No. 5 of 1893.
To make provision for regulating the keeping of Dogs, and for
the prevention of the iinportation and spread of Rabies.
[26th June, 1893]
WHEREAS it is expedient that the conditions under which dogs may
be kept in this, Colony should be duly relgulated and that the
importation and spread of rabies should be prevented
1 The Dogs Ordinance, 1893.
2. In this Ordinance-
' Owner ' includes the person in charge, or apparently in charge
of any dog where the real owner is not in the Colony or cannot be
readily ascertained :
'Dog' includes the male and female animal, but does not
include puppies under the age of 3 months.
3.-(1) No person shall keep a dog without a licence from the
Captain Superintendent of Police.
(2) The fee payable for each dog included in such licence shall
be 3 dollars, or sucall other sum as the Goveriior-in-Council may
by notification direct; but no fee shall be payable for any dog in
cases where it is shown, to the satisfaction of the Captain Superin-
tendent of Police, that such dog is kept by an agriculturist solely
as a watch dog and is necessary for that purpose.
(3) E very licence shall expire on 31st December of the year in
which it is taken out.
4. With each licence the captain superintendent of Police shall,
without extra fee, issue, for each dog included in such licence, a
As amended by No. 51 of 1911 and No. 43 of 1912.
A's ULLIC11(le(l by No. 50 of 1911,
As amended bY No, 35 of 1902, No. 25 of 1Ong, No. 50 of 1911,
No. 1 of 1612, N2o. 2 of 1912 and No. 8 of 1912.
as ainended by No. 2 of 1912,
metal badge duly numbered, which shall be worn by the dog either
attached to its collar or otherwise fastened on to its neck.
5.(1) The Captain Superintendent of Police with the approval
of the Governor may grant to any person, and may at any time
revoke, a permit tokeep a Dogs Home, which shall be subject to
the regulations made under section 6.
(2) Sections 3 and 4 shall not apply to a dog while detained in
any Dogs Home.
6. The the governor-in-council may make regulations for enforcing
prompt report being macle to the police of all cases of rabies or
suspected rabies, foil, prescribing the conditions under and in accord-
ance with which clogs may be imported into or kept in this Colony
or allowed to go abroad in the public thoroughfares or elsewhere, for
seizing, detaining, destroying, or otherwise, dealing with or disposing
of any dogs which may be imported into or kept, or allowed to go abroad,
otherwise than in accordance wIth such conditions, and for re-
gulating Dogs Homes.
7. The breach of any provision of this Ordinance shall be punish-
able on summary conviction with a fine not exceeding 100 dollars.
8. Every person who obstructs or impedes, or assists in obstruc-
ting or impeding any officer of police in the enforcement of this
Ordinance may be apprehended by such officerwithout warrant.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of keeping, dog without licence. Issue and wearing of badge. Captain Superintendent may grant permit to keep a Dogs Home. Regulations. Penalties. Arrest of persons obstructing without warrant.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of keeping, dog without licence. Issue and wearing of badge. Captain Superintendent may grant permit to keep a Dogs Home. Regulations. Penalties. Arrest of persons obstructing without warrant.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 5 of 1893
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DOGS ORDINANCE, 1893,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 12, 2025,