Harbour Regulations.
No. 20 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled The Harbour Regulations Ordinance, 1886.
[21st Mar, 1886.]
BE it enacted'by the Governor of Honohona, with the advice of the-
Lecrislalive Council thereof, as follows:-
i. The Governor in Council may from time to time make, and 'when
made, alter, add to, or revoke all 1 LlleS, regulations or orders
'for the protection, man acrenlent and na,viaation of the waters of the
for the bitter and lore effectual ISePplllyof order therei>7, and the-
prevention of any nuisance in: the same.
2. All such rules and reaUlations shall be published in the Hongkong
Government Gazette.
Ol1UI1`TANCL No. 20 of I8-8G.
Flarbour Regulations.
3. Upon the publication of any sncli rules, reriulations or orders in
Effect of
the Gazette they shall, after the date of such publication, or after,. any
later date mentioned in such rules, reulations or orders, take effect as
they` were enacted by the Legislature of the Colony.
4. In any rule, regulation or order made tinder this Ordinance it
renaltie, for
breach of
shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to impose., penalties for the
breach thereof, but so nevertheless that the penalty for the breach of any
such rules, regulations or orders does not etcee41 oite hundred dollars,
and in default of pavnlent of the said penalty, imprisonment with or
without hard labour for any period not esceediro- three months.
5. A11 offences against airy ruIe:, rC'.(rultltloll or order made Linder
this Ordinance elc;ept when otherwise provided inlay bu heard and deter-
ruined by a Stipendiary Magistrate, and till p,,nalties imposed key 'arid
expenses recoverable inay be recovered in a stmiazary way before any
Stipendiary Magistrate,
Regukztions made by tlae Governor ire Council under the provisions of
Harbour Regulations Ordinance, .T 883, (No. 20 of 1886 ), the
25th day of .Time, and cyazetted tire 26th Tune, .1886.
1. There shall be three fairways through the harbour, for the passae of
of over 50 tons burden, and such fairways shall be named as follows:-
The Souther, n, the Central, and the Northern Fairways. ',
2. The western end of the Southern Fairway commences off the Gas
is bounded on its south side by the north shore of the Island of
Hongkong, and
terminates 400 feet west of the Canton Steam-boat Wharf, where it
connects with the
central fairway. The north side of the'Southern fairway is occupied by
junks, except
at a place opposite the Peninsular and Oriental Stearn Navigation
Company's -Coal
Godowns, where there is a break connecting with the central fairway.
3. The western end of the Central Fairway commences off the wharf near the
Sailors' Home and is marked by two buoys, the northern one painted white,
and the
southern one painted red. This fairway is defined by two lines of mooring
running in an E.S.Easterly direction. 7 - -
4. .The 'northern side of the Northern Fairway is defined by a line drawn
the, south point of Chung Hue and Kowloon Point on a S. 66° E. bearing.
southern.boundary ~ has the breakwater .in Causeway Bay, open ; of
Kellett's Island
bearing S. 78° E.
ORDINANCE 11'0. 20 of lass.
Harbour Regulations.
5. Vessels of over 50 tons burden proceeding through either of the
fairways, are
to. fly ft pendant at the highest mast head forward~as follows :--
Whilst in the Southern .fairway a Red pendant (F).
Whilst in the Central .Fairway a~ White pendant (C).
Whilst in the Northern Fairway a Blue pendant (D).
$. All vessels irrespective of size are to observe the rules of 'the
road, as laid
down by orders in Council, issued from time to time under the provisions
of the
Merahant Shipping Act, Amendment Act,. 1862; and no vessel whatever is to
in either of the fairways.
7. Western Boundary.-West corner of the City Hall in line with buoy
chequered black and white.
Northem Boundary.-From, the buoy towards North Point of Hongkong until it
meets the Eastern Boundary.
.Eastern Boundary.--A line drawn from a bully to the southward of St.
Church to the ;able-end of that Church until it meets the Northern
$. Every such vessel, propelled by steam; whether licensed or not, shall
have in-
board screens fitted to its aide-lights, as the Harbour Mister shall
approve, so as to
prevent the lights being seen across the.bow.
:. :g; The 8team-whistle of no vessel under 50 tons burden propelled by
steam, shall,
whenYh,t. anchor near the Praya, or when moored to, or waiting at any
wharf or landing
place,' be blown;, and no such vessel when under we%h shall have its
blow'ri, unless for the purpose of giving necessary notice of the
approach of such vessel
towards any other vessel or boat.
10. No steamer when entering or leaving the harbour, or when at anchor
in, shall use her steam-whistle except for the purpose of navigation and
to avoid
collision. The use of such steao-whistle for any other purpose is hereby
11. Any infringement of regulation 8, 9 or IO will subject the offender
to a
penalty not exceeding $100, or, in default of payment to imprisonment
with or without
bard labour for a period not exceeding 8 months.
32 , Vessels of war are exempted from- these regulations.
Regulation made by the Governor in Council, wader the provisions of
The Harbour Regulations Ordinance (No. 20 of .T 886), the
27th and gazetted the 28th August, 1886.
No person shall, without a permit from the Registrar General, beat any
drum, or
ion;, discharge, kindle, or let off any firework, or attempt to do,,
so_in the waters of
the Colony between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 A.ur.; under a penalty not
fifty dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period
not exceeding
six weeks.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Publication of regulations.
Effect of regulations.
Penalties for breach of regulations.
Trial of offences.
No. 20 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled The Harbour Regulations Ordinance, 1886.
[21st Mar, 1886.]
BE it enacted'by the Governor of Honohona, with the advice of the-
Lecrislalive Council thereof, as follows:-
i. The Governor in Council may from time to time make, and 'when
made, alter, add to, or revoke all 1 LlleS, regulations or orders
'for the protection, man acrenlent and na,viaation of the waters of the
for the bitter and lore effectual ISePplllyof order therei>7, and the-
prevention of any nuisance in: the same.
2. All such rules and reaUlations shall be published in the Hongkong
Government Gazette.
Ol1UI1`TANCL No. 20 of I8-8G.
Flarbour Regulations.
3. Upon the publication of any sncli rules, reriulations or orders in
Effect of
the Gazette they shall, after the date of such publication, or after,. any
later date mentioned in such rules, reulations or orders, take effect as
they` were enacted by the Legislature of the Colony.
4. In any rule, regulation or order made tinder this Ordinance it
renaltie, for
breach of
shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to impose., penalties for the
breach thereof, but so nevertheless that the penalty for the breach of any
such rules, regulations or orders does not etcee41 oite hundred dollars,
and in default of pavnlent of the said penalty, imprisonment with or
without hard labour for any period not esceediro- three months.
5. A11 offences against airy ruIe:, rC'.(rultltloll or order made Linder
this Ordinance elc;ept when otherwise provided inlay bu heard and deter-
ruined by a Stipendiary Magistrate, and till p,,nalties imposed key 'arid
expenses recoverable inay be recovered in a stmiazary way before any
Stipendiary Magistrate,
Regukztions made by tlae Governor ire Council under the provisions of
Harbour Regulations Ordinance, .T 883, (No. 20 of 1886 ), the
25th day of .Time, and cyazetted tire 26th Tune, .1886.
1. There shall be three fairways through the harbour, for the passae of
of over 50 tons burden, and such fairways shall be named as follows:-
The Souther, n, the Central, and the Northern Fairways. ',
2. The western end of the Southern Fairway commences off the Gas
is bounded on its south side by the north shore of the Island of
Hongkong, and
terminates 400 feet west of the Canton Steam-boat Wharf, where it
connects with the
central fairway. The north side of the'Southern fairway is occupied by
junks, except
at a place opposite the Peninsular and Oriental Stearn Navigation
Company's -Coal
Godowns, where there is a break connecting with the central fairway.
3. The western end of the Central Fairway commences off the wharf near the
Sailors' Home and is marked by two buoys, the northern one painted white,
and the
southern one painted red. This fairway is defined by two lines of mooring
running in an E.S.Easterly direction. 7 - -
4. .The 'northern side of the Northern Fairway is defined by a line drawn
the, south point of Chung Hue and Kowloon Point on a S. 66° E. bearing.
southern.boundary ~ has the breakwater .in Causeway Bay, open ; of
Kellett's Island
bearing S. 78° E.
ORDINANCE 11'0. 20 of lass.
Harbour Regulations.
5. Vessels of over 50 tons burden proceeding through either of the
fairways, are
to. fly ft pendant at the highest mast head forward~as follows :--
Whilst in the Southern .fairway a Red pendant (F).
Whilst in the Central .Fairway a~ White pendant (C).
Whilst in the Northern Fairway a Blue pendant (D).
$. All vessels irrespective of size are to observe the rules of 'the
road, as laid
down by orders in Council, issued from time to time under the provisions
of the
Merahant Shipping Act, Amendment Act,. 1862; and no vessel whatever is to
in either of the fairways.
7. Western Boundary.-West corner of the City Hall in line with buoy
chequered black and white.
Northem Boundary.-From, the buoy towards North Point of Hongkong until it
meets the Eastern Boundary.
.Eastern Boundary.--A line drawn from a bully to the southward of St.
Church to the ;able-end of that Church until it meets the Northern
$. Every such vessel, propelled by steam; whether licensed or not, shall
have in-
board screens fitted to its aide-lights, as the Harbour Mister shall
approve, so as to
prevent the lights being seen across the.bow.
:. :g; The 8team-whistle of no vessel under 50 tons burden propelled by
steam, shall,
whenYh,t. anchor near the Praya, or when moored to, or waiting at any
wharf or landing
place,' be blown;, and no such vessel when under we%h shall have its
blow'ri, unless for the purpose of giving necessary notice of the
approach of such vessel
towards any other vessel or boat.
10. No steamer when entering or leaving the harbour, or when at anchor
in, shall use her steam-whistle except for the purpose of navigation and
to avoid
collision. The use of such steao-whistle for any other purpose is hereby
11. Any infringement of regulation 8, 9 or IO will subject the offender
to a
penalty not exceeding $100, or, in default of payment to imprisonment
with or without
bard labour for a period not exceeding 8 months.
32 , Vessels of war are exempted from- these regulations.
Regulation made by the Governor in Council, wader the provisions of
The Harbour Regulations Ordinance (No. 20 of .T 886), the
27th and gazetted the 28th August, 1886.
No person shall, without a permit from the Registrar General, beat any
drum, or
ion;, discharge, kindle, or let off any firework, or attempt to do,,
so_in the waters of
the Colony between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 A.ur.; under a penalty not
fifty dollars, or imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period
not exceeding
six weeks.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Publication of regulations.
Effect of regulations.
Penalties for breach of regulations.
Trial of offences.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Publication of regulations.
Effect of regulations.
Penalties for breach of regulations.
Trial of offences.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Publication of regulations.
Effect of regulations.
Penalties for breach of regulations.
Trial of offences.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 20 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HARBOUR REGULATIONS ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/507.