No. 14 of 1886.
An Ordinanee entitled An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the
Procurator, in Hongkong, for the Dominican Missions in the
Far East.
[7th May, 1886.]
~VE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows :---
1. 'rile Very Reverend FERNANDO SAIZ the Procurator in Hon-
ong, for the Dominican Missions, (also known in the Colony of Hon-
konb _ as the Spanish Missions, in China acrd 'fonquin) and holding the
=' ti
Doin nent of the Procurator, in Honbkong, for the said Missions in the
'Rule respect-
ing sale
subject to
right of
seller to bid
he nia~
think proper.
(Ibid. § 5.]
Practice of
biciclings, by
C'ov~t . _
order of
except °u
ground of
fraud t° be
[ zaz(a. § r>>. ]
Court; &c.
in other
~~espects ` -
excepted fro&,operation of
[Ibid..§ 7.] f
in Hongkong,
for the
:Vlissious in:-- -
the Nay East_
to be a..ii:.
far East and..his successors holdinb the said appointment and having '
Ol?'DINANCE No.. 14 OF 18,86.
.Dominican Mission. Incorporation.
placed in the hands of the Governor satisfactory proof of his appointment
for the tune being shall be a body corporate (hereinafter called the said
corporation) and shall for the purpose of this Ordinance have the name
of ' The Procurator, in Hopgkona, for the Dominican Missions in the
has East' and by that name shall have perpetual succession and shall
and may sue and be sued fire all Courts of Justice and before all
w in this Colony, and shall and may have and use a common seal, and the
said seal may from time to time break, change, alter, and snake anew as
to the said corporation may seem fit, and the said corporation shall have
full power to acquire, accept leases of, purchase, take, hold, and enjoy
any land, buildings, zn.essuages, or tenements of what nature or kind
socver and wheresoever situate in the Colony of Hongkong and also to
invest moneys on mortgabe of any lands, buildings, me ssuages or tene-
ments in the said Colony or. upon the mortgages or debentures, stock,
funds, shares, or securities of any corporation or company carrying on
business or having an office in the said Colony, and also to purchase and
acquire all manner, of goods and chattels whatsoever, and the said
tion is whereby further empowered from time to time by deed or deeds
under its seal to grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender and yield up,
ryortgage, demise, re-assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any lands,
buildings, messuages, and tenements , mortgages, debentures, stock, funds
and securities, ,goods and chattels by this Ordinance vested, or that mar
hereafter be vested in the said corporation upon such terms as to the said
corporation may seem fit provided that dug notice of such appointment
as Procurator in Hongkong and of the proof thereof having been placed
in the hands of the Governor shall be given in the Government Gazette
and such notice shall be sufficient evidence of the said appointment and
of proof .thereof laving been made.
L~x~S; s~.: 2. The lends, buildings; niessuages and 'tenements situate
lying and
ii°w created iu' - w.
vthe`Reverena being within the Colony of Hongkong and all mortgages,
l~tla~x S,e.xNz - . r, r a :aiid the late stocks, funds and securities;
goods and chattels in the said,Colony at the
RIVAS, Right time of the passing of this Ordinance vested or purporting to
be vested
PAYo, Revd. in the said Very Reverend FERNANDO SAmz in his own right or as
Reveirend' for or Procurator in Hongkong of the said Dominican Missions,
or in the
n arne of the late Reverend rnAYclsco RI-YAS Reverend FEnno PAYo
ztxA,ZIEwea~ud ~ ,
I=TERCE; and
Reverend Reverend Rt1MO~1' REIXACIi, Reverend G~EGORIO Li-CHEYARRIA,
IiITR,1V'O t° be,
r',RANCISCO HE1tCE and Reverend GUILLERMO BuRNU respectively a~:
be vested in, ~
the corpora- , trustees for the said missions, and all movies, securities
for money, goods,
Ordinance No. 14 of 1886.
Dominican Mission Incorporation.
chattels, and effects whatsoever, the property of the said missions or
purporting so to be are hereby transferred to and vested in the said
corporation, but subject as regards the said lands, buildings, messuages
and tenements to the payment of rents and the observance and perform-
ance of all the covenants, conditions and reservations contained in the
Crown leases or under leases or mortgages under which the said lands,
'buildings or tenements are now or may hereafter be respectively held.
3.. All deed' and other instruments requirin0 the seal of the said gow
the seal
corporation shall be sealed with the seal of the said corporation in the
i~ to be Used.
presence of the Very Reverend hFRNnsno SAINZ or his attorney duly
:authorised or in the presence of any his successor holding the
of Procurator, in Ilonahona, for the Dominican Missions in the Far East,
or his attorney duly authorised and shall also be sio-re,l by the said
Reverend FERNANDO SAwTz7 or his said attorney or by ,his said successor
or his said attorney.
4. Nothing ,herein contained shall affect or be deerne.l to affect the
nuants of tnc
crow re.
rights of Her Majesty the queen, her heirs or successors, or of any
bodies Served.
politic, or corporate, or other persons, except such as are mentioned ire
this Ordinance, and those claiming, by, from, or under them.
Procurator in Hongkong, for the
Dominican Missions in the Far East to be a body corporate.
Lands, &c., now vested in the Reverend Father SAINZ and the late Reverend PAYO, Revd. REIXACH, Reverend ECHEVARRIA, Reverend HERCE, and Reverend BURNO to be vested in the corporation.
How the seal is to be used.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Procurator in Hongkong, for the
Dominican Missions in the Far East to be a body corporate.
Lands, &c., now vested in the Reverend Father SAINZ and the late Reverend PAYO, Revd. REIXACH, Reverend ECHEVARRIA, Reverend HERCE, and Reverend BURNO to be vested in the corporation.
How the seal is to be used.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Procurator in Hongkong, for the
Dominican Missions in the Far East to be a body corporate.
Lands, &c., now vested in the Reverend Father SAINZ and the late Reverend PAYO, Revd. REIXACH, Reverend ECHEVARRIA, Reverend HERCE, and Reverend BURNO to be vested in the corporation.
How the seal is to be used.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 14 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DOMINICAN MISSION INCORPORATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 27, 2025,