Cattle Disease.
No. 19 of 1885.
An Ordinance entitled The Cattle Disease Ordinance, 1885.
[18th November, 1885.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative
Council wtheroof, as follows:-
Proclamation 1. Whenever it is made to appear to the (governor in Council
that cattle disease
of ordinance.
prevails in this Colony, or that there is immediate danger of cattle
disease being
introduced into the Colony, the Governor in Council may declare by
proclamation to
be published in 4.he Gazette that the Colony shall be subject to the
following provisions
ofthis Ordinance, and every such ,proclamation shall remain in force
until cancelled
by a further order of the Governor in Council published in the Gazette.
2. .fit any time and from time to `time while a proclamation made under
x of this Ordinance is in force the Governor in Council may make and when
alter, add to, or revoke orders in respect of the following matters:
(1.) Prohibiting the importation or' landing of cattle, otherwise than at
times and places, and subject to such conditions regarding inspection,
isalatian and subsequent disposal as may be prescribed by such orders.
Cattle Disease
Ordinance No. 19 of 1885.
(2.) Prohibiting the keeping or having, or moving about or -selling or
slaughtering of any cattle, or the sale of milk or meat or animal
refuse of any kind otherwise than subject to such conditions as may
be prescribed by such orders.
(3.) Authoriziug inspectors of markets, or any other officers that may be
specified in such orders for the purpose to destroy or to isolate and
keep under observation any cattle that may appear to them to be or
to be reasonably suspected of being infected or to have been in contact
or in the same herd with cattle affected with disease.
3. The Governor in Council may at discretion pay out of Ahe public
revenues fair compensation.
compensation for the destruction of any cattle which are destroyed under
the provisions
of this Ordinance and which are proved to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council =
to have been actually in the Colony at any time when the provisions of
this Ordinance
are brought into force.
4. Any person who impedes an inspector of markets or any other officer
underAhis Ordinance to carry out the orders made by the Governor in
Council under
this Ordinance or does anything in contravention of any of such orders
shall be liable
on summary conviction thereof before a Magistrate to a penalty not
exceeding $200,
or to imprisonment with or without bard labour for a term not exceeding 6
In this Ordinance ' cattle' means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, and
~~ Disease' means contagious pleuro-pneumonia.
ha'ber, 166.1
. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 17 of 188T.]
NOTE.-For orders in Council under this Ordin ~Dnce, see infra.
Order as to prevalence of cattle disease of the 18th November, 1885,
(Gazette 21st of
sane month.)
Order as to importation of cattle &c., of the 18th November, 1885,
(Gazette 21st of
same month.)
Order as to importation &c., of 18th July, 1886, (Gazette 1 xt'rsame
Proclamation of Ordinance.
Orders by Governor in Council.
[See order in Council 18th, November, 1885.]
No. 19 of 1885.
An Ordinance entitled The Cattle Disease Ordinance, 1885.
[18th November, 1885.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative
Council wtheroof, as follows:-
Proclamation 1. Whenever it is made to appear to the (governor in Council
that cattle disease
of ordinance.
prevails in this Colony, or that there is immediate danger of cattle
disease being
introduced into the Colony, the Governor in Council may declare by
proclamation to
be published in 4.he Gazette that the Colony shall be subject to the
following provisions
ofthis Ordinance, and every such ,proclamation shall remain in force
until cancelled
by a further order of the Governor in Council published in the Gazette.
2. .fit any time and from time to `time while a proclamation made under
x of this Ordinance is in force the Governor in Council may make and when
alter, add to, or revoke orders in respect of the following matters:
(1.) Prohibiting the importation or' landing of cattle, otherwise than at
times and places, and subject to such conditions regarding inspection,
isalatian and subsequent disposal as may be prescribed by such orders.
Cattle Disease
Ordinance No. 19 of 1885.
(2.) Prohibiting the keeping or having, or moving about or -selling or
slaughtering of any cattle, or the sale of milk or meat or animal
refuse of any kind otherwise than subject to such conditions as may
be prescribed by such orders.
(3.) Authoriziug inspectors of markets, or any other officers that may be
specified in such orders for the purpose to destroy or to isolate and
keep under observation any cattle that may appear to them to be or
to be reasonably suspected of being infected or to have been in contact
or in the same herd with cattle affected with disease.
3. The Governor in Council may at discretion pay out of Ahe public
revenues fair compensation.
compensation for the destruction of any cattle which are destroyed under
the provisions
of this Ordinance and which are proved to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council =
to have been actually in the Colony at any time when the provisions of
this Ordinance
are brought into force.
4. Any person who impedes an inspector of markets or any other officer
underAhis Ordinance to carry out the orders made by the Governor in
Council under
this Ordinance or does anything in contravention of any of such orders
shall be liable
on summary conviction thereof before a Magistrate to a penalty not
exceeding $200,
or to imprisonment with or without bard labour for a term not exceeding 6
In this Ordinance ' cattle' means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, and
~~ Disease' means contagious pleuro-pneumonia.
ha'ber, 166.1
. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 17 of 188T.]
NOTE.-For orders in Council under this Ordin ~Dnce, see infra.
Order as to prevalence of cattle disease of the 18th November, 1885,
(Gazette 21st of
sane month.)
Order as to importation of cattle &c., of the 18th November, 1885,
(Gazette 21st of
same month.)
Order as to importation &c., of 18th July, 1886, (Gazette 1 xt'rsame
Proclamation of Ordinance.
Orders by Governor in Council.
[See order in Council 18th, November, 1885.]
Proclamation of Ordinance.
Orders by Governor in Council.
[See order in Council 18th, November, 1885.]
Proclamation of Ordinance.
Orders by Governor in Council.
[See order in Council 18th, November, 1885.]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 19 of 1885
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CATTLE DISEASE ORDINANCE, 1885,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 4, 2025,