(15) All extra high pressure electric lines and apparatus placed in a
sub-station shall be highly insulated and thoroughly protected against
injury to the insulation or access of moisture, and any metal forming
part of the electric circuit shall not, unless efficiently connected with
earth, be exposed so that it can be inadvertently touched. All such
lines shall be so fixed and protected as to prevent the possibility of
electrical discharge to any adjacent metallic substance.
(16) The Director of Public Works shall be entitled to enter at all
time.. any of the generating or sub-stations of the company supplying
or supplied at in extra high pressure, and to make any such examina-
tion and tests of the mains, machines, transformers, or other apparatus
in use. in those stations, as may appear to him necessary, and the com-
panly, shall afford all due facilities for any such examination and tests.
(17) Where any extra high pressure circuit is cormected.with earth,
the connection shall be made at one point only, at the. genera
tine, station, sub-station, or transformer, and the insulation of the
circuit shall, except at that point, be efficiently maintained throuahout.
(18) The neutral point of the star winding of each distinct three-
phase circuit, used for extra hilh pressure, inay be connected with
earth, or may be insulated. If connected with earth through a re-
sistance, that resistance shall be sufficiently lon, to ensure that the
fxiqe or automatic circuit-breaker in the mains shall act.
If the neutral point is not connected with earth, a separate electro-
static voltmeter placed in a conspicuous position in the generating
station shall be connected between each distinct circuit and earth; and
if the indications of the voltmeters show that the insulation of any of
the circuits is faulty, immediate steps shall be taken to restore the
39. If the company rinake default in complying wiht any of the pre-
ceding regulatiow, they shall, on surnmarv conviction, be liable to a
penalty not exceeding 100 dollars for every such default, and in the
case of a continuing offence to a further penalty not exceeding 100
dollars for each day during which the offence continues.
The recovery of a penalty under these regulations shall not affect the
liability of the company to make compensation in respect of any
darnage or injury which may be caused by reason of the default
Kt., formerly Chief Justice of Hongkong, that Edition is in nee
of revision, and it is expedient to authorise the publication of
Newly Revised Edition of the Laws of the Colony:-
1. The Statute Laws (New Revised Edition.) Ordinance, 1911.
2. In this Ordinance,-
Revised Edition ' menas the Revised Edition of the Laws of
.Hongkong prepared by His Honour Sir John Carrington, Knight,
C.M.G., formerly Clief Justice of the Colony, and authorised to
be used by proclamation of the Governor, dated 20th July, 1904,
made in virtue of Ordinance No. 12 of 1900. *
~ ~ New Revised Edition- means the newly Revised Edition of
the Laws of Hongkong authorised by this Ordinance.
3. The Governor may appoint some fit and proper person as
Editor for the purpose of preparing the New Revised Edition.
4. In the preparation of the New Revised Edition the Editor shall
have the following powers in regard to the Ordinances included
therein. :-
(1) to omit-
(a,) all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances which have been re-
(b) all introductory words of enactment;
(c) prefactory words to short titles;
(d) headings of stib-divisions of Ordinances which in the opinion
of the Editor are not necessary to the proper interpretation of the
Ordinances, so long, as they are not headings or titles of Parts,
where, an Ordinance is divided into Parts, in which case such
omission shall not be made, nor shall any alteration in the headings
or titles of such Parts be made, unless they are included in one of
the Ordinances mentioned in section 6.
(ii) to insert in their proper places in the Ordinances amended all
provisions of aniending Ordinances as indicated in such Ordinances,
as if the said amended Ordinance., had been ordered to be printed
as ainended in sticb amending Ordinances .; and further, where all
the amendments made by such amending Ordinances are so inserted
as aforesaid so that the object of such Ordinances has been effected,
to treat the remainder of such Ordinances as exhausted, and to omit
the same.
As amended by No. 43 of 1912.
As amended by No. 17 of 1912.
(iii) to make grammatical and typographical amendments, and to
revise the punctuation where in the opinion of the Editor such
revision is necessary.
(iv) to substitute-
(a.) figures for words;
(b) the serial numbers in references to Ordinances instead of the
short titles ;
where in the opinion of the Editor such substitutions are convenient.
(v) to adopt a convenient standard fortit for the interpretation
sections in all Ordinances; and
(vi) to do all such things relating to form and inethod which may
be necessary for the perfecting of the New Uevised Edition.
5. The numbering of the Ordinances contained in tbe Revised
Edition, and of the sections of such Ordinances, shall be preserved,
unless by special authority of the Governor a new numbering of the
sections of any Ordinance is considered advisable, in which case
such new numbering shall be included in the special Ordinance
referred to in section 6 (4).
The numbering of the Ordinances passe,(] since 1901 sball in
nowise be altered.
6.-M All omissions and amendments in the Ordinances com-
prised in the New Revised Edition, other than those referred to in
the preceding sections, shall be collected by the Editor and sub-
mitted to the Legislative Council in the form, of one or more - Law
Revision - and - Law Amendment - Ordinances respectively.
(.2) Where any omission or an-iendinent is in the opinion of the
Editor sufficiently important a special amending Ordiance shall be
submitted to the Legislative Council, and if such Ordinance is
passed the authority to make such omissions and amendments shall
be the commencement of such Ordinance.
(3) The following omissions shall be held to be included In sub-
section (1) -
(a) parts of Ordinances which have expired or have become spent
or have lost their effect;
(b) repealing sections, and tables and lists of repealed enact-
ments, in schedules or otherwise;
As amended by No. 17 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912 Supp. Sched.
(c) preambles or parts of preambles to Ordinances which in the
opinion of the Editor no longer serve any useful purpose;
(d) introductory words of enactment in any part of an Ordinance,
which in the opinion of the Editor are no longer required;
(e) sections prescribing the date when, or the method by which,
any Ordinance, or any part, of any Ordinance, is to come into force,
where the omission in the opinion of the Editor can be conveniently
made : Provided that in all cases a note shall be inserted at the
beginning of all Ordinances of the date of their commencement,
and, where any special method of bringing an Ordinance into opera-
tion has been prescribed, of the metliod and date by and at which
the Ordinance has been brought into operation.
(4) Where entire Ordinances have expired, or have become spent,
or have lost their effect, and ought to bc repealed, or where it is
considered advisable to repeal entire Ordinances, or a considerable
part of any Ordinance, such repeals shall be embodied by the Editor
in a special Ordinance---for promoting the General Revision of the
Law -, to be submitted to the Legislative. Council, in which the
reason for each such repeal shall be succinctly stated.
(5) The Editor shall be at liberty to recast the marginal notes of
the sections of all Ordinances included in the New Revised Edition
where in his opinion it is necessary for greater clearness.
7.-M The New Revised Edition shall comprise the Ordinances
in force on 31st December, 1912. The said Edition shall be com-
prised in two Volumes which sball include the Ordinances of the
years 1844 to 1912.
(92) The Editor shall prepare and issue as part of his undertak-
ing :-
(a) a Chronological Table of all the Ordinances of the Colony, in-
eluding those which have been repealed, or which were not included
in the Revised Edition : Provided that he may for such purpose
adopt the Chronological Table prepared for the Revised Edition by
Sir John Carrington;
(b) a full and complete index to the subject matter of all Ordi-
nances contained in the New Revised Edition;
(c) references to Orders issued by the Sovereign in His Privy
Council relating to or affecting the Colony, in so far as it may be
* As amended by No. 43 of 1912.
(d) such Tables of References to the aforesaid or other matters as
he may consider necessary for perfecting the New Revised Edition;
all which things shall be included in supplementary volumes, and
the volumes together shall form one series entitled ' The Laws of
Hongkong -.
8.-(1) Each volume of the series before it is issued shall, by
general order of the Governor in that behalf, be impressed on the
title page thereof with the seal of the Colony.
(2) On some convenient day after the issue and publication of
the second volume, and after the passing of the Ordinances referred
to in section 6, the New Revised Edition shall be laid before the
Legislative Council for approval, and such approval, if giveti, shall
be notified, by proclamation of the Governor.
9.-[preamble and sub-section (1), rel). XLo. 43 of 1912.]
(2) A copy of this Ordinance and of all Ordinances passed after
the commencement of this Ordinance, certified wider the hand of
the Governor and the seal of the Colony shall, as soon as conven-
iently may be after they have been passed by the Legislative Council
and assented to by the Governor, be transmitted by the Clerk of
Councils to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, m7ho shall carefully
preserve them for record together with the collection of Ordinances
of the Colony from the commencement thereof down to and inclu-
sive of Ordinance No. 30 of 1886, and the scaled copies of all the
Ordinances subsequent to Ordinance No. 30 of 1886 already preser-
ved in the Registry.
(3) All such sealed copies and all the copies contained in the said
collection shall be deemed to be the originals.
(4) The Registrar shall also obtain and carefully preserve a copy
of the Revised Edition.
(5) In so far as there are variances between the Revised Edition
and the aforesaid originals in the case of Ordinances passed up to the
end of the year 1901, such originals shall be deemed to have been
amended by, and such variations shall be deemed to have been
authorised by, the Statute Laws (Revised Edition) Ordinance, 1900.
(6) Subject to the provisions of section 11, such originals and the
Ordinances contained in the Revised Edition shall be proved by
As aniended by No. 61 of 1911, No. 8 of 1912, No. 16 of 1912 and
No. 48 of 1912.
certified copies thereof, or, by order of a Judge by the production
thereof by the Reistrar. Subject, however, to objection being
taken any such original or any Ordinance contained in the Revised
E'dition ina, be proved by the production of a copy of the Gazette
or of a copy of any collection of Ordinances, purl,-yorting to be
printed by the Government Printers, containing a copy of such
original, or of a volume of the Revised Edition, purporting, to be
impressed on the title page thereof with the seal of the Colony,
containing such Ordinance.
(7) AnY person shall be entitled to inspect any suell originals or
the copy of the Revised Edition during office liours on paynlent of
-2.5 cents for each inspection not exceeding, 3 hours, and to take copies
or extracts therefroin lot. certification by the Recyistral., on payment
of 25 cents per folio of 75 words for each copy or extract.
Fsec. 10, rep. No. 43 of 191.2.]
11. From the date of the proclamation referred to in section 8
the New Revised Editiob shall be deemed to be, and shall be,
without any question, in all Courts and for all other purposes what-
soever, the sole and only, proper Statute Book of the Colony up to
the date of the latest of the Ordinances contained tberein. From
the said date in so far as there inay be variances between the
Ordinances contained lit the Revised Edition and in the
Revised Edition, or between the Ordinances contained in the New
R'evised Edition and the originals preserved by the Registrar of
Ordinances passed between the commencement of the year 1902
arid the end of the year of 1912, the Ordinances contained in the
Revised Edition and the Ordinances passed during the said periods
respectively shall be deemed to have been aniended by, and such
variations to have been authorised by, this Ordinance
-Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the operation of
any Ordinance which may be passed before the issue of such pro-
clamation, for the repeal, alteration, or amendment of any earlier
Ordinance after sneh Ordinance has been printed in the New
Revised Edition.
12. Where in any existing enactment or any existing docu-
ment of whatever kind, reference is made to an Ordinance which is
affected by or under the operation ol this Ordinance, such reference
As ionended h ' \ Xf). fit of 1911, No. 8 of 1912, No. 16 of 1912,
No. 17 of 1912 and No. 43 of 1912.
shall, where necessary and practicable, be deemed to extend and
apply to the corresponding enactment as contained in the New
Revised Edition.
No. 20 of 1911, incorporated in No. 8 of 1896.
No. 21 of 1911, incorporated in No. 40 of 1909.
No. 22 of 1911, incorporated In -NO. .2 of 1.89.~.
No. 23 of 1911, incorporated in No 1 of 1872
No. 24 of 1911, incorporated in No. .5 of 186.5.
No. 25 of 1911, repcaled by _No. 40 of 191.2.
No. 26 of 1911, repealed by. 'No. 8 of 1912 s. 87.
No. 27 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1.5 of 1908.
No. 28 of 1911, incorporated in No. 10 of 1900
No. 29 of 1911, incorporated in No. 4 of 1899.
penalties for default. short title . Interpretation . Appointment of editor . Powers of editor . numberin of ordinances in new edition . Ordinances to be prepared by editior for the purposes of revision . extent of revision. approval of new edition by proclamation . Preservaiton fo ordinances passed and of revised edition for purposes of record and poof . Validation of varices between revised edition and former sealed copies . validity and operation of new revised edition . Construction of reterences to former editions of ordinances .
penalties for default. short title . Interpretation . Appointment of editor . Powers of editor . numberin of ordinances in new edition . Ordinances to be prepared by editior for the purposes of revision . extent of revision. approval of new edition by proclamation . Preservaiton fo ordinances passed and of revised edition for purposes of record and poof . Validation of varices between revised edition and former sealed copies . validity and operation of new revised edition . Construction of reterences to former editions of ordinances .
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 19 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“STATUTE LAWS (NEW REVISED EDITION) ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,