuages or tnements, or upon the mortgages debentures,
stocks, funds, shares or securities of any corporation or company,
and also to purchase, acquire and possess goods and chattells of
what nature and kind soever.
(4) The corporation shall further have power by deed under its
seal to grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender, exchange, partition,
yield up, mortgage, demise, re-assign, transfer or otherwise dispose
of any lands, buildings, inessuages, tenements, mortgages, deben-
tures, stocks, funds, shares, or securities, or goods and chattels,
which are vested in or belong to the corporation upon such terms
as to the corporation may seem fit.
5. All deeds, documents and other instruments requiring the seal
of the corporation shall be. sealed therewith in the presence of the
Bishop, or (in his absence from the Colony) of the vice-chairman,
and shall also be signed by the Bishop, or such vice-cbairman,
in whose custody the seal shall be kept.
6. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be deemed to afTect
the rights of His MalesLy the King.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 1 of 1912 and No. 43 of
Supp. Sched.
Asamended by No. 1 of 1912, No. 2 of 1912 and No. 43 of
Supp. Mied.
As amended by No. 1 of 1912.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Proof of the constitution of the Church Body and of its regulations. Incorporation. Succession and seal. Power to hold property. Power to dispose of property. Use of seal. Saving of rights of Crown.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Proof of the constitution of the Church Body and of its regulations. Incorporation. Succession and seal. Power to hold property. Power to dispose of property. Use of seal. Saving of rights of Crown.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 18 of 1902
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHINESE ANGLICAN CHURCH BODY INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1902,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 23, 2025,