ORDINANCE No. 21 OF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
No. 21 of 1886.
Ail Ordinance entitled The Spirit, Licences Ordinance, 1886.
[11th June, 1886.)
E it enacted by the Governor of Hon
-13 1 1 gkong
Legislative with the advice of the
va ~ uncil thereof, as follows: -----
i Lo,
1. This Ordinance may be cited as Tlie Spirit Licences Ordinance, Mae.,
886. -
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context indicates the contrary':----
shall mean the licence granted under this Ordi-
nance to hotel-beepers, restaurateurs, or confectioners, for
the retail sale of intoxicating liquors as an adjunct to their
respective businesses without keeping a public bar.
Adulterated liquor shall mean any liquor mimed or coloured to
.the prejudice of the purchaser with any ingredient vchat-
ever, or with water, either so as to increase its bulb and
,measure, or so us injuriously to affect the quality of such
liquor, or to conceal its inferior quality, or any liquor which
is nut virtually of the nature and ~tluality, demanded by the
purchaser, or of the liquor which it is labelled as being or
purporting to be, whether such adulterated liquor be inju-
rious to health or not. Spirits shall not be considered
adulterated if mixed with water only so as not to reduce
the strength more than twenty-five degrees below proof in
the case of brandy, whisky or rum; or more than thirty'
degrees below proof in the.case of gin.
Chinese spirits shall mean the intoxicating liquors commonly
known as samsluu.
Gallon shall mean an imperial gallon, or, if the liquor be in
° '' bottles, site reputed quart bottles, or twelve reputed pint
Grocer's licence shall mean a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
by the bottle, such -liquors not to. be- consumed on the
premises. .
Intoxicating liquor yshall include spirits, malt liquor, and and
wine or other fermented liquor whatever.
tinn of i.ernis.
UI-1I)I1TAlr'CE 1\'0. 21 OF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Pint bottle and quart bottle shall mean the reputed pint and quart
bottles ordinarily used in commerce.
Public house shall mean any house. or place of entertainment
where intoxicating liquors are sold by retail and may be
consumed can the premises, bit shall not include any place
of enters ainment kept under an adjunct licence.
Retail sale shall meanR the sale of liquors in less quantities than
two gallons as above defined.
,~_,piu°it s7ao),) shall mean any shop licensed to retail Chinese °shir
root to be consumed on the premises.
TT'Izolesccle licence shall mean a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
by the unopened°cask or mise, in ,quantities not less than
two gallons of one liquor at one tiwoe, such liquors not -to
be constanied on Ahe premises.
~rr~e~ca ~ R3~ No person shall make, distil, or rectify any spirits, or
shall hnow-
dist;ilTing pro- ,
rxibitea. xngyly keel) or have in laic possession any still or other
utensil, or appa-
8 0f 44, And,.~ 6f s9':I ratns for distilling or making or rectifying
spirits, n'IthOllt a licence under
this=~rd~nance. -
Apothwabeg , ` v It shall be Iawfal, far the Colonial C Secretar y to
issue a licence free of
'66 ists
all -~char~e ` to clay apothecary, chemist, or drugngist applying for the
stills ©f eight ' sany, to'
m4y, have
peep and use an his premises, a, still of not more than elg
gallons C°D.- gallons contents for the purpose of his trade only, provided
that every
'[Ord. 8 'of -1~:~ ~~,o~ person wishing to keep, such still shall notify
his intention ~o to CIO to the
`:said Colonial Secretary, who shall thereupon require sucho person to
a. bond with two sufficient sureties in the sung of one thousand dollars,
that he ;will not make use of such ,till, or°.:affer it to be made use of
except for the preparation of lnediciiaes or other articles required
for medical purposes, and ° every such person found to have such still
.without having entered into such bond and obtained suchlicence, shall
be deemed to be guilty of an offence under this Ordinance.
Li 6nces to g, The Colonial Secretary may issue, licences to distil in the
atistil. ` _
Cs of c;9.I of `schedule A, on evclE of which licences an annual fee of
one hundred
`' ` end twenty doll arRs `hall be payable in advance. Such conditions as
Governor in Council naay from time to tine determine may be added to
sttoh ll6Ohecs' : Every licensed cli;tiller raay sell by wholesale-the
he.d-stils ... ,
ORDINANCE No: 21 -~oF 1886.
pirit Licences.
Any person who shall distil, make, import, sell, dispose of, or
deal in any adulterated intoxicating liquor shall be wuiaty of an offence
-against this Ordinance, and if such adulterated liquor be injurious to
health he may, on a second conviction, be sentenced t0`1111pr1S011ll1e11t
or without 11<`ll'd IabOltr fur a period not exceeding six inoriths
any other penalties to which he may 17e liable under dais Ordinance.
o person shall be convicted undo this section if he shows t0 the
satisfaction of the :~1raaistrate before, whom he is clla,rwed that foe
did not
know that the liquor sold by liixn was adulterated, and that lie could nod
have known it with any reasonable diliyence.
Sale c f into~2°icatiny liquors.
[3s & 3s vrc.
6. \ v person sll,ll sell or dispose of, or ndv
ertisc car expose 101 sole Unlicensed
sale prohibit-
(11 of 44. 1.~
~,:ny intoxicating liquor cider by wholesale or retail within the Colony,
or shall permit of suffer -my such irctoxicatiu., liquor to he sole or
posed of or advertised or exposed fur sale in leis pause or other hlac.c..
within the ColOlxy Avitl.lout a licence: under this Ordinnpcc:. . The
of :any intoxicating liquors shall be taken, i11 any procecdin(, under
-Ordinance, to be prirW facie evidence that mono- or other consideration
was given for the sana.~
7. The holder of v retail 4or grocer's licence may also sell intoxica,-
tin0 111 liquors wholesale, but no person shall sell intoxicating liquors
retail cvitllout a licence to that effect, and this section shall aisply
to all
retail sales of liquor to any persoil on pretence that he° is a customer
other goods, as well as to all sales of quantities exceeding two gallons
with all understnuding that hart is to be returned; and generally, to any
ace whatever which, udder wha,t+oever pretence,* constitutes a retail sale
.of intoxicat,ilaIn nliquor.
$, The Colonial Secretary may at a ny tune issue temporary licences
for the sale ofliquors at any public entertainment or on any public
-on payment of such fee in each case as to the Governor shall seem fit.
Public house, and adjunct licences.
.9, j very person desirous of obtaimi'ng a publican's or ad juiZCt licence
.Shall give t(:11 CIaV'S' notice t0 the TAZ~'L(Y1Stra,te5 in the form of
Sch2d Ule, 13 Or
-C accor c.in~ to the nature of tho.licence required.
yv l,laleuale
and retail
[See. x'1 .of 44.
A 17plicaaiAn
for licence:
(11 oC ~~; 3.
Di ~agreemend
'Of Justices.
Ell of 44. 4.1
k'i;xiod of
lU of 68.
ORDINANCE No.. 21 ;oF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
10. The AIZ(yistrates, or either of them, - may from time to time
appoint a day for the granting or transferring of licences, which shall be
advertised in the Government (gazette and a public newspaper at least
one week previously, and the said Magistrates, or either of them, with
the assistance of such other Justices of the Peace as may attend on the
said day, shall take into consideration- all applications which may have.
'been Lnade for licences for the sale of liquors within the Colony, and
the presiding Magistrate may adjourn the consideration of all -or any of
such applications to any other lawfulA day.
11. Every application for.the grant or transfer of a licence shall be
decided by a majority 'of votes of the Justices present, in the case of
equality the presiding 1llagistate shall; in addition to . one original
have a casting vote. Provided however that is case of any applicant
being dissatisfied with the order of the Justices or the majority
thereof, it
will be lawful for the Governor in Council to alter and amend the order,,,
on the petition of the dissatisfied party.
Appzicanth~ 12: Every applicant for a licence, who may be approved by the
an~, -t ~Tusticcs assembled as above, shall enter into a recognizance in
the form
Ell of 44. ~.a o1' schedule Z? or E accordin; to tile nature of the
licence he requires,
'whereupon the Magistrate shall deliver to hitn a certificate in the form
schedule f1' or G according to the nature of his application ; and the
A gistrate'sliall, within ten days, transm4 to the Treasurer a return f'
a~ o
a l such certificates as may have,been granted is the form of schedule
to this C)rclinance.
gee. r.~Ge~,~. 13. The applicant znay, .within fourteen days from the date
of such.
of 44. 7.11
certificate, lodge it in the Treasury together with the fee provided .by
scl:ledule P to this Ordinance, whereupon the Treasurer shall issue to him
a licence in the form of schedule I or J according to the nature of the
licence for which the certificate is granted, such licence to be called a
public house licence in the one case, or an adjunct licence i-n'the other.
14. Every public house or adjunct licence shall be valid only until
the 30th of November newt following the date on which it is granted i
Always provided that where this period is less than a year a proportionate
part only of the aforesaid-fee shall be charted, to which (except in the
case of the transfer of a licence) ten per cent shall be added. '
15. The 1Vlagistria,tes shall keep _a. record of all recognizances entered
into under -section 12, and the '1,'reasarer shall keep a record of all
issued under section 13 of this Ordinance.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1886.
Spiiit Licences.
16. The Presiding Magistrate arid Justices at their meetings berein-
lOefore provided for may transfer, iii the farm of schedule h; an3r public
house licence or adjunct licence to the nominee of the original holder of
such licence, such nominee making like application, receiving a, like
certificate, and entering into like recognizances as if applying for a
-on his own behalf.
17. In case of the death or insolvency of any person bolding- a public
house licence or adjunct licence under this ordinance, the executor, or
.administrator, or trustees of such licensee nlay carry on the business of
such licensed house untik the expiration of the licence, subject to all
same re~crulations as the original licensee. And such executor, adu-duis-
trator, or trustees shall enter into new recognizances under this
18. The Justices nay permit the business licensed under a public llcmoval
.i 1. of. 1.1
house or adjunct licence to be removed to other premises if they shall be
stftistied that tile application to remove such-business (which shall be
written memorial) may reasonably lie granted. The licensee shall enter
siUto new recog,nisances, gad shall receive v new certificate entitlinhim
to a, new licence for the remainder of his term 0x1 1>aymel.~t of a. fee
of five
19. Every 1 icen5ed publican or adjunct licensee shall have, his full
13:1111e painted in legible letters at least three inches lop, «rith the
licensed to retail wines r<nd spirits, .constantly and permanently
.and plainly to be seen and read, on solve conspicuous part of his house,
and no person not actually holding a public house licence or adjunct
licence (except the keeper of a spirit shop as hereinafter provided) shall
keep up any sign, writina, painting; or other mark, .which may imply or°
_bive reasonable cause to believe that his premises sire licensed fog
retail or
barter of intoxicating liquors, or that such liquors are sold, served, or
retailed therein.
20. The business of every licensed publican or ~.djunctlicen5ee shall
:Ire carried on subj;;ct to the following regulations:-- .
(1. ) PTO liquor shall be sold or drunk on the premises,licensed
. except between such hours as the Magistrate shall enter
on the cer; iflcate to be granted under clause 12.
(2. j Ko disorder shallbe permitted on the hrernises.
Transfer of
['ll of 44. 9.1
Death or
insolvency of
lien see.
Sip. Prodne-
,lion. o£
lioen:ce. -
(l.l of 44mj
[Sec. 11 of 44.
13 and
UIIDI\A1'C/E No: 21 of :1$86.
,Spirit Licences,
(3.) No person shall be allowed to become drunk on the pre-
ixiises, nor shall liquor be supplied to any person who is
(4.j No game of chance shall be, played on the premises.
(5. ) A accent and suitable privy and urinal shall be maintained
in a state of cleunlinoss and -noon repair for the use of.
(G. ) The licensee shall not Wa.mlon tlae occupation of his house,
. or permit any other person to become, virtually the keeper
r . j The licensee shall not employ Iny person to sell or dispose
of any liquors outside of his licensed premises, nor shall
he allow or stiffer -any liquors to be so disposed of on,
his- account.
?,1. When any licensv:l publican or adjunct licensee shall he charged
with any offence anger this fJrdinanca and shall not appear to answer t°o
such chap°a,c, it shall l.>v lawful fur any lla,~istrate to order that
the re-'
cc~01nizance of such licensed publican or adjunct, Iicensee be forfeited.
~.is ~ appearance, ,and in case any licensed hc.blican or adjunct
licensee be
. twrice convicted of any off'z.nce under this Ordinance, it shall be
'~`c~r ate to order, on the second conviction, that
and- fine imposed
ou such offender, not elceedino, the amount of lxis recoTnisances, be paid
~.4y his sureties.
~',c,'' 2, No licensed publican shall maintain any action for, or recover
,any debt or demand on account of liquors, unless such debt shall bony'
Rave been contracted at one time t© the %mount of five. dollars or up-
nor shall any item in' any iccount for liquors be allowed wherc,~
the liquors boO
fide delivered at one time shall not amount to the, full
burn of five dollars, nor shall any amount of debt whatsoever incurred by
any seaman or soldier in Her Majesty's service for liquors be allowed
Provided alcvuys that nothin(r herein contained shall extend to prevent
innkeepers from keeping an account with lodgers and, travellers; in which
any charge for liquors may be included, and recovering the a.mouilt
i a Court of Justice.
thereof n
Taking ' 23. No licensed person shall take cir receive in payment or pledge
t.mpf 44.1s:] for:liquor or any entertainment wliatover supplied in or
out of his house
any article. or think whatever except ma°ney .
OIi.DINAN CE No. 21- of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
24. Every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall sell and dis-
laose of his liquors by the measures le~aliscd in this Colony and not
otherwise, except when the quantity- is less than half a pint, or except
w=hen the liquor is sold in bottles, and shall also measure such liquor in
the presence of any customer who may require him to do so. a
2'~J' . If any person be convicted of unlawfully retailing tiny intoxi-
cating liquor, the house and premise s of such person, and the house,
lodging, shop, or warehouse where such offence shall have been com-
mitted, and any court or yard connected therewith, shall be liable to be
searched at any tine of the day or night, by any Police officer, with or
without warrant, for sip. months next after such conviction, .provided
that the same or any part thereof shall be occupied by the person so
26. Whenever any Police officer shrill find any person drinking in
tiny place in which any intoxicating liquor shall be sold or disposed of
retail, and the licence for such sale shall not on demand be produced t®
such Police officer, it shall .be lawful for such Police officer to
all such persons so found drinking there; and every such person so .found
drinking shall, upon conviction before any Magistrate, forfeit'and pair
,every such offence a sum not exceeding tiventy dollars, unless such
person shall inform against svlch unlicensed person or yolunrarily
a witness abairrst high, in respect of such act of selling and retail.in;.
27. No master or other person employing journeymen, workmen; Payment of
workmen. -
servants, or labourers, shall pay or cause any pa~ment to be grade to
any, ail of 44.37 .]
such journeyman, workman, or.labourer in or at any house in which any
intoxicating liquor is sold by retail.
[11 of 44.19.]
Fremises: 7 of 44. 3
I7riulin;; in
u nliccnseel
[11 of 44. 36.1
I1Tlaohsale and Croce,%s' licences. Spirit shops.
28. Every person desirous of obtaining a wholesale or a grocer's Wholesale
licence to sell intozica,tinc'r liquors shall apply to the Colonial
mho may in his discretion grant to the applicant a licence in the forth ~
schedule L or tlI according to the natura of his application, on
.of a receipt from the Treasurer for a fee of one hundred and twenty
dollars. Such licence may be renewed annually on like conditions.
29: It -shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from, time, to
titre to -make,,alter, amend and, repeal regulations and conditions for
granting of wholesale and grocer's licences., Such. conditions.may require
and grocers'
How obtain-
Power to -
make rules.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of ?886.
,'~pirit Licences.
the providing by applicants of one or more sureties, may alter the above
scale of fees, may rebulate tl ib times of commencement and expiry of'
licences, the hours and conditions of sale, and all other matters
with such licences. . All such regulations when published in the Govern-
ment Gazette stall have the force of lair.
Gbinese 30. The Colonial Secretary may grant a licence in the form of
spirit shops, `
i1x of 44. schedule N to any person to retail Chinese spirits, such
Chinese spirits
not to be consumed on the premises where they are,sold, and the .holder
of such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and permanently in front of
his licensed place of business his name and number and the nature; of
such licence, on a sign, tile size and design of which shall be approved
the Colonial Secretary, and the fee of ten dollars. monthly shall be paid
in advance by each licensee to the Treasurer. The Colonial Secretary
may permit the transfer of any such licence in form of schedule U.
Lating houses.
31: No person, uriluss licensed to retail intoxicating liquors or
Chinese spirits under this Ordinance, shall keep an eating house, coffee
house, re£res~hment bar or saloon, restaurant, or other place wlaere~meals
or refresbments are supplied to persons not resident on the premises,
without a licence from, the Colonial Secretary, for wbich licence a fee of
ten dollars a year shall be payable in advance. Such conditions as the
Governor in Council may determine nay be added to any licence granted
under this section.
'Disorder in 32. N o person licensed under the preceding section shall
eating borzses.
t2~ 3 Vic. 0.~ or wilfully permit drunkenness or other disorderly conduct
in his house
or other place of entertainment, or knowingly suffer any unlawful games
,or gamina therein, or knowingly~permit or suffer any public prostitute
to frequent such house or other place or to remain therein.
Police inspection. ``earth.
33. When information upon oath -shall be laid before any Magistrjzte
to the effect that any illicit distillation or rectification or illegal
sale of
intoxicating liquors is carried on within any building or on board of any
vessel in the Colony, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate by a warrant
under: his hand to empower any officer of Police to enter such building
or vessel at any hour of the night or day' using force for that purpose
Olk'DINANCE No. 21 or 1886.
Spirit Licences.
necessary, and to make search for any stills, parts of stills, or
liquors which may be foundF there, and to arrest any persons who may
appear to have committed or to 'be attempting to commit any offence;
<~ainst this Ordinance. .
Every person licensed under this Ordinance shall produce his licence
to any Police officer on being required thereto. '
:any officer of Police shall have free access to every part of any house
licensed under section 13 or 31 of this Ordinance at any hour of the night
or day.
Penalties and tlaeir recovery.
34. For every offence against this Ordinance not otherwise provided
Fvn.es and
for, there shall be payable for a first offence a fine not exceeding
three f~rfeiture~.
lmndred dollars, and fur a second offence a find not exceeding sip.
dollars. And all intoxicating liquors; stills, or parts thereofwith
to which any offence awinst this Ordinance may have been committed,
as well as the vessels or packages which contain them, may be f,)rfeited,
as also any boat or vessel of less than fifteen tuns burden in which such
intoxicating liquors or stills or parts of stills may be found.
36. Offences against this Ordinance shall be considered to be
(1. ) Refusal, neglect, or omission to do any act commanded by
this Ordinance. m
(2. ) Refusal to permit, or obstruction of any such act.
( 3. ) The doing of any pct forbidden by _ this Ordinance. '
(4.) On the part of a licensed publican, adjunct licensee, or
keeper of a spirit shop, any breach of the terms of his
licence or recorfAisance.
36. On the conviction of any licensed person for a second offence
against this Ordinance the Magistrate may order his licence to be
in addition to any other penalties hereinbefore provided.
37;p All penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered
W a summary way before a Magistrate, but proceedings for the recovery of
of such ,penalties shall be commenced within site months after the offence
was committed.
38. One-half or' a less .portion of any fine levied under this gwArds to,
informers. .
Ordinance may be paid to the informer. [1I of 44, $2,J ,
Forfeiture of
[ See. 11 0f
44. $0.3
make awleg.
ORDINANCE NLo. 21 oF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Power to make rules.
3$. The Governor in Council may from tine to time make, alter,
and repeal rules consistent with this Ordinance for tie better carrying
out of the same. All such rules shall be published in the Gazette, and
when so published shall have the force of law.
Repeals., 40. '.The following Ordinances or portions thereof are repealed:-
.8 of 1844 , The whole. .
11 of l $44,, ...... All, except sections ,38 and 39.
9 of 7 867; So much of sections 1 1 and 12
as applies to the sale of
. intoxicating liquors, and
section 16.
10 of 1.8G8, : 'fhe whole.
3 of 1.869, , '.fbe whole.
Bat such repeal shall not affect anything lmofully done or commenced to
be done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed
°hvthem. A11 public house or adjunct lircances and licences for
'`~ ed under the said Qrdinances, as well as all recognisances entered
into thereunder sljall continue in force for their full term as if they
(),ranted or executed undet the present Ordinance.
41. This OrdiWnce shall take elfcct on a day to be hereafter
proclaimed by the Governor. ,
.Distillery licence, (Sec. 4.)
In consideiation of the fee of dollars paid by
, I hereby license him to cave stills of gallons
~caloacity at and to distil spirits therewith aid to sell such spirits, by
wholesale from this date until 18
Hongkong, 188 . - .
Colo?2ial Secretary.
ORIDINANGE No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Applicationjor publican's licence-, (See. 9.)
Name of applicant
Licensed house to be at No.
Its name or sign to be
Has held a licence
To the Ma- istrates.
I give notice that I inteud to apply at the next licensing meeting to Her
Justices of the Peace, for a licence to sell and retail intoxicating
liquors, in the house
,and appurtenances thereunto belonging above named, which I intend to
keen as an
inn or public-house.
f ears.
We, tho underiinned householders residing at Victoria in the said Colony,
that the above-named applicant is a person of good fame and reputation,
and fit and
proper to be licensed to keep an in,n or public-house.
Application for adjunct licence, (Sec. 9.)
Name of applicant
licensed house to be at No.
Other business carried on
To the' Magistrates.
Ras held a licence
h give notice that it is my intention to' apply at the next licensing
meeting for a
licence to sell and retail intoxicating liquors, in any quantity under
two gallons at one
time, in the house and appurtenances thereunto belonging above named, as
an adjunct
to the business which I am carrying on in the said house and premises.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 158-6,
Spirit Licences.
We, the undersigned householders, certify, that the above named applicant
is a
vi-son of good fame and reputation, acid fit and proper to be licensed
far the sale of
1.1ltaXiCat111g liquors as aforesaid.
- Publican's recognisance, (Sec. 12:)
Cor,QNV ob` I
I-TON'GICONG ~ Be it ralnaniberea, that on the day of 188
called the licensee and
called the sureties came personally before me, a, Magistrate in the
Colony of Hongkong
and acknowledged themselves to owe to our Lady the Queen, to wit,-the
said licensee
the sum of three hundred dollars, and the said sureties each the sum of
three hundred
dollars of lawful current-dollars of Hongkong, to be respectively levied
of their several
goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of our said Lady the
Queen, Her
Heirs, and Successors, in case default shall be made in the performance
of the conditions
hereunder written:
The conditions of this recognisance are such, that whereas the said
licensee is to
lie licensed to keep a public house, and to sell intoxicating liquors, at
the sign of the-
situate'at ; If the said licensee do observe all the.
conditions of The Spirit licences Ordinance, 1886, then this recognisance
to be void,
'otherwise to remain in full force.
Taken and acknowledged the day aria year above written, before me.
HON!aKONG Be it remembered, that on the
called the licensee and
CE. )
Adjunct licensee's recognisance, (Sec. 12.) `
day of 1$8
OPDIN.~-1.NCEi \ o. 21 of 1886.
,~'pirit Licences.
.called the sureties Gauze personally before me ~a Magistrate in the
Colony of Hongkong,
and acknowledged themselves to owe to our Lady the Queen, to wit,-the
said licensee
the sum of three hundred dollars, and the said sureties each the sum of
threw hundred
of lawful current dollars of Hongkong, to be respectively levied of their
several goods
and chattels, -lands and tenements, to the use of our said Lady the
Queen, Her Heirs,
and Successors in case default shall be made in the performance of the
hereunder written:-
The conditions of this recognisance are such, that whereas the said
licensee is to
be licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, in any quantity order two
gallons, in the house,
No. as an adjunct to the business of
.carried on by him in the said house and appurtenances tbereunto belonging
If the said licensee .do observe all the conditions of The Sp~r'it
Licences Ordinance, 1886,--then this recognisance to be void, otherwise
to remain in
full force.
Taken and acknowledged the day and rear above written, before we
Publican's certz ficate, (Sec. 12.)
Authority to the Treasurer to issue a spirit licence to
Premises No.,
.Ma. yigtra te.
Sign of house . Licerce to expire 18
I authorise the Treasurer to issue a licence to the person named above to
keep au
inn or public-house as above set forth, I am satisfied the said person is
a person of
good fame and reputation, and is fit and proper to beep an inn or
public-house; and I
have taken from the said person and his sureties a recognisance in the
smn of three
hundred dollars each, according to the form prescribed by the said
Hours for sale-^---to ---THE
Adjunet'licenses's certificate, (Sec. 12.)
Authority to the Treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to
Premises No.
Business carried on
Licence to expire is
ORDINANCE loo. 21 or, 1886.
Spirit Licences.
I authorise tire Treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to the above named
to retail liquors in any quantity under two gallons an the premises named
above as an
adjunct to the business carried an by hiin in tire said house. I am
satisfied the said
person is a person of good fame and reputation, and is fit and proper to
conduct such
house as aforesaid; and I have taken from the said person and his
sureties the requisite
'~='~ ~ recoDnisances in the sum of three hundred dollars each, according
to the form prescribed.
. '1 trls=ii _
by -the said Ordinawe. -
~~ ,~.-,.:. _
Hongkong, '~ 1$8
i! N
~~ jr,:-Yj Magistrate.
3~ ; , ,
Hours for sale---___._to,___ _ e
y F,,4F;, i Return Of licensees, (See. 12.)
_ ; ;, ; , e Treasurer.
~'z ! . Public house or adjunct licences may h© granted to tire
underrneationed poisons.
It Sign of * Road or Wlrotlrer before Addresser Nature
f ~ ~ Licensee. . ~ a. street. licensed or Sureties, of of
'! houses
S''~' not. sureties. licence.
~ . '.~..~...~.~rr~rr
I III y ~
t. Y
dd ~~14
' ''' a~ _ a
Hongkong, 18
i j ~
t i i~
Public .H'ause liceiace, (Sec. 13.) °
- Sign~of house. '
No. Street.
Period of Licence, from to both days inclusive.
- Fee, ~'
,, t=sR7 -. - I license the above named person to keel a public house, and
to sell and retail ire.
z ~ `;;~ the house in which he now dells and in the appurtenances thereunto
belonging, but
s F i~ trot elsewhere, all intoxicating liquors during. the period above
No. T?'eCTsZGre'I'r-
' I ? . Hongkong, is , .
Or DI XANCE No. 21 or 1$86.
,Spirit Licences.
Adjunct Licence, ' (Sec. 13.)
Address, No. Street.
Period of Licence; from to both days inclusive.
I license the person named above to sell and retail intoxicating liquors
in quantities
not exceeding two gallons iii the house in which he now dwells and in the
thereunto belonging, but not elsewhere ; as an adjunct to the business he
carries on
there and without keeping a public bar during ithe period above written.
Transfer of Public House or Adjunct Licence, (Sec. 16.)
New Licensee
Sign of house
or Business carried on
No. ,
Period of new Licence, from
Former License
I license the person named above to sell and retail intoxicating liquors
in the house
named above and in the appurtenances thereunto belonging, but not
elsewhere, during
the period above written..
to both days inclusive.
Wholesale Licence, (Sees. 28 & 29.)
is licensed to sell intoxicating liquors by the un-
opened cask or case, in quantities not less than two gallons of one
liquor at one time
on the premises known as
Such intoxicating liquors are not to be consumed on the premises.
Hongkong, 18
Colonial Secretary.
ORDINANCE No. ~I of I8$6.
Spirit Licence.
Grocer's .Licence, (Sees. 28 & 29.)
is-' licensed to sell intoxicating liquors (Chinese
spirits excepted) by the bottle on the premises known as
Such intoxicating liquors are not to be cunsumed~on the premises. Liquors
may also
ho sold wholesale under this licence.
Colonial Secretary.
Hongkong, 18
Hongkong, 18
bYpirit Shop .Licence, (Sec. 34.)
is licensed to sell spirits not to be consumed on his premises at No.
the sign or shop name of which is
Transfer of spirit licence, (Sec. 30.)
The spirit licence No. granted to is transferred to
who is hereby licensed to sell spirituous liquors, not to be consumed on
premises, at No: the sign or shop name of which is,
until 18
Colonial Secretary..
Colonial Secretary.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
L-Public house and adjunct licences, (Sec. 13. )
When the annual valuation of the premises occupied. is
under $1,000, a licence fee of $300 a year.
under $4,200,
over $4,200,
II.-Other fees chargeable under this Ordinance.
Distillery licence, (Sec. 4), $120 a year.
Temporary spirit licence, (Sec. 8), Discretionary.
Licence for removed business, (Sec. 18), $
Grocer's licence, (Sec. 28), $1?0 a year. °
Wholesale licence, (Sec. 28), , $120
Chinese spirit licence, (Sec. 30), , $120
Eating house licence, (Sec. 31),
EIn force front 1st July, 1886, ~y proclamation of the 12th June, 1886.]
Regulations made by the Governor in Council, under t)ie Spirit Licences
Ordinance, 21 of X $86, and zunc~Ar the Crown Fees Ordinance, 17
of IBfOr the 23rd, gaxetted the 24th July, 1886.
1. Intoxicating liquors bottled in the Colony may be sold vender a
licence, although the bottles are not contained in cases, provided not
less than tvcelve
quart bottles or twenty-four pint bottles of any one liquor are sold at
one time.
2. Whenever no special provision has been made in the Spirit Licences
1886 for the transfer o£ any licence, such licence may be transferred by
the endorse-
ment of the officer who issued it, or by the issue of a fresh licence by
3. The fee of $10 for each licence for an eating-house imposed by section
31 of the
above-named Ordinance is hereby remitted in the case of eating-horses for
customers only.
Order made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of The Spirit
Ordinance (21 of X 886), the 3rd and gazetted tAe 18th September, 1886
The following conditions shall be added to distillery, licences issued
under the
provisions of Ordinance 21 of 1$86:.-=-
I. The premises shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection
of such
officers as the Governor may, from time to time, appoint in that behalf.
2. The licensee shall, at the expiration of every consecutive period of 3
from the date hereof, furnish to the Colonial Secretary a return o£ the
total amount of
spirits distilled, rectified, or compounded under this licence during
such period.
Ordinance No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
3. No spirits shall be sold or disposed of by the licensee, or by, any one
for him, or on his behalf, in less. quantity than 36 gallons at one time.
4. This licence may be cancelled, and the licence fee paid in respect
thereof for-
feited, if the licensee be guilty of any of the following offences:-
(a.) Breach of any of the conditions of this licence.
(f.) Breach of any .rebulations made or to be made in virtue of section
39 of
Ordinance 21 of 1886.
(c.) Distilling, rectifying, or compounding any spirits which shall, in
opinion of the Governor in Council, be deleterious to public health, or
in any other respect a nuisance.
Interpretation of terms.
Unlicensed distilling prohibited.
[8 of 44, and 3 of 69.]
Apothecaries, chemists and druggists may have stills of eight gallons contents.
[Ord. 8 of 1884 section 3.]
Licences to distil.
[3 of 69.]
Adulterated liquors.
[38 & 309 Vic c. 63, s. 5.]
Unlicensed sale prohibited.
[11 of 44. 1.]
Wholesale and retail sale.
[See. 11 of 44. 24.]
Temporary licences.
Application for licence.
[11 of 44. s. 3]
[11 of 44 .4.]
Disagreement of Justices.
[11 of 44 .4.]
Applicants' recognisances.
[11 of 44 .5.]
Fee. Licence.
[11 of 44 .7.]
Period of licence.
[10 of 68.]
Transfer of licences.
[11 of 44. 9.]
Death or insolvency of licensee.
[11 of 44. 10.]
Removal of business.
[11 of 44. 11.]
Sign. Production of licence.
[11 of 44. 13.]
[Sec. 11 of 44. 13 and schedule.]
Forfeiture of recognisances.
[11 of 44. 15.]
Action on account of liquors.
[11 of 44. 17.]
Taking pledges.
[11 of 44. 18.]
[11 of 44. 19.]
Suspected premises.
[11 of 44. 35.]
Drinking in unlicensed place.
[11 of 44. 36.]
Payment of workmen.
[11 of 44. 37.]
Wholesale and grocers' licences.
How obtained.
Power to make rules.
Chinese spirit shops.
[11 of 44. 27-30.]
Eating houses.
Disorder in eating houses.
]2 & 3 Vic. c. 47, s. 44.]
Fines and forfeitures.
Offences defined.
Forfeiture of licence.
[Sec. 11 of 44. 30.]
Recovery of penalties.
Awards to informers.
[11 of 44. 32.]
Power to make rules.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Spirit Licences.
No. 21 of 1886.
Ail Ordinance entitled The Spirit, Licences Ordinance, 1886.
[11th June, 1886.)
E it enacted by the Governor of Hon
-13 1 1 gkong
Legislative with the advice of the
va ~ uncil thereof, as follows: -----
i Lo,
1. This Ordinance may be cited as Tlie Spirit Licences Ordinance, Mae.,
886. -
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context indicates the contrary':----
shall mean the licence granted under this Ordi-
nance to hotel-beepers, restaurateurs, or confectioners, for
the retail sale of intoxicating liquors as an adjunct to their
respective businesses without keeping a public bar.
Adulterated liquor shall mean any liquor mimed or coloured to
.the prejudice of the purchaser with any ingredient vchat-
ever, or with water, either so as to increase its bulb and
,measure, or so us injuriously to affect the quality of such
liquor, or to conceal its inferior quality, or any liquor which
is nut virtually of the nature and ~tluality, demanded by the
purchaser, or of the liquor which it is labelled as being or
purporting to be, whether such adulterated liquor be inju-
rious to health or not. Spirits shall not be considered
adulterated if mixed with water only so as not to reduce
the strength more than twenty-five degrees below proof in
the case of brandy, whisky or rum; or more than thirty'
degrees below proof in the.case of gin.
Chinese spirits shall mean the intoxicating liquors commonly
known as samsluu.
Gallon shall mean an imperial gallon, or, if the liquor be in
° '' bottles, site reputed quart bottles, or twelve reputed pint
Grocer's licence shall mean a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
by the bottle, such -liquors not to. be- consumed on the
premises. .
Intoxicating liquor yshall include spirits, malt liquor, and and
wine or other fermented liquor whatever.
tinn of i.ernis.
UI-1I)I1TAlr'CE 1\'0. 21 OF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Pint bottle and quart bottle shall mean the reputed pint and quart
bottles ordinarily used in commerce.
Public house shall mean any house. or place of entertainment
where intoxicating liquors are sold by retail and may be
consumed can the premises, bit shall not include any place
of enters ainment kept under an adjunct licence.
Retail sale shall meanR the sale of liquors in less quantities than
two gallons as above defined.
,~_,piu°it s7ao),) shall mean any shop licensed to retail Chinese °shir
root to be consumed on the premises.
TT'Izolesccle licence shall mean a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
by the unopened°cask or mise, in ,quantities not less than
two gallons of one liquor at one tiwoe, such liquors not -to
be constanied on Ahe premises.
~rr~e~ca ~ R3~ No person shall make, distil, or rectify any spirits, or
shall hnow-
dist;ilTing pro- ,
rxibitea. xngyly keel) or have in laic possession any still or other
utensil, or appa-
8 0f 44, And,.~ 6f s9':I ratns for distilling or making or rectifying
spirits, n'IthOllt a licence under
this=~rd~nance. -
Apothwabeg , ` v It shall be Iawfal, far the Colonial C Secretar y to
issue a licence free of
'66 ists
all -~char~e ` to clay apothecary, chemist, or drugngist applying for the
stills ©f eight ' sany, to'
m4y, have
peep and use an his premises, a, still of not more than elg
gallons C°D.- gallons contents for the purpose of his trade only, provided
that every
'[Ord. 8 'of -1~:~ ~~,o~ person wishing to keep, such still shall notify
his intention ~o to CIO to the
`:said Colonial Secretary, who shall thereupon require sucho person to
a. bond with two sufficient sureties in the sung of one thousand dollars,
that he ;will not make use of such ,till, or°.:affer it to be made use of
except for the preparation of lnediciiaes or other articles required
for medical purposes, and ° every such person found to have such still
.without having entered into such bond and obtained suchlicence, shall
be deemed to be guilty of an offence under this Ordinance.
Li 6nces to g, The Colonial Secretary may issue, licences to distil in the
atistil. ` _
Cs of c;9.I of `schedule A, on evclE of which licences an annual fee of
one hundred
`' ` end twenty doll arRs `hall be payable in advance. Such conditions as
Governor in Council naay from time to tine determine may be added to
sttoh ll6Ohecs' : Every licensed cli;tiller raay sell by wholesale-the
he.d-stils ... ,
ORDINANCE No: 21 -~oF 1886.
pirit Licences.
Any person who shall distil, make, import, sell, dispose of, or
deal in any adulterated intoxicating liquor shall be wuiaty of an offence
-against this Ordinance, and if such adulterated liquor be injurious to
health he may, on a second conviction, be sentenced t0`1111pr1S011ll1e11t
or without 11<`ll'd IabOltr fur a period not exceeding six inoriths
any other penalties to which he may 17e liable under dais Ordinance.
o person shall be convicted undo this section if he shows t0 the
satisfaction of the :~1raaistrate before, whom he is clla,rwed that foe
did not
know that the liquor sold by liixn was adulterated, and that lie could nod
have known it with any reasonable diliyence.
Sale c f into~2°icatiny liquors.
[3s & 3s vrc.
6. \ v person sll,ll sell or dispose of, or ndv
ertisc car expose 101 sole Unlicensed
sale prohibit-
(11 of 44. 1.~
~,:ny intoxicating liquor cider by wholesale or retail within the Colony,
or shall permit of suffer -my such irctoxicatiu., liquor to he sole or
posed of or advertised or exposed fur sale in leis pause or other hlac.c..
within the ColOlxy Avitl.lout a licence: under this Ordinnpcc:. . The
of :any intoxicating liquors shall be taken, i11 any procecdin(, under
-Ordinance, to be prirW facie evidence that mono- or other consideration
was given for the sana.~
7. The holder of v retail 4or grocer's licence may also sell intoxica,-
tin0 111 liquors wholesale, but no person shall sell intoxicating liquors
retail cvitllout a licence to that effect, and this section shall aisply
to all
retail sales of liquor to any persoil on pretence that he° is a customer
other goods, as well as to all sales of quantities exceeding two gallons
with all understnuding that hart is to be returned; and generally, to any
ace whatever which, udder wha,t+oever pretence,* constitutes a retail sale
.of intoxicat,ilaIn nliquor.
$, The Colonial Secretary may at a ny tune issue temporary licences
for the sale ofliquors at any public entertainment or on any public
-on payment of such fee in each case as to the Governor shall seem fit.
Public house, and adjunct licences.
.9, j very person desirous of obtaimi'ng a publican's or ad juiZCt licence
.Shall give t(:11 CIaV'S' notice t0 the TAZ~'L(Y1Stra,te5 in the form of
Sch2d Ule, 13 Or
-C accor c.in~ to the nature of tho.licence required.
yv l,laleuale
and retail
[See. x'1 .of 44.
A 17plicaaiAn
for licence:
(11 oC ~~; 3.
Di ~agreemend
'Of Justices.
Ell of 44. 4.1
k'i;xiod of
lU of 68.
ORDINANCE No.. 21 ;oF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
10. The AIZ(yistrates, or either of them, - may from time to time
appoint a day for the granting or transferring of licences, which shall be
advertised in the Government (gazette and a public newspaper at least
one week previously, and the said Magistrates, or either of them, with
the assistance of such other Justices of the Peace as may attend on the
said day, shall take into consideration- all applications which may have.
'been Lnade for licences for the sale of liquors within the Colony, and
the presiding Magistrate may adjourn the consideration of all -or any of
such applications to any other lawfulA day.
11. Every application for.the grant or transfer of a licence shall be
decided by a majority 'of votes of the Justices present, in the case of
equality the presiding 1llagistate shall; in addition to . one original
have a casting vote. Provided however that is case of any applicant
being dissatisfied with the order of the Justices or the majority
thereof, it
will be lawful for the Governor in Council to alter and amend the order,,,
on the petition of the dissatisfied party.
Appzicanth~ 12: Every applicant for a licence, who may be approved by the
an~, -t ~Tusticcs assembled as above, shall enter into a recognizance in
the form
Ell of 44. ~.a o1' schedule Z? or E accordin; to tile nature of the
licence he requires,
'whereupon the Magistrate shall deliver to hitn a certificate in the form
schedule f1' or G according to the nature of his application ; and the
A gistrate'sliall, within ten days, transm4 to the Treasurer a return f'
a~ o
a l such certificates as may have,been granted is the form of schedule
to this C)rclinance.
gee. r.~Ge~,~. 13. The applicant znay, .within fourteen days from the date
of such.
of 44. 7.11
certificate, lodge it in the Treasury together with the fee provided .by
scl:ledule P to this Ordinance, whereupon the Treasurer shall issue to him
a licence in the form of schedule I or J according to the nature of the
licence for which the certificate is granted, such licence to be called a
public house licence in the one case, or an adjunct licence i-n'the other.
14. Every public house or adjunct licence shall be valid only until
the 30th of November newt following the date on which it is granted i
Always provided that where this period is less than a year a proportionate
part only of the aforesaid-fee shall be charted, to which (except in the
case of the transfer of a licence) ten per cent shall be added. '
15. The 1Vlagistria,tes shall keep _a. record of all recognizances entered
into under -section 12, and the '1,'reasarer shall keep a record of all
issued under section 13 of this Ordinance.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1886.
Spiiit Licences.
16. The Presiding Magistrate arid Justices at their meetings berein-
lOefore provided for may transfer, iii the farm of schedule h; an3r public
house licence or adjunct licence to the nominee of the original holder of
such licence, such nominee making like application, receiving a, like
certificate, and entering into like recognizances as if applying for a
-on his own behalf.
17. In case of the death or insolvency of any person bolding- a public
house licence or adjunct licence under this ordinance, the executor, or
.administrator, or trustees of such licensee nlay carry on the business of
such licensed house untik the expiration of the licence, subject to all
same re~crulations as the original licensee. And such executor, adu-duis-
trator, or trustees shall enter into new recognizances under this
18. The Justices nay permit the business licensed under a public llcmoval
.i 1. of. 1.1
house or adjunct licence to be removed to other premises if they shall be
stftistied that tile application to remove such-business (which shall be
written memorial) may reasonably lie granted. The licensee shall enter
siUto new recog,nisances, gad shall receive v new certificate entitlinhim
to a, new licence for the remainder of his term 0x1 1>aymel.~t of a. fee
of five
19. Every 1 icen5ed publican or adjunct licensee shall have, his full
13:1111e painted in legible letters at least three inches lop, «rith the
licensed to retail wines r<nd spirits, .constantly and permanently
.and plainly to be seen and read, on solve conspicuous part of his house,
and no person not actually holding a public house licence or adjunct
licence (except the keeper of a spirit shop as hereinafter provided) shall
keep up any sign, writina, painting; or other mark, .which may imply or°
_bive reasonable cause to believe that his premises sire licensed fog
retail or
barter of intoxicating liquors, or that such liquors are sold, served, or
retailed therein.
20. The business of every licensed publican or ~.djunctlicen5ee shall
:Ire carried on subj;;ct to the following regulations:-- .
(1. ) PTO liquor shall be sold or drunk on the premises,licensed
. except between such hours as the Magistrate shall enter
on the cer; iflcate to be granted under clause 12.
(2. j Ko disorder shallbe permitted on the hrernises.
Transfer of
['ll of 44. 9.1
Death or
insolvency of
lien see.
Sip. Prodne-
,lion. o£
lioen:ce. -
(l.l of 44mj
[Sec. 11 of 44.
13 and
UIIDI\A1'C/E No: 21 of :1$86.
,Spirit Licences,
(3.) No person shall be allowed to become drunk on the pre-
ixiises, nor shall liquor be supplied to any person who is
(4.j No game of chance shall be, played on the premises.
(5. ) A accent and suitable privy and urinal shall be maintained
in a state of cleunlinoss and -noon repair for the use of.
(G. ) The licensee shall not Wa.mlon tlae occupation of his house,
. or permit any other person to become, virtually the keeper
r . j The licensee shall not employ Iny person to sell or dispose
of any liquors outside of his licensed premises, nor shall
he allow or stiffer -any liquors to be so disposed of on,
his- account.
?,1. When any licensv:l publican or adjunct licensee shall he charged
with any offence anger this fJrdinanca and shall not appear to answer t°o
such chap°a,c, it shall l.>v lawful fur any lla,~istrate to order that
the re-'
cc~01nizance of such licensed publican or adjunct, Iicensee be forfeited.
~.is ~ appearance, ,and in case any licensed hc.blican or adjunct
licensee be
. twrice convicted of any off'z.nce under this Ordinance, it shall be
'~`c~r ate to order, on the second conviction, that
and- fine imposed
ou such offender, not elceedino, the amount of lxis recoTnisances, be paid
~.4y his sureties.
~',c,'' 2, No licensed publican shall maintain any action for, or recover
,any debt or demand on account of liquors, unless such debt shall bony'
Rave been contracted at one time t© the %mount of five. dollars or up-
nor shall any item in' any iccount for liquors be allowed wherc,~
the liquors boO
fide delivered at one time shall not amount to the, full
burn of five dollars, nor shall any amount of debt whatsoever incurred by
any seaman or soldier in Her Majesty's service for liquors be allowed
Provided alcvuys that nothin(r herein contained shall extend to prevent
innkeepers from keeping an account with lodgers and, travellers; in which
any charge for liquors may be included, and recovering the a.mouilt
i a Court of Justice.
thereof n
Taking ' 23. No licensed person shall take cir receive in payment or pledge
t.mpf 44.1s:] for:liquor or any entertainment wliatover supplied in or
out of his house
any article. or think whatever except ma°ney .
OIi.DINAN CE No. 21- of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
24. Every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall sell and dis-
laose of his liquors by the measures le~aliscd in this Colony and not
otherwise, except when the quantity- is less than half a pint, or except
w=hen the liquor is sold in bottles, and shall also measure such liquor in
the presence of any customer who may require him to do so. a
2'~J' . If any person be convicted of unlawfully retailing tiny intoxi-
cating liquor, the house and premise s of such person, and the house,
lodging, shop, or warehouse where such offence shall have been com-
mitted, and any court or yard connected therewith, shall be liable to be
searched at any tine of the day or night, by any Police officer, with or
without warrant, for sip. months next after such conviction, .provided
that the same or any part thereof shall be occupied by the person so
26. Whenever any Police officer shrill find any person drinking in
tiny place in which any intoxicating liquor shall be sold or disposed of
retail, and the licence for such sale shall not on demand be produced t®
such Police officer, it shall .be lawful for such Police officer to
all such persons so found drinking there; and every such person so .found
drinking shall, upon conviction before any Magistrate, forfeit'and pair
,every such offence a sum not exceeding tiventy dollars, unless such
person shall inform against svlch unlicensed person or yolunrarily
a witness abairrst high, in respect of such act of selling and retail.in;.
27. No master or other person employing journeymen, workmen; Payment of
workmen. -
servants, or labourers, shall pay or cause any pa~ment to be grade to
any, ail of 44.37 .]
such journeyman, workman, or.labourer in or at any house in which any
intoxicating liquor is sold by retail.
[11 of 44.19.]
Fremises: 7 of 44. 3
I7riulin;; in
u nliccnseel
[11 of 44. 36.1
I1Tlaohsale and Croce,%s' licences. Spirit shops.
28. Every person desirous of obtaining a wholesale or a grocer's Wholesale
licence to sell intozica,tinc'r liquors shall apply to the Colonial
mho may in his discretion grant to the applicant a licence in the forth ~
schedule L or tlI according to the natura of his application, on
.of a receipt from the Treasurer for a fee of one hundred and twenty
dollars. Such licence may be renewed annually on like conditions.
29: It -shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from, time, to
titre to -make,,alter, amend and, repeal regulations and conditions for
granting of wholesale and grocer's licences., Such. conditions.may require
and grocers'
How obtain-
Power to -
make rules.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of ?886.
,'~pirit Licences.
the providing by applicants of one or more sureties, may alter the above
scale of fees, may rebulate tl ib times of commencement and expiry of'
licences, the hours and conditions of sale, and all other matters
with such licences. . All such regulations when published in the Govern-
ment Gazette stall have the force of lair.
Gbinese 30. The Colonial Secretary may grant a licence in the form of
spirit shops, `
i1x of 44. schedule N to any person to retail Chinese spirits, such
Chinese spirits
not to be consumed on the premises where they are,sold, and the .holder
of such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and permanently in front of
his licensed place of business his name and number and the nature; of
such licence, on a sign, tile size and design of which shall be approved
the Colonial Secretary, and the fee of ten dollars. monthly shall be paid
in advance by each licensee to the Treasurer. The Colonial Secretary
may permit the transfer of any such licence in form of schedule U.
Lating houses.
31: No person, uriluss licensed to retail intoxicating liquors or
Chinese spirits under this Ordinance, shall keep an eating house, coffee
house, re£res~hment bar or saloon, restaurant, or other place wlaere~meals
or refresbments are supplied to persons not resident on the premises,
without a licence from, the Colonial Secretary, for wbich licence a fee of
ten dollars a year shall be payable in advance. Such conditions as the
Governor in Council may determine nay be added to any licence granted
under this section.
'Disorder in 32. N o person licensed under the preceding section shall
eating borzses.
t2~ 3 Vic. 0.~ or wilfully permit drunkenness or other disorderly conduct
in his house
or other place of entertainment, or knowingly suffer any unlawful games
,or gamina therein, or knowingly~permit or suffer any public prostitute
to frequent such house or other place or to remain therein.
Police inspection. ``earth.
33. When information upon oath -shall be laid before any Magistrjzte
to the effect that any illicit distillation or rectification or illegal
sale of
intoxicating liquors is carried on within any building or on board of any
vessel in the Colony, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate by a warrant
under: his hand to empower any officer of Police to enter such building
or vessel at any hour of the night or day' using force for that purpose
Olk'DINANCE No. 21 or 1886.
Spirit Licences.
necessary, and to make search for any stills, parts of stills, or
liquors which may be foundF there, and to arrest any persons who may
appear to have committed or to 'be attempting to commit any offence;
<~ainst this Ordinance. .
Every person licensed under this Ordinance shall produce his licence
to any Police officer on being required thereto. '
:any officer of Police shall have free access to every part of any house
licensed under section 13 or 31 of this Ordinance at any hour of the night
or day.
Penalties and tlaeir recovery.
34. For every offence against this Ordinance not otherwise provided
Fvn.es and
for, there shall be payable for a first offence a fine not exceeding
three f~rfeiture~.
lmndred dollars, and fur a second offence a find not exceeding sip.
dollars. And all intoxicating liquors; stills, or parts thereofwith
to which any offence awinst this Ordinance may have been committed,
as well as the vessels or packages which contain them, may be f,)rfeited,
as also any boat or vessel of less than fifteen tuns burden in which such
intoxicating liquors or stills or parts of stills may be found.
36. Offences against this Ordinance shall be considered to be
(1. ) Refusal, neglect, or omission to do any act commanded by
this Ordinance. m
(2. ) Refusal to permit, or obstruction of any such act.
( 3. ) The doing of any pct forbidden by _ this Ordinance. '
(4.) On the part of a licensed publican, adjunct licensee, or
keeper of a spirit shop, any breach of the terms of his
licence or recorfAisance.
36. On the conviction of any licensed person for a second offence
against this Ordinance the Magistrate may order his licence to be
in addition to any other penalties hereinbefore provided.
37;p All penalties for offences against this Ordinance may be recovered
W a summary way before a Magistrate, but proceedings for the recovery of
of such ,penalties shall be commenced within site months after the offence
was committed.
38. One-half or' a less .portion of any fine levied under this gwArds to,
informers. .
Ordinance may be paid to the informer. [1I of 44, $2,J ,
Forfeiture of
[ See. 11 0f
44. $0.3
make awleg.
ORDINANCE NLo. 21 oF 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Power to make rules.
3$. The Governor in Council may from tine to time make, alter,
and repeal rules consistent with this Ordinance for tie better carrying
out of the same. All such rules shall be published in the Gazette, and
when so published shall have the force of law.
Repeals., 40. '.The following Ordinances or portions thereof are repealed:-
.8 of 1844 , The whole. .
11 of l $44,, ...... All, except sections ,38 and 39.
9 of 7 867; So much of sections 1 1 and 12
as applies to the sale of
. intoxicating liquors, and
section 16.
10 of 1.8G8, : 'fhe whole.
3 of 1.869, , '.fbe whole.
Bat such repeal shall not affect anything lmofully done or commenced to
be done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed
°hvthem. A11 public house or adjunct lircances and licences for
'`~ ed under the said Qrdinances, as well as all recognisances entered
into thereunder sljall continue in force for their full term as if they
(),ranted or executed undet the present Ordinance.
41. This OrdiWnce shall take elfcct on a day to be hereafter
proclaimed by the Governor. ,
.Distillery licence, (Sec. 4.)
In consideiation of the fee of dollars paid by
, I hereby license him to cave stills of gallons
~caloacity at and to distil spirits therewith aid to sell such spirits, by
wholesale from this date until 18
Hongkong, 188 . - .
Colo?2ial Secretary.
ORIDINANGE No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
Applicationjor publican's licence-, (See. 9.)
Name of applicant
Licensed house to be at No.
Its name or sign to be
Has held a licence
To the Ma- istrates.
I give notice that I inteud to apply at the next licensing meeting to Her
Justices of the Peace, for a licence to sell and retail intoxicating
liquors, in the house
,and appurtenances thereunto belonging above named, which I intend to
keen as an
inn or public-house.
f ears.
We, tho underiinned householders residing at Victoria in the said Colony,
that the above-named applicant is a person of good fame and reputation,
and fit and
proper to be licensed to keep an in,n or public-house.
Application for adjunct licence, (Sec. 9.)
Name of applicant
licensed house to be at No.
Other business carried on
To the' Magistrates.
Ras held a licence
h give notice that it is my intention to' apply at the next licensing
meeting for a
licence to sell and retail intoxicating liquors, in any quantity under
two gallons at one
time, in the house and appurtenances thereunto belonging above named, as
an adjunct
to the business which I am carrying on in the said house and premises.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 158-6,
Spirit Licences.
We, the undersigned householders, certify, that the above named applicant
is a
vi-son of good fame and reputation, acid fit and proper to be licensed
far the sale of
1.1ltaXiCat111g liquors as aforesaid.
- Publican's recognisance, (Sec. 12:)
Cor,QNV ob` I
I-TON'GICONG ~ Be it ralnaniberea, that on the day of 188
called the licensee and
called the sureties came personally before me, a, Magistrate in the
Colony of Hongkong
and acknowledged themselves to owe to our Lady the Queen, to wit,-the
said licensee
the sum of three hundred dollars, and the said sureties each the sum of
three hundred
dollars of lawful current-dollars of Hongkong, to be respectively levied
of their several
goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of our said Lady the
Queen, Her
Heirs, and Successors, in case default shall be made in the performance
of the conditions
hereunder written:
The conditions of this recognisance are such, that whereas the said
licensee is to
lie licensed to keep a public house, and to sell intoxicating liquors, at
the sign of the-
situate'at ; If the said licensee do observe all the.
conditions of The Spirit licences Ordinance, 1886, then this recognisance
to be void,
'otherwise to remain in full force.
Taken and acknowledged the day aria year above written, before me.
HON!aKONG Be it remembered, that on the
called the licensee and
CE. )
Adjunct licensee's recognisance, (Sec. 12.) `
day of 1$8
OPDIN.~-1.NCEi \ o. 21 of 1886.
,~'pirit Licences.
.called the sureties Gauze personally before me ~a Magistrate in the
Colony of Hongkong,
and acknowledged themselves to owe to our Lady the Queen, to wit,-the
said licensee
the sum of three hundred dollars, and the said sureties each the sum of
threw hundred
of lawful current dollars of Hongkong, to be respectively levied of their
several goods
and chattels, -lands and tenements, to the use of our said Lady the
Queen, Her Heirs,
and Successors in case default shall be made in the performance of the
hereunder written:-
The conditions of this recognisance are such, that whereas the said
licensee is to
be licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, in any quantity order two
gallons, in the house,
No. as an adjunct to the business of
.carried on by him in the said house and appurtenances tbereunto belonging
If the said licensee .do observe all the conditions of The Sp~r'it
Licences Ordinance, 1886,--then this recognisance to be void, otherwise
to remain in
full force.
Taken and acknowledged the day and rear above written, before we
Publican's certz ficate, (Sec. 12.)
Authority to the Treasurer to issue a spirit licence to
Premises No.,
.Ma. yigtra te.
Sign of house . Licerce to expire 18
I authorise the Treasurer to issue a licence to the person named above to
keep au
inn or public-house as above set forth, I am satisfied the said person is
a person of
good fame and reputation, and is fit and proper to beep an inn or
public-house; and I
have taken from the said person and his sureties a recognisance in the
smn of three
hundred dollars each, according to the form prescribed by the said
Hours for sale-^---to ---THE
Adjunet'licenses's certificate, (Sec. 12.)
Authority to the Treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to
Premises No.
Business carried on
Licence to expire is
ORDINANCE loo. 21 or, 1886.
Spirit Licences.
I authorise tire Treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to the above named
to retail liquors in any quantity under two gallons an the premises named
above as an
adjunct to the business carried an by hiin in tire said house. I am
satisfied the said
person is a person of good fame and reputation, and is fit and proper to
conduct such
house as aforesaid; and I have taken from the said person and his
sureties the requisite
'~='~ ~ recoDnisances in the sum of three hundred dollars each, according
to the form prescribed.
. '1 trls=ii _
by -the said Ordinawe. -
~~ ,~.-,.:. _
Hongkong, '~ 1$8
i! N
~~ jr,:-Yj Magistrate.
3~ ; , ,
Hours for sale---___._to,___ _ e
y F,,4F;, i Return Of licensees, (See. 12.)
_ ; ;, ; , e Treasurer.
~'z ! . Public house or adjunct licences may h© granted to tire
underrneationed poisons.
It Sign of * Road or Wlrotlrer before Addresser Nature
f ~ ~ Licensee. . ~ a. street. licensed or Sureties, of of
'! houses
S''~' not. sureties. licence.
~ . '.~..~...~.~rr~rr
I III y ~
t. Y
dd ~~14
' ''' a~ _ a
Hongkong, 18
i j ~
t i i~
Public .H'ause liceiace, (Sec. 13.) °
- Sign~of house. '
No. Street.
Period of Licence, from to both days inclusive.
- Fee, ~'
,, t=sR7 -. - I license the above named person to keel a public house, and
to sell and retail ire.
z ~ `;;~ the house in which he now dells and in the appurtenances thereunto
belonging, but
s F i~ trot elsewhere, all intoxicating liquors during. the period above
No. T?'eCTsZGre'I'r-
' I ? . Hongkong, is , .
Or DI XANCE No. 21 or 1$86.
,Spirit Licences.
Adjunct Licence, ' (Sec. 13.)
Address, No. Street.
Period of Licence; from to both days inclusive.
I license the person named above to sell and retail intoxicating liquors
in quantities
not exceeding two gallons iii the house in which he now dwells and in the
thereunto belonging, but not elsewhere ; as an adjunct to the business he
carries on
there and without keeping a public bar during ithe period above written.
Transfer of Public House or Adjunct Licence, (Sec. 16.)
New Licensee
Sign of house
or Business carried on
No. ,
Period of new Licence, from
Former License
I license the person named above to sell and retail intoxicating liquors
in the house
named above and in the appurtenances thereunto belonging, but not
elsewhere, during
the period above written..
to both days inclusive.
Wholesale Licence, (Sees. 28 & 29.)
is licensed to sell intoxicating liquors by the un-
opened cask or case, in quantities not less than two gallons of one
liquor at one time
on the premises known as
Such intoxicating liquors are not to be consumed on the premises.
Hongkong, 18
Colonial Secretary.
ORDINANCE No. ~I of I8$6.
Spirit Licence.
Grocer's .Licence, (Sees. 28 & 29.)
is-' licensed to sell intoxicating liquors (Chinese
spirits excepted) by the bottle on the premises known as
Such intoxicating liquors are not to be cunsumed~on the premises. Liquors
may also
ho sold wholesale under this licence.
Colonial Secretary.
Hongkong, 18
Hongkong, 18
bYpirit Shop .Licence, (Sec. 34.)
is licensed to sell spirits not to be consumed on his premises at No.
the sign or shop name of which is
Transfer of spirit licence, (Sec. 30.)
The spirit licence No. granted to is transferred to
who is hereby licensed to sell spirituous liquors, not to be consumed on
premises, at No: the sign or shop name of which is,
until 18
Colonial Secretary..
Colonial Secretary.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
L-Public house and adjunct licences, (Sec. 13. )
When the annual valuation of the premises occupied. is
under $1,000, a licence fee of $300 a year.
under $4,200,
over $4,200,
II.-Other fees chargeable under this Ordinance.
Distillery licence, (Sec. 4), $120 a year.
Temporary spirit licence, (Sec. 8), Discretionary.
Licence for removed business, (Sec. 18), $
Grocer's licence, (Sec. 28), $1?0 a year. °
Wholesale licence, (Sec. 28), , $120
Chinese spirit licence, (Sec. 30), , $120
Eating house licence, (Sec. 31),
EIn force front 1st July, 1886, ~y proclamation of the 12th June, 1886.]
Regulations made by the Governor in Council, under t)ie Spirit Licences
Ordinance, 21 of X $86, and zunc~Ar the Crown Fees Ordinance, 17
of IBfOr the 23rd, gaxetted the 24th July, 1886.
1. Intoxicating liquors bottled in the Colony may be sold vender a
licence, although the bottles are not contained in cases, provided not
less than tvcelve
quart bottles or twenty-four pint bottles of any one liquor are sold at
one time.
2. Whenever no special provision has been made in the Spirit Licences
1886 for the transfer o£ any licence, such licence may be transferred by
the endorse-
ment of the officer who issued it, or by the issue of a fresh licence by
3. The fee of $10 for each licence for an eating-house imposed by section
31 of the
above-named Ordinance is hereby remitted in the case of eating-horses for
customers only.
Order made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of The Spirit
Ordinance (21 of X 886), the 3rd and gazetted tAe 18th September, 1886
The following conditions shall be added to distillery, licences issued
under the
provisions of Ordinance 21 of 1$86:.-=-
I. The premises shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection
of such
officers as the Governor may, from time to time, appoint in that behalf.
2. The licensee shall, at the expiration of every consecutive period of 3
from the date hereof, furnish to the Colonial Secretary a return o£ the
total amount of
spirits distilled, rectified, or compounded under this licence during
such period.
Ordinance No. 21 of 1886.
Spirit Licences.
3. No spirits shall be sold or disposed of by the licensee, or by, any one
for him, or on his behalf, in less. quantity than 36 gallons at one time.
4. This licence may be cancelled, and the licence fee paid in respect
thereof for-
feited, if the licensee be guilty of any of the following offences:-
(a.) Breach of any of the conditions of this licence.
(f.) Breach of any .rebulations made or to be made in virtue of section
39 of
Ordinance 21 of 1886.
(c.) Distilling, rectifying, or compounding any spirits which shall, in
opinion of the Governor in Council, be deleterious to public health, or
in any other respect a nuisance.
Interpretation of terms.
Unlicensed distilling prohibited.
[8 of 44, and 3 of 69.]
Apothecaries, chemists and druggists may have stills of eight gallons contents.
[Ord. 8 of 1884 section 3.]
Licences to distil.
[3 of 69.]
Adulterated liquors.
[38 & 309 Vic c. 63, s. 5.]
Unlicensed sale prohibited.
[11 of 44. 1.]
Wholesale and retail sale.
[See. 11 of 44. 24.]
Temporary licences.
Application for licence.
[11 of 44. s. 3]
[11 of 44 .4.]
Disagreement of Justices.
[11 of 44 .4.]
Applicants' recognisances.
[11 of 44 .5.]
Fee. Licence.
[11 of 44 .7.]
Period of licence.
[10 of 68.]
Transfer of licences.
[11 of 44. 9.]
Death or insolvency of licensee.
[11 of 44. 10.]
Removal of business.
[11 of 44. 11.]
Sign. Production of licence.
[11 of 44. 13.]
[Sec. 11 of 44. 13 and schedule.]
Forfeiture of recognisances.
[11 of 44. 15.]
Action on account of liquors.
[11 of 44. 17.]
Taking pledges.
[11 of 44. 18.]
[11 of 44. 19.]
Suspected premises.
[11 of 44. 35.]
Drinking in unlicensed place.
[11 of 44. 36.]
Payment of workmen.
[11 of 44. 37.]
Wholesale and grocers' licences.
How obtained.
Power to make rules.
Chinese spirit shops.
[11 of 44. 27-30.]
Eating houses.
Disorder in eating houses.
]2 & 3 Vic. c. 47, s. 44.]
Fines and forfeitures.
Offences defined.
Forfeiture of licence.
[Sec. 11 of 44. 30.]
Recovery of penalties.
Awards to informers.
[11 of 44. 32.]
Power to make rules.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Interpretation of terms.
Unlicensed distilling prohibited.
[8 of 44, and 3 of 69.]
Apothecaries, chemists and druggists may have stills of eight gallons contents.
[Ord. 8 of 1884 section 3.]
Licences to distil.
[3 of 69.]
Adulterated liquors.
[38 & 309 Vic c. 63, s. 5.]
Unlicensed sale prohibited.
[11 of 44. 1.]
Wholesale and retail sale.
[See. 11 of 44. 24.]
Temporary licences.
Application for licence.
[11 of 44. s. 3]
[11 of 44 .4.]
Disagreement of Justices.
[11 of 44 .4.]
Applicants' recognisances.
[11 of 44 .5.]
Fee. Licence.
[11 of 44 .7.]
Period of licence.
[10 of 68.]
Transfer of licences.
[11 of 44. 9.]
Death or insolvency of licensee.
[11 of 44. 10.]
Removal of business.
[11 of 44. 11.]
Sign. Production of licence.
[11 of 44. 13.]
[Sec. 11 of 44. 13 and schedule.]
Forfeiture of recognisances.
[11 of 44. 15.]
Action on account of liquors.
[11 of 44. 17.]
Taking pledges.
[11 of 44. 18.]
[11 of 44. 19.]
Suspected premises.
[11 of 44. 35.]
Drinking in unlicensed place.
[11 of 44. 36.]
Payment of workmen.
[11 of 44. 37.]
Wholesale and grocers' licences.
How obtained.
Power to make rules.
Chinese spirit shops.
[11 of 44. 27-30.]
Eating houses.
Disorder in eating houses.
]2 & 3 Vic. c. 47, s. 44.]
Fines and forfeitures.
Offences defined.
Forfeiture of licence.
[Sec. 11 of 44. 30.]
Recovery of penalties.
Awards to informers.
[11 of 44. 32.]
Power to make rules.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Interpretation of terms.
Unlicensed distilling prohibited.
[8 of 44, and 3 of 69.]
Apothecaries, chemists and druggists may have stills of eight gallons contents.
[Ord. 8 of 1884 section 3.]
Licences to distil.
[3 of 69.]
Adulterated liquors.
[38 & 309 Vic c. 63, s. 5.]
Unlicensed sale prohibited.
[11 of 44. 1.]
Wholesale and retail sale.
[See. 11 of 44. 24.]
Temporary licences.
Application for licence.
[11 of 44. s. 3]
[11 of 44 .4.]
Disagreement of Justices.
[11 of 44 .4.]
Applicants' recognisances.
[11 of 44 .5.]
Fee. Licence.
[11 of 44 .7.]
Period of licence.
[10 of 68.]
Transfer of licences.
[11 of 44. 9.]
Death or insolvency of licensee.
[11 of 44. 10.]
Removal of business.
[11 of 44. 11.]
Sign. Production of licence.
[11 of 44. 13.]
[Sec. 11 of 44. 13 and schedule.]
Forfeiture of recognisances.
[11 of 44. 15.]
Action on account of liquors.
[11 of 44. 17.]
Taking pledges.
[11 of 44. 18.]
[11 of 44. 19.]
Suspected premises.
[11 of 44. 35.]
Drinking in unlicensed place.
[11 of 44. 36.]
Payment of workmen.
[11 of 44. 37.]
Wholesale and grocers' licences.
How obtained.
Power to make rules.
Chinese spirit shops.
[11 of 44. 27-30.]
Eating houses.
Disorder in eating houses.
]2 & 3 Vic. c. 47, s. 44.]
Fines and forfeitures.
Offences defined.
Forfeiture of licence.
[Sec. 11 of 44. 30.]
Recovery of penalties.
Awards to informers.
[11 of 44. 32.]
Power to make rules.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 21 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SPIRIT LICENCES ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/508.