No. 16 of 1860.
An Ordinance to amend the haw relating to Newspapers in Hongkong.
[30th November, 1860.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor o£ Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. That on acid after the first dap o£ January next, no person shall
print or
publish or cause to be printed or published, any newspaper, until he
shall have entered
unto a bond before the Registrar o£ the Supremo Court, together with two
sureties, to the satisfaction of such Registrar-every person printing or
publishing any
such newspaper, in the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds, and his
sureties in a like
sum in the whole-conditioned that such printer or publisher shall pay
every such fine
or penalty as may at any time be imposed upon or adjudged against him by
reason of
any conviction for printing or publishing any libel at any time after the
entering into
such bond-and also all costs of such conviction ; and as a further
condition, that every
such printer or publisher shall pay all such damages and costs as may be
recovered or
arise in any action for libel published in such newspaper. And every
person who shall
print or publish, or cause to be printed or published any newspaper,
without having
entered into such bond, with such sureties as aforesaid, shall, for every
such offence
forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, together with costs of conviction.
2. Every bond so given as aforesaid may be sued upon in the name of the
Attor. Attorney General
or Plaintiff en
ney General in cases 'of indictment or information, and of the plaintiff
in any action sue.
for libel in which damages may have been recovered.
~, In every case in which any surety in any such bond shall have been
required New sureties to
be p'roPitled i2<
to pay, and have paid, the whole or any part of the sum for which he
shall have become certain cascg-
.surety; or in case he shall become bankrupt or insolvent, or shall cease
to be a resident
in Hongkong, then and in every such case the person for whom such surety shall have
No. 16 of 1860.
been bound, shall not print or publish any newspaper, until he shall have
entered into
a new bond, with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the amount
and in case he shall print or publish any such newspaper, without having
executed such
new bond as aforesaid, he shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of
twenty pounds,
together with costs of conviction.
5nrettes may
with dram, from
brmd. ..
Recovery of
(* .Cen~(ipd, i10. 4
4. If any surety shall be desirous of withdrawing from such bond, it
shall be-,
lawful for him so to do upon giving twenty days previous notice in
writing to the Re-
gistrar of the Supreme Court, and also to such printer or publisher; and
in every such
case, such surety, from the expiration of such notice, shall cease to be
liable upon
the said bond, except for any penalty or penalties, damages or costs, for
or in respect
of any libel which may have been printed or published in such newspaper,
previous to
the expiration of such notice, and for which he would otherwise have been
liable under
the said bond; and in every, such case the person for whom such surety
shall have been
bound shall not print or publish any newspaper, until he shall have
executed a
new bond, with sufficient sureties, in the manner and to the amount
aforesaid; and in
case he shall print or publish any such newspaper, without having entered
into such
new bond as aforesaid he shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of
twenty hounds,.
tog other with costs of conviction.
5. Every penalty hereby imposed may be recovered, together with the
costs, in a
summary way before the *Chief or other Police Magistrate; and the amount
thereof may
be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender,
or in default of
sufficient distress, ho shall be liable to be imprisoned for any time not
exceeding three-
6. All bonds executed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall within
days after the execution thereof be transmitted to the Colonial Secretary
for safe
[Repealed by Ordinance N0. G of 188d.]
[60 G. 3. c. 9.]
[1 w. 4. c. 73.]
Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper.
Attorney General or plaintiff to sue.
New sureties ti be provided in certain cases.
Sureties may withdraw from bond.
Recovery of penalties. [* See Ord. No. 6 of 1862.]
Custody of bonds.
No. 16 of 1860.
An Ordinance to amend the haw relating to Newspapers in Hongkong.
[30th November, 1860.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor o£ Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. That on acid after the first dap o£ January next, no person shall
print or
publish or cause to be printed or published, any newspaper, until he
shall have entered
unto a bond before the Registrar o£ the Supremo Court, together with two
sureties, to the satisfaction of such Registrar-every person printing or
publishing any
such newspaper, in the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds, and his
sureties in a like
sum in the whole-conditioned that such printer or publisher shall pay
every such fine
or penalty as may at any time be imposed upon or adjudged against him by
reason of
any conviction for printing or publishing any libel at any time after the
entering into
such bond-and also all costs of such conviction ; and as a further
condition, that every
such printer or publisher shall pay all such damages and costs as may be
recovered or
arise in any action for libel published in such newspaper. And every
person who shall
print or publish, or cause to be printed or published any newspaper,
without having
entered into such bond, with such sureties as aforesaid, shall, for every
such offence
forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, together with costs of conviction.
2. Every bond so given as aforesaid may be sued upon in the name of the
Attor. Attorney General
or Plaintiff en
ney General in cases 'of indictment or information, and of the plaintiff
in any action sue.
for libel in which damages may have been recovered.
~, In every case in which any surety in any such bond shall have been
required New sureties to
be p'roPitled i2<
to pay, and have paid, the whole or any part of the sum for which he
shall have become certain cascg-
.surety; or in case he shall become bankrupt or insolvent, or shall cease
to be a resident
in Hongkong, then and in every such case the person for whom such surety shall have
No. 16 of 1860.
been bound, shall not print or publish any newspaper, until he shall have
entered into
a new bond, with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the amount
and in case he shall print or publish any such newspaper, without having
executed such
new bond as aforesaid, he shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of
twenty pounds,
together with costs of conviction.
5nrettes may
with dram, from
brmd. ..
Recovery of
(* .Cen~(ipd, i10. 4
4. If any surety shall be desirous of withdrawing from such bond, it
shall be-,
lawful for him so to do upon giving twenty days previous notice in
writing to the Re-
gistrar of the Supreme Court, and also to such printer or publisher; and
in every such
case, such surety, from the expiration of such notice, shall cease to be
liable upon
the said bond, except for any penalty or penalties, damages or costs, for
or in respect
of any libel which may have been printed or published in such newspaper,
previous to
the expiration of such notice, and for which he would otherwise have been
liable under
the said bond; and in every, such case the person for whom such surety
shall have been
bound shall not print or publish any newspaper, until he shall have
executed a
new bond, with sufficient sureties, in the manner and to the amount
aforesaid; and in
case he shall print or publish any such newspaper, without having entered
into such
new bond as aforesaid he shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of
twenty hounds,.
tog other with costs of conviction.
5. Every penalty hereby imposed may be recovered, together with the
costs, in a
summary way before the *Chief or other Police Magistrate; and the amount
thereof may
be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender,
or in default of
sufficient distress, ho shall be liable to be imprisoned for any time not
exceeding three-
6. All bonds executed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall within
days after the execution thereof be transmitted to the Colonial Secretary
for safe
[Repealed by Ordinance N0. G of 188d.]
[60 G. 3. c. 9.]
[1 w. 4. c. 73.]
Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper.
Attorney General or plaintiff to sue.
New sureties ti be provided in certain cases.
Sureties may withdraw from bond.
Recovery of penalties. [* See Ord. No. 6 of 1862.]
Custody of bonds.
[60 G. 3. c. 9.]
[1 w. 4. c. 73.]
Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper.
Attorney General or plaintiff to sue.
New sureties ti be provided in certain cases.
Sureties may withdraw from bond.
Recovery of penalties. [* See Ord. No. 6 of 1862.]
Custody of bonds.
[60 G. 3. c. 9.]
[1 w. 4. c. 73.]
Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper.
Attorney General or plaintiff to sue.
New sureties ti be provided in certain cases.
Sureties may withdraw from bond.
Recovery of penalties. [* See Ord. No. 6 of 1862.]
Custody of bonds.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 16 of 1860
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NEWSPAPERS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,