Triad and unlawful Societies.
No. 8 of 1887.
An. Ordinance for the Suppression of the Triad and other
unlawful Societies and for the Punishment of the Members
[13th April, 1887.]
WHEREAS, the Triad and other societies are formed for unlawful
purposes and constitute a danger to the peace of the Colony, and
whereas it is expedient to amenc'tlne laws respECting such societies: Be
it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legis-
lative Council thereof, as follows :---- ~'
'this Ordinance may be cited as The 7riad and zcnlcxufift Societie.s
Ordinance, 1887.
2,~ The society known by. the name of the Triad society or ..Carnhopui
and other, societies by whatever known formed for an unlawful
purpose, or having among their objects purposes incompatible with the
peace arid good order' of the Colony, are hereby declared to be unlawful
societies, and any person acting as manager or office bearer, or assisting
in any way in the conduct of the business of, or in managing the affairs
of any such uplawfnl societies shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and
ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 18 8 r
'fried end unlawful Societies.
shall be liable upon conviction in the Supreme Court to a fine not exceed-
Penalty pox
ing, one thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for any period not exceed-
ing twelve months with or without hard labour, or to both fine and
imprisonment; and any person who is a member of, or who attends and
Penalty fur
takes- part in any meeting of any such unlawful society, or who subscribes
,or pays money, or gives aid oh procures from others subscriptions, money
-or aid, for or towards the maintenance of tiny such unlawful society
be liable upon conviction in the Supreme Court to a. fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for tiny period mot ex-cecding
months with or without hard labour,. or to both file and imprisonment.
3, All meetings of the said societies are hereby declared to be Meetings
'~ ilT11i1~Vfl1~.
-unlawful and prohibited accordingly.
And if at anv ,such meeting a,nc? oath or anyernelZt, Oblly
itlon [*any]
or promise relating to the objects of any unlawful society be administered
or tendered to any person such tenderin or administering of any oath,
engagement obligation or promise ,ball be prim& fczc2e evidence that the
mcetin~ is a meeting of an unlawful society.'
' 4. Lt shall be lawful for any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace to
enter with or Without assistance or to order tiny Police officer or otbc:r
person, in his presence, or by warrant under his hand and seal to enter
with or without assistance, using force in either case if necessary, into
any dwelling-house or other building, or into any dace in which he may
have reasonable ground to believe that a meeting of any society declared
by this Ordinance to be an unlawful society is being held, or that five or
more persons belonging to any such unlawful society are assembled, and
to arrest or cause to be arrested all l~-,rsons found at any such meeting,
:and to search the; premises and seize or cause to be seized all books,
papers, documents, flags, insignia, arm's and other articles which he may
have rEasontible cause to believe to belong to any such society, or to be
in any gray connected with the purposes of the meeting.
~, t111 persons so arrested and all articles-so seized may be detained
in custody till they can conveniently be brought before a Mp gistrate,
where they shall be dealt with according to law.
6. If; on. any such entry cohiei of any rules or regulations or en-
Sagements, obligations or promises, or lists or, names of mernbers of any
&c,, may enter
house, &c:,
where unlaw-.
ful meeting
Ord. 19 of
1869, s. 8.1
A n<1 may
arrest and
seize person s
and property
Persons and
property so
seized to be
taken before
Ord. 19 of
-1569, s.: 9:]
What to be
yrzma faeze
Penalty fox
acct. 19 0f
1809 s. 11.E
evidence of
Urea. 19 of
1sC>q, s. 10.E
ORDIN'ANCE \'o.. $ of 1887.
Triad and unlawful Societies.
unlawful society, or if any insignia, banners, writings, paintings,
or other articles r£1at111~ or belon0ging to any unlawful society be-
the findinn thereof or the fact of an oath or an en(raVmnent, obliation,
promise having been administered or tendered at the meeting shall be
prirndfaCic evidence that the meeting was a meeting of an unlawful
7. Any person attending a ncieetin(r of an unlawful society hnowinb
that such tneerina was a meecin ; of an unlawful society, and any person
continuing to attend such meeting after having been warned by any Ma-
gistrate, Justice of the Peace, or Police officer that the meeting is a.
rxleeting of an unlawful society, shall be liable; on summary conviction.
a penalty not exceedinzD one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months, or to both.
Any person knowingl allowing a meeting of an unlawful society
to be held in any house, biaildina, or place belonging to or occupied by
hlnl or over which lie leas control, shall be liable on summary conviction
to a penalty not evceedixy five hundred dollars or to sit months' im-
prisonment with or without hard labour, or to both.
9. Every person shall be considered a member of an unlawful. society
IVhobias been admitted us a member according to the rules and re;ula-
togas .thereof, or who shall have paid an entrance fee or a subscription,
who shall have attended two or more meetings of the society as a member,
or ~wh,o shall have signed the roll or list of members of the society,
or-who having once become a member shall not have resigned or withdrawn
froze or been expelled from the society.
`''1Q. When any of the banners, 1nSlanla, or writings of any society
aecTared by this Ordinance to be u111aWful are found in the possession,
custody, or control of any person, it shall be presumed, till the
contrary .
is shown by such person, that he is a member of such unlawful society.
11. Ordinances I and 12 of 1845 are hereby repealed. '
Short title.
Triad and other societies declared unlawful societies.
Penalty for managers.
Penalty for members.
Meetings unlawful.
Magistrate, &c., may enter house, &c., where unlawful meeting held.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 8.]
And may arrest and seize persons and property found.
Persons and property so seized to be taken before Magistrate.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 9.]
What to be deemed prima facie
evidence of unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 10.]
Penalty for attending unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 11.]
Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 12.]
Members of a society.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 25.]
Presumptive proof of membership.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 4 of 1882, s. 5.]
No. 8 of 1887.
An. Ordinance for the Suppression of the Triad and other
unlawful Societies and for the Punishment of the Members
[13th April, 1887.]
WHEREAS, the Triad and other societies are formed for unlawful
purposes and constitute a danger to the peace of the Colony, and
whereas it is expedient to amenc'tlne laws respECting such societies: Be
it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legis-
lative Council thereof, as follows :---- ~'
'this Ordinance may be cited as The 7riad and zcnlcxufift Societie.s
Ordinance, 1887.
2,~ The society known by. the name of the Triad society or ..Carnhopui
and other, societies by whatever known formed for an unlawful
purpose, or having among their objects purposes incompatible with the
peace arid good order' of the Colony, are hereby declared to be unlawful
societies, and any person acting as manager or office bearer, or assisting
in any way in the conduct of the business of, or in managing the affairs
of any such uplawfnl societies shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and
ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 18 8 r
'fried end unlawful Societies.
shall be liable upon conviction in the Supreme Court to a fine not exceed-
Penalty pox
ing, one thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for any period not exceed-
ing twelve months with or without hard labour, or to both fine and
imprisonment; and any person who is a member of, or who attends and
Penalty fur
takes- part in any meeting of any such unlawful society, or who subscribes
,or pays money, or gives aid oh procures from others subscriptions, money
-or aid, for or towards the maintenance of tiny such unlawful society
be liable upon conviction in the Supreme Court to a. fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for tiny period mot ex-cecding
months with or without hard labour,. or to both file and imprisonment.
3, All meetings of the said societies are hereby declared to be Meetings
'~ ilT11i1~Vfl1~.
-unlawful and prohibited accordingly.
And if at anv ,such meeting a,nc? oath or anyernelZt, Oblly
itlon [*any]
or promise relating to the objects of any unlawful society be administered
or tendered to any person such tenderin or administering of any oath,
engagement obligation or promise ,ball be prim& fczc2e evidence that the
mcetin~ is a meeting of an unlawful society.'
' 4. Lt shall be lawful for any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace to
enter with or Without assistance or to order tiny Police officer or otbc:r
person, in his presence, or by warrant under his hand and seal to enter
with or without assistance, using force in either case if necessary, into
any dwelling-house or other building, or into any dace in which he may
have reasonable ground to believe that a meeting of any society declared
by this Ordinance to be an unlawful society is being held, or that five or
more persons belonging to any such unlawful society are assembled, and
to arrest or cause to be arrested all l~-,rsons found at any such meeting,
:and to search the; premises and seize or cause to be seized all books,
papers, documents, flags, insignia, arm's and other articles which he may
have rEasontible cause to believe to belong to any such society, or to be
in any gray connected with the purposes of the meeting.
~, t111 persons so arrested and all articles-so seized may be detained
in custody till they can conveniently be brought before a Mp gistrate,
where they shall be dealt with according to law.
6. If; on. any such entry cohiei of any rules or regulations or en-
Sagements, obligations or promises, or lists or, names of mernbers of any
&c,, may enter
house, &c:,
where unlaw-.
ful meeting
Ord. 19 of
1869, s. 8.1
A n<1 may
arrest and
seize person s
and property
Persons and
property so
seized to be
taken before
Ord. 19 of
-1569, s.: 9:]
What to be
yrzma faeze
Penalty fox
acct. 19 0f
1809 s. 11.E
evidence of
Urea. 19 of
1sC>q, s. 10.E
ORDIN'ANCE \'o.. $ of 1887.
Triad and unlawful Societies.
unlawful society, or if any insignia, banners, writings, paintings,
or other articles r£1at111~ or belon0ging to any unlawful society be-
the findinn thereof or the fact of an oath or an en(raVmnent, obliation,
promise having been administered or tendered at the meeting shall be
prirndfaCic evidence that the meeting was a meeting of an unlawful
7. Any person attending a ncieetin(r of an unlawful society hnowinb
that such tneerina was a meecin ; of an unlawful society, and any person
continuing to attend such meeting after having been warned by any Ma-
gistrate, Justice of the Peace, or Police officer that the meeting is a.
rxleeting of an unlawful society, shall be liable; on summary conviction.
a penalty not exceedinzD one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months, or to both.
Any person knowingl allowing a meeting of an unlawful society
to be held in any house, biaildina, or place belonging to or occupied by
hlnl or over which lie leas control, shall be liable on summary conviction
to a penalty not evceedixy five hundred dollars or to sit months' im-
prisonment with or without hard labour, or to both.
9. Every person shall be considered a member of an unlawful. society
IVhobias been admitted us a member according to the rules and re;ula-
togas .thereof, or who shall have paid an entrance fee or a subscription,
who shall have attended two or more meetings of the society as a member,
or ~wh,o shall have signed the roll or list of members of the society,
or-who having once become a member shall not have resigned or withdrawn
froze or been expelled from the society.
`''1Q. When any of the banners, 1nSlanla, or writings of any society
aecTared by this Ordinance to be u111aWful are found in the possession,
custody, or control of any person, it shall be presumed, till the
contrary .
is shown by such person, that he is a member of such unlawful society.
11. Ordinances I and 12 of 1845 are hereby repealed. '
Short title.
Triad and other societies declared unlawful societies.
Penalty for managers.
Penalty for members.
Meetings unlawful.
Magistrate, &c., may enter house, &c., where unlawful meeting held.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 8.]
And may arrest and seize persons and property found.
Persons and property so seized to be taken before Magistrate.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 9.]
What to be deemed prima facie
evidence of unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 10.]
Penalty for attending unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 11.]
Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 12.]
Members of a society.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 25.]
Presumptive proof of membership.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 4 of 1882, s. 5.]
Short title.
Triad and other societies declared unlawful societies.
Penalty for managers.
Penalty for members.
Meetings unlawful.
Magistrate, &c., may enter house, &c., where unlawful meeting held.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 8.]
And may arrest and seize persons and property found.
Persons and property so seized to be taken before Magistrate.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 9.]
What to be deemed prima facie
evidence of unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 10.]
Penalty for attending unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 11.]
Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 12.]
Members of a society.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 25.]
Presumptive proof of membership.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 4 of 1882, s. 5.]
Short title.
Triad and other societies declared unlawful societies.
Penalty for managers.
Penalty for members.
Meetings unlawful.
Magistrate, &c., may enter house, &c., where unlawful meeting held.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 8.]
And may arrest and seize persons and property found.
Persons and property so seized to be taken before Magistrate.
[Straits Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 9.]
What to be deemed prima facie
evidence of unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 10.]
Penalty for attending unlawful assembly.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 11.]
Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 12.]
Members of a society.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 19 of 1869, s. 25.]
Presumptive proof of membership.
[Straite Settlement Ord. 4 of 1882, s. 5.]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TRIAD AND UNLAWFUL SOCIETIES ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 11, 2025,