4rtlinnncc No. G
of 1854 repealed.
7Snlnnces of
3ntestuta estutae
when ancauime,l
fur SIX years, to
be rotnltterl to
Stet Jtu,iestyv
certfilcnte of
ORDINANCE No. 5 of 1855.
Intestates Estates- Unclaimed Balances.
No. 5 of 1855.
An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 6 of 184, entitled ' An Ordinance
to provide for the Disposal of unclaimed Balances of the Estates o
Persons dyin0 intestate within the Colony of Hongkong,' and to
substitute other Provisions in lieu thereof.
14HEREAS it is expedient to repeal the aforesaid Ordinance No. 6 of 1854,
to substitute in lieu thereof other provisions:-
1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of
Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that the
said Ordinance
be and the same is hereby repealed.
2. And whereas certain sums of money have been fox many years past and now
are lying in custody of the officers in charge of the public treasure
vault of this Colony,
which sums have been delivered to such custody by the Official
Administrator of
intestate estates as unclaimed balances of certain such estates, after
full satisfaction,
according to a scheme of division of all claims proved against such
estates, and in
pursuance of the terms of Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 ; and whereas it is
expedient to-
relieve the said officers from the responsibility attendant on such
custody: Be it further-
enacted and ordained, that on the expiration of sip years from the date
of the decease -
of any person dying intestate, it shall be lawful for the Governor ox
Administering the Government of this Colony to direct the remittal of all
funds which
shall be in the Colonial Treasury as the unclaimed estate of any
intestate to the Lords.
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to be dealt with according to
law: Provided
always, that a certificate be given by the Official Administrator of
intestate estates
showing that due advertisement leas been made for claims against such
estate, and for-
claims against such balance of such estate, and that, so far as is known
to such Official
Administrator, no further claim to be made in this Colony can reasonably
be expected
against such balance of such estate.
r,oagmat of 3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall be
lawful for the Governor-
nnclnimo,l -
Smfunreslnu 01 Officer Ad.rTlllllStexlllg the Government in his
discretion to direct that all or any
chartered bunk.
unclaimed balances as aforesaid at any time previous to the expiration of
six years as.
aforesaid, be lodged in a chartered bank within this Colony, under' such
securities as
shall be satisfactory to hint, at such rate of interest as may be
procurable, and th&,Vr
the amount of such interest shall be added to, and considered portion of,
unclaimed balance as aforesaid.
[Repealed by Ordinance 11'0. 1 of 1867.
Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 repealed.
Balances of intestate estates when unclaimed for six years, to be remitted to Her Majesty's Treasury.
Official Administrator's certificate of advertisements.
Lodgment of unclaimed balances in a chartered bank.
of 1854 repealed.
7Snlnnces of
3ntestuta estutae
when ancauime,l
fur SIX years, to
be rotnltterl to
Stet Jtu,iestyv
certfilcnte of
ORDINANCE No. 5 of 1855.
Intestates Estates- Unclaimed Balances.
No. 5 of 1855.
An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 6 of 184, entitled ' An Ordinance
to provide for the Disposal of unclaimed Balances of the Estates o
Persons dyin0 intestate within the Colony of Hongkong,' and to
substitute other Provisions in lieu thereof.
14HEREAS it is expedient to repeal the aforesaid Ordinance No. 6 of 1854,
to substitute in lieu thereof other provisions:-
1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of
Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that the
said Ordinance
be and the same is hereby repealed.
2. And whereas certain sums of money have been fox many years past and now
are lying in custody of the officers in charge of the public treasure
vault of this Colony,
which sums have been delivered to such custody by the Official
Administrator of
intestate estates as unclaimed balances of certain such estates, after
full satisfaction,
according to a scheme of division of all claims proved against such
estates, and in
pursuance of the terms of Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 ; and whereas it is
expedient to-
relieve the said officers from the responsibility attendant on such
custody: Be it further-
enacted and ordained, that on the expiration of sip years from the date
of the decease -
of any person dying intestate, it shall be lawful for the Governor ox
Administering the Government of this Colony to direct the remittal of all
funds which
shall be in the Colonial Treasury as the unclaimed estate of any
intestate to the Lords.
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to be dealt with according to
law: Provided
always, that a certificate be given by the Official Administrator of
intestate estates
showing that due advertisement leas been made for claims against such
estate, and for-
claims against such balance of such estate, and that, so far as is known
to such Official
Administrator, no further claim to be made in this Colony can reasonably
be expected
against such balance of such estate.
r,oagmat of 3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall be
lawful for the Governor-
nnclnimo,l -
Smfunreslnu 01 Officer Ad.rTlllllStexlllg the Government in his
discretion to direct that all or any
chartered bunk.
unclaimed balances as aforesaid at any time previous to the expiration of
six years as.
aforesaid, be lodged in a chartered bank within this Colony, under' such
securities as
shall be satisfactory to hint, at such rate of interest as may be
procurable, and th&,Vr
the amount of such interest shall be added to, and considered portion of,
unclaimed balance as aforesaid.
[Repealed by Ordinance 11'0. 1 of 1867.
Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 repealed.
Balances of intestate estates when unclaimed for six years, to be remitted to Her Majesty's Treasury.
Official Administrator's certificate of advertisements.
Lodgment of unclaimed balances in a chartered bank.
Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 repealed.
Balances of intestate estates when unclaimed for six years, to be remitted to Her Majesty's Treasury.
Official Administrator's certificate of advertisements.
Lodgment of unclaimed balances in a chartered bank.
Ordinance No. 6 of 1845 repealed.
Balances of intestate estates when unclaimed for six years, to be remitted to Her Majesty's Treasury.
Official Administrator's certificate of advertisements.
Lodgment of unclaimed balances in a chartered bank.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 5 of 1855
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“INTESTATES ESTATES -- UNCLAIMED BALANCES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025,