No. 1 of 1884.
To regulate the qualifications and to provide for registration of
Practitioners in Medicine and Surgery.
[5th April,1884.]
1. The Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884.
2. The words 'person registered', or words to the like effect,
shall be deemed to refer to a person registered under this
3. This Ordinance shall not operate to limit the right of Chinese
practitioners to practise medicine or surgery or to receive, demand,
or recover reasonable charges in respect of such practice.
4. The Colonial Secretary shall keep a register of medical and
surgical practioners qualified to practise medicine and surgery in
this Colony, as nearly as may be according to the form 1 in the
5. A copy of the register as it then stands shall he published by
the Colonial Secretary in the first Gazette issued after every 3rd
May. The absence of the name of any person therefrom shall be
prima facie evidence that such person is not registered.
6.-(1) The Colonial Secretary shall make the necessary allera-
tions in the addresses or qualifications of the persons registered,
and cancel in the register the names of all persons registered who
have died or ceased to be qualified.
(2) The Colonial Secretary may send a letter to any registered
erson, addressed to him according to his address in the register,
to inquire whether he has changed his residence, and if he does not
receive an answer within 6 months he may cancel the name of
such person.
7. Every person registered shall be entitled to practise medicine
and sargery in this Colony, and to demand and recover reasonable
charges for medical or surgical aid rendered and the cost of medi-
cines or surgical appliances supplied by him.
8. Subject to the provisions of section 3, no person shall be
entitled to recover in any action any charge for any practice of
medicine or surgery by any person not registered.
9. No certificate which is, by any Act of Parliament or Ordi-
nance, required to be signed by a physician, a surgeon, an
apothecary, or any other medical or Surgical practioner shall be
valid unless the person signing it is registered.
10-(1) A board,to be styled 'the Medical Board,' shall be
established, and shall consist of the Principal Civil Medical Office
and the Senior Naval and Military Medical Officers for the time
being in the Colony, and two regisiered medical practitioners and
three other fit persons willing to serve who may be appointed by
the Governor.
(2) A member appointed by the Governor shall hold office for 3
years, and may be re-appointed or removed by the Governor at his
(3) Three members of the Board shall form a quorum.
11. Any person claiming to be entitled under the Medical Acts,
1858 and 1886, of the Imperial Parliament ,or any Act amending
the same, to be registered under this Ordinance shall be so re-
gistered on producing to the Colonial Secretary a declaration
according to the form 2 in the schedule,made by him before any
justice of the Peace and impressed with a stamp of 5 dollars:
Provided always that the name of such person appears in 'The
Medical Register' then most recently published under the
Medical Act, 1858, or that such person produces to the Colonial
Secretary a certified copy of the entry of his name in the general
register or in any branch register of the United Kingdom,signed
by the Registrar of the General Medical Council or of any Branch
Council of the United Kingdom.
12. Any person who-
(1) is registered is a medical or surgical practitioner according
to the law of any of His Majesty's dominions (other than the
United Kingdom and this Colony) and therein is entitled or quali-
fied to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery ; or
(2) holds a medical diploma, degree, fellowship, membership,
licence, authority to practise, letters testimonial, certificate,or
other status or docurnent granted by any university, corporation,
college, or other body, or by the Hongkong College of Medicine
for Chinese, or by any department of or person acting under the
authority of the Government of any country or place within or
without His Majesty's dominions, qualifying or entitling him to
practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery in the country or place
where it is granted,
shall be entitled to be registered : Provided always that such person
shall prove, to the satisfaction of the Medical Board, that he is of
good character and that he has passed through a course of study
and examination as thorough and sufficient as the minimum course
of study and examination in any similar case required under the
said Medical Acts, or by Order of His Majesty's Privy Council.
13.-(1) Documentary or other evidence of the identity of any
person applying for registration under the last section and of the
facts and qualifications therein referred to shall be submitted to
and forthwith considered by the Medical Board.
(2) If the Board is satisfied with the proofs submitted, it shall
grant to such person a certificate in the form 3 in the schedule or
as near thereto as circumstances permit.
(3) Such certificate shall be impressed with a stamp of 25
dollars, and, on production to the Colonial Secretary
such person to registration as a medical practitioner.
(4) If the Board is not satisfied that sucb person has been
registered as aforesaid, or with his diploma or other document as
aforesaid, or with the evidence of qualication,or with the
character of the applicant, it shall submit the case,with a full
report thereon,together with all documents in connexion there
with, to the Governor-in-Council, who shall decide whether the
Board shall or shall not give the certificate as aforesaid,and such
decision shall be final.
14. If any registered practitioner is convicted of any felony or
misdemeanor,or, after due inquiry, is considered by the Medical
Board to have been guilty of infamous conduct in any professional
respect, the Board may inform the Colonial Secretary thereof,
stating the particulars of the case in full, who may thereupon,if
he thinks fit, strike the name of such practitioner off the register.
15. Every person who wilfully makes before any Justice of the
Peace any false declaration,purporting to be a declaration under
this Ordinance, shall be guilty of perjury.
16. Every person who fraudulently procures or aftempts to pro-
cure himself or any other person to be registered by making or
producing, or causing to be made or produced, any false or fraudu-
lent representation or declaration, either oral or in writing, and
every person who aids and assists him therein, shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding 2 years.
17. Every person who--
(1) wilfully and falsely takes or uses any name, title, or addition
implying a qualification to practise medicine or surgery; or
(2) not being registered practises for gain, professes to practise,
or publishes his name as practising, medicine or surgery, or re-
ceives any payment as practising medicine or surgery,
shall be liable for each offence, on summary conviction, to a fine
not exceeding 100 dollars.
18.-(1) All questions respecting the right of any person to be
registered, or the mode of registration, or the liability of any per-
son to be struck off the register, and all questions respecting any
alteration of the register, shall, in case of dispute, be decided by
the Medical Board, subject, to an appeal to the Governor-in-Council.
(2) If there is no such appeal, the order, direction,or decision
shall be final.
(3) If there, is such an appeal, the decision of the Governor-in-
Council shall be final, and he may give all such directions to the
Colonial Secretary as may be necessary for enforcing such decision.
19. All civil medical officers and all medical officers of His
Majesty's Navy and Army, respectively serving in this Colony on
full pay, shaII be deemed to be registered practitioners.
[s, 20, rep. No. 62, of 1911.]
FORM No. 1. [s.4.]
Medical Register.
FORM No. 2. [s.11.]
I,A.B., residing at do hereby declare that I am a member [or as
the case may be] of [here state the college,faculty,or society]and was authorised
by such [here state the college,faculty,or society which gave the authority] on the
day of ,1 ,to practise medicine and surgery ,and that I am,by
the name of A.B., duly registered in the United Kingdom under the provisions of the
Medical Acts,1858 and 1886,[or as the case may be]of the Imperial Pailiament as
qualified to practise medicine and surgery.
(Signed.) A.B.
Declared before me
this day of ,19 .
(Signed.) C.D., Justice of the Peace.
FORM No. 3. [s.13.]
Certificate of Qualification for Registration.
WE,the Medical Board,do hereby certify that A.B., has satosfied us that
he has been registered under the law for the time being in force in
[or that he holds a diploma or other document from as the
case may be];that he is qualified or entitled to practise Medical, Surgery,
and Midwifery in the said country[or plasce];that he is of good character;
that he has passed the necessary course of study and examination required by the
Medical Registration Ordinance,1884;and that he is entitled to be registered under the
said Ordinance.
Dated the day of ,19 .
(Signed.) Secretary to the Board.
Short title. Interpretation. Exemption of Chinese practitioners. Register of practitioners. Publication of copy of register. Making alterations in register. Registered person may practise and recover charges. Unregistered person not to recover charges. Avoidance of certificate of unregistered person. Constitution of Medical Board. Registration of person qualified under the Medical Acts. [21 & 22 Vict.c. 90; 49 & 50 Vict.c. 48.] Registration of person qualified in other Colony or country. Evidence of qualification of person applying to be registered. Striking practitioner off register for crime or infamous professional conduct. Making false declaration. Fraudulent registration. Penalty on person falsely taking name implying qualification. Right of appeal of Governor-in-Council. Saving as to civil and naval and military medical officers.
Short title. Interpretation. Exemption of Chinese practitioners. Register of practitioners. Publication of copy of register. Making alterations in register. Registered person may practise and recover charges. Unregistered person not to recover charges. Avoidance of certificate of unregistered person. Constitution of Medical Board. Registration of person qualified under the Medical Acts. [21 & 22 Vict.c. 90; 49 & 50 Vict.c. 48.] Registration of person qualified in other Colony or country. Evidence of qualification of person applying to be registered. Striking practitioner off register for crime or infamous professional conduct. Making false declaration. Fraudulent registration. Penalty on person falsely taking name implying qualification. Right of appeal of Governor-in-Council. Saving as to civil and naval and military medical officers.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1884
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MEDICAL REGISTRATION ORDINANCE, 1884,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 5, 2025,