ORDINANCE °No. ~8 of 1866.
Order and Cleanliness.
No. 8 of 1866.
An Ordinance to make further Provision for the Maintenance of Order
and Cleanliness within the Colony of Hongkong.
[16th August, 1866.]
~rHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision for the maintenance of
order and cleanliness in the Colony of Hongkong : Be it enacted by His
Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative
thereof, as follows:-
1, It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to apply a certain
tion not exceeding three-fourths, of all fines and penalties recovered in
any Court to the
payiw'ul of such rewards, bounties and gratuities as he may from time to
time award
to aid'ember of the Police Force or to any constable for meritorious
conduct, zeal
displayed, or injpry sustained in the execution of his duty or to such
private 'persons
or informers, as.the Gsvernor may deem deserving of being rewarded :for
assisting in
the detection of crime, `or the apprehension of offenders.
2: It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor in Council, from
time to r°w°r given to
the Governor to
tune, to frame such regulations to be enforced by such fines and
penalties, as to hairs too ye r°9uln-
shall ssettrafit, for the more effectual carrying out of this Ordinance.
Such regulations d
shall be duly published in the Government Gazette, and from arid after
such publican;,
tiers to have the same force and effect as if the same had been enacted
by an Ordii.F
duly passed to that effect.
Power given to
the Governor to
appropriate a
certain amount
of fines for the
payment of
rewards to the
Police and to
3. Section 4-2 of Ordinance No. d of 1862 is hereby amended by the
the words, `~vqithaor without hard labor' immediately after the words °°
three calend_4 `°rtsu2nn,end°<r.
months ' in the fourth line of the said section.
4. Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 18'ti2 is hereby amended by
Substituting fg,'' Section st °r
' Ordinance No. 9
the words 'three months' at the and of the sail section, the words 'six
months with of 1862 amended.
or without hard labor.'
5. Every, male person who, subsequently to the commencement of this
Ordiuan4g, anw~niae
_*off'end8xsto tie
shall be charged with having committed, ox having attempted to commit, or
with havi 1' '~iliupQain
been an aides, abettor, counsellor, or procurer, in the commission of any
offence wb ~ certain cases.
now is or hereafter may be by lags deemed or declared to be simple
larceny, or pun idi~
able as simple larceny, and wh,0se~ age at the period of the commission
or attem0lct:
commission of such offence, sot, iu the. opinion of the Court before whom
he &l1t
be brought or appear, exceed the m@6ge of sixteen yearsb shall on
conviction thefeof
whether summarilyor otherwise liable by the sentence of such Court to be
onus or
twice privately 'whipped, either instead of; or is addition to guy other
which ma h 11
y,,uow be. inflicted for such, offence: Provided that such sentence s a sl
t1, MV* -in `,n6 case exceed twenty, and pr the
, ~t
he u -,strokes' which oli
instrument used.siiall2be a rattan.
Penalty on an
person acting as
No pigs or other
animate lranriotta
to the public
health to be kept
within the city
of Victoria.
Adulterated and
food or liquor,
8tc., may be
seized; penalty
on persons selling,,
the same.
C1RDIhTAINCE 'No.. 8 of 1Q:66:.
Order and Cleanliness
Xhineaemonoy g, From and after the first day of. January, 1$67, it'shall
not be lawful for any
ahangera to be
licensed. Chinese to act as a money-changer in the Colony of Hongkong,
unless he has previously,
obtained a'lieence to do so from ^the Registrar General, which licence
shall remain in
force for one year, and for which thesum of five dollars stall be
annually paid to the
Rejistrar General, who shall account therefor to the Colonial Treasurer.
'. Any Chinese who shall carry on the business of or act as a money
-*llanger ill',.;
Colony of Hongkong without having obtained such a licence'tsr after the
he same, or who shall violate any of the conditions contained in the said
1 on conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace, be liable to a
fine not dollars and not less than ten dollars, and in default of payment
to be
or without hard labor, for any term not exceeding three months.
,a ^ 4
$, keeping of pigs, or of outer animals likely to be injurious to the
within the city of Victoria without a special licence from the Registrar
prohibited, and any person who shall be convicted before a Justice of tile
ce°-of keeping a pig or other such animal in the said city of Victoria,
shall be liable
a fine not exceeding five dollars, and in default of payment shall be
imprisoned fol~
term not exceeding fourteen days, and the said pig or other animal, shall
9. Any person who shall expose or proffer for sale in any house or shop
in thsf~`~ -
Colony of Hongkong, any liquor, meat, provisions, condiments, or other
article of food
in any tainted, noxious, adulterated, or unwholesome state, shall oil
conviction thereof
before a Justice of the Peace, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars, and
an default of payment to be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for
any term not
exceeding six months; and in case the person convicted shall be a
licensed spirit dealer,
or boarding-house keeper, he shall in addition forfeit his licence.
ing imprisoned, with the
lllg imp
The health, strictly forfeited. heal
is s
be f
warranty r 10. On information duly made before any Justice of the Peace
by any constable
sea;ch houses
an&enopa may or credible person that there is good reason to believe that
any such tainted, noxious,
be granted l4.
certain cases. adulterated or unwholesome liquor, meat, provisions,
condiments, or other article of
food, is exposed, or for sale, in any house or strop in the said Colony,
it shall be lawful
for such Justice in his discretion, to grant a warrant to any constable
to enter and
search any such house or shop by day, and such constable may, if
necessary, break open
the doors of such house or shop, and seize such liquor or provisions as
aforesaid, and
detain the same until the owner thereof shall appear before any Justice,
and if it shall
appear to the said Justice that the said liquor or provisions are
tainted, noxious,
adulterated or unwholesome, he shall adjudge the same to be condemned and
'but if otherwise they shall forthwith be restored to the proper owner.
And in case of a
conviction, the said Justice shall have power to order the offender to
pay in addition to
anyfine that may be imposed, the costs which have been incurred in the
execution of
ts 'd warrant.
he al
ORDINANCE' No. ;S of 1866.
Order ,and Cleczn1iJZess.
11It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to appoint a duly
medical practitioner to be the medical inspector of the.Colony, who shall
perform such
duties connected with the saqitary state of the Colony as the Governor
shall direct, and
who shall receive such annual salary as may be voted.
12. Whenever the Colonial Surgeon, the medical inspector, or any two
medical practitioners, shall certify to'any Justice of the Peace that guy
house; occupied
by more dan one family, is so overcrowded, or is in such a filthy and
unwholesome state
as to be dangerous or~prejndicial to tile health of the inhabitants of
the neiglibourhood,
it shall be lawful for the said Justice and he is hereby required to
issue a summons
against the householder or his agent within the meaning of the 'Victoria
Ordinance 1364,' by notice affixed to the house, to appear before the
said Justice who
shall thereupon make such order as he mn.y think ft; and in case any
order so made
'shall not be complied with by such householder, or agent as aforesaid,
within seven
days from the making t11ereQf,. tile said Justice may thereupon impose on
tile person
so refusing or neglecting to obey the said order, a fine not exceeding
fifty dollars
and not less than ten dollars, and in default of payment the person so
refusing or
neglecting. to obey the said order tnay be imprisoned fur any term not
exceedingi three
Power to the
Governor to
appoint a medieaL
lodging Lot'
13. 'The said medical inspector shall have power at any reasonable time
to Penalty on
enter any house in'the Colony and to inspect the condition of the same:
guy person .`~u Q9 to 't,hel'',
-s~refusing to permit the said medical inspector to enter and examine any
such house allepeeted.
`'shall on conviction thereof before a Justice of tile Peace be liable to
a fine not exceeding
ten dollars and not less than five dollars, or in default of payment to
be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding fourteen days.
' 14. Whenever the holder of any licence for the sale of spirituous
liquors granted
under Ordinance No. 7 of 185$ shall permit any instalment of his licence
fee to be in
arrear and unpaid, lie shall, on conviction thereof before a Justice of
the Peace, be
liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars and not less than ten
dollars, and in
default of payment, may be imprisoned for any term not exceeding one
15. Whenever any person who has been deported under the provisions of any
Ordinance, shall return to the Colony of Hongkong before the expiration
of his sentence,
without permission from His Excellency the Governor, it shall be lawful
for the
Governor in Council to order him to be again deported for any period to
be then fixed,
and in addition to be previously imprisoned for one month with hard labor
and to be
branded and to be once or twice publicly or privately flogged, but in no
case shall the
number of strokes inflicted at one time exceed thirty-six.
16. Any person who shall knowingly harbor or conceal, fn the Colony of
kong, any such Chinese under- sentence of deportation, shall :on
conviction thereof
before a Justice of the Peace be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars and not less
than ten dollars or in default of payment, to be imprisoned, with ox
witbout,hard labor,
for any term not exceeding six months.
Penalty on
Chinese licensed
spirit dealers
allowing the
instalments of
their licence fees
to be in arrear.
Pen city on `
persons who
have been
permission to the
Penalty on
Chinese under
sentence of
foyernor in'
Council to fried
rules for lttnl
tinn and eunfto
Penalty for
violating rules of
Powers of -
Justices e$ EOe _
Peace, ... ;,-
constables au'..
Naval Yard
Police to be
subject to
aeetlOIlS 7,5 gild
Gd of Ordinance
No. 9 of 1862.
Penalties bow
.. ORDI1?A?*',CE y. '8 of 166.
,~ Order and Cleanliness.
1'Y. And whereas the evils of gambling in the Colony are found to be on
increase notwithstanding the application of the penal laws in force for
their prevention,
and it is expedient to devise and adopt further measures for the gradual
control and
ultimate suppression thereof; Be it therefore enacted that it shall be
lawful for the
Governor in Council from time to time to frame and pass such rules,
regulations and
conditions as may be deemed expedient for the total suppression or in the
for the better limitation and control of gambling in this Colony, with
power from timer'
to time to alter and amend such rules and regulations or repeal the same
or any part. t
18. Any person violating any of the rules, regulations or conditions to
be from
time to time framed and passed by the Governor in Council and published
in the
Government Gazette in pursuance of this Ordinance, oraany of the
conditions imposed
thereunder for the better limitation and control of gambling, shall-be
liable upon
summary conviction before a Magistrate of Police to a penalty not
exceeding two,
hundred dollars and not lass than twenty dollars, and to imprisonment
with or without
hard labor for any period not exceeding six calendar mouths and not less
'titan one.
calendar mouth.
19. It shall be lawful for guy Justice of the Peace or constable, and
also for guy
person authorized thereto by the Governor to enter guy house,.room,
.vessel, boat and
place, either on laud or water within the limits of this Colony, and to
arrest therein
any person violating or suspected of having within twenty-four hours
previous to such-
arrest violated any such rules, regulations or conditions as aforesaid,
and to seize all
instruments of gaming, tables, dice and other implements used in
gambling, and also
all lnonic;s sail securities for money found on such persons or in such
house, room,.
lyoat, vessel and place aforesaid, and all such implements of gambling,
monies and
securities for money if proved to the satisfaction of a Magistrate of
Police to have been
used or kept for purposes of gambling shall be forfeited to the Crown ;
and all persons
convicted of violating the rules, regulations and conditions aforesaid
shall in addition
to the forfeitures specified in tliie section be liable to be fined in
any sum di~imprisoned
for any period named in the rules to be framed by the Governor in Council
section 17.
20. The provisions of sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 are
extended to the members of the force known as the 'Naval Yard Police.'
21. All Ordinances or portions of Ordinances inconsistent with the
provisions o£`
this Ordinance are herebyrapOklod.
22. All penalties imp`oser6der this Ordinance shall be recovered and may
atributed in the mann ~ir`ovided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.
Couuuancement7 °~°`~`~. 23. This OrC1111aI1C8 sllallCOtt_1menCe and bike
effect on such day as shall hereafter'
or Ordinance. ' ` ' h
be'fxed by proclamation under the hard of the Governor.
~ (No record of any proclamation. under s.,23: repealed by Ordinance
No. 9 of 1867.)
Power given to the Governor to appropriatee a certain amount of fines for the payment of rewards to the Police and to informers.
Power given to the Governor to frame regulations.
Section 12 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Juvenile offenders to be privately whipped in certain cases.
Chinese money-changers to be licensed.
Penalty on an unlicensed person acting as money-changer.
No pigs or other animal injurious to the public health to be kept within the city of Victoria.
Adulterated and unwhilesome food or liquor, &c., may be seized; penalty on persons seelling the same.
Warrants to search houses and shops may be granted in certain cases.
Power to the Governor to appoint a medical inspector.
Overcrowded lodging houses.
Penalty on persons refusing to permit their houses to be inspected.
Penalty on Chinese licnesed spirit dealers allowing the instalments of their licence fees to be in arrear.
Penalty on perosns who have been deported, returning without permission to the Colony.
Penalty on perosns knowingly harbouring Chinese under sentence of deportation.
Gambling--Governor in Council to frame rules for limitation and control of .
Penalty for violating rules of Genernor in Council.
Power of Justices of the Peace, constables and others.
Naval Yard Police to be subject to sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862.
Ordinances inconsistent herewith repealed.
Penalties how recoverable.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Order and Cleanliness.
No. 8 of 1866.
An Ordinance to make further Provision for the Maintenance of Order
and Cleanliness within the Colony of Hongkong.
[16th August, 1866.]
~rHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision for the maintenance of
order and cleanliness in the Colony of Hongkong : Be it enacted by His
Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative
thereof, as follows:-
1, It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to apply a certain
tion not exceeding three-fourths, of all fines and penalties recovered in
any Court to the
payiw'ul of such rewards, bounties and gratuities as he may from time to
time award
to aid'ember of the Police Force or to any constable for meritorious
conduct, zeal
displayed, or injpry sustained in the execution of his duty or to such
private 'persons
or informers, as.the Gsvernor may deem deserving of being rewarded :for
assisting in
the detection of crime, `or the apprehension of offenders.
2: It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor in Council, from
time to r°w°r given to
the Governor to
tune, to frame such regulations to be enforced by such fines and
penalties, as to hairs too ye r°9uln-
shall ssettrafit, for the more effectual carrying out of this Ordinance.
Such regulations d
shall be duly published in the Government Gazette, and from arid after
such publican;,
tiers to have the same force and effect as if the same had been enacted
by an Ordii.F
duly passed to that effect.
Power given to
the Governor to
appropriate a
certain amount
of fines for the
payment of
rewards to the
Police and to
3. Section 4-2 of Ordinance No. d of 1862 is hereby amended by the
the words, `~vqithaor without hard labor' immediately after the words °°
three calend_4 `°rtsu2nn,end°<r.
months ' in the fourth line of the said section.
4. Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 18'ti2 is hereby amended by
Substituting fg,'' Section st °r
' Ordinance No. 9
the words 'three months' at the and of the sail section, the words 'six
months with of 1862 amended.
or without hard labor.'
5. Every, male person who, subsequently to the commencement of this
Ordiuan4g, anw~niae
_*off'end8xsto tie
shall be charged with having committed, ox having attempted to commit, or
with havi 1' '~iliupQain
been an aides, abettor, counsellor, or procurer, in the commission of any
offence wb ~ certain cases.
now is or hereafter may be by lags deemed or declared to be simple
larceny, or pun idi~
able as simple larceny, and wh,0se~ age at the period of the commission
or attem0lct:
commission of such offence, sot, iu the. opinion of the Court before whom
he &l1t
be brought or appear, exceed the m@6ge of sixteen yearsb shall on
conviction thefeof
whether summarilyor otherwise liable by the sentence of such Court to be
onus or
twice privately 'whipped, either instead of; or is addition to guy other
which ma h 11
y,,uow be. inflicted for such, offence: Provided that such sentence s a sl
t1, MV* -in `,n6 case exceed twenty, and pr the
, ~t
he u -,strokes' which oli
instrument used.siiall2be a rattan.
Penalty on an
person acting as
No pigs or other
animate lranriotta
to the public
health to be kept
within the city
of Victoria.
Adulterated and
food or liquor,
8tc., may be
seized; penalty
on persons selling,,
the same.
C1RDIhTAINCE 'No.. 8 of 1Q:66:.
Order and Cleanliness
Xhineaemonoy g, From and after the first day of. January, 1$67, it'shall
not be lawful for any
ahangera to be
licensed. Chinese to act as a money-changer in the Colony of Hongkong,
unless he has previously,
obtained a'lieence to do so from ^the Registrar General, which licence
shall remain in
force for one year, and for which thesum of five dollars stall be
annually paid to the
Rejistrar General, who shall account therefor to the Colonial Treasurer.
'. Any Chinese who shall carry on the business of or act as a money
-*llanger ill',.;
Colony of Hongkong without having obtained such a licence'tsr after the
he same, or who shall violate any of the conditions contained in the said
1 on conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace, be liable to a
fine not dollars and not less than ten dollars, and in default of payment
to be
or without hard labor, for any term not exceeding three months.
,a ^ 4
$, keeping of pigs, or of outer animals likely to be injurious to the
within the city of Victoria without a special licence from the Registrar
prohibited, and any person who shall be convicted before a Justice of tile
ce°-of keeping a pig or other such animal in the said city of Victoria,
shall be liable
a fine not exceeding five dollars, and in default of payment shall be
imprisoned fol~
term not exceeding fourteen days, and the said pig or other animal, shall
9. Any person who shall expose or proffer for sale in any house or shop
in thsf~`~ -
Colony of Hongkong, any liquor, meat, provisions, condiments, or other
article of food
in any tainted, noxious, adulterated, or unwholesome state, shall oil
conviction thereof
before a Justice of the Peace, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars, and
an default of payment to be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for
any term not
exceeding six months; and in case the person convicted shall be a
licensed spirit dealer,
or boarding-house keeper, he shall in addition forfeit his licence.
ing imprisoned, with the
lllg imp
The health, strictly forfeited. heal
is s
be f
warranty r 10. On information duly made before any Justice of the Peace
by any constable
sea;ch houses
an&enopa may or credible person that there is good reason to believe that
any such tainted, noxious,
be granted l4.
certain cases. adulterated or unwholesome liquor, meat, provisions,
condiments, or other article of
food, is exposed, or for sale, in any house or strop in the said Colony,
it shall be lawful
for such Justice in his discretion, to grant a warrant to any constable
to enter and
search any such house or shop by day, and such constable may, if
necessary, break open
the doors of such house or shop, and seize such liquor or provisions as
aforesaid, and
detain the same until the owner thereof shall appear before any Justice,
and if it shall
appear to the said Justice that the said liquor or provisions are
tainted, noxious,
adulterated or unwholesome, he shall adjudge the same to be condemned and
'but if otherwise they shall forthwith be restored to the proper owner.
And in case of a
conviction, the said Justice shall have power to order the offender to
pay in addition to
anyfine that may be imposed, the costs which have been incurred in the
execution of
ts 'd warrant.
he al
ORDINANCE' No. ;S of 1866.
Order ,and Cleczn1iJZess.
11It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to appoint a duly
medical practitioner to be the medical inspector of the.Colony, who shall
perform such
duties connected with the saqitary state of the Colony as the Governor
shall direct, and
who shall receive such annual salary as may be voted.
12. Whenever the Colonial Surgeon, the medical inspector, or any two
medical practitioners, shall certify to'any Justice of the Peace that guy
house; occupied
by more dan one family, is so overcrowded, or is in such a filthy and
unwholesome state
as to be dangerous or~prejndicial to tile health of the inhabitants of
the neiglibourhood,
it shall be lawful for the said Justice and he is hereby required to
issue a summons
against the householder or his agent within the meaning of the 'Victoria
Ordinance 1364,' by notice affixed to the house, to appear before the
said Justice who
shall thereupon make such order as he mn.y think ft; and in case any
order so made
'shall not be complied with by such householder, or agent as aforesaid,
within seven
days from the making t11ereQf,. tile said Justice may thereupon impose on
tile person
so refusing or neglecting to obey the said order, a fine not exceeding
fifty dollars
and not less than ten dollars, and in default of payment the person so
refusing or
neglecting. to obey the said order tnay be imprisoned fur any term not
exceedingi three
Power to the
Governor to
appoint a medieaL
lodging Lot'
13. 'The said medical inspector shall have power at any reasonable time
to Penalty on
enter any house in'the Colony and to inspect the condition of the same:
guy person .`~u Q9 to 't,hel'',
-s~refusing to permit the said medical inspector to enter and examine any
such house allepeeted.
`'shall on conviction thereof before a Justice of tile Peace be liable to
a fine not exceeding
ten dollars and not less than five dollars, or in default of payment to
be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding fourteen days.
' 14. Whenever the holder of any licence for the sale of spirituous
liquors granted
under Ordinance No. 7 of 185$ shall permit any instalment of his licence
fee to be in
arrear and unpaid, lie shall, on conviction thereof before a Justice of
the Peace, be
liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars and not less than ten
dollars, and in
default of payment, may be imprisoned for any term not exceeding one
15. Whenever any person who has been deported under the provisions of any
Ordinance, shall return to the Colony of Hongkong before the expiration
of his sentence,
without permission from His Excellency the Governor, it shall be lawful
for the
Governor in Council to order him to be again deported for any period to
be then fixed,
and in addition to be previously imprisoned for one month with hard labor
and to be
branded and to be once or twice publicly or privately flogged, but in no
case shall the
number of strokes inflicted at one time exceed thirty-six.
16. Any person who shall knowingly harbor or conceal, fn the Colony of
kong, any such Chinese under- sentence of deportation, shall :on
conviction thereof
before a Justice of the Peace be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars and not less
than ten dollars or in default of payment, to be imprisoned, with ox
witbout,hard labor,
for any term not exceeding six months.
Penalty on
Chinese licensed
spirit dealers
allowing the
instalments of
their licence fees
to be in arrear.
Pen city on `
persons who
have been
permission to the
Penalty on
Chinese under
sentence of
foyernor in'
Council to fried
rules for lttnl
tinn and eunfto
Penalty for
violating rules of
Powers of -
Justices e$ EOe _
Peace, ... ;,-
constables au'..
Naval Yard
Police to be
subject to
aeetlOIlS 7,5 gild
Gd of Ordinance
No. 9 of 1862.
Penalties bow
.. ORDI1?A?*',CE y. '8 of 166.
,~ Order and Cleanliness.
1'Y. And whereas the evils of gambling in the Colony are found to be on
increase notwithstanding the application of the penal laws in force for
their prevention,
and it is expedient to devise and adopt further measures for the gradual
control and
ultimate suppression thereof; Be it therefore enacted that it shall be
lawful for the
Governor in Council from time to time to frame and pass such rules,
regulations and
conditions as may be deemed expedient for the total suppression or in the
for the better limitation and control of gambling in this Colony, with
power from timer'
to time to alter and amend such rules and regulations or repeal the same
or any part. t
18. Any person violating any of the rules, regulations or conditions to
be from
time to time framed and passed by the Governor in Council and published
in the
Government Gazette in pursuance of this Ordinance, oraany of the
conditions imposed
thereunder for the better limitation and control of gambling, shall-be
liable upon
summary conviction before a Magistrate of Police to a penalty not
exceeding two,
hundred dollars and not lass than twenty dollars, and to imprisonment
with or without
hard labor for any period not exceeding six calendar mouths and not less
'titan one.
calendar mouth.
19. It shall be lawful for guy Justice of the Peace or constable, and
also for guy
person authorized thereto by the Governor to enter guy house,.room,
.vessel, boat and
place, either on laud or water within the limits of this Colony, and to
arrest therein
any person violating or suspected of having within twenty-four hours
previous to such-
arrest violated any such rules, regulations or conditions as aforesaid,
and to seize all
instruments of gaming, tables, dice and other implements used in
gambling, and also
all lnonic;s sail securities for money found on such persons or in such
house, room,.
lyoat, vessel and place aforesaid, and all such implements of gambling,
monies and
securities for money if proved to the satisfaction of a Magistrate of
Police to have been
used or kept for purposes of gambling shall be forfeited to the Crown ;
and all persons
convicted of violating the rules, regulations and conditions aforesaid
shall in addition
to the forfeitures specified in tliie section be liable to be fined in
any sum di~imprisoned
for any period named in the rules to be framed by the Governor in Council
section 17.
20. The provisions of sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 are
extended to the members of the force known as the 'Naval Yard Police.'
21. All Ordinances or portions of Ordinances inconsistent with the
provisions o£`
this Ordinance are herebyrapOklod.
22. All penalties imp`oser6der this Ordinance shall be recovered and may
atributed in the mann ~ir`ovided by Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.
Couuuancement7 °~°`~`~. 23. This OrC1111aI1C8 sllallCOtt_1menCe and bike
effect on such day as shall hereafter'
or Ordinance. ' ` ' h
be'fxed by proclamation under the hard of the Governor.
~ (No record of any proclamation. under s.,23: repealed by Ordinance
No. 9 of 1867.)
Power given to the Governor to appropriatee a certain amount of fines for the payment of rewards to the Police and to informers.
Power given to the Governor to frame regulations.
Section 12 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Juvenile offenders to be privately whipped in certain cases.
Chinese money-changers to be licensed.
Penalty on an unlicensed person acting as money-changer.
No pigs or other animal injurious to the public health to be kept within the city of Victoria.
Adulterated and unwhilesome food or liquor, &c., may be seized; penalty on persons seelling the same.
Warrants to search houses and shops may be granted in certain cases.
Power to the Governor to appoint a medical inspector.
Overcrowded lodging houses.
Penalty on persons refusing to permit their houses to be inspected.
Penalty on Chinese licnesed spirit dealers allowing the instalments of their licence fees to be in arrear.
Penalty on perosns who have been deported, returning without permission to the Colony.
Penalty on perosns knowingly harbouring Chinese under sentence of deportation.
Gambling--Governor in Council to frame rules for limitation and control of .
Penalty for violating rules of Genernor in Council.
Power of Justices of the Peace, constables and others.
Naval Yard Police to be subject to sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862.
Ordinances inconsistent herewith repealed.
Penalties how recoverable.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Power given to the Governor to appropriatee a certain amount of fines for the payment of rewards to the Police and to informers.
Power given to the Governor to frame regulations.
Section 12 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Juvenile offenders to be privately whipped in certain cases.
Chinese money-changers to be licensed.
Penalty on an unlicensed person acting as money-changer.
No pigs or other animal injurious to the public health to be kept within the city of Victoria.
Adulterated and unwhilesome food or liquor, &c., may be seized; penalty on persons seelling the same.
Warrants to search houses and shops may be granted in certain cases.
Power to the Governor to appoint a medical inspector.
Overcrowded lodging houses.
Penalty on persons refusing to permit their houses to be inspected.
Penalty on Chinese licnesed spirit dealers allowing the instalments of their licence fees to be in arrear.
Penalty on perosns who have been deported, returning without permission to the Colony.
Penalty on perosns knowingly harbouring Chinese under sentence of deportation.
Gambling--Governor in Council to frame rules for limitation and control of .
Penalty for violating rules of Genernor in Council.
Power of Justices of the Peace, constables and others.
Naval Yard Police to be subject to sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862.
Ordinances inconsistent herewith repealed.
Penalties how recoverable.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Power given to the Governor to appropriatee a certain amount of fines for the payment of rewards to the Police and to informers.
Power given to the Governor to frame regulations.
Section 12 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Section 21 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 amended.
Juvenile offenders to be privately whipped in certain cases.
Chinese money-changers to be licensed.
Penalty on an unlicensed person acting as money-changer.
No pigs or other animal injurious to the public health to be kept within the city of Victoria.
Adulterated and unwhilesome food or liquor, &c., may be seized; penalty on persons seelling the same.
Warrants to search houses and shops may be granted in certain cases.
Power to the Governor to appoint a medical inspector.
Overcrowded lodging houses.
Penalty on persons refusing to permit their houses to be inspected.
Penalty on Chinese licnesed spirit dealers allowing the instalments of their licence fees to be in arrear.
Penalty on perosns who have been deported, returning without permission to the Colony.
Penalty on perosns knowingly harbouring Chinese under sentence of deportation.
Gambling--Governor in Council to frame rules for limitation and control of .
Penalty for violating rules of Genernor in Council.
Power of Justices of the Peace, constables and others.
Naval Yard Police to be subject to sections 15 and 16 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1862.
Ordinances inconsistent herewith repealed.
Penalties how recoverable.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1866
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ORDER AND CLEANLINESS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/223.