ORDIi`iANCE'r~:.1VTo.;.3!`oF '18'0.
-Chinese Hospital.
No.= 3 of 1870.
Ali .4i~dinaitlee for establishing a Chinese Hospital to be sup-
ported by Voluntary Contributions, and for eaecting the
carne into an Eleemosynary Corporation.
. [30th NTarch; 1870.'
.~r~.~bre i':- I-1'ERE A S it has been proposed by- the aid Governor. His
~. Sir Richard Graves bTacDonnell to found a Chinese hospital for
the .c axe and -treatment of the.indigent sick to be supported by
~ontxibtztions ; And whereas Her Majesty Queen Victoria has been gra-
cioi~sly pleased by way of enaowrnent of the said hospital to ;r ant a
piece of Crown land as a site for the erection thereof and also to
the payment out of the public funds of the Colony of a donatiom of fifteen
thousand dollars towards the cost acrd expenses of erecting and maintain-
Jn~the same; And whereas the several persons whose names are set out
:.,q ~~; contained in the schedule to this Ordinance are donors to the
- of ~he:,said intended : hospital, and have formed themselves into a com
i9 rrti
po ,,ea -ng~ut the o~jects aforesaid; Andwhereas
y p
~ : ~`or he better aaeoxnplzshxnen,t thereof they have applied to His
~~'~t ~ p . t~ G4~
m 77
ernQ>< 11 1 ~or-ant tot tern: an .Ordinance of incor oration, which His
`Uid Excellency has consented to do under and subject to, the conditions
;an:d , pxQVisions . hereinafter, contained; , Be, it therefore -enacted
by the
wovernor of Hongkonb, with the advice o£ the Legislative Council thereof,
'this Ordinance may be cited for all purposes a as. `` The Chinese
':T1ospital Incorporation Ordinance, 1870.'
2. The.said several. persons whose names are set out and contained
in he schedule to this `Ordiulnce together- with such and Iso many other
-.~etsons, being of Chinese origin as shall from time to time become
of airy sum not,under ten dollars~to the funds of the said hospital and
whose names shall be entered upon the register of members hereinafter
provided, shall be one body politic and corporate, in' name and in, deed
the name of 'The 'Tung Wa Hospital,'.' with perpetual succession and a
common seai; and with power to purchase, hold, take; and'enj oy to them-
~~'~'~'~ selves and their successors all houses, buildings lands and
'=~hich they may require,for the p oses of the said hospital; and shall
. urp,
a' ,arid may sueand-be sued in their corporate name in all Courts whether
of Law or-of Equity. _
ORDRUNCE J~Na~ `o~ :1870:
The corporation is, erected. for the purpose of establishing and
maintaining a public free hospital fog the treatment of the indinent sick
among the Chinese population to be supported by voluntary contributions,
and governed by a board of direction; Provided nevertheless that it shall
be lawful for the board of direction to admit any Chinese patients into
the said hospital upon payment of such charges and upon such conditions
as may be specified in and by any regulations to be hereafter mad, in
that behalf under section 10.
4. For the first two years after thehassinn of this Ordinance, the
board of direction shall consist of the several persons, whose names are
set out and contained in the schedule thereto; and in', case any such
person shall die or desire to be relieved of his dutic;s, or shall cease
reside within the Colony.before the expiration of the said term, it shall
be lawful for the governor in Council to appoint in his stead some other
fit person to,be a member of the said board, during the residue of the
b aid term.
board of - ~,
and duration.
5. All the provisions of this Ordinance felatinto the permanent- Its Po*
n ex~,',
board of direction to be hereafter elected by the members.of the corpora
tion and all the powers :and atitharitiesthe6l y. jested in such board
shall so far as the case permits b~ deemed -to ;agply-to=and'shall
be`i~e~Ged4 s
in the preliminary board of direction app-mntedeunder-°th ls=Ordxri
6. At the expiration of the said term of two 'Years,- a permanent
rorne~tboaW o£
board of direction shall be formed consisting-ofwot less than.sixk and
not _airectiorc
more than~twelve members of the~corporatiou, to be elected as
mentioned, vvho shall From time to time.a.ppoiixt one of their body to be
president; and every member of the said board shall-hold offiee for the,
term of one year only, -but shall be ire-eligible at the-ea,Iairation
7. The members of the-said-board s`ha11` be-elected- from time to time
as occasion shall require by a majax,~ty-of;votesof members of the
tion, who shall be within the Colony ~A. .the .time - of such election,
every such member of the corporation: shall, until otherwise
any regulation to be hereafter, made under section 10, be entitled to one
vote ronly.
$,. `1 he board o£ direction shall, ,object to : the provisions -of this
its genrtai.. :;
,Ordinane.,, have full power and authority.genexOly_to.goycrzi, direct
and '°`~ers. -.
decide all matters whatsoever connected with the administration of the
Chinese Hospital.
~.~ ,h~
,Zvi g'~Al
affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of the object and v
,~, purposes thereof and may appoint a boa
tw t
rd of management consisting. 'of
~:.;~a~emont. so many members of, the- corporation as they shall think
fit, who shall;
uhder--such regulations us may from time to time be; made by the board.
of direction in that behalf,.undertake and exercise the immediate suz~er=
>vision and management of the-,hospital.
The board of direction shall have~power, with the, consent ut
r. in Council, to change or vary .the corporate mine and the '
W VJ.SIio4u. V :. .. , - _
~~,,t'Oven~-comrnaxt:-se~il of the corporation, ana~the' amount of the
donation to the
ryfcihtls=of the hospital hereinbeiore prescribed as a qualification for
in9a member theieof,'and .the term oF~office of members of the board
-o-;._,'~;_ _:
direction, and also may, for reasonable cause and with such consent ;~
aforesaid, refuse to admit any person as a member of the corporation-.:
_Q aforesaid, refuse to admit
may expel ally existing member, and cause, his name to be erased fro
~~ register.
frame reaulatioris
he maintenance A-A
rd Forde~ -at their meetings; the mode; ~o£ votina for the election ~~ ~-
~ a
Ubers of the board of dlxection and 'the appointment of ithe pres2dezs~ s
N t~reof, and for the uidance:of the board o£ manaemerit end generaZl~k~ F
16r all: asters relatinm to'the administration and discipline of the hos
~t~l~ -
~.-~:- _____.,_., ,___ L.-~ a copy of such renulations shall, from.time
to tnie;
>Ionial Secretary and every such regulation shall be
to disallowance at any-time by the Governor in Council.
11. All questions wliioh may,- arise at any meeting :of the board .of -
be <teci
~.~iy . . _
m~o~tg , . duocbiori shall be~decided by am, of votes, and in case of an
equality ;
Ites,Abe president iii`ad'dition to1is'oragnal vote sh-all have-a.castn, ,
,'10: The board, 8f direction shall have power to
hav-.procedureq..ti-the,tra;nstaotion o£ business arid
2 : In case any doubt or. arobi.~uity shall arise, and :a,ny controversy
shill ta~ke place-anoong the members of.ahe board of- direction as,to,the
interpretation of thiy--Ordnance ih.e, sume shall be referred to the
in Council whose dee%rion thereon -shall. be final.
13. The preliminary board o£ direction appointed under this
with all convenient despaAcli°aFter the passing thereof, proceed -to
:e~ ~co~pt~
t~6A te: , el~t xa ptesidenr, and shall :cause all -buildings end
ab~`=` i:posa-of the be erected' out of the fund
ORDINANCE. No.- & oF_1870.
Chinese .Hospital.,
of the corporation upon the site granted by Her said Majesty as aforesaid,
and the members of the said board shall continue to hold office provision-
ally after the expiration of the said term of two years, until the. per-
manent board of direction shall have been elected under the provisions
hereinbefore contained.
estensiQ$ of
14. The hospital, and all buildings and premises of the corporation
inspection by
shall be open at all reasonable tinier to the inspection of the Registrar
o~ a
General, the Colonial Surgeon and of any other person whom the Governor
may appoint in that behalf.
15. The board of direction shall cause'a register to be kept in which
every person desiring to become a member of the corporation arid being
duly qualified shall, subject to the provisions of section 9, be entitled
have his name inscribed, and also shall cause -proper boobs of account to
be kept which shall be open at all reasonable times to-the inspection of
members of the corporation and of any person -whom the Governor in
council may appoint in that behalf, and -also shall within one month after
the expiration of every year o£ the; Chinese calendar transmit to the.
Colonial Secretary a _ true statement -o£ .the aswts; aud liabilities of
corporation aa.,d an account of their receilats-and disb»rssments during.
previous year and such- statement sli.all.if required be -u~rified on.
oath ot
by declaration before a Justice of the. Peace by two member s of the
16. In case it shall at any time be shown to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council that the corporation have ceased or neglected or
failed to carry out in a proper manner the object and purposes of this
Ordinance or to fulfil the conditions thereof, or that: sufficient funds
cannot be obtained by voluntary contributions to `defray the necessary
expenses of maintaining -the said hospital; tifthat the corporation is
for any reason to pay its debts, it shall be lawful for the Governor, with
the advice.of the Legislative Council of the Colony by an Ordinance to
be passed for that purpose, to repeal this= Ordinance and to declarm, that
the incorporation hereby granted shall :cease and determine and become
absolutely void; Provided always that.six. months' notice of
intention to pass .such an Ordinance shall be previously.liven to the
Register of
members, and
books of
account to be
statement to
be furnished.
Provision fo z
repeal of
Ordinance in
certain cases.
No. 3 of 1870.
Chinese Hospital.
17. In case the incorporation hereby granted shall cease under the
provisions of the last preceding section, all the property and assets of
corporation shall become vested in the Crown subject to the rateable
Payment thereout of the just, debts and liabilities of the corporation, to
the ~extent of such property, and assets and in such manner as shall be
provided, by the repealing Ordinance or by any order to be made in that
behalf -by the Governor in Council.
Leung Hok Chau,
Ho Ff In,
Lf Yuk Bang,
'Ng Chan Young,
Lo In gf,
;: .Ts'oi Lung Chf,
``'Ch'an, Sui Nam,
Ch' an Ting Chf,
'along Shing,
Young Wing Shek,
Ho Mun VP o,
Tang Kam Chi, .
Short Title.
Grant of incorporation.
Power to hold lands and sue and be sued in corpoate name.
Object and purpose of incorporation.
Preliminary board of direction.
Constitution and duration.
Its powers.
Permanent board of direction.
Its constitution and term of office of members.
Its elecion.
Its general powers.
Borad of management.
Special powers to be exercised with consent of Governor in Council.
Power to frame regulations subject to disallowance by Governor in Council.
Questions to be decided by majority.
Questions of doubt or ambiguity.
Preliminary board of direction to erect hospital on the site granted by Her Majesty.
Provisional extension of office.
Inspection by public officers.
Register of members, and books of account to be kept.
Annual statement to be furnished.
Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases.
In case of repeal of Ordinance, propery of corporation to cest in Crown.
Proviso for payment of debts.
-Chinese Hospital.
No.= 3 of 1870.
Ali .4i~dinaitlee for establishing a Chinese Hospital to be sup-
ported by Voluntary Contributions, and for eaecting the
carne into an Eleemosynary Corporation.
. [30th NTarch; 1870.'
.~r~.~bre i':- I-1'ERE A S it has been proposed by- the aid Governor. His
~. Sir Richard Graves bTacDonnell to found a Chinese hospital for
the .c axe and -treatment of the.indigent sick to be supported by
~ontxibtztions ; And whereas Her Majesty Queen Victoria has been gra-
cioi~sly pleased by way of enaowrnent of the said hospital to ;r ant a
piece of Crown land as a site for the erection thereof and also to
the payment out of the public funds of the Colony of a donatiom of fifteen
thousand dollars towards the cost acrd expenses of erecting and maintain-
Jn~the same; And whereas the several persons whose names are set out
:.,q ~~; contained in the schedule to this Ordinance are donors to the
- of ~he:,said intended : hospital, and have formed themselves into a com
i9 rrti
po ,,ea -ng~ut the o~jects aforesaid; Andwhereas
y p
~ : ~`or he better aaeoxnplzshxnen,t thereof they have applied to His
~~'~t ~ p . t~ G4~
m 77
ernQ>< 11 1 ~or-ant tot tern: an .Ordinance of incor oration, which His
`Uid Excellency has consented to do under and subject to, the conditions
;an:d , pxQVisions . hereinafter, contained; , Be, it therefore -enacted
by the
wovernor of Hongkonb, with the advice o£ the Legislative Council thereof,
'this Ordinance may be cited for all purposes a as. `` The Chinese
':T1ospital Incorporation Ordinance, 1870.'
2. The.said several. persons whose names are set out and contained
in he schedule to this `Ordiulnce together- with such and Iso many other
-.~etsons, being of Chinese origin as shall from time to time become
of airy sum not,under ten dollars~to the funds of the said hospital and
whose names shall be entered upon the register of members hereinafter
provided, shall be one body politic and corporate, in' name and in, deed
the name of 'The 'Tung Wa Hospital,'.' with perpetual succession and a
common seai; and with power to purchase, hold, take; and'enj oy to them-
~~'~'~'~ selves and their successors all houses, buildings lands and
'=~hich they may require,for the p oses of the said hospital; and shall
. urp,
a' ,arid may sueand-be sued in their corporate name in all Courts whether
of Law or-of Equity. _
ORDRUNCE J~Na~ `o~ :1870:
The corporation is, erected. for the purpose of establishing and
maintaining a public free hospital fog the treatment of the indinent sick
among the Chinese population to be supported by voluntary contributions,
and governed by a board of direction; Provided nevertheless that it shall
be lawful for the board of direction to admit any Chinese patients into
the said hospital upon payment of such charges and upon such conditions
as may be specified in and by any regulations to be hereafter mad, in
that behalf under section 10.
4. For the first two years after thehassinn of this Ordinance, the
board of direction shall consist of the several persons, whose names are
set out and contained in the schedule thereto; and in', case any such
person shall die or desire to be relieved of his dutic;s, or shall cease
reside within the Colony.before the expiration of the said term, it shall
be lawful for the governor in Council to appoint in his stead some other
fit person to,be a member of the said board, during the residue of the
b aid term.
board of - ~,
and duration.
5. All the provisions of this Ordinance felatinto the permanent- Its Po*
n ex~,',
board of direction to be hereafter elected by the members.of the corpora
tion and all the powers :and atitharitiesthe6l y. jested in such board
shall so far as the case permits b~ deemed -to ;agply-to=and'shall
be`i~e~Ged4 s
in the preliminary board of direction app-mntedeunder-°th ls=Ordxri
6. At the expiration of the said term of two 'Years,- a permanent
rorne~tboaW o£
board of direction shall be formed consisting-ofwot less than.sixk and
not _airectiorc
more than~twelve members of the~corporatiou, to be elected as
mentioned, vvho shall From time to time.a.ppoiixt one of their body to be
president; and every member of the said board shall-hold offiee for the,
term of one year only, -but shall be ire-eligible at the-ea,Iairation
7. The members of the-said-board s`ha11` be-elected- from time to time
as occasion shall require by a majax,~ty-of;votesof members of the
tion, who shall be within the Colony ~A. .the .time - of such election,
every such member of the corporation: shall, until otherwise
any regulation to be hereafter, made under section 10, be entitled to one
vote ronly.
$,. `1 he board o£ direction shall, ,object to : the provisions -of this
its genrtai.. :;
,Ordinane.,, have full power and authority.genexOly_to.goycrzi, direct
and '°`~ers. -.
decide all matters whatsoever connected with the administration of the
Chinese Hospital.
~.~ ,h~
,Zvi g'~Al
affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of the object and v
,~, purposes thereof and may appoint a boa
tw t
rd of management consisting. 'of
~:.;~a~emont. so many members of, the- corporation as they shall think
fit, who shall;
uhder--such regulations us may from time to time be; made by the board.
of direction in that behalf,.undertake and exercise the immediate suz~er=
>vision and management of the-,hospital.
The board of direction shall have~power, with the, consent ut
r. in Council, to change or vary .the corporate mine and the '
W VJ.SIio4u. V :. .. , - _
~~,,t'Oven~-comrnaxt:-se~il of the corporation, ana~the' amount of the
donation to the
ryfcihtls=of the hospital hereinbeiore prescribed as a qualification for
in9a member theieof,'and .the term oF~office of members of the board
-o-;._,'~;_ _:
direction, and also may, for reasonable cause and with such consent ;~
aforesaid, refuse to admit any person as a member of the corporation-.:
_Q aforesaid, refuse to admit
may expel ally existing member, and cause, his name to be erased fro
~~ register.
frame reaulatioris
he maintenance A-A
rd Forde~ -at their meetings; the mode; ~o£ votina for the election ~~ ~-
~ a
Ubers of the board of dlxection and 'the appointment of ithe pres2dezs~ s
N t~reof, and for the uidance:of the board o£ manaemerit end generaZl~k~ F
16r all: asters relatinm to'the administration and discipline of the hos
~t~l~ -
~.-~:- _____.,_., ,___ L.-~ a copy of such renulations shall, from.time
to tnie;
>Ionial Secretary and every such regulation shall be
to disallowance at any-time by the Governor in Council.
11. All questions wliioh may,- arise at any meeting :of the board .of -
be <teci
~.~iy . . _
m~o~tg , . duocbiori shall be~decided by am, of votes, and in case of an
equality ;
Ites,Abe president iii`ad'dition to1is'oragnal vote sh-all have-a.castn, ,
,'10: The board, 8f direction shall have power to
hav-.procedureq..ti-the,tra;nstaotion o£ business arid
2 : In case any doubt or. arobi.~uity shall arise, and :a,ny controversy
shill ta~ke place-anoong the members of.ahe board of- direction as,to,the
interpretation of thiy--Ordnance ih.e, sume shall be referred to the
in Council whose dee%rion thereon -shall. be final.
13. The preliminary board o£ direction appointed under this
with all convenient despaAcli°aFter the passing thereof, proceed -to
:e~ ~co~pt~
t~6A te: , el~t xa ptesidenr, and shall :cause all -buildings end
ab~`=` i:posa-of the be erected' out of the fund
ORDINANCE. No.- & oF_1870.
Chinese .Hospital.,
of the corporation upon the site granted by Her said Majesty as aforesaid,
and the members of the said board shall continue to hold office provision-
ally after the expiration of the said term of two years, until the. per-
manent board of direction shall have been elected under the provisions
hereinbefore contained.
estensiQ$ of
14. The hospital, and all buildings and premises of the corporation
inspection by
shall be open at all reasonable tinier to the inspection of the Registrar
o~ a
General, the Colonial Surgeon and of any other person whom the Governor
may appoint in that behalf.
15. The board of direction shall cause'a register to be kept in which
every person desiring to become a member of the corporation arid being
duly qualified shall, subject to the provisions of section 9, be entitled
have his name inscribed, and also shall cause -proper boobs of account to
be kept which shall be open at all reasonable times to-the inspection of
members of the corporation and of any person -whom the Governor in
council may appoint in that behalf, and -also shall within one month after
the expiration of every year o£ the; Chinese calendar transmit to the.
Colonial Secretary a _ true statement -o£ .the aswts; aud liabilities of
corporation aa.,d an account of their receilats-and disb»rssments during.
previous year and such- statement sli.all.if required be -u~rified on.
oath ot
by declaration before a Justice of the. Peace by two member s of the
16. In case it shall at any time be shown to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council that the corporation have ceased or neglected or
failed to carry out in a proper manner the object and purposes of this
Ordinance or to fulfil the conditions thereof, or that: sufficient funds
cannot be obtained by voluntary contributions to `defray the necessary
expenses of maintaining -the said hospital; tifthat the corporation is
for any reason to pay its debts, it shall be lawful for the Governor, with
the advice.of the Legislative Council of the Colony by an Ordinance to
be passed for that purpose, to repeal this= Ordinance and to declarm, that
the incorporation hereby granted shall :cease and determine and become
absolutely void; Provided always that.six. months' notice of
intention to pass .such an Ordinance shall be previously.liven to the
Register of
members, and
books of
account to be
statement to
be furnished.
Provision fo z
repeal of
Ordinance in
certain cases.
No. 3 of 1870.
Chinese Hospital.
17. In case the incorporation hereby granted shall cease under the
provisions of the last preceding section, all the property and assets of
corporation shall become vested in the Crown subject to the rateable
Payment thereout of the just, debts and liabilities of the corporation, to
the ~extent of such property, and assets and in such manner as shall be
provided, by the repealing Ordinance or by any order to be made in that
behalf -by the Governor in Council.
Leung Hok Chau,
Ho Ff In,
Lf Yuk Bang,
'Ng Chan Young,
Lo In gf,
;: .Ts'oi Lung Chf,
``'Ch'an, Sui Nam,
Ch' an Ting Chf,
'along Shing,
Young Wing Shek,
Ho Mun VP o,
Tang Kam Chi, .
Short Title.
Grant of incorporation.
Power to hold lands and sue and be sued in corpoate name.
Object and purpose of incorporation.
Preliminary board of direction.
Constitution and duration.
Its powers.
Permanent board of direction.
Its constitution and term of office of members.
Its elecion.
Its general powers.
Borad of management.
Special powers to be exercised with consent of Governor in Council.
Power to frame regulations subject to disallowance by Governor in Council.
Questions to be decided by majority.
Questions of doubt or ambiguity.
Preliminary board of direction to erect hospital on the site granted by Her Majesty.
Provisional extension of office.
Inspection by public officers.
Register of members, and books of account to be kept.
Annual statement to be furnished.
Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases.
In case of repeal of Ordinance, propery of corporation to cest in Crown.
Proviso for payment of debts.
Short Title.
Grant of incorporation.
Power to hold lands and sue and be sued in corpoate name.
Object and purpose of incorporation.
Preliminary board of direction.
Constitution and duration.
Its powers.
Permanent board of direction.
Its constitution and term of office of members.
Its elecion.
Its general powers.
Borad of management.
Special powers to be exercised with consent of Governor in Council.
Power to frame regulations subject to disallowance by Governor in Council.
Questions to be decided by majority.
Questions of doubt or ambiguity.
Preliminary board of direction to erect hospital on the site granted by Her Majesty.
Provisional extension of office.
Inspection by public officers.
Register of members, and books of account to be kept.
Annual statement to be furnished.
Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases.
In case of repeal of Ordinance, propery of corporation to cest in Crown.
Proviso for payment of debts.
Short Title.
Grant of incorporation.
Power to hold lands and sue and be sued in corpoate name.
Object and purpose of incorporation.
Preliminary board of direction.
Constitution and duration.
Its powers.
Permanent board of direction.
Its constitution and term of office of members.
Its elecion.
Its general powers.
Borad of management.
Special powers to be exercised with consent of Governor in Council.
Power to frame regulations subject to disallowance by Governor in Council.
Questions to be decided by majority.
Questions of doubt or ambiguity.
Preliminary board of direction to erect hospital on the site granted by Her Majesty.
Provisional extension of office.
Inspection by public officers.
Register of members, and books of account to be kept.
Annual statement to be furnished.
Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases.
In case of repeal of Ordinance, propery of corporation to cest in Crown.
Proviso for payment of debts.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHINESE HOSPITAL INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1870,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 26, 2025,