Post Office.
No. 1 of 1887.
An Ordinance entitled The Post Office Ordinance, 1887.
[15th February, 1887. ]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,, with the ad vice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows
1. In this Ordinance, and in any Order in Council or re ;elation
made thereunder, unless the context indicates the contrary, the following
expressions shall have the nlea'nings set against them respectively, that
is to say:-
Consignees' Letters.- In y letters. forwarded by any vessel on the
same voyage as and relating to goods or merchandise on board of such
vessel. y
Contract Packet.-Any vessel fob' the-,.conveyance of letter bays and,
correspondence under contract.
ORDINANCE No. I of 1887.
Post Office.
Correspondence.--Any letter, newspaper, book, pamphlet, document,
parcel, or package, or other article whatsoever transmitted by post
whither in a closed mail or having been placed loose on board any
contract packet or vessel for transmission ; and a letter or other article
shall be deemed to be correspondence from the time of its arrival within
the limits of the Colony, if brought to the Colony by post, or from the
time of its delivery to the Post Office if not so brought, and in either
ease shall continue to be deemed correspondence to the time of its
from the Post Office; and delivery to or by any person authorised to
receive or deliver letter ba;' or correspondence on behalf of the
General shall be a delivery to or from the Post Office.
Letter .Bag.--Any bad, or box, or packet, or parcel, or other envelope
or covering in which correspondence is conveyed, whether it does or does
not contain correspondence.
Master of a Vessel.-Any person in charge of a vessel, *whether
commander, mate, or other person.
Officer of the Post Office.-The Postmaster General, and every
postmaster, assistant postmaster, agent, officer, clerk, letter carrier,
any other person employed in any business of the Post Office, whether
loved b
p, , y the Postmaster General, or by any person uud6r hxn, or on
behalf of the Post Office.
Persona employed by or under the Post Office.-Every person employed
in any business of the Post Office according to the interpretation liven
to officer of the Post Office.
Postage Stamp.--Any label or stamp for denotibg' any rate of postage,
or any envelope, wrapper, card, form, or paper, words, letters, or marks;
purporting to authorise the transmission by post of any correspondence,
whether such postage stamp shall be issued under this Ordinance or by
the Postmaster General of the United liinadom, or by the. Government
of any colony or foreign country.
Postmaster General.--'hhe Postmaster-General of the Colony.
Post Ufice.-Any house, building, room, or place where correspond-
ence is received or delivered, or ~ in which it is sorted, made up, or
Vessel.--r.A.ny ship or other -vessel, not being a contract packet,
General and
offioers con-
tinued in their
ORDINANCE NO. 1 cF 1887.
Post Office.
General Post ~',~' , There shall be one General Post Office of the Colony
where cor-
respondence may be received from all places, and whence correspondence
may be despatched to all places, and the Post Office at the time of the
` passing of this Ordinance shall be such General Pest Office until the
thereof is changed by the Governor.
The Governor may establish such distr'.ct roost offices in the Colony
as he thinks fit.
3. The Postmaster General, and all other officers of the Post Office
at the tune of the passing of this Ordinance shall be continued in their
offices, and shall have all the powers, and privileges hereby conferred
upon the holders of their respective offices. -
Appointment 4. The Governor may from time to time appoint a Postmaster
of officers in
future. General of the Colony, and all necessary assistant postmasters
postmasters, agents, clerks, or servants for conducting the business of
Post Office, and may rc;rnove any officers so appointed.
- 'posimagter ~. The Postmaster General shall, by himself or his deputies,
General solely.
authorized to the entire charge of the General Post Office and of all,
postal matters
receive and
denverall oor._ within the Colony, with sole power, within the Colony, of
from all. persons authorized - to deliver the same all letter. bags and
correspondence arriving in. the Colony; and with sole power, within the
Colony, of collecting, receiving, and delivering to all persons authorised
to receive the same all correspondence for transmission by or through
the General Post Office to places out of the Colony.
The said Postmaster General shall also have the exclusive privilege,
within the Colony, of performing all the incidental services of receiving,
collecting, despatching and delivering all correspondence arriving from,
or transmitted to any place out of the Colony; and no letters, unless
*exeinpt by law, shall be delivered in, or transmitted from. the Colony
otherwise than by or through the General Post Office.
`y~e'~ 6, All correspondence which, by any Act of tile Imperial Par lia-
under arcs of meat, is excepted from the exclusive privilege of the
Imperial Post Office,
P~pi~inent; , shall within this Colony be excepted from the exclusive
privilege of the
F _
Postmaster General of the Colony. Consignees' letters shall be excepted
from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster, General, but, if taken to
the Post Office, such consignees' letters shall be subject to the same
~.of postage and general regulations as apply to other correspondence.
ORDINANCE Rio. 1 oiF 1887.
Post Oyce.
7. The Postmaster General shall receive all postabe payable in the
Colony .and shall keep accounts of all correspondence received and de-
spatched by him, with the particulars of the postage thereof, in such
manner and form as'the Governor may from time to tinge, direct. '1 'he
accounts of monies payable to the Imperial Postmaster General shall be
kept distinct from the accounts of monies payable to the Colonial
The Postmaster General shall keep the accounts of monies payable
to the Imperial Postmaster General in such foriP and shall transmit such
monies in such manner as the said Iwporial Postmaster General may from
time to time dirt-ct.
$. The Governor in Council may froth time to tune by order deter-
mine the rates of postage to be ~charged upon all correspondence sent by
post from the General Post Office of the Colony, or received therein from
places outside the Colony, and may revoke, alter, or add to any such
order, provided that no such order be inconsistent with any instructions
transmitted from the Secretary of State for the Colonies or from the
Imperial Postmaster General.
Receipt of
postage, and
Gnv ernor ixs
Council may
fig rates of
g. The Governor shall publish every such order by proclamation in o,.ner9
to be
the Gazette; and ever order, when so shall have the same published by
~? , published, proclamation.
effect as if it had been inserted in this Ordinance. All such orders in
Council in force at the tune of passing of this Ordinance are hereby con-
tinued in force until duly revoked or altered by the Governor in Council.
10. The Governor nay, subject to such, instructions as aforesaid,
from time to time snake, alter, and repeal, in relation to correspondence
sent by post, such sea ulations as he thinks fit for regulating times and
modes of posting and delivery, prepayment, late fees, fines on unpaid
correspondence, the registry of correspondence, money orders, the sale
and affixing of postage stamps, the-dimensions, weights, and contents, of
packets, and other such similar regulations as the Governor from time to
time thinks necessary for the better execution of this Ordinance.
All such regulations as affect the public shall be published in the
Gazette, or !in the postal guide published by the Postmaster General, and
shall have no effect until so published. -
11. Any question whether an article of. correspondence is, a letter,
Decision as to
or whether any publication is a newspaper or a supplement, or whether ~,
any packet is a book packet or pattern or sample packet within the mean.
ino, of .this Ordinance, or of any .order in Council or regulations .made
The Governor
may make
ORDINANCE No. .l. of 1887.
Post Office.
thereunder, shall be decided lfy the Postmaster General. The Governor
may, if he thinks fit, on the application of any person interested,.
or modify such decision, and order accordingly.
Paid eorte. ' 12. All correspondence which arrives in this Colony fully paid
`' ^be gee iv erect according to the rates in force for the time being
shall he delivered or
'j - ortransmitted
without transmitted from the Post Office without further charge.
V I -: r. - birther
r ., charge.
Seamen's and 13. All letters received or sent by sailors or soldiers of
Her Majesty's
.letters. sea or land forces shall be chitrged with such reduction in the
rates of
postage as is allowed to there by any Act of the Imperial Parliament.
.Die$, ac: for 14. The Governor may from tinge to time provide proper
stamps and prol_>er dies and other implements for denoting, by adhesive
stamps or otherwise, the rates of postage payable under this Ordinance;
or any regulation thereunder.
' operv.ins 15. The Postmaster General may if necessary open, and if
letters, -
return to the; sender: --
..- s ; - _
Iteid letters:
Postage. may.
`'lie remitted
`on packets not,
letters if sent
( l .) Any correspondence upon which the prepayment of postage
is compulsory, and which cannot be sent unpaid by any
other route, and upon which the proper postage has not
been paid.
(2.) Any correspondence which is returned to the General Post
Office for want of a proper address, or from inability to
find the person to- whom it is addressed, and which
remains unclaimed for ten days after being advertised
in the Gazette.
16. Where any packet is delivered to the Post Office and has thereby
become liable to postage, and evidence is adduced to the satisfaction of
the Postmaster General that such packet has been delivered to the Post
,Office by mistake, the Postmaster General may cause such packet to be
opened in the presence of an officer in the Post Office, and may return
the same without charge to the person interested; unless such packet is
found to contain any letter or manuscript liable to postage; .in which
case the Postmaster General shall retain the packet until he is paid the
:full rate of postage chargeable upon such letter or manuscript.
warrantsnor 17, After any correspondence ha.s been delivered to the Post
opening or
returning nor. 110
person employed by or under the Post Office~ shall, except, iii the
cases .above mentioned, open the wsama .or, delay its transmission, or
ORDINANCE No. I of 1887.
Post Office.
return the same to any person, or procure or suffer the same to be opened,
delayed, or returned, unless he is authorised by express warrant in writ-
ing under the hand of the Governor, or the British Consul at the port,
The Governor, or the British Consul at the port, may at his discre-
tion grant such warrants far opening or returning any specified letter or
other article of correspondence.
Despatch and receipt of Mails.
I$, Every master of a vessel shall, immediately on arrival, and Debvem of
before reporting at the Harbour Office, deliver to the Post Office all
letter bays and correspondence on board, except such as are exempt by
law. Should such vessel be put in quarantine the master shall deliver
all such letter bags and correspondence to tiny person authorised 17y the
Postmaster General to receive there, or may deliver them to the Health
19. The Postmaster General shall pay to every master of a vessel
not being a contract packet, a gratuity of two cents for every letter, and
,one cent for every other article of correspondence delivered by him to
'the Post Office; No gratuity shall be payable
( 1. ) For a second transmission of any correspondence;
( 2. ) On correspondence delivered to any Post Office to be
thence transmitted by contract packet ;
( 3. ) On correspondence the gratuity on which is certified by
the despatching office to have been paid.
(4. ) The gratuity payable on letters transmitted between
tHongkong, Canton, and Macao, in either direction,
shall be one cent only.
20. The. Postmaster General may pay like gratuities to any master
Gratuities to
of a vessel leaving hl onbkong on every article of correspondence
delivered vessels
~ of
-to such master from the Post Office, or certified by the Post Office of
outwards. .
.destination to have been duly received from him.
21. 'r he powers of the Governor in Council as defined and regulated
by sections- 8 and 9 of this Ordinance, shall equally apply to the rates
,of gratuity, to be paid to ship masters for the delivery of mails, either
generally or in particular, cases. The gratuities fixed by any Order in
-Council . under this section shallnut. be less on the average than the
-otherwise required by this Ordinance to be paid:
Gratuities to,
masters °f
Rates of
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1887.
Post 0~'tce.
~amages fox 22. Every master o£ a vessel who receives such gratuities or to
Of mail. whotx) such gratuities have been 'credited in tire accounts of
the Post-
master General shall he held to have made a contract with the 1'ostrn
General that, in consideration of the gratuities so paid, he will .duly
deliver all letter bags and correspondence received from the Post Office
to the persons to whom the same are addressed immediately on his
arrival in port, without wilful or avoidable delay, and that if lie fail
any respect to perform his said contract he will pay to the Postmaster
General the sum of five hundred dollars as liquidated damages for the
breach. of his said contract.
Persons 23. Every person or firm proposing to despatch a vessel to any
proposing to eapatchport or place out. of this ColonY, excepting vessels
1 lYin~s daily or on
vessels give firmed days to Macao or to places on the Canton River, shall,
so soon as
General, he has ahranored the time for the departure of such vessel give
the first
~, intimation of such proposed departure to the Postmaster General, and
shall, in like manner, intimate to the Postmaster~ General any alteration
in the day or hour of departure of the said vessel, and the Postmaster
General shall, on receiving such intimation, give notice to the public of
the day and, hour for closing the mails, if any are to be made up for
transmission by such vessel.
Every alteration of the hour of departure of any vessel plying daily
or on firmed days to Macao or to places on the Canton Iliver, shall, in
Ue manner, be intimated to the Postmaster General by the person
' despatching such vessel. .
24. The Postmaster General, or any officer of the Post Office
authorised by him, may attend on board any vessel, and may receive all
fully prepaid correspondence which is brought on board up to the time
of departure to be transmitted by such vessel.
The master of every? such vessel shall give all proper facilities to
such ofhcor of the Post Office to enable him to discharge his, duties and
to make up such mails, and to leave the vessel on her departure.
Making up
ruaiis on
If there be no officer of the Post Office in attendance on board any,
vessel, the master of such vessel may receive all correspondence which
is brought on board to bim fully prepaid by the postage stamps of the
Colony .; and shall deliver the same at the. Post Office on arrival at
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1837.
Post Office.
25. The master of every vessel shall receive on board all mall
bags Refusal to
carry mails.
and correspondence tendered to him by the Postmaster General for
transmission and shall sign <a receipt for the same. The owner or agent
of any vessel Nrbo refuses to allow any marl to be put on board of or
transmitted by such vessel shall be deemed guilty of an offence against
this 0 rdin ance.
26. Offences ri~ainst this Ordinance shall be considered to be.
(l.) Any infringement of the exchlsive privilege of the Post-
master General.
(?.) Refusal, neglect, or oruission to do any 'act commanded
by this Ordinance.
(3.) Refusal to permit, or obstruction of any such get. '
(4.) ,rije doing of any act forbidden by this Ordinance.
For every offence against this Ordinance for which no specific
penalty is provided the offender shall be liable, on sun imary conviction
before a Magistrate, to a penalty not, exceeding five hundred dollars, and
in default of payment of the said penalty to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for any period not exceeding six months.
27. The following acts shall lie deemed felonies :--
Stealing, embezzling, secreting, or destroying- any corresponu-
ence by a person employed by or under the Post Office.
Stealing from or out of any correspondence any chattel, money,
or valuable security.
Stealing or unlawfully' taking away a letter bag, or stealing or
unlawfully taking any correspondence from or out of a
letter bag, or unlawfully opening a letter bag.
Stealing any, correspondence from a letter bag, or from a Post
Office, or from an officer of the Post Office.
horging, altering, or imitating, or assisting in forging, altering,
or imitating any postage stamp issued under this Ordinance.
Using, offering, uttering, disposing of, or putting off any -forged,
altered, or imitateu postage stamp as aforesaid, knowing
the same to be forged, altered, or imitated.
bags, forging
stamps, and
other felonies.
opening cor-
and other mite
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1887.
Post Office.
Every person who is convicted of-any felony mentioned in this
section shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less than three
years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or
without hard labour.
2$ The following acts shall be deemed misdemeanours :-
Opening or suffering or procuring to be opened, or detaining
or delaying, or procuring or' suffering to be detained or
delayed any correspondence without lawful authority or
excuse; or wilfully delivering any correspondence to any
person other than the person to whom the same ought to
be delivered. -
Fraudulently obtaining from any person employed by or under
the Post Office, or fraudulently detaining or wilfully
secreting, keeping, or detaining any letter bag, or any
correspondence which ought to have been delivered to any,
Fraudulently removing any postage stamp from any correspond-
ence, or wilfully removing ,from any postage stamp any
mark that has been made thereon at any Post Office, or
knowingly using or putting off any postage stamp from
which any such marl:17as been removed, making, knowingly
uttering, dealing in, selling, knowingly using for any
postal purpose, or having in possession without lawful
excuse any fictitious postage stamp, (not being a postage
stamp issued under this 'Ordinance, Revealed by 02,dinance
No. 22 of 1889,., or making, or having in possession
without lawful excuse any die, plate, instrument or mate-
rials for making any such fictitious postage stamp. Any
' such stamp, die, plate, instrument, or materials found in
the possession of any person . in contravention of this
section m -ay be; seized and shall be, forfeited.
Every person who is convicted of any misdemeanour mentioned in
this section shall be liable, at the discetiori of the Court, to be
far any term. not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.
UIMI;NA1fCE No. I of 188?:
Post Oftve.
29. The sections of the Larceny Ordinance (No. t' of 1865) relating
to receivinw stoledgoods, that is to say, sections ?5~ to 82 both
shall apply to felonies and misdemeanours committed under this Ordinance;
and for that purpose, the epression this Ordinance, when used in the
said sections, shall be taken to include the present 'Ordinance.
30. In any proceedings against any person fur any offence com-
xnitted against this Ordinance, in respect of any letter bag or
ence, it shall be sufficient to allege such letter bay or correspondence
be the property of the Postmaster General without mentioning his name,
and in any such proceedings. against any person employed by or under
the Post Office, it shall be sufficient to allege that such person was
employed by or under the Post Office, without,stating further the nature
or particulars of his employment.
31. All pecuniary penalties for offences against this Ordinance may
be recovered in a summary cvay before a Magistrate, but hroceedirrgs for
the recovery of such penalties shall be commenced within one, year after
the offence was committed.
32. Ordinances No. 1Z of 1884. and No. 11 of .1885 are hereby
repealed, but such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done or eom-
inenced to be done thereunder. a
33. This Ordinance shall take effect on a day to be proclaimed by
the Governor.
(ha force from 9th -May, 1887, under proclamation of the 7th May, 1887.
Under made by the Governor in Council'under the provisions of sections 8
and 10 of
The Post Office Ordinance; 1887, on the 4th and gazetted the 14th,
January, 1888.
1, Circulars, dividend warrants, invitations, cards, patterns, bills,
almanacs, 8cc.,
for addresses in Hongkong or the ports of China, in batches of not less
than ten of
uniform. size and weight, may, be sent to the Post Office unstamped, the
postage, at
the rate of ,one cent each, being paid in cash or charged to the sender's
Special accounts may, be opened-with W on-boxholders for the delivery of
numbers of such articles.
stolen aori e-
spondence. -
Allegations tu-
be used iri
for offences.
Penalties may-
be recovered
in a summary
way within
one year.
t)11DINANCE 2N0. 1 0v 188?'.
Post O~j'tce.
2. Such covers, when addressed to places other than Honghong or China,
be prepaid two cents each in stamps as heretofore.
3. Circulars, &c., must not exceed 2 ounces each in weight. Patterns,
&e., must be under 4 ounces each in.weiL ht. Heavier articles will be
charged ordinary
4. Envelopes containing patterns, &c., may be wholly closed if the nature
of the
contents be first exhibited or stated to the Postmaster General, as he
may fi consider
necessary, and approved by him. Printed circulars may he enclosed in
5. Addresses must be complete. That is to say, on such covers as are not
addressed to heads of houses, the addressee's residence or place of
business must be
added. Incompletely addressed covers will be returned to the sender for
6. It must be understood that the above mentioned classes of
correspondence will
invariably be delivered at places of business unless special arrangement
is made for
delivery at private houses. Such arrangements can only he made subject to
general work of the Post Office.
fl'rder made b,~ the Governor in Council ova the 4th and gazetted the
11th February,1888,
under the provisions of section 8 o f Ordinance 1 of 1887.
Whereas by The Post Office Ordinance, 188, it is provided, amongst other
that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, by order, determine
the rates of
postage to be charged upon all correspondence sent by post from the
General ~'ost
Office o£ the Colony, or received from places outside the Colony, and the
scale of weight
according to which such rates are to be chargefl:
:. And whereas, by an order bearing date the 24th day of September, 188,
it Was
ordered-by the Governor in Council that the rates, of postage and scale
of weight
should, until further notice, be according to the table to the said order
And whereas it has become necessary to substitute a new table in lieu of
the said
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that the said table annexed to the
said order
of the 24th day of September, 1188x, be altered, by substituting the
rates of postage and
scale of weight in the tale hereunto, annexed for those of the table of
the said order
of -the 24th day of September; 1.885.
ORDINANCE No. A~'O'F 1887.
.Post Office.
The Post Office .declines all responsibilityfor unregistered covers
containing bank notes,
coin, or jewellery; and, where registration has been neglected, WILL MAKE
'ENqUIRIEs into alleged losses of such covers.
1 ~
,s1 0
O b ;w 'G
c, ~ c~C ~
aG ~ ~ +a rUr
'C .E.~
x.. ~ u
per., ~ ~ ~ P4 P4
a ~'~p' cd
cents. cents. Cents. cents. vents. cents.
Between Hongkong, Canton and Macao, ~2 1 2 2
~ ,) 5 6
and for local delivery, (d.)
'lo China, (or from China to Hongkong), (G.)
Cochin-china, ....................................
Japan, _v ................. ... ~~ I 2 2 5 G
Philippine Islands, (f.)
To Australia, VIA TOR RES STRAITS, 10 CANNOT 2 2
New Zealand, NOT
,., . 10 IssUEI).
Tasmania, ( )
Fiji, VIA CEYLON, 30 SE T. ~ 8
To Natal and Gape Colony, ., , (a.) 30 B>~ G 5 10 IssUEL
To all other planes, . 10 3 2 2 10 g
(a.) COMMERCIAL YIiPEiiB are documents wholly or partly written by hand,
not being letters. such as
invoices, deeds, copied music, &e. All packets of and under 4 oz. weight
are charged 5 cents
(b.) Not to exceed 4 or. in weight, otherwise the rate is per 4 oz. for
newspapers, and per 2 oz. for
. other printed matter. '
( r.) Prepayment is compulsory. '
(d.) Wholly unpaid letters from Canton or Macao arc charged as if from
other ports of China.
(e.) Letters for Siam vii, Singapore, 10 cents Wr half ounce.
(f.) REGISTRATIO14 IN CFIINA. extends to Hoi:i:>w, Canton, Swatow, Amoy,
Foochow, NY ngpo, Shanghai
and Hankow only.
(g.) Cannot be sent to countries not in the Postal Union.
Order made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of section 8
of The Post
Office Ordinance, 188.`7, the 19th and gazetted the 21st April, 1888.
Under the powers granted by section $ of Ordinance 1 of 1887, the
-Governor in
Council is pleased to order that the provisions of the Parcel Post be
extended to the
Colonies :of Victoria, and South and West Australia; to the west Coast of
.Africa, the
-Austrian, and French post offices in Turkey, the Azores Islands;
Beyrout,Bulgaria, the
Cameroons, Costa Rica,'French Colonies, Madeira, and Servia; and that the
hereto annexed be the table of rates o£ postage for the,parcel post till
further notice.
ORDINANCE No. 1.oF,:.-,,
Post Offle'e.
O.aS b
Limit of Size.
Zb. CentB.
11 5 2 ft, by 1 ft., by
1. ft.
11 15 Do., and not smaller
than 3 in, by 2 in.,
1 i 20 by 2 in.
iI . 20 ~a ft. ¢in.long, or 8ft.
in grontest length~
and girth combined.
11 25
11 35 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 50 Do.
11. 50 Do.
II 50 Do.
7* 50 Do.
11 55 Do.
11 60 i Do.
7 70 'Do.
11 . 7 0 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 30 Do.
11 30 Do.
11 30 Do.
il 50
:3 70
11 :i0
Hongkong, Clzind, Japan, ('orea, Siam,
Straits SettZemeniEa, Burmah, Ceylon, India,$
Malta, ,., , ... (Direct),
United Kingdom, viii Gibraltar only,...
Africa, West Coast; I (vii London),
Ascension, . .................. do., ...
British Cluiana, ... , ... do.,
British Honduras, : , do.,
Cape Colony, .. , do.,
Cyprus, ., , do.,
Egypt, ........ , » : , ». do,, ...
Natal, , ................. do.,,.
f-t. Helena, , , ' do.,-.
South Australia, :, , (vii, Ceylon),
Victoria (Australia),, .... , , do., ,.
`Western Australia, do.,
'Viritfiward and -Leeward ,Is;.j' ~ (vii, London),
Barbados; Trinidad, ...
*:To Cape Towsl itself, lltb. t Antigua, Montserrat, S. Kitts, Nevisi 'D<
minica, Virgin Is.; Grenada. S. Lucia, S. Vincent, Tobago.
*. And Indian Offlces, viz.;, Aden, Eagdad, Gander Alias, Busrah, Bn
shire, Guadur, Jask, Kashmir, ,4ing4,, Muscat, ,Zanzibar.
19 Accra, Bathhurat, Cape Coast Castle, Lagos, Q,uittah, Sierra Leone. .
. ,
1,.-To, the -UN UTRz>.. KINGDOM AND PLACES BEYOrb.-Parcels .are forwarded
by P. & 0. packet
°.. .only, and arrive in London about 8 days later than.the Mail. No
further charge is made an delivery
~eacept for customs dues. -
Duties in the United Kingdom.
Cigars. - 6j0 peg lb. - ~ silver -plgte 1/,8 pex~o2.Troy=1j~;peroz:-avoir.
Gold, plate. 1?10 per oz. Troy-1519 per oz. avoir. I Tea: 6d. per i$.
:No duties are charged on Watches, Jewellery, Personal Ornaments, nor on
any gold or silver arti,clev, riot describable as. Plate, Plate; bowever,
includes. ueh: articles;,as: silver- Yatch Boxes, QgarfCases,
`::Moiirits for Sticks. Studs. Buttons Buckles, and Felts, or IN'Teel,
under certain conditions. Dut:ips
ot, ~ pxepiu th,& sender. ~ ' .
2.-To INDIA.-By P. &0. and Indian Mail packets only.
~.3..-4o AvsmIUIr.W..-By P.- 3r (J. packet eid, Ceylon Wy
2 ft. by 1 ft., by
1 ft.
2 ft. Ions, or 4 ft. in
length and girth
Prohibited Contents.
Tobacco, except for person-
al use. Copyright Books.
Specie or ostrich
Coins, Tobacco.
Letters, Arms, and
Letters, Gold or SiI ver,
.ostrich feathers.
Books copyright in the
Arms, Munitions of War,
Tobacco, Opium pipes.
Letters, wines, apiuni,
;spirits., tobacco.
ORDINANCE No. 1: of 1887.
:Post ofce.
0 to 2 to
2 ifi. 6 3b.
c. c.
1.20 1.70
1.10 1.60
1.20 1.20
1.00 1.50
0.70 1.10
1.00 1.30
1.10 1.10
1.10 1.30
1.00 2.20
0.90 1.40
0.70 1.20
1.10 1.60
1.00 1.50
1.90 1.70
1.00 1.50
Heligoland, 1.10 1.60
Holland, . . 7.00 1,50
Italy § (rid France), 1.10 1:60
Luxemburg, 1.00 .1.50
Madeira, . . 1.00 1.00
Norway,, 1.00 1.1>0
Portugal (via LT iebon), 0.90 0.90
Servia, 0.90 1.10
Smyrna, 1.00 2.20
Spain, § 1.00 1.00
Sweden. .... ........ 1.00 1.70
Switzerland, . ........ 1.10 1.60
Algeria and Corsica, §
Austro-Hungary, ......
Azores, Is., ,..............
Beyrout, .........
Bulgaria, ...............
Cameroons,.. ..........
Congo Free State.,......
Constantinople, ** §...
Costa Rica,.. .. .....
Danish !Vest Indies,...
Denmark, ...............
F:ance, . ,.
Trench Colonies, $ §...
Germany, .............. ,
Yin London. . PACKET.
6 to 0 to 7 or 113h.
11 ih.
1.20 (11 th.)
2.00 1,20 (11 115.)
1.50 ,
160 ...
3.80 ...
2.10 ...
1.7.0 ...
... 1.20 (11 itb.)
... 1.20 (7 ib.)
... 1.10 (11 th.)
2.00 1.20 (I1 th.)
2.00 1..''.U (11 Ib.)
2.00 1.00 (ll 1b.)
1..50 (7 lb.)
3.80 ...
... .1.40 (7 th.)
... 1.50 (7 'bb)
... 1.20 (11 3b.)
Coins, arms, ammunition, medicines, plants, vines,
gold, silver, jewellery, lace.
Letters. - Lottery tickets.
Letters. Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Firearms, tobacco.
Letters. Ltatery tickets, Gains, arms, ammnnitioa
tobacetr, plants, vine%, dregs.
Letters. Alms.
Letters. Lottery tickets and prospectuses.
Letters, arena, ammunition, tobacco, plants, vines, gold,
silver. jewellery, lace.
Letters. Plants with roots, vines or parts of vines,
socialistic books.
Letters. Tobaeca, vines or parts of vin©a, arms:
chemical.conxpounds, rags.
Letters.' Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Vines.
Letters: Materials far gunpowder, plants, arms to-
Letters. Aries, ammunition, books, maps, plants,
routrie9, relies, plants.
Letters. (fold, silver, drugs.
$ Tarcels meet not, exceedl9 ft. is length, or 4 Pt. is length and girth
Diego Suarez, French Guinea, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New
Caledonia, NcsFI-V, ltdanion, B. Marie de Madagascar, Senegal, Trlpoly
lk* FarceIs not exceeding 6 Ib. in weight can be sent a t the snore rates
to the Austrian and I?reneh root offices in Turkey, information as to
which, . .
can De had on application.
1.-Parcels must not exceed 2 feet in length, breadth, or depth. Those
intended fox- the German.
packet must be so directed. ~ ,
2.-Each parcel must be sealed in such a way as to render it, impossible
tLat, it should be opened
without detection. -The sender must supply a declaration of the nature,
value, and _net weight of the .
contents, and of the gross weight of the parcel.
$.-A small charge, not exceeding six cents, may be made for Custom House
purposes oil the
delivery of the parcel. Except Customs dues; this is the only charge the
addressee will have to,pay.
-GENERAL RULES.-.-Parcels must be posted before $ P.M. on the working day
neat brfiire the departure
of the packet. A receipt will be given for each. A declaration of
contents gild
value is required, except for the places the names of which are printed
in italics.
The, fprm,xs.supplie4l free. Parcels may be sealed, but any parcel, even
sealed, is liable to be opened for examination. Dangerous or perishable
opium, articles- likely. to injure the mails, liquids (unless securely
packed) and
fragile ;packages are prohibited. No parcel must .exceed $250 in. value.A
parcel may-contain a letter to the same address as, that of the parcel
(except in eases where enclosure of letters is prohibited) or another
parcel to,,.
that address; 'but no other enclosure. Declarations of contents mast be
asud accurate. Evcrythi$g in the, parcel should be entered. False
expose the parcel to the risk of confiscation..
.ORDINANCE. No.', 1. oF 1887.
Order made by the .Governor under the provision8 of section 10 of the
Post Office Ordinance,.
1887, the 28th April, 1888, & gazetted the game day.
Under the powers granted by section 10 of the Post Office Ordinance, No.
1 of
1887, the Governor is pleased to order that the provisions of, the money
order, system.
be extended to Bangkok and Tangier, and that the regulations hereto
annexed be the-
Regulations for the issue of money orders till further notice.
1. Money orders are issued at Hongkong and Shanghai on the following
and places, at current rates of exchange=
.A.moy. *` Gambia.
*-Azores Is. '~ Germany.
Bangkok. ~ Gibraltar.
*° Belgium. *` Gold Coast.
'* Bermuda. Iiankow.
~`J1,Canada. Hawaii. New South Wales. '~ Sweden..
Canton. Iioihow: ~ New Zealand.
'~ Cape.tlolony. * Holland.* ' Ningpo.
Leylon. * Honduras, (Br.). North Borneo.
t (Constaattiaaople,). Hongkong. ~ -Norway.
Cyprus. ~ Iceland. Port Dar win.
Denmark. India. , *` Portugal.
Egypt. ~` Italy. Queensland.
Falkland Ts. Japan. S: Helena.
Foochow'. ~ Lagos. ~ Seychelles.
* Mauritius.-*
'* Newfoundland.
Sierra Leone.
South Australia.
Straits Settlements.
* Switzerland.
Tan Bier.
United States.
Western Australia.
West Indies (British,
Danish, and Dutch).
2. Orders on the countries marked ~` are forwarded through the London
Post Office,.
and are paid less a small discount of about 2d- in the .21, for which the
remitter should
allow. .All such orders must be expressed in British currency, and cannot
be drawn
for any sum less than 6d.
3. The commission charged is as follows (according to the currency the
order is.
drawn in).
Up to R 2, or $10, or 20 Rupees, , 0.20 cents.
2 ' S, or $25, or 60 Rupees, 0.40 cents.
2 7, or $35, or i U Rupees, .... .................. 0.60 teats.
CIO, or $50, or 100 Rupees, ....... .......... 0.80 cents.
. _ : : $ I.00. ~ .
t By means of Postal only..`
Post Office.
Ordinance No. 1 of 1887.
4. No order must exceed X10 or $50 (unless drawn on India, when 150 rupees
is the limit) nor will more than two such orders be issued to the same
person, in favour
of the same'payee, by the szme mail.
5. Money orders on the United Kingdom for even sums not exceeding X5 are
granted by means of postal notes, as to which see separate notice or the
Postal Guide.
6. Sums not. exceeding $50 may be remitted between the ports of China by
of postage stamps, subject to a charge of one per cent. for cashing them;
or money
orders can be granted at Hongkong or Shanghai on ports where there are
agencies of
the Honct:onr Post Office.
General Post Office.
Postmaster General and officers continued in their offices.
Appointment of officers in future.
Postmaster General solely authorized to receive and deliver all correspondence.
Letters excepted under Acts of Imperial Parliament.
Receipt of postage, and accounts.
Governor in Council may fix rates of postage.
Orders to be published by proclamation.
The Governor may make regulations.
Decision as to newspapers, packets, &c.
Paid correspondence to be delivered or transmitted without further charge.
Seamen's and soldiers' letters.
Dies, &c. for postage stamps.
Opening letters.
Dead letters.
Postage may be remitted on packets not containing letters if sent in mistake.
Warrants of opening or returning correspondence.
Delivery of mails.
Gratuities to masters of vessels inwards.
Gratuities to masters of vessels outwards.
Rates of gratuity.
Damages for non-delivery of mail.
Persons proposing to despatch vessels to give notice to the Postmaster General.
Making up mails on board.
Refusal to carry mails.
Stealing letter bags, forging stamps, and other felonies.
Opening correspondence and other misdemeanours.
Receiving stolen correspondence.
Allegations to be used in proceedings for offences.
Penalties may be recovered in a summary way within one year.
Suspending clause.
No. 1 of 1887.
An Ordinance entitled The Post Office Ordinance, 1887.
[15th February, 1887. ]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong,, with the ad vice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows
1. In this Ordinance, and in any Order in Council or re ;elation
made thereunder, unless the context indicates the contrary, the following
expressions shall have the nlea'nings set against them respectively, that
is to say:-
Consignees' Letters.- In y letters. forwarded by any vessel on the
same voyage as and relating to goods or merchandise on board of such
vessel. y
Contract Packet.-Any vessel fob' the-,.conveyance of letter bays and,
correspondence under contract.
ORDINANCE No. I of 1887.
Post Office.
Correspondence.--Any letter, newspaper, book, pamphlet, document,
parcel, or package, or other article whatsoever transmitted by post
whither in a closed mail or having been placed loose on board any
contract packet or vessel for transmission ; and a letter or other article
shall be deemed to be correspondence from the time of its arrival within
the limits of the Colony, if brought to the Colony by post, or from the
time of its delivery to the Post Office if not so brought, and in either
ease shall continue to be deemed correspondence to the time of its
from the Post Office; and delivery to or by any person authorised to
receive or deliver letter ba;' or correspondence on behalf of the
General shall be a delivery to or from the Post Office.
Letter .Bag.--Any bad, or box, or packet, or parcel, or other envelope
or covering in which correspondence is conveyed, whether it does or does
not contain correspondence.
Master of a Vessel.-Any person in charge of a vessel, *whether
commander, mate, or other person.
Officer of the Post Office.-The Postmaster General, and every
postmaster, assistant postmaster, agent, officer, clerk, letter carrier,
any other person employed in any business of the Post Office, whether
loved b
p, , y the Postmaster General, or by any person uud6r hxn, or on
behalf of the Post Office.
Persona employed by or under the Post Office.-Every person employed
in any business of the Post Office according to the interpretation liven
to officer of the Post Office.
Postage Stamp.--Any label or stamp for denotibg' any rate of postage,
or any envelope, wrapper, card, form, or paper, words, letters, or marks;
purporting to authorise the transmission by post of any correspondence,
whether such postage stamp shall be issued under this Ordinance or by
the Postmaster General of the United liinadom, or by the. Government
of any colony or foreign country.
Postmaster General.--'hhe Postmaster-General of the Colony.
Post Ufice.-Any house, building, room, or place where correspond-
ence is received or delivered, or ~ in which it is sorted, made up, or
Vessel.--r.A.ny ship or other -vessel, not being a contract packet,
General and
offioers con-
tinued in their
ORDINANCE NO. 1 cF 1887.
Post Office.
General Post ~',~' , There shall be one General Post Office of the Colony
where cor-
respondence may be received from all places, and whence correspondence
may be despatched to all places, and the Post Office at the time of the
` passing of this Ordinance shall be such General Pest Office until the
thereof is changed by the Governor.
The Governor may establish such distr'.ct roost offices in the Colony
as he thinks fit.
3. The Postmaster General, and all other officers of the Post Office
at the tune of the passing of this Ordinance shall be continued in their
offices, and shall have all the powers, and privileges hereby conferred
upon the holders of their respective offices. -
Appointment 4. The Governor may from time to time appoint a Postmaster
of officers in
future. General of the Colony, and all necessary assistant postmasters
postmasters, agents, clerks, or servants for conducting the business of
Post Office, and may rc;rnove any officers so appointed.
- 'posimagter ~. The Postmaster General shall, by himself or his deputies,
General solely.
authorized to the entire charge of the General Post Office and of all,
postal matters
receive and
denverall oor._ within the Colony, with sole power, within the Colony, of
from all. persons authorized - to deliver the same all letter. bags and
correspondence arriving in. the Colony; and with sole power, within the
Colony, of collecting, receiving, and delivering to all persons authorised
to receive the same all correspondence for transmission by or through
the General Post Office to places out of the Colony.
The said Postmaster General shall also have the exclusive privilege,
within the Colony, of performing all the incidental services of receiving,
collecting, despatching and delivering all correspondence arriving from,
or transmitted to any place out of the Colony; and no letters, unless
*exeinpt by law, shall be delivered in, or transmitted from. the Colony
otherwise than by or through the General Post Office.
`y~e'~ 6, All correspondence which, by any Act of tile Imperial Par lia-
under arcs of meat, is excepted from the exclusive privilege of the
Imperial Post Office,
P~pi~inent; , shall within this Colony be excepted from the exclusive
privilege of the
F _
Postmaster General of the Colony. Consignees' letters shall be excepted
from the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster, General, but, if taken to
the Post Office, such consignees' letters shall be subject to the same
~.of postage and general regulations as apply to other correspondence.
ORDINANCE Rio. 1 oiF 1887.
Post Oyce.
7. The Postmaster General shall receive all postabe payable in the
Colony .and shall keep accounts of all correspondence received and de-
spatched by him, with the particulars of the postage thereof, in such
manner and form as'the Governor may from time to tinge, direct. '1 'he
accounts of monies payable to the Imperial Postmaster General shall be
kept distinct from the accounts of monies payable to the Colonial
The Postmaster General shall keep the accounts of monies payable
to the Imperial Postmaster General in such foriP and shall transmit such
monies in such manner as the said Iwporial Postmaster General may from
time to time dirt-ct.
$. The Governor in Council may froth time to tune by order deter-
mine the rates of postage to be ~charged upon all correspondence sent by
post from the General Post Office of the Colony, or received therein from
places outside the Colony, and may revoke, alter, or add to any such
order, provided that no such order be inconsistent with any instructions
transmitted from the Secretary of State for the Colonies or from the
Imperial Postmaster General.
Receipt of
postage, and
Gnv ernor ixs
Council may
fig rates of
g. The Governor shall publish every such order by proclamation in o,.ner9
to be
the Gazette; and ever order, when so shall have the same published by
~? , published, proclamation.
effect as if it had been inserted in this Ordinance. All such orders in
Council in force at the tune of passing of this Ordinance are hereby con-
tinued in force until duly revoked or altered by the Governor in Council.
10. The Governor nay, subject to such, instructions as aforesaid,
from time to time snake, alter, and repeal, in relation to correspondence
sent by post, such sea ulations as he thinks fit for regulating times and
modes of posting and delivery, prepayment, late fees, fines on unpaid
correspondence, the registry of correspondence, money orders, the sale
and affixing of postage stamps, the-dimensions, weights, and contents, of
packets, and other such similar regulations as the Governor from time to
time thinks necessary for the better execution of this Ordinance.
All such regulations as affect the public shall be published in the
Gazette, or !in the postal guide published by the Postmaster General, and
shall have no effect until so published. -
11. Any question whether an article of. correspondence is, a letter,
Decision as to
or whether any publication is a newspaper or a supplement, or whether ~,
any packet is a book packet or pattern or sample packet within the mean.
ino, of .this Ordinance, or of any .order in Council or regulations .made
The Governor
may make
ORDINANCE No. .l. of 1887.
Post Office.
thereunder, shall be decided lfy the Postmaster General. The Governor
may, if he thinks fit, on the application of any person interested,.
or modify such decision, and order accordingly.
Paid eorte. ' 12. All correspondence which arrives in this Colony fully paid
`' ^be gee iv erect according to the rates in force for the time being
shall he delivered or
'j - ortransmitted
without transmitted from the Post Office without further charge.
V I -: r. - birther
r ., charge.
Seamen's and 13. All letters received or sent by sailors or soldiers of
Her Majesty's
.letters. sea or land forces shall be chitrged with such reduction in the
rates of
postage as is allowed to there by any Act of the Imperial Parliament.
.Die$, ac: for 14. The Governor may from tinge to time provide proper
stamps and prol_>er dies and other implements for denoting, by adhesive
stamps or otherwise, the rates of postage payable under this Ordinance;
or any regulation thereunder.
' operv.ins 15. The Postmaster General may if necessary open, and if
letters, -
return to the; sender: --
..- s ; - _
Iteid letters:
Postage. may.
`'lie remitted
`on packets not,
letters if sent
( l .) Any correspondence upon which the prepayment of postage
is compulsory, and which cannot be sent unpaid by any
other route, and upon which the proper postage has not
been paid.
(2.) Any correspondence which is returned to the General Post
Office for want of a proper address, or from inability to
find the person to- whom it is addressed, and which
remains unclaimed for ten days after being advertised
in the Gazette.
16. Where any packet is delivered to the Post Office and has thereby
become liable to postage, and evidence is adduced to the satisfaction of
the Postmaster General that such packet has been delivered to the Post
,Office by mistake, the Postmaster General may cause such packet to be
opened in the presence of an officer in the Post Office, and may return
the same without charge to the person interested; unless such packet is
found to contain any letter or manuscript liable to postage; .in which
case the Postmaster General shall retain the packet until he is paid the
:full rate of postage chargeable upon such letter or manuscript.
warrantsnor 17, After any correspondence ha.s been delivered to the Post
opening or
returning nor. 110
person employed by or under the Post Office~ shall, except, iii the
cases .above mentioned, open the wsama .or, delay its transmission, or
ORDINANCE No. I of 1887.
Post Office.
return the same to any person, or procure or suffer the same to be opened,
delayed, or returned, unless he is authorised by express warrant in writ-
ing under the hand of the Governor, or the British Consul at the port,
The Governor, or the British Consul at the port, may at his discre-
tion grant such warrants far opening or returning any specified letter or
other article of correspondence.
Despatch and receipt of Mails.
I$, Every master of a vessel shall, immediately on arrival, and Debvem of
before reporting at the Harbour Office, deliver to the Post Office all
letter bays and correspondence on board, except such as are exempt by
law. Should such vessel be put in quarantine the master shall deliver
all such letter bags and correspondence to tiny person authorised 17y the
Postmaster General to receive there, or may deliver them to the Health
19. The Postmaster General shall pay to every master of a vessel
not being a contract packet, a gratuity of two cents for every letter, and
,one cent for every other article of correspondence delivered by him to
'the Post Office; No gratuity shall be payable
( 1. ) For a second transmission of any correspondence;
( 2. ) On correspondence delivered to any Post Office to be
thence transmitted by contract packet ;
( 3. ) On correspondence the gratuity on which is certified by
the despatching office to have been paid.
(4. ) The gratuity payable on letters transmitted between
tHongkong, Canton, and Macao, in either direction,
shall be one cent only.
20. The. Postmaster General may pay like gratuities to any master
Gratuities to
of a vessel leaving hl onbkong on every article of correspondence
delivered vessels
~ of
-to such master from the Post Office, or certified by the Post Office of
outwards. .
.destination to have been duly received from him.
21. 'r he powers of the Governor in Council as defined and regulated
by sections- 8 and 9 of this Ordinance, shall equally apply to the rates
,of gratuity, to be paid to ship masters for the delivery of mails, either
generally or in particular, cases. The gratuities fixed by any Order in
-Council . under this section shallnut. be less on the average than the
-otherwise required by this Ordinance to be paid:
Gratuities to,
masters °f
Rates of
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1887.
Post 0~'tce.
~amages fox 22. Every master o£ a vessel who receives such gratuities or to
Of mail. whotx) such gratuities have been 'credited in tire accounts of
the Post-
master General shall he held to have made a contract with the 1'ostrn
General that, in consideration of the gratuities so paid, he will .duly
deliver all letter bags and correspondence received from the Post Office
to the persons to whom the same are addressed immediately on his
arrival in port, without wilful or avoidable delay, and that if lie fail
any respect to perform his said contract he will pay to the Postmaster
General the sum of five hundred dollars as liquidated damages for the
breach. of his said contract.
Persons 23. Every person or firm proposing to despatch a vessel to any
proposing to eapatchport or place out. of this ColonY, excepting vessels
1 lYin~s daily or on
vessels give firmed days to Macao or to places on the Canton River, shall,
so soon as
General, he has ahranored the time for the departure of such vessel give
the first
~, intimation of such proposed departure to the Postmaster General, and
shall, in like manner, intimate to the Postmaster~ General any alteration
in the day or hour of departure of the said vessel, and the Postmaster
General shall, on receiving such intimation, give notice to the public of
the day and, hour for closing the mails, if any are to be made up for
transmission by such vessel.
Every alteration of the hour of departure of any vessel plying daily
or on firmed days to Macao or to places on the Canton Iliver, shall, in
Ue manner, be intimated to the Postmaster General by the person
' despatching such vessel. .
24. The Postmaster General, or any officer of the Post Office
authorised by him, may attend on board any vessel, and may receive all
fully prepaid correspondence which is brought on board up to the time
of departure to be transmitted by such vessel.
The master of every? such vessel shall give all proper facilities to
such ofhcor of the Post Office to enable him to discharge his, duties and
to make up such mails, and to leave the vessel on her departure.
Making up
ruaiis on
If there be no officer of the Post Office in attendance on board any,
vessel, the master of such vessel may receive all correspondence which
is brought on board to bim fully prepaid by the postage stamps of the
Colony .; and shall deliver the same at the. Post Office on arrival at
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1837.
Post Office.
25. The master of every vessel shall receive on board all mall
bags Refusal to
carry mails.
and correspondence tendered to him by the Postmaster General for
transmission and shall sign <a receipt for the same. The owner or agent
of any vessel Nrbo refuses to allow any marl to be put on board of or
transmitted by such vessel shall be deemed guilty of an offence against
this 0 rdin ance.
26. Offences ri~ainst this Ordinance shall be considered to be.
(l.) Any infringement of the exchlsive privilege of the Post-
master General.
(?.) Refusal, neglect, or oruission to do any 'act commanded
by this Ordinance.
(3.) Refusal to permit, or obstruction of any such get. '
(4.) ,rije doing of any act forbidden by this Ordinance.
For every offence against this Ordinance for which no specific
penalty is provided the offender shall be liable, on sun imary conviction
before a Magistrate, to a penalty not, exceeding five hundred dollars, and
in default of payment of the said penalty to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for any period not exceeding six months.
27. The following acts shall lie deemed felonies :--
Stealing, embezzling, secreting, or destroying- any corresponu-
ence by a person employed by or under the Post Office.
Stealing from or out of any correspondence any chattel, money,
or valuable security.
Stealing or unlawfully' taking away a letter bag, or stealing or
unlawfully taking any correspondence from or out of a
letter bag, or unlawfully opening a letter bag.
Stealing any, correspondence from a letter bag, or from a Post
Office, or from an officer of the Post Office.
horging, altering, or imitating, or assisting in forging, altering,
or imitating any postage stamp issued under this Ordinance.
Using, offering, uttering, disposing of, or putting off any -forged,
altered, or imitateu postage stamp as aforesaid, knowing
the same to be forged, altered, or imitated.
bags, forging
stamps, and
other felonies.
opening cor-
and other mite
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1887.
Post Office.
Every person who is convicted of-any felony mentioned in this
section shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less than three
years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or
without hard labour.
2$ The following acts shall be deemed misdemeanours :-
Opening or suffering or procuring to be opened, or detaining
or delaying, or procuring or' suffering to be detained or
delayed any correspondence without lawful authority or
excuse; or wilfully delivering any correspondence to any
person other than the person to whom the same ought to
be delivered. -
Fraudulently obtaining from any person employed by or under
the Post Office, or fraudulently detaining or wilfully
secreting, keeping, or detaining any letter bag, or any
correspondence which ought to have been delivered to any,
Fraudulently removing any postage stamp from any correspond-
ence, or wilfully removing ,from any postage stamp any
mark that has been made thereon at any Post Office, or
knowingly using or putting off any postage stamp from
which any such marl:17as been removed, making, knowingly
uttering, dealing in, selling, knowingly using for any
postal purpose, or having in possession without lawful
excuse any fictitious postage stamp, (not being a postage
stamp issued under this 'Ordinance, Revealed by 02,dinance
No. 22 of 1889,., or making, or having in possession
without lawful excuse any die, plate, instrument or mate-
rials for making any such fictitious postage stamp. Any
' such stamp, die, plate, instrument, or materials found in
the possession of any person . in contravention of this
section m -ay be; seized and shall be, forfeited.
Every person who is convicted of any misdemeanour mentioned in
this section shall be liable, at the discetiori of the Court, to be
far any term. not exceeding two years with or without hard labour.
UIMI;NA1fCE No. I of 188?:
Post Oftve.
29. The sections of the Larceny Ordinance (No. t' of 1865) relating
to receivinw stoledgoods, that is to say, sections ?5~ to 82 both
shall apply to felonies and misdemeanours committed under this Ordinance;
and for that purpose, the epression this Ordinance, when used in the
said sections, shall be taken to include the present 'Ordinance.
30. In any proceedings against any person fur any offence com-
xnitted against this Ordinance, in respect of any letter bag or
ence, it shall be sufficient to allege such letter bay or correspondence
be the property of the Postmaster General without mentioning his name,
and in any such proceedings. against any person employed by or under
the Post Office, it shall be sufficient to allege that such person was
employed by or under the Post Office, without,stating further the nature
or particulars of his employment.
31. All pecuniary penalties for offences against this Ordinance may
be recovered in a summary cvay before a Magistrate, but hroceedirrgs for
the recovery of such penalties shall be commenced within one, year after
the offence was committed.
32. Ordinances No. 1Z of 1884. and No. 11 of .1885 are hereby
repealed, but such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done or eom-
inenced to be done thereunder. a
33. This Ordinance shall take effect on a day to be proclaimed by
the Governor.
(ha force from 9th -May, 1887, under proclamation of the 7th May, 1887.
Under made by the Governor in Council'under the provisions of sections 8
and 10 of
The Post Office Ordinance; 1887, on the 4th and gazetted the 14th,
January, 1888.
1, Circulars, dividend warrants, invitations, cards, patterns, bills,
almanacs, 8cc.,
for addresses in Hongkong or the ports of China, in batches of not less
than ten of
uniform. size and weight, may, be sent to the Post Office unstamped, the
postage, at
the rate of ,one cent each, being paid in cash or charged to the sender's
Special accounts may, be opened-with W on-boxholders for the delivery of
numbers of such articles.
stolen aori e-
spondence. -
Allegations tu-
be used iri
for offences.
Penalties may-
be recovered
in a summary
way within
one year.
t)11DINANCE 2N0. 1 0v 188?'.
Post O~j'tce.
2. Such covers, when addressed to places other than Honghong or China,
be prepaid two cents each in stamps as heretofore.
3. Circulars, &c., must not exceed 2 ounces each in weight. Patterns,
&e., must be under 4 ounces each in.weiL ht. Heavier articles will be
charged ordinary
4. Envelopes containing patterns, &c., may be wholly closed if the nature
of the
contents be first exhibited or stated to the Postmaster General, as he
may fi consider
necessary, and approved by him. Printed circulars may he enclosed in
5. Addresses must be complete. That is to say, on such covers as are not
addressed to heads of houses, the addressee's residence or place of
business must be
added. Incompletely addressed covers will be returned to the sender for
6. It must be understood that the above mentioned classes of
correspondence will
invariably be delivered at places of business unless special arrangement
is made for
delivery at private houses. Such arrangements can only he made subject to
general work of the Post Office.
fl'rder made b,~ the Governor in Council ova the 4th and gazetted the
11th February,1888,
under the provisions of section 8 o f Ordinance 1 of 1887.
Whereas by The Post Office Ordinance, 188, it is provided, amongst other
that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, by order, determine
the rates of
postage to be charged upon all correspondence sent by post from the
General ~'ost
Office o£ the Colony, or received from places outside the Colony, and the
scale of weight
according to which such rates are to be chargefl:
:. And whereas, by an order bearing date the 24th day of September, 188,
it Was
ordered-by the Governor in Council that the rates, of postage and scale
of weight
should, until further notice, be according to the table to the said order
And whereas it has become necessary to substitute a new table in lieu of
the said
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that the said table annexed to the
said order
of the 24th day of September, 1188x, be altered, by substituting the
rates of postage and
scale of weight in the tale hereunto, annexed for those of the table of
the said order
of -the 24th day of September; 1.885.
ORDINANCE No. A~'O'F 1887.
.Post Office.
The Post Office .declines all responsibilityfor unregistered covers
containing bank notes,
coin, or jewellery; and, where registration has been neglected, WILL MAKE
'ENqUIRIEs into alleged losses of such covers.
1 ~
,s1 0
O b ;w 'G
c, ~ c~C ~
aG ~ ~ +a rUr
'C .E.~
x.. ~ u
per., ~ ~ ~ P4 P4
a ~'~p' cd
cents. cents. Cents. cents. vents. cents.
Between Hongkong, Canton and Macao, ~2 1 2 2
~ ,) 5 6
and for local delivery, (d.)
'lo China, (or from China to Hongkong), (G.)
Cochin-china, ....................................
Japan, _v ................. ... ~~ I 2 2 5 G
Philippine Islands, (f.)
To Australia, VIA TOR RES STRAITS, 10 CANNOT 2 2
New Zealand, NOT
,., . 10 IssUEI).
Tasmania, ( )
Fiji, VIA CEYLON, 30 SE T. ~ 8
To Natal and Gape Colony, ., , (a.) 30 B>~ G 5 10 IssUEL
To all other planes, . 10 3 2 2 10 g
(a.) COMMERCIAL YIiPEiiB are documents wholly or partly written by hand,
not being letters. such as
invoices, deeds, copied music, &e. All packets of and under 4 oz. weight
are charged 5 cents
(b.) Not to exceed 4 or. in weight, otherwise the rate is per 4 oz. for
newspapers, and per 2 oz. for
. other printed matter. '
( r.) Prepayment is compulsory. '
(d.) Wholly unpaid letters from Canton or Macao arc charged as if from
other ports of China.
(e.) Letters for Siam vii, Singapore, 10 cents Wr half ounce.
(f.) REGISTRATIO14 IN CFIINA. extends to Hoi:i:>w, Canton, Swatow, Amoy,
Foochow, NY ngpo, Shanghai
and Hankow only.
(g.) Cannot be sent to countries not in the Postal Union.
Order made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of section 8
of The Post
Office Ordinance, 188.`7, the 19th and gazetted the 21st April, 1888.
Under the powers granted by section $ of Ordinance 1 of 1887, the
-Governor in
Council is pleased to order that the provisions of the Parcel Post be
extended to the
Colonies :of Victoria, and South and West Australia; to the west Coast of
.Africa, the
-Austrian, and French post offices in Turkey, the Azores Islands;
Beyrout,Bulgaria, the
Cameroons, Costa Rica,'French Colonies, Madeira, and Servia; and that the
hereto annexed be the table of rates o£ postage for the,parcel post till
further notice.
ORDINANCE No. 1.oF,:.-,,
Post Offle'e.
O.aS b
Limit of Size.
Zb. CentB.
11 5 2 ft, by 1 ft., by
1. ft.
11 15 Do., and not smaller
than 3 in, by 2 in.,
1 i 20 by 2 in.
iI . 20 ~a ft. ¢in.long, or 8ft.
in grontest length~
and girth combined.
11 25
11 35 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 50 Do.
11. 50 Do.
II 50 Do.
7* 50 Do.
11 55 Do.
11 60 i Do.
7 70 'Do.
11 . 7 0 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 50 Do.
11 30 Do.
11 30 Do.
11 30 Do.
il 50
:3 70
11 :i0
Hongkong, Clzind, Japan, ('orea, Siam,
Straits SettZemeniEa, Burmah, Ceylon, India,$
Malta, ,., , ... (Direct),
United Kingdom, viii Gibraltar only,...
Africa, West Coast; I (vii London),
Ascension, . .................. do., ...
British Cluiana, ... , ... do.,
British Honduras, : , do.,
Cape Colony, .. , do.,
Cyprus, ., , do.,
Egypt, ........ , » : , ». do,, ...
Natal, , ................. do.,,.
f-t. Helena, , , ' do.,-.
South Australia, :, , (vii, Ceylon),
Victoria (Australia),, .... , , do., ,.
`Western Australia, do.,
'Viritfiward and -Leeward ,Is;.j' ~ (vii, London),
Barbados; Trinidad, ...
*:To Cape Towsl itself, lltb. t Antigua, Montserrat, S. Kitts, Nevisi 'D<
minica, Virgin Is.; Grenada. S. Lucia, S. Vincent, Tobago.
*. And Indian Offlces, viz.;, Aden, Eagdad, Gander Alias, Busrah, Bn
shire, Guadur, Jask, Kashmir, ,4ing4,, Muscat, ,Zanzibar.
19 Accra, Bathhurat, Cape Coast Castle, Lagos, Q,uittah, Sierra Leone. .
. ,
1,.-To, the -UN UTRz>.. KINGDOM AND PLACES BEYOrb.-Parcels .are forwarded
by P. & 0. packet
°.. .only, and arrive in London about 8 days later than.the Mail. No
further charge is made an delivery
~eacept for customs dues. -
Duties in the United Kingdom.
Cigars. - 6j0 peg lb. - ~ silver -plgte 1/,8 pex~o2.Troy=1j~;peroz:-avoir.
Gold, plate. 1?10 per oz. Troy-1519 per oz. avoir. I Tea: 6d. per i$.
:No duties are charged on Watches, Jewellery, Personal Ornaments, nor on
any gold or silver arti,clev, riot describable as. Plate, Plate; bowever,
includes. ueh: articles;,as: silver- Yatch Boxes, QgarfCases,
`::Moiirits for Sticks. Studs. Buttons Buckles, and Felts, or IN'Teel,
under certain conditions. Dut:ips
ot, ~ pxepiu th,& sender. ~ ' .
2.-To INDIA.-By P. &0. and Indian Mail packets only.
~.3..-4o AvsmIUIr.W..-By P.- 3r (J. packet eid, Ceylon Wy
2 ft. by 1 ft., by
1 ft.
2 ft. Ions, or 4 ft. in
length and girth
Prohibited Contents.
Tobacco, except for person-
al use. Copyright Books.
Specie or ostrich
Coins, Tobacco.
Letters, Arms, and
Letters, Gold or SiI ver,
.ostrich feathers.
Books copyright in the
Arms, Munitions of War,
Tobacco, Opium pipes.
Letters, wines, apiuni,
;spirits., tobacco.
ORDINANCE No. 1: of 1887.
:Post ofce.
0 to 2 to
2 ifi. 6 3b.
c. c.
1.20 1.70
1.10 1.60
1.20 1.20
1.00 1.50
0.70 1.10
1.00 1.30
1.10 1.10
1.10 1.30
1.00 2.20
0.90 1.40
0.70 1.20
1.10 1.60
1.00 1.50
1.90 1.70
1.00 1.50
Heligoland, 1.10 1.60
Holland, . . 7.00 1,50
Italy § (rid France), 1.10 1:60
Luxemburg, 1.00 .1.50
Madeira, . . 1.00 1.00
Norway,, 1.00 1.1>0
Portugal (via LT iebon), 0.90 0.90
Servia, 0.90 1.10
Smyrna, 1.00 2.20
Spain, § 1.00 1.00
Sweden. .... ........ 1.00 1.70
Switzerland, . ........ 1.10 1.60
Algeria and Corsica, §
Austro-Hungary, ......
Azores, Is., ,..............
Beyrout, .........
Bulgaria, ...............
Cameroons,.. ..........
Congo Free State.,......
Constantinople, ** §...
Costa Rica,.. .. .....
Danish !Vest Indies,...
Denmark, ...............
F:ance, . ,.
Trench Colonies, $ §...
Germany, .............. ,
Yin London. . PACKET.
6 to 0 to 7 or 113h.
11 ih.
1.20 (11 th.)
2.00 1,20 (11 115.)
1.50 ,
160 ...
3.80 ...
2.10 ...
1.7.0 ...
... 1.20 (11 itb.)
... 1.20 (7 ib.)
... 1.10 (11 th.)
2.00 1.20 (I1 th.)
2.00 1..''.U (11 Ib.)
2.00 1.00 (ll 1b.)
1..50 (7 lb.)
3.80 ...
... .1.40 (7 th.)
... 1.50 (7 'bb)
... 1.20 (11 3b.)
Coins, arms, ammunition, medicines, plants, vines,
gold, silver, jewellery, lace.
Letters. - Lottery tickets.
Letters. Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Firearms, tobacco.
Letters. Ltatery tickets, Gains, arms, ammnnitioa
tobacetr, plants, vine%, dregs.
Letters. Alms.
Letters. Lottery tickets and prospectuses.
Letters, arena, ammunition, tobacco, plants, vines, gold,
silver. jewellery, lace.
Letters. Plants with roots, vines or parts of vines,
socialistic books.
Letters. Tobaeca, vines or parts of vin©a, arms:
chemical.conxpounds, rags.
Letters.' Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Coins, tobacco, vines, plants.
Letters. Vines.
Letters: Materials far gunpowder, plants, arms to-
Letters. Aries, ammunition, books, maps, plants,
routrie9, relies, plants.
Letters. (fold, silver, drugs.
$ Tarcels meet not, exceedl9 ft. is length, or 4 Pt. is length and girth
Diego Suarez, French Guinea, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New
Caledonia, NcsFI-V, ltdanion, B. Marie de Madagascar, Senegal, Trlpoly
lk* FarceIs not exceeding 6 Ib. in weight can be sent a t the snore rates
to the Austrian and I?reneh root offices in Turkey, information as to
which, . .
can De had on application.
1.-Parcels must not exceed 2 feet in length, breadth, or depth. Those
intended fox- the German.
packet must be so directed. ~ ,
2.-Each parcel must be sealed in such a way as to render it, impossible
tLat, it should be opened
without detection. -The sender must supply a declaration of the nature,
value, and _net weight of the .
contents, and of the gross weight of the parcel.
$.-A small charge, not exceeding six cents, may be made for Custom House
purposes oil the
delivery of the parcel. Except Customs dues; this is the only charge the
addressee will have to,pay.
-GENERAL RULES.-.-Parcels must be posted before $ P.M. on the working day
neat brfiire the departure
of the packet. A receipt will be given for each. A declaration of
contents gild
value is required, except for the places the names of which are printed
in italics.
The, fprm,xs.supplie4l free. Parcels may be sealed, but any parcel, even
sealed, is liable to be opened for examination. Dangerous or perishable
opium, articles- likely. to injure the mails, liquids (unless securely
packed) and
fragile ;packages are prohibited. No parcel must .exceed $250 in. value.A
parcel may-contain a letter to the same address as, that of the parcel
(except in eases where enclosure of letters is prohibited) or another
parcel to,,.
that address; 'but no other enclosure. Declarations of contents mast be
asud accurate. Evcrythi$g in the, parcel should be entered. False
expose the parcel to the risk of confiscation..
.ORDINANCE. No.', 1. oF 1887.
Order made by the .Governor under the provision8 of section 10 of the
Post Office Ordinance,.
1887, the 28th April, 1888, & gazetted the game day.
Under the powers granted by section 10 of the Post Office Ordinance, No.
1 of
1887, the Governor is pleased to order that the provisions of, the money
order, system.
be extended to Bangkok and Tangier, and that the regulations hereto
annexed be the-
Regulations for the issue of money orders till further notice.
1. Money orders are issued at Hongkong and Shanghai on the following
and places, at current rates of exchange=
.A.moy. *` Gambia.
*-Azores Is. '~ Germany.
Bangkok. ~ Gibraltar.
*° Belgium. *` Gold Coast.
'* Bermuda. Iiankow.
~`J1,Canada. Hawaii. New South Wales. '~ Sweden..
Canton. Iioihow: ~ New Zealand.
'~ Cape.tlolony. * Holland.* ' Ningpo.
Leylon. * Honduras, (Br.). North Borneo.
t (Constaattiaaople,). Hongkong. ~ -Norway.
Cyprus. ~ Iceland. Port Dar win.
Denmark. India. , *` Portugal.
Egypt. ~` Italy. Queensland.
Falkland Ts. Japan. S: Helena.
Foochow'. ~ Lagos. ~ Seychelles.
* Mauritius.-*
'* Newfoundland.
Sierra Leone.
South Australia.
Straits Settlements.
* Switzerland.
Tan Bier.
United States.
Western Australia.
West Indies (British,
Danish, and Dutch).
2. Orders on the countries marked ~` are forwarded through the London
Post Office,.
and are paid less a small discount of about 2d- in the .21, for which the
remitter should
allow. .All such orders must be expressed in British currency, and cannot
be drawn
for any sum less than 6d.
3. The commission charged is as follows (according to the currency the
order is.
drawn in).
Up to R 2, or $10, or 20 Rupees, , 0.20 cents.
2 ' S, or $25, or 60 Rupees, 0.40 cents.
2 7, or $35, or i U Rupees, .... .................. 0.60 teats.
CIO, or $50, or 100 Rupees, ....... .......... 0.80 cents.
. _ : : $ I.00. ~ .
t By means of Postal only..`
Post Office.
Ordinance No. 1 of 1887.
4. No order must exceed X10 or $50 (unless drawn on India, when 150 rupees
is the limit) nor will more than two such orders be issued to the same
person, in favour
of the same'payee, by the szme mail.
5. Money orders on the United Kingdom for even sums not exceeding X5 are
granted by means of postal notes, as to which see separate notice or the
Postal Guide.
6. Sums not. exceeding $50 may be remitted between the ports of China by
of postage stamps, subject to a charge of one per cent. for cashing them;
or money
orders can be granted at Hongkong or Shanghai on ports where there are
agencies of
the Honct:onr Post Office.
General Post Office.
Postmaster General and officers continued in their offices.
Appointment of officers in future.
Postmaster General solely authorized to receive and deliver all correspondence.
Letters excepted under Acts of Imperial Parliament.
Receipt of postage, and accounts.
Governor in Council may fix rates of postage.
Orders to be published by proclamation.
The Governor may make regulations.
Decision as to newspapers, packets, &c.
Paid correspondence to be delivered or transmitted without further charge.
Seamen's and soldiers' letters.
Dies, &c. for postage stamps.
Opening letters.
Dead letters.
Postage may be remitted on packets not containing letters if sent in mistake.
Warrants of opening or returning correspondence.
Delivery of mails.
Gratuities to masters of vessels inwards.
Gratuities to masters of vessels outwards.
Rates of gratuity.
Damages for non-delivery of mail.
Persons proposing to despatch vessels to give notice to the Postmaster General.
Making up mails on board.
Refusal to carry mails.
Stealing letter bags, forging stamps, and other felonies.
Opening correspondence and other misdemeanours.
Receiving stolen correspondence.
Allegations to be used in proceedings for offences.
Penalties may be recovered in a summary way within one year.
Suspending clause.
General Post Office.
Postmaster General and officers continued in their offices.
Appointment of officers in future.
Postmaster General solely authorized to receive and deliver all correspondence.
Letters excepted under Acts of Imperial Parliament.
Receipt of postage, and accounts.
Governor in Council may fix rates of postage.
Orders to be published by proclamation.
The Governor may make regulations.
Decision as to newspapers, packets, &c.
Paid correspondence to be delivered or transmitted without further charge.
Seamen's and soldiers' letters.
Dies, &c. for postage stamps.
Opening letters.
Dead letters.
Postage may be remitted on packets not containing letters if sent in mistake.
Warrants of opening or returning correspondence.
Delivery of mails.
Gratuities to masters of vessels inwards.
Gratuities to masters of vessels outwards.
Rates of gratuity.
Damages for non-delivery of mail.
Persons proposing to despatch vessels to give notice to the Postmaster General.
Making up mails on board.
Refusal to carry mails.
Stealing letter bags, forging stamps, and other felonies.
Opening correspondence and other misdemeanours.
Receiving stolen correspondence.
Allegations to be used in proceedings for offences.
Penalties may be recovered in a summary way within one year.
Suspending clause.
General Post Office.
Postmaster General and officers continued in their offices.
Appointment of officers in future.
Postmaster General solely authorized to receive and deliver all correspondence.
Letters excepted under Acts of Imperial Parliament.
Receipt of postage, and accounts.
Governor in Council may fix rates of postage.
Orders to be published by proclamation.
The Governor may make regulations.
Decision as to newspapers, packets, &c.
Paid correspondence to be delivered or transmitted without further charge.
Seamen's and soldiers' letters.
Dies, &c. for postage stamps.
Opening letters.
Dead letters.
Postage may be remitted on packets not containing letters if sent in mistake.
Warrants of opening or returning correspondence.
Delivery of mails.
Gratuities to masters of vessels inwards.
Gratuities to masters of vessels outwards.
Rates of gratuity.
Damages for non-delivery of mail.
Persons proposing to despatch vessels to give notice to the Postmaster General.
Making up mails on board.
Refusal to carry mails.
Stealing letter bags, forging stamps, and other felonies.
Opening correspondence and other misdemeanours.
Receiving stolen correspondence.
Allegations to be used in proceedings for offences.
Penalties may be recovered in a summary way within one year.
Suspending clause.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“POST OFFICE ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,