No. 4 of 1886.
To regulate the printing of Newspapers and Books and the keep-
ing of Printing [12th July , 1886.]
1. The Printers and Publishers Ordinance, 1886.
2.' Ihe Registrar' means the Registrar of the Supreme Court.
'Newspaper' means any _paper containing public news, intelli-
gence, or occurrences, or any remarks or observations thereon,
printed for sale and published in the Colony periodically or in parts
or numbers at intervals not exceeding 226 days between the publica-
tion of any two such papers, parts, or numbers, also any paper
printed in order to be dispersed or distributed and made public
weekly or oftener or at intervals not exceeding 26 days, containing
only or principally advertisement:
'Book' means every volume, part or division of a volume,
pamphlet, sheet of letter press, sheet of music, map, chart, or plan,
separately printed or published in the Colony, containing literary,
scientific, artistic, or musleul composition, matter, or work :
'proprietor' means and includes as well the sole propietor of any
newspaper as also, in the case of a divided proprietorship, the persons
who, as partners or othenvise, represent and are responsible for any
share, or interest in the newspaper as between themselves and the
persons in like manner representing or responsible for the other
shares or interests therein, and no other person;
Place of residence 'or ' place, of business includes the street,
square, or place where the person to whoin it refers resides or carries
on business, as the ease may be, and the number, if any, or other
designation of the house in which he so resides or carries on business :
'Newspaper register ' means the books to be kept by the
Registrar for the purpose of making and registering all declarations
required or permitted to be made by this Ordinance, and such books
shall contain printed copies or the forms prescribed by this Ordinance
to be filled up by the Registrar and signed by the party making the
3. no newspaper shall be printed or published within the Colony
except in conformity with the following provisions:-
(1) the printer and published of every newspaper shall appear
before the Registrar and shall make and subscribe in the newspaper
register a declaration according to the form 1 in the schedule;
(2) as often as the, place of printing or publication is changed, a
new declaration shall be necessary; and
(3) as often as the printer or publisher who has made the aforesaid
declaration leaves the Colony permanently or temporarily, or al-
though in the Colony, is imprisoned or otherwise incapacitated from
- ~Is. amended by No. 60 of 1911, No. G2 of 1911 and No. 03 of 1911.
being or ceases to be the actual. printer or publisher for the time
being, a declaration from the ictual printer or publisher resident
within the Coloiiy shall be necessavy.
4. Every person who-
(11) prints or publishes any newspaper without conforming to the
provisions of the last section ; or
(2) prints and publishes, or causes to be printed or published,
any newspaper, knowing that the said provisions have not been
complied with,
shall be liable to a fine not, exceeding 1,000 dollars, or to imprison-
ment, without hard labour, for any term not exceeding 6 months.
5. If any person who has made and subscribed the declaration
prescribed by section 3 ceases to be the printer or publisher of the
nawspaper mentioned in such declaration, he may appear before
the Registrar and make and subscribe a declaration in the news-
paper register according to the form 2 in the schedule.
6. On every change of the proprietor of any newspaper or on
every transfer or transmission of or dealing therein whereby any
person ceases to be a proprietor ro any new proprietor is introduced,
it shall be the duty of the printers and publisgers for the time
being of such newspaper, within 21 days from tbe time of such
change, transfer, or transmission as aforesaid, to appear before the
Registrar and subscribe a declaration in the newspaper register
according to the form 3 in. the schedule.
7. If, within the said period of 21 days , such declaration is not
made, then each printer and publisher of such newspaper shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding 150 dollars.
8. Any party to a transfer or transmission of or dealing with
any share of or interest in any newspaper, whereby any person
ceases to be a proprietor or any new, proprietor is introduced, may
at any time make or cause to be made the declaration prescribed
by section 6.
9. Where in the opinion of the Governor-in-Council, incon-
venience would arise or be caused in any case from making a
declaration of the names of all the proprietors of a newspaper
(either owing to minority, coverture, absence from the Colony,
minute subdivision of shares, or otlicr special circumstances), it
shall be lawful for the printers or publishers of.such newspaper,
on the order of the Governor-in-Council, to make such declaration
with the name or of some one or more representative
10. The provisions hereinbefore contained in reference to the
proprietor of any newspaper shall not extend or apply to any,
newspaper which belongs to a joint-slock company duly incorpor-
ated under the Ordinances relating to joint-stock companies.
IL-(1) Every person wbo prints any newspaper, paper, or book
for hire, reward, gain, or profit shall carefullY preserve and keep,
one copy (at least) of every newspaper,er Lock so printed
by huri, on which he Shall write or print, or cause to be written or
printed, in legible characters, the name and place of resIdence of
the person by whoni he is employed to print the same, and shall
keep and preserve the same for the space of 6 months after the
printing thereof, and shall procluce and show the same to a Magis-
trate if required to do so within the said 6 months.
(2) Every person who omits or neglects any of the provisions of
this section shall be liable to a finc not exceeding 100 dollars.
12.-(1) Every person wbo prints amy newspaper, paper, or book
intended to be distributed or made, public, shall print upon the
front, of every such newspaper or paper, if the same is printed on
one side only, or upon the first or last leaf of every newspaper,
paper, or book, which consists of more than one leaf, in legible
characters, his name and usual place of residence or business.
(2) Every person who distributes or publishes or assists in dis-
tributing or publishing, any such newspaper, paper, or book without
fulfilling the requirements of this section shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding 25 dollars for every copy of such newspaper, paper,
or book so printed,distributed or published.
13.-(1) Every person who prints or publishes, or causes to be
printed or published, any newspaper Shall, prior to such printing
or publishing enter into a bond before the Registrar, together with
two sufficient sureties to the Satisfaction of the Registrar, such
printer or publisher or printer and publisher in the sum of 1,200
dollars and such sureties jointly in a like sum, conditioned that such
printer or publisher or printer and pLiblisher shall pay every fine
or penalty as may at any time be imposed upon or adjudged against
him, or any person acting for him in his absence, by reason of any
conviction for printing or publishing or printing and publishing
any libel at any time after the entering into such bond, and also all
costs of such conviction; and further conditioned thall every such
printer or publisher or printer and publisher shall pay all such
damages and costs as inay be recovered or arise, In any action for
libel published in such newspaper.
(2) Every person not covered by such bond who prints or pub-
lishes,or causes to be printed or publislied, newspaper without
having entered into such bond with such sureties as aforesaid shall,
for every such offence be liable to a fine not execeding 100 dollars,
together with the costs of conviction.
14. Every bond so given as aforesald may be sued on in the name
of the Attorney General in any case of indictnent or information,
and of the plaintiff in any action for llbel in which damages rilay
be recovered.
15. In every case in which any surety in any such bond as
aforesaid has been required to pay and has paid the whole or any
part of the sum for which lie has become surety, or in case he
becomes bankrupt or ceases to reside in the Colony, then and in
every such case the person for whom such surety has been bound
shall not print or publish any newspaper until he has entened into
a new bond with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the
amount aforesaid; and in case he prints or publishes any such
newspaper without having executed such new bond as aforesaid,
he shall, for every such offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding
100 dollars together with the costs of conviction.
16-(1) If any surety as aforesald is desirons of withdrawing
from such bond, it shall, be lawful for him to do so on giving 20 days
previous notice in writing to the Registrar and also to his principal;
and in every such case such surety shall, on the expiration of such
notice, cease to be liable upon such bond except for any penalty,
damages or costs, for or in respect of any libel which may have been
printed or published in such newspaper previous to the expiration
of such notice and for which he would otherwise have been liable
under such bond.
(2) In every such case , the person for whom such surety has been
bound shall not print or publish any newspaper until he has executed
a new bond with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the amount
aforesaid; and in case he prints or publishes any such newspaper
without having entered into such now bond as aforesaid, he shall
for every such offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars,
together with the costs of conviction.
17. All bonds entered into in pursuance of this Ordinance shall,
upon execution, be deposited with the Registrar for safe custody.
18-(1) no person shall keep in his possession any press for the
printing of newspapers, books, or paper who has not made and sub-
scribed before the in the newsspaper register a declaration
according to the form 4 in the schedule, to be made in like manner as
is prescribed for the declarations hereinbefore mentioned.
(2) Every perosn who keeps in his possession any such press with-
out making such declaration shall bc liable to a fine not exceeding
1,000 dollars, or to imprisoment, without hard labour, for any term
not exceeding 6 months.
19. Any person shall be at liberty to search and inspect the news-
paper register during the hours of business of the Supreme Court, on
payment of one dollar for every such search and inspection ; and any
person may require, a Copy of nay entry or an extract from the said
book to be certified by the Registrar under the seal of the Court, on
payment of 2 dollars for every such copy.
20. Every such certified copy shall be received as conclusive
evidence of the contents of the sald register so far as the same appear
in such copy or extract, without prool of the signature thereto or of
the seal of the Court affixed thereto ; and every such certified copy or
extract shall in all proceeding, civil or criminal , be accepted as suffi-
cient printed face evidence of all the matters and things thereby
appearing, unless and until the contrary thereof is shown.
21. lf any person knowingly and wilfully makes or causes to be
made any declaration by this Ordinance required,or permitted to be
made in which there is any untruth or misrepresentation, or from
which there is any omission, in respect of any of the particulars by
this Ordinance required to be contained therein, whereby such decla-
ration is misleading, or if any proprietor of a newspaper knowingly
and wilfully perimit any declaration under section 3, or section 6 to
be made is which is misleading with reference to his own name,
occupation, place of business, if any , or place of residence, he shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding 5OO dollars.
22. This Ordinalice shall not extend or apply to the impression of
any engraving, or to the printing by letter-press of the name or of
the name and address or business or profession of any person, or of
the articles in which he deals, or of any paper containing an ad-
vertisement of the sale of any estates or goods by auction or other-
wise, or of ordinary business notices or advertisements.
23.. All fines and penalties under this Ordinance any be recovered
24. No person shall be prosecuted or sued for any fine or penalty
imposed by this Ordinarice unless such prosecution is commenced or
such action is brought within 6 months next after such fine or
penalty has been incurred; nor unless such prosecution or action is
commenced, prosecuted, entered, or filed in the name of the Attor
ney General and with his assent.
[S. 3.]
Declaration by Printer or publisher.
I, [here state full name and address] declare that I am printer [or publisher or
printer and publisher as the case may be ] of the newspaper entitled [ here insert name of
paper] and printed [or published or printed and publisbed, as the case may be] at Hong-
kong; the premises such printing jor publication or printing and publication] is
[or are] carried on are situate at [ here describe them precisely] ; and I further declare
that [here state the full name or names of the proprietor or proprietors or re-
prescutalive proprietors] is [or are] the proprietor [or proprietors or representative
proprietors] of the said newspaper [here state their respectiue occupations, places of
business, if any, and places of residence.]
Declared, &c.,
[t. S.] (Signed.) Registrar.
FoRM No. 2. [S. 5.1]
Declaration on ccasing to be Printer or Publisher.
1.[here state full name and address] declare that 1 have ceased to be the printer [or
publisher or printer and publisher] of the newspaper entitled[here insert name of paper.]
Declared, &c.,
[t. S.J (Signed.) Registrar.
FORM No. 3.
Deelaration on ceasing to be proprietor , etc [ss. 6 & 8.]
1, [here state full napne and address] the printer [or publisher or printer and pub-
lisber] of the newspaper entitled [here insert nwaic of paper] declare that [state fall
name] has ceased to be the propietor [or a proprietor] of the said newspaper entitled
[here insert name of paper] and that [state full names with his or their occupation, place
of business, if any, and place of residence] is [or are] now the proprietor [or proprietors]
Declared, &c.,
[t, S.] (Signed.) Registrar.
FoEM No. 4.
Declarsation by Possessor of Printing Press.
1, [here state full name and address] declare that I have a press for printing au [here
state the place where the press is kept, giving a true and precise deseription of the pre-
Declared, &c.,
[L, S.] (Signed. Registrar.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. [44 & 45 Vict.c. 60 s. 1.] [5 & 6 Vict.c.45 s.2.] [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.1.] Requirements to be satisfied before printing or publication of newspapper. [ib.s.9.] Penalty for non-observance of s. 3. Declaration on person ceasing to be printer, etc. Declaration on change of proprietorship. Penalty for not making declaration. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.10.] Party to make declaration under s.6. [ib.s.11.] Authority to make declaration of some only of proprietors. [ib.s.7.] Exception as to newspapers of companies. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] [cf. No. 58 of 1911.] Printer to keep copy of newspaper or book, and to produce same to Magistrate. [39 Geo. 3. C. 79 s. 39; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Printer to print his name and address on newspaper or book. [2 & 3 Vict.c.12 s.2; 32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper. [60 Geo. 3. c.9; 1 Will. 4 c. 73; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Right to sue on bond. Requirement as to new bond in certain cases. Withdrawal of surety. Custody of bond. Declaration by possessor of printing press. Right to inspect newspaper register. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] Copy of entry, etc., in newspaper register to be evidence. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s. 15.] Penalty for making wilful misrepresentation in declaration. [ib.s.12.] General exceptions. [32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Recovery of penalties. Limitation of prosecution or action. [39 Geo. 3 c. 79 s. 34.]
To regulate the printing of Newspapers and Books and the keep-
ing of Printing [12th July , 1886.]
1. The Printers and Publishers Ordinance, 1886.
2.' Ihe Registrar' means the Registrar of the Supreme Court.
'Newspaper' means any _paper containing public news, intelli-
gence, or occurrences, or any remarks or observations thereon,
printed for sale and published in the Colony periodically or in parts
or numbers at intervals not exceeding 226 days between the publica-
tion of any two such papers, parts, or numbers, also any paper
printed in order to be dispersed or distributed and made public
weekly or oftener or at intervals not exceeding 26 days, containing
only or principally advertisement:
'Book' means every volume, part or division of a volume,
pamphlet, sheet of letter press, sheet of music, map, chart, or plan,
separately printed or published in the Colony, containing literary,
scientific, artistic, or musleul composition, matter, or work :
'proprietor' means and includes as well the sole propietor of any
newspaper as also, in the case of a divided proprietorship, the persons
who, as partners or othenvise, represent and are responsible for any
share, or interest in the newspaper as between themselves and the
persons in like manner representing or responsible for the other
shares or interests therein, and no other person;
Place of residence 'or ' place, of business includes the street,
square, or place where the person to whoin it refers resides or carries
on business, as the ease may be, and the number, if any, or other
designation of the house in which he so resides or carries on business :
'Newspaper register ' means the books to be kept by the
Registrar for the purpose of making and registering all declarations
required or permitted to be made by this Ordinance, and such books
shall contain printed copies or the forms prescribed by this Ordinance
to be filled up by the Registrar and signed by the party making the
3. no newspaper shall be printed or published within the Colony
except in conformity with the following provisions:-
(1) the printer and published of every newspaper shall appear
before the Registrar and shall make and subscribe in the newspaper
register a declaration according to the form 1 in the schedule;
(2) as often as the, place of printing or publication is changed, a
new declaration shall be necessary; and
(3) as often as the printer or publisher who has made the aforesaid
declaration leaves the Colony permanently or temporarily, or al-
though in the Colony, is imprisoned or otherwise incapacitated from
- ~Is. amended by No. 60 of 1911, No. G2 of 1911 and No. 03 of 1911.
being or ceases to be the actual. printer or publisher for the time
being, a declaration from the ictual printer or publisher resident
within the Coloiiy shall be necessavy.
4. Every person who-
(11) prints or publishes any newspaper without conforming to the
provisions of the last section ; or
(2) prints and publishes, or causes to be printed or published,
any newspaper, knowing that the said provisions have not been
complied with,
shall be liable to a fine not, exceeding 1,000 dollars, or to imprison-
ment, without hard labour, for any term not exceeding 6 months.
5. If any person who has made and subscribed the declaration
prescribed by section 3 ceases to be the printer or publisher of the
nawspaper mentioned in such declaration, he may appear before
the Registrar and make and subscribe a declaration in the news-
paper register according to the form 2 in the schedule.
6. On every change of the proprietor of any newspaper or on
every transfer or transmission of or dealing therein whereby any
person ceases to be a proprietor ro any new proprietor is introduced,
it shall be the duty of the printers and publisgers for the time
being of such newspaper, within 21 days from tbe time of such
change, transfer, or transmission as aforesaid, to appear before the
Registrar and subscribe a declaration in the newspaper register
according to the form 3 in. the schedule.
7. If, within the said period of 21 days , such declaration is not
made, then each printer and publisher of such newspaper shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding 150 dollars.
8. Any party to a transfer or transmission of or dealing with
any share of or interest in any newspaper, whereby any person
ceases to be a proprietor or any new, proprietor is introduced, may
at any time make or cause to be made the declaration prescribed
by section 6.
9. Where in the opinion of the Governor-in-Council, incon-
venience would arise or be caused in any case from making a
declaration of the names of all the proprietors of a newspaper
(either owing to minority, coverture, absence from the Colony,
minute subdivision of shares, or otlicr special circumstances), it
shall be lawful for the printers or publishers of.such newspaper,
on the order of the Governor-in-Council, to make such declaration
with the name or of some one or more representative
10. The provisions hereinbefore contained in reference to the
proprietor of any newspaper shall not extend or apply to any,
newspaper which belongs to a joint-slock company duly incorpor-
ated under the Ordinances relating to joint-stock companies.
IL-(1) Every person wbo prints any newspaper, paper, or book
for hire, reward, gain, or profit shall carefullY preserve and keep,
one copy (at least) of every newspaper,er Lock so printed
by huri, on which he Shall write or print, or cause to be written or
printed, in legible characters, the name and place of resIdence of
the person by whoni he is employed to print the same, and shall
keep and preserve the same for the space of 6 months after the
printing thereof, and shall procluce and show the same to a Magis-
trate if required to do so within the said 6 months.
(2) Every person who omits or neglects any of the provisions of
this section shall be liable to a finc not exceeding 100 dollars.
12.-(1) Every person wbo prints amy newspaper, paper, or book
intended to be distributed or made, public, shall print upon the
front, of every such newspaper or paper, if the same is printed on
one side only, or upon the first or last leaf of every newspaper,
paper, or book, which consists of more than one leaf, in legible
characters, his name and usual place of residence or business.
(2) Every person who distributes or publishes or assists in dis-
tributing or publishing, any such newspaper, paper, or book without
fulfilling the requirements of this section shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding 25 dollars for every copy of such newspaper, paper,
or book so printed,distributed or published.
13.-(1) Every person who prints or publishes, or causes to be
printed or published, any newspaper Shall, prior to such printing
or publishing enter into a bond before the Registrar, together with
two sufficient sureties to the Satisfaction of the Registrar, such
printer or publisher or printer and publisher in the sum of 1,200
dollars and such sureties jointly in a like sum, conditioned that such
printer or publisher or printer and pLiblisher shall pay every fine
or penalty as may at any time be imposed upon or adjudged against
him, or any person acting for him in his absence, by reason of any
conviction for printing or publishing or printing and publishing
any libel at any time after the entering into such bond, and also all
costs of such conviction; and further conditioned thall every such
printer or publisher or printer and publisher shall pay all such
damages and costs as inay be recovered or arise, In any action for
libel published in such newspaper.
(2) Every person not covered by such bond who prints or pub-
lishes,or causes to be printed or publislied, newspaper without
having entered into such bond with such sureties as aforesaid shall,
for every such offence be liable to a fine not execeding 100 dollars,
together with the costs of conviction.
14. Every bond so given as aforesald may be sued on in the name
of the Attorney General in any case of indictnent or information,
and of the plaintiff in any action for llbel in which damages rilay
be recovered.
15. In every case in which any surety in any such bond as
aforesaid has been required to pay and has paid the whole or any
part of the sum for which lie has become surety, or in case he
becomes bankrupt or ceases to reside in the Colony, then and in
every such case the person for whom such surety has been bound
shall not print or publish any newspaper until he has entened into
a new bond with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the
amount aforesaid; and in case he prints or publishes any such
newspaper without having executed such new bond as aforesaid,
he shall, for every such offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding
100 dollars together with the costs of conviction.
16-(1) If any surety as aforesald is desirons of withdrawing
from such bond, it shall, be lawful for him to do so on giving 20 days
previous notice in writing to the Registrar and also to his principal;
and in every such case such surety shall, on the expiration of such
notice, cease to be liable upon such bond except for any penalty,
damages or costs, for or in respect of any libel which may have been
printed or published in such newspaper previous to the expiration
of such notice and for which he would otherwise have been liable
under such bond.
(2) In every such case , the person for whom such surety has been
bound shall not print or publish any newspaper until he has executed
a new bond with sufficient sureties in the manner and to the amount
aforesaid; and in case he prints or publishes any such newspaper
without having entered into such now bond as aforesaid, he shall
for every such offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars,
together with the costs of conviction.
17. All bonds entered into in pursuance of this Ordinance shall,
upon execution, be deposited with the Registrar for safe custody.
18-(1) no person shall keep in his possession any press for the
printing of newspapers, books, or paper who has not made and sub-
scribed before the in the newsspaper register a declaration
according to the form 4 in the schedule, to be made in like manner as
is prescribed for the declarations hereinbefore mentioned.
(2) Every perosn who keeps in his possession any such press with-
out making such declaration shall bc liable to a fine not exceeding
1,000 dollars, or to imprisoment, without hard labour, for any term
not exceeding 6 months.
19. Any person shall be at liberty to search and inspect the news-
paper register during the hours of business of the Supreme Court, on
payment of one dollar for every such search and inspection ; and any
person may require, a Copy of nay entry or an extract from the said
book to be certified by the Registrar under the seal of the Court, on
payment of 2 dollars for every such copy.
20. Every such certified copy shall be received as conclusive
evidence of the contents of the sald register so far as the same appear
in such copy or extract, without prool of the signature thereto or of
the seal of the Court affixed thereto ; and every such certified copy or
extract shall in all proceeding, civil or criminal , be accepted as suffi-
cient printed face evidence of all the matters and things thereby
appearing, unless and until the contrary thereof is shown.
21. lf any person knowingly and wilfully makes or causes to be
made any declaration by this Ordinance required,or permitted to be
made in which there is any untruth or misrepresentation, or from
which there is any omission, in respect of any of the particulars by
this Ordinance required to be contained therein, whereby such decla-
ration is misleading, or if any proprietor of a newspaper knowingly
and wilfully perimit any declaration under section 3, or section 6 to
be made is which is misleading with reference to his own name,
occupation, place of business, if any , or place of residence, he shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding 5OO dollars.
22. This Ordinalice shall not extend or apply to the impression of
any engraving, or to the printing by letter-press of the name or of
the name and address or business or profession of any person, or of
the articles in which he deals, or of any paper containing an ad-
vertisement of the sale of any estates or goods by auction or other-
wise, or of ordinary business notices or advertisements.
23.. All fines and penalties under this Ordinance any be recovered
24. No person shall be prosecuted or sued for any fine or penalty
imposed by this Ordinarice unless such prosecution is commenced or
such action is brought within 6 months next after such fine or
penalty has been incurred; nor unless such prosecution or action is
commenced, prosecuted, entered, or filed in the name of the Attor
ney General and with his assent.
[S. 3.]
Declaration by Printer or publisher.
I, [here state full name and address] declare that I am printer [or publisher or
printer and publisher as the case may be ] of the newspaper entitled [ here insert name of
paper] and printed [or published or printed and publisbed, as the case may be] at Hong-
kong; the premises such printing jor publication or printing and publication] is
[or are] carried on are situate at [ here describe them precisely] ; and I further declare
that [here state the full name or names of the proprietor or proprietors or re-
prescutalive proprietors] is [or are] the proprietor [or proprietors or representative
proprietors] of the said newspaper [here state their respectiue occupations, places of
business, if any, and places of residence.]
Declared, &c.,
[t. S.] (Signed.) Registrar.
FoRM No. 2. [S. 5.1]
Declaration on ccasing to be Printer or Publisher.
1.[here state full name and address] declare that 1 have ceased to be the printer [or
publisher or printer and publisher] of the newspaper entitled[here insert name of paper.]
Declared, &c.,
[t. S.J (Signed.) Registrar.
FORM No. 3.
Deelaration on ceasing to be proprietor , etc [ss. 6 & 8.]
1, [here state full napne and address] the printer [or publisher or printer and pub-
lisber] of the newspaper entitled [here insert nwaic of paper] declare that [state fall
name] has ceased to be the propietor [or a proprietor] of the said newspaper entitled
[here insert name of paper] and that [state full names with his or their occupation, place
of business, if any, and place of residence] is [or are] now the proprietor [or proprietors]
Declared, &c.,
[t, S.] (Signed.) Registrar.
FoEM No. 4.
Declarsation by Possessor of Printing Press.
1, [here state full name and address] declare that I have a press for printing au [here
state the place where the press is kept, giving a true and precise deseription of the pre-
Declared, &c.,
[L, S.] (Signed. Registrar.
Short title. Interpretation of terms. [44 & 45 Vict.c. 60 s. 1.] [5 & 6 Vict.c.45 s.2.] [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.1.] Requirements to be satisfied before printing or publication of newspapper. [ib.s.9.] Penalty for non-observance of s. 3. Declaration on person ceasing to be printer, etc. Declaration on change of proprietorship. Penalty for not making declaration. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.10.] Party to make declaration under s.6. [ib.s.11.] Authority to make declaration of some only of proprietors. [ib.s.7.] Exception as to newspapers of companies. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] [cf. No. 58 of 1911.] Printer to keep copy of newspaper or book, and to produce same to Magistrate. [39 Geo. 3. C. 79 s. 39; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Printer to print his name and address on newspaper or book. [2 & 3 Vict.c.12 s.2; 32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper. [60 Geo. 3. c.9; 1 Will. 4 c. 73; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Right to sue on bond. Requirement as to new bond in certain cases. Withdrawal of surety. Custody of bond. Declaration by possessor of printing press. Right to inspect newspaper register. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] Copy of entry, etc., in newspaper register to be evidence. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s. 15.] Penalty for making wilful misrepresentation in declaration. [ib.s.12.] General exceptions. [32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Recovery of penalties. Limitation of prosecution or action. [39 Geo. 3 c. 79 s. 34.]
Short title. Interpretation of terms. [44 & 45 Vict.c. 60 s. 1.] [5 & 6 Vict.c.45 s.2.] [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.1.] Requirements to be satisfied before printing or publication of newspapper. [ib.s.9.] Penalty for non-observance of s. 3. Declaration on person ceasing to be printer, etc. Declaration on change of proprietorship. Penalty for not making declaration. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.10.] Party to make declaration under s.6. [ib.s.11.] Authority to make declaration of some only of proprietors. [ib.s.7.] Exception as to newspapers of companies. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] [cf. No. 58 of 1911.] Printer to keep copy of newspaper or book, and to produce same to Magistrate. [39 Geo. 3. C. 79 s. 39; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Printer to print his name and address on newspaper or book. [2 & 3 Vict.c.12 s.2; 32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Bond to be given by printer or publisher of newspaper. [60 Geo. 3. c.9; 1 Will. 4 c. 73; 32 & 33 Vict.c.24.] Right to sue on bond. Requirement as to new bond in certain cases. Withdrawal of surety. Custody of bond. Declaration by possessor of printing press. Right to inspect newspaper register. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s.18.] Copy of entry, etc., in newspaper register to be evidence. [44 & 45 Vict.c.60 s. 15.] Penalty for making wilful misrepresentation in declaration. [ib.s.12.] General exceptions. [32 & 33 Vict.c. 24 Sch.] Recovery of penalties. Limitation of prosecution or action. [39 Geo. 3 c. 79 s. 34.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 4 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 1, 2025,