ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1891.
Sunday Cargo-Working
AN ORDINANCE to restrict the Loading and Unloading of
Cargo on Sunday in the Waters of the Colony.
[1st August,1891.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,with the advice and
consent of the Legislative Council thereof,as follows:
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Sunday Cargo-Working
2.In this Ordinance-
'Vessel' includes all steam-ships and also all sailing ships of
European construction or design,except ships of war belonging
to Her Majesty or to any Foreign Government:
'Cargo' does not include mails,personal luggage,live stock,ice,
or articles of food of a perishable nature required for immediate
'The Harbour Master' includes any person authorized or deputed
by him to perform any duty vested in or imposed upon him by
this Ordinance. 3.-(1.)No cargo shall be received on board,loaded,worked,or
discharged from any vessel within the waters of this Colony on Sunday
unless a permit (hereinafter called a Sunday Permit) from the Harbour
Master has been first obtained.
(2.)A Sunday Permit shall be in the form in the First Schedule to
this Ordinance.
4.An application for a Sunday Permit may be made at the Harbour
Master's Office on any week day,if not made till the Saturday
preceding the Sunday for which the permit is required,the application
must be made not later than 5 p.m., unless some other hour is fixed by
any regulations made under this Ordinance.
5.-(1.)Unless and until such fee is altered by any regulations made
under this Ordinance,there shall be payable for the grant of a Sunday
Permit the sum mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance.
(2.)Such fee shall be paid to the Harbour Master and be accounted
for by him to the Colonial Treasurer,to be applied for the purpose of
the general revenue of the Colony.
6.-(1.)It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council from time to
time to make,and,when made,to alter,amend,or revoke,regulation
as to the fees to be taken for the agent of Sunday Permits and the
hours within which applications for such permits may be made,and by
such regulations to impose conditions on the grant of such permits and
to fix the hours for working under them.
(2.)Such regulations shall be published in The Gazette and shall
thereupon come into force on such day as may be therein declared and
have the same validity as if they were contained in this Ordinance.
7.Where any cargo is received on board any vessel or loaded
worked,or discharged contrary to the provisions of section 3,the master
of such vesseland,if he leaves the Colony before conviction,then the
agent and the consignee of such vessel,shall,on summary conviction
before a Magistrate,be severally liable to a penalty not exceeding one
thousand dollars or,in default of payment,to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding one month.
8.The person in charge of every steam-launch,sampan,junk,or
other boat assisting,by the carriage of cargo or otherwise,in any
contravention of section 3 shall,on summary conviction before a Magis-
trate,be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars or,in default of
payment,to imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen days. SCHEDULES.
The Sunday Cargo-Working Ordinance,1891.
The sum of $ having been duly paid, permission is hereby
granted to the Master, the Agent,and
the Consignee to receive on board, load, work, and
discharge cargo on and from the vessel named
within the waters of this Colony on Sunday,the day of ,
19 , between the hours of and
Dated the day of 1 .
Harbour Master.
N.B.-Cargo-Working on Sunday without a Permit is punishable by fune or imprisonment
in default of payment under the Sunday Cargo-Working Ordinance, 1891.
Registered Tonnage-
400 or under $75
Over 400 but not exceeding 700 100
Do. 700 do. 1,000 125
Do. 1,000 do. 1,500 150
Do. 1,500 do. 2,000 175
Do. 2,000 200
Permit required for receiving, etc., cargo on Sunday. First Schedule. Application for Sunday Permit. Fee for Sunday Permit. Second Schedule. Making of regulations. Penalty for infringement of section 3. Penalty for assisting in such infringement. Section 3. *Insert names. *Insert 'steam' or 'sailing.' Section 5.
Sunday Cargo-Working
AN ORDINANCE to restrict the Loading and Unloading of
Cargo on Sunday in the Waters of the Colony.
[1st August,1891.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,with the advice and
consent of the Legislative Council thereof,as follows:
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Sunday Cargo-Working
2.In this Ordinance-
'Vessel' includes all steam-ships and also all sailing ships of
European construction or design,except ships of war belonging
to Her Majesty or to any Foreign Government:
'Cargo' does not include mails,personal luggage,live stock,ice,
or articles of food of a perishable nature required for immediate
'The Harbour Master' includes any person authorized or deputed
by him to perform any duty vested in or imposed upon him by
this Ordinance. 3.-(1.)No cargo shall be received on board,loaded,worked,or
discharged from any vessel within the waters of this Colony on Sunday
unless a permit (hereinafter called a Sunday Permit) from the Harbour
Master has been first obtained.
(2.)A Sunday Permit shall be in the form in the First Schedule to
this Ordinance.
4.An application for a Sunday Permit may be made at the Harbour
Master's Office on any week day,if not made till the Saturday
preceding the Sunday for which the permit is required,the application
must be made not later than 5 p.m., unless some other hour is fixed by
any regulations made under this Ordinance.
5.-(1.)Unless and until such fee is altered by any regulations made
under this Ordinance,there shall be payable for the grant of a Sunday
Permit the sum mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance.
(2.)Such fee shall be paid to the Harbour Master and be accounted
for by him to the Colonial Treasurer,to be applied for the purpose of
the general revenue of the Colony.
6.-(1.)It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council from time to
time to make,and,when made,to alter,amend,or revoke,regulation
as to the fees to be taken for the agent of Sunday Permits and the
hours within which applications for such permits may be made,and by
such regulations to impose conditions on the grant of such permits and
to fix the hours for working under them.
(2.)Such regulations shall be published in The Gazette and shall
thereupon come into force on such day as may be therein declared and
have the same validity as if they were contained in this Ordinance.
7.Where any cargo is received on board any vessel or loaded
worked,or discharged contrary to the provisions of section 3,the master
of such vesseland,if he leaves the Colony before conviction,then the
agent and the consignee of such vessel,shall,on summary conviction
before a Magistrate,be severally liable to a penalty not exceeding one
thousand dollars or,in default of payment,to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding one month.
8.The person in charge of every steam-launch,sampan,junk,or
other boat assisting,by the carriage of cargo or otherwise,in any
contravention of section 3 shall,on summary conviction before a Magis-
trate,be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars or,in default of
payment,to imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen days. SCHEDULES.
The Sunday Cargo-Working Ordinance,1891.
The sum of $ having been duly paid, permission is hereby
granted to the Master, the Agent,and
the Consignee to receive on board, load, work, and
discharge cargo on and from the vessel named
within the waters of this Colony on Sunday,the day of ,
19 , between the hours of and
Dated the day of 1 .
Harbour Master.
N.B.-Cargo-Working on Sunday without a Permit is punishable by fune or imprisonment
in default of payment under the Sunday Cargo-Working Ordinance, 1891.
Registered Tonnage-
400 or under $75
Over 400 but not exceeding 700 100
Do. 700 do. 1,000 125
Do. 1,000 do. 1,500 150
Do. 1,500 do. 2,000 175
Do. 2,000 200
Permit required for receiving, etc., cargo on Sunday. First Schedule. Application for Sunday Permit. Fee for Sunday Permit. Second Schedule. Making of regulations. Penalty for infringement of section 3. Penalty for assisting in such infringement. Section 3. *Insert names. *Insert 'steam' or 'sailing.' Section 5.
Permit required for receiving, etc., cargo on Sunday. First Schedule. Application for Sunday Permit. Fee for Sunday Permit. Second Schedule. Making of regulations. Penalty for infringement of section 3. Penalty for assisting in such infringement. Section 3. *Insert names. *Insert 'steam' or 'sailing.' Section 5.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1891
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SUNDAY CARGO-WORKING ORDINANCE, 1891,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,