Jurors and Witnesses.
No. 2 of 1860.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Jurors and Witnesses.
[3rd March, 1860.]
BE it enacted and ordained 17y His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: --
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1860.
Jurors and yT' atnesses.
1. Every person not being a Christian who may be summoned to
serve as a juror in any case, whether civil or criminal, may, in lieu of
the form of oath now required to be taken, make the following decla-
~~ I (A. B.) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare, that I will
hearken to the evidence, and a true verdict give, to the
best of my shill and hnowledoge, without fear, favour or
2. Every person not being a Christian, who may be summoned or appear to
evidence in any proceeding, civil or criminal, inay, in lieu of an oath,
mako the follow-
ing declaration, which shall be duly interpreted to every witness
ignorant of the Eng. ofontb.
lish language:- '
°°I (A. B.) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare, that the evidence
I am about to give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth.' [Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1889.]
3. Every person not being a Christian, who shall, make any affidavit,
information, persons not
bring ('.Itristians
deposition or testification, shall, in lieu of an oath, make and
subscribe the following tnnklug affida-
vits, &C., to make,
declaration :- doelaratifm
in lieu of oath.
'I hereby solemnly and sincerely declare, that the contents of this my
davit, information, deposition or testification, as the case may be] are
true.' [Repealed by Ordinance 1Vo. 2 of 1889.]
4. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1857 shall be and is hereby repealed,
and in
`iteu'thereof be it enacted, that if any person making or subscribing any
solemn de-
8dration hereby provided as a substitute for an oath, shall wilfully,
falsely and cor.
ruptly =declare or subscribe any matter or thing which if the same had
been sworn
would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury, every such person so
shall incur the same penalties as by any Law or Ordinance in force within
this Colony
.is, or which may be provided or enacted for the punishment of any person
wilful and corrupt perjury. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1889.]
g. Every jury list in force within thp Colony shall contain the surnames
of all .Jury list.
men who shall be qualified and liable to serve on juries, together with
the Christian
or other names by which such persons are usually known, whether such
names shall
have been delivered in writing in accordance with section 2 of Ordinance
No. 3 of
1855, or have been inserted therein by the sheriff or by the Governor and
Council. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 11 of 1864.]
6. -So much of section 11 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1851 as provides that the
marked off and designated as special jurors shall be liable to serve both
as special and
common jurors, shall be and is hereby repealed; and be it enacted in lieu
that special jurors shall be exempt from serving on any common jury.
[Repealed by
Ordinance No. 11 of 1864.]
Persons not
being Chris-
tians sum-
moned to
serve on juries.
may make
in lien of
Witnesses not
being Christians
map molts de.
ebtratton in lien
see. s of No, i
of 1857 repealed.
Persons making
false deelarn-
tlons, &c., to tie
guilty of perjury.
Special jurors
not liable to
serve an any
Cemntell jln`)'.
Persons not being Christians summoned to serve on juries may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Witnesses not being Christians may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Persons not being Christains making affidavits, &c., to make declaration in lieu of oath.
Sec. 5 of No. 7 of 1857 repealed.
Persons making false declarations, &c., to be guilty of perjury.
Jury list.
Special jurors not liable to serve on any common jury.
No. 2 of 1860.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Jurors and Witnesses.
[3rd March, 1860.]
BE it enacted and ordained 17y His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: --
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1860.
Jurors and yT' atnesses.
1. Every person not being a Christian who may be summoned to
serve as a juror in any case, whether civil or criminal, may, in lieu of
the form of oath now required to be taken, make the following decla-
~~ I (A. B.) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare, that I will
hearken to the evidence, and a true verdict give, to the
best of my shill and hnowledoge, without fear, favour or
2. Every person not being a Christian, who may be summoned or appear to
evidence in any proceeding, civil or criminal, inay, in lieu of an oath,
mako the follow-
ing declaration, which shall be duly interpreted to every witness
ignorant of the Eng. ofontb.
lish language:- '
°°I (A. B.) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare, that the evidence
I am about to give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth.' [Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1889.]
3. Every person not being a Christian, who shall, make any affidavit,
information, persons not
bring ('.Itristians
deposition or testification, shall, in lieu of an oath, make and
subscribe the following tnnklug affida-
vits, &C., to make,
declaration :- doelaratifm
in lieu of oath.
'I hereby solemnly and sincerely declare, that the contents of this my
davit, information, deposition or testification, as the case may be] are
true.' [Repealed by Ordinance 1Vo. 2 of 1889.]
4. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1857 shall be and is hereby repealed,
and in
`iteu'thereof be it enacted, that if any person making or subscribing any
solemn de-
8dration hereby provided as a substitute for an oath, shall wilfully,
falsely and cor.
ruptly =declare or subscribe any matter or thing which if the same had
been sworn
would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury, every such person so
shall incur the same penalties as by any Law or Ordinance in force within
this Colony
.is, or which may be provided or enacted for the punishment of any person
wilful and corrupt perjury. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 2 of 1889.]
g. Every jury list in force within thp Colony shall contain the surnames
of all .Jury list.
men who shall be qualified and liable to serve on juries, together with
the Christian
or other names by which such persons are usually known, whether such
names shall
have been delivered in writing in accordance with section 2 of Ordinance
No. 3 of
1855, or have been inserted therein by the sheriff or by the Governor and
Council. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 11 of 1864.]
6. -So much of section 11 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1851 as provides that the
marked off and designated as special jurors shall be liable to serve both
as special and
common jurors, shall be and is hereby repealed; and be it enacted in lieu
that special jurors shall be exempt from serving on any common jury.
[Repealed by
Ordinance No. 11 of 1864.]
Persons not
being Chris-
tians sum-
moned to
serve on juries.
may make
in lien of
Witnesses not
being Christians
map molts de.
ebtratton in lien
see. s of No, i
of 1857 repealed.
Persons making
false deelarn-
tlons, &c., to tie
guilty of perjury.
Special jurors
not liable to
serve an any
Cemntell jln`)'.
Persons not being Christians summoned to serve on juries may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Witnesses not being Christians may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Persons not being Christains making affidavits, &c., to make declaration in lieu of oath.
Sec. 5 of No. 7 of 1857 repealed.
Persons making false declarations, &c., to be guilty of perjury.
Jury list.
Special jurors not liable to serve on any common jury.
Persons not being Christians summoned to serve on juries may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Witnesses not being Christians may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Persons not being Christains making affidavits, &c., to make declaration in lieu of oath.
Sec. 5 of No. 7 of 1857 repealed.
Persons making false declarations, &c., to be guilty of perjury.
Jury list.
Special jurors not liable to serve on any common jury.
Persons not being Christians summoned to serve on juries may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Witnesses not being Christians may make declaration in lieu of oath.
Persons not being Christains making affidavits, &c., to make declaration in lieu of oath.
Sec. 5 of No. 7 of 1857 repealed.
Persons making false declarations, &c., to be guilty of perjury.
Jury list.
Special jurors not liable to serve on any common jury.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1860
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“JURORS AND WITNESSES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/142.