(Cap. 32).
(Ordinance No. 39 Of 1932).
[1st October, 1933.]
1. This order may be cited as the Companies (Forms)
2. The forms contained in the Schedule, with such
variations and additions as the circumstances of the parti-
cular case may require, shall be used for the purposes of
the Ordinance and the particulars contained therein are
hereby prescribed as the particulars required under the
3. (1) A certified copy of the charter, statutes, or
memorandum and articles of the company, or other instru-
ment constituting or defining the constitution of the
company required to be delivered to the Registrar under
section 31S of the Ordinance, in the case of a company
incorporated outside the Colony of Hong Kong in Great
Britain or Ireland or in any of His Majesty's dominions
or in any place under His Majesty's protection or where
His Majesty has jurisdiction, unless incorporated under the
laws of a foreign country, shall be deemed to be certified
as a true copy if in such dominion or place it is-
(a)duly certified as a true copy by an official of the
Government to whose custody the original is
committed; or
(b)duly certified as a true copy by a notary public
in Great Britain or Ireland or of such dominion
or place; or
(c)duly certified as a true copy, on oath by some
officer of the company before some person having
authority to administer an oath as provided by
section 3 of the Commissioners for Oaths Act,
(2) A certified copy of the charter, statutes, or
memorandunn and articles of the company or other instru-
ment constituting or defining the constitution of the
company required to be delivered to the Registrar under
section 318 of the Ordinance in the case of a cornpany
incorporat ed outside the Colony under the laws of a foreign
country shall be deemed to be certified as a true copy if
in such foreign country it is-
(a)duly certified as a true copy by an official of the
Government to whose custody the original is com-
mitted, the signature or seal of such official being
authenticated by any of the British officials men-
tioned in section 6 of the Commissioners for Oaths
Act, 1889; or
(b)duly certified as a true copy by. a notary of such
foreign country, the certificate of the notary being
authenticated by any of the British officials men-
tioned in section 6 of the Commissioners for Oaths
Act,- 1889; . or-
(c)duly certified as a true copy on oath by some officer
of the company before a person having authority
to administer an oath as provided by section 3 Of
the Commissioners of Oaths Act, 1889, the status
of the person administering the oath being authen- any of the British officials mentioned in
section 6 of that Act.
4. The time within which a return containing the
particulars of alterations is to be delivered to the Registrar
under section 320 of the Ordinance shall be twenty-one days
after the date of making of such alterations or twenty-one
days after the date on which notice thereof could in due
course of post and if despatched with due diligence have
been received in Hong Kong.
5. A copy of the instrument by which a charge is
created or evidenced to be delivered to the Registrar under
the provisions of subsection (3) of section So and subsection
(i) of section 82 of the Ordinance shall be vertified or certified
to be a true copy under the seal of the company, or under
the hand of some person interested therein otherwise than on
behalf of the company.
6. A translation of a charter, statutes or memorandum
and articles of association or other instrument constituting
or defining the constitution of a company or any account
or document required to be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies under the Ordinance shall be certified by the
person making such translation to be a correct translation
and shall be deemed to be certified in the prescribed manner
if the _person making such translation be certified by the
appropriate person hereunder mentioned to be believe y
him to be competent to translate it into the English language,
that is to say-
(a) If the translation be made in a foreign country-
Any of the British officials mentioned in section 6
of the Commissioners for Oaths Act, 1889.
(b)If the translation be made outside the Colony of
Hong Kong in any of His Majesty's dominions or
in any place tinder Flis 'Majesty's protection or
where His Majesty has jurisdiction-
Any person having authority to administer and
oath as provided by section 3 of the Commissioner
for Oaths Act, 1889.
(c) If the translation be made in Northern Ireland-
(i) A notary public in Northern Ireland, or
(ii) A solicitor of the Supreme Couh of judicature
of Northern Ireland.
(d) If the translation be made in Scotland-
(i) a notary public in Scotland, or
(i i) An enrolled Law Agent.
(e) If the translation be made in England-
(i) A notary public in England, or
(ii) A solicitor of the Supreme Court of judicature
in England.
(f) If the translation be made in Hong Kong-
(i) A notary public in Hong Kong, or
(ii) A solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong
7. The Registrar of Companies may in any particular
case, if he thinks fit to do so and upon such conditions as he
thinks fit, permit certified copies or translations to be delivered
to him though not certified in accordance with the above
List of Forms in the Schedule.
I 45 (2) Particulars of a contract relating to shares.
II 46 (1 ) (c) Statement of the amount or rate per cent of
(ii) & (d) the commission payable in respect of
shares and of the number of shares
which persons have agreed for a commis-
sion to subscribe absolutely.
55Notice of increase in nominal capital.
IV 80 Particulars of a mortgage or charge created
by a company registered in Hong Kong.
V 82 Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject
to which property has been acquired on
or after 1st July, 1933, by a company
registered in Hong Kong.
VI 83 (1) Register of mortgages and charges, and of
memoranda of statisfaction.
VII 83 (4) Chronological index of charges entered in the
VIII 94(1)(c) Declaration that the conditions of section 94
(1) (a) and (b) of the companies Ordin-
ance, have been complied with.
IX 94 (2) (c) Declaration that the provisions of section 94
(2) (6) of the Companies Ordinance, have
been complied with.
X 143Particulars of directors or managers and of
any changes therein.
XI 153 (1)Notice to dissenting shareholders.
XII 286Receiver or manager's abstract of receipts
and payments.
I (F) 80 & 91Particulars of a mortgage or charge on pro-
perty in Hong Kong created on or after
1st July, 1933, by a company incorporat-
ed outside Hong Kong.
II (F) 82 & 91Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject
to which property in Hong Kong has
been acquired on or after the 1st July,
1933, by a company incorporated outside
Hong Kong.
III (F) 320Return of alteration in the charter, statutes,
memorandum or articles of association or
other instrument constituting or defining
the constitution'of a company incorporated
outside Hong Kong.
IV (F) 320Return of alteration in the list of particulars
of directors of a company incorporated
outside Hong Kong.
V (F) 320Return of alteration in the names or
addresses of the persons resident in Hong
Kong authorized to accept service on
behalf of a company incorporated out-
side Hong Kong.
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of a contract relating to shares.
NoTE-The particulars must be stamped with the same stamp
duty as would have been payable if the contract had been
reduced to writing.
Presented by ............................................................................
Particulars of contract relating to shares allotted as fully or partly
paid up otherwise than in cash by ........................................
......................... Limited.
(1)The number of shares allotted as
fully or partly paid up otherwise
than in cash ............................
(2) The nominal amount of each such
share ..............$
(3)The amount to be considered as
paid up on each such share other-
wise than in cash $
(4)If the consideration for the allot-
ment of such shares is services,
or any consideration other than
that mentioned below in part 5,
state the nature of such considera-
tion, and the number of shares so
allotted .....................................
(5) If the allotment is made in satis- (1) Brief descrip-
faction or part satisfaction of the tion of property.
purchase price of property, give (2) Purchase price $
a brief description of such pro- (a) Total amount of
perty, and full particulars of the consideration $
manner in which the purchase as paid on
price is to be satisfied shares allotted
otherwise than
in cash.
(b) Cash.
(c)Amount of debt
released or lia-
bilities assumed
by the pur-
chaser (includ-
ing mortgages;
on property ac-
Total purchase
price............. $
FORM I,-Continued.
(6)Give full particulars, in the form
of the following table, of the
property which is the subject of
the sale, showing in detail how
the total purchase price is appor-
tioned between the respective
Legal estates in freehold pro-
perty and fixed plant and
machinery and other fixtures
thereon (a) ........................
Legal estates in leasehold pro-
perty (a) ...........................
Fixed plant and machinery on
leasehold property (including
tenants', trade, and other fix-
tures) . ................................
Equitable interests in freehold
-- or-leasehold property (a) ....
Loose plant and machinery,
stock-in-trade, and other
chattels (b) ........................
Goodwill and benefit of contracts
Patents, designs, trade marks,
licences, copyrights, etc . ......
Book and other debts ............
Cash in hand and at Bank on
current account. bills, notes,
etc . .....................................
Cash on deposit at Bank or
elsewhere ...........................
Shares, debentures and other
investments ........................
Other property, viz . ........ _____________________________
(Signature) ..............................................................................
(State whether Director or Manager or Secretary) .....................
Dated the of..................... 19
(a) Where such Properties are sold subject to mortgage, the gross value should
be shown.
(b) No plant and machinery which was not in an actual state of severance on
the date of the sale should be included under this head.
FORM I (F) Fee $10.00.
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of a mortgage or charge on property in Hong Kong
created on or after the 1st July, 1933 by a company incorporated
outside Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Particulars of a mortgage or charge created by ...........................
a company incorporated in (a) and which
has established a place of business in Hong Kong at ...............
Amount or rate per cent
of the commission, allowance
Date and Names, or discount (if any) paid or
description addresses node either directly or in-
of the Short directly by the Company to
instrument Amount and
particulars any person in consideration
creating or secured of the descriptions of his subscribing or agree-
evidencing by mort- property of the ing to subscribe whether
gage or mortgagee. absolutely or conditionally
the mortgaged or procuring or agreeing
mortgage charge. or charged. or persons to procure subscriptions,
or charge entitled to whether absolute or condi
the charge. tional, for any of the deben
(b) tures included in this
return (c).
Signature of the persons authorized
under section 318 (c) of the ...... ...... ...........................
Companies Ordinance, or of
some other person in Hong
Kong duly authorized by the
Dated the of 19
(a) Country of origin.
(b) A description of the instrument, e.g., 'trust deed', 'mortgage', 'debenture',
etc,, as the case may be, should be given.
(c) The rate of interest payable under the terms of the debentures should
not be entered.
FORm II (F). Fee $10.00.
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject to which property
in Hong Kong has been acquired on or after the 1st July, 1933, by
a company incorporated outside Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject to which property in
Hong Kong has been acquired by ..........................................
a Company incorporated in (a) and which
has established a place of business in Hong Kong at ...............
. ............................
1 2 3 4 5
Date and DateAmount Short Names,
description ofof the secured particulars addresses and
the instrumentacquisitionby the of the descriptions of
creating or of themortgage property the mortgagees
evidencing theproperty.or charge. mortgaged or persons
mortgage or or charged.entitled to the
charge (b). charge.
Signature of the persons authorized ..........................................
under section 318 (c) of the
Companies Ordinance, or of
some other person in Hong
Kong duly authorized by the
Company. ..........................................
Dated the of 19
(a) Country of origin.
(b) A description of the instrument, e.g., 'trust deed', 'mortgage', 'debenture',
etc., as the case may be, should be given.
A copy of the instrument certified as prescribed in paragraph 5 of this order,
must be delivered with these particulars.
FORM II. Fee $3.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Statentent of the amount or rate per cent of the commission
payable in respect of shares and of the number of shares which
persons have agreed for a commission to subscribe absolutely.
PURSUANT TO SECTION 46 (1) (C) (ii) AND (d).
Presented by ...........................................................................
Name of company ...............Limited.
Article of association authorizing com-
mission ..........................No .
Particulars of amount payable as commis-
sion for subscribing, ' or agreeing. to
subscribe, or for procuring or agreeing $ ..............................
to procure, subscriptions for any
shares in the company; or ...............
Rate of such commission .Rate per cent
Date of circular or notice (if any), not
being a prospectus, inviting subscrip-
tions for the shares and disclosing the Date
amount or rate of the commission
Number of shares which persons have
agreed for a commission to subscribe
absolutely ..............No .
(Signatures of all the directors &
or of their agents authorized . .......................... .....................
in writing) .......................
.............. 1
Dated.....the ............ day of .......................... 19
FORM III. Fee $5,00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Notice of increase in nominal capital.
Presented by ...........................................................................
................................ !
Company ..........................
section 55 of the Companies
Ordinance, that by (a) resolution of the
---Company dat - ed of ...... 1 11 1 - 19 --- the
nominal capital of the Company has been increased by the addition
thereto of the sum of $ beyond the registered capital
of $
The additional capital is divided as follows-
Nominal amount
Number of shares. Class of share. of each share.
The conditions (e.g., voting rights, dividends, etc.) subject to
which the new shares have been or are to be issued are as follows-
(If any of the new shares are preference shares state whether
they are redeeniabla or not).
Signature .............................................
(State whether Director or Manager or Secretary) .............
Dated the of 19
(a) 'ordinary', 'e:ttraordinary', or .,special'.
FORm III (F). Fee $5.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Return of alteration in the charter, statutes, memorandum or
articles of association or other instrument constituting or defining the
constitution of a company incorporated outside Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Return of alteration in the (a) constituting
or defining the constitution of .............................................
a company incorporated in (b) ..............................................
and which has established a place of business in I-long Kong at
(c)Certified copy of alteration or certified copy of new deed, if one
has been executed, and certified translation of alteration or deed,
if not in English language, must accompany this return and
be shortly here.
Signature of the persons authorized
under section 318 (c) of the
Companies Ordinance or of
some other person in Hong
Kong duly authorized b,
Dated the of 19
(a) 'charter', 'atatutes', 'memorandum or articles of association' or other
instrument as the case may be.
(b) Country of origin.
(c) The copy and translation (if any) must be certified In the manner prescribed
in paragraphs 3 and 6 of this order.
FORm IV. Fee $10.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of a mortgage or charge created by a company
registered in Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Particulars of a mortgage or charge created by ...........................
.............. Limited.
2 3 4 5
-Date -and-- -Amount-Short -Names, Amount or -rate per
description secured by particulars addresses cent of the com-
of the the mort- of the and mission, allowance
instrument gage or property descriptions or discount (if
creating or charge. mortgaged of the any) paid or made
evidencing orcharged. mortgagees either directly or
the mort- or personsindirectly by the
gage or entitled company to any
charge (a). to the person in con-
charge. sideration of his
subscribing or
agreeingto sub-.
scribe whether
absolutely or con-
ditionally, or pro-
curing or agreeing
toprocure sub-
scriptions, whe-
ther absolute or
conditional, for
any of the deben-
tures included in
thisreturn (b).
(Signature) ..................................................................
(Designation of position in relation to the company) ..........
Dated the of 19
(a) A description of the instrument, e.g., 'trust deed', 'mortgage', 'debenture',
etc., as the case may be, should be given.
(b) The rate of interest payable under the terms of the debentures should not
be entered.
FoRm V. Fe2 $10.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject to which property
has been acquired cn (,g. ajter 1st July, 1933, by a Company registered
in. 17ong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Particulars of a mortgage or charge subject to which property
has been acquired on or after 1st July, 1933, by .....................
................. Limited.
2 3 4 5
Date and Amount Short Names,
description of Date of the owing on particulars daddresses and
th.-, instrument acquisition security of the escriptions of
creating or of, the of the property the mortgagees
evidencing the or persons
mortgage or property. mortgage mortgaged
or charge. or charged. entitled to the
charge (a). charge.
(Signature) ..........................................
(Designation of position in relation to the company) ..........
Dated the of 19
(a) A description of the instrument, e.g., 'trust deed', 'mortgage', 'debenture',
etc., as the case may be, should be given.
A copy of the instrument, certified as prescribed in paragraph 5 of this Ordert
must be delivered with these particulars.
FORm IV (F). Fee $5.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Return of alteration in the list or particulars of directors of a
company incorporated outside Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Return of alteration in the list.or particulars of directors (a) ......
.................. of
a company incorporated in (b) and which has
established a place of business in Hong Kong at ...........................
The Other
present Any Nationality business
formerof originUs p tionRemarks
ChristianChristian Nation* ~ ual oceu a -as- to the
name- or - (if-other than residential- or directorm
names and name or ality. the present address. ships if alteration
surnamenamesor nationality). if . any, (e).
surname. s ne,
state o (d).
Signature of the persons authorized................ .......... ...........
under section 318 (c) of the
Companies Ordinance or of
some other person in Hong .......
Kong duly authorized by the
Company. ..........................................
Dated the of 19
(a) 'director' includes any person who occupies the position of a director by
whatever name called, and any person in accordance with whose directions or
Instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act.
(b) Country of origin.
(c) In the case of a corporation its corporate name and registered or principal
office should be shown.
(d) In the case of an individual who has no business occupation but holds any
other directorship or directorships, particulars of that directorship or of some one
of those directorships must be entered.
(e) A complete list of the directors or managers shown as existing in the last
return should always be given. A note of the changes since the last list was
filed should be made in this column, e.jv., by placing against a new director's name
the words 'in place of ' and by writing against any former
director's name the words 'dead', 'resigned', or as the case may be.
FORm V (F). Fee $5.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Return of alteration in the names or addresses of the persons
resident in Hong Ko-ng authorized to accept service on behalf of a
company incorporated outside Hong Kong.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Return of alteration in the names or addresses of the persons
resident in Hong Kong authorized to accept on behalf of the
company service of process and any notices required to be
served on ...........................................................................
....1 ....1 ....................1 1
a company incorporated in (a) ..............................................
and which has established a place of business in Hong Kong at
Signature of the persons authorized
under section 318 (c) of the
Companies Ordinance or of
some other person in Hong
Kong duly authorized by the
Dated the of 19
(a) Country of origin.
Register of Mortgages and Charges and of Memoranda of Satisfact ! ion of
......................................... ! .....................Limited.
1. 2. 3. SA. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
the i sues of
0 0 Particulars relating to a
0 debentures of a series.
cd Cd - !5
.5 0 0
- Amount of Name and date
0 U.4 0-0 Memoranda rate per
cd 0 0 0
bo of of apDointment of
E:t~ receiver or
~:d cent of.the
,c bo r 'd be a ~n 0 Satisfaction commission, manager and date
is t5
bo z; 'd.2 0 ~ch f - X of his ceasing
W ' llowance,
0 0 the series. 9:4 ............................ or
0, 0 ....... to act.
r 6G 0-0 discount.
bc CX >, 0 ~ ';5
j z ~$ ~ boJ0
-6 -0.2
o cd a g: 0 c 0 0
0 bC
0 c
'd cd 0 c 0 d o c .00 Date. Amount. o tS > M-0.6
P' 5.0 c VU
2- C10 a E0~ -0
Chronological index of charges enteied in the Register.
(SECTION 83 (4)
Serial Amount Date Debentures.
Date of No. of Folio inName of of of By whom Remarks
registration.charge in trust FirstFurther registered.
this index. or charge. deed. issue. issue.
FORM VIII. Fee $3.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Declaration that the conditions of section 94 (1) (a) and (b) of the
Companies Ordinance, have been complied with.
To be used by a company which issued a prospectus on or with
reference to its formation.
Presented by ............................................................................
of ...........................................................................................
................................. .
being (a) .................................................................................
of ...........................................................................................
.............................. 1 Limited,
do solemnly and sincerely declare-
That the amount of the share capital of the company offered to
the public for subscription is $ .......................................
That the amount stated in the prospectus as the minimum
amount which in the opinion of the directors must be raised
by the issue of share capital in order to provide for the
matters specified in paragraph 5 in Part I of the Fourth
Schedule to the Companies Ordinance is $ ........................
That shares held subject to the payment of the whole amount
thereof in cash have been allotted to the amount of $ .........
That every director of the company has paid to the company
on each of the shares taken or contracted to be taken by
him and for which he is liable to pay in cash, a proportion
equal to the proportion payable on application and allotment
on the shares offered for public subscription.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the
same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the
Statutory Declarations Act, 1835.
Declared at ............................
the of
...................1 1 19 ..... 1
before me 1
A Commissioner for Oaths .(b)
(a) 'The secretary', or 'a director'.
(b) or notary public or justice of the peace.
FORM IX. Fee $3.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Declaration that the provisions of section 94 (2) (b), of the Companies
Ordinance have been complied with.
To -be used -by -a company which has -delivered- to- the- Registrar of-
Companies a statement in lieu of prospectus.
Presented by , ..........................................................................
. ..............................................
of ...........................................................................................
being (a) .................................................................................
of ...........................................................................................
.............................. Limited,
do solemnly and sincerely declare:-
That every director of the company has paid to the company
on each of the shares taken or contracted to be taken by
him and for which he is liable to pay in cash, a proportion
equal to the proportion payable on application and allot-
ment on the shares payable in cash.
And I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be
true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations
Act, 1835.
Declared at ............................
................ .................
the of
.................. 19 .........................
before me
A Co mmissioner for Oaths (b)
(a) 'The secretary', or 'a director'.
(b) or notary public or justice of the peace.
FORM X. Fee $3.00
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Particulars of directors or managers and of any changes therein.
Presented by ...........................................................................
Particulars of the directors or managers (a) of .....................
..................................... ., 1 and of any changes therein.
The AnyNationality business
present former of origin occupation
Christian Usual or director- Changes
n me orChristian Nation- (if other residential ships if any. (d).
names--' -name or ality. than the- - address~ If 1 none
surname names or present state so
(b).surname. nationality). (c).
(Signature) ..........................................
(State whether director or manager or secretary) ...............
Dated the of 19
(a) 'director' includes any person who occupies the position of a director by
whatever name called, and any person in accordance with whose directions or
instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act.
(b) In the case of a corporation its'corporate name and registered or principal
office should be shown.
(c) In the case of an individual who has no business occupation but holds any
other directorship or directorships, particulars of tha~ directorship or of some one
of those directorships must be entered.
(d) A complete list of the directors or managers shown as existing in the last
particulars delivered should always be given. A note of the changes since the last
list should be made in this column, e.g., by placing against a new director's name
the words 'in place of ' and by writing against any former
director's name the words 'dead'; 'resigned', or as the case may be.
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
Notice to dissenting shareholders.
re (a).............. . . . .
......................................................... 1 Limited.
Notice by (b) ......................................................................
...................... Limited.
To (c) .....................................................................................
Whereas on the of 19 (b)
made an offer to all the holders of (d) ....................................
shares in (a) (state shortly the nature of
the offer) ....and whereas up to the
day of ......19 being a date within four months
of the date of the making thereof such offer was approved by
the holders of not less than nine-tenths in value of the (d) ......
.. ..........shares in the said company.
Now therefore the said (b) ................................................
in pursuance of the provisions of section 153 of the Companies
Ordinance, (Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition) hereby gives you
notice that it the said (b) ...................................................
desires to acquire the (d) .shares in
the said (a) ............held by you.
And further take notice that unless upon an application made to
the court by you the said (c) ......................................................
on or before the of 19
being one month from the date of this notice, the court thinks fit
to order otherwise, the said (b) ...................................................
will be entitled and bound to acquire the (d) .................................
shares held by you in the said (a) .............................................
on the terms of the above-mentioned offer approved by the approving
(d) ..shareholders in the said company.
(Signature) ..........................................
for (b) ................................................
(State whether director or manager or secretary) ..............
Dated the of 19
(a) Name of transferor company.
(b) Name of transferee company.
(c) Name and address of dissenting shareholder.
(d) If the otTer is limited to a certain class or classes of shareholders insert
particulars of the shares.
(Chapter 32 of the Revised Edition).
(No Registration Fee payable).
Receiver or manager's abstract of receipts and payments.
Name of company .....................................................................
Name and address of receiver or manager .................................
Date and description of security
containing the powers under
which receiver or manager ...........................................
is appointed ......................
From .................................
Period covered by the abstract ... { To ......................................
Presented by ...........................................................................
Brought forward .................Brought forward $
(The receipts and payments
must severally be added up at the
foot of each sheet and the totals
carried forward from one abstract
to another without any interme-
diate balance so that the gross
totals shall represent the total
amounts received and paid by the
receiver or manager since the
date of appointment).
Carried forward ................$ Carried forward $
(Signature) ........................................................................
Dated.....the ............ day of ....................... ;, 19
G.N. 624/33. Citation. Forms. Certified copy of Charter, etc. under section 318. [para. 3 cont.] Time for delivering particulars of alterations under section 320. Verified or certified copy of charge under sections 80 and 82. Translations. Provision for particular cases.
G.N. 624/33. Citation. Forms. Certified copy of Charter, etc. under section 318. [para. 3 cont.] Time for delivering particulars of alterations under section 320. Verified or certified copy of charge under sections 80 and 82. Translations. Provision for particular cases.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“COMPANIES (FORMS) ORDER,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 26, 2025,