Conditional Pardons.
No. 1 of 1860.
An Ordinance empowering His Excellency the Governor to grant
Conditional Pardons in certain cases.
[3rd March, 1860.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to empower His Excellency the Governor to grant
conditional pardotrs, in accordance with the terms of the Royal Charter
of the
Colony of Hongkong: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His
Excellency the
Governor of Hongkona, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
1. It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to grant to any
convicted of any crime, a pardon subject to either of tile following
conditions, as the
case may be; that such offender shall quit the Colony of Hongls ong and
not afterwards
be found at large therein; or, that such offender shall, in lieu of the
sentence of death
which may have keen .passed upon or recorded against him, by any Court of
jurisdiction, suffer such term of imprisonment or penal servitude as His
Excellency may
think fit.
2. Should any, offender to whom a pardon has been granted on conditio>,t
of his
quitting the Colony be afterwards found at large therein, contrary to
such condition it
shall be lawful for any Police officer to apprehend such offender and
convoy him before
a Magistrate, who shall make out a warrant, under his hand and seal,' for
recommitment of such offender to prison, there to undergo the residue of
h'is original
sentence, as if no pardon bad been ;ranted. [Revealed by Ordinances N68.
7 and 16 of
1870 and by No. 5 of 18f1.j . ' '~
[All repealed by Ordinances Nos. 8 of 1876, & 8 of 1882.]
[See Ords. No. 7 of 1870, and No.5 of 1871.
Governor may grant pardons subject to condition of offenders leaving the Colony, &c.
Offenders who have received a conditional pardon if found in the Colony may be committed for the remainder of their original sentence.
No. 1 of 1860.
An Ordinance empowering His Excellency the Governor to grant
Conditional Pardons in certain cases.
[3rd March, 1860.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to empower His Excellency the Governor to grant
conditional pardotrs, in accordance with the terms of the Royal Charter
of the
Colony of Hongkong: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by His
Excellency the
Governor of Hongkona, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
1. It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor to grant to any
convicted of any crime, a pardon subject to either of tile following
conditions, as the
case may be; that such offender shall quit the Colony of Hongls ong and
not afterwards
be found at large therein; or, that such offender shall, in lieu of the
sentence of death
which may have keen .passed upon or recorded against him, by any Court of
jurisdiction, suffer such term of imprisonment or penal servitude as His
Excellency may
think fit.
2. Should any, offender to whom a pardon has been granted on conditio>,t
of his
quitting the Colony be afterwards found at large therein, contrary to
such condition it
shall be lawful for any Police officer to apprehend such offender and
convoy him before
a Magistrate, who shall make out a warrant, under his hand and seal,' for
recommitment of such offender to prison, there to undergo the residue of
h'is original
sentence, as if no pardon bad been ;ranted. [Revealed by Ordinances N68.
7 and 16 of
1870 and by No. 5 of 18f1.j . ' '~
[All repealed by Ordinances Nos. 8 of 1876, & 8 of 1882.]
[See Ords. No. 7 of 1870, and No.5 of 1871.
Governor may grant pardons subject to condition of offenders leaving the Colony, &c.
Offenders who have received a conditional pardon if found in the Colony may be committed for the remainder of their original sentence.
[See Ords. No. 7 of 1870, and No.5 of 1871.
Governor may grant pardons subject to condition of offenders leaving the Colony, &c.
Offenders who have received a conditional pardon if found in the Colony may be committed for the remainder of their original sentence.
[See Ords. No. 7 of 1870, and No.5 of 1871.
Governor may grant pardons subject to condition of offenders leaving the Colony, &c.
Offenders who have received a conditional pardon if found in the Colony may be committed for the remainder of their original sentence.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1860
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CONDITIONAL PARDONS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,