ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1856.
AN ORDINANCE to make provision for the Lighting of the City
of Victoria.
[12th June, 1856.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Victoria (Lighting) Ordinance,
2. The Surveyor General shall from time to time cause a sufficient
number of irons or posts for the lighting of the streets, roads, ways, and
public thoroughrares of the City of victoria to be provided, and the same
to be set up, fixed. or erected in all suitable situations for such lighting,
and either in any of the said streets, toads, ways, and thoroughfares, or
in any close adjacement thereto. or upon or against the wall of any house or
building, or the side of any wall or fence, or elsewhere, as he may think
proper; and he shall also from time to time cause to be provided, and
put and affixed upon the said irons and posts, such a number of lamps.
and of such sizes and aorts repectively, as may be found requisite for
the lighting of the said streets. roads. ways. and thoroughfares re-
3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Police to light and to
keep lighted the said lamps with oil for any number of hours in every
twenty-four hours, as the Survey or General may from time to time
4.The laws relating to the removing, taking, carrying away, or
stealing of fixtures and chattels respectively shall be interpreted to apply
to the removing, taking, carrying away, or stealing of the said irons ,
posts, lamps, and oil respectively, by any persons whomsoever; and the
property of and in all such articles shall be deemed to be vested in the
Surveyor General for all the purposes of any proceedings, civil of cri-
minal, brought or in respect of any trespass, injury, misdemeanor, or felony
done or committed in respect of any of the said articles.
5.Every person who wilfully extinguishes the light of any such lamp,
or wilfully injures, displaces, or damages any such lamp or any other of
the said articles, shall, on conviction thereof before a Magistrate,
forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding fifty dollars,
and shall further forfeit and pay the full amount of the damage so
done by him as aforesaid and all incidental costs and expenses. 6. It shall be lawful for any person winessing the commission of an
offence against section 4 to seize the said offender, and to deliver him to
any constable or to any Magistrate; and no warrant shall be in any
case necessary to justify the apprehension of any such offender as afore-
7.When any damage or injury has been occasioned to any such
article by any person otherwise than wilfully, and such person has not
made satisfaction for the same, it shall be the duty of any Magistrate,
on complaint therrof made, to order and compel the said person to make
full satisfaction for the amount of such damage or injury, together
with all incidental costs and expenses.
8.All proceedings before a Magistrate under this Ordinance, except as
provided by section 5, shall be had, and the payment of all pecuniary
penalties, costs, and damages under the same shall be enforced, in like
manner as in other cases of or belonging to the summmary jurisdiction of
Magistrate is by law provided.
9.All moneys recovered or received under this Ordinance shall be
paid into the Colonial Treasury.
A.D. 1856. Ordinance No. 11 of 1856. Short title. Provision of lamp posts and lamps in the City of Victoria. Lighting of lamps. Extension of laws relating to removal of fixtures and chattels to lamp posts, etc. Penalty for wilfully extinguishing lamp, etc. Apprehension of offender without warrant. Making satisfaction for damage other than wilful. Summary procedure before Magistrate. See Ordinance No. 3 of 1890. Disposal of moneys recovered or received.
AN ORDINANCE to make provision for the Lighting of the City
of Victoria.
[12th June, 1856.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1.This Ordinance may be cited as the Victoria (Lighting) Ordinance,
2. The Surveyor General shall from time to time cause a sufficient
number of irons or posts for the lighting of the streets, roads, ways, and
public thoroughrares of the City of victoria to be provided, and the same
to be set up, fixed. or erected in all suitable situations for such lighting,
and either in any of the said streets, toads, ways, and thoroughfares, or
in any close adjacement thereto. or upon or against the wall of any house or
building, or the side of any wall or fence, or elsewhere, as he may think
proper; and he shall also from time to time cause to be provided, and
put and affixed upon the said irons and posts, such a number of lamps.
and of such sizes and aorts repectively, as may be found requisite for
the lighting of the said streets. roads. ways. and thoroughfares re-
3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Police to light and to
keep lighted the said lamps with oil for any number of hours in every
twenty-four hours, as the Survey or General may from time to time
4.The laws relating to the removing, taking, carrying away, or
stealing of fixtures and chattels respectively shall be interpreted to apply
to the removing, taking, carrying away, or stealing of the said irons ,
posts, lamps, and oil respectively, by any persons whomsoever; and the
property of and in all such articles shall be deemed to be vested in the
Surveyor General for all the purposes of any proceedings, civil of cri-
minal, brought or in respect of any trespass, injury, misdemeanor, or felony
done or committed in respect of any of the said articles.
5.Every person who wilfully extinguishes the light of any such lamp,
or wilfully injures, displaces, or damages any such lamp or any other of
the said articles, shall, on conviction thereof before a Magistrate,
forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding fifty dollars,
and shall further forfeit and pay the full amount of the damage so
done by him as aforesaid and all incidental costs and expenses. 6. It shall be lawful for any person winessing the commission of an
offence against section 4 to seize the said offender, and to deliver him to
any constable or to any Magistrate; and no warrant shall be in any
case necessary to justify the apprehension of any such offender as afore-
7.When any damage or injury has been occasioned to any such
article by any person otherwise than wilfully, and such person has not
made satisfaction for the same, it shall be the duty of any Magistrate,
on complaint therrof made, to order and compel the said person to make
full satisfaction for the amount of such damage or injury, together
with all incidental costs and expenses.
8.All proceedings before a Magistrate under this Ordinance, except as
provided by section 5, shall be had, and the payment of all pecuniary
penalties, costs, and damages under the same shall be enforced, in like
manner as in other cases of or belonging to the summmary jurisdiction of
Magistrate is by law provided.
9.All moneys recovered or received under this Ordinance shall be
paid into the Colonial Treasury.
A.D. 1856. Ordinance No. 11 of 1856. Short title. Provision of lamp posts and lamps in the City of Victoria. Lighting of lamps. Extension of laws relating to removal of fixtures and chattels to lamp posts, etc. Penalty for wilfully extinguishing lamp, etc. Apprehension of offender without warrant. Making satisfaction for damage other than wilful. Summary procedure before Magistrate. See Ordinance No. 3 of 1890. Disposal of moneys recovered or received.
A.D. 1856. Ordinance No. 11 of 1856. Short title. Provision of lamp posts and lamps in the City of Victoria. Lighting of lamps. Extension of laws relating to removal of fixtures and chattels to lamp posts, etc. Penalty for wilfully extinguishing lamp, etc. Apprehension of offender without warrant. Making satisfaction for damage other than wilful. Summary procedure before Magistrate. See Ordinance No. 3 of 1890. Disposal of moneys recovered or received.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1856
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VICTORIA (LIGHTING) ORDINANCE, 1856,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,