Administration of Passengers' Estates.
No. 20 of 1885.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 8 of 1860.
[11th December, 1885.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Leblslative Council thereof, as follows,:-
1. Ordinance 8 of 1860 is hereby amended by adding after section
46 the following section.
'ORDINANCE No. 20 OF, 188,5.-,
Administration o, f Passengers' Estate.
47. The fcllovvinb special provisions shall regulate the administra-
tion of the estates of passengers who die at sea in the course of
a voyage to Hozzgkong on board of any ship which afterwards
arrives in Hongkong.
1. Where any passenger has died on board of any vessel in the
course of his voyage to Hongkong the master of the vessel in
which such passenger has died shall immediately upon the
arrival of the vessel in Hon;kona hand over to the Harbour
Master all the goods and effects o£ such passenger then on
board of such vessel.
Thereupon the Harbour . Master shall take possession of such
goods and effects and
(a.) If he thinks that their value is more, than $100 he shall
hand then over to the Official Administrator to V%,hom. he also furnish in writing all such information as he
may have been able to obtain about the deceased passep-
ger and as he may consider likely to be useful for the due
administration of the estate.
(b.) If he thinks' that ,heir valve is not more than $100 he
shall in such rnanne~ as he may in his discretion consider
convenient and-just distribute them amongst the persons
who appear to hem in his discretion to be entitled to them,
or if he can find no such persons within one month of the
date when the said goods and effects come into his hands
the ~~Y he shall sell them and pay the proceeds of the sale
into the Treasury to a special account to be there kept for
the purpose.
For the purposes of this section the expression voyage of a passen-
ger to Hongkong, means the voyage of a passenger to Hong-
l:ong terminates at HUngkOng as the port of destination of such
4. At any time within 12 months of the date when the proceeds of any,
estate have been paid into the Treasury under this section any
person entitled to the same or to any, portion thereof may apply
to the Iiarbour Master for the same, and at the expiration of the
said 12 months, the Harbour Master may apply to tie Treasurer
ORDINANCE No. 20 of 1885.
Administration of Passengers' Estates.
and the Treasurer shall pay to , the Harbour Master the said
proceeds of the estate and the Harbour Master shall distribute
the same amongst the applicants- in such manner as he may
consider just arid convenient.
Before distributing any estate or paying the proceeds of any
estate into the Treasury the Harbour Mister shall deduct the
amount of any expenses or costs that he may have incurred in.
.advertising or otherwise in the administration of the same.
If no person entitled applies to the Harbour Master under ~ para-
graph 4 within the 12 months in that paragraph mentioned the
proceeds of the estate shall be paid over'to the general revenue
of the Colony; but it shall be lawful for the Governor within a
period of 6 years to direct a refund of the same to any person'
establishing to his satisfaction a legal, moral, or equitable, claim
Amending Ordinance 8 of 1860.
No. 20 of 1885.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance 8 of 1860.
[11th December, 1885.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Leblslative Council thereof, as follows,:-
1. Ordinance 8 of 1860 is hereby amended by adding after section
46 the following section.
'ORDINANCE No. 20 OF, 188,5.-,
Administration o, f Passengers' Estate.
47. The fcllovvinb special provisions shall regulate the administra-
tion of the estates of passengers who die at sea in the course of
a voyage to Hozzgkong on board of any ship which afterwards
arrives in Hongkong.
1. Where any passenger has died on board of any vessel in the
course of his voyage to Hongkong the master of the vessel in
which such passenger has died shall immediately upon the
arrival of the vessel in Hon;kona hand over to the Harbour
Master all the goods and effects o£ such passenger then on
board of such vessel.
Thereupon the Harbour . Master shall take possession of such
goods and effects and
(a.) If he thinks that their value is more, than $100 he shall
hand then over to the Official Administrator to V%,hom. he also furnish in writing all such information as he
may have been able to obtain about the deceased passep-
ger and as he may consider likely to be useful for the due
administration of the estate.
(b.) If he thinks' that ,heir valve is not more than $100 he
shall in such rnanne~ as he may in his discretion consider
convenient and-just distribute them amongst the persons
who appear to hem in his discretion to be entitled to them,
or if he can find no such persons within one month of the
date when the said goods and effects come into his hands
the ~~Y he shall sell them and pay the proceeds of the sale
into the Treasury to a special account to be there kept for
the purpose.
For the purposes of this section the expression voyage of a passen-
ger to Hongkong, means the voyage of a passenger to Hong-
l:ong terminates at HUngkOng as the port of destination of such
4. At any time within 12 months of the date when the proceeds of any,
estate have been paid into the Treasury under this section any
person entitled to the same or to any, portion thereof may apply
to the Iiarbour Master for the same, and at the expiration of the
said 12 months, the Harbour Master may apply to tie Treasurer
ORDINANCE No. 20 of 1885.
Administration of Passengers' Estates.
and the Treasurer shall pay to , the Harbour Master the said
proceeds of the estate and the Harbour Master shall distribute
the same amongst the applicants- in such manner as he may
consider just arid convenient.
Before distributing any estate or paying the proceeds of any
estate into the Treasury the Harbour Mister shall deduct the
amount of any expenses or costs that he may have incurred in.
.advertising or otherwise in the administration of the same.
If no person entitled applies to the Harbour Master under ~ para-
graph 4 within the 12 months in that paragraph mentioned the
proceeds of the estate shall be paid over'to the general revenue
of the Colony; but it shall be lawful for the Governor within a
period of 6 years to direct a refund of the same to any person'
establishing to his satisfaction a legal, moral, or equitable, claim
Amending Ordinance 8 of 1860.
Amending Ordinance 8 of 1860.
Amending Ordinance 8 of 1860.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 20 of 1885
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ADMINISTRATION OF PASSENGERS' ESTATES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 4, 2025,