Victoria Registration.
No. 7 of 1866.
An Ordinance dividing the City of Victoria into Districts, and for the
better Registration of Householders and Chinese Servants in the
Colony of Hongkong.
[16th August, 1866.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to male provision for the
registration of householders
in Victoria, and also of Chinese servants in the regular employ of persons
other than Chinese residing therein: Be it therefore enacted by His
Excellency the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as '.The Victoria Registration Ordinance
Interpretation 2. In the construction of this Ordinance the term 'The
Governor' shall include
6'1The <*overnor:' the Officer for the time being Administering the
Government of the Colony.
oHoaeehotder,'. The term 'Householder' shall mean the actual tenant or
occupant of the
whole of any building or tenement in a district of Victoria, or in cases
where there stall be no such perons, then the immediate landlord of the
whole of such building or tenement, but shall not include-or .extend to
any person, other than a Chinese, unless a portion of his house be rented
by any Chinese, and in cases of companies and corporations, the secretary
or manager-thereof shall be deemed the householder, and shall be liable
to all the.prov.isions. of ,this Ordinance.accordingly.
Victoria Registra&n.
7 .or.186:
The term ' Servant' shall mean every Chinese regularly employed in ox
about I4 servant:'
the dwelling house, o.~ce or business premises of any company, corpora-
tion, or person noty being Chinese, in any of the following capacities: x
House boy, cook, cook's mate, amah, coolie, watchman, gardener, coachman,
horse boy, and boatmen.
3. The City of Victoria shall for the purposes of registration under this
be divided into the nine following districts, that is to say: (1)
Shektongtsui, (2) Sai
Ying Poon, (3) Taipingahan, (4) Sheong Wan, (v) Choong Wan North and
South, (6)
Ha Wan, (7) Wanchai, (8) Bowrington, (9) So Kun Poo; and the boundaries
of the
said districts shall be those specified in a map regulating and defining
the boundaries
of the said districts, and the said map shall be kept in the office of
the Registrar
General and a duplicate of the same in the office of the Surveyor General.
4. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to
alter all or rower t° altar
any of the said districts or their boundaries, and to increase or
diminish the number of
the same.
5. Separate register books in respect o£ each of the said districts shall
be kept f~YS~tn.°f
in the Registrar General's Office.
Division of the
town of Victoria.
into districts.
g, Every person being a householder at the commencement of this Ordinance
Particulars to be
furnished by
shall within thirty days next thereafter furnish to the Registrar General
the following householders.
particulars to be kept in the register of such district:-
lst. The name of the street in which his house is situate and the street
number thereof;.
2nd. His name and address and profession or trade;
-1 The name, condition or occupation of any person renting any portion of
the said house for any period not less than one month;
and such other particulars as may from time to time be required of him by
the Regis-
trar General, who when necessary shall supply blank forms for such
7. Every person who shall become a householder after the commencement of
Ordinance shall within fifteen days thereafter report the same to the
Registrar General.
8. Every householder shall within one week report to the Registrar
General any
change in such tenancy as aforesaid of any portion of his house.
9. Every registered householder shall receive a certificate of
registration in
English and Chinese, signed by the Registrar General, which said
certificate shall be
produced by him when required so to do by the Registrar General or any
Justice of the
Peace, or any. officer of Police.
10. Every householder who shall not have his permanent place of residence
Persons hereafter
becoming house-
holders to report
the same to Re-
gistrar General.
Householder to
report ehange of
Householder to
receive certifi-
cate from
Householder not
resident in
the Colony shall enter into a bond with two sureties to be approved of by
the Registrar inColony ny aenter
°General, conditioned in .the sum of -five hundred dollars for the
observance of the appoint an ageB4
.-provisions of this Ordinance, and shall appoint for every building or
tenement in
General may
summon house.
holder or tenants
of portions of
houses to appear
before him.
Governor may
appoint chief -
watchman of n
Governor may
appoint any
number of
watchmen for a
Rules and
regulations for
Power of
t*euerat to
dismiss and tine
Power to
Governor 9n
Conncit to enclose
parts ofthe town.
0RDINA1'~CE-':Nro: ~ ?'. voi `4
'Victoria Registration.
respect of, which he shall be a householder an went iii the Colony, who
shall sign a
fortnTto be supplied by the Registrar General containing his name and
address, and
thereupon every such agent shall become liable to all the provisions of
this Ordinance
a.s if ho were the householder of such building or tenement and until the
of this section shall have been complied with, and in case any such agent
shall die or
cease to reside in the Colony then until another agent shall be appointed
in his place,
the rents and profits of such building or tenement shall be seized in the
provided by section 19 and be dealt with in such manner as to the
Governor, in
Council shall seem fit.
11. It shall be lawful for the Registrar General to summon in writing
before kiln
any householder or any tenant of a portion of any house, and such
householder or
tenant shall appear before the Registrar General at the time and place
specified in such
summons and furnish all particulars respecting himself which are required
by this
Ordinance to be recorded by the Registrar General.
12. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint any fit person whom ho
consider to be sufficiently recommended by the inhabitants of any
district to the office
of chief watchman of such district, and such chief watchman shall be
subordinate to the Registrar General and- have all the powers and
authorities of a
13. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint for each district any
of persons whom he shall consider to be sufficiently recommended to him
by the
inhabitants of such district to fill the office of watchmen in such
district, and every
such watchman shall be under the control of the Registrar General and
subordinate to the chief watchman, and shall have all the powers and
authorities of
le constable.
14. The Registrar General, with the approval of the Governor in Council,
make rules and regulations to be observed by the said watchmen.
,I15. It shall be lawful for the Registrar General summarily to dismiss
any such'
chief' or other watchman to be appointed as aforesaid, and also to
inflict upon him
any flue not exceeding, ten dollars for misconduct: and every fine so
inflicted may,
'be levied or recovered before a Magistrate of Police upon the
application of the Regis-
trar General in the manner provided for the recovery of flues by
Ordinance No. lo...
of 1844
18. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to
that any district or street in Victoria, or any part thereof be enclosed
by means of
gates or otherwise, and that all ingress or egress in or out of the same
shall be prohibited
at such times and for such period and in such manner as to 'the Governor
in ,Council,-
shall seem fit.
URDINANCR:=Nd. .T.or 1866.
17: Whenever a fine shall be.?~ inoliked upon any person resident in any
house arid,
not being the householder within the meaning of this Ordinance, for any
violation of
the provisions of the following Ordinances, that is to say:-
No. I1 of 1844,
No. 14 of 1844,
No. 12 of 1857,
No. 7 of 1858,
evflry such fine or any part thereof, in case the same shall not have
been recovered from
ie actual offender, may be recovered from .the householder by action at
law or by a
summary warrant of distress to issue out of the Court by which such fine
shall have
been imposed, and to be executed against the goods and chattels of such
without prejudice to the further power given by section 19 for the
recovery of such
fine. Provided always that the amount of every such fine howsoever
recovered from
every such householder or voluntarily paid by him may be recovered by
such house.
holder from the offender primarily liable for the same in an action for
money paid to
his use. (The words 'No. 14 of 1844' repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of 1876.1
18. Whenever any offence against any of the provisions of the Ordinances
specified in the last section shall have been proved to have been
committed by any
person resident in but not being the householder within a district of
Victoria and the
actual offender cannot be found or brought to trial, the householder
shall be liable to
any fine which might have been imposed upon him in case he bad been the
offender. Provided always that the amount of every such fine howsoever
from such householder or voluntarily paid by him may be recovered by 'such
householder from the actual offender in an action for money paid to his
19. In the event of any householder failing to pay any fine imposed upon
made recoverable from him under this Ordinance within ten days from the
date of
judgment, it shall be lawful for the Court imposing the fine by warrant
to direct and
authorize a proper officer to take and receive the rent or rents payable
to such house-
holder or any mortgagee in possession in respect of any portions of such
house until
such fine and the expenses of recovering the same shall have been
satisfied, and the
receipt of such officer for any such renter rents shall be a good
discharge to the person
paying the same as against such householder and .all other persons
whomsoever, and
any balance remaining of any sucb rent or rents, after satisfying the
said fine and tbe
expenses of recovering the same, shall be returned to such householder or
in possession as the case may be.
20. In every case where personal service of a Magistrate's summons
against any
householder for any offence under this Ordinance cannot be effected, it
shall be
sufficient service to affix one copy thereof =outside the house in
respect of which such
offence shall be charged, and to leave' another copy thereof at the
registered address
of such householder; and- in householder shall not appear
according totbe
exigency of s4h summons, it, shall be lawful for- the Magistrate to
Pines forviolatioa
of certain
Ordinances to
be recoverable
from householder
in certain cases..
Where actual
offender cannot
be found house.
holder liable to
be fihed as if
actual offender.
rower to recover
fine out of rents.
and profits of
Mode of aervles
of summons
where personal.
service cannot
be effected.
*he'fi several
Register or
employed at the
Servants etit6r-'
Ing service after
the commence-
ment of this
certificate of .
regletratlon for
certificate to
be given to
»<,-, 14mployees liable
for safe custody
,.~of servant's
6RDIII''ANCE No: 7 6F t866.~
charge against such householder in his absence' aid to deal with -the
same in very
respect as i such householder were present.
21. Whenever there shall be several persons 1°Householders' within the
of this Ordinance in respect of the same building or tenement by reason
of being
tenants in common or joint tenants, they shall each be equally liable to
the provisions
of this Ordinance, until the same shall have been complied with by one of
22, A register of servants shall be kept at the Registrar General's
office, and
every person who shall, at the commencement of this Ordinance,- be
employed as a
servant shall within thirty days neat thereafter appear personally at the
General's Office and furnish the following particulars to be entered in
1st. Name.
2nd. Age.
3rd. Particular capacity in which employed.
4th. Name and address of employer.
5th. Place of native domicile, and such other particulars as may from
time to
tinge be required of him.
23. Every person who shall hereafter desire to engage himself as a
servant shall
previonsly appear personally at the Registrar General's Office and
furnish thus par-.
'ticulars mentioned or referred to in section 22.
' 24. Every servant employed at the commencement of this OrdinanAall, upon
complying with the provisions of section 22, and every person desiring
thereafter to be
employed as a servant shall, upon complying with the provisions of the
last section, be
entitled to receive from the Reistrar General a numbered certificate of
registration in
;the form given in the first schedule hereto or such other form as may be
approved by
the Governor in Council, and there shall be first endorsed from time to
time upon such
'certificate the names of all persons by whom the holder thereof shall be
employed as a
~` 25. Every servant shall, after first complying with the provisions of
section 29;
'deliver his certificate of registration to his master or employer, and
the said certificate
shall be returned to him duly endorsed by such master or employer,
whenever the
't1of service shall expire: Provided always, that if such servant shall
leave his
:'liter or employer without permission, or shall so misconduct himself as
to be
dyussed; then the said master or employer shall deliver the servant's
certificate of
'registration to4he Registrar General, stating the cause of such servant
leaving his
employment, and it shall be optional with the Registrar (general to
re-issue such
certificate to the servant leaving his employment or dismissed as
°iT2g, If the master or employerof a~sexvant'shalt lode, U ~troy, wially
deface, or
detain without sufficient reason iiNf4 o~on of the RegistrarGeneral,'any,
delivered to him by a servant under `~4 ctian~ ~25, it~,shaal be la*ful,
for the Registrar
General to issue to such servant e46plmate- ; Oi eertifieat!~,,- a;~d f;he
master or
°emliloyer who had lost or destroyed theysame; ',h#-pay to the Be g~ ar
General the.
ORRINANCE N0.`.7 .nF '1866:
Victoria ReytWration.
sum of five dollars on the issue of the duplicate' aforesaid : Provided
also that if any
servant shall lose his certificate and shall satisfy the Registrar
General that he has not
improperly parted with it, it shall be lawful for the Registrar General
to issue a fresh
certificate to such servant on payment of one dollar.
2'7. It shall not -be lawful for any person other than a Chinese to
engage and
employ any servant who shall not be provided with a certificate of
28. It shall not be lawful for any person to eligage himself as a servant
being profpided with a certificate of registration.
'' 29. Every person who shall engage himself, after the commencement of
Ordina~-?as a servant, shall within seven days thereafter report the same
at the
Registrar General's Office and produce his certificate of registration
for the purpose
of ]living the name of his employer endorsed thereon and recorded in the
said office.
30. Every person who sball knowingly furnish untrue particulars to the
General concerning any matter required to be recorded by hills under this
shall bo liable to imprisonment with or without bard labor for not less
than `one and
not more than six calendar months, and to a fine either in addition to or
in substitution
of suab imprisonment of not less than five dollars and not more than one
31. ,very person vvho shall use or attempt to use ally certificate of
registration.. Punishment for
.'.:;- unlawfully using
«vhich shall not have been duly obtained by him at the Registrar
General's Office:, certificate of
sball be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor for not less
than n 'and,.'
not more than six calendar months, and to a fine either in addition to or
in sifbititu-f',
tion of such imprisonment of not less than ten dollars and not more than
one hundredty`.
t'No person to
f engage a servant
without .
certificate of
No servant to
engage himself
certificate of
hereafter engng-
ing himself as
such to Produce
certificate to
(116heral within
seven days.
for furnishing
32. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance or any
of the
regulations to be made by the Governor in Council hereafter mentioned,
shall lie
guilty of a misdemeanor, and in all cases not otherwise provided for
shall be liable'to
be fined on summary conviction before a Magistrate of Police not more
than thirfy
dollars nor less than five dollars for each offence, or in default of
payment of such
fine or fines to be imprisoned with or without hard labor for a period
not egceedipg
one month nor less than seven days.
33. All copies or extracts of or frocn.~ny register or.public record kept
Registrar General's Office for ,the purpose of this Ordinance, and,
hur.poiting be;
sealed with the seal of the said office and to be certified as true
copies or extracts' by
the Registrar General,, shall lxe,received in evidence in all Courts in
tile Colony in'%eu
of the orininals.
v4. The several s Specified In tl~ ~ `schedule hereto shall be charged in
rasped of regzsixation uhder this Ordlnarice ,~` M
v solutions of this
Ordinauceao be
time alter the scale ota fees
certified copies
and extracts
from Registrar
records to be
received in
Fees to be
charged nndet -:
this Urdinance- -
Power to
Council to alter
Governor to
During twelve
months lines and.
under this
-Ordinance may
be inflicted
without regard
to minimum
amount specified,
ORDINANGE ~1\ o. 7 oir 186.
Victoria Llegistratimi.
38. The Governor in Council is hereby empowered from time to time to make
such regulations and to vary tile same as may be deemed necessary for
carrying into
effect the provisions of this Ordinance: Provided nevertheless that no
such regu-
lations shall come into force till three days subsequent to the
publication of the same
in the Government Gazette.
3'7. Until the expiration o£ twelve months after the commencement of this
nance, it shall be lawful for the Court imposing any fine or imprisonment
under any
section of this Ordinance to impose such fine or imprisonment as it shall
in its discre-
tion think proper without regard to the minimum amount of fine or
specified by such section, but not. exceeding the maximum amount so
specified as
Commencement 38. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on such day
as shal,,~;
,ere.of Ordinance,after be fixed by proclamation under the hand of the
(First Schedule.)
[No. ~
has been duly registered as a servant under the provisions
This is to certify that
o, fJae'fictoria Registration Ordinance 1866.
~peciai Capacity:
(List of 1;'mploycm at tlae Back.)
(Second Schedule.)
For Bule made by -the Begi8trax.,General; a
See Gazette of thj&41s
the 6ame month.
Registration fee of householder, 3.00
Rend by non-resident householder, .......................... $0.00
Registrationfce of servant, ...... , . , $0.25
CertiBcd copies or extracts from Registrar General's Office, 25 cents and
for every folio above the
~t,,10 cents,
`CIn force from the 1st January, 1867, under proclamation of the 15th.
December, 1860.
ge~tled by Ordinance No. 18 of 1888.
~IT.-.H'or Government Notification of the 13th December, 1860, as to
registrat-ionfee on
removal. See Gazette of the 15th of the
.Fur Order of the Governor in Council as to registration fee on change of
of the X 6th August, 1,870. ;:rS'ee Gazette of the 20tk;gf the same month.
For Order of. the Governor: in Coiatacil as to Kennedy Town of the 8th
OctobeY~ k
1885. See Gazette of the>ZOth. of the same month.
2 8th October, 1885, as to
Short title.
Interpretation clause.
'The Governor.'
Division of the town of Victoria into districts.
Power to alter districts.
Register of districts.
Particulars to be furnished by householders.
Persons hereafter becoming householderto report the same to Registrar General.
Householder to report change of tenants.
Householder to receive certificate from Registrar General.
Householder not resident in Colony to enter into bond and appoint an agent.
Registrar General may summon householder or tenants of portions of houses to appear before him.
Governor may appoint any number of watchman for a district.
Governor may appoint any number of watchmen for a district.
Rules and regulations for watchmen.
Power of Registrar General to dismiss and fine watchmen.
Power to Governor in Council to enclose parts of the town.
Fines for violation of certain Ordinances to be recoverable from householder in certain cases.
Where actual offender cannot be found householder liable to be fined as if actual offender.
Power to recover fine out of rents an profits of houses.
Mode fo service of summons where personal service cannot be effected.
When serveral householders.
Register of servants employed at this commencement of this Ordinance.
Servants entering service after the commemcement of this Ordinance.
Certifcate of registration for servants.
Servant's registration certificate to be given to employer.
Employers liable for safe custody of servant's certificates.
No person to engage a servant without certificate of registration.
No servant to engage himself without certificate of registration.
Servant hereafter engaging himself as such to produce certificate to Registrsr General within seven days.
Punishment for furnishing untrue particulars.
Punishment for unlawfully using certificate of registation.
Violations of this Ordinance to be misdemeanors.
Certified copies and extracts from Registrar General's records to be received in evidence.
Fees to be charged under this Ordinance.
Power to Governor in Council to alter scale.
Governor to make regulations.
During twelve months fines and imprisonment under this Ordinance may be inflicted without regard to minimum amount specified.
Commencement of Ordinance.
No. 7 of 1866.
An Ordinance dividing the City of Victoria into Districts, and for the
better Registration of Householders and Chinese Servants in the
Colony of Hongkong.
[16th August, 1866.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to male provision for the
registration of householders
in Victoria, and also of Chinese servants in the regular employ of persons
other than Chinese residing therein: Be it therefore enacted by His
Excellency the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as '.The Victoria Registration Ordinance
Interpretation 2. In the construction of this Ordinance the term 'The
Governor' shall include
6'1The <*overnor:' the Officer for the time being Administering the
Government of the Colony.
oHoaeehotder,'. The term 'Householder' shall mean the actual tenant or
occupant of the
whole of any building or tenement in a district of Victoria, or in cases
where there stall be no such perons, then the immediate landlord of the
whole of such building or tenement, but shall not include-or .extend to
any person, other than a Chinese, unless a portion of his house be rented
by any Chinese, and in cases of companies and corporations, the secretary
or manager-thereof shall be deemed the householder, and shall be liable
to all the.prov.isions. of ,this Ordinance.accordingly.
Victoria Registra&n.
7 .or.186:
The term ' Servant' shall mean every Chinese regularly employed in ox
about I4 servant:'
the dwelling house, o.~ce or business premises of any company, corpora-
tion, or person noty being Chinese, in any of the following capacities: x
House boy, cook, cook's mate, amah, coolie, watchman, gardener, coachman,
horse boy, and boatmen.
3. The City of Victoria shall for the purposes of registration under this
be divided into the nine following districts, that is to say: (1)
Shektongtsui, (2) Sai
Ying Poon, (3) Taipingahan, (4) Sheong Wan, (v) Choong Wan North and
South, (6)
Ha Wan, (7) Wanchai, (8) Bowrington, (9) So Kun Poo; and the boundaries
of the
said districts shall be those specified in a map regulating and defining
the boundaries
of the said districts, and the said map shall be kept in the office of
the Registrar
General and a duplicate of the same in the office of the Surveyor General.
4. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to
alter all or rower t° altar
any of the said districts or their boundaries, and to increase or
diminish the number of
the same.
5. Separate register books in respect o£ each of the said districts shall
be kept f~YS~tn.°f
in the Registrar General's Office.
Division of the
town of Victoria.
into districts.
g, Every person being a householder at the commencement of this Ordinance
Particulars to be
furnished by
shall within thirty days next thereafter furnish to the Registrar General
the following householders.
particulars to be kept in the register of such district:-
lst. The name of the street in which his house is situate and the street
number thereof;.
2nd. His name and address and profession or trade;
-1 The name, condition or occupation of any person renting any portion of
the said house for any period not less than one month;
and such other particulars as may from time to time be required of him by
the Regis-
trar General, who when necessary shall supply blank forms for such
7. Every person who shall become a householder after the commencement of
Ordinance shall within fifteen days thereafter report the same to the
Registrar General.
8. Every householder shall within one week report to the Registrar
General any
change in such tenancy as aforesaid of any portion of his house.
9. Every registered householder shall receive a certificate of
registration in
English and Chinese, signed by the Registrar General, which said
certificate shall be
produced by him when required so to do by the Registrar General or any
Justice of the
Peace, or any. officer of Police.
10. Every householder who shall not have his permanent place of residence
Persons hereafter
becoming house-
holders to report
the same to Re-
gistrar General.
Householder to
report ehange of
Householder to
receive certifi-
cate from
Householder not
resident in
the Colony shall enter into a bond with two sureties to be approved of by
the Registrar inColony ny aenter
°General, conditioned in .the sum of -five hundred dollars for the
observance of the appoint an ageB4
.-provisions of this Ordinance, and shall appoint for every building or
tenement in
General may
summon house.
holder or tenants
of portions of
houses to appear
before him.
Governor may
appoint chief -
watchman of n
Governor may
appoint any
number of
watchmen for a
Rules and
regulations for
Power of
t*euerat to
dismiss and tine
Power to
Governor 9n
Conncit to enclose
parts ofthe town.
0RDINA1'~CE-':Nro: ~ ?'. voi `4
'Victoria Registration.
respect of, which he shall be a householder an went iii the Colony, who
shall sign a
fortnTto be supplied by the Registrar General containing his name and
address, and
thereupon every such agent shall become liable to all the provisions of
this Ordinance
a.s if ho were the householder of such building or tenement and until the
of this section shall have been complied with, and in case any such agent
shall die or
cease to reside in the Colony then until another agent shall be appointed
in his place,
the rents and profits of such building or tenement shall be seized in the
provided by section 19 and be dealt with in such manner as to the
Governor, in
Council shall seem fit.
11. It shall be lawful for the Registrar General to summon in writing
before kiln
any householder or any tenant of a portion of any house, and such
householder or
tenant shall appear before the Registrar General at the time and place
specified in such
summons and furnish all particulars respecting himself which are required
by this
Ordinance to be recorded by the Registrar General.
12. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint any fit person whom ho
consider to be sufficiently recommended by the inhabitants of any
district to the office
of chief watchman of such district, and such chief watchman shall be
subordinate to the Registrar General and- have all the powers and
authorities of a
13. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint for each district any
of persons whom he shall consider to be sufficiently recommended to him
by the
inhabitants of such district to fill the office of watchmen in such
district, and every
such watchman shall be under the control of the Registrar General and
subordinate to the chief watchman, and shall have all the powers and
authorities of
le constable.
14. The Registrar General, with the approval of the Governor in Council,
make rules and regulations to be observed by the said watchmen.
,I15. It shall be lawful for the Registrar General summarily to dismiss
any such'
chief' or other watchman to be appointed as aforesaid, and also to
inflict upon him
any flue not exceeding, ten dollars for misconduct: and every fine so
inflicted may,
'be levied or recovered before a Magistrate of Police upon the
application of the Regis-
trar General in the manner provided for the recovery of flues by
Ordinance No. lo...
of 1844
18. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to
that any district or street in Victoria, or any part thereof be enclosed
by means of
gates or otherwise, and that all ingress or egress in or out of the same
shall be prohibited
at such times and for such period and in such manner as to 'the Governor
in ,Council,-
shall seem fit.
URDINANCR:=Nd. .T.or 1866.
17: Whenever a fine shall be.?~ inoliked upon any person resident in any
house arid,
not being the householder within the meaning of this Ordinance, for any
violation of
the provisions of the following Ordinances, that is to say:-
No. I1 of 1844,
No. 14 of 1844,
No. 12 of 1857,
No. 7 of 1858,
evflry such fine or any part thereof, in case the same shall not have
been recovered from
ie actual offender, may be recovered from .the householder by action at
law or by a
summary warrant of distress to issue out of the Court by which such fine
shall have
been imposed, and to be executed against the goods and chattels of such
without prejudice to the further power given by section 19 for the
recovery of such
fine. Provided always that the amount of every such fine howsoever
recovered from
every such householder or voluntarily paid by him may be recovered by
such house.
holder from the offender primarily liable for the same in an action for
money paid to
his use. (The words 'No. 14 of 1844' repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of 1876.1
18. Whenever any offence against any of the provisions of the Ordinances
specified in the last section shall have been proved to have been
committed by any
person resident in but not being the householder within a district of
Victoria and the
actual offender cannot be found or brought to trial, the householder
shall be liable to
any fine which might have been imposed upon him in case he bad been the
offender. Provided always that the amount of every such fine howsoever
from such householder or voluntarily paid by him may be recovered by 'such
householder from the actual offender in an action for money paid to his
19. In the event of any householder failing to pay any fine imposed upon
made recoverable from him under this Ordinance within ten days from the
date of
judgment, it shall be lawful for the Court imposing the fine by warrant
to direct and
authorize a proper officer to take and receive the rent or rents payable
to such house-
holder or any mortgagee in possession in respect of any portions of such
house until
such fine and the expenses of recovering the same shall have been
satisfied, and the
receipt of such officer for any such renter rents shall be a good
discharge to the person
paying the same as against such householder and .all other persons
whomsoever, and
any balance remaining of any sucb rent or rents, after satisfying the
said fine and tbe
expenses of recovering the same, shall be returned to such householder or
in possession as the case may be.
20. In every case where personal service of a Magistrate's summons
against any
householder for any offence under this Ordinance cannot be effected, it
shall be
sufficient service to affix one copy thereof =outside the house in
respect of which such
offence shall be charged, and to leave' another copy thereof at the
registered address
of such householder; and- in householder shall not appear
according totbe
exigency of s4h summons, it, shall be lawful for- the Magistrate to
Pines forviolatioa
of certain
Ordinances to
be recoverable
from householder
in certain cases..
Where actual
offender cannot
be found house.
holder liable to
be fihed as if
actual offender.
rower to recover
fine out of rents.
and profits of
Mode of aervles
of summons
where personal.
service cannot
be effected.
*he'fi several
Register or
employed at the
Servants etit6r-'
Ing service after
the commence-
ment of this
certificate of .
regletratlon for
certificate to
be given to
»<,-, 14mployees liable
for safe custody
,.~of servant's
6RDIII''ANCE No: 7 6F t866.~
charge against such householder in his absence' aid to deal with -the
same in very
respect as i such householder were present.
21. Whenever there shall be several persons 1°Householders' within the
of this Ordinance in respect of the same building or tenement by reason
of being
tenants in common or joint tenants, they shall each be equally liable to
the provisions
of this Ordinance, until the same shall have been complied with by one of
22, A register of servants shall be kept at the Registrar General's
office, and
every person who shall, at the commencement of this Ordinance,- be
employed as a
servant shall within thirty days neat thereafter appear personally at the
General's Office and furnish the following particulars to be entered in
1st. Name.
2nd. Age.
3rd. Particular capacity in which employed.
4th. Name and address of employer.
5th. Place of native domicile, and such other particulars as may from
time to
tinge be required of him.
23. Every person who shall hereafter desire to engage himself as a
servant shall
previonsly appear personally at the Registrar General's Office and
furnish thus par-.
'ticulars mentioned or referred to in section 22.
' 24. Every servant employed at the commencement of this OrdinanAall, upon
complying with the provisions of section 22, and every person desiring
thereafter to be
employed as a servant shall, upon complying with the provisions of the
last section, be
entitled to receive from the Reistrar General a numbered certificate of
registration in
;the form given in the first schedule hereto or such other form as may be
approved by
the Governor in Council, and there shall be first endorsed from time to
time upon such
'certificate the names of all persons by whom the holder thereof shall be
employed as a
~` 25. Every servant shall, after first complying with the provisions of
section 29;
'deliver his certificate of registration to his master or employer, and
the said certificate
shall be returned to him duly endorsed by such master or employer,
whenever the
't1of service shall expire: Provided always, that if such servant shall
leave his
:'liter or employer without permission, or shall so misconduct himself as
to be
dyussed; then the said master or employer shall deliver the servant's
certificate of
'registration to4he Registrar General, stating the cause of such servant
leaving his
employment, and it shall be optional with the Registrar (general to
re-issue such
certificate to the servant leaving his employment or dismissed as
°iT2g, If the master or employerof a~sexvant'shalt lode, U ~troy, wially
deface, or
detain without sufficient reason iiNf4 o~on of the RegistrarGeneral,'any,
delivered to him by a servant under `~4 ctian~ ~25, it~,shaal be la*ful,
for the Registrar
General to issue to such servant e46plmate- ; Oi eertifieat!~,,- a;~d f;he
master or
°emliloyer who had lost or destroyed theysame; ',h#-pay to the Be g~ ar
General the.
ORRINANCE N0.`.7 .nF '1866:
Victoria ReytWration.
sum of five dollars on the issue of the duplicate' aforesaid : Provided
also that if any
servant shall lose his certificate and shall satisfy the Registrar
General that he has not
improperly parted with it, it shall be lawful for the Registrar General
to issue a fresh
certificate to such servant on payment of one dollar.
2'7. It shall not -be lawful for any person other than a Chinese to
engage and
employ any servant who shall not be provided with a certificate of
28. It shall not be lawful for any person to eligage himself as a servant
being profpided with a certificate of registration.
'' 29. Every person who shall engage himself, after the commencement of
Ordina~-?as a servant, shall within seven days thereafter report the same
at the
Registrar General's Office and produce his certificate of registration
for the purpose
of ]living the name of his employer endorsed thereon and recorded in the
said office.
30. Every person who sball knowingly furnish untrue particulars to the
General concerning any matter required to be recorded by hills under this
shall bo liable to imprisonment with or without bard labor for not less
than `one and
not more than six calendar months, and to a fine either in addition to or
in substitution
of suab imprisonment of not less than five dollars and not more than one
31. ,very person vvho shall use or attempt to use ally certificate of
registration.. Punishment for
.'.:;- unlawfully using
«vhich shall not have been duly obtained by him at the Registrar
General's Office:, certificate of
sball be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor for not less
than n 'and,.'
not more than six calendar months, and to a fine either in addition to or
in sifbititu-f',
tion of such imprisonment of not less than ten dollars and not more than
one hundredty`.
t'No person to
f engage a servant
without .
certificate of
No servant to
engage himself
certificate of
hereafter engng-
ing himself as
such to Produce
certificate to
(116heral within
seven days.
for furnishing
32. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance or any
of the
regulations to be made by the Governor in Council hereafter mentioned,
shall lie
guilty of a misdemeanor, and in all cases not otherwise provided for
shall be liable'to
be fined on summary conviction before a Magistrate of Police not more
than thirfy
dollars nor less than five dollars for each offence, or in default of
payment of such
fine or fines to be imprisoned with or without hard labor for a period
not egceedipg
one month nor less than seven days.
33. All copies or extracts of or frocn.~ny register or.public record kept
Registrar General's Office for ,the purpose of this Ordinance, and,
hur.poiting be;
sealed with the seal of the said office and to be certified as true
copies or extracts' by
the Registrar General,, shall lxe,received in evidence in all Courts in
tile Colony in'%eu
of the orininals.
v4. The several s Specified In tl~ ~ `schedule hereto shall be charged in
rasped of regzsixation uhder this Ordlnarice ,~` M
v solutions of this
Ordinauceao be
time alter the scale ota fees
certified copies
and extracts
from Registrar
records to be
received in
Fees to be
charged nndet -:
this Urdinance- -
Power to
Council to alter
Governor to
During twelve
months lines and.
under this
-Ordinance may
be inflicted
without regard
to minimum
amount specified,
ORDINANGE ~1\ o. 7 oir 186.
Victoria Llegistratimi.
38. The Governor in Council is hereby empowered from time to time to make
such regulations and to vary tile same as may be deemed necessary for
carrying into
effect the provisions of this Ordinance: Provided nevertheless that no
such regu-
lations shall come into force till three days subsequent to the
publication of the same
in the Government Gazette.
3'7. Until the expiration o£ twelve months after the commencement of this
nance, it shall be lawful for the Court imposing any fine or imprisonment
under any
section of this Ordinance to impose such fine or imprisonment as it shall
in its discre-
tion think proper without regard to the minimum amount of fine or
specified by such section, but not. exceeding the maximum amount so
specified as
Commencement 38. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on such day
as shal,,~;
,ere.of Ordinance,after be fixed by proclamation under the hand of the
(First Schedule.)
[No. ~
has been duly registered as a servant under the provisions
This is to certify that
o, fJae'fictoria Registration Ordinance 1866.
~peciai Capacity:
(List of 1;'mploycm at tlae Back.)
(Second Schedule.)
For Bule made by -the Begi8trax.,General; a
See Gazette of thj&41s
the 6ame month.
Registration fee of householder, 3.00
Rend by non-resident householder, .......................... $0.00
Registrationfce of servant, ...... , . , $0.25
CertiBcd copies or extracts from Registrar General's Office, 25 cents and
for every folio above the
~t,,10 cents,
`CIn force from the 1st January, 1867, under proclamation of the 15th.
December, 1860.
ge~tled by Ordinance No. 18 of 1888.
~IT.-.H'or Government Notification of the 13th December, 1860, as to
registrat-ionfee on
removal. See Gazette of the 15th of the
.Fur Order of the Governor in Council as to registration fee on change of
of the X 6th August, 1,870. ;:rS'ee Gazette of the 20tk;gf the same month.
For Order of. the Governor: in Coiatacil as to Kennedy Town of the 8th
OctobeY~ k
1885. See Gazette of the>ZOth. of the same month.
2 8th October, 1885, as to
Short title.
Interpretation clause.
'The Governor.'
Division of the town of Victoria into districts.
Power to alter districts.
Register of districts.
Particulars to be furnished by householders.
Persons hereafter becoming householderto report the same to Registrar General.
Householder to report change of tenants.
Householder to receive certificate from Registrar General.
Householder not resident in Colony to enter into bond and appoint an agent.
Registrar General may summon householder or tenants of portions of houses to appear before him.
Governor may appoint any number of watchman for a district.
Governor may appoint any number of watchmen for a district.
Rules and regulations for watchmen.
Power of Registrar General to dismiss and fine watchmen.
Power to Governor in Council to enclose parts of the town.
Fines for violation of certain Ordinances to be recoverable from householder in certain cases.
Where actual offender cannot be found householder liable to be fined as if actual offender.
Power to recover fine out of rents an profits of houses.
Mode fo service of summons where personal service cannot be effected.
When serveral householders.
Register of servants employed at this commencement of this Ordinance.
Servants entering service after the commemcement of this Ordinance.
Certifcate of registration for servants.
Servant's registration certificate to be given to employer.
Employers liable for safe custody of servant's certificates.
No person to engage a servant without certificate of registration.
No servant to engage himself without certificate of registration.
Servant hereafter engaging himself as such to produce certificate to Registrsr General within seven days.
Punishment for furnishing untrue particulars.
Punishment for unlawfully using certificate of registation.
Violations of this Ordinance to be misdemeanors.
Certified copies and extracts from Registrar General's records to be received in evidence.
Fees to be charged under this Ordinance.
Power to Governor in Council to alter scale.
Governor to make regulations.
During twelve months fines and imprisonment under this Ordinance may be inflicted without regard to minimum amount specified.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Short title.
Interpretation clause.
'The Governor.'
Division of the town of Victoria into districts.
Power to alter districts.
Register of districts.
Particulars to be furnished by householders.
Persons hereafter becoming householderto report the same to Registrar General.
Householder to report change of tenants.
Householder to receive certificate from Registrar General.
Householder not resident in Colony to enter into bond and appoint an agent.
Registrar General may summon householder or tenants of portions of houses to appear before him.
Governor may appoint any number of watchman for a district.
Governor may appoint any number of watchmen for a district.
Rules and regulations for watchmen.
Power of Registrar General to dismiss and fine watchmen.
Power to Governor in Council to enclose parts of the town.
Fines for violation of certain Ordinances to be recoverable from householder in certain cases.
Where actual offender cannot be found householder liable to be fined as if actual offender.
Power to recover fine out of rents an profits of houses.
Mode fo service of summons where personal service cannot be effected.
When serveral householders.
Register of servants employed at this commencement of this Ordinance.
Servants entering service after the commemcement of this Ordinance.
Certifcate of registration for servants.
Servant's registration certificate to be given to employer.
Employers liable for safe custody of servant's certificates.
No person to engage a servant without certificate of registration.
No servant to engage himself without certificate of registration.
Servant hereafter engaging himself as such to produce certificate to Registrsr General within seven days.
Punishment for furnishing untrue particulars.
Punishment for unlawfully using certificate of registation.
Violations of this Ordinance to be misdemeanors.
Certified copies and extracts from Registrar General's records to be received in evidence.
Fees to be charged under this Ordinance.
Power to Governor in Council to alter scale.
Governor to make regulations.
During twelve months fines and imprisonment under this Ordinance may be inflicted without regard to minimum amount specified.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Short title.
Interpretation clause.
'The Governor.'
Division of the town of Victoria into districts.
Power to alter districts.
Register of districts.
Particulars to be furnished by householders.
Persons hereafter becoming householderto report the same to Registrar General.
Householder to report change of tenants.
Householder to receive certificate from Registrar General.
Householder not resident in Colony to enter into bond and appoint an agent.
Registrar General may summon householder or tenants of portions of houses to appear before him.
Governor may appoint any number of watchman for a district.
Governor may appoint any number of watchmen for a district.
Rules and regulations for watchmen.
Power of Registrar General to dismiss and fine watchmen.
Power to Governor in Council to enclose parts of the town.
Fines for violation of certain Ordinances to be recoverable from householder in certain cases.
Where actual offender cannot be found householder liable to be fined as if actual offender.
Power to recover fine out of rents an profits of houses.
Mode fo service of summons where personal service cannot be effected.
When serveral householders.
Register of servants employed at this commencement of this Ordinance.
Servants entering service after the commemcement of this Ordinance.
Certifcate of registration for servants.
Servant's registration certificate to be given to employer.
Employers liable for safe custody of servant's certificates.
No person to engage a servant without certificate of registration.
No servant to engage himself without certificate of registration.
Servant hereafter engaging himself as such to produce certificate to Registrsr General within seven days.
Punishment for furnishing untrue particulars.
Punishment for unlawfully using certificate of registation.
Violations of this Ordinance to be misdemeanors.
Certified copies and extracts from Registrar General's records to be received in evidence.
Fees to be charged under this Ordinance.
Power to Governor in Council to alter scale.
Governor to make regulations.
During twelve months fines and imprisonment under this Ordinance may be inflicted without regard to minimum amount specified.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 7 of 1866
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VICTORIA REGISTRATION ORDINANCE, 1866,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,