No. 2 of 1890.
To amend the Law relating to Infant Vaccination, and to provide
for the Registration of Persons vaccinated.
[1st Oct. 3 1890.]
1. The Vaccination Ordinance, 1890.
2. In this Ordinance,-
'Parent ' means the father of any child, or, in the event of the
death, illness, or inability of the father, then the mother;
'Guardian' means the person who for the time being has the
care, nurture, or custody of any child;
' Public Vaccinator' means any person authorised and appoint-
ed by the Governor under this Ordinance for the special purpose
of vaccinating persons;
' Child ' means any person under 14 years of age.
3. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint such duly
qualified persons as he may deem fit to be Public Vaceinators, and
to appoint such local stations or places wilhin tbe Colony as he
may deem expedient for the purposes of public vaccination; and
such Public Vaccinators shall, subject to regulations, vaccinate all
persons who may come to them at such local stations or places for
that purpose.
4. Tt shall also be lawful for the Governor to appoint some fit
person, to be called the Inspector of Vaccination, for the purpose
of securing the due performance by ibe Public Vaccinators of all
vaccinations and of inspecting the results thereof.
5. The Governor-in-Council shall have power to make regulations
for the purposes of this Ordinance in respect of the matters berein-
after mentioned :-
(1) the duties and powers of all officers appointed under this
(2) the remuneration, if any, to be paid for vaccination by a
Public Vaccinator, and the time and place of vaccination; and
(3) all such other matters not hereinbefore specifically mentioned
which may conduce to the better carrying out of this Ordinance.
6.-(1) The Parent er guardian of any child resident within the
Colony, if the child is 6 months old or more, and has not been
already successfully vaccinated, (proof of which successful vaccina-
tion may be required by the Head of the Sanitary Department),
shall cause the child to be vaccinated by a medical practitioner or
Public Vaccinator.
(2) Such medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator shall, on per-
sonal inspection of the successful vaccination of the child, furnish
the parent or guardian with a certificate to that effect in form 1
in the schedule, who shall, within 7 days after the date thereof,
lodge the certificate with the Head of the Sanitary Department,
who shall preserve the same.
7,-(1) If any medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator is of
opinion that any child is not a fit and proper subject to be success-
fully vaccinated, he shall thereupon deliver to the parent or guardian
of the child a certificate, in form 2 in the schedule to that effect,
and such certificate shall remain in force for 2 months from its
delivery as aforesaid.
(2) If the child is not successfully vaccinated at the termination
of such period of 2 months, then the certificate, on the applica-
tion of the parent or guardian, sball be renewed by a medical
practitioner or Public Vaccinator during each succeeding period of
2 months until the child has been successfully vaccinated; and the
renewal shall be indorsed on the certificate and dated as of the date
of such renewal, and shall be signed by the medical practitioner
or Public Vaccinator granting the further certificate.
(3) The production of such certificate of unfitness for successful
vaccination sball be a sufficient defence against any complaint
which may be brought against the parent or guardian for non-
compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance in respect of the
non-vaccination of the child.
(4) It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint some medical
practitioner or Public Vaccinator whose duty it shall be to examine
gratuitously children on whose behalf are claimed certificates of
unfitness for successful vaccination under this section, land to grant
or withhold such certificates in his discretion.
8. Every certificate granted under the last section shall, on the
granting and on any renewal thereof, be brought within 7 days
by the parent or guardian of the child to the Head of the Sanitary
Department for registration, and he shall enter the particulars of
the same in a book to be kept by him for that purpose.
9. If any medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator find that a
child whom he has three times unsuccessfully vaccinated is in-
susceptible of successful vaccination, or that a child brought to him
for vaccination has already had the small-pox, he shall deliver to
the parent or guardian of the child a certificate in form 3 in the,
schedule or to the like effect, and the parent or guaridian shall
thenceforth not be required to cause the child to be vaccinated.
10. Such parent or guardian shall, within 7 days after the date
of such certificate, lodge the same with the Head of the Sanitary
Department, who shall enter in the Register of Births the word
' Insusceptible' opposite the name of the child, and the notice
mentioned in section 13 shall not be served.
11. The Read of Sanitary Department shall enter in the Registry
of Births the word '' Vaccinated' opposite the name of every child
whose vaccination has been certified.
12-(1) There shall be kept at each local vaccination station or
place appointed under this Ordinance a register of all persons vacci-
nated by a Public Vaccinator.
(2) The register shall be called ' The Public Vaccinator's
Register,' and the entries tbarein shall be made at the time of
vaccination by the Public Vaccinator according to the form and
particulars in form 1 in the schedule.
(3) The Public Vaccinator at each station shall, once in every
month, cause a return to be made of all such entries to the Head
of the Sanitary Department who shall preserve the same.
13-(1) Where any child after 6 months from its birth, whether
born within the Colony or not, is found to be resident within the
Colony, and the parent or guardian of the child has failed to satisfy
the Head of the Sanitary department of tbe successful vaccination
or of the unfitness for successful vaccination of the child, or of the
insusceptibiliby of successful vaccination of the child, he shall serve
on the parent or guardian, as the case may be, a written notice in
form 5 in the schedule.
(2) If, within one month after receipt of such notice, the parent
or guardian has not produced to the Read of the Sanitary Depart-
ment a proper certificate, he shall, on sunimary conviction, be liable
to a fine not exceeding 5 dollars, and if he afterwards continues to
refuse or neglect to cause the child to be vaccinated, he shall, on
summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars:
Provided always that no parent or guardian shall be liable to any
penalty for not having his child vaccinated at any time between
Ist May and 20th September in any year.
14. Every person who-
(1) produces or attempts to produce, in himself or in any other
person, by inoculation with variolous matter or by wilful exposure
to variolous matter; or
(2) wilfully, by any other means whatsoever, produces the disease
of small-pox,
shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 250
dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 6 months.
15, All proceedings under this Ordinance shall be in the name
of the head of the Sanitary Department.
16.-(1) The service of any notice under this Ordinance shall be
deemed sufficient and valid if such notice is left or served by any
person generally authorised by the Read of the Sanitary Depart-
ment in that behalf at the last-known place of abode or business
of the person mentioned therein.
(2) All acts and thhigs required by this Ordinance to be executed
and done by the Head of the Sanitary Department may, under his
control and supervision, be executed and done by any person duly
FORM No. 1, [S,6.]
I , the unersigned , hereby certify that [ fill in name, if any , date of birth , sea, and
parentage of child ] of has been successfully vaccinated by me .
Dated the day of ,19.
(signed.) A.B.,
medical practitioner or public vaccinator.
FORM NO. 2 [S.7.]
certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination.
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that I am of opinion that [fill in name , ia any ,
state to be successfully vaccinated for the following reasons , viz:
and that I have recommended the postponement of the vaccination until the
day of , 19.
dated the day of ,19.
(signed.) A,B,.
Medical practitioner or public vaccinator .
form no. 3. [s.9.]
certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination .
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that I am of opinion that of
dated the day of , 19.
(signed .) A.B.
medical practitioner or public vaccinator. FORM NO.4. [S.12.]
Register of public vaccinator.
public vaccinator's register at station.
public vaccinator.
FORM NO.5. [S.13.]
notice to parent or guardian.
to [insert name fo parent or guardian].
take notice that [insert name of child, if any , and its sea] must be vaccinated
under the provisions of the vaccination ordinance, 1800;and unless you produce to
me, within one month from the receipt of this notice, a certificate of the vaccination
of the said child , or of the unfitness of the said child for successful vaccination, or of
the insusceptibility of successful vaccination of the said , child , or otherwise satisfy me
that the said child has been successfully vaccinated, you are liable to a penalty of 5
dated the day of ,19.
head of sanitary department.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Appointment of Public Vaccinators. Appointment of Inspector of Vaccination. Making of regulation. Parent or guardian to have child 6 months old vaccinated. Giving and effect of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Giving and effect of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of child vaccinations. Registration of persons vaccinated publicly. Notice to parent or guardian of unvaccinated child. Penalty for inoculation. Taking of proceedings. Service of notice, etc.
To amend the Law relating to Infant Vaccination, and to provide
for the Registration of Persons vaccinated.
[1st Oct. 3 1890.]
1. The Vaccination Ordinance, 1890.
2. In this Ordinance,-
'Parent ' means the father of any child, or, in the event of the
death, illness, or inability of the father, then the mother;
'Guardian' means the person who for the time being has the
care, nurture, or custody of any child;
' Public Vaccinator' means any person authorised and appoint-
ed by the Governor under this Ordinance for the special purpose
of vaccinating persons;
' Child ' means any person under 14 years of age.
3. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint such duly
qualified persons as he may deem fit to be Public Vaceinators, and
to appoint such local stations or places wilhin tbe Colony as he
may deem expedient for the purposes of public vaccination; and
such Public Vaccinators shall, subject to regulations, vaccinate all
persons who may come to them at such local stations or places for
that purpose.
4. Tt shall also be lawful for the Governor to appoint some fit
person, to be called the Inspector of Vaccination, for the purpose
of securing the due performance by ibe Public Vaccinators of all
vaccinations and of inspecting the results thereof.
5. The Governor-in-Council shall have power to make regulations
for the purposes of this Ordinance in respect of the matters berein-
after mentioned :-
(1) the duties and powers of all officers appointed under this
(2) the remuneration, if any, to be paid for vaccination by a
Public Vaccinator, and the time and place of vaccination; and
(3) all such other matters not hereinbefore specifically mentioned
which may conduce to the better carrying out of this Ordinance.
6.-(1) The Parent er guardian of any child resident within the
Colony, if the child is 6 months old or more, and has not been
already successfully vaccinated, (proof of which successful vaccina-
tion may be required by the Head of the Sanitary Department),
shall cause the child to be vaccinated by a medical practitioner or
Public Vaccinator.
(2) Such medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator shall, on per-
sonal inspection of the successful vaccination of the child, furnish
the parent or guardian with a certificate to that effect in form 1
in the schedule, who shall, within 7 days after the date thereof,
lodge the certificate with the Head of the Sanitary Department,
who shall preserve the same.
7,-(1) If any medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator is of
opinion that any child is not a fit and proper subject to be success-
fully vaccinated, he shall thereupon deliver to the parent or guardian
of the child a certificate, in form 2 in the schedule to that effect,
and such certificate shall remain in force for 2 months from its
delivery as aforesaid.
(2) If the child is not successfully vaccinated at the termination
of such period of 2 months, then the certificate, on the applica-
tion of the parent or guardian, sball be renewed by a medical
practitioner or Public Vaccinator during each succeeding period of
2 months until the child has been successfully vaccinated; and the
renewal shall be indorsed on the certificate and dated as of the date
of such renewal, and shall be signed by the medical practitioner
or Public Vaccinator granting the further certificate.
(3) The production of such certificate of unfitness for successful
vaccination sball be a sufficient defence against any complaint
which may be brought against the parent or guardian for non-
compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance in respect of the
non-vaccination of the child.
(4) It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint some medical
practitioner or Public Vaccinator whose duty it shall be to examine
gratuitously children on whose behalf are claimed certificates of
unfitness for successful vaccination under this section, land to grant
or withhold such certificates in his discretion.
8. Every certificate granted under the last section shall, on the
granting and on any renewal thereof, be brought within 7 days
by the parent or guardian of the child to the Head of the Sanitary
Department for registration, and he shall enter the particulars of
the same in a book to be kept by him for that purpose.
9. If any medical practitioner or Public Vaccinator find that a
child whom he has three times unsuccessfully vaccinated is in-
susceptible of successful vaccination, or that a child brought to him
for vaccination has already had the small-pox, he shall deliver to
the parent or guardian of the child a certificate in form 3 in the,
schedule or to the like effect, and the parent or guaridian shall
thenceforth not be required to cause the child to be vaccinated.
10. Such parent or guardian shall, within 7 days after the date
of such certificate, lodge the same with the Head of the Sanitary
Department, who shall enter in the Register of Births the word
' Insusceptible' opposite the name of the child, and the notice
mentioned in section 13 shall not be served.
11. The Read of Sanitary Department shall enter in the Registry
of Births the word '' Vaccinated' opposite the name of every child
whose vaccination has been certified.
12-(1) There shall be kept at each local vaccination station or
place appointed under this Ordinance a register of all persons vacci-
nated by a Public Vaccinator.
(2) The register shall be called ' The Public Vaccinator's
Register,' and the entries tbarein shall be made at the time of
vaccination by the Public Vaccinator according to the form and
particulars in form 1 in the schedule.
(3) The Public Vaccinator at each station shall, once in every
month, cause a return to be made of all such entries to the Head
of the Sanitary Department who shall preserve the same.
13-(1) Where any child after 6 months from its birth, whether
born within the Colony or not, is found to be resident within the
Colony, and the parent or guardian of the child has failed to satisfy
the Head of the Sanitary department of tbe successful vaccination
or of the unfitness for successful vaccination of the child, or of the
insusceptibiliby of successful vaccination of the child, he shall serve
on the parent or guardian, as the case may be, a written notice in
form 5 in the schedule.
(2) If, within one month after receipt of such notice, the parent
or guardian has not produced to the Read of the Sanitary Depart-
ment a proper certificate, he shall, on sunimary conviction, be liable
to a fine not exceeding 5 dollars, and if he afterwards continues to
refuse or neglect to cause the child to be vaccinated, he shall, on
summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars:
Provided always that no parent or guardian shall be liable to any
penalty for not having his child vaccinated at any time between
Ist May and 20th September in any year.
14. Every person who-
(1) produces or attempts to produce, in himself or in any other
person, by inoculation with variolous matter or by wilful exposure
to variolous matter; or
(2) wilfully, by any other means whatsoever, produces the disease
of small-pox,
shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 250
dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding 6 months.
15, All proceedings under this Ordinance shall be in the name
of the head of the Sanitary Department.
16.-(1) The service of any notice under this Ordinance shall be
deemed sufficient and valid if such notice is left or served by any
person generally authorised by the Read of the Sanitary Depart-
ment in that behalf at the last-known place of abode or business
of the person mentioned therein.
(2) All acts and thhigs required by this Ordinance to be executed
and done by the Head of the Sanitary Department may, under his
control and supervision, be executed and done by any person duly
FORM No. 1, [S,6.]
I , the unersigned , hereby certify that [ fill in name, if any , date of birth , sea, and
parentage of child ] of has been successfully vaccinated by me .
Dated the day of ,19.
(signed.) A.B.,
medical practitioner or public vaccinator.
FORM NO. 2 [S.7.]
certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination.
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that I am of opinion that [fill in name , ia any ,
state to be successfully vaccinated for the following reasons , viz:
and that I have recommended the postponement of the vaccination until the
day of , 19.
dated the day of ,19.
(signed.) A,B,.
Medical practitioner or public vaccinator .
form no. 3. [s.9.]
certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination .
I, the undersigned , hereby certify that I am of opinion that of
dated the day of , 19.
(signed .) A.B.
medical practitioner or public vaccinator. FORM NO.4. [S.12.]
Register of public vaccinator.
public vaccinator's register at station.
public vaccinator.
FORM NO.5. [S.13.]
notice to parent or guardian.
to [insert name fo parent or guardian].
take notice that [insert name of child, if any , and its sea] must be vaccinated
under the provisions of the vaccination ordinance, 1800;and unless you produce to
me, within one month from the receipt of this notice, a certificate of the vaccination
of the said child , or of the unfitness of the said child for successful vaccination, or of
the insusceptibility of successful vaccination of the said , child , or otherwise satisfy me
that the said child has been successfully vaccinated, you are liable to a penalty of 5
dated the day of ,19.
head of sanitary department.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Appointment of Public Vaccinators. Appointment of Inspector of Vaccination. Making of regulation. Parent or guardian to have child 6 months old vaccinated. Giving and effect of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Giving and effect of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of child vaccinations. Registration of persons vaccinated publicly. Notice to parent or guardian of unvaccinated child. Penalty for inoculation. Taking of proceedings. Service of notice, etc.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. Appointment of Public Vaccinators. Appointment of Inspector of Vaccination. Making of regulation. Parent or guardian to have child 6 months old vaccinated. Giving and effect of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of unfitness for successful vaccination. Giving and effect of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of certificate of insusceptibility of successful vaccination. Registration of child vaccinations. Registration of persons vaccinated publicly. Notice to parent or guardian of unvaccinated child. Penalty for inoculation. Taking of proceedings. Service of notice, etc.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1890
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VACCINATION ORDINANCE, 1890,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,