No. 4 of 1855.
An Ordinance to establish a proper system of registration for Colonial
[3rd March, 1855.]
WHEREAS many illegal acts have resulted from the improper use of Registers
granted at Hongkong under the provisions of the Imperial Acts to vessels
employed solely in trading with the mainland of China, and it is
necessary that legal
trading should be protected and illegal trading prevented:-
,1. Be,'-it thereof enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor
of Hong-
kong, with lie advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and
after the pass-
ing of t1lis Ordinance no ship or vessel whatsoever owned by a British
subject shall be
at liberty to, trade in any of the harbours o£ this Colony unless in the
case o£ an out-
ward trading ship or vessel she be provided with a certificate of
registry in conform-
ity with the Imperial Acts of Parliament on that behalf; and in the case
of a China
trading ship or vessel she has in all respects complied with the
requirements of this Ordinance.
previous td
4rant of Colonial
ORDINANCE No. 4 oF 185.
' Registration of Vessels.
2. And be it further enacted and ordained, that henceforward when any
person or
persons shall be desirous of obtaining a register for a ship or vessel in
this Colony, it
shall be necessary for such person or persons to forward to the Colonial
Secretary a
declaration in writing stating whether the ship or vessel for which such
register is
sought is intended to be employed solely in trade with China or on more
voyages, and that according to such, statement a register shall be
granted to such ship
or vessel either an Imperial register as prescribed by the Imperial acts
in that behalf
or a Colonial register as laid down in this Ordinance; provided always
that should
such declaration be false or the ship or vessel to which it relates not
be employed in
conformity with it, the register thereby obtained whether Imperial or
Colonial shall
ipso facto become null and void.
3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that a Colonial register shah
be given
under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Officer
Administering the
Government of this Colony on production of the following documents:-
The Harbour Master's certificate as hereinafter provided by section 7.
A declaration of ownership with proof thereof to the satisfaction of the
- A joint and several bond of the owner and two sureties binding each and
every of
the several obligees under a penal sum of one thousand dollars, to comply
with all the
provisions of this Ordinance and with all the laws binding on British
subjects with
regard to trade with China.
%~:.hame Of, 4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall net
be lawful for the
' Colonial
-rekieterea ante, owner or owners of any Colonial registered ship or
vessel to give her any name other
than that of her registry, and such owner or owners before such ship or
vessel shall
after registry take in any cargo or leave this Colony are required to
paint or cause to
be painted in white or yellow totters not less than four inches long her
name upon some
conspicuous part of her stern in a distinct and legible manner, and both
in Roman and
Chinese characters, and shall so beep and preserve the same upon pain on
breach of the
provisions of this section in addition to any other pains and penalties
and forfeitures
in this Ordinance contained, to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
Production of
Colonial register
to Harbour .
Master every six
Chinese, Crown
lessees entitled t0
hold Colonial
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the register of every
registered ship or vessel shall be produced once at least every six
months to the Har-
bour Master who shall endorse the date of such production on such
register upon pain
on failure of such production of the forfeiture of such register, unless
cause for such non-production be shewn to`the Colonial Secretary.
B. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall be lawful for
residents within this Colony to apply for and obtain Colonial registers
person or persons applying as owners be registered lessees of Crown lands
Colony and that such owner or owners tender as securities for the due
per~'orinamce ~b;~
them of all the requirements of this Ordinance two other Crown lessees,
and that~suel
owners and such lessees be severally reported by the Registrar General to
the satiafa
Lion of the Colonial Secretary to be each worth two thousand dollars
ORDINANCE No. 4 of 18:50'.
Registration of Vessels.
:.and should such owner or owners be member or mnembers'of any shop or
that the seal of such shop or partnership be also affixed to the security
to be given by
such owner.
7. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the certificate to be
granted by
the Harbour blaster do specify the proper measurement of the ship or
vessel requiring
a Colonial register and. that such ship or vessel has proper anchors and
chains, canvas
'sails, her bottom sheathed with metal, and that her master is a British
subject or a
person conversant with the English language.
$, And be it further enacted and ordained, that a fee of twenty-five
dollars be
paid on the granting of the Harbour Master's certificate and that on the
issue of every
Colonial register a further foe of twenty-five dollars shall be paid to
the Colonial Se-
~cretary, and that these two sums shall include all charges necessary for
the issue of a
Colonial register.
Q. And be it further enacted and ordained, that upon any change of
ownership in
:any Colonial ship or vessel registered under this Ordinance, such change
as aforesaid
shall be endorsed upon her register under the hand of the Governor,
Governor,orOFFcer Administering the Government, upon the payment of
afeeof tweuty-
five dollars to the Colonial Secretary, the requisite declaration of
ownership and bond
herein before in this Ordinance mentioned and directed being first duly
made and
,executed:-Provided always, that any change of master be endorsed upon
the register
by the Colonial Secretary, and that a fee of five dollars be charged for
the said endorse-
10. And be it further enacted and ordained, that any Colonial register
granted nnratjan of
Colonial register.
under this Ordinance shall be in force and effect for one year from the
date of such
register and no longer, and that such register be renewable by
endorsement on the
same, under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Officer
the Government, on the payment of a fee of ten dollars, provided always
that such
register be deposited in the office of the Colonial Secretary one week
before the expir-
ation of the year for which the register has been granted, or if the
registered ship or
vessel be at sea, then on her return to the waters of the Colony.
11. And be it further enacted and ordained, that any infringement of the
provi. renau,' far
vialatsian of
sions of this Ordinance shall render the .Colonial register ipso facto
void, and shall o''a''''~'e.
render the ship or vessel sailing under such register forfeit to the
Crown, in addition
to the penalty of the bonds hereinbefore set forth.
12. And be it further enacted and ordained, that all fees payable or
penalties im-
posed under this Ordinance shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury, and
shall be
ruble in a summary manner before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace.
f>r w
Fees payable.
Cban>;a of axrner
or master.
13. _,And be it further enacted and ordained, that nothing in this
Ordinance con-
' -trained shall be held to annul or interfere with the registration of
boats as established
>;=ouzidex Ordinance No. 7. of 1846.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Application of
Registration of
boats not
interfered xYitlt.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1856.]
No Bitish vessel without either an Imperial or Colonail register to use the waters of this Colony. Declarations necessary for obtaining register.
Documents necessary previous to grant of Colonial register.
Name of Colonial registered ship.
Production of Colonial register to Harbour Master every six months.
Chinese Crown lessees entitled to hold Colonial register.
Harbour Master's cetificate.
Feees payable.
Change of owner or master.
Duration of Colonial register.
Penalty for violation of Ordinance.
Application of fees.
Registration of boats not interfered with.
An Ordinance to establish a proper system of registration for Colonial
[3rd March, 1855.]
WHEREAS many illegal acts have resulted from the improper use of Registers
granted at Hongkong under the provisions of the Imperial Acts to vessels
employed solely in trading with the mainland of China, and it is
necessary that legal
trading should be protected and illegal trading prevented:-
,1. Be,'-it thereof enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor
of Hong-
kong, with lie advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and
after the pass-
ing of t1lis Ordinance no ship or vessel whatsoever owned by a British
subject shall be
at liberty to, trade in any of the harbours o£ this Colony unless in the
case o£ an out-
ward trading ship or vessel she be provided with a certificate of
registry in conform-
ity with the Imperial Acts of Parliament on that behalf; and in the case
of a China
trading ship or vessel she has in all respects complied with the
requirements of this Ordinance.
previous td
4rant of Colonial
ORDINANCE No. 4 oF 185.
' Registration of Vessels.
2. And be it further enacted and ordained, that henceforward when any
person or
persons shall be desirous of obtaining a register for a ship or vessel in
this Colony, it
shall be necessary for such person or persons to forward to the Colonial
Secretary a
declaration in writing stating whether the ship or vessel for which such
register is
sought is intended to be employed solely in trade with China or on more
voyages, and that according to such, statement a register shall be
granted to such ship
or vessel either an Imperial register as prescribed by the Imperial acts
in that behalf
or a Colonial register as laid down in this Ordinance; provided always
that should
such declaration be false or the ship or vessel to which it relates not
be employed in
conformity with it, the register thereby obtained whether Imperial or
Colonial shall
ipso facto become null and void.
3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that a Colonial register shah
be given
under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Officer
Administering the
Government of this Colony on production of the following documents:-
The Harbour Master's certificate as hereinafter provided by section 7.
A declaration of ownership with proof thereof to the satisfaction of the
- A joint and several bond of the owner and two sureties binding each and
every of
the several obligees under a penal sum of one thousand dollars, to comply
with all the
provisions of this Ordinance and with all the laws binding on British
subjects with
regard to trade with China.
%~:.hame Of, 4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall net
be lawful for the
' Colonial
-rekieterea ante, owner or owners of any Colonial registered ship or
vessel to give her any name other
than that of her registry, and such owner or owners before such ship or
vessel shall
after registry take in any cargo or leave this Colony are required to
paint or cause to
be painted in white or yellow totters not less than four inches long her
name upon some
conspicuous part of her stern in a distinct and legible manner, and both
in Roman and
Chinese characters, and shall so beep and preserve the same upon pain on
breach of the
provisions of this section in addition to any other pains and penalties
and forfeitures
in this Ordinance contained, to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
Production of
Colonial register
to Harbour .
Master every six
Chinese, Crown
lessees entitled t0
hold Colonial
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the register of every
registered ship or vessel shall be produced once at least every six
months to the Har-
bour Master who shall endorse the date of such production on such
register upon pain
on failure of such production of the forfeiture of such register, unless
cause for such non-production be shewn to`the Colonial Secretary.
B. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall be lawful for
residents within this Colony to apply for and obtain Colonial registers
person or persons applying as owners be registered lessees of Crown lands
Colony and that such owner or owners tender as securities for the due
per~'orinamce ~b;~
them of all the requirements of this Ordinance two other Crown lessees,
and that~suel
owners and such lessees be severally reported by the Registrar General to
the satiafa
Lion of the Colonial Secretary to be each worth two thousand dollars
ORDINANCE No. 4 of 18:50'.
Registration of Vessels.
:.and should such owner or owners be member or mnembers'of any shop or
that the seal of such shop or partnership be also affixed to the security
to be given by
such owner.
7. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the certificate to be
granted by
the Harbour blaster do specify the proper measurement of the ship or
vessel requiring
a Colonial register and. that such ship or vessel has proper anchors and
chains, canvas
'sails, her bottom sheathed with metal, and that her master is a British
subject or a
person conversant with the English language.
$, And be it further enacted and ordained, that a fee of twenty-five
dollars be
paid on the granting of the Harbour Master's certificate and that on the
issue of every
Colonial register a further foe of twenty-five dollars shall be paid to
the Colonial Se-
~cretary, and that these two sums shall include all charges necessary for
the issue of a
Colonial register.
Q. And be it further enacted and ordained, that upon any change of
ownership in
:any Colonial ship or vessel registered under this Ordinance, such change
as aforesaid
shall be endorsed upon her register under the hand of the Governor,
Governor,orOFFcer Administering the Government, upon the payment of
afeeof tweuty-
five dollars to the Colonial Secretary, the requisite declaration of
ownership and bond
herein before in this Ordinance mentioned and directed being first duly
made and
,executed:-Provided always, that any change of master be endorsed upon
the register
by the Colonial Secretary, and that a fee of five dollars be charged for
the said endorse-
10. And be it further enacted and ordained, that any Colonial register
granted nnratjan of
Colonial register.
under this Ordinance shall be in force and effect for one year from the
date of such
register and no longer, and that such register be renewable by
endorsement on the
same, under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Officer
the Government, on the payment of a fee of ten dollars, provided always
that such
register be deposited in the office of the Colonial Secretary one week
before the expir-
ation of the year for which the register has been granted, or if the
registered ship or
vessel be at sea, then on her return to the waters of the Colony.
11. And be it further enacted and ordained, that any infringement of the
provi. renau,' far
vialatsian of
sions of this Ordinance shall render the .Colonial register ipso facto
void, and shall o''a''''~'e.
render the ship or vessel sailing under such register forfeit to the
Crown, in addition
to the penalty of the bonds hereinbefore set forth.
12. And be it further enacted and ordained, that all fees payable or
penalties im-
posed under this Ordinance shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury, and
shall be
ruble in a summary manner before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace.
f>r w
Fees payable.
Cban>;a of axrner
or master.
13. _,And be it further enacted and ordained, that nothing in this
Ordinance con-
' -trained shall be held to annul or interfere with the registration of
boats as established
>;=ouzidex Ordinance No. 7. of 1846.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Application of
Registration of
boats not
interfered xYitlt.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1856.]
No Bitish vessel without either an Imperial or Colonail register to use the waters of this Colony. Declarations necessary for obtaining register.
Documents necessary previous to grant of Colonial register.
Name of Colonial registered ship.
Production of Colonial register to Harbour Master every six months.
Chinese Crown lessees entitled to hold Colonial register.
Harbour Master's cetificate.
Feees payable.
Change of owner or master.
Duration of Colonial register.
Penalty for violation of Ordinance.
Application of fees.
Registration of boats not interfered with.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1856.]
No Bitish vessel without either an Imperial or Colonail register to use the waters of this Colony. Declarations necessary for obtaining register.
Documents necessary previous to grant of Colonial register.
Name of Colonial registered ship.
Production of Colonial register to Harbour Master every six months.
Chinese Crown lessees entitled to hold Colonial register.
Harbour Master's cetificate.
Feees payable.
Change of owner or master.
Duration of Colonial register.
Penalty for violation of Ordinance.
Application of fees.
Registration of boats not interfered with.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1856.]
No Bitish vessel without either an Imperial or Colonail register to use the waters of this Colony. Declarations necessary for obtaining register.
Documents necessary previous to grant of Colonial register.
Name of Colonial registered ship.
Production of Colonial register to Harbour Master every six months.
Chinese Crown lessees entitled to hold Colonial register.
Harbour Master's cetificate.
Feees payable.
Change of owner or master.
Duration of Colonial register.
Penalty for violation of Ordinance.
Application of fees.
Registration of boats not interfered with.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 4 of 1855
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGISTRATION OF VESSELS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025,