(Cap. 1, section 43)
The Governor has specified the public offices mentioned in the first column of
the Schedule hereto for the purposes of the particular Ordinance (or sections
thereof) mentioned opposite such public offices in the second column of the
Schedule hereto.
Public Office Ordinance or section of Ordinance
for which specified
Chief Justice Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6), section 99A(7)(c). (L.N. 270
of 1979)
Chief Justice Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32), section 222A(7)(c). (L.N.
270 of 1979)
Chief Justice Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8), sections 27(2) and 29A(2).
(L.N. 229 of 1979)
Chief Justice Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Chapter 226), section 3A(2). (L.N.
229 of 1979)
Chief Secretary Air Passenger Departure Tax Ordinance (Chapter 140). (L.N.
318 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Basel Evangelical Missionary Society Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1002), section 6(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Betting Duty Ordinance (Chapter 108). (L.N. 211 of 1980)
Chief Secretary Catholic Mission of Macao Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter
1006), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Chater (Cathedral and St. Andrew's) Endowment Funds
Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1050), section 4(3). (L.N.
368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary China Peniel Missionary Society Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1011), section 6(2). (L.N.368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Church of Christ in China, Wanchai Church, Incorporation
Ordinance (Chapter 1063), section 6(3). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Colony Armorial Bearings (Protection) Ordinance (Chapter 315),
section 3. (L.N. 103 of 1966)
Chief Secretary Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd of
Angers at Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1084),
section 6(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Chapter 221), section 85(1).
(L.N. 3 of 1986)
Chief Secretary Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute Incorporation
Ordinance (Chapter 1016), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1070), section 6(2).(L.N. 368 of 1984)
Public Office Ordinance or section of Ordinance
for which specified
Chief Secretary Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8), sections 19A(1) and 40(5).
(L.N. 311 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Heung Yee Kuk Ordinance (Chapter 1097). (L.N. 71 of 1974)
Chief Secretary Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 115). (L.N.198 of 1973)
Chief Secretary Institute of the Soeurs des Missions Etrangeres Incorporation
Ordinance (Chapter 1088), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Irish Province of the Order of Franciscans Minor Incorporation
Ordinance (Chapter 1028), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Jesuit Order (English Assistancy) Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1029), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Jesuit Order (Portuguese Province) Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1030), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Kowloon Union Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1032),
section 6(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1019), section 5(2). (L.N.368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Merchant Shipping (Recruiting of Seamen) Ordinance (Chapter
135),section16. (L.N.67 of 1969)
Chief Secretary Norwegian Seamen's Mission Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter
1056), section 7(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Petites Sceurs des Pauvres, St. Pern, Bretagne, Incorporation
Ordinance (Chapter 1039), section 6(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1041), section 5(2). (L.N.368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Prior of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance
Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1107), section 6(2). (L.N.
368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Prison Rules (Chapter 234, subsidiary legislation), rule 222(2).
(L.N. 48 of 1967)
Chief Secretary Probation of Offenders Rules (Chapter 298, subsidiary legislation),
rule 42. (L.N. 48 of 1967)
Chief Secretary Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Chapter 132),
section 105S. (L.N.226 of 1973; 10 of 1986 s.32(1))
Chief Secretary Registration of Persons Regulations (Chapter 177, subsidiary
legislation), regulation 24. (L.N.137ofl970)
Chief Secretary Salesian Society Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1043), section
5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Sisters of the Precious Blood Order Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1045), section 4(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter
1046), section 5(2). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Chief Secretary The Rules of the Supreme Court (Chapter 4, subsidiary legislation),
Order 69, rule 2, and Order 70, rule 3. (L.N. 153 of 1967)
Chief Secretary Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1090), section 6(2).(L.N.368of 1984)
Public Office Ordinance or section of Ordinance
for which specified
Chief Secretary Union Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1052), section
14(5). (L.N. 368 of 1984)
Commissioner for Commodities Trading Ordinance (Chapter 250). (L.N. 27 of
Commodities Trading 1982)
Commissioner for Labour Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Chapter 282). (L.N. 70 of
Commissioner for Labour Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Chapter 59),
section 7(4). (L.N. 145 of 1970)
Commissioner for Labour Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Chapter 59),
section 9A. (L.N. 220 of 1985)
Commissioner for Labour Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 360).
(L.N. 188 of 1981)
Commissioner for Securities Securities Ordinance (Chapter 333). (L.N.27of 1982)
Commissioner for Motor Vehicles (First Registration Tax) Ordinance (Chapter 330).
Transport (L.N. 90 of 1967)
Commissioner for Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance (Chapter
Transport 272). (L.N. 90 of 1967)
Commissioner for Public Omnibus Services Ordinance (Chapter 230). (L.N. 60 of
Transport 1978)
Commissioner for Cross Harbour Tunnel Ordinance (Chapter 203). (L.N. 315 of
Transport 1985)
Ferry Services Ordinance (Chapter 104). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance (Chapter 240).
(L.N. 315 of 1985)
Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) Ordinance (Chapter 237).
(L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles)
Regulations (Chapter 374, subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of
Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations (Chapter 374,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Parking) Regulations (Chapter 374, subsidiary
legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations
(Chapter 374, subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Safety Equipment) Regulations (Chapter 374,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 315 of 1985)
Road Traffic (Driving-offence Points) Ordinance (Chapter 375).
(L.N. 315 of 1985)
Traffic Accident Victims (Assistance Fund) Ordinance (Chapter
229).(L.N. 315 of 1985)
Ordinance or section of Ordinance
Public Office for which specified
Commissioner of Banking Banking Ordinance (Chapter 155), except sections 7(3), 9, 52, 70,
and 82. (L.N. 216 of 1986)
Commissioner of Training Centres Ordinance (Chapter 280). (L.N. 46 of 1981)
Correctional Services
Commissioner of Customs Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 39), sections 5(4) and 7. (L.N. 51
and Excise of 1984)
Import and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60), sections 7, 12 and
27(3). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Import and Export (Registration) Regulations (Chapter 60,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Chapter 109), except section
(L.N. 51 of 1984; L.N. 338 of
Dutiable Commodities Regulations (Chapter 109, subsidiary
legislation). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Dutiable Commodities (Marking and Colouring of Hydrocarbon
Oil) Regulations (Chapter 109, subsidiary legislation),
regulations 9 and 11. (L.N. 51 of 1984; L.N. 338 of 1987)
Acetylating Substances (Control) Ordinance (Chapter 145).
(L.N. 51 of 1984)
Reserved Commodities Ordinance (Chapter 296), section 10.
(L.N. 51 of 1984)
Reserved Commodities (Control of Imports, Exports and Reserve
Stocks) Regulations (Chapter 296, subsidiary legislation),
regulations 7A and 9(2). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Industrial Training (Clothing Industry) Ordinance (Chapter 319).
(L.N. 51 of 1984)
Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Chapter 362), sections 16(3),
16C(I),(2)and(3)and30(2),(3)and(5). (L.N.338of]987)
Commissioner of Customs Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Chapter 37 1), section 1
and Excise (L.N. 225 of 1989)
Commissioner of Mines Mining Ordinance (Chapter 285), sections 13, 18, 20, 21, 31 and
(L.N. 6 of 1967)
Commissioner of Rating Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Chapter 7),
and Valuation sections IOB and 10C. (L.N.105 of 1975)
Director of Accounting Waterworks Regulations (Chapter 102 subsidiary legislation),
Services regulation 50(2) and (3). (L.N. 221 of 1977)
Director of Agriculture and Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance (Chapter 133), the whole
Fisheries Ordinance except sections 5(4), 6(c), 10, 11 and 14. (L.N. 304
of 1977)
Director of Agriculture and Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance
Fisheries (Chapter 187), sections 7, 10 and 15. (L.N.49of 1979)
Director of Agriculture and Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Chapter 208,
Fisheries subsidiary legislation), regulation 10(1)(c) and (d). (L.N. 391 of
Director of Agriculture and Dairies Regulations (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation),
Fisheries regulations 3, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16(2), 18, 19(2)(f), 21(3), 26(1) and
29(2).(L.N. 153 of 1967)
Ordinance or section of Ordinance
Public Office for which specified
Director of Agriculture and Pearl Culture (Control) Ordinance (Chapter 307), section 3.
Fisheries (L.N. 48 of 1967)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance (Chapter 139),
Fisheries sections 6,7 and 10(2). (L.N.48 of 1967)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals and Birds) Regulations (Chapter 139,
Fisheries subsidiary legislation), regulations 30, 34, 35, 37, 44 and 51.
(L.N. 153 of 1967)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Keeping of Cattle, Sheep
Fisheries Goats) Regulations (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation),
regulations 4, 11(1) and 13. (L.N.153 of 1967)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Animal Traders) Regulations
Fisheries (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation), regulations 5(1), 5(3) and 7.
(L.N. 94 of 1978)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals) (Boarding Establishments) Regulations
Fisheries (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation), regulations 5(1), 5(3) and 7.
(L.N. 94 of 1978)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) Regulations
Fisheries (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation), regulations 4(1), 4(3), 6(a),
6(b), 8(1) and 8(3). (L.N. 94 of 1978)
Director of Agriculture and Public Health (Animals) (Riding Establishments) Regulations
Fisheries (Chapter 139, subsidiary legislation), regulations 5(1), 5(3) and 7.
(L.N. 94 of 1978)
Director of Agriculture and Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Chapter 170), section 13.
Fisheries (L.N. 197 of 1979)
Director of Agriculture and Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Chapter 208,
Fisheries subsidiary legislation), regulations 4(1) and (2)(a), 5(1) and
(2)(b), 8(1), 9(1), 10(1)(a) and (b) and (2), 11(1), (2) and (3)(a),
13(2), 14,15(4) and 18(5). (L.N.381 of 1989)
Director of Architectural Telephone Ordinance (Chapter 269), section 12. (L.N. 133 of
Services 1986)
Director of Buildings and Crown Land Ordinance (Chapter 28). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Lands Crown Lands Resumption Ordinance (Chapter 124). (L.N. 133 of
Crown Leases Ordinance (Chapter 40). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance (Chapter 127).
(L.N. 133 of 1986)
Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance (Chapter
301). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Mining Ordinance (Chapter 285).(L.N. 133 of 1986)
Director of Buildings and Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Lands as Building Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370).
Authority (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Director of Civil Aviation Air Passenger Departure Tax Ordinance (Chapter 140). (L.N.
191 of 1983)
Director of Civil Ferry Services Ordinance (Chapter 104), sections 16(1)(a), 20(1)
Engineering Services and 28(4). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Sand Ordinance (Chapter 147), sections 2 and 3. (L.N. 133 of
Public Office Ordinance or section of Ordinance
for which specified
Director of Education Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 112), sections 16B and 16C.
(L.N. 6 of 1967)
Director of Education Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Chapter 320), sections 3, 8, 9
and 10. (L.N. 6 of 1967)
Director of Education Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Chapter 320), sections 11 and
12(2). (L.N. 48 of 1967)
Director of Electrical and Aerial Ropeways (Safety) Ordinance (Chapter 211). (L.N. 133 of
Mechanical Services 1986)
Electricity Supply Regulations - (Chapter 103, subsidiany
legislation (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8), section 28(1)(b)(i). (L.N. 133 of
Peak Tramway Ordinance (Chapter 265), section 14. (L.N. 133 of
Peak Tramway Rules (Chapter 265, subsidiary legislation), rule
22. (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Tramway Ordinance (Chapter 107), sections 25 arid 33. (L.N.
133 of 1986)
Director of Environmental Waste Disposal Ordinance (Chapter 354), sections 16(1), 17, 19(1),
Protection 20 and 36(3). (L.N. 84 of 1986)
Director of Environmental Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (Chapter 403). (L.N. 202 of
Protection 1989)
Director of Health Animal (Control of Experiments) Ordinance (Chapter 340).
(L.N. 92 of 1989)
Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (Chapter 231).
(L.N. 92 of 1989)
Director of Highways Peak Tramway Ordinance (Chapter 265). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Peak Tramway Rules (Chapter 265, subsidiary legislation). (L.N.
133 of 1986)
Public Lighting Ordinance (Chapter 105). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374,
subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Telephone Ordinance (Chapter 269). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Tramway Ordinance (Chapter 107). (L.N. 133 of 1986)
Director of Immigration Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 115). (L.N.67of 1972)
Director of Marine Dangerous Goods (Shipping) Regulations (Chapter 295, subsidiary
legislation), regulations 3, 5(1), 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19 and
(L.N. 6 of 1967)
Director of Marine Marine Hawkers Ordinance (Chapter 160), section 3. (L.N. 6 of
Director of Marine as Merchant Shipping (Recruiting of Seamen) Ordinance (Chapter
Seamen's Recruiting 135), sections 20, 21,27 and 31. (L.N.6of 1967)
Director of Marine Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Chapter 369), sections 31,
38(4),51(2) and (3),57(2) and 63. (L.N.365of 1981)
Director of Marine Tallyclerks (Licensing) Ordinance (Chapter 85) sections 4 and 5.
(L.N. 6 of 1967)
Public Office Ordinance or section of Ordinance
for which specified
Director of Marketing Agricultural Products (Marketing) Ordinance (Chapter 277).
(L.N. 239 of 1988)
Director of Marketing Marine Fish (Marketing) Ordinance (Chapter 291). (L.N. 239 of
Director of Social Welfare Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Chapter 226). (L.N. 79 of 1973)
Director of Social Welfare Offences against the Person Ordinance (Chapter 212), section
(L.N. 6 of 1967)
Director of Social Welfare Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Chapter 298). (L.N. 79 of
Director of Social Welfare Reformatory Schools Ordinance (Chapter 225). (L.N. 79 of
Director-General of Trade Import and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60), sections 9(3) and
(L.N. 292 of 1989) 36(2). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Import and Export (Fees) Regulations (Chapter 60, subsidiary
(L.N. 292 of 1989) legislation). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Import and Export (General) Regulations (Chapter 60, subsidiary
(L.N. 292 of 1989) legislation), regulation 6(3) and (4). (L.N. 132 of 1986)
Director-General of Trade Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Chapter
(L.N. 292 of 1989) 60, subsidiary legislation), regulation 2. (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Export (Certificates of Origin and Commonwealth Preference
(L.N. 292 of 1989) Certificates) Regulations (Chapter 60, subsidiary legislation),
regulations 6(2) and 8(1). (L.N. 132 of 1986)
Director-General of Trade Export (Certificates of Origin and Commonwealth Preference
(L.N. 292 of 1989) Certificates) Regulations (Chapter 60, subsidiary legislation),
regulations 7(1)-(4),8(3),9(2) and 11(1)(c). (L.N.51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Import (Radiation) (Prohibition) Regulations (Chapter 60,
(L.N. 292 of 1989) subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Reserved Commodities Ordinance (Chapter 296), section 6.
(L.N. 292 of 1989) (L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Reserved Commodities (Control of Imports, Exports and Reserve
(L.N. 292 of 1989) Stocks) Regulations (Chapter 296, subsidiary legislation).
(L.N. 51 of 1984)
Director-General of Trade Reserved Commodities (Control of Sales by Wholesale)
(L.N. 292 of 1989) Regulations (Chapter 296, subsidiary legislation). (L.N. 51 of
Financial Secretary Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32), sections 123(4), 124(2),
and (3), 128(3), 129(3) and 129A(2); and paragraphs 6(b), 13(2),
18(4), 27(1) and 28(3) of the Tenth Schedule, only. (L.N. 86 of
Financial Secretary Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32), section 337B(3). (L.N. 345
of 1985)
Financial Secretary Consumer Council Ordinance (Chapter 216), section 16(1) and (5).
(L.N. 111 of 1987)
Financial Secretary Exchange Fund Ordinance (Chapter 66), section 3(2) only. (L.N.
1 13 of 1978)
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SPECIFICATION OF PUBLIC OFFICES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2183.