ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1891.
AN ORDINANCE to consolidate and amend the Laws
relating to Gambling, Common Gaming Houses, and
[6th May,1891.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the Legislative Council therefo, as follows:-
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Gambling Ordinance,1891.
2.In this Ordinance-
'Street' includes any road, lane, alley, or passage:
'Place' means and includes any house, room, office, agency,boat.
vehicle, or vessel,or any erection movable or otherwise,or any
spot on land or water: 'Gambling' applies to and includes lotteries:
'Lottery' includes any game,method,or device whereby money or
money's worth is distributed or allotted in any manner depending
upon or to be determined by chance or lot or the result of any any race
or consent,whether the same is held,drawn,exercised,or managed
within or without the Colony:
Any place in which lottery tickets are sold,procured,or distributed,
or any place in which money or money's worth in connexion with a
lottery is paid or distributed,shall be deemed to be 'kept for the
purpose of a lottery:'
'Implements or appliances of gambling' include all articles which
are used in or for the purpose of gambling or a lottery:
'Common Gaming House' means and includes any place opened,
kept,or used-
(1.)for playing therein at any game of chance or any mixed game
of chance and skill-
(a.)in which a bank is kept by one or more of the players
exclusively of the other or others;or
(b.)in which the chances of the game are not alike favourable
to all the players,including among the players the banker or
other person by whom the game is managed or against whom
the players stake,play,or bet;or
(c.)in which any commission or percentage is charged in con-
nexion with the game,the stakes,or the winnings;or
(2.)for the purpose of a lottery or lotteries:
'Keeper' means and includes the occupier or person having the use
temporarily of any common gaming house,or any person having
or appearing to have the care or management of such place,and
also any person who acts in any manner assisting in conducting
the business of any such place or keeping watch in or about the
3.A place which is used as an ordinary social club to which the
public at large have not access shall nevertheless be deemed a common
gaming house if kept or used either for the playing of any of the
games mentioned in (1.) or for the purpose mentioned in (2.) in
the last preceding section.
4.In case of any complaint made under this Ordinance,it shall not
be necessary to proved that any person found playing at any game was
playing for any money,wager,or stake.
5.-(1.)Every person ,being the owner of any place,who knowingly
permits the same to be opened,kept,or used by another person as a
common gaming house shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars:Provided that no prose-
cution against an owner under this section shall be commenced without
the fiat of the Attorney General.
(2.)The expression 'owner' as used in this section means and
includes the holder of any tenement direct from the Crown,whether
under lease,license,or otherwise,or the immediate landlord of any
tenement,or the agent of any such holder or landlord who is absent or
under disability.
6.The keeper of a common gaming house shall,on summary con-
viction,be liable to a penalty,or to imprisonment with or without
hard labour,or to both:Provided that such penalty shall in no case
exceed the sum of one thousand dollars and that the aggregate
term of imprisonment imposed,whether for default in payment of
the penalty or otherwise,shall in no case exceed the term of nine
7.-(1.)Every person who-
(a.)plays in a common gaming house;or
(b.)sells,or buys,or in any way deals in lottery tickets,
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.
(2.)A person found in a common gaming house or found escaping
therefrom on the occasion of its being entered under this Ordinance
shall be presumed,until the contrary is proved,to be or to have been
playing therein.
8.Every person who furnishes or advances money for the purpose of
gaming in any common gaming house or for the purpose of estab-
lishing or conducting a common gaming house or a lottery shall,on
summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not eceeding one thousand
9.Every person who-
(1.)declares or exhibits,expressly or otherwise,the winner or winning
number,ticket,lot,figure,design,symbol,or other result of any
(2.)writes,prints,or publishes,or causes to be written,printed,or
published,any lottery ticket or list of prizes ,or any announcement
of the result of a lottery,or any announcement relating to a
(3.)announces or publishes,or causes to be announced or published,
either orally or by means of any print,writing,design,sign,or
otherwise,that any place is opened,kept,or used as a comon
gaming house,
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three
10.It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace or constable or
officer of the Police suly authorized by warrant of any Justice of the
Peace (which shall be in the form in the Schedule to this Ordinance),
with such assistants as may be necessary,to enter and,if necessary,to
break into any place which such Justice of the Peace,from sworn
information or of his own knowledge,has reasonable grounds to suspect
and believe to be a common gaming house,and to arrest such persons
as may be found therein,and to seize all cards,dice,balls,counters,tables,
lottery tickets,or other implements of gambling or which may be used
as such,and also all moneys or securities for money which may be
either in actual use for the purpose of gambling or be found upon the
persons of the keepers of such place,and the said implements of
gambling and moneys or securities for money,on conviction of the
offender,shall be,and they are hereby declared to be,forfeited to
Her Majesty,her heirs and successors.
11.Where any cards,dice,balls,counters,tables,lottery tickets,
books,or other implements of gambling are found in any place suspected
of being a common gaming house and entered under a warrant issued
under this Ordinance,or about the person of any of those who may be
found therein ,it shall be evidence (until the contrary is made to appear)
taht such place is used as a common gaming house,and that the persons
found in the place where such tables or implements of gambling have
been found were playing therein,although no play was actually going
on in the presence of the constable or officer entering the same under a
warrant issued under this Ordinance,or in the presence of any
assistants by whom he may be accompanied as aforesaid;and it shall
be lawful for the Magistrate before whom any person may be taken by
virtue of the warrant to direct all such implements of gambling to be
forfeited or destroyed.
12.Every person who-
(1.)wilfully prevents any Justice of the Peace or any constable or
officer authorized by warrant under this Ordinance to enter any
place from entering the same or any part thereof;or
(2.)obstructs or delays any such Justice of the Peace or constable or
officer in so entering;or,
(3.)by any blot,bar,chain,or other contrivance,secures any external
or internal door of or means of access to any place so authorized
to be entered;or
(4.)uses any means or contrivance whatsoever for the purpose of
preventing,obstructing,or delaying the entry of any constable or
officer authorized as aforesaid into any such place or any part
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment,with or without hard labour,for
any term not exceeding six months.
13.Where any constable or officer authorized under section 10 to
enter any place is wilfully prevented from or obstucted or delayed in
entering the same or any part thereof,or where any external or internal
door of or means of access to any such place so authorized to be entered
is found to be fitted or provided with any bolt,bar,chain,or any means
or contrivance for the purpose of preventing,delaying,or obstructing
the entry into the same or any part thereof of any constable or officer
authorized as aforesaid,or for giving an alarm in case of such entry,
or if any such place is found to be fitted or provided with any means
or contrivance for gaming,or with any means or contrivance for
concealing,removing,or destroying any implements of gambling,it
shall be evidence,until the contrary is made to appear,that such
place is a common gaming house within the meaning of this Ordi-
nance,and that the persons found therein were unlawfully gaming
14.-(1.)It shall be lawful for any Magistrate before whom may be
brought any persons who may have been found in any place entered in
pursuance of section 10 to require any of such persons to be examined
upon oath and give evidence touching any gaming in any such place
or touching any act done for the purpose of preventing,obstructing,or
delaying the entry into such place or any part thereof of any constable
or officer authorized as aforesaid;and no person so required to be
examined as a witness shall be excused from being so examined when
brought before such Magistrate or from being examined at any subsequent
time by or before the same or any other Magistrate or any Court on any
proceeding,or the trial of any indictment,information,action,or suit
in anywhere relating to such unlawful gaming or any such acts as afore-
said,or from answering any question put to him,touching the matters
aforesaid,on the ground that his evidence will tend to criminate
(2.)Any such person so required to be examined as a witness who
refuses to make oath accordingly,or to answer any such question as
aforesaid,shall be subject to be dealt with in all respect as any person
appearing as a witness before any Magistrate or Court in obedience
to a summons or subpoena,and refusing,without lawful cause
or excuse,to be sworn or to give evidence,may by law be dealt
with. 15.-(1.)Every person so required to be examined as a witness as
aforesaid who,on such examination,makes true and faithful discovery
to the best of his knowledge of all things as to which he is so examined
shall,if the Magistrate of Judge by whom he is examined as satisfied
that such true and faithful discovery has been made,receive from such
Magistrate or Judge a certificate in writing to that effect,and shall
be freed from all criminal prosecutions and penal actions,and
from all penalties,forfeitures,and punishments to which he may
have become liable for anything done before that time in respect
of the matters touching which he has been so examined;but such
witness shall not be indemnified under this Ordinance unless he re-
ceives from such Magistrate or Judge a certificate in writing under
his hand,stating that such witness has,on his examination made a
true disclosure touching all things as to which he has been examined.
(2.)If any action,indictment,or information is at any time pending
in any Court against any person so examined in respect of any act of
gambling touching which he was so examined,and if any action,
indictment,or information is at any time pending in any Court against
any person so examined as a witness in manner before mentioned,for
any such matter or thing,such Court shall,on the production and proof
of such certificate,stay the proceedings in such action,indictment,
or information,and may,in its discretion,award to such person such
costs as he may have been put to by such action,indictment,or
16.Any person found gambling in the street or acting as watchman
to street gamblers shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars or to imprisonment,with or without
hard labour,for any term not exceeding two months.
17.Where any persons are found gambling in the street all imple-
ments of gambling,and also all money in actual use for the purpose of
gambling or found in the possession of such persons,may be forfeited
by the Magistrate,if,in his discretion,he thinks fit.
18.If at any time it appears to the Governor-in-Council that any
person,not being a natural-born British subject,is a professional
gambler or is engaged in the promotion of gaming contrary to the
provisions of this Ordinance,he may issue an order banishing such
person from the Colony for such period and generally in such manner
as to the Governor-in-Council may seem expedient,and,on the issuing
of such order,the like consequences shall ensue in all respects as though
such order had been issued under the powers conferred by the Banish-
ment and Conditional Pardons Ordinance,1882. 19.Any male person convicted of an offence under this Ordinance
who may appear to be of such tender years as to require punishment
rather in the way of school discipline than of ordinary criminal justice
may, in lieu of any other punishment hereby provided, be sentenced to
be once whipped.
To each and all of the Constables of the said Colony.
WHEREAS it appears to me A.B., one of the Justices of the Peace for the
said Colony,of my knowledge, [or by the information upon oath of C.D.,
of ] that the place[here insert description of the place]
is kept or used as a common gaming house within the meaning of the
Gambling Ordinance,1891:This if, therefore,to require you, with such
assistance as may be necessary, to enter and,if necessary, to break into the
said place, and to arrest all such persons as may be found therein,and to
seize all cards, dice, balls, counters, tables, lottery tickets,and other imple-
ments of gambling or which may be used as such, and also all moneys or
securities for money which may be either in actual use for the purpose of
gambling or be found upon the persons of the keepers of such place, and the
said implements of gambling and moneys or securities for money to bring
before a Magistrate, to be dealt with according to the Ordinance; and for
so doing this shall be your warrant.
GIVEN under my hand and seal at Victoria, in the said Colony this
day of 1 .
A.D. 1891. Ordinance No. 7 of 1891. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Club used as gaming house. Proof of gaming for money not necessary. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 5. Penalty on owner of place permitting same to be used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s. 4. Keeping common gaming house. Playing in common gaming house, or dealing in lottery tickets. Advancing money for purpose of gaming. Declaring winner of lottery, etc. Power to enter or authorize entry of common gaming house and to seize implements and person. Schedule. Evidence of gaming. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 8. Penalty on person obstructing entry of constable, etc. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.1. Obstructing entry of constable to be evidence of house being used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 28 s.2. Power to Magistrate to require person apprehended to be sworn and give evidence. Ib. s. 5. Person required to be examined as witness and making full discovery to be free from all penalties. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.6. Street gambling. Forfeiture of implements of gambling and money. Power to banish professional gambler not being natural born British subject. No. 1 of 1882. Power to whip boy convicted of offence. See Ordinance No. 7 of 1901. Section 10.
AN ORDINANCE to consolidate and amend the Laws
relating to Gambling, Common Gaming Houses, and
[6th May,1891.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the Legislative Council therefo, as follows:-
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Gambling Ordinance,1891.
2.In this Ordinance-
'Street' includes any road, lane, alley, or passage:
'Place' means and includes any house, room, office, agency,boat.
vehicle, or vessel,or any erection movable or otherwise,or any
spot on land or water: 'Gambling' applies to and includes lotteries:
'Lottery' includes any game,method,or device whereby money or
money's worth is distributed or allotted in any manner depending
upon or to be determined by chance or lot or the result of any any race
or consent,whether the same is held,drawn,exercised,or managed
within or without the Colony:
Any place in which lottery tickets are sold,procured,or distributed,
or any place in which money or money's worth in connexion with a
lottery is paid or distributed,shall be deemed to be 'kept for the
purpose of a lottery:'
'Implements or appliances of gambling' include all articles which
are used in or for the purpose of gambling or a lottery:
'Common Gaming House' means and includes any place opened,
kept,or used-
(1.)for playing therein at any game of chance or any mixed game
of chance and skill-
(a.)in which a bank is kept by one or more of the players
exclusively of the other or others;or
(b.)in which the chances of the game are not alike favourable
to all the players,including among the players the banker or
other person by whom the game is managed or against whom
the players stake,play,or bet;or
(c.)in which any commission or percentage is charged in con-
nexion with the game,the stakes,or the winnings;or
(2.)for the purpose of a lottery or lotteries:
'Keeper' means and includes the occupier or person having the use
temporarily of any common gaming house,or any person having
or appearing to have the care or management of such place,and
also any person who acts in any manner assisting in conducting
the business of any such place or keeping watch in or about the
3.A place which is used as an ordinary social club to which the
public at large have not access shall nevertheless be deemed a common
gaming house if kept or used either for the playing of any of the
games mentioned in (1.) or for the purpose mentioned in (2.) in
the last preceding section.
4.In case of any complaint made under this Ordinance,it shall not
be necessary to proved that any person found playing at any game was
playing for any money,wager,or stake.
5.-(1.)Every person ,being the owner of any place,who knowingly
permits the same to be opened,kept,or used by another person as a
common gaming house shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars:Provided that no prose-
cution against an owner under this section shall be commenced without
the fiat of the Attorney General.
(2.)The expression 'owner' as used in this section means and
includes the holder of any tenement direct from the Crown,whether
under lease,license,or otherwise,or the immediate landlord of any
tenement,or the agent of any such holder or landlord who is absent or
under disability.
6.The keeper of a common gaming house shall,on summary con-
viction,be liable to a penalty,or to imprisonment with or without
hard labour,or to both:Provided that such penalty shall in no case
exceed the sum of one thousand dollars and that the aggregate
term of imprisonment imposed,whether for default in payment of
the penalty or otherwise,shall in no case exceed the term of nine
7.-(1.)Every person who-
(a.)plays in a common gaming house;or
(b.)sells,or buys,or in any way deals in lottery tickets,
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.
(2.)A person found in a common gaming house or found escaping
therefrom on the occasion of its being entered under this Ordinance
shall be presumed,until the contrary is proved,to be or to have been
playing therein.
8.Every person who furnishes or advances money for the purpose of
gaming in any common gaming house or for the purpose of estab-
lishing or conducting a common gaming house or a lottery shall,on
summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not eceeding one thousand
9.Every person who-
(1.)declares or exhibits,expressly or otherwise,the winner or winning
number,ticket,lot,figure,design,symbol,or other result of any
(2.)writes,prints,or publishes,or causes to be written,printed,or
published,any lottery ticket or list of prizes ,or any announcement
of the result of a lottery,or any announcement relating to a
(3.)announces or publishes,or causes to be announced or published,
either orally or by means of any print,writing,design,sign,or
otherwise,that any place is opened,kept,or used as a comon
gaming house,
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three
10.It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace or constable or
officer of the Police suly authorized by warrant of any Justice of the
Peace (which shall be in the form in the Schedule to this Ordinance),
with such assistants as may be necessary,to enter and,if necessary,to
break into any place which such Justice of the Peace,from sworn
information or of his own knowledge,has reasonable grounds to suspect
and believe to be a common gaming house,and to arrest such persons
as may be found therein,and to seize all cards,dice,balls,counters,tables,
lottery tickets,or other implements of gambling or which may be used
as such,and also all moneys or securities for money which may be
either in actual use for the purpose of gambling or be found upon the
persons of the keepers of such place,and the said implements of
gambling and moneys or securities for money,on conviction of the
offender,shall be,and they are hereby declared to be,forfeited to
Her Majesty,her heirs and successors.
11.Where any cards,dice,balls,counters,tables,lottery tickets,
books,or other implements of gambling are found in any place suspected
of being a common gaming house and entered under a warrant issued
under this Ordinance,or about the person of any of those who may be
found therein ,it shall be evidence (until the contrary is made to appear)
taht such place is used as a common gaming house,and that the persons
found in the place where such tables or implements of gambling have
been found were playing therein,although no play was actually going
on in the presence of the constable or officer entering the same under a
warrant issued under this Ordinance,or in the presence of any
assistants by whom he may be accompanied as aforesaid;and it shall
be lawful for the Magistrate before whom any person may be taken by
virtue of the warrant to direct all such implements of gambling to be
forfeited or destroyed.
12.Every person who-
(1.)wilfully prevents any Justice of the Peace or any constable or
officer authorized by warrant under this Ordinance to enter any
place from entering the same or any part thereof;or
(2.)obstructs or delays any such Justice of the Peace or constable or
officer in so entering;or,
(3.)by any blot,bar,chain,or other contrivance,secures any external
or internal door of or means of access to any place so authorized
to be entered;or
(4.)uses any means or contrivance whatsoever for the purpose of
preventing,obstructing,or delaying the entry of any constable or
officer authorized as aforesaid into any such place or any part
shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty not exceeding five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment,with or without hard labour,for
any term not exceeding six months.
13.Where any constable or officer authorized under section 10 to
enter any place is wilfully prevented from or obstucted or delayed in
entering the same or any part thereof,or where any external or internal
door of or means of access to any such place so authorized to be entered
is found to be fitted or provided with any bolt,bar,chain,or any means
or contrivance for the purpose of preventing,delaying,or obstructing
the entry into the same or any part thereof of any constable or officer
authorized as aforesaid,or for giving an alarm in case of such entry,
or if any such place is found to be fitted or provided with any means
or contrivance for gaming,or with any means or contrivance for
concealing,removing,or destroying any implements of gambling,it
shall be evidence,until the contrary is made to appear,that such
place is a common gaming house within the meaning of this Ordi-
nance,and that the persons found therein were unlawfully gaming
14.-(1.)It shall be lawful for any Magistrate before whom may be
brought any persons who may have been found in any place entered in
pursuance of section 10 to require any of such persons to be examined
upon oath and give evidence touching any gaming in any such place
or touching any act done for the purpose of preventing,obstructing,or
delaying the entry into such place or any part thereof of any constable
or officer authorized as aforesaid;and no person so required to be
examined as a witness shall be excused from being so examined when
brought before such Magistrate or from being examined at any subsequent
time by or before the same or any other Magistrate or any Court on any
proceeding,or the trial of any indictment,information,action,or suit
in anywhere relating to such unlawful gaming or any such acts as afore-
said,or from answering any question put to him,touching the matters
aforesaid,on the ground that his evidence will tend to criminate
(2.)Any such person so required to be examined as a witness who
refuses to make oath accordingly,or to answer any such question as
aforesaid,shall be subject to be dealt with in all respect as any person
appearing as a witness before any Magistrate or Court in obedience
to a summons or subpoena,and refusing,without lawful cause
or excuse,to be sworn or to give evidence,may by law be dealt
with. 15.-(1.)Every person so required to be examined as a witness as
aforesaid who,on such examination,makes true and faithful discovery
to the best of his knowledge of all things as to which he is so examined
shall,if the Magistrate of Judge by whom he is examined as satisfied
that such true and faithful discovery has been made,receive from such
Magistrate or Judge a certificate in writing to that effect,and shall
be freed from all criminal prosecutions and penal actions,and
from all penalties,forfeitures,and punishments to which he may
have become liable for anything done before that time in respect
of the matters touching which he has been so examined;but such
witness shall not be indemnified under this Ordinance unless he re-
ceives from such Magistrate or Judge a certificate in writing under
his hand,stating that such witness has,on his examination made a
true disclosure touching all things as to which he has been examined.
(2.)If any action,indictment,or information is at any time pending
in any Court against any person so examined in respect of any act of
gambling touching which he was so examined,and if any action,
indictment,or information is at any time pending in any Court against
any person so examined as a witness in manner before mentioned,for
any such matter or thing,such Court shall,on the production and proof
of such certificate,stay the proceedings in such action,indictment,
or information,and may,in its discretion,award to such person such
costs as he may have been put to by such action,indictment,or
16.Any person found gambling in the street or acting as watchman
to street gamblers shall,on summary conviction,be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars or to imprisonment,with or without
hard labour,for any term not exceeding two months.
17.Where any persons are found gambling in the street all imple-
ments of gambling,and also all money in actual use for the purpose of
gambling or found in the possession of such persons,may be forfeited
by the Magistrate,if,in his discretion,he thinks fit.
18.If at any time it appears to the Governor-in-Council that any
person,not being a natural-born British subject,is a professional
gambler or is engaged in the promotion of gaming contrary to the
provisions of this Ordinance,he may issue an order banishing such
person from the Colony for such period and generally in such manner
as to the Governor-in-Council may seem expedient,and,on the issuing
of such order,the like consequences shall ensue in all respects as though
such order had been issued under the powers conferred by the Banish-
ment and Conditional Pardons Ordinance,1882. 19.Any male person convicted of an offence under this Ordinance
who may appear to be of such tender years as to require punishment
rather in the way of school discipline than of ordinary criminal justice
may, in lieu of any other punishment hereby provided, be sentenced to
be once whipped.
To each and all of the Constables of the said Colony.
WHEREAS it appears to me A.B., one of the Justices of the Peace for the
said Colony,of my knowledge, [or by the information upon oath of C.D.,
of ] that the place[here insert description of the place]
is kept or used as a common gaming house within the meaning of the
Gambling Ordinance,1891:This if, therefore,to require you, with such
assistance as may be necessary, to enter and,if necessary, to break into the
said place, and to arrest all such persons as may be found therein,and to
seize all cards, dice, balls, counters, tables, lottery tickets,and other imple-
ments of gambling or which may be used as such, and also all moneys or
securities for money which may be either in actual use for the purpose of
gambling or be found upon the persons of the keepers of such place, and the
said implements of gambling and moneys or securities for money to bring
before a Magistrate, to be dealt with according to the Ordinance; and for
so doing this shall be your warrant.
GIVEN under my hand and seal at Victoria, in the said Colony this
day of 1 .
A.D. 1891. Ordinance No. 7 of 1891. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Club used as gaming house. Proof of gaming for money not necessary. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 5. Penalty on owner of place permitting same to be used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s. 4. Keeping common gaming house. Playing in common gaming house, or dealing in lottery tickets. Advancing money for purpose of gaming. Declaring winner of lottery, etc. Power to enter or authorize entry of common gaming house and to seize implements and person. Schedule. Evidence of gaming. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 8. Penalty on person obstructing entry of constable, etc. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.1. Obstructing entry of constable to be evidence of house being used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 28 s.2. Power to Magistrate to require person apprehended to be sworn and give evidence. Ib. s. 5. Person required to be examined as witness and making full discovery to be free from all penalties. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.6. Street gambling. Forfeiture of implements of gambling and money. Power to banish professional gambler not being natural born British subject. No. 1 of 1882. Power to whip boy convicted of offence. See Ordinance No. 7 of 1901. Section 10.
A.D. 1891. Ordinance No. 7 of 1891. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Club used as gaming house. Proof of gaming for money not necessary. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 5. Penalty on owner of place permitting same to be used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s. 4. Keeping common gaming house. Playing in common gaming house, or dealing in lottery tickets. Advancing money for purpose of gaming. Declaring winner of lottery, etc. Power to enter or authorize entry of common gaming house and to seize implements and person. Schedule. Evidence of gaming. 8 & 9 Vict.c. 109 s. 8. Penalty on person obstructing entry of constable, etc. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.1. Obstructing entry of constable to be evidence of house being used as common gaming house. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 28 s.2. Power to Magistrate to require person apprehended to be sworn and give evidence. Ib. s. 5. Person required to be examined as witness and making full discovery to be free from all penalties. 17 & 18 Vict.c. 38 s.6. Street gambling. Forfeiture of implements of gambling and money. Power to banish professional gambler not being natural born British subject. No. 1 of 1882. Power to whip boy convicted of offence. See Ordinance No. 7 of 1901. Section 10.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1891
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“GAMBLING ORDINANCE, 1891,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,