No. 15 of 1908.
An Ordinance to provide for the transfer to the Govern-
ment of the widows and Orphans' Pension Fund and
of the management and control of the. pensions of
widows and orphans, and to consolidate the laws in
relation thereto.
[31st december, 1908]
WHEREAS it is expedient that the Widows' and Orphans' Penssion
Fund, constituted under the Widows'and Orphans' Pension Fund
Ordinance, 1900, should be transferyed to and should vest in the
Government and that the Government should henceforward receive
the contributions of all persons who at the commencement of this
Ordinance were contributors to the said fund and also of all such
persons as would have thereafter become contributors to the said
fund if this Ordinance had not been passed, and shonld continue
to pay all such pensions as may be payable at the commencement
of this Ordinance, and should pay pensions in respect of such
contributions as aforesaid to the widows and orphans of sneli con-
tributors in manner provided by this Ordinance: AND WHEREAS it is
expedient that for the purpose of calculating the pensions to become
payable under this Ordinance new tables should be substituted for
the tables in the Schedule to the Widows' and Orphans' Pension
Fund Ordinance, 1900; AND WHEREAS it is desirable to repeal the
laws relating to the pensions of widows and orphans and to con-
solidate the same:-
As amended by Law Rev. Ord,, 1924.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Widows' and
Orphans' Pension Ordinaiice, EMS.
2. In this Ordinance,
(a) Directors mean such persons as may be appointed
by the Governor to carry out the provisions of this Ordi-
(b) the fund means the Widows' and Orphans' Pension
(c) Orphan rneans the child of a deceased officer by his
wife, born after marriage.
(d) Pension means any pension granted under this
Ordinance, except where the context implies that the pen-
sion of the contributor hirnself is referred to.
(e) Pensioner means any person entitled to a pension
under this Ordinance except where the, context implies that
the contributor himself is referred to.
(f) Salary the salary of in officer's substantive
appointment or appointments including. personal allowances
in the nature of salary.
(g) Widow means the wife of a deceased officer.
(h) wife means the lawful wife of any officer of the
Christian or Jewish religion, or, in the case of Chinese the
kit fat or tin fong, or, in the case of any other Asiatic nation,
the principal wife.
3. in this ordinance,
(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-sections (2), (3) and
(4), officer means-
(a) every male person permanently employed in the
service, of the Government, who is in receipt of a salary of
not less than four hundred and twenty dollars per annum;
(b) every european member of the police force;
(c) every male person, not being a member of the police,
fore, who is appointed or re-appointed in the service of the
government on an agreement for any period not exceeding.
two years; and
amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
As amended by No. 21 of 1914, No. 5 or 1921, No. 23 of 1921 and Law Rev.
Ord., 1921.
As amended by law rev. ord., 1924.
(d) every male person who has, under the provisions of
section 4 of the ' Widows' and Orphans' Pension Second
Amendment Ordinance, 1921, duly elected to contribute to
the Fund.
(2) -Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(1), it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to exclude
from the operation of this ordinance any person who in the
opinion of the Governor in Council is engaged on work of a
special or temporary nature.
(3) If any person who is excluded by the Governor in
Council under sub-section (2) from the operation of this
Ordinance shall have contributed to the Fund before such
exclusion, the total amount of the ocntributions made by
him before such exchision shall be repaid to him without
interest: provided that this sub-section shall not apply to
any contributions made by such person to the fund in
respect of any service which in the opinlon of the
in Council was not of a special or temporary nature.
(4) in the case of persons appointed before the 4th day of
November, 1921, officer means-
(a) every male person permanently employed in the
service of the government, who is in receipt of a salary of
not less than four hundred and twenty dollars per annum ;
(b) every European member of the police force of the
rank of sergeant or of higher rank;
(c) every married European member of the police force
below the rank of sergeant, whose marriage has received the
previous or subsequent approval of the Captain Superintend-
ent of Police; and
(d) every male person who has, under the provisions of
section 3 of the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Ordinance,
1921-, duly elected to continue to contribute to the fund.
4. Pensions shall be paid out of the general revenue and
are hereby made charges upon such revenue.
5. All contributions and other revenues receivable from
officers under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be
carried to the credit of the general revenue, provided that
the sulns so received shall not be assessable for military
contribution under the defence Contribution ordinance, 1901,
6-(1) it shall be lawful for the governor to appoint any
number of officers not exceeding five and not less than three
as directors for the purpose of ont the provisions of
this Ordinance, and to cancel the appointment of any such
(2) In the event of the death or absence from the Colony
of a director, or in the. event of the cancellation of the
appointment of any director, the Governor shall appoint
another officer to be a director in his place.
(3) appointments of directors and cancellations thereof
shall take effect from the notification thereof in the Gazette.
(4) At every meeting of the directors the senior officer
present shall preside. every question shall be decided by
the vote of the majority present at the meeting; the chairman
shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as director.
There, shall be no meeting at which there shall not be at the
least three directors present and voting.
7.-(1) Subject to the provisions of section 29, a monthly
abatement of four per cent. shall be made from the salary or
pension of every officer and. abatements shall be credited
to the general revenue: Provided that in the case of an
officer holding or having held a post the salary of which is
on a sterling basis, the abatement shall be made in dollars
at four per cent. of such salary or pension converted into
dollars at the avexage deinand rate of exchange from the
15th day of the preceding month to the 15th day of the
month of payment. Such contributions shall continue to be
made on the full salary whenever an officer is on leave of
absence with half salary or without salary.
In the case of in officer holding a post the salary of which
is on a dollar basis, the abatement shall be made in dollars
at four per cent of his nominal salary, and if such officer is
in receipt of exchange compensation allowance it shall be
calculated upon such nominal dollar salary before the abate-
ment is made.
(2) contributions made by officers holding or having held
posts, the salary of which is on a sterling basis, shall for the
purpose of calculating pensions, be deemed to be fixed sterling
As amended by Law rev. Ord., 1924.
contributions, and the pensions shall accordingly be fixed and
payable in sterling, or if paid in the Colony, shall be converted
into dollars at the average demand rate of exchange from
the 15th day of the preceding month to the 15th day of the
month of payment.
(3) The abatement aforesaid shall be made by the Treas-
urer, or in case of payments made by the crown Agents, by
the Crown agents on each occasion of payment fo salary or
pension, and shall be placed to the credit of the general
revenue: Provided always that-
(i) When a contributor on leave of absence is paid by the
Crown Agents, he shall be entitled to receive only ninety-six
per cent. or forty-six per cent of his nominal salary, accord-
ing as he is on full or half pay leave, converted (in the case
of dollar salaries) into sterling at the rate of exchange at
which such contributor is entitled to receive such salary.
(ii) When a coutributor's pension is paid by the Crown
Agents, such pension (a) if a dollar pension shall be redueed
by four per cent of its nominal dollar value, and the balance
thus reduced shall be payable to him, converted into sterling
at the rate of exchange at which he is entitled to receive
such pension, and (b) if a sterling pension shall be payable
to him, reduced by four per cent.
(4) In the event of such abatement not being made, every
officer shall pay to the Treasurer or Crown Agents, within
fifteen days after the receipt by him of his monthly salary or
Pension, a sum equal to four per cent, thereof; and in the
event of any officer being on leave without. salary he shall
pay, before the 15th day of every month during the continu
ance of such leave, to the treasurer or Crown Agents, a sum
equal to four per cent. upon the full salary which he would
have received monthly if he had not been on leave. All
sums due under this sub-section, and all arrears of con
tributions due and payable under this ordinance, shall
be a debt due by the officer, and shall be payable to the
Treasurer or Crown Agents, with interest at six per cent.,
forthwith or by such. instalments as the directors may deter-
mine. The Treasurer or Crown Ageents shall, on the written
order of the directors or of any two of them, deduct from
any moneys which may be or may become due or payable to
the officer by whom such debt is payable the whole or any
part thereof.
8. The abatement aforesaid shall continue to be made
until such officer has either attained the age of sixty-five
years, or has been subject to the abatement, for thirty-five
successive years, whichever may first happen, and shall
thereupon cease and deterinine.
9.-(1) An officer who from any cause whatever ceases to
belong to the public service and retires on pension shall not
be called upon to make any further contribution beyond a
monthly abatement of four per cent. on such pension to
commence from the date of his retirement until he attains
sixty-five years of age or has been subject to abatement for
thirty-five years, when such abatement shall cease.
(2) An officer who, being a bachelor, leaves the public
service with or without pension on transfer or on retirement
or on dismissal or otherwise shall, if he elects to discontinue
being a contributor, receive back half the contributions
which he has made under the provisions of this or any
Ordinance repealed thereby without interest thereon; and if
an officer who is a bachelor dies while in the service one-
half of the contributions made by him shall be paid without
Interest to his legal representative.
(3) An officer being a widower without children pension-
able under this Ordinance. who leaves the public service. with
or without pension on retirement or on dismissal or other-
wise, shall cease to contribute and to have any rights under
this Ordinance. In any such case one-half of the contribu-
tions inade as aforesaid by him since the death of his last
wife or, if at the death of such wife any child continued to
be pensionable, after the time when such child ceased to be
pensionable, shall be repaid without interest to such officer.
(4) An officer being a widower with children pensionable
under this Ordinance at the time when he leaves the public
service shall on the last of such children ceasing to be
pensionable cease to contribute and to have any rights under
this Ordinance.
(5) An officer, with children pensionable under this Ordi-
nance at the time when he leaves the public service,
who subsequently becomes a widower shall thereupon, or
upon the last of such children ceasing to be pensionable
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
(whichever event shall last happen), cease to contribute and
to have any rights under this Ordinance.
(6) If an officer, who is a widower without children
entitled to pension, dies while in the public service, one-half
of the contributions made by him as aforesaid since the
death of his last wife or, if at the death of such wife any,
child continued to be pensionable, after the time when such
child ceased to be pensionable, shall be repaid without
interest to his legal representative.
10.-(1) Whenever the salary of an officer becomes reduced
by abatement of his emoluments or by retirement on pension,
he may elect to continue to contribute upon the higher
salary which he was receiving previous to such reduction,
and subject to the same terms and conditions as if he had
continued to draw the higher salary: Provided that such
officer shall notify his decision to the directors within one
month after the date of the abatement or within four months
after the date of his retirement: Provided also that if such
officer fails to notify his decision to the directors within one
month or Four months, as the ease may be, or if he dies
before he has notified his decision, he shall be deemed to
have elected to contribute on the lower salary or pension.
(2) If such officer does not elect so to continue to contribute
upon the higher salary, and contributes on the lower salary
or pension, any pension to his widow or children shall be
diminished by the same amount as it would have been
increased had such officer's salary been increased and not
10A. In the case of an officer retiring, whose pension is
paid on a dollar basis and who elects to contribute on the
basis of his former dollar salary, such pension shall be
reduced by the amount of the abatement at four per cent of
his former dollar salary, and the balance shall be payable to
him converted into sterling at the rate of exchange -it which
he is entitled to receive such pension.
11. An officer who retires or who is deprived of the office
in respect of which he contributed, but who is not granted a
pension, may continue to contribide, from the date of his so
retiring or being deprived of his office, on the salary which
he was receiving at the, date of such retirement or depriva-
tion. at the same rate and subject to the same terms and
conditions as if he had continued in the public service and
continued to receive the salary which he was receiving at
the date of such retirement or deprivation.
In the event of his ceasing to contribute or in the event of
any contributions due from him not having been paid for six
months, his widow or his widow and children, as the case
may be, shall be entitled on his death only to a pension
computed on the basis of the interest acquired by such
contributor at the date of his ceasing to contribute, in
accordance with the Tables attached to this Ordinance.
12. An officer who has been transferred prior to the
commencement of this Ordinance, or who may be hereafter
transferred from the service of this Goverrinient to any other
officethe Crown , may continue to contribute from the
date of his ceasing to hold office in the service of this
Government on the salary which he was receiving at the
date of such transfer, at the sarne rate and subject to the
same terms as if he had continued in the service of this
government and continued to receive the salary which he
was receiving at the date of such transfer.
In the event of his ceasing to contribute, or in the event
of any contriflution dire from him not. having been paid for
six months, his widow or his widow and children, as the
case may be, shall be entitled after his death only to a pension
computed on the basis of the interest acquired by such
contributor at the date of his being transferred or of his
ceasing to contribute, in accordance with the Tahles attached
to this Ordinance.
13.-(1) Every officer shall, within three months of the
date of his becoming liable to contribute, forward to the
directors a declaration setting forth the date of his becorning
so liable, his own name in full and the date of his birth, and,
if he ls married, the date of his marriage and the maiden
name in f till and the date of the birth of his wife, and, if he
has any children, their names in full and the (late of each of
their births; be shall furnish such proof of the statements is
may be required by the directors.
(2) Every officer who marries shall, within three months of
his marriage, forward to the directors a declaration setting
forth the date of such marriage and the maiden name of his
wife and the date of her birth
(3) Every officer shall, within three months, notify to the
directors the date of the birth of each child born to him.
(4) Every officer whose wife dies or is divorced from him,
or whose child dies or whose female child is married, and
the guardian of every child who dies or of every female child
who is married, shall within three months thereof, notify to
the directors the date of such death, divorce, or marriage.
14.--(1) every officer who, in the judgment of the directors,
(a) fails, omits, or refuses to perform any duty cast upon
him, or to do any act required of him by this Ordinance may
be adjudged by the directors to pay for each such default,
omission Or refusal, a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars; or
(b) furnishes any false information or makes any false
declaration, shall forfeit at the discretion of the directors,
subject to the consent of the govnernor, all or any part of his
rights under this ordinance.
(2) The Treasurer shall, on the judgment of the directurs
being notified to him, deduct such penalty from the first
moneys payable to the officer as salary or otherwise, and
shall pay such amount into the general revenue.
15.---(]) No widow of an officer, whose marriage was
contracted after he had ceased to contribute, and nor child of
such marriage shall be entitled to a pension.
(2) No widow of an officer who dies within one year from
the date of his marriage shall. be entitled to a pension unless
a child is born of such marriage, Provided that it shall be
lawful for the directors, with the consent of the Governor, to
award to such last-mentioned widow all or any part of the
pe.nsion to which. she would have been entitled but for the
provisions of this sub-section.
16. The allowance or pension to all or orphan shall cease in
the case of a male at hte age of eighteen years, and in the
case of a female on marriage or at the age of twenty-one years.
17.(1) all pensions accruing in respect of increments
of salary of existing officers and in respect of original salary
and increments of salary of furture officers shall be calculated
according to the Tables and Rules annexed to this Ordinance.
(2) It shall be in the discretion of the directors to com-
mute the pension payable to a widow residing in China or
in any other country where the payment of pensions is
impracticable, by the payment of such amount as may be
agreed on with the widow, which shall vary according to
the widow's age, and such widow or the children of the
contributor shall have no further rights under this Ordi-
nance, Providod always that, such amount shall not exceed
such number of years purchase of such pension as may be
fixed by the directors and approved by the Governor in
Council under the provisions of section 30.
[s. 18, rep. No. 12 of 1912.]
19. When orphans have no living mother or step-mother
entitled to a pension and their ages entitle them to a pension,
the pension to which the wife of the deceased contributor
would have been entitled If she had survived him or which
she was receiving at the time of her death shall be divided
equally among such orphans, and if any one of such orphans
ceases to be eligible for pension, the portion of the pension
drawn by him shall be equally divided among those remain-
ing entitled.
20. The widow of an officer who marries again shall cease
to receive a pension from the date of such marriage ; and
the children of such widow and officer shall thereupon be
entitled to pension as hereinbefore provided in the event, of
the death of both parents.
21. A wife against whom any officer has obtained a
divorce in a British court of justice shall, for the purposes of
this Ordinance, be considered as dead, but where an officer
has been separated from his wife, either judicially, or by
mutual consent, or otherwise, the directors may, having
regard to the grounds of the separation, and the subsequent
conduct of both parties, grant a pension either to the widow
or to the orphans, if any they shall think most desirable.
For commutation rules see hodgson's regulations of Hongkong, 1914, p. 933.
22.-(1) When an officer dies leaving a widow and
children, the issue of a previous marriage existing when he
became a contributor, or contracted after he became such
contributor, and such children are of ages which entitle thein
to pensions, such children shall be entitled each of them to
a share or portion of the half of the pension to which thely
mother, if she had survived their father, would have been
entitled, such share or portion being calculated in accordance
with the provisions of section 19.
(2) The widow of such officer shall- be entitled to one-half
of the pension to which she would have been entitled if there
had been no such children ; and if the officer dies leaving
no such children, or when they cease to be entitled to
pension, then she shall be entitled to the whole of such
pension as she wotild have received if there had been no
such children.
(3) If the widow dies leaving no issue of her marriage
with the officer, the children of the first marriage shall be
entitled to such pensions as if the officer had. not contracted
such subsequent marriage.
(4) If the widow dies leaving children, the issue of her
marriage with the officer, such children shall be entitled
each to a share or portion of the pension to which their
mother was entitled, such share or portion beiting
in accordance with the provisions of section 19.
23. The children of a widower who is or becomes a
contributor shall be entitled, on his death, and the children
of a widower who has contributed and has died prior to the
commencement of this Ordinance, shall be entitled from
the. commencement of this Ordinance, to the pension to
which they would have been entitled if their mother had
been living at the time of his becoming liable to contribute.
24. The pension payable to any person entitled thereto
shall begin upon the death of the officer or of his widow, as
the case may be, and shall accrue daily and shall be paid
monthly. But before any such payment, it shall be lawful
for the directors to require proof that any widow or child is
alive and entitled to the pension claimed by such widow or
25.-(1) In any case in which a minor is entitled to pay-
ment of a pension or portion of a pension, it shall be lawful
for the directors to appoint some fit and proper person to
whom such pension shall be paid on behalf of such minor.
(2) Such appointment shall be in writing under the hand
of at least three of the directors, and the receipt of such
person shall be a legal discharge for the payment of such
pension or portion thereof.
26.---(1) if the widow of any office ceases to assist,
deserts or abandons a child who would be entitled on her
death to draw pension, and who may be in a state of poverty
or destitution, the directors may, in their discretion, pay to a
fit and proper person on behalf of such child such propor-
tion of the pension as they may think fit in each case, and
the widow shall have no further claim on the directors in
respect thereof.
(2) This section shall apply to any cases, of desertion
that, may have occurred before the commencement of this
27.-(1) No pension payable under this Ordinance shall
be assigned or transferred, and every assignment or transfer
thereof shall be absolutely null and void and of no effect.
(2) No such pension shall be attached, or levied upon, or
arrested, or taken in exceinion on account of any debt or
payment due by the person to whom such pension is payable.
28. if any question arises as to whether any person is an
officer within the meaning of this Ordinance, or as to
whether any person is entitled to any pension as the widow
or child of an officer, or as to the amount of pension to
which any widow or child is entitled, or as to the meaning
or construction to be, assigned to any section of this Ordi
nance, or to any rule regulation made under the provisions
thereof, it shall be, for the directors, and they are
hereby required, on the. application of any such officer,
widow, or child, to submit suhc question for decision to
the Governor and the decision of the Governor thereon,
with the advice of the executive council, shall be final.
29. No person contributing to the Fund at tho commence-
ment of this Ordinance shall be required to pay any higher
contribution than such as would entitle his widow or
children to a pension of, in the case of a dollar contributor,
fifteen hundred dollars, in the case of a sterling contributor,
two hundred and twenty-five pounds sterling per annum;
Provided that every such person may if he wishes contribute.
the full four per conet, of his salary or pension referred to in
sections 7 and
30. The directors may make regulations, subject to the
approval of the Governor in Council, for the proper carrying
out of this Ordinance.
[s. 31, rep. no. 12 of 1912]
32. This Ordinance shall not apply to -any officer who is
an Anditor or Assistant Auditor, appointed on the recom-
mendation of the director of colonial audit in london,
unless before the 1st day of January, 1912, or unless within
six months after the date of his arrival in the Colony, he
shall have stated in writing to the Treasurer that he desires
this Ordinance to apply to him, in which event it shall apply
accordingly from the date of the receipt of the statement by
the Treasurer.
for calculating
pensions; to widows and orphan children of officers.
A.-pension in consideration of the ocntributions paid during bachelor-
B.-pension in consideration of the annual contribution current at the
date of marriage.
C.-variations of persion consequent on increments to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is married to
his first wife.
as amended by law rev. ord., 1924
A.- Variatiow of persion consequent on increments to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is a widower.
B.- Variations of pension consequent on the remarriage of the contributor.
C-variations of pension consequent on, increments to, and decrements
the Carrent annUal contribution while the contributor is married to
his second, or subsequent, wife.
A.-Pension in consideration of the annual contribution current at the
date of commencement of the contribution.
B.- variations of pension consequent on increments to, and decrements
the carrent annual contribution while the contributor is married to
A- Variations pension consequent on intrements to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is a widower.
B.- Variations ofpension conseqvent on the remarriage qfthe contributor.
c.- Variations ofpension consequent on increments to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is married to
his second, or sulmequent, wife.
The calculation of the amount of the pension that will or may become
payable at, the death of a contributor should not. be delayed until such death
has actually occurred ; but a register should he kept in which full particulars
respecting each contributor should be entered, and in this register should be
recorded against every married and widower contributor the amount of the
pension which would become payable should he die immediately, leaving a
widow or orphans entitled to such pension. The amount of the pension per
annum so entered in the register against a contributor, or in other words,
his recistered pension should be calculated (and re-calculated as often
as may he necessary) in accordance with the Following rules:-
NOTE-No registered pension is to be reocrded unless and until the
bachelor contributor marries.
NOTE-The registered pension to be recorded on marriage is found In
adding together the two amounts calculated in accordance with the following
Rules 1 (a) and I (b) respectively.
A.- pension in consideration of the contirbutions paid during bachelorhood.
rule I (A)-accumulate the contributions at six per cent compound
interest, with yearly rests at each 31st day of December, and multiply the
result by the quantity found from Table A corresponding to the respective
ages next birthday of the husband and wife at the date. of marriage.
The product gives the registered pension on account of the contributions
paid during bachelorhood.
B.pension in consideration Qf the annual contribution current at the
date of marriage.
NOTE-The amount of the current annual contribution is obtained by
multiplying by 12 the amount of the last monthly contribution.
RULE I-(b) turn to the section of Table 13 which contains in the
heading the age. of the husband at the date of completion of his period of
contribution, and multiply the amount of the current annual contribution by
the quantity found from that section corresponding to the respective ages
next birthday of husband and wife at the date of marriage.
The product gives the registered pension on account of the annual
contribution current at the date of marriage.
of the application of Rules 1 (a) and 1 (b).
Officcr horn ol, ...........31st July, 1858.
commeneed to contribute on .1st April, 1884.
married on .................30th June, 1888.
Annual contribution, 1st April, 1884, to 31st
December, 1886 .............$20.
Annual contribution, 1st January, 1887, to date
of marriage ................$30.
Date of completion of contribution period 1st April, 1919.
Wife born on ...............31st August 1868.
Officer's age next birthday at date of marriage 30.
Officer's age next completion of contribution
period .....................61.
Wife's age, next birthday at date of marriage 20.
Application of Rule I (a).
Accumulation of contributions paid during bachelorhood
Contributions from 1st April to 31st December,
1884 . ............................15.00
Contributions during 1885 .........20.00
One year's interest at 6 per cent. on $15, .90
-$ 35.90
Contributions during 1886 .........20.00
One year's interest at 6 per cent. on
$35.90 . .....................2.15
.................................-$ 58.05
Contributions during 1887 .................... 30.00
One years's interest at 6 per, cent. on
$58.05 .............................3.48
.................................$ 91.53
Contributions from 1st January to 30th June,
1888 ..............................15.00
Half-year's interest at 6 per cent. on
. ..................................2.75
Total accumulation ...............109.28
Quantity found from Table A-Husband* 30 346
Wife* 20
$109.28 x .346=$37.81 =reuistered pension in consideration of con-
tributions paid during bachelorhood.
Application of Rule I (b).
Annual contribution current at, the date of marriage 830.
Quantity found from Table 13, section for officers aged 61 next birthday
at completion of period of contributions
Husband* ...30 4.29
Wife* ......20 .....................
$30x4.29=$128.70=registered pension in consideration of annual
contribution current at marriage.
Total registered pension to be recorded on the bachelor marrying
By Rule 1 (a) . .............37.81
By Rule 1 (b) . ..............128.70
total 166.51
c- Variations of pension consequent on increntents to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is married to
his first wife.
Note.-Where the ages are not given in the Table, proceed as illustrated in the general
examples given in section F.
NOM-The cessation of tbe contribution from any cause before the
completion of the full period of contribution must be regarded as a decrement
from the current annual contribution equal to the amount of such current.
annual contribution.
RuLE 1 (c)-Turn to the section of Table B which contains in the
heading the age of the husband at the date of completion of his period of
contribution, and multiply the amount of the increment to, or the decrement
from, the current annual contribution by the quantity found from that
section corresponding to the respective ages next birthday of the busband
aud wife at the date of the variation of the contribution.
The product gives the amount to be added to the registered pension
consequent on the increment to the current annual contribution, or, as the
case njay be, the amount to be dedneted from the registered pension Conse-
queut on the decrenient from the current annual contribution.
of the application of Rule 1 (c).
Assume particulars as in the exatnplo subjoined to Rules 1 (a) and 1 (b).
Annual contribution increased on 31st May,
1893, from $30 to ........ $50
Annual -contribution decreased on 30th
April, 1898, from $50 to $40
Annual contribution ceased on 31st March,
1903. -
1893, May 31st.-Increment to current
annual contribution ......$20
Quantity found from Table B, section for officers atTed 61 next birthday
at completion of period of contribution
Husband ...35 ..........3.56
Wife ......25 ..................
$20 x 3.56=$71.20=amount to be added to the registered pension.
Registered pension at marriage, see example
subjoined to Rules 1 (a) and 1 (b) 166.51
Add .........................71.20
Registered pension at 31st May, 1890' 237.71
1898, April 30th-Decrement from current annual
contribution ..................... $10
Quantity found from Table B, section for officers aged 61 next birthday
at, completion of period of contribution :-
Husband ...40 ..........2.91
Wife ......30 .............. -
$10 x 2.91=$29.10=amount to be deducted from the registered pension.
Registered pension it 31st May, 1893, :as
above ...................$237.71
Deduct ....................29.10
registered pension at 30th April, 1898,. $208.61
1903, -March. 31st, - Cessation of contribution
regarded as a decrement from current annual
contribution $40
Quantity found from Table 13, section for officers aged 61 next birthday
at completion of period of contribution
Husband .45 2.30
Wife ....36 ..................
$40 x 2.30=$92.00=amount to be deducted from the registered pension.
Registered pension at 30th April, 1898, as
above . ...................$208.61
Deduct .................... 92.00
Registered pension at 31st March, 1903 $116.61
A- Variations Of pension consequent on increments to, and dementents
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is a widower.
RULE 11 (a)-Assume that the contributor is married to a wife of the
age that his last preceding wife would have been had she survived to the
date of the variation of the contribution, and proceed in accordance with
Rule 1 (c).
of tile application of Rule 11 (a).
If the particulars he as iii the example subjoined to Rule I (c), except
that the first wife, who was born on 31st Angust, 1868, died on 30th
November, 1888, it would be assumed that the contributor was at the date
of each of the three variations of the contribution married to a wife who
was born on 31st August, 1868. The calculations will then be identical
with those aiven in the example subjoined to Rule 1 (c).
B.-variations of pension consequent on the remarriage of the con-
NOTE-No variation of the registered pension is to be recorded if the
second, or subsequent, wife was at the date of the remarriage of the same
age next birthday as the last preceding wife would have been had she
survived to that date.
RULE II (b)-If the second, or subsequent,, wife was at the date of the
remarriage of a less or greater age next birthday than the last preceding
wife would have been had she survived to that date, multiply the amount of
the registered pension by the quantity found from Table C corresponding
to the age next birthday of the husbund at the date of remarriage, and the
age next birthday which the last preceding wife would have attained had
she survived to that date ; multiply the product so obtained by the quantity
found from Table A corresponding to the respective ages of the husband
and of the second, or subsequent, wife at the date oF the remarriage.
The result gives the registered pension to be recorded on the remarriage
of the contributor.
of the application of Rule 11 (b).
Assume particulars as in the example subjoined to the Rule I (a) and
1 (b).
First wife died ou ...30th November, 1888.
Contributor remarried on 31st January, 1893.
Contributor's age next birthday at date of
remarriage ............35.
Second wife born on ...30th June, 1873.
Second wife's age next birthday at date of
the remarriage .................... 20.
Agen next birthday which the first wife
would have attained had she survived
to date of the remarriage 25.
1893, January 31st.-The second wifo being of a less age next birthday
at the date of the remarriage than the first wife would have been had she
survived, the registered pension $166.51 [See example subjoined to
Rules I (a) and 1 (b)] is to be re-calculated.
Quantity found from Table C
Husband .35 ...........3.224
Wife ....25 .....................
Quantity found from Table A
Rusband .35 ...........293
Wife ....20 ............. . .
$166.51 x 3.224==$536.83.
8536.83 x .293=$150'.29=registered pension at 31st January, 1893.
c- variations of pension consequent on incronents to, and decrements
.15.oni, the current annual contribation while the contribittor is married to
his speond, or subsequent, wife
RULE II (c)--Proceed as in Rule 1 (c).
NOTE-in every case of an officer who commenced to contribute while
married, the wife at the date of commencement of the contribution is to he
considered as the officer's first wife, and no particulars are to be recorded
respecting any former wife to whom he may have been married, unless
there is issue of such former wife of a pensionable age (see D.-Pensions to
orphan children).
A.-Pension in consideration of the annual contribution current at the
date of commencement of the contribution.
RULE 111 (a)-Turn to the section of Table B which contains in the
heading the age of the husband at the date of completion of his period of
contribution, and multiply the amount of the current annual contribution by
the quantity found from that section corresponding to the respective ages
next birthday of the husband and wife at the date of commencement of the
The product gives the registered pension on account of the annual con-
tribution current at the date of commencement of the contribution.
of the application of Rule III (q).
Officer born on .....31st August, 1860.
married on ..........30th June, 1879.
commenced to contribute on 31st July, 1890.
Animal contribution current on 31st,
july,.............1890 $100
Date of completion of contribution-
period .............31st August, 1915.
Wife born on ......31st October, 1860.
Officer's age next birthday on 31st
July, 1890 .......... 40.
Officer's age at completion of con-
tribution -period ..65.
Wife's age next birthday on 31st,
July,..............1890 30.
1890, July 31st.-current annual contribution $100.
Quantity found from Table B, section for officers aged 65 next birthday
at completion of poriod or colltributioll
Hushand ..40 3.07
Wife ....30 ~...........
$100 x 3.07 = $307 = registered pension in consideration of annual
contribution current, at coniniencernent of contribution.
13.- Variations of pension consequent on increments to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is married to
his first wife.
RULE III (b)-Proceed as in rule I (c).
A.- Variations of pension consequenl on increments to. and decrenteuts
the current annual contribution. while the contributor is a widower.
RULE III (b)-Proceed as in rule II (a).
B.- variations of pension consequent on the remarriage of the con-
RULE IV (b)-Proceed as in rule II (b).
c.- variations of pension consequent on increments to, and decrements
from, the current annual contribution while the contributor is married to
his second, or subsequent, wife.
RULE IV (c)-Proceed as in Rule 1 (c).
RULE V.-For the purpose of calculating the registered pension assume
that the deceased wife survived to the date of commencement of the con-
tribntion and died immediately afterwards ; then proceed in accordance
with the rules applicable to the case of officers who commenced to con-
tribute while married (see B).
regulated by sections 24, 25, 27 and 28 of the Ordinance.
Throughout those rules and examples the calculations depend, not on the
official income of the contributor, but on the amount of his contribution So
.that the transfer of an officer to the service of another Colony does not
aflect his registered pension unless the amount of his current annual con.
tribution is varied, in which case the proper adjustment is to be made in
accordance with the preceding rulles.
table A-The quantities are given for every age of the husband from
15 to 64; and for every fifth age of the wife from 15 to 65. Ages of
husbands and wives below or beyond are to be treated as the youngest and
oldest ages given respectively.
For the intermediate ages of wives, interpolate by first differences, as
follows :-
. To finJ the quantity corresponding to the ages of a husband and wife aged
respectively 33 and 27 next birthday.
The quantity for ages 35 and 25 given in the
Table is .................310
The quantity for ages 35 and 30 given in the
Table.................... .332
So that the addition of 5 years to the age of the wife results in an
addition of .022 to the quantity given in tbe Table for ages 35 and 25.
An addition of 2 years to the age of the wife accordingly results by
proportion in an addition of two-fifths of .022 to the quantity given in the
Table for ages 35 and 25.
Two-fifths of .022=.009, which added to .310 gives .319, which is the
required quantity corresponding to ages 35 and 27.
TABLE B.-This Table is divided into eleven sections respectively
applicable to officers who will be aued next birthday 55, 56, 57 . . .
up to 65, when they complete their period of contribution. Care should in
all cases be taken to turn to the section which contains in the heading the
age of the husband at the date of completion of his period of contribution.
in each section the quantities, are given for 35 consecutive ages of the
husband,. terminating at the age preceding that at which the contribution
ceases, and for every fifth age of the wife from 15 to 65.
Ages of the wife below or beyond are to be treated as the youngest and
oldest ages given respectively. For the intermediate ages of wives inter-
polate by first differences as explained above. Thus the quantity found
from the first section of the Table (age 55) corresponding to the noes of a
husband and wife aged respectively 45 and 38 next birthday is tbree-fifths
of .17, added to 1.78, which gives 1.88.
For officers who commence to contribute at all earlier age than 20 next
birthday the method of calculation given in the subjoined examples is to be
EXAMPLE (1)-An office aged 17 next brithday, having a wife aged 15
next birthday, columences to contribute. Assume that the officer is aged
20 next birthday, so that the quantity found from Table B will be 6.05.
This officer receives an increment of salary at age 22 next birthday, when
his wife's age is 20. Assume that his age is 25 next birthday, i.e., his
actual age 22, plus the difference between his actual age at entry and 20,
which is three years. The quantity found from Table B will be 5.16.
EXAMPLE (2)-An officer aged 19 next birthday commences to contribute
as a bachelor, and 5 years later, when aged 24 next birthday, marries ;his
wife's age being 20 next birthday. The quantity found from Table A in
accordance with Rule I (a) will be taken for the actual ages (husband 24
and wife 20) and will be .422. With respect to the current annual contribu-
tion at marriage, assume that the officer's age is 2,5 (his actual age plus 1)
so that the quantity found from Table B will be 5.16.
This officer receives an inercinein of salary when aged 39, when his
wife's acre is 35. Assume as before that the ages are 40 and 35 respectively,
so that the quantity found from table B will be 2.72.
Note-lt will be observed that this method takes account of the actual
number of years for which the annual contribution will run. In Example
(1), when the officer receives the increment, of salary at age 22 lie has
contributed for 5 years, so that at the expiration of 30 years his Contribu-
tions will cease. Similarly in Example (2) when the officer marries at age
24, he also has contributed for 5 years, so that although he is two years
older than the officer in Example (1), yet the unexpired period of contribu-
tion is the same in each case, and the wife's age is in each instance 20, so
that no important error is involved in using the same tabular quantity for
the two cases.
TABLE C.-The quantities are given for the same ages as in Table A.
Ages. or husbands and wives below and beyond are to be treated as in using
that Table.
For the intermediate acres of wives interpolate by first differences as
explained above, except that it must be noted Lhat in this Table an addition
to the age of the wife results in a deductiogt from the quantity given in the
To find the quantity corresponding to the ages of a husband and wife
aged respectively 35 and 27 next birLliday.
The quantity for ages 35 and 25 given in the
Table is ................3M4
The quantity for ages 35 and 30 given in the
Table....................is 3.010
So that the addition of 5 years to the age of the wife results in a dedue-
tion of .214 from the quantity given in the Table for ages 35 and 25.
An addition of 2 years to the age of the wife accordingly results by
proportion in a deduction of two-fifths of .214 from the quantity given in
the Table for ages 35 and 25.
Two-fifths of .214=.086, which deducted from 3.224 leaves 3.188, which
is the required quantify corresponding to acres 35 and 27.
1740 No. 15 of 1908
1741 No. 15 of 1908
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who will be
aged 55 next birthday when they complete
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PENMON, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly contribution
of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to cease
on the termination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1743
Table B.
This section on of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who
will be aged 56 next birthday when they complete
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PEXSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
contribution of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to cease on.
the termination of 35 years from the date of
the officer's first contribution.
NO.15 OF 1908 1745
TablE B
This section of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who will be
aged 57 next birthday when they complete.
their period of contribution.
The YEARLY PENSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly contribution
of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to cease
on the termination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1747
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who will be
aged 58 next birthday when they contplete
their period of contribution
THE YEARLY PENSION, payable by monthly instalments. which a yearly contribution
of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to cease
on the termination of 35 years from the date
of theofficer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1749
Table B.
This section of TabLe B is applicable only to the ease. of officers who will be
aged 59 next birthday when they coinplete
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PENSION, by monthly instalments, which a yearly contribution
of 1, payable -also by monthly instal-
ments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to cease on
the termination of 35 years from the date of the
officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1751
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who will be
aged 60 next birthday when they contribution.
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PFNSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
contribution of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to
cease on the termination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1753
Table B.
This section of Table Bis applicable only to the case of officers eho will be
aged 61 next birthday when they complete
their period of contrbution.
THE YEARLY PENSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
contribution of 1, payable also bY monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to
cease on the termination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1755
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to tlte case of officers who will be
aged 62 next birthday when they complete
their period of cotitribution.
THE. YEARLYPENSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
contribution of 1, payable also by monthly
instaiments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to
cease on the termination of 5 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution..
NO. 15 OF 1908. 1757
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to the CAse of officers WHO will be
aged 63 next birthday WHEN THEY COMPLETE
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PENSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
contribution of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to
cease on the terniination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1759
Table B.
This section of Table B is applicable only to the case of officers who will be
aged 64 next birthday, when they coMplete
their period of contribution.
THE YEARLY PENSION, payable by monthly instalments, which a yearly
Contribution of 1, payable also by monthly
instalments, will secure. The yearly contribution is to
cease on the termination of 35 years from the date
of the officer's first contribution.
widows and orphans' pension
no. 15 of 1908 1761
Table B.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1763
Table C.
THE SINGLE CONTRIBUTION which will secure a yearly pension of 1, payable by monthly instalments.
NO. 15 OF 1908 1765
[Originally No. 15 of 1980. No. 21 of 1914. No. 5 of 1921. No. 23 of 1921. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Meaning of officer. Ordinance No. 23 of 1921. Ordinance No. 5 of 1921. Pensions to be paid out of general revenue. Contributiions to be redited to general revenue but exempt from military contribution. Ordinance No.1 of 1901. Appointment of directors. Substitution of director. Meetings of directors. Abatements from salaries and pensions. [s. 7 contd.] Period for which abatement shall be made. Contributions of officers leaving the service. Right to continue contributions in full on reduced income. Right of officer retiring and electing to contribute on former dollar salary. Right of officer retiring or deprived of his office to continue to contribute. Schedule A. Tables A, B and C. Provisions for case of officers transferred to other employment under the Crown. Schedule A. Tables A, B and C. Officer to furnish particulars. Penalty for non-compliance. Exclusion from benefits. Duration of pension to orphan. Calculation of pensions in respect of increments. Schedule A. Commutation of pensions in certain cases. Provision for case of motherless orphans. Provision for case for widow marrying. Provision for case of divorce or separation. Provision for case of widow and children of previous marriage. Pension to children of widower. Mode and condition of payment of pension. Appointment of person to receive payment on behalf of minors. Payment of pension to persons acting on minors in case of desertion. Pension not to be assigned or levied upon. Decision of questions under the Ordinance. Limit of compulsory contribution. Rules and regulations. Ordinance not to apply to Auditors and Assisant Auditors unless they desire it. [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.]
[Originally No. 15 of 1980. No. 21 of 1914. No. 5 of 1921. No. 23 of 1921. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Meaning of officer. Ordinance No. 23 of 1921. Ordinance No. 5 of 1921. Pensions to be paid out of general revenue. Contributiions to be redited to general revenue but exempt from military contribution. Ordinance No.1 of 1901. Appointment of directors. Substitution of director. Meetings of directors. Abatements from salaries and pensions. [s. 7 contd.] Period for which abatement shall be made. Contributions of officers leaving the service. Right to continue contributions in full on reduced income. Right of officer retiring and electing to contribute on former dollar salary. Right of officer retiring or deprived of his office to continue to contribute. Schedule A. Tables A, B and C. Provisions for case of officers transferred to other employment under the Crown. Schedule A. Tables A, B and C. Officer to furnish particulars. Penalty for non-compliance. Exclusion from benefits. Duration of pension to orphan. Calculation of pensions in respect of increments. Schedule A. Commutation of pensions in certain cases. Provision for case of motherless orphans. Provision for case for widow marrying. Provision for case of divorce or separation. Provision for case of widow and children of previous marriage. Pension to children of widower. Mode and condition of payment of pension. Appointment of person to receive payment on behalf of minors. Payment of pension to persons acting on minors in case of desertion. Pension not to be assigned or levied upon. Decision of questions under the Ordinance. Limit of compulsory contribution. Rules and regulations. Ordinance not to apply to Auditors and Assisant Auditors unless they desire it. [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.] [Schedule A. contd.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 15 of 1908
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' PENSION ORDINANCE, 1908,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1236.