Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
No. 17 of 1887.
An Ordinance entitled The Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887.
[20th June, 1887.]
BE it enacted bv the Governor of HoDgkoiog, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows,:-
1. In the construction of thi,,-, O1°dinancej the term City of Victoria
means the City of Victoria bowlded as follows :--
Bye-lrlv's 1>5>
!,i oYLt'11 C1r '1 f l
c.1onrurs3.l. .
of animals.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Discuses, Slaughter- Houses, and Narhets.
()n the north by the harbour, on the south by the I'ohfiilam
and Taitam conduits, on the east by a straight line drawn
from Whitfield Police Station to the mouth of the '1'aitam
tunnel; anal on the west by Aloilllt Davis.'
Cattle means bulls, cows, omen, heifers, calves, and buffaloes.
Animal means rattle, sheep, goats and swine. [Amended by Ord.
No. '21 of 1889. (rep- ecclecl) and by Ord. No. 23 of 1890.
Disease means any infectious, contagious or communicable disease
Market building means any house, shop, stall, or other buildinu in a
1 n yortation of cattle.
2, The Governor in Council may mare and when made, vary, ad.l
to, or revoke lye-laws in respect of the following matters :-
(1. ) L'uohibitin), the importation or landing of cattle, sheep and
swine (' animals' as amended by Ord. No. 21 of 1889
(,repealed) and by Ord. .l1-'0. 23 of 1890 otherwise than
at such times and places, and supject to such conditions
r'eaarding inspection, TncLl'k111a, isolation, subsequent
disposal, and payment of such inspection fees as may he
prescribed by such bye-laws.
( `?. ) Providing-for ovidin~ -for the regular inspection of- all places
cattle, sheep and swine T' animals ' as ajnended by O~-cf.
No. 21 of .1889 (repealed) and by Ord. No. 23 of .1890
are kept.
(3.) The slaraahte.ring or isolating and keeping nndvobservation
any animal that may appear to be or may be reasonably
suspected of being infected. or of having been in contact
or in the same herd with animals affected with disease.
(4.) `Authorising the Sanitary Board to dispose of the carouse
of any animal slaughtered under the provisions of this
Ordinance in such manner as it n way deems fit.
ORDINANCE 'No. 17,OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Horcses, and 314)-kets.
(5.) Authorising the Sanitary Board to declare places to bo
infected with disease and to prohibit the removal of any
animal, fodder, litter, utensil, or other thing from such
(6. ) Prescribing the modes of clean~lnm and disinfecting of
places wvhicli have hrIlell eeCllpiecl by any animal suffering
from infectious disease.
The Governor in Council shall direct k that out of the public
revenue of the Colony compensation shall be paid as follows for arty
-animal slaughtered under the provisions of this Ordinance:-
When 1:) When the animal has shown no s3,n11>tolns of diSc,ase
within 3 clays after iml)ortation but has showed symh-
torns of disease «'lthln 1 4, days after importation, one
third of its valise when imported shall be given.
(l.) NVllen the animal has shown symptoms of disease after
being over 14 d,,lys in tile Colony, one half its valise
immediately before it became affected shall be given.
(3.) When the animal has shown no symptoms of disease btlt
has been in contact or in the same herd with diseased
cattle, compensation shall be given. .
( -t.) [Provided that the sups? to be alloiced as compmsalim,fm- one
animal shall in ro case exceed x`50. Re
pealed by Ordi-
nance No. 12 cf 1890 and new sub-section substituted.' ,
When the animal has shown symptoms of disease on im-
portation or wi~hin 3 days after importation no com-
pensation will be given.
for Azlim'1ls
4. The Governor in Council shall direct that out of the public
revenue of the Colony the full market value shall be paid for all
articles ot~t«li'
destroyed in the disinfecting of infected premises under the provisions of
this Ordinance.
5. The amount of compensation for animals slaclghtered and articles v,l«o
to bo
h.xed by
destroyed shall be filed by an inspector of live-stock, and any person
inspector of
dissatisfied with his valuation m,%y api)eal therefrom to the Governor in
OR'DIX,ANCE No. 17 of l88i.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
Tr,tr,Ej,O,.r. t,r - g, ..~o person shall bring into the Colony, or drive,
carry, transport,
:1,~i'maa5. ,.enlove, or have or keep, or htlo~V'in~ly suffer to be had or
kept under-
his control or oji his premises any animal or other creature used for
human food in any way which may cause needless or avoidable suflerin
to such anim.d or creature.
cattle delxc~rs. 7, All animals brought to the Colony for the purpose of
sla uahtered slriall be kept, except when they may be turned out to graze,
in a properly constructed depot licensed by the Sanitary Board under
section 11 of Ordinance l of 1883. ['Section 13 of Ordinance No. 24 Of'
1887:' as arrezded by Ordinance No. 9 of .889 (repealed), and by Ordi-
nance No. 23 of .Z890.] No animals shall be turned out to braze when
the Sanitary Board shall, for sanitary reasons, forbid such grazing by an
order in vritin ;.
~~;s cabtrhoi ilp' $. A sufficient number of fit and proper
slaughter-houses to meet
)Io1ues ami the requirements of the Colony shall he provided by the
i7~eor. ''' and it shall be lawful for the (governor in Council to errant
to any person
car persons the sole privilege of slaughtering cattle [' animals' as
by Ordinance ,l\'o. 21 of 1889 (repealed), and by Ordinance X1'0. 23
of'1890 within the Colony or within any particular district or locality
therein, far such rent, premium, or consideration and for such period and
capon such conditions as shall be deemed expedient ; always provided
that the Governor in. Council may at ,discretion lease the privilege of
slauuhterino, animals by private contract or appoint any person to manage
the public sla,ughter-houses. . All contracts entered into for the leasing
of the l:>rivile~e of slaughtering animals within the Colony before the
passim of this Ordinance shall continue in force mail such contracts
shall expire.,
Ia,~ 9. No slaylnten-house shall he opened or kept open except
IfIent of 06,eT the provisions of this Ordinance ; and every
slaughter-house which shall
bouse`, be otherwise opened or kept open shmll, too-ether with the
building in
m-hich the s~m-e shall ',be carried on; he dkerned a nuisance.
ORDINANCE No. 1 7 of 1887 .
Cattle Diseases, -Slaughter-1Iauses, and.31'arkcts.
10. 'file lessee of the privilege of slang'ntering animals shalt enjoy,
ilurin(, the whole of 'the term of his lease, the sole and ezciasive
Of slaucyl-aterino, a.nitnals 111 the Colony, and shall ive snell
security for
the payment of the rent thereof and for the due observance of the bye-
lams revulatin0 o, slaughter-horlses as the Governor in Council may
11. The lessee of the privilege of slatt(-),llteriLio- rtni121rlls 111
the Colony
stall not sublet or assign any part thereof without the. written
--of the Registrar General. w
12. h~o person shall slaughter any a111111r1I or dress any- czrcase
thereof for sale except within a slaughter-house appointed for that pur-
pose under this Ordinance ; always 'provided that boats may be slaugh-
tered by or for any Indians, Indian tr o;)fls or rn<li.m F)olice quartered
in the Colony.
13. Except as provided in this Ordinance no person a11,111 dernmnd
o>r receive any money or other valaal:>le consideration as a fey:, fine,
ae, toll,
rent or otherwise for access or admission to (v r for slaughtering ally
u.n.imal in any slau~llter-house. '
14. The Captain Superintendent of Police, the: Registrar (X'eneral,
the Surveyor Generals and their respective officers as well as rneaabers
..and officers of the Sanitary Board shall have at all ti.Lrres free
;recess to
every port of every slaphter-lnouse.
15. The Governor in Council play from time to ti.rno make and POW(..). w
T 11R1C(.'
-her. made revoke, acid to, or alter bye-laws for regulating the
110llses 112 the Colony.
Jl ar~lcets.
16. 1111 markets the time of the coming into operation
of this Ordinance shall be continued and shall be subject to this Ordi-
xlance, bLrt it shall be lawful- for the Governor in Council from titne
time to close any of them, and also to establish or close any new market.
No market shall be opened or kept open except under the provisions of
tis and every market which shall be otherwi
I se opened or
.kept open shall, together with th~ building in wlriclv the sa.rne shall
carried on, be d~ernecl a nuisance.
213 7
l'.TVit-.ilG'C to
ail i3-l(3tC111 h
1)1'0111 kil t (_d.
except ht
lorcall ildt (:cl.
V tulTiLllU1'i4;tvt2
I'Ct!s W' ('l ld,l'gts.
Iloixse5 op(n l.
no -iTlsp(vtiaTtt.-
markci n.
ORDINANCE No. 17 or.- 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Sluu3jetcr-Houses, and llQarhets.
Buildings in 17. No buildings shall be .erectL;I or maintained in any
except stalls, quarters fir market officers, police and porters. Such.
I>uilclin~s shall. be of stone or hrica and the stalls shall be fitted
stone or wooden counters. No person shall be allowed to bass the night
in any rnarl:et except the Police ana caretakers recognised by the Gov-
Lett,ia~ m 1$. All. ina.rket buildings shall be let by the Registrar
General in
011111L1C1a9, such manner and on such conditions as shall from time ,to
time be
(See ca7zcza- approved by the Governor in Council. Until such conditions
and manner
ti,ct>as and -
;,lamner of of lettiu(r shall be so established or varied they shall he as
follows :---
lntting 21st,
May, 1890,
t:a.xetti; Wt
(1. ) All market buildings sl.all be let without fine or premium,
either from month to month, or for a germ of years, for -
the lugllest rent obtainable, such rent to be ascertained
by sealed tenders. In case of equal tenders the tenant-
in possession, i F any, shall have the preference.
( ?. ) If the letting iz~ fro;rl month to mouth, a month's notice
of its disco ntimzance shall be given either by the Regis-
trar General or the lessee as the case may be.
If the letting is for a,year of more, no notice of the expira-
tion of the term shall be necessary.
4, ) No market buildin0 shall be let for more than three years
except on. a higher rent than can be obtained for three
years' lease, nor for any term exceeding five years' lease
without the approval of the Governor.
( 5. ) All rents of market buildings shall be paid to the liebistrar
General in advance withijin the first seven days of each
( G. ) The Governor may' order the forfeiture of any lease of a
market building if' it shall be proved to hip satisfaction
that tile licensee has used such market, building for any
other purposes than those pertaining to the business of
a market.
'Sub -7etr,inm 19. No lessee of any market building shall sublet or
assign. the
z>y°h'b'ted' carne or any part thereof without the written permission of
the Registrar
General, nor shall transfer -leis lease to any other person. Nevertheless.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 188-;:
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- 116 uses, and'Alarhets.
the business of any lessee may be carried on, in case of his death or
absence, by his executors, administrators, or agents until the expiration
of his lease.
N0. No alteration in or addition to any rnrket building shall
be Alterations to
made or commenced by any lessee thereof without the sanction of the
Surveyor General ill writing.
21. Whenever the lessee of piny rnarl-t building shall fail to comply
uPpnirs to
buildings by
with any condition of his bold ink or grant as to the, execution of any
repairs to such market buildin~, or other works in connection with. the
salve, the Surveyor General rrlay summon such lessee before a Police
Magistrate, who may summarily order 'him to execute such repairs or
other works within a reasonable tirne to be specified in such order. Any
failure to carry out the terals of such order shall be deemed an offence
against this Ordinance.
22. Except as by this Ordinance provided, no person shall within sales
markets prU-
the city or harbour of Victoria or in such villages as shall be named in
any bye-law to be made for the purpose by the Governor in Cocxncil sell
or expose for sale in any place not being a public market within the
xneanin of this Ordinance any articles of food for man usually sold or
exposed for sale in a public Market; always provided that the Governor
in Council may from time to dine grant 'Licences for the sale of articles
food for man elsewhere than. in a public market, to such persons, for such
considerations, and for such periods its he shall think fit.
23. Nothing in Luis Ordinance shall be so construed as to forbid
any of the following sales of food:-
(1. ) Of rice, bread, milk, salt-fish, or confectionery. ,
(2.) Of green veaetabh:, fruit, bean-curd, congee, soup, or
other prepared food by licensed hawkers.
(3.) Of fish, by licensed boatmen at a distance of at least one
hundred yards from shore.
(L) Of cooked provisions to customers by any licensed vict-
ualler or keeper of a boarding house or refreshment
Of any food commonly sold by chandlers and purveyors
not being raw buWhers' meat.
( 6. ) Public sales by l~censed auctioneers.
Exceptious ~tci
the prohibi-
tion of sales
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases; Slaughter-Houses, and Marhets.
24. No person shall keep, sell, expose for sale or bring into the Colony
or into
any market, any food for man or beast which is in an unwholesome
condition or unfit
for use. Repealed by Ordinance No. ?3 of 1 &90.1
unauthorised; 25. Except as provided by this Ordinance, no person shall
fees or charges
prohibited. q or receive any money or other valuable consideration as a
fee, flee, toll,
rent or otherwise for access or admission to, or for scllinb, or buying in
any market. -
Markets, open
.to inspection.
1.>ower to nlake
26. The Captain Superintendent of Police, the lZebistrar General;
the Surveyor General and their respective officers as well as members
and officers of the Sanitary .hoard shall have at all times free access to
-every part of every market building.
27, The Governor in Council may fron 1 time to time make' and
when made revoke, add to, or alter bye-laws for re(yulatincr the rnaakets
of the Colony.
Pro pimgatzon 2$. All Orders in Council and bye-laws made under this
:Of orders and. '
byq-laws. shall be published in the Government, Gazette in English and
Every Order in Council shall tale effect from the date specified in such
order. All bye-laws when Io ublished shall be construed as parts of this
Ordinance and such bye-laws shall be binding not only Upon all licensees
under this Ordinance but also upon all persons employed by or dealing
with them: The bye-laws set forth in the schedules hereto annexed
shall be the bye-Laws made under this Ordinance until the same shall be
altered or repealed by the Governor in Council.
n~.~t~on of 29. Offences against this Ordinance shall be considered to be
(1.) Refusal, neglect, or omission to do any act commanded by
this Ordinance oh by any order in ` Council made there-
( 2. ) Refusal to permit or obstruction of any such act. .
(8. ) The doing of any act f4rbiddc.~n by this Ordinance or by
any order in Council made thereunder.
0RDi1'AIVCE No. 17 ©F 18$7.
Cattle Diseases, Slairghtsr-Bozsscs, and ~larkets.
30. For every offence against this Ordinance there; shall be payable.
( l.) In the case of any offence against sections 2 to G inclusive,'
a fine not elcee(linu t.«-o hundred dollars.
( 2. ) in the case of any other offence, a flue not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
I L addition to which any licence held uwler this Or(ILi3,111Ce by thu
niI(ly be forfeited
31. All loenalti(;s for offences aIgainst this Ordinance nmy be recovered
in v summary way before a Police NZagistrvte.
32. The followin~ Ordinances or parts of Crdinarc~s arid all raleS
mule thereunder we repealed
14 of 1$ <1 5. Section 11.
9 of 1$5S.
5 of 1867.
9 of 1867. Sections 11 and 12.
of 1$78.
19 of 1$8a.
nut such repeal shall not affect anything Ia,'yfally done of commenced to
lie done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed
by them.
33. This Ordinance ,:b,-tll Co1T1F' 11110 force on a, day to he named by
the Ci-oi error. f R '
Cattle diseases.--Bye-laws.
1. All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony by water shall be landed
at the cattle wharf at Kennedy Town, the wharf of the Hongkong and Macao
boat Company, and the wharf commonly used by the China Steam Navigation
Company, at Praya Central, the Hon gkong Kowloon Wharf and Godown
Pier at Praia West, the Dairy Farm Comiany's wharf at `-fu-lam, or
the Police
Station wharf at Yaumati, k;etw~een the hzura of 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock
in the morning
or between the hours of 2 o'cloe'h an~G o'clock in the evening.
Recovery of
Cattle landing
wharves and
time of landing.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases, ~.5laughter-Houses, rend Markets.
Importation of. 2, All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony by land
shall be driven direct to
cattle and sheep
by land. the cattle market at the village of Yaunlati, and their arrival
reported forthwith at the
Yzumati Police Station.
Segregation of
animals to be
reported to
Sanitary Board.
Keep of
Slaughter of
animal suffering
from disease and
disposal of
Cattle and sheep 3, All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony shall be
forthwith inspected and
to be inspected
on importation. duly marked by an inspector of live-stock, and any animal
which he finds to be diseased
13iaeased animals
to be segregated. or which he may suspect to he suffering from disease
shall be placed in segregation and
under observation at the depots set apart for the purpose at Kennedy Town
4. An inspector of live-stock, shall in every instance, with all
practicable speed,
report to the Sanitary Board the whole of the ascertainable particulars
concerning the
animals he places in segregation.
5. The owner of each animal placed in segregation shall pay five cents
per day for
the keep of such animal until it is either passed as being free from
disease or destroyed.
6. If it appears to the Sanitary Board that an animal placed in
segregation is
suffering from a dangerously infectious disease, it shall cause such
animal to be forth-
with slaughtered and tile carease thereof shall be disposed of in such
planner as the
Board may deem fit.
Slanght-,ring of 7. If it appears to the Sanitary Board that any animal
has been in contact or in
animal that has
)seen In contact - the same herd with animals suffering from disease, it
may at discretion cause such
with diseased
`animal' animal to be slaughtered and the carcase thereof shall be
disposed of in such manner
as the Board map deems fit. .
carcaRea ` $. The carcase of any animal slaughtered under the provisions
of rules 6 and 7
property of the
government, shall be the exclusive property of the Government. . ,
Importation 9, No person shall hncwingly bring into the Colony any animal
suffering from
of diseased
animate disease.
Inspection fee:
10. Such tee as may he from tine to time be determined by the Governor in'
Council will be charged for each head of cattle and for each head of
sheep imported into
the Colony.
Inspection of 11. An inspector of live-stock shall visit, at such times as
the Sanitary Board may
cattle, sheep and
swine delrats., direct, all places where cattle, sheep and swine are kept
and inspect the animals they°e,
and he shall immediately report to the Sanitary heard all cases of
disease wl,lich he
may detect during such inspection. ,
eclared be 12 where it appears to the Sanitary Board that disease exists
tar has within 56
infected, days existed in any place where cattle; sheep, or swine are
kept, the Board may declare
such place to be infected and take such steps to prevent the spread of
disease as it
deems necessary.
Removal of 13. 'then a place has been declared to be infected a placard
shall he posted
animals or
articles ircm there to that effect and the removal therefrom, without the
sanction of the Sanitary
infected areas prohibited. Board, .of si,y aniW al, carcase, fodder,
litter; utensil -or other thing therein is pro-
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle, Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
14. Every person having in his premises or under his charge an animal
with disease shall, with all practicaLlo shoed, report the s2ine to the
officer in charge of
the nearest Police Station. ..
15. The Police shall forthwith report to the Sanitary. Board all cases of
disease conlinj under their notice.
16. The digging up of a carcase of an animal which has been buried is
Diseased amir &Is
to tie reported.
Digging up of
17. The Sanitary Board shill cause all places where a~ diseased animal
has been Disinfection of
infected placer.
kept to be cleansed and disinfected 111 such manner as it deems fit at
the public expense.
I. An inpector u£ live stock shall carefully examine every n.nilnal about
to be slau'A't<.on ' V
nnimnle about to
any of the sla.llghtcr-houses ;tnd i£ he finds tile nliimal Ilcaltl:y and
in goad condition lie shell mark it kw, slaughtered.
as being fit £«r slaughtering foi- hluntin food. ~[.llernkcd by
additional h'yn-la~u 21st ~Irr~, 1a04.]
2. No cattle or slzerla shall be nllnittecl into the slaughter-houses
except those that; have been AAvsNssonofanEC
tma ar1111P Lo
marked within the previous twenty-four hours by an inspector of live
stock as being fit fox shtryllterity 0iuahtrxhnum
for human food. L'Revoked by additional Bye-law 21st .flay, 18JO.]
3. No swine shall be alanghtered in the slaughter-house9 except these
that have been . planked
within the previous twenty-four hoarb by an inspector of live stock as
being fit for slaughtering for
human fool. [Revoked by aclditiuna.l Bye-kx2v °l4 play, Is9a.]
4. The lessee of the privilege of slaughieriug animals, shall pr<wide all
persons Providing
'laughter men
necessary for the purpcse of slaughtering animals and dressing the
carcases thereof, and hot water-
together with a sufficient supply of hot water, and shall have the same
in readiness at
all times far the service of persons ulahing use of the slaughter-houses.
5. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals, all
times allow any charges for
person to slaughter any animal or dryss any carcase for sale on payment
to him of a
fee not exceeding twenty cents for each animal weighing less than one
picul or forty -
.cents for each animal weighing mare, besides the blood of -such animal,
which the
lessee clay retain.
Slaughtering of
G. The weight of each animal for the purposes of the preceding rule shall
be r eigj,t (,r
ascertained before it is slaughtered.
7. Each slaughter-house shall be provided with a hanbing shed, in which
carcase of every animal slaughtered shall be Lung as soon as it is
dressed. Such
carcases shall continue hanging in such shed until they are removed, to
the markets,
which removal shall be by means of a wheeled and covered vehicle or =in a
boat in
either of which the carcases can he hung, and not otherwise.
Hanging sheds
and carriage of
Removal of bile$
skin~, fat, ~ e.
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-11and Markets.
'Ventilation and $, The lessee o£ the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall cause the means of
clraiisage of ,
ahLaghter- ' ventilation and drainage provided in or in connexion with the
public slaughter-houses
in the Colony to be kept, at all times, in proper and efficient action.
Water Supply 9. The lessee of the privilege of sla,ujhteriug animals shall
cause the means .of
of zla aghter-
lioivies. water-supply or in connexion with the
slaughter-houses in the Colony to
- he kept, at all times, in proper order.
Re,novHiofbzoaa, 10. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall provide a sufficient
filth, etc., in
proper receinto-i- number of vessels or receptacles, properly.
constructed of some non-alsorbent material,
and furnished with closely fitting covers, for the purpose of receiving
and conveying
from the slaughter-houses of the Colony all blood, manure, garbage,
filth, or other
refuse products of the slaughtering of animals, or the dressing of any
carcase therein.
He shall forthwith upon the completion o£ the slaughtering of animals or
the dressing
of any carcase in the slwzghter-houses of the Colony cause such blood,
manure, garbage,
filth, ®r other refuse products to be collected and deposited in such
vessels or receptacles,
and he shall cause all the contents of such vessels or receptacles to be
removed from
the slauhter-houses at least once in every twenty-four hours. He shall
cause every
such vessel or receptacle to be thoroughly cleansed immediately after
such vessel or
receptacle shall have been used for such collection and removal, and
shall cause every
such vessel yr receptacle when not in actual use - to be kept thoroughly
rro.vta;ugand 11. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall provide the proper
deansing of
instruments, appliances, and utensils required for the purpose of
slaughtering and he
shall cause all such articles to be thoroughly cleansed immediately after
the completion
of the process U slaughtering in which they have been used, and lie
shall also cause
every such utensil when not in actual use to be kept thoroughly clean.
12. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals shall cause every
part of the
internal surface of the walls and every part of the floors o the
slaughter-houses in the
Colony to be kept, at all times, in good order and repair, so as to
prevent the absorp-
tion therein of any -blood or liquid refuse or filth which may be spilled
or splashed
thereon, or any offensive or noxious matter which may be deposited
thereon or brought
iu contact therewith. He shall cause every part of the internal surface
of the slaughter-
houses above the floor to be either thoroughly washed with hot lime-wash
or tarred,
at least, four times in every year. He shall cause every part of the
floors of such
slaughter-houses, and every part of the internal surface of every wall on
which and
blood or liquid' refuse or filth may have been spilled or splashed, or
with which any
offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact during the
process o
slaughtering or clressimg in such slaughter-houses, to he thoroughly
washed and
cleansed within three hours after the completion of such slaughtering or
13. The lessee of the privilege o slaughtering animals shall cause the
hide o'r
shin, fat, and offal, of every animal slaw ji-itered in the
slaughter=houses of the Colony
to be removed therefrom , within twenty-four hours after the completion o
Slci.llghtet'tna o£ such anima?. ~.
of -1S8i:
Cattle Liseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
14. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals shall not at any
time keep
any dog or cause any do; to be kept in any of the slaughter-houses of the
Colony. $e
shall not at any time weep, or cause, or suffer to be. kept in any of
tile slaughter-houses
any animal of which the flesh may be used for the food of man, unless
such auima.I be
so kept in preparation far the slaughtering thereof upon the premises,
and be shall not
keep such animal or cause or suffer such animal to be kept in any of the
houses for a longer period than tray be necessary for the purpose of
preparin, such
.animal for the process of slaughtering. He shall cause all animals kept
in preparation
for slaughtering to be confined in the stalls, pens, or lairs provided an
the premises
for this purpose.
3.5. The lessee of the privilege of slaughterinb anicnalb shall cause
every aztitxlal , :v1i71,111s;1
A4ll,Kf, litf' l'-ilplhl!.V
Lrought to anlv of the slaualtter-pauses in the Colony, and confined in
any stall, pen, ~ i~ beNsupplied
or lair upon the premises previous to being slaughtered, to be provided
during such
.confinement with a sufficient quantity of wholesome water.
16. .Animals confined in the stalls, lairs, or pens attached to the
slaphter-pauses spllvelluattcutor
stall have at least the following space allotted to them, vii. :--
Every ox or cow ~(8 feet by 2 feet) 16 superficial feet.
y Every sheep or pig (4 feet by 1 foot) 4 superficial feet.
~xl ,~,' ill Qaltgll-
weeping if
animals in
except order
Form of Market Register.
of lessee or
For the (1Zanthly
sale of lent.
of 5e'11
1, Market buildings, shall be classified and set apart by tile Sanitary
Board for clltisifi<illt;<,n of
the sale of meat? fowls, fish, fruit, vegetables, and such other
perishable e goods.
ORDINANCE INo. 17 GF 1887,
Register to be
Manner of letting
vacant bnildtng4.
Sale of flesh
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- R'orcses, and Markets.
flours during
which markets
ire open.
Cleansing of
2. The Surveyor General shall cause all market buildings to be numbered.
3. A resister of all market buildings shall be kept by the Registrar
Geueiwl in
the form of schedule C to this Ordinance. Ever y entry in such register
shall be primd
facie evidence of the facts therein appearing.
4. The Ro-istrar General shall cause to be conspicuously exhibited on a
board in each market a list of X11 market buildings let by the month, and
of those
shortly to become vacant, and notice shall; in the case of buildings
about to become
vacant, be exhibited at least three weeks before the vacancy and a time
fixed for the
reception of tenders.
5. Every market shall be open to the public froth 4 A.M. till 8 r.:~.
each day.
0. Every occupied stall shall have a sign-board in front showing in full,
both in
English and Chinese, the name of the stall-holder. r
Obstructing ~ 7. The sign boards and blinds o£ every market buildiii;
shall be so arranged as
not to obstruct ally thoroughfare in such mvrhet, and no lessee of guy
market building
shall permanently phace or store any toads outside such mwhet building,
or allow them
to project beyond it.
$. No person shall make use o£ any avenue or thoroughfare of any market
the conveyance of mercUam:lis2 'not itoc3n1a.1, for sole or exposure for
sale in such
market. ,
lteguvtingsates. 9. No person shall sell, offer ox expose for sale guy
article in any part of the,rnarket other than the part thereof wliich is
,al>proprizited for the sale of such article.
a.egnxatsng sales. 10. Nu sales within anv market shall be carried on
except in a market building.
11. No person shall hawk or cry any article whet etev3r for sale in any
12. Every bolder 'of a tnarltet buildiry shall cause his building to be
cleansed immediately before the reception, deposit or exposure for ° sale
therein or,
thereon and immediately after the removal therefrom of any marketable
or articles.
i3r,toner~stana.~ 13. Every butcher and dealer in flesh mead shall
thoroughly wash and cleanse his
stall, block, stall-board and any fittings or utensils belonging thereto
at least once a
14. No flesh meat other than that which has been slaughtered ins the
. houses of the Colony shall be exposed for sale in any market till it has
been inspected
by an inspector of markets and marked by him as heist fit for human food.
`sa,e of;n,ported 15. Every butcher and dealer in flesh meat who exposes
for sale flesh meat which
:tesl neat, _ - .
has not been slaughtered in the slaubhter-houses of the Colony, shall put
up a notice
on the front of his stall in English and Chinae stating the place from
whence such
' flesh meat was imported, and the letters and Lharacters of such notice
shall be at least
one and 'a half inches long.
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- Houses, grad Markets.
16. An inspector of marl-ets shall make a weekly return showing the
weight of xeturn of dead
meat imported.
fresh flesh meat imported into the Colony during the week, and such
,return will be
published in the Government Gazette.
17. No person shall cleave any carcase or part of a carease elsewhere
than upon a cleaning of
cleaving block or chopping board or upon the hooks provided for the
purpose. carcase. ,
18. Every fisbmouger shall thoroughly wash and cleanse his stall and any
and utensils belougin a thereto at least once a day.
19. Every poulterer shall thoroughly cleanse his stall, pens, and ally
belonging thereto at least once a day. _
20. No person shall pluck or clean any poultry or game except in the
appropriated for tile. purpose.
21. Every stall-holder shall provide himself with a portable dust-bin in
accordance Portable
with one or other of the patterns on view in the markets. .
22. Every stall-holder shall cause all dust, garbage and solid refuse of
any kind Disposal of W-axcv
and refuse.
which may be produced or way accumulate in the course of his business or
in the.
cleaning of poultry, or fish to be immediately placed in his portable
dust-bin, and he
shall, as often as may be necessary, but never loss than once a day,
cause such dustbin,
to be iremoved,'emptied, and cleansed at the place set apart for the
reception of dust
aid garbage.
Youlterer s
Cleaning poultry°.
23, No stall-holder shall suffer any garbage or refuse to remain or be
under or,
about his stall and he shall keep the avenue or passage in front thereof
in a cleanly
Cleanliness Of
24. No person shall throw any vegetable substance, offal, garbage, or
offensive cleanliness of
25. or thing on to any market avenue or thoroughfare.
25. The market avenues or thoroughfares shall be thoroughly cleansed by
public Scavenging.
scavengers as often as required but never less than three times every day.
26. No stall-holder shall keep and dog in any market, nor shall any
person Dogs in inarxets
knowingly permit guy dog to follow him into a market. prohititecL
27. .A: sufficient number of inspectors of Police and constables shall be
detached Maintenance of`
from the PoliceADepartment by the Captain Superintendent of Police for
the mainte-
nance of order in the markets, and shall be subject to such control as
xrlay be ordered
by the Governor in Council.
2$, Copies of the market bye-laws shall be at all times posted in
positions in the markets.
[In force from 7th May, 1888,by proclamation of the 5th May, 1888.]
Posting of
ORDINANCT No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, ,Slaughter-Idouses, and .alarlsets.
Order made by the Governor in Council under sec. 16 of ' The Cattle
Slaughter-Houses, and ~Yfa.rkets Ordinance, 1887,'
the 8th and gazetted the 19th
January, 1888.
The premises situated at Bun ghom, Kowloon, known as The .ITzanglzom
Market shall
be, and the same are hereby established, a market within the meaning of
section 16 of
The Cattle Diseases, Slaughter Houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887.
Orders made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of'' The
Discuses, Sluughter-Houses, and Markets Ordinanee, 1887,'
(11'0. 17 of 1887, the 13th and gazetted 22nd
.Tune, 1889.
1. The bye-laws contained in schedule A to The Cattle Diseases,
and Markets Ordinance, 188%, are hereby varied by substituting for the
words 'cattle
and sheep' wherever found in the said bye-laws the word 'animals.'
`',~. The 11th bye-law in the said schedule is hereby varied by
substituting for the
words ' cattle, sheep and swine ' the, word ' animals,' and by
substituting for the
words 'the animals there' the word 'them.'
3. The 12th bye-law in the said schedule is hereby amended by
substituting for
the wards ' cattle, sheep, or swine ' the word ' animals.'
Conditions of Slav glzter-laouses farm or contract approved by the
Governor in Council
the 16th and gazetted 21st December, X889. (Ordinance No. .17 of 1887.)
1. The lessee or contractor shall be bound by the provisions of The
Cattle Diseases,
Slaughter-houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887, relating to
slaughter-houses and also
by the bye-laws made thereunder.
2, The lessee or contractor shall not permit any person to live or sleep
in any of
the slaughter-houses except with the written permission of the Sanitary
3. The lessee or contractor shall at all times see that his servants
carry out their
work in an orderly manner and that no unnecessary noise is createf` by
them in the
performance of their work.
4. His Excellency the Governor reserves to himself the exclusive right of
celling the lease or contract, without giving previous notice to the
lessee or contractor,
at any time upon the Governor's receiving a report from the Sanitary
Board to the
effect that the said lessee or contractor is not fulfilling the whole or
any part or clause
of his lease or contract,'and that it is for the public interest that his
lease or contract
should be cancelled.
ORDIiVTLXCE N©. 17 of 157.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Mouses, and .Markets. '
Conditions of Catty Depot .Fcxriaa or contract approved, by the Governor
in Council the
16th and gazetted the 21st December, 1889. (Ordinance No. 17 of 188T.)
1. The lessee or contractor shall be entitled to the use and occupation
of the whole
of the present cattle depot including the coolie quarters attached to it.
2, The lessee or contractor shall be entitled to a fee not exceeding 2
cents for
each head of cattle that enters the depot, and a fee not exceeding 2
cents for every
day that such animal shall remain in the depot not including the day of
3. Except in cases of emergency and with written permission from the
Board, no more cattle shall be admitted into the depot than can be
accommodated in
the stalls set apart for their reception.
4. The lessee or contractor shall have at all times a responsible person
in charge
of the dep&t and of the animals housed therein.
5. The lessee or contractor shall cause the depot to be thoroughly
cleansed twice
a day in such manner and at such times as the Sanitary Board may direct.
i6. The lessee or contractor shall cause all animal manure and other
refuse matters
to be deposited in the bins set apart for the purpose. .
7, All the manure collected in the depot shall be the property of and
will be
removed daily by the Government.
$. The lessee or contractor shall at once report to the inspector of live
and markets any breach of the law regulating ; the importation of cattle
and also any
case of cattle disease which may comp to his knowledge.
9, The lessee or contractor shall keep the depot including the coolie
attached to it at all times in a cleanly condition.
Conditions and manner of letting of market buildings under section I8 of
No. 17 of 1887, approved by the Governor in Council, the 21st .May,
and gazetted 7th June, 1890.
I. All market buildings shall be let without fine or premium either from
to month or fora term of pears for such rent as shall appear to the
Registrar General
just and reasonable. Appeals from the Registrar General's decision shall
be decided
by the Governor in Council.
2, If the letting is from month to mouth, a month's notice of its
shall be given either by the Registrar General or the lessee as the case
may be.
$. If tbe.letting is for a year or more, no notice of the expiration of
the tern shall
be necessary.
Ordinance No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaugkter-Houses, and Markets.
4. No market building shall be let for any terra exceeding 5 years
without the,
approval of the Governor.
5. All rents of market buildings shall be paid to the Registrar General
in advance
within the first seven days of each month.
6. No lessee of any market building shall, without the lessor's consent
in writin~,
use such ,building for any purpose other than that for which it is let,
nor shall he assign,
underlet, or part with the possession of such building, nor in any way
alter or add to
it, or suffer it to fall into disrepair. - .
7. Any breach of regulations. 5 or s shall render the lessee liable to
the forfeiture
of his lease.
Additional bye-law oracle by the Governor in Council under the provisions
of section, 1.>
of Ordinance No. 17 of 1887, the 21st May, and ga.zetted 7th .Time, 1890.
Bye-laws 1, 2, and 3 in schedule B to Ordinance No. 17 of 1887, are
hereby revolved
and in lieu thereof, the following bye-law shall be substituted:-
' No sheep or cattle shall be slaughtered for human food 11 ally of the
houses unless bearing an official hark showing their fitness for such
NOTE. 'An order in Council was made on the N 9th July, 1887, suspending
the bye-laws
for slaughter-houses set forth in schedule B to the Ordinance: see
Gazette 30th
July, 1887, but as the Ordinance did not co7ne into ,force until the 7th
1888, it would appear to be invalid.
[See amending Ord. No. 23 of 1890.]
Bye-laws by Governor in Council.
Compensation of animals slaughtered.
Compensation for articles destroyed.
Value to be fixed by inspector live-stock.
Transport of animals.
Cattle depots.
Establishing of slaughter-houses and the letting thereof.
Prohibiting the establishment of other slaughter-houses.
Privilege of slaughtering animals.
Sub-letting prohibited.
Slaughtering except in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Slaughter-houses open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
[See Ord. No. 10 of 1890, s. 93.]
Establishing markets.
Prohibiting other markets.
Buildings in markets.
Letting of market buildings.
[See Conditions and manner of letting 21st May, 1890, Gazette 7th June, 1890.]
Sub-letting prohibited.
Alterations buildings.
Repairs to buildings by lessee.
Sales outside markets prohibited.
Exceptions to the prohibition of sales outside markets.
Unwholesome food.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Markets open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
Promulgation of orders and bye-laws.
Definition of offences.
Recovery of penalties.
Cattle landing wharves and time of landing.
Importation of cattle and sheep by land.
Cattle and sheep to be inspected on importation.
Diseased animals to be segregated.
Segregation of animals to be reported to Sanitary Board.
Keep of segregated animals.
Slaughter of animal suffering form disease and disposal of carcase.
Slaughtering of animal that has been in contact with diseased animal.
Carcases property of Government.
Importation of diseased animals prohibited.
Inspection fees.
Inspection of cattle, sheep and swine depots.
Places to be declared infected.
Removal of animals or articles from infected areas prohibited.
Diseased animals to be reported.
Digging up of carcases prohibited.
Disinfection of infected places.
Inspection of animals about to be slaughtered.
Admission of cattle and sheep to slaughter houses.
Slaughtering of swine.
Providing slaughter men and hot water.
Charges for slaughtering.
Weight of animals.
Hanging sheds and carriage of meat.
Ventilation and drainage of slaughter-houses.
Water supply of slaughter-houses.
Removal of blood, filth, etc., in proper receptacles.
Providing and cleansing of slaughter-house appliances.
Cleansing of slaughter-houses.
Removal of bides, skins, fat, &c.
Dogs in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Keeping of animals in slaughter-houses prohibited except under certain conditions.
Animals in slaughter-houses to be supplied with water.
Space allotted for animals.
Classification of buildings.
Register to be kept.
Manner of letting vacant buildings.
Hours during which markets are open.
Obstructing thoroughfares.
Conveyance of merchandise.
Regulating sales.
Regulating sales.
Hawking prohibited.
Cleansing of stalls.
Butchers' stalls.
Sale of flesh meat.
Sale of imported flesh meat.
Return of dead meat imported.
Cleaning of carcase.
Fishmongers' stalls.
Poulterer's stalls.
Cleaning poultry.
Portable dust-bins.
Disposal of waste and refuse.
Cleanliness of stalls.
Cleanliness of thoroughfares.
Dogs in markets prohibited.
Maintenance of order.
Posting of by-laws.
No. 17 of 1887.
An Ordinance entitled The Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887.
[20th June, 1887.]
BE it enacted bv the Governor of HoDgkoiog, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows,:-
1. In the construction of thi,,-, O1°dinancej the term City of Victoria
means the City of Victoria bowlded as follows :--
Bye-lrlv's 1>5>
!,i oYLt'11 C1r '1 f l
c.1onrurs3.l. .
of animals.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Discuses, Slaughter- Houses, and Narhets.
()n the north by the harbour, on the south by the I'ohfiilam
and Taitam conduits, on the east by a straight line drawn
from Whitfield Police Station to the mouth of the '1'aitam
tunnel; anal on the west by Aloilllt Davis.'
Cattle means bulls, cows, omen, heifers, calves, and buffaloes.
Animal means rattle, sheep, goats and swine. [Amended by Ord.
No. '21 of 1889. (rep- ecclecl) and by Ord. No. 23 of 1890.
Disease means any infectious, contagious or communicable disease
Market building means any house, shop, stall, or other buildinu in a
1 n yortation of cattle.
2, The Governor in Council may mare and when made, vary, ad.l
to, or revoke lye-laws in respect of the following matters :-
(1. ) L'uohibitin), the importation or landing of cattle, sheep and
swine (' animals' as amended by Ord. No. 21 of 1889
(,repealed) and by Ord. .l1-'0. 23 of 1890 otherwise than
at such times and places, and supject to such conditions
r'eaarding inspection, TncLl'k111a, isolation, subsequent
disposal, and payment of such inspection fees as may he
prescribed by such bye-laws.
( `?. ) Providing-for ovidin~ -for the regular inspection of- all places
cattle, sheep and swine T' animals ' as ajnended by O~-cf.
No. 21 of .1889 (repealed) and by Ord. No. 23 of .1890
are kept.
(3.) The slaraahte.ring or isolating and keeping nndvobservation
any animal that may appear to be or may be reasonably
suspected of being infected. or of having been in contact
or in the same herd with animals affected with disease.
(4.) `Authorising the Sanitary Board to dispose of the carouse
of any animal slaughtered under the provisions of this
Ordinance in such manner as it n way deems fit.
ORDINANCE 'No. 17,OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Horcses, and 314)-kets.
(5.) Authorising the Sanitary Board to declare places to bo
infected with disease and to prohibit the removal of any
animal, fodder, litter, utensil, or other thing from such
(6. ) Prescribing the modes of clean~lnm and disinfecting of
places wvhicli have hrIlell eeCllpiecl by any animal suffering
from infectious disease.
The Governor in Council shall direct k that out of the public
revenue of the Colony compensation shall be paid as follows for arty
-animal slaughtered under the provisions of this Ordinance:-
When 1:) When the animal has shown no s3,n11>tolns of diSc,ase
within 3 clays after iml)ortation but has showed symh-
torns of disease «'lthln 1 4, days after importation, one
third of its valise when imported shall be given.
(l.) NVllen the animal has shown symptoms of disease after
being over 14 d,,lys in tile Colony, one half its valise
immediately before it became affected shall be given.
(3.) When the animal has shown no symptoms of disease btlt
has been in contact or in the same herd with diseased
cattle, compensation shall be given. .
( -t.) [Provided that the sups? to be alloiced as compmsalim,fm- one
animal shall in ro case exceed x`50. Re
pealed by Ordi-
nance No. 12 cf 1890 and new sub-section substituted.' ,
When the animal has shown symptoms of disease on im-
portation or wi~hin 3 days after importation no com-
pensation will be given.
for Azlim'1ls
4. The Governor in Council shall direct that out of the public
revenue of the Colony the full market value shall be paid for all
articles ot~t«li'
destroyed in the disinfecting of infected premises under the provisions of
this Ordinance.
5. The amount of compensation for animals slaclghtered and articles v,l«o
to bo
h.xed by
destroyed shall be filed by an inspector of live-stock, and any person
inspector of
dissatisfied with his valuation m,%y api)eal therefrom to the Governor in
OR'DIX,ANCE No. 17 of l88i.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
Tr,tr,Ej,O,.r. t,r - g, ..~o person shall bring into the Colony, or drive,
carry, transport,
:1,~i'maa5. ,.enlove, or have or keep, or htlo~V'in~ly suffer to be had or
kept under-
his control or oji his premises any animal or other creature used for
human food in any way which may cause needless or avoidable suflerin
to such anim.d or creature.
cattle delxc~rs. 7, All animals brought to the Colony for the purpose of
sla uahtered slriall be kept, except when they may be turned out to graze,
in a properly constructed depot licensed by the Sanitary Board under
section 11 of Ordinance l of 1883. ['Section 13 of Ordinance No. 24 Of'
1887:' as arrezded by Ordinance No. 9 of .889 (repealed), and by Ordi-
nance No. 23 of .Z890.] No animals shall be turned out to braze when
the Sanitary Board shall, for sanitary reasons, forbid such grazing by an
order in vritin ;.
~~;s cabtrhoi ilp' $. A sufficient number of fit and proper
slaughter-houses to meet
)Io1ues ami the requirements of the Colony shall he provided by the
i7~eor. ''' and it shall be lawful for the (governor in Council to errant
to any person
car persons the sole privilege of slaughtering cattle [' animals' as
by Ordinance ,l\'o. 21 of 1889 (repealed), and by Ordinance X1'0. 23
of'1890 within the Colony or within any particular district or locality
therein, far such rent, premium, or consideration and for such period and
capon such conditions as shall be deemed expedient ; always provided
that the Governor in. Council may at ,discretion lease the privilege of
slauuhterino, animals by private contract or appoint any person to manage
the public sla,ughter-houses. . All contracts entered into for the leasing
of the l:>rivile~e of slaughtering animals within the Colony before the
passim of this Ordinance shall continue in force mail such contracts
shall expire.,
Ia,~ 9. No slaylnten-house shall he opened or kept open except
IfIent of 06,eT the provisions of this Ordinance ; and every
slaughter-house which shall
bouse`, be otherwise opened or kept open shmll, too-ether with the
building in
m-hich the s~m-e shall ',be carried on; he dkerned a nuisance.
ORDINANCE No. 1 7 of 1887 .
Cattle Diseases, -Slaughter-1Iauses, and.31'arkcts.
10. 'file lessee of the privilege of slang'ntering animals shalt enjoy,
ilurin(, the whole of 'the term of his lease, the sole and ezciasive
Of slaucyl-aterino, a.nitnals 111 the Colony, and shall ive snell
security for
the payment of the rent thereof and for the due observance of the bye-
lams revulatin0 o, slaughter-horlses as the Governor in Council may
11. The lessee of the privilege of slatt(-),llteriLio- rtni121rlls 111
the Colony
stall not sublet or assign any part thereof without the. written
--of the Registrar General. w
12. h~o person shall slaughter any a111111r1I or dress any- czrcase
thereof for sale except within a slaughter-house appointed for that pur-
pose under this Ordinance ; always 'provided that boats may be slaugh-
tered by or for any Indians, Indian tr o;)fls or rn<li.m F)olice quartered
in the Colony.
13. Except as provided in this Ordinance no person a11,111 dernmnd
o>r receive any money or other valaal:>le consideration as a fey:, fine,
ae, toll,
rent or otherwise for access or admission to (v r for slaughtering ally
u.n.imal in any slau~llter-house. '
14. The Captain Superintendent of Police, the: Registrar (X'eneral,
the Surveyor Generals and their respective officers as well as rneaabers
..and officers of the Sanitary Board shall have at all ti.Lrres free
;recess to
every port of every slaphter-lnouse.
15. The Governor in Council play from time to ti.rno make and POW(..). w
T 11R1C(.'
-her. made revoke, acid to, or alter bye-laws for regulating the
110llses 112 the Colony.
Jl ar~lcets.
16. 1111 markets the time of the coming into operation
of this Ordinance shall be continued and shall be subject to this Ordi-
xlance, bLrt it shall be lawful- for the Governor in Council from titne
time to close any of them, and also to establish or close any new market.
No market shall be opened or kept open except under the provisions of
tis and every market which shall be otherwi
I se opened or
.kept open shall, together with th~ building in wlriclv the sa.rne shall
carried on, be d~ernecl a nuisance.
213 7
l'.TVit-.ilG'C to
ail i3-l(3tC111 h
1)1'0111 kil t (_d.
except ht
lorcall ildt (:cl.
V tulTiLllU1'i4;tvt2
I'Ct!s W' ('l ld,l'gts.
Iloixse5 op(n l.
no -iTlsp(vtiaTtt.-
markci n.
ORDINANCE No. 17 or.- 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Sluu3jetcr-Houses, and llQarhets.
Buildings in 17. No buildings shall be .erectL;I or maintained in any
except stalls, quarters fir market officers, police and porters. Such.
I>uilclin~s shall. be of stone or hrica and the stalls shall be fitted
stone or wooden counters. No person shall be allowed to bass the night
in any rnarl:et except the Police ana caretakers recognised by the Gov-
Lett,ia~ m 1$. All. ina.rket buildings shall be let by the Registrar
General in
011111L1C1a9, such manner and on such conditions as shall from time ,to
time be
(See ca7zcza- approved by the Governor in Council. Until such conditions
and manner
ti,ct>as and -
;,lamner of of lettiu(r shall be so established or varied they shall he as
follows :---
lntting 21st,
May, 1890,
t:a.xetti; Wt
(1. ) All market buildings sl.all be let without fine or premium,
either from month to month, or for a germ of years, for -
the lugllest rent obtainable, such rent to be ascertained
by sealed tenders. In case of equal tenders the tenant-
in possession, i F any, shall have the preference.
( ?. ) If the letting iz~ fro;rl month to mouth, a month's notice
of its disco ntimzance shall be given either by the Regis-
trar General or the lessee as the case may be.
If the letting is for a,year of more, no notice of the expira-
tion of the term shall be necessary.
4, ) No market buildin0 shall be let for more than three years
except on. a higher rent than can be obtained for three
years' lease, nor for any term exceeding five years' lease
without the approval of the Governor.
( 5. ) All rents of market buildings shall be paid to the liebistrar
General in advance withijin the first seven days of each
( G. ) The Governor may' order the forfeiture of any lease of a
market building if' it shall be proved to hip satisfaction
that tile licensee has used such market, building for any
other purposes than those pertaining to the business of
a market.
'Sub -7etr,inm 19. No lessee of any market building shall sublet or
assign. the
z>y°h'b'ted' carne or any part thereof without the written permission of
the Registrar
General, nor shall transfer -leis lease to any other person. Nevertheless.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 188-;:
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- 116 uses, and'Alarhets.
the business of any lessee may be carried on, in case of his death or
absence, by his executors, administrators, or agents until the expiration
of his lease.
N0. No alteration in or addition to any rnrket building shall
be Alterations to
made or commenced by any lessee thereof without the sanction of the
Surveyor General ill writing.
21. Whenever the lessee of piny rnarl-t building shall fail to comply
uPpnirs to
buildings by
with any condition of his bold ink or grant as to the, execution of any
repairs to such market buildin~, or other works in connection with. the
salve, the Surveyor General rrlay summon such lessee before a Police
Magistrate, who may summarily order 'him to execute such repairs or
other works within a reasonable tirne to be specified in such order. Any
failure to carry out the terals of such order shall be deemed an offence
against this Ordinance.
22. Except as by this Ordinance provided, no person shall within sales
markets prU-
the city or harbour of Victoria or in such villages as shall be named in
any bye-law to be made for the purpose by the Governor in Cocxncil sell
or expose for sale in any place not being a public market within the
xneanin of this Ordinance any articles of food for man usually sold or
exposed for sale in a public Market; always provided that the Governor
in Council may from time to dine grant 'Licences for the sale of articles
food for man elsewhere than. in a public market, to such persons, for such
considerations, and for such periods its he shall think fit.
23. Nothing in Luis Ordinance shall be so construed as to forbid
any of the following sales of food:-
(1. ) Of rice, bread, milk, salt-fish, or confectionery. ,
(2.) Of green veaetabh:, fruit, bean-curd, congee, soup, or
other prepared food by licensed hawkers.
(3.) Of fish, by licensed boatmen at a distance of at least one
hundred yards from shore.
(L) Of cooked provisions to customers by any licensed vict-
ualler or keeper of a boarding house or refreshment
Of any food commonly sold by chandlers and purveyors
not being raw buWhers' meat.
( 6. ) Public sales by l~censed auctioneers.
Exceptious ~tci
the prohibi-
tion of sales
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases; Slaughter-Houses, and Marhets.
24. No person shall keep, sell, expose for sale or bring into the Colony
or into
any market, any food for man or beast which is in an unwholesome
condition or unfit
for use. Repealed by Ordinance No. ?3 of 1 &90.1
unauthorised; 25. Except as provided by this Ordinance, no person shall
fees or charges
prohibited. q or receive any money or other valuable consideration as a
fee, flee, toll,
rent or otherwise for access or admission to, or for scllinb, or buying in
any market. -
Markets, open
.to inspection.
1.>ower to nlake
26. The Captain Superintendent of Police, the lZebistrar General;
the Surveyor General and their respective officers as well as members
and officers of the Sanitary .hoard shall have at all times free access to
-every part of every market building.
27, The Governor in Council may fron 1 time to time make' and
when made revoke, add to, or alter bye-laws for re(yulatincr the rnaakets
of the Colony.
Pro pimgatzon 2$. All Orders in Council and bye-laws made under this
:Of orders and. '
byq-laws. shall be published in the Government, Gazette in English and
Every Order in Council shall tale effect from the date specified in such
order. All bye-laws when Io ublished shall be construed as parts of this
Ordinance and such bye-laws shall be binding not only Upon all licensees
under this Ordinance but also upon all persons employed by or dealing
with them: The bye-laws set forth in the schedules hereto annexed
shall be the bye-Laws made under this Ordinance until the same shall be
altered or repealed by the Governor in Council.
n~.~t~on of 29. Offences against this Ordinance shall be considered to be
(1.) Refusal, neglect, or omission to do any act commanded by
this Ordinance oh by any order in ` Council made there-
( 2. ) Refusal to permit or obstruction of any such act. .
(8. ) The doing of any act f4rbiddc.~n by this Ordinance or by
any order in Council made thereunder.
0RDi1'AIVCE No. 17 ©F 18$7.
Cattle Diseases, Slairghtsr-Bozsscs, and ~larkets.
30. For every offence against this Ordinance there; shall be payable.
( l.) In the case of any offence against sections 2 to G inclusive,'
a fine not elcee(linu t.«-o hundred dollars.
( 2. ) in the case of any other offence, a flue not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
I L addition to which any licence held uwler this Or(ILi3,111Ce by thu
niI(ly be forfeited
31. All loenalti(;s for offences aIgainst this Ordinance nmy be recovered
in v summary way before a Police NZagistrvte.
32. The followin~ Ordinances or parts of Crdinarc~s arid all raleS
mule thereunder we repealed
14 of 1$ <1 5. Section 11.
9 of 1$5S.
5 of 1867.
9 of 1867. Sections 11 and 12.
of 1$78.
19 of 1$8a.
nut such repeal shall not affect anything Ia,'yfally done of commenced to
lie done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed
by them.
33. This Ordinance ,:b,-tll Co1T1F' 11110 force on a, day to he named by
the Ci-oi error. f R '
Cattle diseases.--Bye-laws.
1. All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony by water shall be landed
at the cattle wharf at Kennedy Town, the wharf of the Hongkong and Macao
boat Company, and the wharf commonly used by the China Steam Navigation
Company, at Praya Central, the Hon gkong Kowloon Wharf and Godown
Pier at Praia West, the Dairy Farm Comiany's wharf at `-fu-lam, or
the Police
Station wharf at Yaumati, k;etw~een the hzura of 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock
in the morning
or between the hours of 2 o'cloe'h an~G o'clock in the evening.
Recovery of
Cattle landing
wharves and
time of landing.
ORDINANCE No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases, ~.5laughter-Houses, rend Markets.
Importation of. 2, All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony by land
shall be driven direct to
cattle and sheep
by land. the cattle market at the village of Yaunlati, and their arrival
reported forthwith at the
Yzumati Police Station.
Segregation of
animals to be
reported to
Sanitary Board.
Keep of
Slaughter of
animal suffering
from disease and
disposal of
Cattle and sheep 3, All cattle and sheep imported into the Colony shall be
forthwith inspected and
to be inspected
on importation. duly marked by an inspector of live-stock, and any animal
which he finds to be diseased
13iaeased animals
to be segregated. or which he may suspect to he suffering from disease
shall be placed in segregation and
under observation at the depots set apart for the purpose at Kennedy Town
4. An inspector of live-stock, shall in every instance, with all
practicable speed,
report to the Sanitary Board the whole of the ascertainable particulars
concerning the
animals he places in segregation.
5. The owner of each animal placed in segregation shall pay five cents
per day for
the keep of such animal until it is either passed as being free from
disease or destroyed.
6. If it appears to the Sanitary Board that an animal placed in
segregation is
suffering from a dangerously infectious disease, it shall cause such
animal to be forth-
with slaughtered and tile carease thereof shall be disposed of in such
planner as the
Board may deem fit.
Slanght-,ring of 7. If it appears to the Sanitary Board that any animal
has been in contact or in
animal that has
)seen In contact - the same herd with animals suffering from disease, it
may at discretion cause such
with diseased
`animal' animal to be slaughtered and the carcase thereof shall be
disposed of in such manner
as the Board map deems fit. .
carcaRea ` $. The carcase of any animal slaughtered under the provisions
of rules 6 and 7
property of the
government, shall be the exclusive property of the Government. . ,
Importation 9, No person shall hncwingly bring into the Colony any animal
suffering from
of diseased
animate disease.
Inspection fee:
10. Such tee as may he from tine to time be determined by the Governor in'
Council will be charged for each head of cattle and for each head of
sheep imported into
the Colony.
Inspection of 11. An inspector of live-stock shall visit, at such times as
the Sanitary Board may
cattle, sheep and
swine delrats., direct, all places where cattle, sheep and swine are kept
and inspect the animals they°e,
and he shall immediately report to the Sanitary heard all cases of
disease wl,lich he
may detect during such inspection. ,
eclared be 12 where it appears to the Sanitary Board that disease exists
tar has within 56
infected, days existed in any place where cattle; sheep, or swine are
kept, the Board may declare
such place to be infected and take such steps to prevent the spread of
disease as it
deems necessary.
Removal of 13. 'then a place has been declared to be infected a placard
shall he posted
animals or
articles ircm there to that effect and the removal therefrom, without the
sanction of the Sanitary
infected areas prohibited. Board, .of si,y aniW al, carcase, fodder,
litter; utensil -or other thing therein is pro-
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle, Diseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
14. Every person having in his premises or under his charge an animal
with disease shall, with all practicaLlo shoed, report the s2ine to the
officer in charge of
the nearest Police Station. ..
15. The Police shall forthwith report to the Sanitary. Board all cases of
disease conlinj under their notice.
16. The digging up of a carcase of an animal which has been buried is
Diseased amir &Is
to tie reported.
Digging up of
17. The Sanitary Board shill cause all places where a~ diseased animal
has been Disinfection of
infected placer.
kept to be cleansed and disinfected 111 such manner as it deems fit at
the public expense.
I. An inpector u£ live stock shall carefully examine every n.nilnal about
to be slau'A't<.on ' V
nnimnle about to
any of the sla.llghtcr-houses ;tnd i£ he finds tile nliimal Ilcaltl:y and
in goad condition lie shell mark it kw, slaughtered.
as being fit £«r slaughtering foi- hluntin food. ~[.llernkcd by
additional h'yn-la~u 21st ~Irr~, 1a04.]
2. No cattle or slzerla shall be nllnittecl into the slaughter-houses
except those that; have been AAvsNssonofanEC
tma ar1111P Lo
marked within the previous twenty-four hours by an inspector of live
stock as being fit fox shtryllterity 0iuahtrxhnum
for human food. L'Revoked by additional Bye-law 21st .flay, 18JO.]
3. No swine shall be alanghtered in the slaughter-house9 except these
that have been . planked
within the previous twenty-four hoarb by an inspector of live stock as
being fit for slaughtering for
human fool. [Revoked by aclditiuna.l Bye-kx2v °l4 play, Is9a.]
4. The lessee of the privilege of slaughieriug animals, shall pr<wide all
persons Providing
'laughter men
necessary for the purpcse of slaughtering animals and dressing the
carcases thereof, and hot water-
together with a sufficient supply of hot water, and shall have the same
in readiness at
all times far the service of persons ulahing use of the slaughter-houses.
5. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals, all
times allow any charges for
person to slaughter any animal or dryss any carcase for sale on payment
to him of a
fee not exceeding twenty cents for each animal weighing less than one
picul or forty -
.cents for each animal weighing mare, besides the blood of -such animal,
which the
lessee clay retain.
Slaughtering of
G. The weight of each animal for the purposes of the preceding rule shall
be r eigj,t (,r
ascertained before it is slaughtered.
7. Each slaughter-house shall be provided with a hanbing shed, in which
carcase of every animal slaughtered shall be Lung as soon as it is
dressed. Such
carcases shall continue hanging in such shed until they are removed, to
the markets,
which removal shall be by means of a wheeled and covered vehicle or =in a
boat in
either of which the carcases can he hung, and not otherwise.
Hanging sheds
and carriage of
Removal of bile$
skin~, fat, ~ e.
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-11and Markets.
'Ventilation and $, The lessee o£ the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall cause the means of
clraiisage of ,
ahLaghter- ' ventilation and drainage provided in or in connexion with the
public slaughter-houses
in the Colony to be kept, at all times, in proper and efficient action.
Water Supply 9. The lessee of the privilege of sla,ujhteriug animals shall
cause the means .of
of zla aghter-
lioivies. water-supply or in connexion with the
slaughter-houses in the Colony to
- he kept, at all times, in proper order.
Re,novHiofbzoaa, 10. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall provide a sufficient
filth, etc., in
proper receinto-i- number of vessels or receptacles, properly.
constructed of some non-alsorbent material,
and furnished with closely fitting covers, for the purpose of receiving
and conveying
from the slaughter-houses of the Colony all blood, manure, garbage,
filth, or other
refuse products of the slaughtering of animals, or the dressing of any
carcase therein.
He shall forthwith upon the completion o£ the slaughtering of animals or
the dressing
of any carcase in the slwzghter-houses of the Colony cause such blood,
manure, garbage,
filth, ®r other refuse products to be collected and deposited in such
vessels or receptacles,
and he shall cause all the contents of such vessels or receptacles to be
removed from
the slauhter-houses at least once in every twenty-four hours. He shall
cause every
such vessel or receptacle to be thoroughly cleansed immediately after
such vessel or
receptacle shall have been used for such collection and removal, and
shall cause every
such vessel yr receptacle when not in actual use - to be kept thoroughly
rro.vta;ugand 11. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals
shall provide the proper
deansing of
instruments, appliances, and utensils required for the purpose of
slaughtering and he
shall cause all such articles to be thoroughly cleansed immediately after
the completion
of the process U slaughtering in which they have been used, and lie
shall also cause
every such utensil when not in actual use to be kept thoroughly clean.
12. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals shall cause every
part of the
internal surface of the walls and every part of the floors o the
slaughter-houses in the
Colony to be kept, at all times, in good order and repair, so as to
prevent the absorp-
tion therein of any -blood or liquid refuse or filth which may be spilled
or splashed
thereon, or any offensive or noxious matter which may be deposited
thereon or brought
iu contact therewith. He shall cause every part of the internal surface
of the slaughter-
houses above the floor to be either thoroughly washed with hot lime-wash
or tarred,
at least, four times in every year. He shall cause every part of the
floors of such
slaughter-houses, and every part of the internal surface of every wall on
which and
blood or liquid' refuse or filth may have been spilled or splashed, or
with which any
offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact during the
process o
slaughtering or clressimg in such slaughter-houses, to he thoroughly
washed and
cleansed within three hours after the completion of such slaughtering or
13. The lessee of the privilege o slaughtering animals shall cause the
hide o'r
shin, fat, and offal, of every animal slaw ji-itered in the
slaughter=houses of the Colony
to be removed therefrom , within twenty-four hours after the completion o
Slci.llghtet'tna o£ such anima?. ~.
of -1S8i:
Cattle Liseases, Slaughter-Houses, and Markets.
14. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering animals shall not at any
time keep
any dog or cause any do; to be kept in any of the slaughter-houses of the
Colony. $e
shall not at any time weep, or cause, or suffer to be. kept in any of
tile slaughter-houses
any animal of which the flesh may be used for the food of man, unless
such auima.I be
so kept in preparation far the slaughtering thereof upon the premises,
and be shall not
keep such animal or cause or suffer such animal to be kept in any of the
houses for a longer period than tray be necessary for the purpose of
preparin, such
.animal for the process of slaughtering. He shall cause all animals kept
in preparation
for slaughtering to be confined in the stalls, pens, or lairs provided an
the premises
for this purpose.
3.5. The lessee of the privilege of slaughterinb anicnalb shall cause
every aztitxlal , :v1i71,111s;1
A4ll,Kf, litf' l'-ilplhl!.V
Lrought to anlv of the slaualtter-pauses in the Colony, and confined in
any stall, pen, ~ i~ beNsupplied
or lair upon the premises previous to being slaughtered, to be provided
during such
.confinement with a sufficient quantity of wholesome water.
16. .Animals confined in the stalls, lairs, or pens attached to the
slaphter-pauses spllvelluattcutor
stall have at least the following space allotted to them, vii. :--
Every ox or cow ~(8 feet by 2 feet) 16 superficial feet.
y Every sheep or pig (4 feet by 1 foot) 4 superficial feet.
~xl ,~,' ill Qaltgll-
weeping if
animals in
except order
Form of Market Register.
of lessee or
For the (1Zanthly
sale of lent.
of 5e'11
1, Market buildings, shall be classified and set apart by tile Sanitary
Board for clltisifi<illt;<,n of
the sale of meat? fowls, fish, fruit, vegetables, and such other
perishable e goods.
ORDINANCE INo. 17 GF 1887,
Register to be
Manner of letting
vacant bnildtng4.
Sale of flesh
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- R'orcses, and Markets.
flours during
which markets
ire open.
Cleansing of
2. The Surveyor General shall cause all market buildings to be numbered.
3. A resister of all market buildings shall be kept by the Registrar
Geueiwl in
the form of schedule C to this Ordinance. Ever y entry in such register
shall be primd
facie evidence of the facts therein appearing.
4. The Ro-istrar General shall cause to be conspicuously exhibited on a
board in each market a list of X11 market buildings let by the month, and
of those
shortly to become vacant, and notice shall; in the case of buildings
about to become
vacant, be exhibited at least three weeks before the vacancy and a time
fixed for the
reception of tenders.
5. Every market shall be open to the public froth 4 A.M. till 8 r.:~.
each day.
0. Every occupied stall shall have a sign-board in front showing in full,
both in
English and Chinese, the name of the stall-holder. r
Obstructing ~ 7. The sign boards and blinds o£ every market buildiii;
shall be so arranged as
not to obstruct ally thoroughfare in such mvrhet, and no lessee of guy
market building
shall permanently phace or store any toads outside such mwhet building,
or allow them
to project beyond it.
$. No person shall make use o£ any avenue or thoroughfare of any market
the conveyance of mercUam:lis2 'not itoc3n1a.1, for sole or exposure for
sale in such
market. ,
lteguvtingsates. 9. No person shall sell, offer ox expose for sale guy
article in any part of the,rnarket other than the part thereof wliich is
,al>proprizited for the sale of such article.
a.egnxatsng sales. 10. Nu sales within anv market shall be carried on
except in a market building.
11. No person shall hawk or cry any article whet etev3r for sale in any
12. Every bolder 'of a tnarltet buildiry shall cause his building to be
cleansed immediately before the reception, deposit or exposure for ° sale
therein or,
thereon and immediately after the removal therefrom of any marketable
or articles.
i3r,toner~stana.~ 13. Every butcher and dealer in flesh mead shall
thoroughly wash and cleanse his
stall, block, stall-board and any fittings or utensils belonging thereto
at least once a
14. No flesh meat other than that which has been slaughtered ins the
. houses of the Colony shall be exposed for sale in any market till it has
been inspected
by an inspector of markets and marked by him as heist fit for human food.
`sa,e of;n,ported 15. Every butcher and dealer in flesh meat who exposes
for sale flesh meat which
:tesl neat, _ - .
has not been slaughtered in the slaubhter-houses of the Colony, shall put
up a notice
on the front of his stall in English and Chinae stating the place from
whence such
' flesh meat was imported, and the letters and Lharacters of such notice
shall be at least
one and 'a half inches long.
ORDINANCE No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter- Houses, grad Markets.
16. An inspector of marl-ets shall make a weekly return showing the
weight of xeturn of dead
meat imported.
fresh flesh meat imported into the Colony during the week, and such
,return will be
published in the Government Gazette.
17. No person shall cleave any carcase or part of a carease elsewhere
than upon a cleaning of
cleaving block or chopping board or upon the hooks provided for the
purpose. carcase. ,
18. Every fisbmouger shall thoroughly wash and cleanse his stall and any
and utensils belougin a thereto at least once a day.
19. Every poulterer shall thoroughly cleanse his stall, pens, and ally
belonging thereto at least once a day. _
20. No person shall pluck or clean any poultry or game except in the
appropriated for tile. purpose.
21. Every stall-holder shall provide himself with a portable dust-bin in
accordance Portable
with one or other of the patterns on view in the markets. .
22. Every stall-holder shall cause all dust, garbage and solid refuse of
any kind Disposal of W-axcv
and refuse.
which may be produced or way accumulate in the course of his business or
in the.
cleaning of poultry, or fish to be immediately placed in his portable
dust-bin, and he
shall, as often as may be necessary, but never loss than once a day,
cause such dustbin,
to be iremoved,'emptied, and cleansed at the place set apart for the
reception of dust
aid garbage.
Youlterer s
Cleaning poultry°.
23, No stall-holder shall suffer any garbage or refuse to remain or be
under or,
about his stall and he shall keep the avenue or passage in front thereof
in a cleanly
Cleanliness Of
24. No person shall throw any vegetable substance, offal, garbage, or
offensive cleanliness of
25. or thing on to any market avenue or thoroughfare.
25. The market avenues or thoroughfares shall be thoroughly cleansed by
public Scavenging.
scavengers as often as required but never less than three times every day.
26. No stall-holder shall keep and dog in any market, nor shall any
person Dogs in inarxets
knowingly permit guy dog to follow him into a market. prohititecL
27. .A: sufficient number of inspectors of Police and constables shall be
detached Maintenance of`
from the PoliceADepartment by the Captain Superintendent of Police for
the mainte-
nance of order in the markets, and shall be subject to such control as
xrlay be ordered
by the Governor in Council.
2$, Copies of the market bye-laws shall be at all times posted in
positions in the markets.
[In force from 7th May, 1888,by proclamation of the 5th May, 1888.]
Posting of
ORDINANCT No. 17 OF 1887.
Cattle Diseases, ,Slaughter-Idouses, and .alarlsets.
Order made by the Governor in Council under sec. 16 of ' The Cattle
Slaughter-Houses, and ~Yfa.rkets Ordinance, 1887,'
the 8th and gazetted the 19th
January, 1888.
The premises situated at Bun ghom, Kowloon, known as The .ITzanglzom
Market shall
be, and the same are hereby established, a market within the meaning of
section 16 of
The Cattle Diseases, Slaughter Houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887.
Orders made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of'' The
Discuses, Sluughter-Houses, and Markets Ordinanee, 1887,'
(11'0. 17 of 1887, the 13th and gazetted 22nd
.Tune, 1889.
1. The bye-laws contained in schedule A to The Cattle Diseases,
and Markets Ordinance, 188%, are hereby varied by substituting for the
words 'cattle
and sheep' wherever found in the said bye-laws the word 'animals.'
`',~. The 11th bye-law in the said schedule is hereby varied by
substituting for the
words ' cattle, sheep and swine ' the, word ' animals,' and by
substituting for the
words 'the animals there' the word 'them.'
3. The 12th bye-law in the said schedule is hereby amended by
substituting for
the wards ' cattle, sheep, or swine ' the word ' animals.'
Conditions of Slav glzter-laouses farm or contract approved by the
Governor in Council
the 16th and gazetted 21st December, X889. (Ordinance No. .17 of 1887.)
1. The lessee or contractor shall be bound by the provisions of The
Cattle Diseases,
Slaughter-houses, and Markets Ordinance, 1887, relating to
slaughter-houses and also
by the bye-laws made thereunder.
2, The lessee or contractor shall not permit any person to live or sleep
in any of
the slaughter-houses except with the written permission of the Sanitary
3. The lessee or contractor shall at all times see that his servants
carry out their
work in an orderly manner and that no unnecessary noise is createf` by
them in the
performance of their work.
4. His Excellency the Governor reserves to himself the exclusive right of
celling the lease or contract, without giving previous notice to the
lessee or contractor,
at any time upon the Governor's receiving a report from the Sanitary
Board to the
effect that the said lessee or contractor is not fulfilling the whole or
any part or clause
of his lease or contract,'and that it is for the public interest that his
lease or contract
should be cancelled.
ORDIiVTLXCE N©. 17 of 157.
Cattle Diseases, Slaughter-Mouses, and .Markets. '
Conditions of Catty Depot .Fcxriaa or contract approved, by the Governor
in Council the
16th and gazetted the 21st December, 1889. (Ordinance No. 17 of 188T.)
1. The lessee or contractor shall be entitled to the use and occupation
of the whole
of the present cattle depot including the coolie quarters attached to it.
2, The lessee or contractor shall be entitled to a fee not exceeding 2
cents for
each head of cattle that enters the depot, and a fee not exceeding 2
cents for every
day that such animal shall remain in the depot not including the day of
3. Except in cases of emergency and with written permission from the
Board, no more cattle shall be admitted into the depot than can be
accommodated in
the stalls set apart for their reception.
4. The lessee or contractor shall have at all times a responsible person
in charge
of the dep&t and of the animals housed therein.
5. The lessee or contractor shall cause the depot to be thoroughly
cleansed twice
a day in such manner and at such times as the Sanitary Board may direct.
i6. The lessee or contractor shall cause all animal manure and other
refuse matters
to be deposited in the bins set apart for the purpose. .
7, All the manure collected in the depot shall be the property of and
will be
removed daily by the Government.
$. The lessee or contractor shall at once report to the inspector of live
and markets any breach of the law regulating ; the importation of cattle
and also any
case of cattle disease which may comp to his knowledge.
9, The lessee or contractor shall keep the depot including the coolie
attached to it at all times in a cleanly condition.
Conditions and manner of letting of market buildings under section I8 of
No. 17 of 1887, approved by the Governor in Council, the 21st .May,
and gazetted 7th June, 1890.
I. All market buildings shall be let without fine or premium either from
to month or fora term of pears for such rent as shall appear to the
Registrar General
just and reasonable. Appeals from the Registrar General's decision shall
be decided
by the Governor in Council.
2, If the letting is from month to mouth, a month's notice of its
shall be given either by the Registrar General or the lessee as the case
may be.
$. If tbe.letting is for a year or more, no notice of the expiration of
the tern shall
be necessary.
Ordinance No. 17 of 1887.
Cattle Diseases, Slaugkter-Houses, and Markets.
4. No market building shall be let for any terra exceeding 5 years
without the,
approval of the Governor.
5. All rents of market buildings shall be paid to the Registrar General
in advance
within the first seven days of each month.
6. No lessee of any market building shall, without the lessor's consent
in writin~,
use such ,building for any purpose other than that for which it is let,
nor shall he assign,
underlet, or part with the possession of such building, nor in any way
alter or add to
it, or suffer it to fall into disrepair. - .
7. Any breach of regulations. 5 or s shall render the lessee liable to
the forfeiture
of his lease.
Additional bye-law oracle by the Governor in Council under the provisions
of section, 1.>
of Ordinance No. 17 of 1887, the 21st May, and ga.zetted 7th .Time, 1890.
Bye-laws 1, 2, and 3 in schedule B to Ordinance No. 17 of 1887, are
hereby revolved
and in lieu thereof, the following bye-law shall be substituted:-
' No sheep or cattle shall be slaughtered for human food 11 ally of the
houses unless bearing an official hark showing their fitness for such
NOTE. 'An order in Council was made on the N 9th July, 1887, suspending
the bye-laws
for slaughter-houses set forth in schedule B to the Ordinance: see
Gazette 30th
July, 1887, but as the Ordinance did not co7ne into ,force until the 7th
1888, it would appear to be invalid.
[See amending Ord. No. 23 of 1890.]
Bye-laws by Governor in Council.
Compensation of animals slaughtered.
Compensation for articles destroyed.
Value to be fixed by inspector live-stock.
Transport of animals.
Cattle depots.
Establishing of slaughter-houses and the letting thereof.
Prohibiting the establishment of other slaughter-houses.
Privilege of slaughtering animals.
Sub-letting prohibited.
Slaughtering except in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Slaughter-houses open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
[See Ord. No. 10 of 1890, s. 93.]
Establishing markets.
Prohibiting other markets.
Buildings in markets.
Letting of market buildings.
[See Conditions and manner of letting 21st May, 1890, Gazette 7th June, 1890.]
Sub-letting prohibited.
Alterations buildings.
Repairs to buildings by lessee.
Sales outside markets prohibited.
Exceptions to the prohibition of sales outside markets.
Unwholesome food.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Markets open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
Promulgation of orders and bye-laws.
Definition of offences.
Recovery of penalties.
Cattle landing wharves and time of landing.
Importation of cattle and sheep by land.
Cattle and sheep to be inspected on importation.
Diseased animals to be segregated.
Segregation of animals to be reported to Sanitary Board.
Keep of segregated animals.
Slaughter of animal suffering form disease and disposal of carcase.
Slaughtering of animal that has been in contact with diseased animal.
Carcases property of Government.
Importation of diseased animals prohibited.
Inspection fees.
Inspection of cattle, sheep and swine depots.
Places to be declared infected.
Removal of animals or articles from infected areas prohibited.
Diseased animals to be reported.
Digging up of carcases prohibited.
Disinfection of infected places.
Inspection of animals about to be slaughtered.
Admission of cattle and sheep to slaughter houses.
Slaughtering of swine.
Providing slaughter men and hot water.
Charges for slaughtering.
Weight of animals.
Hanging sheds and carriage of meat.
Ventilation and drainage of slaughter-houses.
Water supply of slaughter-houses.
Removal of blood, filth, etc., in proper receptacles.
Providing and cleansing of slaughter-house appliances.
Cleansing of slaughter-houses.
Removal of bides, skins, fat, &c.
Dogs in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Keeping of animals in slaughter-houses prohibited except under certain conditions.
Animals in slaughter-houses to be supplied with water.
Space allotted for animals.
Classification of buildings.
Register to be kept.
Manner of letting vacant buildings.
Hours during which markets are open.
Obstructing thoroughfares.
Conveyance of merchandise.
Regulating sales.
Regulating sales.
Hawking prohibited.
Cleansing of stalls.
Butchers' stalls.
Sale of flesh meat.
Sale of imported flesh meat.
Return of dead meat imported.
Cleaning of carcase.
Fishmongers' stalls.
Poulterer's stalls.
Cleaning poultry.
Portable dust-bins.
Disposal of waste and refuse.
Cleanliness of stalls.
Cleanliness of thoroughfares.
Dogs in markets prohibited.
Maintenance of order.
Posting of by-laws.
[See amending Ord. No. 23 of 1890.]
Bye-laws by Governor in Council.
Compensation of animals slaughtered.
Compensation for articles destroyed.
Value to be fixed by inspector live-stock.
Transport of animals.
Cattle depots.
Establishing of slaughter-houses and the letting thereof.
Prohibiting the establishment of other slaughter-houses.
Privilege of slaughtering animals.
Sub-letting prohibited.
Slaughtering except in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Slaughter-houses open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
[See Ord. No. 10 of 1890, s. 93.]
Establishing markets.
Prohibiting other markets.
Buildings in markets.
Letting of market buildings.
[See Conditions and manner of letting 21st May, 1890, Gazette 7th June, 1890.]
Sub-letting prohibited.
Alterations buildings.
Repairs to buildings by lessee.
Sales outside markets prohibited.
Exceptions to the prohibition of sales outside markets.
Unwholesome food.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Markets open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
Promulgation of orders and bye-laws.
Definition of offences.
Recovery of penalties.
Cattle landing wharves and time of landing.
Importation of cattle and sheep by land.
Cattle and sheep to be inspected on importation.
Diseased animals to be segregated.
Segregation of animals to be reported to Sanitary Board.
Keep of segregated animals.
Slaughter of animal suffering form disease and disposal of carcase.
Slaughtering of animal that has been in contact with diseased animal.
Carcases property of Government.
Importation of diseased animals prohibited.
Inspection fees.
Inspection of cattle, sheep and swine depots.
Places to be declared infected.
Removal of animals or articles from infected areas prohibited.
Diseased animals to be reported.
Digging up of carcases prohibited.
Disinfection of infected places.
Inspection of animals about to be slaughtered.
Admission of cattle and sheep to slaughter houses.
Slaughtering of swine.
Providing slaughter men and hot water.
Charges for slaughtering.
Weight of animals.
Hanging sheds and carriage of meat.
Ventilation and drainage of slaughter-houses.
Water supply of slaughter-houses.
Removal of blood, filth, etc., in proper receptacles.
Providing and cleansing of slaughter-house appliances.
Cleansing of slaughter-houses.
Removal of bides, skins, fat, &c.
Dogs in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Keeping of animals in slaughter-houses prohibited except under certain conditions.
Animals in slaughter-houses to be supplied with water.
Space allotted for animals.
Classification of buildings.
Register to be kept.
Manner of letting vacant buildings.
Hours during which markets are open.
Obstructing thoroughfares.
Conveyance of merchandise.
Regulating sales.
Regulating sales.
Hawking prohibited.
Cleansing of stalls.
Butchers' stalls.
Sale of flesh meat.
Sale of imported flesh meat.
Return of dead meat imported.
Cleaning of carcase.
Fishmongers' stalls.
Poulterer's stalls.
Cleaning poultry.
Portable dust-bins.
Disposal of waste and refuse.
Cleanliness of stalls.
Cleanliness of thoroughfares.
Dogs in markets prohibited.
Maintenance of order.
Posting of by-laws.
[See amending Ord. No. 23 of 1890.]
Bye-laws by Governor in Council.
Compensation of animals slaughtered.
Compensation for articles destroyed.
Value to be fixed by inspector live-stock.
Transport of animals.
Cattle depots.
Establishing of slaughter-houses and the letting thereof.
Prohibiting the establishment of other slaughter-houses.
Privilege of slaughtering animals.
Sub-letting prohibited.
Slaughtering except in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Slaughter-houses open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
[See Ord. No. 10 of 1890, s. 93.]
Establishing markets.
Prohibiting other markets.
Buildings in markets.
Letting of market buildings.
[See Conditions and manner of letting 21st May, 1890, Gazette 7th June, 1890.]
Sub-letting prohibited.
Alterations buildings.
Repairs to buildings by lessee.
Sales outside markets prohibited.
Exceptions to the prohibition of sales outside markets.
Unwholesome food.
Unauthorised fees or charges prohibited.
Markets open to inspection.
Power to make bye-laws.
Promulgation of orders and bye-laws.
Definition of offences.
Recovery of penalties.
Cattle landing wharves and time of landing.
Importation of cattle and sheep by land.
Cattle and sheep to be inspected on importation.
Diseased animals to be segregated.
Segregation of animals to be reported to Sanitary Board.
Keep of segregated animals.
Slaughter of animal suffering form disease and disposal of carcase.
Slaughtering of animal that has been in contact with diseased animal.
Carcases property of Government.
Importation of diseased animals prohibited.
Inspection fees.
Inspection of cattle, sheep and swine depots.
Places to be declared infected.
Removal of animals or articles from infected areas prohibited.
Diseased animals to be reported.
Digging up of carcases prohibited.
Disinfection of infected places.
Inspection of animals about to be slaughtered.
Admission of cattle and sheep to slaughter houses.
Slaughtering of swine.
Providing slaughter men and hot water.
Charges for slaughtering.
Weight of animals.
Hanging sheds and carriage of meat.
Ventilation and drainage of slaughter-houses.
Water supply of slaughter-houses.
Removal of blood, filth, etc., in proper receptacles.
Providing and cleansing of slaughter-house appliances.
Cleansing of slaughter-houses.
Removal of bides, skins, fat, &c.
Dogs in slaughter-houses prohibited.
Keeping of animals in slaughter-houses prohibited except under certain conditions.
Animals in slaughter-houses to be supplied with water.
Space allotted for animals.
Classification of buildings.
Register to be kept.
Manner of letting vacant buildings.
Hours during which markets are open.
Obstructing thoroughfares.
Conveyance of merchandise.
Regulating sales.
Regulating sales.
Hawking prohibited.
Cleansing of stalls.
Butchers' stalls.
Sale of flesh meat.
Sale of imported flesh meat.
Return of dead meat imported.
Cleaning of carcase.
Fishmongers' stalls.
Poulterer's stalls.
Cleaning poultry.
Portable dust-bins.
Disposal of waste and refuse.
Cleanliness of stalls.
Cleanliness of thoroughfares.
Dogs in markets prohibited.
Maintenance of order.
Posting of by-laws.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 17 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CATTLE DISEASES, SLAUGHTER-HOUSES, AND MARKETS ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,