ORDINANCE ?'\To. 31 of 1886. 2078
Statute Lazy Preservation.
No. 31 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance for preserving an authentic CS' ordi=
9LCbl~d~S trot 6
record of the Ordinances of the Colony crud for other purposes.
[ --d n. 17 of 1889.1
1 ath January, 188 t.]
HEREAS a collection of the Ordinances of the Colony from the
commencement thereof down to and inclusive of Ordinance No.
30 of 1886, partly composed of original Ordinances, and partly of copies
in print and manuscript, has beef made by and under the direction of the
commissioners commissioners appointed by the Governor for the revision of
the Ordi-
nances, and the same has been certified by the secretary to the cornrnis-
sioners, and deposited for safe custody with the Registrar of the Supreme,
Court, and it is expedient to rnal:e provision in respect thereof and for
the recording of all fature Ordinances and of all proclamations in
thereto and of all rules, regulations, and orders made under or in pursu-
ance of such Ordinances: Be it enacted by the Governor of flongl;on,pr
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as folio%vs :,----
1. This Ordinance play be cited for all purposes as The Statute Law sort
Preservation Ordinance, 1-886.
2. Ordinances. No. 7 of 1864 and No. 10 of 1875 are [' Ordinance
No. 10 of 1875 is' as amended by Ordinance No. 6 of 1889 hereby
repealed, but such repeal shall, not affect the past operation of the said
Ordinances or either of them [amended by Ordinance No. 1 7 of r889.]
3. The collection of the Ordinances, so deposited as aforesaid, is
hereby, declared and shall be taken to be a true.and authentic record of
--the Ordinances therein comprised, as if they were all original
duly authenticated under the hand' of the Governor for the time being
and the seal of the Colony.
4. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, this and
-all Ordinances upon receiving the assent of the Governor and all procla-
mations relating thereto and. all such rules, orders and regulations as'
aforesaid immediately after they have been made by the Governor shall
be transinitted by the Clerk of Councils, certified under the hand of the
Governor and the seal. of =the Colony to the Registrar of the Supreme
Court, for record; and such Ordinacces, proclamations, rules, regulations,
..and orders.shall be deemed and,considered in the Colony to be the origi-
The collection.
of Ordinances
to form an
record of such
Ordinances as
Recording of
[see Colonial
rules and
r. 181.]
Statute Law Preservation.
No. 31 of 1886.
nals thereof and may be proved in any Court or judicial proreeclinas by
the production of an examined copy thereof or of a copy certified under
the hand of the said Registrar.
5. The acid Registrar shall carefully preserve the said collection
and shall file all such Ordinances, proclamations, rules, regulations and
orders as may hereafter be transmitted to him.
6. Any such Ordinances, proclamations, rules, regulations or orders
published in the Gazette and also any copies thereof purporting to be
printed by the Government printers, by authority, shall be deemed and
accepted as primp facie evidence of the contents thereof.
Inspection '~. Any person, shall be entitled to inspect the said
Ordinances within
And copies. the office hours of the Supreme Court on payment of 25 cents
for each
inspection not excjc-Aing three hours and to take copies or extracts
therefrom on payment of 25 cents per folio of 72 words for each copy or
[See Ordinances No. 6 and No. 17 of 1889.]
Short title.
The collection of Ordinances to form an authentic record of such Ordinances as past.
Recording of Ordinances, &c. [see Colonial rules and regulations r. 181.]
Registrar to preserve them.
Gazette and Government printers copies to be prima facie evidence.
Inspection and copies.
Statute Lazy Preservation.
No. 31 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance for preserving an authentic CS' ordi=
9LCbl~d~S trot 6
record of the Ordinances of the Colony crud for other purposes.
[ --d n. 17 of 1889.1
1 ath January, 188 t.]
HEREAS a collection of the Ordinances of the Colony from the
commencement thereof down to and inclusive of Ordinance No.
30 of 1886, partly composed of original Ordinances, and partly of copies
in print and manuscript, has beef made by and under the direction of the
commissioners commissioners appointed by the Governor for the revision of
the Ordi-
nances, and the same has been certified by the secretary to the cornrnis-
sioners, and deposited for safe custody with the Registrar of the Supreme,
Court, and it is expedient to rnal:e provision in respect thereof and for
the recording of all fature Ordinances and of all proclamations in
thereto and of all rules, regulations, and orders made under or in pursu-
ance of such Ordinances: Be it enacted by the Governor of flongl;on,pr
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as folio%vs :,----
1. This Ordinance play be cited for all purposes as The Statute Law sort
Preservation Ordinance, 1-886.
2. Ordinances. No. 7 of 1864 and No. 10 of 1875 are [' Ordinance
No. 10 of 1875 is' as amended by Ordinance No. 6 of 1889 hereby
repealed, but such repeal shall, not affect the past operation of the said
Ordinances or either of them [amended by Ordinance No. 1 7 of r889.]
3. The collection of the Ordinances, so deposited as aforesaid, is
hereby, declared and shall be taken to be a true.and authentic record of
--the Ordinances therein comprised, as if they were all original
duly authenticated under the hand' of the Governor for the time being
and the seal of the Colony.
4. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, this and
-all Ordinances upon receiving the assent of the Governor and all procla-
mations relating thereto and. all such rules, orders and regulations as'
aforesaid immediately after they have been made by the Governor shall
be transinitted by the Clerk of Councils, certified under the hand of the
Governor and the seal. of =the Colony to the Registrar of the Supreme
Court, for record; and such Ordinacces, proclamations, rules, regulations,
..and orders.shall be deemed and,considered in the Colony to be the origi-
The collection.
of Ordinances
to form an
record of such
Ordinances as
Recording of
[see Colonial
rules and
r. 181.]
Statute Law Preservation.
No. 31 of 1886.
nals thereof and may be proved in any Court or judicial proreeclinas by
the production of an examined copy thereof or of a copy certified under
the hand of the said Registrar.
5. The acid Registrar shall carefully preserve the said collection
and shall file all such Ordinances, proclamations, rules, regulations and
orders as may hereafter be transmitted to him.
6. Any such Ordinances, proclamations, rules, regulations or orders
published in the Gazette and also any copies thereof purporting to be
printed by the Government printers, by authority, shall be deemed and
accepted as primp facie evidence of the contents thereof.
Inspection '~. Any person, shall be entitled to inspect the said
Ordinances within
And copies. the office hours of the Supreme Court on payment of 25 cents
for each
inspection not excjc-Aing three hours and to take copies or extracts
therefrom on payment of 25 cents per folio of 72 words for each copy or
[See Ordinances No. 6 and No. 17 of 1889.]
Short title.
The collection of Ordinances to form an authentic record of such Ordinances as past.
Recording of Ordinances, &c. [see Colonial rules and regulations r. 181.]
Registrar to preserve them.
Gazette and Government printers copies to be prima facie evidence.
Inspection and copies.
[See Ordinances No. 6 and No. 17 of 1889.]
Short title.
The collection of Ordinances to form an authentic record of such Ordinances as past.
Recording of Ordinances, &c. [see Colonial rules and regulations r. 181.]
Registrar to preserve them.
Gazette and Government printers copies to be prima facie evidence.
Inspection and copies.
[See Ordinances No. 6 and No. 17 of 1889.]
Short title.
The collection of Ordinances to form an authentic record of such Ordinances as past.
Recording of Ordinances, &c. [see Colonial rules and regulations r. 181.]
Registrar to preserve them.
Gazette and Government printers copies to be prima facie evidence.
Inspection and copies.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 31 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“STATUTE LAW PRESERVATION ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,