No. 6 of 1893.
For the Incorporation of the Chinese Society for the Prevention of
Kidnapping and for the Protection of Women and Children,
commonly known as ' The Po Leung Kuk.'
[26th June, 1893.]
WHEREAS in the year 1878 a Chinese Society entitled 'The Po Leung
Kuk' was formed in this Colony for the prevention of kidnapping
and for the protection of women and children the same has
been supported and carried on partly by voluntary contributions
up to the present; AND WHEREAS the said Society has from time
As amended b 'v No. 25) of 1909 and No. 8 of 1912.
As amondecl by No. 50 of 1911, No. 1 of 1912, No. 2 of 1912 and
No. 8 of 1912.
as by No. 1 of 3.912, No. 2 of 1912, No.8 of 1912arid
No. 21 of 1912.
As amended by No. 11,1 of 1911 and No. 1 of 1912.
as ainended by No. 1 of 1.912,
to time rendered assistance to the Government in the detection
and suppression of the crime, of kidnapping and kindred ofiences
and in the rescue and restoration or maintenance of kidnapped
persons; AND WHEREAS it is desirable to give to the said Society
a permanent and legal status and to endow the same with funds
out of the Treasury; AND WHEREAS certain members, of the said
Society have applied to the Governor to grant thein an Ordinance
of Incorporation, which the Governor has consented to do, under
and subject to the conditions and provisions hereinafter con-
1. The Po Leung Kuk Incorporation Ordinance, 1893.
2. Such persons as have heretofore or may hereafter become
donors of any sum not under 25 dollars to the funds of the Society
or may subscribe annually to such funds a sum not under 5 dollars
(so long as they continue so to subscribe), and whose names are
entered upon the register of members hereinafter mentioned, shall
be one body politic and corporate, in name, and in deed, by the name
of 'The Po Leung Kuk', with perpetual succession and a common
seal, and with power to purchase, acquire, receive, take,
hold, and enjoy to themselves and their successors any lands,
tenements, hereditaments, buildings, or other property of any kind
whatever for the purposes of the Society, and shall and may sue or
take proceedings and be sued in their corporate name in all Courts.
3. The Society is incorporated for the purpose of assisting the
Government in the stippression of kidnapping and the protection
of women and children: of aiding, by correspondence and other
means in the detection and bringing to justice of persons guilty of
kidnapping and other kindred offences : of helping to restore
rescued persons to their relatives or Iriends : and of providing a
home for rescued women and children until proper provision is
made for their marriage, adoption, or settlement in life, or other-
wise for their welfare.
4. The affairs of the Society shall be managed and its various
functions discharged by {1 Permanent Board of Direction (herein-
after called the, Board) and by in elected Committee (hereinafter
called the Committe).
5.-(1) The Board shall consist of not less than 5 and not more
than 10 persons, including the Registrar General, who shall be ex
* As amended by No. 50 of 1,311.
+ As arnended by No. 1 of 1912 and -No. 2 of 1912.
As ainended by No. 2 of 1912.
As amended by No. 50 of 1.911, No. 1 of 1912 and No. 2 of 1912.
officio the President, and also the member of the Legislative Council
representing the Chinese, who shall be ex officio the Vice-President.
(2) Vacancies in the Board shall be filled up by the Governor,
who may call upon the continuing members of the Board for their
(3) All appointments to the Board shall be held only during the
Governor's pleasure.
6. The Board shall, subject to Cie provisions of this Ordinance,
have full power and authority to govern, direct, and decide all
matters whatsoever connected with the administration of the affairs
of the Society and the accomplishment of the objects and purposes
thereof, subject to an appeal. to the Governor, as hereinafter pro-
vided, and may at discretion depute, by regulations or otherwise,
a portion or the whole of its power aTid authority to the elected
1. the Board shall have power, with the consent of the Governor,
to change or vary the corporate name and the common seal of the
Society, and the amount of the donation to the funds of the Society
hereinbefore prescribed as a qualification for becoming a member
thereof, and way, with such consent as aforesaid, refuse to admit
any person as a member or may expel any existing member and
cause his name to be erased from the register.
The Board shall have power to make regulations for their
procedure in the transaction of business, and the maintenance of
good order at their meetings, and for the guidance of the Com-
mittee, and generally for all matters relating to the administration
and management of the Society and the discharge of its various
diffies : Provided. always thal a copy thereof shall be furnished to
the Colonial Secretary, and that they shall be subject to disallow-
ance, alteration, or amendment at any time by the Governor.
9. All questions which inav, arise at ,iiiy meeting of the Board
shall be decided by a majority of votes, and, in case of an equality
of votes, the President shall have a leasting vote in addition to his
original vote : Provided that, in any ease in which the Board is
divided in opinion, the President or any two members of the Board
may demand that the point be referred to the Governor for his
decision, which shall in every such case be final.
As amended by No. 1 of A1312.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 1 of 1912 and No. 2 of A12,
10(1) The Committee shall consist of not less than 6 and not
more than 12 members of the Society, to be elected as hereinafter
mentioned, who shall from time to time appoint one of their body
to be chairman.
(2) Every member of the Committee shall hold office for the term
of one year only, but shall be eligible for re-election at the expiration
11.-(1) The members of the Committee shall be elected as
occasion may require by a majority of votes of members of the
Society who may be within the Colony at the time of such election.
(2) Every such member of the Society, whether a firm or
individual, shall be entitled to one vote only,
12. The Committee shall, subject to such regulations as may be
made by the Board in that, behalf, undertake and exercise the
immediate supervision and managenment of the work of the Society.
13.-(1) The Board shall cause a register to be kept in which
every person or firm, desiring to become a member of the Society
and being duly qualified shall, subject to the provisions of section
7, be entitled to have his name or firm, name inscribed, and shall
also cause proper books of account to be kept, which shall be open
at all reasonable times to the inspection of members of the Society
and of any person whom the governor may appoint in that behalf.
(2) The Board shall also, within one month after the expiration
of every year, transmit to the Colonial Secretary a full report of
work done doing during the previous year, together with a true statement
of the assets and liabilities of the Society and an account of their
receipts and disbursements during the ptevious year, and, such state-
ment shall be verified upon oath before a Justice of the Peace by
two members of the Board.
(3) Such report, statement, and account shall be published in the
14. In case, it is at any time shown, to the satisfaction of the
Governor, tIliat the Society has ceased, or neglected, or failed to
carry out in a proper manner the objects and purposes of its
establishment as set forth in section 3, or the objects and purposes
As amend by No, 1 of 1912 ,iii(l Na. 2 of 1')12.
As amended by No. 50 of 19.11 and No. 1 of 1912.
AS amended by No, 1 of 1912,
of this Ordinance, or to fulfil the conditions thereof, it shall be
lawful for the Governor, by an Ordinance to be passed for that
purpose, to repeal this Ordinance and to declare that the incorpora-
tion hereby granted shall cease and dehernilne and become absolutely
15. In case the incorporation hereby granted ceases under the
provisions of the last section, all the property and assets of the
Society shall, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, become vested
in the Crown, subject to the rateable payment thereout of the just
debts and liabilities, if any, of the Society, to the extent of such
property and assets, and the balance of such property and assets
shall be applied by the Governor towards the objects for which the
Society was established or such of them as the Governor may, in
his discretion, deemed best.
16. For the purposes, of the Society and to make provision for
a building or buildings for temporarily housing and maintaining
women and girls detained under the provisions of any Ordinance
relating to the protection or women and girls and as the asylum for
them during such detention, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-
Council to authorise the payment to the Society of a sum not
exceeding 20,000 dollars.
17. The buildings of the Society shall be kept and maintained for
the objects and purposes specified in section 3 out of the voluntary
subscriptions to the Society and out of such income or money as
the Society may derive from any source whatever.
18. All buildings and premises, of the Society shall be open, at all
reasonable times, to the inspection ol the Governor, of the Captain
Superintendent of Police, of an two unofficial Justicess of the Peace
who may be appointed by the Governor to be Visitors, or of any
other persons whom the Governor may appoint or authorise in
writing in that behalf.
18-(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor, to direct tbat the
services of certain subordinate officers of police and of certain district
watchmen shall be, placed at the disposal of the Society, on such
terms and under such conditions as the Governor may sanction.
AS amended by No. 50 or 1911
AS amended by 1NO. 1 of 1912.
As, amended by No. 1 of 1912 and 2 of 1912.
As amended by No, 51 of 1911 and No. 1 of 19M
(2) Such officers of police and district watchmen shall regularly
report their proceedings to the Captain Superintendent of Police.
20. Any person, apprehended by any police officer shall, without
unreasonable delay, be sent or taken to a Police Station, and any
woman, or girl, or other person in respect of whom there is cause
to suspect that an olfence has been, or is being, or is about to be
committed may be taken. at once to such place, as may be provided
by the Society or to such other place of safety as the Registrar
General may direct, there, to remain until proper provision can be
made for the protection of such person's interests and liberty, and
so that in the meantime the evidence of such person may be avail-
able when required.
[s. 221, relp. No. 31 of 1911; schedule rep. No. 1 of 1912.]
Short title. Incorporation of Po Leung Kuk Society. Object and purpose of incorporation. Management of Society. Permanent Board of Direction. General powers of Board. Further powers of Board. Regulations. Determination of question at meetings of Board. Constitution of Committee. Election of Committee. Powers of Committee. Register of members. Cases in which incorporation may be determined. Disposal of property in case of incorporation ceasing. Government grant. Cf. No. 4 of 1897. Buildings. Inspection of buildings. Use of services of police, etc. Course to be adopted when person apprehended.
Short title. Incorporation of Po Leung Kuk Society. Object and purpose of incorporation. Management of Society. Permanent Board of Direction. General powers of Board. Further powers of Board. Regulations. Determination of question at meetings of Board. Constitution of Committee. Election of Committee. Powers of Committee. Register of members. Cases in which incorporation may be determined. Disposal of property in case of incorporation ceasing. Government grant. Cf. No. 4 of 1897. Buildings. Inspection of buildings. Use of services of police, etc. Course to be adopted when person apprehended.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 6 of 1893
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PO LEUNG KUK INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1893,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/868.