Suppression of Piracy.
No. 2 of 1870
An Ordinance to enable the Governor to co-operate with the
Chinese Authorities for the Suppression of Piracy
[30th March, 1870.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as' follows :-
_.-~,: ,It,sliall-be-lawful for the Governor in Council from
tiWe-ta-,UMe,-_J, Itshallbe
such orders to be enforced by such lines and penaltxesa.s tl4~;~ ~r
ounol to
oaaem:r Governor: in Council shall deem expedient, including forfeiture
of-ye~sel,sp r=
for preventing ..all or any description of fishing vessels and trading
Jun s::.-
from carrying'vl-or and! description: o£.arms or munitions of rear,
stink pots, and the Grovernor in Council shall also have power Fr to
to time to alter and aW end..-. such, orders or revoke the swine. or any
Ghereof : Provided that .such personal penalties, irrespective of
~~.vessel., shall not exceed in any' one.~case a fine of five hundred461l
or imprisonment with or without hard labor for one year.
Uny.ANUha. : z or, 18,7011.
Suppress* o, f Piracy.
2. Such orders shall be duly published in the Gaze~te and from and.
after such publication shill have- the same force and effect as if the
had been specially enacted herein.
Meis to bow:
published, my
3. Offences under this Ordinance. shall be triable in a summary Offences
manner before a Police Magistrate and all fines imposed under this,
Ordinance shall, be recoverable in a like manner.
Prohdbition of Stivik Pots.
By L:entenarit_Governor ofahe Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies,
of the 16th August, 1870i
Whereas by Ordinance No. 2 of 1870 passed by the Governor of Aongkong;
with the 'advice
.o. the Legislative Council, to enable the Governor to cojopexate with
the Chinese Authorities for
the suppression of piracy, it was enacted that it should be lawful for
the Governor in Council from
time to time to frame such orders to be unforced by such fines and
penalties as the Governor in
Council should deem expedient, for preventing all or any description of
fishing vessels and trading
juxilra from carrying au or any deaoription of arms or munitions of war,
including stink pots:
Now- therefore, in,aocordance with the provisions hereinbefore reoited,
and by virtue:thereot,
-k em un
-It orderedbythe.GQv or in Co oil, as follows:-
F~ ,
_A0 K
-No fiihidg,*tssd or, gjun It
al'0' 4 CI kn Al ed 6* no,, 0K
who shall knowingly carriy.ox.germit~i;o iia oa~rrl$d ;
~~suehv'&~lpngrva~s®1 or gtrachng.junk, the,).
missile teed and known as stink pot, shall =lie liayble for a first
offence to 4fine not esceeft gxf'i~y
dollars, with or without imprisonment with, hard labor for any period not
exceeding three moYitl~,
and for a socon~cn' any subsequent offence to a fine not egeeft
~g::. five I£undsre4 ,clbllars,;tviti ,or
without imprisoriioit,with hard labor for, any period,riot.exeeedmg;one.
3: Where ~the.-offender shall be master as well ,a# ow'laer,or.part owner
of, a,fipl,~ng ~essgl:or
trading junk, he shall, be liable to one fine ,and penalty only; either
as muter or owner,;or.parr
owner, in respect of the affenee'coinnaitted thoein.
4.' 'Elery fishing ,vessel or trading junky y which saiy:offenoe
agatns£tliese oidera, shall hat
been committed, be arrested; 4,Ad detained.uxitil axty.fine
Impose _b,,bythe,.Magistrate upon t~
-owner or owners and xter~shallUve .been paid:
v. The#penaloes-prescribed uy 'these orders' shall not be;inourr®d by any
owners or
:~pf,tia~:ii~g junks or -fiahiitg vessels,: offending. against alie~e
.-orders if it shall be shown to--she
satisfaction of. Ve Magistrate 'fat :the--prohibition hereiulxefore
contained against the ca a
stink pots could not have come to their knowledge.-by-reason of their
absence from the Colony
ie of ~the pu'6lioation thereof, or otherwise ~ ,
6: For the purposes of these orders the term ~'14Iaster' shalh include
the person for the time
'teeing in 'charge of -the' fishing vessel or ,tsading~ junk, in
which..auy offence:agaqnst'theae~orders,
shall have been committed..
Power given to the Governor in Council to frame orders.
Orders to be published in Gazette.
Offences how triable.
No. 2 of 1870
An Ordinance to enable the Governor to co-operate with the
Chinese Authorities for the Suppression of Piracy
[30th March, 1870.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as' follows :-
_.-~,: ,It,sliall-be-lawful for the Governor in Council from
tiWe-ta-,UMe,-_J, Itshallbe
such orders to be enforced by such lines and penaltxesa.s tl4~;~ ~r
ounol to
oaaem:r Governor: in Council shall deem expedient, including forfeiture
of-ye~sel,sp r=
for preventing ..all or any description of fishing vessels and trading
Jun s::.-
from carrying'vl-or and! description: o£.arms or munitions of rear,
stink pots, and the Grovernor in Council shall also have power Fr to
to time to alter and aW end..-. such, orders or revoke the swine. or any
Ghereof : Provided that .such personal penalties, irrespective of
~~.vessel., shall not exceed in any' one.~case a fine of five hundred461l
or imprisonment with or without hard labor for one year.
Uny.ANUha. : z or, 18,7011.
Suppress* o, f Piracy.
2. Such orders shall be duly published in the Gaze~te and from and.
after such publication shill have- the same force and effect as if the
had been specially enacted herein.
Meis to bow:
published, my
3. Offences under this Ordinance. shall be triable in a summary Offences
manner before a Police Magistrate and all fines imposed under this,
Ordinance shall, be recoverable in a like manner.
Prohdbition of Stivik Pots.
By L:entenarit_Governor ofahe Colony of Hongkong and its Dependencies,
of the 16th August, 1870i
Whereas by Ordinance No. 2 of 1870 passed by the Governor of Aongkong;
with the 'advice
.o. the Legislative Council, to enable the Governor to cojopexate with
the Chinese Authorities for
the suppression of piracy, it was enacted that it should be lawful for
the Governor in Council from
time to time to frame such orders to be unforced by such fines and
penalties as the Governor in
Council should deem expedient, for preventing all or any description of
fishing vessels and trading
juxilra from carrying au or any deaoription of arms or munitions of war,
including stink pots:
Now- therefore, in,aocordance with the provisions hereinbefore reoited,
and by virtue:thereot,
-k em un
-It orderedbythe.GQv or in Co oil, as follows:-
F~ ,
_A0 K
-No fiihidg,*tssd or, gjun It
al'0' 4 CI kn Al ed 6* no,, 0K
who shall knowingly carriy.ox.germit~i;o iia oa~rrl$d ;
~~suehv'&~lpngrva~s®1 or gtrachng.junk, the,).
missile teed and known as stink pot, shall =lie liayble for a first
offence to 4fine not esceeft gxf'i~y
dollars, with or without imprisonment with, hard labor for any period not
exceeding three moYitl~,
and for a socon~cn' any subsequent offence to a fine not egeeft
~g::. five I£undsre4 ,clbllars,;tviti ,or
without imprisoriioit,with hard labor for, any period,riot.exeeedmg;one.
3: Where ~the.-offender shall be master as well ,a# ow'laer,or.part owner
of, a,fipl,~ng ~essgl:or
trading junk, he shall, be liable to one fine ,and penalty only; either
as muter or owner,;or.parr
owner, in respect of the affenee'coinnaitted thoein.
4.' 'Elery fishing ,vessel or trading junky y which saiy:offenoe
agatns£tliese oidera, shall hat
been committed, be arrested; 4,Ad detained.uxitil axty.fine
Impose _b,,bythe,.Magistrate upon t~
-owner or owners and xter~shallUve .been paid:
v. The#penaloes-prescribed uy 'these orders' shall not be;inourr®d by any
owners or
:~pf,tia~:ii~g junks or -fiahiitg vessels,: offending. against alie~e
.-orders if it shall be shown to--she
satisfaction of. Ve Magistrate 'fat :the--prohibition hereiulxefore
contained against the ca a
stink pots could not have come to their knowledge.-by-reason of their
absence from the Colony
ie of ~the pu'6lioation thereof, or otherwise ~ ,
6: For the purposes of these orders the term ~'14Iaster' shalh include
the person for the time
'teeing in 'charge of -the' fishing vessel or ,tsading~ junk, in
which..auy offence:agaqnst'theae~orders,
shall have been committed..
Power given to the Governor in Council to frame orders.
Orders to be published in Gazette.
Offences how triable.
Power given to the Governor in Council to frame orders.
Orders to be published in Gazette.
Offences how triable.
Power given to the Governor in Council to frame orders.
Orders to be published in Gazette.
Offences how triable.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SUPPRESSION OF PRICY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 26, 2025,