No. 16 of 1887.
An Ordinance empowering the Courts to award Whipping as
a further punishment for certain Crimes.
[24th June, 1887.]
hJ it enacted by the Governor of Hon~hon
B ~, with the advice of the
Lealslatm c Council thereof, as follows:-
1. If any person shall be convicted of a crime who at the time of the
coirtmission thereof shall have been armed with anv offensive weapon or
Instrument, or I
If any person shall be convicted
(a.) of any felony not punishable with death, conrmittcd after
two previous convictions for felony, and the sentence for
each of which has been at least six months' imprison-
rneut with hard labour, or
(b.) of any crime under sections 32, 33, 34, 35 ;end 36 of Or-
dinance 7 of 1865, or
( c,. ) of piracypiracy, or -
(d.) of indecent assault,
Ordinance No. 16 of 1887.
the Supreme Court may in addition to the punishments awarded for such
crimes direct that the offender if a male be once, twice or t1irice
2. If any person shall be convicted under section 27 ['-28' as
rcrrleMded by Ordinance No. 23 o f .788 i ] of Ordinance No. 7 of 18 65 of
tealinb any chattel money, or, valuable security from the person of any
e.hild or woman without violence, the Court or Nlaffistrate* before which
such person is tried znay in addition to the punishment awarded for such
crime direct that the offender if a n tale be once, twice or thrice
3. In the case of any offender whose age does not exceed sllteen Number
years,the number of strokes at each such whipping shall not exceed
In the case of every other male offender convicted under this
Ordinance the number of strokes shall not exceed thirty-six at each such
4. It shall riot be lawful to award any sentence of whipping on the
hack, and every sentence of whipping shall prescribe the number of
strokes and shall provide that such whipping shall be inflicted with a
rattan on the breech, privately in prison and ,within six mouths of the
6. Provided that vothin(; in this Ordinance contained s11a,11 ha
construed as lirnitino, the powers now possessed by the Supreme Court to
award whipping as an additional punishment for certain crimes.
[So much of this Ordinance as relates to the po2cer of a Magistrate to
whipping: Repealed by Ordinance 1!~'0. ZO of 1890
as front January 1st, 1891.]
Power to award punishment of whipping in cases herien named.
[No. 12 of 1865.]
7 and 8 Geo. IV, ch. 28, sec. 2.
Offences against Ord. 7 of 1865, s. 27, [28] to be punished by whipping.
[*See note at foot.]
Number of strokes.
Whipping to be inflicted with a rattan and number of strokes to be mentioned in sentence.
[No. 12 of 1865, and No. 3 of 1881, sec. 3.]
Present powers of Supreme Court not limited.
No. 16 of 1887.
An Ordinance empowering the Courts to award Whipping as
a further punishment for certain Crimes.
[24th June, 1887.]
hJ it enacted by the Governor of Hon~hon
B ~, with the advice of the
Lealslatm c Council thereof, as follows:-
1. If any person shall be convicted of a crime who at the time of the
coirtmission thereof shall have been armed with anv offensive weapon or
Instrument, or I
If any person shall be convicted
(a.) of any felony not punishable with death, conrmittcd after
two previous convictions for felony, and the sentence for
each of which has been at least six months' imprison-
rneut with hard labour, or
(b.) of any crime under sections 32, 33, 34, 35 ;end 36 of Or-
dinance 7 of 1865, or
( c,. ) of piracypiracy, or -
(d.) of indecent assault,
Ordinance No. 16 of 1887.
the Supreme Court may in addition to the punishments awarded for such
crimes direct that the offender if a male be once, twice or t1irice
2. If any person shall be convicted under section 27 ['-28' as
rcrrleMded by Ordinance No. 23 o f .788 i ] of Ordinance No. 7 of 18 65 of
tealinb any chattel money, or, valuable security from the person of any
e.hild or woman without violence, the Court or Nlaffistrate* before which
such person is tried znay in addition to the punishment awarded for such
crime direct that the offender if a n tale be once, twice or thrice
3. In the case of any offender whose age does not exceed sllteen Number
years,the number of strokes at each such whipping shall not exceed
In the case of every other male offender convicted under this
Ordinance the number of strokes shall not exceed thirty-six at each such
4. It shall riot be lawful to award any sentence of whipping on the
hack, and every sentence of whipping shall prescribe the number of
strokes and shall provide that such whipping shall be inflicted with a
rattan on the breech, privately in prison and ,within six mouths of the
6. Provided that vothin(; in this Ordinance contained s11a,11 ha
construed as lirnitino, the powers now possessed by the Supreme Court to
award whipping as an additional punishment for certain crimes.
[So much of this Ordinance as relates to the po2cer of a Magistrate to
whipping: Repealed by Ordinance 1!~'0. ZO of 1890
as front January 1st, 1891.]
Power to award punishment of whipping in cases herien named.
[No. 12 of 1865.]
7 and 8 Geo. IV, ch. 28, sec. 2.
Offences against Ord. 7 of 1865, s. 27, [28] to be punished by whipping.
[*See note at foot.]
Number of strokes.
Whipping to be inflicted with a rattan and number of strokes to be mentioned in sentence.
[No. 12 of 1865, and No. 3 of 1881, sec. 3.]
Present powers of Supreme Court not limited.
Power to award punishment of whipping in cases herien named.
[No. 12 of 1865.]
7 and 8 Geo. IV, ch. 28, sec. 2.
Offences against Ord. 7 of 1865, s. 27, [28] to be punished by whipping.
[*See note at foot.]
Number of strokes.
Whipping to be inflicted with a rattan and number of strokes to be mentioned in sentence.
[No. 12 of 1865, and No. 3 of 1881, sec. 3.]
Present powers of Supreme Court not limited.
Power to award punishment of whipping in cases herien named.
[No. 12 of 1865.]
7 and 8 Geo. IV, ch. 28, sec. 2.
Offences against Ord. 7 of 1865, s. 27, [28] to be punished by whipping.
[*See note at foot.]
Number of strokes.
Whipping to be inflicted with a rattan and number of strokes to be mentioned in sentence.
[No. 12 of 1865, and No. 3 of 1881, sec. 3.]
Present powers of Supreme Court not limited.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 16 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“WHIPPING ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/534.