No. 21 of 1910.
To provide for the alteration in levels of Highways.
1. The Highways Ordinance, 1910.
Elgtb Auglist, 1910.]
As amended by No. 8 of 1912, No. 12 of 1912 and No. 1.3 of 1912.
As amended by No. 12 of 1912.
2. Wherever, in the opinion of the Governor-in Council, it shall
be expedient to narrow, stop tip, divert or turn any street on tinleased
Crown land, or any portion of soch street, either entirely or reserving
aor foot-way alono--- the whole or any part thereo or to
alter the level of any such street or portion thereof, the Governor-in
Cotinc.11 inav direct that a notification be published, in English and
Chinese, In 3 successive ordinary issues of the Gazette, specifying the
locality and extent of the said street, and shall further direct that a
notice in writing, in English and Chinese, in the form or to the
effect of the schedifle, be affixed at each end o' the said street, or of
sitch portion of the said street.
3. Tfany owner or occupier of property in the imediate vicinity
of such street objects to such narrowing, stopping up, divesion,
turning or altertation of th elevel, such objection shall be sent in
writing to the Colonial Secretary so as to reatch his office not later
than one week after the publication of the last of the aforesaid noti-
fications in the Gazette. Such objection shall state the reasons
therefor, and shall also specify the property with regard to wbich it
is made and the Interest therein of the objector.
4. Ever such objection shall be considered by the Governor-in-
Council arid the person objecting may be heard in Its support either
hirnself or by his represent ative, and the (-loveriioi.-in-Couilell may
uphold or disallow the objection, and may in his discretion award
such compensation as he may deeni Pist lit respect of the ivorks
proposed to be carried out.
5. If such objection is disallowed and the governor-in-Council
refuses to award compensation, or if the person is dissatisfied with
the compensation awarded, the matter shall be referred to arbitration
and determined in the manner hereinafter provided.
6.-(1) Two arbitrators shall be appointed, one by the Governor
and the other by the person objecting.
(2) The arbitrators shall determine whether compensation should
be awarded and shall assess the amount of corripensation, if any, to
be paid in respect of the works proposed to be carried out.
As amended by No. 50 of 1911, No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
As arriended by No. 12 of 1912 and No. 13 of 1912.
As ainended by No. 12 of 1912.
As amended b i
y No. 12 of 1912 and No. 27 of 1912.
(3) In the event of their disagreement the arbitrators shall refer
the matter to a Puisne Judge as umpire who shall assess the amount
of compensation, if any, to be paid as aforesaid.
(4) The award of the said arbitrators or umpire, as the ease may
be, shall be final and conclusive and shall be firwarded in writing ot
the Colonial Secretary.
7. Ally compensation awarded shall be paid out (5f the publi
8. Sub'eet to the provisions ol' the foregoing sections as to com-
pensation, the Governor way it any time by an order in writing
,authorise the Director of Pliblic works toproceed with the neces-
sary works, and no injunction shall be granted prohibiting the works
so authourised as aforesaid, nor shall any works commend or to
in respect of the same.
9. Nothing in thsi Ordinance shal affect the provisions of the
Harbour of refuge Ordinance, 1909,or any works commeneed or to
be commenced therunder.
Notice is heereby given that the Governor-in-Council purposes to make an order under
the Highways Ordinamce, No 21 fo 1910, for (here state the nature and extent of teh
works to be carred out in connection with the naarrowing, stopping up, diversin, turn-
ing or alteerationin the level of tihe street.)
Any person objectin to the proposed order must farowrd hisobjection in weritin to
the Coloial Secretary nto later than day of 19,
Such objectionmust state the reasons and specify the propery with regard to the
ownership or occupation of which such objection is made and the interest therin of the
' 19
Colwiial Secretary.
Short title . power of governor-in-council to narrow, etc, streets on unleased crown land . Owner or occupier to send objection in writing . Objection to be considered by governor-in-council. Reference to arbitration . Appointment of arbitrators. compensation governor may authorise necessary works. Saving for ordinance no. 39.of 1909.
Short title . power of governor-in-council to narrow, etc, streets on unleased crown land . Owner or occupier to send objection in writing . Objection to be considered by governor-in-council. Reference to arbitration . Appointment of arbitrators. compensation governor may authorise necessary works. Saving for ordinance no. 39.of 1909.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 21 of 1910
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HIGHWAYS ORDINANCE, 1910,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/976.