Registration of Boats, & c.
No. 15 of 1860.
An Ordinance for the Registration and Regulation of Boatmen and others
employed in Licensed Cargo Boats, and for the Survey of such
[17th November, 1860.]
~E it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-
irer»tar to be 1. The Registrar General shall beep a book, in whirl: shall
he entered the number,
name, and place of abode of every boatman or other person employed on
hoard any
cargo boat, and which shall be called the 'Cargo Boatmen Register' and be
as evidence before all Magistrates having jurisdiction within the Colony
of Hongkong
or the waters thereof.
r.iaeneeq to be 2. Every boatman or other person employed in guy capacity
on hoard any cargo
boat shall make application to the Registrar General for a licence
ticket, which ticket
the said Registrar General is hereby empowered to issue, arid to demand
and take the
ORDINANCE loo. 15 of 1860.
Tlegistralion of Boats, cps.
ttm of twenty-five cents for such ticket, and which ticket shall have
thereon in legible
letters and figures the words 'Cargo -Boat,' and the number in
consecutive order of
such licence, and the year in which issued.
3. Every person applying for a licence. ticket shall give to the
Registrar General Name, place of
abode, &e. to be
a true account of his name and place of abode; and shall give notice to
the said 3c:ttrd.
Registrar General whenever he may change his place of abode; in default
of his so
doing, and on conviction thereof, his licence shall become absolutely
void and of no
effect, and he shall be liable to a peualty not exceeding twenty dollars,
or to imprison.
went not exceeding three months.
4. Every licence shall be in force from the first day of January until
the end of unratl,n, of
the then current year, and no longer.
5. Every person, other than the original holder, who may be found in
possession of Unkwfal Poases-
slon of a ticket.
any licence ticket, shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not
exceeding fifty dollars,
or, at the discretion of a Magistrate, to imprisonment, with hard labour,
not exceeding
three calendar months.
6. Every holder of a licence ticket who tnay accidentally lose the same,
inay, on Lost tk-ket.,.
satisfying the Registrar General that such loss was occasioned by
accident, obtain
another ticket, which shall be beaded 'Dttrplicate Ticket,' and for which
the applicant
shall pay a fee of one dollar.
Every person who may counterfeit, or be in possession of any counterfeit
licence ticket, without lawful excuse, shall, on conviction, be liable to
any tern of
imprisonment not exceeding twelve months.
S. Every boatman or other person employed, or who may have been employed,
on worl;htgw;ntout
board of any cargo boat, who shall not be in possession of a licence
ticket, or who shall
not produce the same when demanded, shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding twenty
dollars, or to imprisonment not; exceeding six months.
9. Every master or other person engaged in the working of a cargo boat,
who may
'employ, or allow to be employed, any unregistered person on board
thereof, shall, on
conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars.
10. Every member of the Police Force duly authorised by the
Superintendent of
Police, every Inspector of boats, or outer person specially appointed,
shall be entitled
to eater at any time, with or without a search warrant, on board of any
cargo boat for
the purpose of searching therein; and if there shall be found on board
such boat any
,goods, of whatever description, of which no satisfactory account can be
given; or, if it
can be proved that any each goods have been landed or transferred from
guy cargo
boat, the master or other person having charge of such boat, shall be
deemed to have
-or to have had, as the case may be; unlawful possession o£ such goods,
cud, being
convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to
imprisonment not exceeding six months.
)imp?oYing nnre-
p;i5te.rVd ?,ersnns.
1'idnwunl ?IpFpeS'
glen of good,,.
Licence may be
yvitbdrawn or
Owners omidoy-
ing nnregisterea
ORDINANC)D No. 1 5 OF 1860.
Registration of Boats, yc.
11. The Magistrate before whom any conviction may take place under the
provisions of this Ordinance, may, if he shall think fit, either in
addition to or in lieu
of any fine or imprisonment hereby imposed, suspend, or altogether
withdraw the
licence of any offender, and transmit his licence ticket to the Registrar
General, with
a certificate setting forth the decision at which lie has arrived; and,
in case of
suspension, the Registrar shall re-issue the ticket to the applicant at
the expiration
of the time for which the Magistrate shall have suspended the licence.
12. Every owner of a cargo boat who shall employ any unregistered person
take charge thereof, or to work therein, or who shall refuse when called
upon to give
=information which he may possess as to names, places of abode, or other
relative to persons charged with the commission of offences against this
shall on conviction thereof be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty
Certificate of fit- 13. On and after the first day of January next, every
applicant for a licence for
boat of cargo.
any cargo boat shall produce, at the time of making his application, a
certificate under the
hand of the Harbour Master, or an Inspector appointed for that purpose,
setting forth
that he has examined the boat for which a licence is required, and that
it is in all
respects fit and proper to be employed as a cargo boat: and the Harbour
Master or
Inspector shall deliver to the applicant a certificate to the effect
stated on payment of
a foe of one dollar.
Vxamlnaaen of 14. The Harbour Master or Inspector is hereby embowered to
enter at any time -
cargo boats.
on board of guy licensed cargo boat, and to survey and examine the same ;
and in the
event of his discovering that any false bottom or other fitting,
alteration or addition
has been made therein for the purpose of facilitating the fraudulent
concealment of
goods, he shall seize and detain such boat, and apprehend or cause to be
the master or other person in charge thereof, and deliver him into the
custody of a
Police constable.
Boats eitb false 15. As soon as conveniently may be after the seizure of
any boat, the Harbour
bottoms, &c. may
i>e seized and Master, or Inspector, shall prefer an information before a
Police Magistrate against
the licensed owner, and also against the toaster or other person found in
charge of
such boat; and if the Magistrate, after hearing all the evidence which
may be offered,.
shall be satisfied that the false bottom or other fitting, alteration, or
addition complained.
of was used or made for the purpose of fraudulently concealing goods
therein, he may
adjudge that such boat shall be forfeited and sold and the proceeds
thereof be paid.
into the the Colonial Treasury; and also that the master or other person
found in
charge of such boat, shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding fifty
dollars, or be
imprisoned and kept to hard labour for any term not exceeding six months.
And the
licensed owner of such boat shall, if the Magistrate be satisfied that
the alteration,
addition, or fitting complained of, was made or used by his order, or
with his sanction
or connivance, be liable to forfeit and pap guy sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars,
or to be imprisoned for guy term not exceeding six months.
Registration of Boats, & c.
No. 15 of 1860.
16. If any person shall resist, impede, or obstruct the Harbour Master or
obstructing in-
Inspector or other person in the execution of his duty under this
Ordinance, he shall be
liable on conviction thereof to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, or
to imprisonment
with hard labour not exceeding three calendar months.
1'7. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on the first day of
January Gnnmt:nccment
of l)rdimmcc,
[Repealed leg Ordinance l1'0. 8 of 1879.]
Register to kept.
Licences to be granted.
Name, place of abode, &c. to be stated.
Duration jfo Licnece.
Unlawful possession of a ticket.
Lost tickets.
Counterfeit tickets.
Working without ticket.
Employing unregistered perosns.
Unlawful posssession of goods.
Licnece may be withdrawn or suspended.
Owners employing unregistered persons.
Certificate of fitness of cargoboat required.
Examination of cargo boats.
Boats with false bottoms, &c. may be seized and condemned.
Obstructing Inspector.
Commencement of Ordinance.
No. 15 of 1860.
An Ordinance for the Registration and Regulation of Boatmen and others
employed in Licensed Cargo Boats, and for the Survey of such
[17th November, 1860.]
~E it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-
irer»tar to be 1. The Registrar General shall beep a book, in whirl: shall
he entered the number,
name, and place of abode of every boatman or other person employed on
hoard any
cargo boat, and which shall be called the 'Cargo Boatmen Register' and be
as evidence before all Magistrates having jurisdiction within the Colony
of Hongkong
or the waters thereof.
r.iaeneeq to be 2. Every boatman or other person employed in guy capacity
on hoard any cargo
boat shall make application to the Registrar General for a licence
ticket, which ticket
the said Registrar General is hereby empowered to issue, arid to demand
and take the
ORDINANCE loo. 15 of 1860.
Tlegistralion of Boats, cps.
ttm of twenty-five cents for such ticket, and which ticket shall have
thereon in legible
letters and figures the words 'Cargo -Boat,' and the number in
consecutive order of
such licence, and the year in which issued.
3. Every person applying for a licence. ticket shall give to the
Registrar General Name, place of
abode, &e. to be
a true account of his name and place of abode; and shall give notice to
the said 3c:ttrd.
Registrar General whenever he may change his place of abode; in default
of his so
doing, and on conviction thereof, his licence shall become absolutely
void and of no
effect, and he shall be liable to a peualty not exceeding twenty dollars,
or to imprison.
went not exceeding three months.
4. Every licence shall be in force from the first day of January until
the end of unratl,n, of
the then current year, and no longer.
5. Every person, other than the original holder, who may be found in
possession of Unkwfal Poases-
slon of a ticket.
any licence ticket, shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not
exceeding fifty dollars,
or, at the discretion of a Magistrate, to imprisonment, with hard labour,
not exceeding
three calendar months.
6. Every holder of a licence ticket who tnay accidentally lose the same,
inay, on Lost tk-ket.,.
satisfying the Registrar General that such loss was occasioned by
accident, obtain
another ticket, which shall be beaded 'Dttrplicate Ticket,' and for which
the applicant
shall pay a fee of one dollar.
Every person who may counterfeit, or be in possession of any counterfeit
licence ticket, without lawful excuse, shall, on conviction, be liable to
any tern of
imprisonment not exceeding twelve months.
S. Every boatman or other person employed, or who may have been employed,
on worl;htgw;ntout
board of any cargo boat, who shall not be in possession of a licence
ticket, or who shall
not produce the same when demanded, shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding twenty
dollars, or to imprisonment not; exceeding six months.
9. Every master or other person engaged in the working of a cargo boat,
who may
'employ, or allow to be employed, any unregistered person on board
thereof, shall, on
conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars.
10. Every member of the Police Force duly authorised by the
Superintendent of
Police, every Inspector of boats, or outer person specially appointed,
shall be entitled
to eater at any time, with or without a search warrant, on board of any
cargo boat for
the purpose of searching therein; and if there shall be found on board
such boat any
,goods, of whatever description, of which no satisfactory account can be
given; or, if it
can be proved that any each goods have been landed or transferred from
guy cargo
boat, the master or other person having charge of such boat, shall be
deemed to have
-or to have had, as the case may be; unlawful possession o£ such goods,
cud, being
convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to
imprisonment not exceeding six months.
)imp?oYing nnre-
p;i5te.rVd ?,ersnns.
1'idnwunl ?IpFpeS'
glen of good,,.
Licence may be
yvitbdrawn or
Owners omidoy-
ing nnregisterea
ORDINANC)D No. 1 5 OF 1860.
Registration of Boats, yc.
11. The Magistrate before whom any conviction may take place under the
provisions of this Ordinance, may, if he shall think fit, either in
addition to or in lieu
of any fine or imprisonment hereby imposed, suspend, or altogether
withdraw the
licence of any offender, and transmit his licence ticket to the Registrar
General, with
a certificate setting forth the decision at which lie has arrived; and,
in case of
suspension, the Registrar shall re-issue the ticket to the applicant at
the expiration
of the time for which the Magistrate shall have suspended the licence.
12. Every owner of a cargo boat who shall employ any unregistered person
take charge thereof, or to work therein, or who shall refuse when called
upon to give
=information which he may possess as to names, places of abode, or other
relative to persons charged with the commission of offences against this
shall on conviction thereof be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty
Certificate of fit- 13. On and after the first day of January next, every
applicant for a licence for
boat of cargo.
any cargo boat shall produce, at the time of making his application, a
certificate under the
hand of the Harbour Master, or an Inspector appointed for that purpose,
setting forth
that he has examined the boat for which a licence is required, and that
it is in all
respects fit and proper to be employed as a cargo boat: and the Harbour
Master or
Inspector shall deliver to the applicant a certificate to the effect
stated on payment of
a foe of one dollar.
Vxamlnaaen of 14. The Harbour Master or Inspector is hereby embowered to
enter at any time -
cargo boats.
on board of guy licensed cargo boat, and to survey and examine the same ;
and in the
event of his discovering that any false bottom or other fitting,
alteration or addition
has been made therein for the purpose of facilitating the fraudulent
concealment of
goods, he shall seize and detain such boat, and apprehend or cause to be
the master or other person in charge thereof, and deliver him into the
custody of a
Police constable.
Boats eitb false 15. As soon as conveniently may be after the seizure of
any boat, the Harbour
bottoms, &c. may
i>e seized and Master, or Inspector, shall prefer an information before a
Police Magistrate against
the licensed owner, and also against the toaster or other person found in
charge of
such boat; and if the Magistrate, after hearing all the evidence which
may be offered,.
shall be satisfied that the false bottom or other fitting, alteration, or
addition complained.
of was used or made for the purpose of fraudulently concealing goods
therein, he may
adjudge that such boat shall be forfeited and sold and the proceeds
thereof be paid.
into the the Colonial Treasury; and also that the master or other person
found in
charge of such boat, shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding fifty
dollars, or be
imprisoned and kept to hard labour for any term not exceeding six months.
And the
licensed owner of such boat shall, if the Magistrate be satisfied that
the alteration,
addition, or fitting complained of, was made or used by his order, or
with his sanction
or connivance, be liable to forfeit and pap guy sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars,
or to be imprisoned for guy term not exceeding six months.
Registration of Boats, & c.
No. 15 of 1860.
16. If any person shall resist, impede, or obstruct the Harbour Master or
obstructing in-
Inspector or other person in the execution of his duty under this
Ordinance, he shall be
liable on conviction thereof to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, or
to imprisonment
with hard labour not exceeding three calendar months.
1'7. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on the first day of
January Gnnmt:nccment
of l)rdimmcc,
[Repealed leg Ordinance l1'0. 8 of 1879.]
Register to kept.
Licences to be granted.
Name, place of abode, &c. to be stated.
Duration jfo Licnece.
Unlawful possession of a ticket.
Lost tickets.
Counterfeit tickets.
Working without ticket.
Employing unregistered perosns.
Unlawful posssession of goods.
Licnece may be withdrawn or suspended.
Owners employing unregistered persons.
Certificate of fitness of cargoboat required.
Examination of cargo boats.
Boats with false bottoms, &c. may be seized and condemned.
Obstructing Inspector.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Register to kept.
Licences to be granted.
Name, place of abode, &c. to be stated.
Duration jfo Licnece.
Unlawful possession of a ticket.
Lost tickets.
Counterfeit tickets.
Working without ticket.
Employing unregistered perosns.
Unlawful posssession of goods.
Licnece may be withdrawn or suspended.
Owners employing unregistered persons.
Certificate of fitness of cargoboat required.
Examination of cargo boats.
Boats with false bottoms, &c. may be seized and condemned.
Obstructing Inspector.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Register to kept.
Licences to be granted.
Name, place of abode, &c. to be stated.
Duration jfo Licnece.
Unlawful possession of a ticket.
Lost tickets.
Counterfeit tickets.
Working without ticket.
Employing unregistered perosns.
Unlawful posssession of goods.
Licnece may be withdrawn or suspended.
Owners employing unregistered persons.
Certificate of fitness of cargoboat required.
Examination of cargo boats.
Boats with false bottoms, &c. may be seized and condemned.
Obstructing Inspector.
Commencement of Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 15 of 1860
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGISTRATION OF BOAT, & c. ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,