No. 44 of 1911, incorporated in No. 21 of 1909.
No. 45 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1901.
No. 46 of 19119 incorporated in No. 9 of 1911.
To proride for a iriore egectual control over Socictics andClubs.
[17th Novernber, 1.911.]
1. The Societies Ordinance, 1911.
2. In this Ordinance,-
---Society--- includes any club, company, partnership or associa-
tion of 10 or niore persons, wbatever be its nature or obJect, but does
not include-
(a.) any company registered under the Companies Ordinance,
1865, or the Coninanies Ordinance, 1911;
(b) any company or association constituted under Charter, Letters
Patent, Act, or Ordinance; -
(c) any lodge of freemasns regularly constituted under any of the
registered governing bodies of freemasons in the United Kingdom;
(d) any company, association, or partnership, consisting of not
more than 20 persons, formed for the sole purpose of carrying on any
lawful business;
(e) any clan, family, or Vong referred to in section 28 of the New
Territories Regulation Ordinance, 1910, in respect, of which a
manamger has been duly registered under the said Ordinance, so loina
as the certificate of the Land Officer referred to in the sald section
.continues in full force and effect :
---Registered society means any society registered under this
Ordinance :
' Exempted society means any society exempted from registra-
tion by an order of exemption made under this Ordinance :
' Registrar ' means the Registrar of Societies, and includes any
Assistant 'Registrar.
Asarnended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 8 of 191% No. 16 of 19121
No. 17 of 19 ' 12 and No. 23 of 19112.
3. The Registrar General shall be the Registrar of Societies and
the Assistant Registrars General shall be Assistant Registrars of
1 4.-(1) The Governor-in-Council may order that any society be
exempted from registration under this Ordinance, and the societies
named in the schedule shall be deemed to have been so exempted
unless or until the Governor-in-Council shall otherwise order.
(2). The Governor-in-Council may order that any exempted society
be permitted to be registered under this Ordinance, and on such
registration being effected such society shall cease to be an exempted
(3) The Governor-in-Connell, upon application for registration or
exemption by any society, may order that such society be permitted
on payment of the prescribed fee to be registered under this Ordi-
(4) The Governor-in-Counell shall notrefuse permission to any
society to be registered under this Ordinance. unless it, shall appear
that such society is likely to be used for unlawful purposes or for
purposes incouipatible with the peace or good order of the Colony,
'that its actions and proceedings are calculated to excite tunult
or disorder in China or to excite persons to crime in China.
5. The, Registrar shall cause to be published in the Gazette in
April of each year a list of all existing societies registered or exempt-
ed froin registration.
6. If the Registrar shall have reason to believe that any registered
or exempted society has ceased to exist, he may publish in the
Gazette a notification calling upon such society to furnish him wlfb
proof of its existence within 3 months from the date of such notifica-
tion, and if at the expiration of such period the Governor-in-Council
is satisfied that the society has ceased to exist a notification to that
effect shall he published in the Gazette and the society shall be deem-
ed to have ceased to exist from the date of such publication.
7.-(1) The Registrar may at any time order any exempted
society to, and the said society thereupon shall, furnish him with-
(a) a true and complete copy of the constitution and rules of the
society in force at the date of such order,
* M amended by No. 17 of 1912,
(b) a true and complete list. of the officers of the society, and a
true statement of the number of its members.
(2) The Governor-in-Council may at any time order any exempt-
ed society to, and the said society therereupon shall, furnish stich
information concerning the society as he may see fit to require.
8. The Registrar may at any tinie order any registered society to,
and the said society, thereupon shall, furnish him With of the
information prescribed by the regulations as he inay, think fit.
9.-(1) The obligations imposed upon societies by section 7 and
8 shall be decined to be personal obligations upon the president and
secretary and upon all inembers of conimittee of everysuch society,
or, if such offices do not exist, then upwi all persons holding
positions in such society analogous to those of presidewl,
and inember of committee, and upon all persons managing or assist-
ing in the management of such society.
(2) In case any exempted or registered society shall fail to comply
with any order under or with any of the provisions of sections 7 and 8
each of the persons nientioned in the fast sub-section shall be liable,
on stinimary conviction, to a fine not exceeding .2.3 dollars.
10-(1) On and alter 1st January, 1912, every society not being
a realstered society, or an exempted society shall be deen---ted to be
an unlawful society.
(2) The society known by the naine of the Triad Society or Sam-
hopui, and any branch thereof, are hereby declared to be unlawful
11. Any person managing or assisting in the management of any
unlawful society shall be liable, on Suniniarv conVietion, to imprison-
inent for any terin riot exceeding 1.2 months.
12.-(11) Any person being or acting as a nieniber of an unlawful
society shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceed-
ing .500 dollars, and to imprisonment for any terni not exceeding 6
1 (2) Any person attending a meeting of an unlawful society shall
be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars,
and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 3 inonths.
* As. aniended by No. 17 of 1912.
f As amended by No. 50 of 1911.
As arnended by No. 8 of 1912.
13. Any person knowingly allowing a meeting of an unlawful
society, or of members of an unlawful society, to be held in any
house, building, or place belonging to or occupied by him, or over
which lie has control, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a
fine not exceeding 1,000 dollars, and to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding 6 months.
14. If in ally prosecution for all offence against the provisions of
this Ordinance it shall be proved that a club, company, partnership,
or association exists and is netiher a registered nor an exempted
society it shall be presumed until the contrary is proved that it is a
society within the meaning of this Ordinance.
15.-(1)When any of the books accounts, writings., banners, or
insignia of any society are found in the possession of any person, it
shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such person is
a ineniber of such society.
(.2) When any of the boAs or accounts of any society are found
in the possession of any person it shall be further presumed, until the
contrary is proved, that such person assists in the management of
such society.
16-(1) Whenever to the Governor-in-Council that ally
registered societly or any exenipted society is being used for unlawful
purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the peace or good order
of the Colony, or that such society exists mainly for the purpose of
gaining, or that gaming is carried on habitually and in such a man-
ner and to such a degree as to be, dangerous to good order, or that the
actions or proceedings of such society are calculated to excite tumilt
or disorder in China or to excite persons to crime in China, the
Gvernor-in-Council uiay order that such society be dissolved.
(2) Notification of every such order shall be published in the
Gazette, and shall be affixed in a conspicuous manner oil the pre-
alises (if any) occupied by such society, and at the police station of
the district in which such premises may be.
(3) Ecery society against which all order of dissolution is made
shall thenceforward be deemed to be an unlawful society.
17.-(1) Upon the making of all order of dissolution agai
society the following consequences shall ensue
As aulended by No. 17 of 1912.
f As amended by No. 8 of 1912.
As wriended by No. 17 of 191243 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
1' As arnended by No. 16 of 1912 and No. 17 of 1912.
(a) The property of the society within the Colony shall forthwith
vest either in the Official Receiver in bankruptcy or, if any other
officer be appointed for the purpose ol winding up by the Governor
in the notification of the order, then in such officer.
(b) The Official -Receiver in bankruptcy or such other officer shall
proceed to wind up the affairs of the society, and, after satisfying
and providing for all the debts and liabilities of the society and the
costs of the winding-up, shall divide the surplus assets (if any) ot
the society amongst the members according to the rules of such
society (if any), or if there areno such rules applicable to such case,
then equally; but, if by reason of the great number of members, or
the difficulty of ascertaining the persons entitled to such assets, or it
from any other cause such a division as aforesaid is in the opinion ot
the Official Receiver or such other officer as aforesaid impracticable,
lie shall prepare and submit to a Judge for his approval a sebeine for
the application of such surplus assets to purposes for the benefit o,
that portion of the public to which the members of the society more
particularly belonged, or of the public generally.
(c) Such scheme when submitted for approval may be amended by
the Judge in such way as he shall think proper under the ciremil-
stances of the case.
(d) The approval of the Judge to such seheine or aniended scheme
shall be denoted by the endorsement thereon of a memorandum
such approval signed by the judge, and by the saine being sealed
with the seal ot the Court, and thereupon the surplus assets the
subject of siAeli scherne shall be held and applied by the Oflicial
Receiver or such other officer as aforesaid upon the ternis and to the
purposes thereby prescribed.
(c) For the purpose of the winding-up the Official Iteceiver or
such other officer shall have all the powers which are vetsted In the
Official Receiver by the Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1891, for the pur-
pose of the discovery of the property of a debtor and the realization
thereof, and also all such powers as are by the Companies Ordinance,
1911, vested in the Official Liquidator ; and all the provisions of the
Bankruptcy Ordinance and of the Companies Ordinance so far as
they relate to the discovery and realization of the property of a
debtor and to the winding-up of a company, shall, mutatis
apply to the winding-up of the affair,--, of a society under this Ordi-
(2) The Goverior-in-Council may, for the purpose of enabling a
society to wind up its own affairs, suspend the operation of this
section for such period as to him shall seem expedient.
18.-(1) It shall be lawful for any Magistrate or Justice of the
Peace to enter, with or without assistance, or to order any police
officei. or other person in his presence to enter, with or without
assistance, using foree in either case. if necessary, into any dwelling-
honse or ottlier building, or into any place in which he may have
reasonable ground to believe that a meeting of any unlawful society
or of persons who are members of an unlawful society, is being held,
or that any books, accounts, writings, banners, ot. insignia belong-
ing to any unlawful society- are concealed, kept or deposited, and to
arrest or cause to be arrested all persons found in such house and
to search such house, building or place, and seize or cause to be
seized all books, accounts, writings, banners, documents, flags, in-
signia,, arms, and other articles which he may have reasonable cause
to believe to belong to any unlawful society, or to be in any way
connected therewith.
(2) All persons so arrested and all articles so seized may be de-
tained in custody till they can conveniently be brought before a
Magistrate to be dealt with according to law.
19.-(1) The Registrar of Societies inay summon before him any
person whoin lie has reason to believe is able to give any information
as to the existence or operations of any unlawful society, or suspect-
ed unlawflit society, or as to the operations of any registered society
or exempted Society, and the person so summoned shall be legally
bound to attend at the hour and place in the summons specified anti
to produce all documents in his custody, possession, or power re-
lating to such society or suspected society, and to answer truthfully
all questions which the Registrar may put to him.
(2) A person so summoned who falls to attend, or who answers
untruthfull any queAlon put to him by the Registrar, shall be
liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars.
(3) If any person so summoned refuses to give such information,
or gives inlormation which the Registrar believes to be false, the
Registrar may, if he considers it advisable to make provision for the
As amended bv No. 21 of 1912.
Asaniended bv No. 16 of 1912, !,',o. 17 of 1912, No. 43 of 1912
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
identification of such person, order that his photograph shall be
taken at such time and in such place and manner as the Registrar
may think fit, and if such person refuses to comply with such order
he may be arrested and detained in custody until he can convenient-
ly be brought before a Magistrate to be dealt with according to law.
(4) Any person who disobey, any order that he shall be photo-
graphed shall be, liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not
exceeding 100 dollars.
20. No person shall be charged with any offerice iinkler this Or
nance except on the complaint of the Registrar.
21. Any books, accounts writings, banners, insignia, or other
property belonging to any unlawful society shall be disposed of as
the Registrar, subject to the instructions of the Governor-in-Council,
may direct.
22. In every case where personal service of any summons issued
tinder this Ordinance cannot be effected, it shall be sufficient service
to affix one copy thereof outside the preinises (if ol the society
in respect of which such suirtnions is issued, and to leave another
copy thereof at the registered address or last known place ol abode
or business of the person on whom it is desired to serve the suni-
nions. Sufficient service of all notices and other documents issued
tinder this Ordinance may be effected in a similar way.
23.-(1) The Governor-in-Council may make regulations prescrib-
ing the manner of registering societies under this Ordinance and
fixing fees for the registration, and generally to give effect to the
provisions of this Ordinance.
(21) Any person committing a breach of any such regulation shall
be liable, on summary conviction, to 9, flue not exceeding 2.5 dollars.
24. Every registered society and every exempted society declaring
by its managers its desire in this behalf shall, upon such declaration
made to the Registrar of Societies and registered by him, be entitled
to the benefit of the following provisions---
(1) the movable property of such society, if not vested in trustees,
shall be deemed to be vested in the governing body of such society,
As amended by No. 16 of 1912.
+ As aniended by No. 16 of 1912 and No. 17 of 1912.
Asamended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 16 of 1912, No. 17 of 1912
and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
As amended by No. ' of 1911, No. 16 of 19192 ind No. 17 of 1912.
and in all proceedings civil or criminal may be described as the pro-
perty of that body by their proper title;
(ii) every such society may sue or be sued in the name of such one
of its members as shall be declared to and registered by the Registrar
of Societies as its public officer for this purpose, and, if no such
person is registered, it shall be competent for any person having a or demand against the society to sue the society in the name
of any person registered as a manager of the society;
(iii) no judgment in any siut shall be put, in force against the
person or property of the person sued but against the property of
the society. The application for execution shall set forth the judg-
ment, the fact of the party against whom it has been recovered
having sued or having been sued, as the ease may be, on behalf ot
the society only, and shall require to have the judgment enforced
against the property of the society;
(iv) any member who may be in arrear of a subscription, which,
according to the rules of the society, he is bound to pay, or who shall
possess himself of or detain any property, of the society in a manner
or for a time contrary to sneh rules, or shall injure or destroy any
property of the society, may be sued for such arrear or for the
damage accruing from such detention, injury or destruction of pro-
perty in the manner hereinbefore provided. But, if the defendant
shall he successful in any suit or other proceedings brought against
him it the instance of the society, and shall be adjudged to recover
his costs, he may elect, to proceed to recover the same from the
officer in whose name the suit was brought, or from the society, and
in the latter case shall have process against the property of the said
society in the niaimer above described;
(v) any number not less than three-fifths of the members for the
time being resident in the Colony of any society may determine that
it shall be dissolved forthwith, or at the time then agreed upon, and
all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of
the property of the society, its claims and liabilities according to the
rules of the said society applicable thereto (if any), and, if not, then
as the governing body shall find expedient, provided that, in the
event of any dispute arising among the said governing body or the
members of the society, the adjustment of its affairs shall be referred
to the Suprerne Court, and the Court shall make such order in the
matter as it shall deem requisite : Provided that-no society shall be
dissolved unless three-fifflis of the members so resident as aforesaid
shall have expressed a wish for slich dissolution by their votes de-
livered in person or by proxy at a aeneral rneetino, convened for the
Is. 25, rep. No. 43 of 1912.]
Anjuman Islamia.
Boys' Own Club.
Hongkong Islani Club.
Kapitans verein.
Loyal. Orange Institution of England.
Nippon. Club.
Parsee Church and Club.
Roval Black Preceptory 801 ' Eastern Star
Taikoo Chib.
Young Men's Miftnal. Improvemen Association.
Zoroastrian Club.
Cbinese Circulating Library
Cbinese Chib
Fu Han Pit Sui
Han Kin., Club
Him Kee
Him,Yik Cltib in
Hung Hing Pit Sui
In Lan Shu Shat
Keng Chfin Club
Kung Yee Wo flu.
* As aniended by No. 8 of 1912 and by G. N. 195 of 1912.
f As amended b~ G. N. 1Q5 of 1912, G. N. 308 of 1912; G. '\. 315
. of 1912, d. N. 353 of 1912 and G. N. 385 of 1912.
Kwong Yik club
Kwong YIk Literary Club
Ki yng
Lan Shat
Leun YIk Hin
Lun Yee Kok
Man Yuen
Man Meng Club
Man meng Club
Na Kai Lui Yu
Oi Ng Lo Club
On Lau HIn Sailors's Club
sau Shek Shan Fong
Shiu Kei
Sui Wa Shu Shat
Tai Yuk Hok Hau
Tsui Yat Ui Sho
Wing Lok Kun
Wing Wo
Wo Yee Kok
Yan Hung Siu Chu
Yik Lan Club
Yi Wo Tong Sailors's Club
Yue on
Yu Kee
Hongkong Chess Club.
As amended by No. 8 of 1912 and by G. N. 195 of 1912, G. N. 283
of 1912 and G. N. 353 of 1912.
Craigengower Cricket Club.
Hongkong Civil Service Cricket Club.
Hongkong Cricket Club.
Hongkong Cricket Leagiie.
Kowloon Cricket Club.
Parsee Cricket Club.
Queen's Collegc Cricket and Football Club.
Hongkong Football Association
Hongkong Football Club.
Hongkoug Hockey Club.
Amateur Entertainers Society.
Hongkong Ainatenr Athletic Association.
Hongkong Amarem, Dramatic Chib.
Hongkong Gun Club.
HongKong Jockey Club.
Hongkong Lawn Bosyls League.
Hongkong Philharmonic Society.
flougkong St. Andrew's Society.
Jewish Recreation Club.
Kowloon Bowlin- Green Club.
Ladies Recreation Club.
Lusitailo Recreation Club.
Mosletn Recreation Clith.
Olympic Tenuis, Club, (originally the Y.M.C.A. Tennis Clilb).
Polo Club.
Sociedade Philarmonica.
VictoriA Clay Pigeon Club.
Victoria Recreation Club.
Wigwam Tennis Club.
Ilongkong Corinthian Yacht Club.
Chinese Charitable Amateur Dramatic Club Pp
Chinese Recreation Club, Hongkong
Vanguard Tennis Club
Apostleship of Pra er, Roman Catholic Cathedral.
Apostleship of Frayer, Rosary Church.
Apostlesbip of Praver, St. Francis Church.
Asile de la Sainto Enfance.
Benevolent Society.
Catholic Ladies' Library.
Catholic Union.
Christian Science Society.
Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament.
DiocesM School and Orphanage.
German Charch and School Society Of Hongkong
Hongkong and New Territories Evangelisation Society.
Hongkong Branch of the Canossian Sisters of Charity.
Hongkong Society for the pres-entioll of cruelty to animals.
Ministerin Cbildren's Leautie.
Our Lord of Passos.
St, Patrick's Club.
St. Raphael,'S Society.
Society of St. Vilicent de Palit.
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
Seamen's Institute.
Sailors' home, The.
Saint John. Ambulance Association.
SOCietY Of Saint Paul of Chartres
Young People's Society of Christian E'ndeavour.
Young Melt's Christian Association.
Young Women's Christian Association.
As amended by G. N. 331 of 1912.
As ainwided by No. 8 of 1912, and by G. N. 195 of 1912 and
G. N. 257 of 1912.
Association for the Advancement of Education.
Chinese Public Dispensaries A
Chinese Young Men's Christian Association
Confucian Society
Ellis Kadoorie Chinese Schools Society
Hung Kau Shu
Namboi Merchants; benevolent Association
Pat Yap Flood Relief Society
St. Joseph's Chinese Society.
Tung chai siu Ui
Youngsters Moral Association.
Institution of Engineers and Ship Builders/
Bankers Guild, Chinese
Barbers Guld, Lui Shing Tong
Blackwood Guild, Sun Chi Hong
Boat Guild, Hoop Shing Tong
Bicklayers Guld, Kwong Yi tong
Californian Merchants Guild
Coal Contractors Guild, Hop YIk Kung Sz
Compradores Guild
Compradores Agents Guild
Commission Guild, Kin Cho Yin Kau sho
Coppermith Masters Guild, Tung Hiug Tong
drugs Guildg
Dyeing Materials Masters Guld, Tung Chi Tong
Fish Mongers Guild, Tong Hing Shu Shat
Foreigu Goodas Import and Export Guild
Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Dealers Guild, Kung Mau Tong
General merchants Guild
Ginseng and drug Dealers Guild
Ginseng Guild
*hakka Boarding Houses Guils:
Lung On She
Wei On she
Yi On She
Hotel guild, Kwong Lun kung Sz
Insurnace company Guild
Marine Delicacy Guild, Kung Hing Tong
Opium Guild
*Painters Guild, kwogn Wo Shing
*Painters Guild, Dealers Guild
Pawnbrokers Guild
Piece Goods Dealers Guild
Pig dealers Guild, wholesale, Tung On She
Pond fish ealers Guild
Ponlteres Guildg, Kung wai Tong
Rattan Chair Makers Guild,
Rice Guild
Roast and Dured Meats Guild
Salt Fish Wholesale Dealers Guild, Lun Yik She
Sandalwood Masters Guild, Hop Wo Kung Sz
* Includes workmen as well.
Sea Fish Dealers Guild
Second Hand Clothes Guild
*Shipwrights Guild (Chinese Craft), Sai Yee Tong
Tailors Guild , Yuen To On Tsui Tong, Masters
*Tinoil Guild
Washermen's Guild at Wanchai, Lun Hop
Washermen's Guild, Lun Tsui Tong
An Tim(Tiffin Houses) Employees Guild, Kung on
Brass-smith Workmen's Guilds
Fuk Shing Tong
Hop Ying Tong
Shan Yuk Tong
Tung Hing Tong
Tung Yi Tong
Wui Yi Tong
Californian Hongs' Employees, Ping On Guild hall
Carpenters and Masons Guild, kowloon Penisula, Lun Chi Tong
Carpenters Guild, kwong Yuet Tong
Capenters Guild,Yut Sai Tong
Coopers Guild. kwong Lun Tong
Cotton YarnGuild,Shun Yi Tong
Eating House Employees' Guilds:-
Hip on
Kung On Kun
Eating Houses Employees Guild, Lun Hing Ngoi Yue
Eurppean Tailors Workmen's Guild, Kung Shing Kung Mo Sho
Gardeners' Club, Wo Fat Shang
Ginseng Workmen's Guild, Tsui Sok
Institute f Chinese Engineers of Hongkong.
Masons(Men's Guild)-
Cheung King Sing Tong
Hip Shing Tong
Li Lun Shing Tong
Lun Fat Tong
Lun Yi Tong
Tsaug Lun Shing Tong
Wing Yi Tong
Mat Packers Guild, Kwong Shiu Tong
Matshed Builders Guild, Tung Kong Tong
Pig-buyers Guild, Hop Shing Kung Sz
Restaurant Employees Guild:-
Hip Wo Tong
Shan Yue Tong
Yik On Tong
Sandalwood Men's Guild, Tsin Yik
Sawyers Guild, Hip Wo Tseung
Servants Guild, Hung Yue Tong
Ship Builders for Hongkong and Yaumati, Shun Nagi HOk Shuk
Tailors Guild, Sai Fuk Tong
Tea Box or New Boxes makers Guild, Lun Shing Tong
Tea House Guild:-
Hin Yin
Hung Tai
Tinsmith, Kun Tak Tong
Waiters, Chung King Tong
Waiters, Chung Chung Fuk Tong
Wing Tsun Kung Sz
Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce
Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Chinese Commercial Union
Bibliotheea Portugueza.
British Medical Association, Hongkong China Branch.
china Asspcoation, Hongkong Branch.
City Hall.
Hongkong Co-operative Society.
Hongkong Horticultural Socity.
Hongkong 'Odd Volumes' Library, Scientific and Debating Society.
Naval League, Hongkong Branch.
Society of Comparative Legislation.
Society for the suppression of promiscuous spitting in public places.
No. 48 of 1911, incorporated in _No. 10 of 1899.
No. 49 of 1911, repealed by No. 8 of 1912) s. -2.
No. 50 of 1911, incorporated generally.
No. 51 of 1911, incorporated generally.
No. 52 of 1911, incoiporated in No. 10 of 188
As amended by No. 9 of 1912.
f As amended by G. N. 376 of 1912.
As amended by G. N. 196 of 1912.
short title . Interpretation of terms . appointmetn of registrars . Registration of societies . Annual registers to be published . Cessation of existence of a society . Exempted societies to furnish information . registered societies to furnish information . Offices of a society ot be peresonally responsible . Unlawful societies . Penalties on managers and assistant managers . Penlties on members or persons attending meetings of unlawful society . penalties on persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises . Burden of proof as to descritption of society . Presumptive proof of membership . Presumptive proof of managing . Governor-in-council may order dissolution of society . consequences of dissolution of a society . no. 7 of 1891. No .58 of 1911. magistrate , etc, may enter house , etc , where unlawful meeting held or books , accounts , etc, kept and may arrest and seize persons and property found . Registrar to have power to summon witnesses. Registrar may order photohraph to be taken . charges to be made by registrar only . Forfeiture . Service of summons, etc. regulations. Societies on declaration to be entitled to privileges . Property how deemed to be vested . society how to sue and be sued . Judgments how to put in force . Civil proceedings against member. Dissolution of societies how may be had .
short title . Interpretation of terms . appointmetn of registrars . Registration of societies . Annual registers to be published . Cessation of existence of a society . Exempted societies to furnish information . registered societies to furnish information . Offices of a society ot be peresonally responsible . Unlawful societies . Penalties on managers and assistant managers . Penlties on members or persons attending meetings of unlawful society . penalties on persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises . Burden of proof as to descritption of society . Presumptive proof of membership . Presumptive proof of managing . Governor-in-council may order dissolution of society . consequences of dissolution of a society . no. 7 of 1891. No .58 of 1911. magistrate , etc, may enter house , etc , where unlawful meeting held or books , accounts , etc, kept and may arrest and seize persons and property found . Registrar to have power to summon witnesses. Registrar may order photohraph to be taken . charges to be made by registrar only . Forfeiture . Service of summons, etc. regulations. Societies on declaration to be entitled to privileges . Property how deemed to be vested . society how to sue and be sued . Judgments how to put in force . Civil proceedings against member. Dissolution of societies how may be had .
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 47 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SOCIETIES ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,