Peace Preservation.
No. 16 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled The Peace Preservation Ordinance, 1886.
[2nd June, 1886.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
...L~ , Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
' Appointment of special constables.
1, Whenever it appears to the Governor that any tumult or riot Power to
point special
has taken place, or may be reasonably apprehended, and that the ordi-
nary officers appointed for preserving the peace are not sufficient for
preservation of the peace, it shall be lawful for the Governor to
any Magistrate to summon, by writing in-the form in schedule (A),
before him, any number of persons resident, or being then within the
ORDINANCE No. 15 0F 1886.
Peace Preservation.
Colony, then and there to be appointed and to act as special constables
within the said colony, so long as the said authority shall remain in
Provided that, it shall be lawful for the said Magistrate, if it appears
to him upon the oath of any person that there is goad and sufficient
cause to believe that any, person intended to be appointed a special con-
stable is concealing himself in order to avoid service of the summons, or
that he is likely to disobey the same, to issue a warrant, in the form of
schedule (B) in the first instance far the purpose of bringing before
him persons so to be appointed. .
Power of 2,, Every special constable shall have the same powers for the
Special preservation of the peace, the prevention of offences, the
of offenders, and for all other purposes, and the same privileges, pro-
tection, and immunities, as the members of the Police Forc(-en rolled
under the Police Ordinance,, except as to pay and pension, or other
reward, and shall be subjed to the orders of the Governor, ytloe Magis-
trates,- the Captain Superintendent of Police, and any one or more
Justices of the PeaceFfor the Colony' who shall be authorised by the
Governor to act in that behalf.
3. :Any person ~ required to serve as a special constable under this
Ordinance, who shall refuse, or otherwise omit without reasonable excuse,
to appear as special constable, shall be liable on ~ sunnnary conviction
thereof bya Magi.strate to imprisonment with, or without hard labour for
any term nottexceeding two months, or to pay. a penalty not exceeding
one hundred dollars, or to both.
4. Any person so appointed a' special constable, and called ui:)on to
serve, who, without reasonable excuse, shall reelect or.refuse to serve
and to obey such lawful orders and directioys as may be given to hi.rra
for the performance of the duties of his office, as provided in the third
E 44 second' as amended ~ Ordinance .11'0. ~9 n 1858, (repealed) and
by Ordinance No. 18 0,f 1890] . section of this ()rdinaace, shall, on
summary conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to imprisonment
with or_ without hard labour for any term rot exceeding two months, or
to pay a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to both': I'ro-
vided always, that no person shall be subject to any penalty underv this
section who shall be unable to perform the duties of a special constable,
by reason of old age, sickness, or other infirmity, proved to the catisf
tion of the said Macristrate.
ORDINANCE \'o. 1 5 uF 1886.
Peace nation.
Proclamations of the ..Peace.
5, Whenever it shall appear to be necessary for the preservation of
the public peace of the Colony, it shall be lawful for the Governor in
Council to declare by proclamation to be published in the. Gazette that
the said Colony shall be subject to the following provisions of this Ordi-
nance, and every such proclamation shall. remain in force until cancelled
by Government \TOtificati~_)n published in the Gazette.
63`.Vhenever Land whereverthe peace is beizzg brakes during the
~existencelof any proclamation under this Ordinance, it shall be lawful
far the hover nor, or Colonial Secretary or any Justice of the Peace, to
call anon all by-standers and persons in the vicinity to give their aid in
fire rV111a the peace and in apprehendinn persons breaking the peace,
~aever person without lawful excuse refusing or on aittinw to give
Y p n b
such - aid, shall be liable on conviction thereof to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months; or to pay a
penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.
r. ~r
~~ '~; Whenever any persons tsha,ll be fouud~durig the existence of a
proclamation under dais Ordinance, unlarvfully, riotously, or tumult-
uously assembled to the disturbance of the peace and to the terror of
filer Majesty's subjects,, any Justice of the Pence may, in an audible
voice, warn such persons that they area,eting in contravention to law,
and require them to,~ disperse and depart to their habitations, or to
lawful business; apA- all persons rernainina so assembled, after such
warnina, may be dispersed and taken into custody by any officer or
constable of Police; or special constable, or by any other person actin;
under the orders of a Justice of the Peace, and shall be liable on sum-
mary convict~on before a Magistrate to imprisonment ~zth or without
hard labour for a term not exceed' ~ three months, ar to pay a penalty
not exceeding fifty dollars, and iny person or persons so warned to
disperse, shall be hurt, maimed, or killed in the dispersing, seizing, or
apprehending, or endeav ouririD to disperse, seize, or apprehend, the
persons hur ting; maiming, or killing hirn or them shall be free, dis-
charged,, and indemnified from the consequences, except on evidence of
gross carelessness, wantonness, or malice.
may be issued.
from by-
against sec -
bona 6, 7, .
What. whip= -
ping may be
Power to enter
houses and. to
ORDiA'AhTCE. No' 15 oF~ 188.
Tease Preservation.
$. Durinb the continuance of any proclamation under this Ordi-
nance, it shall not be lawful for any person, unless in the employment of
Government, or unless authorized thereto by the Governor, to carry on
his person, or have in his possession, any arms or instruments 6pable of
being used as offensive arms, unless they be the tools of his trade, or
unless he can show that they are intended to be used for some lawful
purpose, of which the burden of proof shall lie on him, nor any ammuni-
tion for such arms or instruments. .
Justices I of It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace acting under
the . Peace
may search powers prescribed by the third ~' second' as amended by
6°dinance No.
hoses for
arms. 18 o f 1890] section of this Ordinance, to enter with or without a
warrant and with or without assistance, and to authorize any officer or
constable of Police, or special constable to enter with or without a
warrant, and with or without assistance, and using in either case force if
necessary, into any dwelling house or other building, and into any place
in which he may suspect that any such arms or instruments or ammuni-
tion may be, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, and such arms
and instruments or ammunition may be seized and confiscated.
Every person found carrying or havinb in his possession ally arms
or instruments or anarrlunition as aforesaid, except such as in respect to
their nature and quantity, and baving regard to his profession,
and station in life, may reasonably be expected in the- opinion of the
-Magistrate to be in his possession, contrary to the provisions of this
dinance, shall be liable on summary convioticn before a Magistrate to a
fine not exceeding two hundredollars, or to imprisonment with or with-
ut hard Labour, for a period not exceeding six months, or, to both.
All persons remaining unlawfully, riotously, or tumultuously
assembled after having been warned by a Justice of the Peace iWder
section ?, and all persons found carrying arms contrary to the provisions
of section 8 in either case during the existence of any proclamation under
section 5, shall be liable to whipping, in place of or in addition to any
other penalty prescribed try this Ordinance.
Such whipping shall be inflicted with a ~ rattan not exceeding half-
an-inch in diameter, and shall not exceed thirty strokes.
'~ ~8. During the continuance of any proclamation under this Ordi-
nance, any Justice of the Peace, may * enter with or. without assistance,
or tray order any officer or constable of police, or special constable, or
ORDINANCE No. 15 of 1886.
Peace Preservation.
other person to enter without a warrant and with or without assistance,.
using force in either case if necessary, into any dwelling house or other,
building, or into any place in which he nay have reasonable cause to
suspect that persons lately riotously assembled or engaged on any un- .
lawful purpose, have made their escape, or in which he tray have reason- .
able cause to suspect that persons about to break the peace are assembled,
and may apprehend and take into custody the said persons, and every
person so arrested may be detained until he cal be conveniently brought
before a Magistrate to l a dealt with according to law.
~- .IL', Any person urlng tile continuance of any'` proclalliatlon Under
9f :,-;'t `- to stoi) trade.
this Ordinance; unlaw t111y combining to procure a. stoppag- Under
9f the salt;
-or transit from place to place of provisions or other articles,
-combinin(Y to procure shopkeepers, dealers, or otl:ier persons to
the sale or transit from placo to place of provisions or other articles,
(j~revcnting or endeavouring to prevent any person from purchasing or
from being supplied with any such articles, shall, on summary conviction
Lthereo? before a 1VIagistrate be liable to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for any term not exceeding three niontlis, or to a fine not
-exceeding fifty dollars, or to both.
19 9.1
12. Whenever during the existence of ally proclamation under this
Ordinance, it shall be represented by the Captain Superintendent of
Police t.o the Governor in Council, on written information, that the re-
moval from the Colony of any person not a natural born subject of Her
Majesty, whether such person shall have, been naturalized under the pro-
visions of any - Colonial Ordinance or not, is necessary for the public
safety, it shall be lawful. for the Governor in Council, if it shall
appear to
him after making such enquiry as to him, may seem sufficient, to be
necessary for the public safety that such person should be banished from
the Colony, to issue an order banishin such person from the Colony,
in such manner as to the -Governor in Council may seem expedient;
and the Governor may take such steps as may be necessary for carrying
into effect the said order of banishment in the manner prescribed; and
any person so ordered to be banished may be detained by order of the
~4Governor; in any place, or on board any ship in the waters of the
8t atus of
ORDI~'ANCL No. 15 0F 1886.
Peace Preservation.
pending the carrying into effect of the order of banishment, and if he-
shall be found in the Colony after the time fixed for his departure in the
order of banishment, which shall in no case ba less then seven days froni
the date of the order, he may be arrested without warrant by any Justice
of the Peace or officer or constable of Police and shall, on beinb brouohG
before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceedincr five hundred
and shall be liable to be detained in such prison or place on short, or on
board such ship, in the Colony, as the Governor may appoint, until his
banishment from the Colony can main be carried. out in the manner.
hereinbefore provided; and if it shall appear that any parson so ordered
to be banished is a naturalized British subject as aforesaid, the
banishment shall further declare the status of naturalization
person to be suspended; such suspension being subject to confi
or disallowance by Her Majesty, through one of Her Majesty's P
Secretaries of State, and such confirmation or disallowance of sue
shall be published in the Government Gazette of the Colony.
Report to Every order of banishment made under this Ordinance s
seexetayy af
State., fcirtlmit'h reported by the Governor to Her AZajesty's Principal S
State for the Colonies.
The provisions o this section shall not be construed to li
howers id relation to banishment conferred on the Governor in
under Ordinance 8 of 1882.
13.To person acting in food faith under the provisions
Ordinance shall be liable in darnaaes or otherwise for airy act done
in pursuance of the obligation and duty imposed or reasonably su
to be imposed on him by this Ordinance'.
Schedule (A.)
WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor has authorized the appoiw
special constables in this Colony, and whereas you are appointed to be a
in this Colony.
These are therefore to require you to attend at the Police Court in thi;
(instanter, or at o'clock on instant), there` enrolled as
constable, under Ordinance No. of 18 , and herein fail not.
Given at this day of 188
rcler of
f such
call be
it any -
of this
hy him
meet of
a special
Ordinance No. 15 of 1886.
Peace Preservation.
Schedule (B.)
Captain Superintendent of Police, and alt Police officers.
WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor has authorized the appointment of
.special constables in this Colon, and whereas A 13 has been appointed to
be a special
constable in this Colony.
These are therefore to require you t.o bring before a Police Magistrate,
in this
Colony, the said .r! F3 (instanter)
:under Ordinance No. of 18
Given this
there to be enrolled as a special constable,
..~.\orE.--Parts lI y LII were brought into force by proclamation under
section 5 of the
26th April, 1888, see Gazette of same date: which p7oclaination was
eanCelled in Goicrrtvxent natvlcntiore of 2nd June,. 2888. See Gazette qf*
the same date.
!'he notificatian erronca2cslJ refers to the proclamation pz1blished in
of the 26th it ltiaatas i. c. May.
Power to appoint special constables.
Power of special constables.
Penalty for refusing to appear.
Penalty for refusing to act.
Proclamation may be issued.
Assistance from by-standers.
Riotous assembly.
Carrying arms.
Justices of the Peace may search houses for arms.
Offences against sections 5, 7, and 8.
What whipping may be inflicted.
Power to enter houses and to arrest.
Combination to stop trade.
Status of naturalization.
Report Secretary of State.
[* to be]
No. 16 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled The Peace Preservation Ordinance, 1886.
[2nd June, 1886.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
...L~ , Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
' Appointment of special constables.
1, Whenever it appears to the Governor that any tumult or riot Power to
point special
has taken place, or may be reasonably apprehended, and that the ordi-
nary officers appointed for preserving the peace are not sufficient for
preservation of the peace, it shall be lawful for the Governor to
any Magistrate to summon, by writing in-the form in schedule (A),
before him, any number of persons resident, or being then within the
ORDINANCE No. 15 0F 1886.
Peace Preservation.
Colony, then and there to be appointed and to act as special constables
within the said colony, so long as the said authority shall remain in
Provided that, it shall be lawful for the said Magistrate, if it appears
to him upon the oath of any person that there is goad and sufficient
cause to believe that any, person intended to be appointed a special con-
stable is concealing himself in order to avoid service of the summons, or
that he is likely to disobey the same, to issue a warrant, in the form of
schedule (B) in the first instance far the purpose of bringing before
him persons so to be appointed. .
Power of 2,, Every special constable shall have the same powers for the
Special preservation of the peace, the prevention of offences, the
of offenders, and for all other purposes, and the same privileges, pro-
tection, and immunities, as the members of the Police Forc(-en rolled
under the Police Ordinance,, except as to pay and pension, or other
reward, and shall be subjed to the orders of the Governor, ytloe Magis-
trates,- the Captain Superintendent of Police, and any one or more
Justices of the PeaceFfor the Colony' who shall be authorised by the
Governor to act in that behalf.
3. :Any person ~ required to serve as a special constable under this
Ordinance, who shall refuse, or otherwise omit without reasonable excuse,
to appear as special constable, shall be liable on ~ sunnnary conviction
thereof bya Magi.strate to imprisonment with, or without hard labour for
any term nottexceeding two months, or to pay. a penalty not exceeding
one hundred dollars, or to both.
4. Any person so appointed a' special constable, and called ui:)on to
serve, who, without reasonable excuse, shall reelect or.refuse to serve
and to obey such lawful orders and directioys as may be given to hi.rra
for the performance of the duties of his office, as provided in the third
E 44 second' as amended ~ Ordinance .11'0. ~9 n 1858, (repealed) and
by Ordinance No. 18 0,f 1890] . section of this ()rdinaace, shall, on
summary conviction before a Magistrate, be liable to imprisonment
with or_ without hard labour for any term rot exceeding two months, or
to pay a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to both': I'ro-
vided always, that no person shall be subject to any penalty underv this
section who shall be unable to perform the duties of a special constable,
by reason of old age, sickness, or other infirmity, proved to the catisf
tion of the said Macristrate.
ORDINANCE \'o. 1 5 uF 1886.
Peace nation.
Proclamations of the ..Peace.
5, Whenever it shall appear to be necessary for the preservation of
the public peace of the Colony, it shall be lawful for the Governor in
Council to declare by proclamation to be published in the. Gazette that
the said Colony shall be subject to the following provisions of this Ordi-
nance, and every such proclamation shall. remain in force until cancelled
by Government \TOtificati~_)n published in the Gazette.
63`.Vhenever Land whereverthe peace is beizzg brakes during the
~existencelof any proclamation under this Ordinance, it shall be lawful
far the hover nor, or Colonial Secretary or any Justice of the Peace, to
call anon all by-standers and persons in the vicinity to give their aid in
fire rV111a the peace and in apprehendinn persons breaking the peace,
~aever person without lawful excuse refusing or on aittinw to give
Y p n b
such - aid, shall be liable on conviction thereof to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months; or to pay a
penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.
r. ~r
~~ '~; Whenever any persons tsha,ll be fouud~durig the existence of a
proclamation under dais Ordinance, unlarvfully, riotously, or tumult-
uously assembled to the disturbance of the peace and to the terror of
filer Majesty's subjects,, any Justice of the Pence may, in an audible
voice, warn such persons that they area,eting in contravention to law,
and require them to,~ disperse and depart to their habitations, or to
lawful business; apA- all persons rernainina so assembled, after such
warnina, may be dispersed and taken into custody by any officer or
constable of Police; or special constable, or by any other person actin;
under the orders of a Justice of the Peace, and shall be liable on sum-
mary convict~on before a Magistrate to imprisonment ~zth or without
hard labour for a term not exceed' ~ three months, ar to pay a penalty
not exceeding fifty dollars, and iny person or persons so warned to
disperse, shall be hurt, maimed, or killed in the dispersing, seizing, or
apprehending, or endeav ouririD to disperse, seize, or apprehend, the
persons hur ting; maiming, or killing hirn or them shall be free, dis-
charged,, and indemnified from the consequences, except on evidence of
gross carelessness, wantonness, or malice.
may be issued.
from by-
against sec -
bona 6, 7, .
What. whip= -
ping may be
Power to enter
houses and. to
ORDiA'AhTCE. No' 15 oF~ 188.
Tease Preservation.
$. Durinb the continuance of any proclamation under this Ordi-
nance, it shall not be lawful for any person, unless in the employment of
Government, or unless authorized thereto by the Governor, to carry on
his person, or have in his possession, any arms or instruments 6pable of
being used as offensive arms, unless they be the tools of his trade, or
unless he can show that they are intended to be used for some lawful
purpose, of which the burden of proof shall lie on him, nor any ammuni-
tion for such arms or instruments. .
Justices I of It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace acting under
the . Peace
may search powers prescribed by the third ~' second' as amended by
6°dinance No.
hoses for
arms. 18 o f 1890] section of this Ordinance, to enter with or without a
warrant and with or without assistance, and to authorize any officer or
constable of Police, or special constable to enter with or without a
warrant, and with or without assistance, and using in either case force if
necessary, into any dwelling house or other building, and into any place
in which he may suspect that any such arms or instruments or ammuni-
tion may be, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, and such arms
and instruments or ammunition may be seized and confiscated.
Every person found carrying or havinb in his possession ally arms
or instruments or anarrlunition as aforesaid, except such as in respect to
their nature and quantity, and baving regard to his profession,
and station in life, may reasonably be expected in the- opinion of the
-Magistrate to be in his possession, contrary to the provisions of this
dinance, shall be liable on summary convioticn before a Magistrate to a
fine not exceeding two hundredollars, or to imprisonment with or with-
ut hard Labour, for a period not exceeding six months, or, to both.
All persons remaining unlawfully, riotously, or tumultuously
assembled after having been warned by a Justice of the Peace iWder
section ?, and all persons found carrying arms contrary to the provisions
of section 8 in either case during the existence of any proclamation under
section 5, shall be liable to whipping, in place of or in addition to any
other penalty prescribed try this Ordinance.
Such whipping shall be inflicted with a ~ rattan not exceeding half-
an-inch in diameter, and shall not exceed thirty strokes.
'~ ~8. During the continuance of any proclamation under this Ordi-
nance, any Justice of the Peace, may * enter with or. without assistance,
or tray order any officer or constable of police, or special constable, or
ORDINANCE No. 15 of 1886.
Peace Preservation.
other person to enter without a warrant and with or without assistance,.
using force in either case if necessary, into any dwelling house or other,
building, or into any place in which he nay have reasonable cause to
suspect that persons lately riotously assembled or engaged on any un- .
lawful purpose, have made their escape, or in which he tray have reason- .
able cause to suspect that persons about to break the peace are assembled,
and may apprehend and take into custody the said persons, and every
person so arrested may be detained until he cal be conveniently brought
before a Magistrate to l a dealt with according to law.
~- .IL', Any person urlng tile continuance of any'` proclalliatlon Under
9f :,-;'t `- to stoi) trade.
this Ordinance; unlaw t111y combining to procure a. stoppag- Under
9f the salt;
-or transit from place to place of provisions or other articles,
-combinin(Y to procure shopkeepers, dealers, or otl:ier persons to
the sale or transit from placo to place of provisions or other articles,
(j~revcnting or endeavouring to prevent any person from purchasing or
from being supplied with any such articles, shall, on summary conviction
Lthereo? before a 1VIagistrate be liable to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for any term not exceeding three niontlis, or to a fine not
-exceeding fifty dollars, or to both.
19 9.1
12. Whenever during the existence of ally proclamation under this
Ordinance, it shall be represented by the Captain Superintendent of
Police t.o the Governor in Council, on written information, that the re-
moval from the Colony of any person not a natural born subject of Her
Majesty, whether such person shall have, been naturalized under the pro-
visions of any - Colonial Ordinance or not, is necessary for the public
safety, it shall be lawful. for the Governor in Council, if it shall
appear to
him after making such enquiry as to him, may seem sufficient, to be
necessary for the public safety that such person should be banished from
the Colony, to issue an order banishin such person from the Colony,
in such manner as to the -Governor in Council may seem expedient;
and the Governor may take such steps as may be necessary for carrying
into effect the said order of banishment in the manner prescribed; and
any person so ordered to be banished may be detained by order of the
~4Governor; in any place, or on board any ship in the waters of the
8t atus of
ORDI~'ANCL No. 15 0F 1886.
Peace Preservation.
pending the carrying into effect of the order of banishment, and if he-
shall be found in the Colony after the time fixed for his departure in the
order of banishment, which shall in no case ba less then seven days froni
the date of the order, he may be arrested without warrant by any Justice
of the Peace or officer or constable of Police and shall, on beinb brouohG
before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceedincr five hundred
and shall be liable to be detained in such prison or place on short, or on
board such ship, in the Colony, as the Governor may appoint, until his
banishment from the Colony can main be carried. out in the manner.
hereinbefore provided; and if it shall appear that any parson so ordered
to be banished is a naturalized British subject as aforesaid, the
banishment shall further declare the status of naturalization
person to be suspended; such suspension being subject to confi
or disallowance by Her Majesty, through one of Her Majesty's P
Secretaries of State, and such confirmation or disallowance of sue
shall be published in the Government Gazette of the Colony.
Report to Every order of banishment made under this Ordinance s
seexetayy af
State., fcirtlmit'h reported by the Governor to Her AZajesty's Principal S
State for the Colonies.
The provisions o this section shall not be construed to li
howers id relation to banishment conferred on the Governor in
under Ordinance 8 of 1882.
13.To person acting in food faith under the provisions
Ordinance shall be liable in darnaaes or otherwise for airy act done
in pursuance of the obligation and duty imposed or reasonably su
to be imposed on him by this Ordinance'.
Schedule (A.)
WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor has authorized the appoiw
special constables in this Colony, and whereas you are appointed to be a
in this Colony.
These are therefore to require you to attend at the Police Court in thi;
(instanter, or at o'clock on instant), there` enrolled as
constable, under Ordinance No. of 18 , and herein fail not.
Given at this day of 188
rcler of
f such
call be
it any -
of this
hy him
meet of
a special
Ordinance No. 15 of 1886.
Peace Preservation.
Schedule (B.)
Captain Superintendent of Police, and alt Police officers.
WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor has authorized the appointment of
.special constables in this Colon, and whereas A 13 has been appointed to
be a special
constable in this Colony.
These are therefore to require you t.o bring before a Police Magistrate,
in this
Colony, the said .r! F3 (instanter)
:under Ordinance No. of 18
Given this
there to be enrolled as a special constable,
..~.\orE.--Parts lI y LII were brought into force by proclamation under
section 5 of the
26th April, 1888, see Gazette of same date: which p7oclaination was
eanCelled in Goicrrtvxent natvlcntiore of 2nd June,. 2888. See Gazette qf*
the same date.
!'he notificatian erronca2cslJ refers to the proclamation pz1blished in
of the 26th it ltiaatas i. c. May.
Power to appoint special constables.
Power of special constables.
Penalty for refusing to appear.
Penalty for refusing to act.
Proclamation may be issued.
Assistance from by-standers.
Riotous assembly.
Carrying arms.
Justices of the Peace may search houses for arms.
Offences against sections 5, 7, and 8.
What whipping may be inflicted.
Power to enter houses and to arrest.
Combination to stop trade.
Status of naturalization.
Report Secretary of State.
[* to be]
Power to appoint special constables.
Power of special constables.
Penalty for refusing to appear.
Penalty for refusing to act.
Proclamation may be issued.
Assistance from by-standers.
Riotous assembly.
Carrying arms.
Justices of the Peace may search houses for arms.
Offences against sections 5, 7, and 8.
What whipping may be inflicted.
Power to enter houses and to arrest.
Combination to stop trade.
Status of naturalization.
Report Secretary of State.
[* to be]
Power to appoint special constables.
Power of special constables.
Penalty for refusing to appear.
Penalty for refusing to act.
Proclamation may be issued.
Assistance from by-standers.
Riotous assembly.
Carrying arms.
Justices of the Peace may search houses for arms.
Offences against sections 5, 7, and 8.
What whipping may be inflicted.
Power to enter houses and to arrest.
Combination to stop trade.
Status of naturalization.
Report Secretary of State.
[* to be]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 15 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PEACE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,