No. 2 of 1909.
An Ordinance to authorise for public purposes the re-
clamation of certain portions of the Crown foresItore
and sea bed situate Hunghom Bay.
[12th March, 1909.]
WHEREAs a Government railway is in course of construction between
Tsim Sha Tsui and Lo Fu Ferry and it is necessary for the pur-
poses of such construction that certain portions of the Crown fore-
shore and sea bed should be reclaimed -, AND WHIMEAS Certain
reclamation has heretofore taken place and it is desirable to vali-
date and lelgalize the sanic. :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Hundhom Bay
Reclamation Ordinance, 1909.
2.--(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor for the pur-
poses of the government railway between Tsim Sha Tsm
and Lo Fu. Ferry to reclaim, inclose, and fill up all the
Crown foreshore and sea bed the hinits and boundaries of
which are delineated generally in pink upon a plan slgned
by Graves William Eves, Chief Resident Engineer, Kowloon
CantonRailway, and countersigned by the Director of Public
Works, dated the 24th day of February, 1909, and deposited
in the Land Office.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
(2) The Governor may at any time for the purposes afore-
said reclaim, inclose, and fill up such further Crown fore-
shore and sea bed as is contiguous to the said delineated
limits and boundaries as he may deem expedient, so long as
such further reclamation shall not extend beyond the limits
delineated generally by the line in yellow upon the said
plan and inarked of deviation.
3. So far as the said work of reclamation has taken place,
such reclamation is hereby validated and legalized for all
intents and purposes as if the same had been duly effected
under this Ordinance.
4. All public rights, privileges and easements in, upon and
over such portions of the Crown foreshore and sea bed as are
or sball be reclaimed for the purposes aforesaid are hereby
determined and shall be deemed to have ceased to exist
prior to the commencement of the said work of reclamation.
5. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall derogate
from any of the powers or rights of the Crown in respect of
the said foreshore or sea bed.
[Originally No. 2 of 1909. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to carry out works of reclamation. Past work legalized. Determination of public rights. Saving of rights of the Crown.
[Originally No. 2 of 1909. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to carry out works of reclamation. Past work legalized. Determination of public rights. Saving of rights of the Crown.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1909
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HUNGHOM BAY RECLAMATION ORDINANCE, 1909,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,