ORDINANCE No. .9 -of 1887 .
Protection of Young Girls.
N0. 9 0f 1$$7.
An Ordinance for the better protection of 3ouny Girls.,
11 of 188G.j
[13th April; 18$7.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to jareveut adopted fexrhle children and other
bids from being brought up in the Colony for the purpose of prostitution
either here or elsewhere: Be it enacted by the Governor of Hon(hollg,
with the advice
of tile Benisla.tive Council thereof, as follows:-
1. Whenever the Registrar General shall have reason to believe that any
~:hild under tllt~ age of sixteen years has been purchased and brought
into the Colony or
that any female child between the arcs of sip and sixteen years is in the
custody or
under the control of any person in the colony with the view of being
trained or
disposed of as a prostitute either in the Colony or out of the Colony, it
shall be lawful
for the Registrar General to summon before kiln such custodian requiring
at the same
time the production of the said child, and to nlahe full inquiry into the
said matter.
2. If any person who has received such notice shall not appear, and
produce the Penalty tar not
appearing and
said child, and shall not satisfactorily account for such default be
shall be liable on producing child.
conviction before a Magistrate to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
dollars, and in
default of , payment to be imprisoned with or without hard labour far any
period not
-exceeding six months.
3. It shall be lawful far the Registrar General lay notice in writing
under his
hand, to sutnrnon before him clay person who be believes can dive
information respect.
ina any such female, child, or its treatment by its adopted parents,
custodian. or
employer, and any person disobeying such notice, and not giving.
satisfactory reason
for such default shall be liable on conviction before a Magistrate to a
penalty not
exceedinn two hundred dollars or in default thereof to imprisonment with
or without
yard labour for any period not exceeding three months'.
4, if the said custodian shall attend, the Registrar General may
associate with
him two or wore Justices of the Pcce, or such other persons as neap from
dine to
time be designated by the Governor, and be shall thereupon proceed to
inquire into
the matter, and shall hear and examine upon oath any person capable of
giving evidence
in such matter. At such inquiry the said custodian may be assisted by
solicitor and such custodian or any husbilnd or wife olf such custodian
shall be a com-
petent but not a contpellable witness at every hearing before the.said
Registrar General
-or in:,axly subsequent inquiry. If after due inquiry the Registrar
General shall be
satisfied that any offence against the provisions of Ordinance No. 2 of
187 has been
committed by the said custodian be shall commit him for trial to the
Supreme Court.
In such ease it may be lawful for the registrar General to admit the said
wto bail and in case of his non-appearance on his, trial recognizance of
bail may-be
enforced by the Supreme Court in the usual manner.
General may
custodian of -
any ftexnftle child
hetween° r and lfl
gars of ale.
Generalyntkv '..
summon i
dive inforM.ation.
General may
associate with
him two or. more
Justices of the
Peace or such'
other persons. ,
Cnstc.dian or
husband or
wife ofsuch
custodian to
he competent '
ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1887. -
Protection of young Girls.
x>.eglitrar If the said Registrar General is satisfied that the said child
is being trained as a
Oeneral may
for the custody' prostitute or that it is the intention of the said
custodian thereof to dispose of 'the said
of the°nild child as a prostitute or that it has been purchased for the
purposes of emigration and
tinder certain
circumstances. if the said custodian shall consent that the matter be
dealt with by the Registrar
General it shall be lawful for the Registrar General to make an order for
the proper
custody of the said child, or if he should thick fit to leave the said
child with the said
custodian he may require the latter~to furnish such security in such an
amount with
such sureties as lie shall think fit for the proper care and bringing up
of the said child.
The Registrar General may also call upon the said custodian to furnish
him with
a photograph of the said child.
If custodian ~. If the said custodian declines to have the matter dealt
with by the Registrar
declines to have
tne.tnatter dealt General the said Registrar General shall make au order
for the temporary custody of
with by the
Registrar the said child and shall remit the ruatter to a Police
Magistrate who on hearing the
General, the
case may be
remitted to a parties shall if he is satisfied that the child is being
trained as a prostitute or that it
1lfagistrate. is the intention of the custodian thereof to dispose of the
said child as a prostitute or
that the said child has been purchased for the purpose of emigration make
an order
in conformity with the provisions of section 4 of this Ordinance.
Registrar . 8. Whenever the Registrar General shall have reason to believe
that any female;
General may
may child between the ages of six and sixteen years-is in the custody,
power or possession
/~uDeas Crrx-P u a.
of any person who has no legal right to such custody, and that it is
prejudicial to the
interests, and liberty of such child that she should continue in the
custody of such
person, it shall be lawful for the Registrar General to make application
to a Judge in
Chambers for a writ of ha8eas corpus. F
Um the return of the said writ the said Judge shall make such order
respecting they
custody, education, and bringing np of the said child, and on such
conditions as lie
shall deem best in the interest of the said child.
In dealing with such cases no parent who has voluntarily parted with such
for the purpose of adoption into another fardily or who has received
money for the
parting with the custody of the child fur any other 'purpose shall be
deemed for be
entitled as of right to the custody of such child as its natural guardian.
r,ecovery of 7. In any action which may hereafter be entered for the
recovery of any sum du
sums, due c n
promise or on any promise or agreement which before the coming into
operation of this Ordinance
already has been entered into before the Registrar General with respect to
the custody, main-
tenance or giving in marriage of any female child, it shall not be
ngcessary for the-
plaintiff in such action to allege or, to prove that any consideration
was given for the
said promise or agreement, and it shall not be competent for the said
defendant to.
allege in defence that the Registrar General had no authority or power to
require such
promise or agreement from him, or that no consideration was given for the
<:ot;ernnr in. $. It shall. be lawful for the Governor in Council to make
and when made to
c ouncir may
nnake reRnla- alter, amend, or revoke all rules and regulations
tions. necessary for the efficient working of
this Ordinance.
ORDINANCE No.-9 -'or 1887.
Protection of Young Girls.
9. The forms contained in the schedule to this Ordinance shall be the
forms to
be used when required under this Ordinance.
.l otive under aeetiwt 1 of Ordinfzrwe lZ'u. 9 c!/' 1bSi.
1'o A.B.
residing at
In virtue of the powers conferred on me by section 1 of Ordinance No. J
of 1887, I do hereby require
you the said A.B. to appear before me at my office situate in on
at of the clock in the noon and then and there to bring arid produce one
C.D. a female chill now in your custody or under your control.
Dated this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and
Registrar General.
Take notice that if you do not obey this summons you are liable to a
penalty not exceeding five
hiiadred dollars, and in default of paying the said sum to imprisonment
not exceeding six months.
TIorGXoxG I Know all men by these presents that we
A.B. of .
. C. D. of
and EX, of are hereby
jointly and severally bound to Her Majesty,'Her Heirs and Successors in
the sum of dollars, for
which payment well and truly to be made we do hereby bind ourselves our
executors, administrators
and assigns firmly by these presents. - ,
Dated this day of in the year
Whereas i Police Magistrate
(as the case may be) has under the provision of section o of Ordinance
No. J of 1887, this day entrusted
to the care of the said A. B. one G. I3. a female child:
Now the conditions of the above recognizance are such that if the said
A.B. do well and truly (here'
State conditions) then the above recognizance to,,be null and void
otherwise to remain in full force and
Signatuie of A,B.
C. D. .
Taken and subscribed by the said A.B., C.D. and E.F, on the day month and
year aforesaid.
. Before me , .
Registrar CTencral.
ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1887.
Protection of young Girls.
In the matter of Ordi.nancc 9 of 1887.
and in the-matte?- qf C.D. female
To A.B.
These are to require you the said A.B. to be and appear before me at my
office situate in
on to give information respecting the treatment of one (;.D. a female
And take notice that if you do not attend you are liable to a fine not
exceeding two hundred dollars
and in default of payment of the same to be imprisoned for any period not
exceeding three months.
Dated this
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 19 of 1889.]
[See Ord. No. 19 of 1889 and No. 11 of 1890.]
Register General may summon custodian of any female child between 6 and 16 years of age.
Penalty for not appearing and producing child.
Registrar General may summon any person who can give information.
Registrar General may associate with him two or more Justices of the Peace or such other persons.
Custodian or husband or wife of such custodian to be competent witnesses.
Registrar General may make an order for the custody of the child under certain circumstances.
If custodian declines to have the matter dealt with by the Registrar General, the case may be remitted to a Magistrate.
Registrar General may apply for Habeas Corpus.
Recovery of sums due on promise or agreement already entered into.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Protection of Young Girls.
N0. 9 0f 1$$7.
An Ordinance for the better protection of 3ouny Girls.,
11 of 188G.j
[13th April; 18$7.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to jareveut adopted fexrhle children and other
bids from being brought up in the Colony for the purpose of prostitution
either here or elsewhere: Be it enacted by the Governor of Hon(hollg,
with the advice
of tile Benisla.tive Council thereof, as follows:-
1. Whenever the Registrar General shall have reason to believe that any
~:hild under tllt~ age of sixteen years has been purchased and brought
into the Colony or
that any female child between the arcs of sip and sixteen years is in the
custody or
under the control of any person in the colony with the view of being
trained or
disposed of as a prostitute either in the Colony or out of the Colony, it
shall be lawful
for the Registrar General to summon before kiln such custodian requiring
at the same
time the production of the said child, and to nlahe full inquiry into the
said matter.
2. If any person who has received such notice shall not appear, and
produce the Penalty tar not
appearing and
said child, and shall not satisfactorily account for such default be
shall be liable on producing child.
conviction before a Magistrate to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
dollars, and in
default of , payment to be imprisoned with or without hard labour far any
period not
-exceeding six months.
3. It shall be lawful far the Registrar General lay notice in writing
under his
hand, to sutnrnon before him clay person who be believes can dive
information respect.
ina any such female, child, or its treatment by its adopted parents,
custodian. or
employer, and any person disobeying such notice, and not giving.
satisfactory reason
for such default shall be liable on conviction before a Magistrate to a
penalty not
exceedinn two hundred dollars or in default thereof to imprisonment with
or without
yard labour for any period not exceeding three months'.
4, if the said custodian shall attend, the Registrar General may
associate with
him two or wore Justices of the Pcce, or such other persons as neap from
dine to
time be designated by the Governor, and be shall thereupon proceed to
inquire into
the matter, and shall hear and examine upon oath any person capable of
giving evidence
in such matter. At such inquiry the said custodian may be assisted by
solicitor and such custodian or any husbilnd or wife olf such custodian
shall be a com-
petent but not a contpellable witness at every hearing before the.said
Registrar General
-or in:,axly subsequent inquiry. If after due inquiry the Registrar
General shall be
satisfied that any offence against the provisions of Ordinance No. 2 of
187 has been
committed by the said custodian be shall commit him for trial to the
Supreme Court.
In such ease it may be lawful for the registrar General to admit the said
wto bail and in case of his non-appearance on his, trial recognizance of
bail may-be
enforced by the Supreme Court in the usual manner.
General may
custodian of -
any ftexnftle child
hetween° r and lfl
gars of ale.
Generalyntkv '..
summon i
dive inforM.ation.
General may
associate with
him two or. more
Justices of the
Peace or such'
other persons. ,
Cnstc.dian or
husband or
wife ofsuch
custodian to
he competent '
ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1887. -
Protection of young Girls.
x>.eglitrar If the said Registrar General is satisfied that the said child
is being trained as a
Oeneral may
for the custody' prostitute or that it is the intention of the said
custodian thereof to dispose of 'the said
of the°nild child as a prostitute or that it has been purchased for the
purposes of emigration and
tinder certain
circumstances. if the said custodian shall consent that the matter be
dealt with by the Registrar
General it shall be lawful for the Registrar General to make an order for
the proper
custody of the said child, or if he should thick fit to leave the said
child with the said
custodian he may require the latter~to furnish such security in such an
amount with
such sureties as lie shall think fit for the proper care and bringing up
of the said child.
The Registrar General may also call upon the said custodian to furnish
him with
a photograph of the said child.
If custodian ~. If the said custodian declines to have the matter dealt
with by the Registrar
declines to have
tne.tnatter dealt General the said Registrar General shall make au order
for the temporary custody of
with by the
Registrar the said child and shall remit the ruatter to a Police
Magistrate who on hearing the
General, the
case may be
remitted to a parties shall if he is satisfied that the child is being
trained as a prostitute or that it
1lfagistrate. is the intention of the custodian thereof to dispose of the
said child as a prostitute or
that the said child has been purchased for the purpose of emigration make
an order
in conformity with the provisions of section 4 of this Ordinance.
Registrar . 8. Whenever the Registrar General shall have reason to believe
that any female;
General may
may child between the ages of six and sixteen years-is in the custody,
power or possession
/~uDeas Crrx-P u a.
of any person who has no legal right to such custody, and that it is
prejudicial to the
interests, and liberty of such child that she should continue in the
custody of such
person, it shall be lawful for the Registrar General to make application
to a Judge in
Chambers for a writ of ha8eas corpus. F
Um the return of the said writ the said Judge shall make such order
respecting they
custody, education, and bringing np of the said child, and on such
conditions as lie
shall deem best in the interest of the said child.
In dealing with such cases no parent who has voluntarily parted with such
for the purpose of adoption into another fardily or who has received
money for the
parting with the custody of the child fur any other 'purpose shall be
deemed for be
entitled as of right to the custody of such child as its natural guardian.
r,ecovery of 7. In any action which may hereafter be entered for the
recovery of any sum du
sums, due c n
promise or on any promise or agreement which before the coming into
operation of this Ordinance
already has been entered into before the Registrar General with respect to
the custody, main-
tenance or giving in marriage of any female child, it shall not be
ngcessary for the-
plaintiff in such action to allege or, to prove that any consideration
was given for the
said promise or agreement, and it shall not be competent for the said
defendant to.
allege in defence that the Registrar General had no authority or power to
require such
promise or agreement from him, or that no consideration was given for the
<:ot;ernnr in. $. It shall. be lawful for the Governor in Council to make
and when made to
c ouncir may
nnake reRnla- alter, amend, or revoke all rules and regulations
tions. necessary for the efficient working of
this Ordinance.
ORDINANCE No.-9 -'or 1887.
Protection of Young Girls.
9. The forms contained in the schedule to this Ordinance shall be the
forms to
be used when required under this Ordinance.
.l otive under aeetiwt 1 of Ordinfzrwe lZ'u. 9 c!/' 1bSi.
1'o A.B.
residing at
In virtue of the powers conferred on me by section 1 of Ordinance No. J
of 1887, I do hereby require
you the said A.B. to appear before me at my office situate in on
at of the clock in the noon and then and there to bring arid produce one
C.D. a female chill now in your custody or under your control.
Dated this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and
Registrar General.
Take notice that if you do not obey this summons you are liable to a
penalty not exceeding five
hiiadred dollars, and in default of paying the said sum to imprisonment
not exceeding six months.
TIorGXoxG I Know all men by these presents that we
A.B. of .
. C. D. of
and EX, of are hereby
jointly and severally bound to Her Majesty,'Her Heirs and Successors in
the sum of dollars, for
which payment well and truly to be made we do hereby bind ourselves our
executors, administrators
and assigns firmly by these presents. - ,
Dated this day of in the year
Whereas i Police Magistrate
(as the case may be) has under the provision of section o of Ordinance
No. J of 1887, this day entrusted
to the care of the said A. B. one G. I3. a female child:
Now the conditions of the above recognizance are such that if the said
A.B. do well and truly (here'
State conditions) then the above recognizance to,,be null and void
otherwise to remain in full force and
Signatuie of A,B.
C. D. .
Taken and subscribed by the said A.B., C.D. and E.F, on the day month and
year aforesaid.
. Before me , .
Registrar CTencral.
ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1887.
Protection of young Girls.
In the matter of Ordi.nancc 9 of 1887.
and in the-matte?- qf C.D. female
To A.B.
These are to require you the said A.B. to be and appear before me at my
office situate in
on to give information respecting the treatment of one (;.D. a female
And take notice that if you do not attend you are liable to a fine not
exceeding two hundred dollars
and in default of payment of the same to be imprisoned for any period not
exceeding three months.
Dated this
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 19 of 1889.]
[See Ord. No. 19 of 1889 and No. 11 of 1890.]
Register General may summon custodian of any female child between 6 and 16 years of age.
Penalty for not appearing and producing child.
Registrar General may summon any person who can give information.
Registrar General may associate with him two or more Justices of the Peace or such other persons.
Custodian or husband or wife of such custodian to be competent witnesses.
Registrar General may make an order for the custody of the child under certain circumstances.
If custodian declines to have the matter dealt with by the Registrar General, the case may be remitted to a Magistrate.
Registrar General may apply for Habeas Corpus.
Recovery of sums due on promise or agreement already entered into.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
[See Ord. No. 19 of 1889 and No. 11 of 1890.]
Register General may summon custodian of any female child between 6 and 16 years of age.
Penalty for not appearing and producing child.
Registrar General may summon any person who can give information.
Registrar General may associate with him two or more Justices of the Peace or such other persons.
Custodian or husband or wife of such custodian to be competent witnesses.
Registrar General may make an order for the custody of the child under certain circumstances.
If custodian declines to have the matter dealt with by the Registrar General, the case may be remitted to a Magistrate.
Registrar General may apply for Habeas Corpus.
Recovery of sums due on promise or agreement already entered into.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
[See Ord. No. 19 of 1889 and No. 11 of 1890.]
Register General may summon custodian of any female child between 6 and 16 years of age.
Penalty for not appearing and producing child.
Registrar General may summon any person who can give information.
Registrar General may associate with him two or more Justices of the Peace or such other persons.
Custodian or husband or wife of such custodian to be competent witnesses.
Registrar General may make an order for the custody of the child under certain circumstances.
If custodian declines to have the matter dealt with by the Registrar General, the case may be remitted to a Magistrate.
Registrar General may apply for Habeas Corpus.
Recovery of sums due on promise or agreement already entered into.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PROTECTION OF YOUNG GIRLS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,