No. 1 of 1870.
Tung Wa Hospital Incorporation
For establishing a Chinese Hospital to be supported by Volun-
tary Contributions, and for crecting the same into an
Eleemosynary Corporation.
WHEREAS it has been proposed by the Governor, His Excellecy
Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell, to found a Chinese hospital for
the care and treat,ent, of the indigent sick, to be supported
by voluntuy contributions; AND WHEREAS Her Majesty Queen
Victoria has been graciously pleased, by way of endowment of
the said hospitall, to grant a piece of Crown land as a site for
the erection thereof, and also to authorise the paynnent out of
the public funds of the Colony of a donation of 15,000 dollars
towards the cost and expenses of erecting and maintaining the
same; AND WHEREAS several persons are donors to the funds of
the said intendedand have formed themselves into a
commitee for the purpose of carrying out the objects aforesaid;
AND WHEREAS, for the better accomplishment thereof,they have
applied to the Governor to grant to them an Ordinance of in-
corporation, which the Governor has consented to do, under and
subject to the conditions and provisions hereinafter contained:-
1. The Tung Wa Hospital Incorporation Ordinance, 1870.
2. Such and so many persons (being of Chinese origin) as may
become donors of any sum not under 10 dollars to the funds of the
said hospital and whose names axe entered upon the register of
members hereinafter provided,(hereinafter called 'members'),
shall be one body politic and corporate, in name and in deed, by
thn name of 'The Tung Wa Hospital,' with perpetual succession
and a common seal, and with power to purchase, hold, take and,
enjoy,to themselves and their successors, all houses, buildings,
lands, and hexeditaments which they may require for the pur-
poses of the said hospital; and shall and may sue and be sued in
their corporate name in all Courts.
3. The corporation is erected for the purpose of establish and
maintaining a public free hospital for the treatment of the indigent
sick among the Chinme population, and is to be supported. by
voluntary contributions and governed by a board of direction :
Provided,nevertheless,that it shall be lawful for the board of
direction to admit any Chinese patients into the said hospital on
payment of such charges and on such conditions as may be specified
in regulations made in that behalf.
[ss. 4, 5, rep. No. 62 of 1911]
6.-(1) A permanent hard of direction shall be formed, con-
sisting of not less than 6 and not more than 16 members of
the corporation (hereinafter called 'directors'), to be elected as
hereinafter mentioned , who shall appoint one of their body to be
(2) Every director shall hold office for the term of one year only,
but shall be re-eligible. at the expiration thereof.
7.-(1)The directors shall be elected as occasion may require,
by a majority of votes of members who are within the Colony at the
time of such election.
(2) Every such member shall, until otherwise provided by
regulation, be entitled to one vote only.
8. The directors shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance,have full power and authority generally to govern, direct, and
decide all matters whatsoever connected with the administration of
the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of the object
and purposes thereof, and may appoint a board of managemnt con-
sisting of so many members of the corporation as they may think
fit, who shall, under regulations inade by the directors in that
behalf,undertake and exercise the immediately supervision and
management of the hospital.
9. The directors shall have power, with the consent of the
Governor-in-Council, to change or vary the name and the common
seal of the corporation, and the amount of the donation to the funds
of the hospital herenibefore prescribed as a qualification for be-
coming a member, and the, term of office of the directors, and also
may, for reasonable cause and with such consent as aforesaid, refuse
to admit any person as a member,and may expel any existing
member and cause his name to be erased from the register.
10. The director shall have power to make regulations for their
procedure in the transaction of business and the maintenance of good
order at their for the mode of voting for the election
of directors and the appointment of the president thereof, for
the guidance of the board of management, and generally for all
matters relating to the administration and discipline of the
hospital : Provided always that a copy of such regulations shall be
furnished to the Secretary, and every such regulation shall
be subject to disallowance at any time by the Governor-in-Council.
11. All questions which may arise at any meeting of the directors
shall be decided by a majority of votes, and, in case of an equality
of votes, the president, in addition to his orginal vote, shall have a
casting vote.
12. In case any doubt or ambiguity arisus and any controversy
takes place among the directors as to the Interpretation of this
Ordinance, the same shall be referred to the Governor-in-Council,
whose decision tbereon shall be final.
[s. 13, rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
14. The hospital and all buildings and premises of the corpora-
tion shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of the
Registrar General, of the Principal Civil Madical Officer, and of
any other person whom the Governor may appoint in that behalf.
15. The directors shall-
(1) cause a register to be kept in which every person desiring to
become a member and being duly qualified shall,subject to the
provisions of section 9, be entitled to have his name inscribed;
(2) cause proper books of account to be kept, which shall be open
at all reasonable times to the inspection of members and of any
person whom the Governor-in-Council may appoint in that behalf;
(3) within one month after the expiration of every year of the
Chinese calendar, transmit to the Colonial Secretary a true state-
ment of the assets and liabilities of the corporation and an account
of its receipts and disbursernents during the previous year, and such
statement shall, if requred, be verified upon oath before a Justice
of the Pcace by two directors.
16. In case it is at any time shown, to the satisfaction of the
Governor-in-Council, that the corporation has ceased, or neglected,
or failed to carry out in a proper manner the object and purposes of
this Ordinance or to fulfil the conditions thereof, or that sufficient
funds cannot be obtained by voluntary contributions to defray the
necessary expenses of maintaining the said hospital, or that the
corporation is unable for any reason to pay its debts, it shall be law-
ful for the Governor, with the advice of the Council, by
an Ordinance to be passed for that purpose, to repeal this Ordinance
and to declare that the incorporation hereby granted shall cease and
determine and become absolutely void: Provided always that 6
months notice of the Governor's intention to pass such an Ordi-
nance shall be previously given to the corporation.
17. In case the incorporation hereby granted ceases under the
provisions of the last section, all the property and assets of the cor-
poration shall become vested in the Crown, subject to the rateable
payment thereout of the just debts and liabilities of the corporation,
to the extent of such property and assets and in such manner as
may be provided by the repealing Ordinance or by any order to be
made in that behalf by the Governor-in-Council.
[Schedule (of original donors), rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
[No. 1 of 1900.*]
For the establishment of a Hospital for Infectious Diseases in
connection with the Tung Wa Hospital.
[22nd March, 1900.]
WHEREAS it has been proposed to tho Governor by the Directors of
the Tung Wa Hospital that a branch hospital for the care and
treatment of indectious diseses amongst the Chinese,should heen.
graciously pleased, by way of endownment ,to consent to the
grant of a piece of Crown land as a sire ; AND WHEREAS doubts
have arisen as to whether it is within the powers of the Directors
to acquic the said piece of land and to build and direct the said
branch hospital ; AND WHEREAS doubts have also arisen as to
whether it is within the powers of the said Directors to bind in
any way the Tung Wa Hospital, or any of the members thereof,
or any of the propmly thereof ,in connection with any such agree-
ment as is hereinafter referred to;AND WHEREAS it is expedient
to remove such doubts : -
1. The Tung Wa Hospital Extension Ordinance, 1900.
2. The Tung Wa Hospital shall possess the same powers and
rights and be subject to the same liabilities and responsibilities in
connexion with the branch hospital for infectious diseases intended
to be built on the western side of Inland Lot No. 1082 as it
possesses and is subject to with regard to the Tung Wa Hospital ;
and the Directos of the Tung Wa Hospital shall have and exercise
the same powers and rights and be subject to the same, liabilities and
responsibilities in connexion with the said branch hospital as they
have and exercise and are subiket to ill connexion with the Tung Wa
Hospital, and the provisions of sections 14, 16, and 17 of Ordinance
No. 1 of 1870 shall apply to tIe, branch hospital in the same way as
they now apply to the Tung Wa Hospital.
3. Any two directors of the Tung Wa Hospital shall have power
to enter into an agreement, under the common seal, indemnifying
the Government from and against any action, suit, proceeding,
claim, or demand by any person in respect of the erection or occupa-
tion or use of, or otherwise howsoever in connexion with, the
branch hospital. And such agreement as aforesaid, when entered
into, shall be binding on the members and on the property of the
Tung Wa Hospital which may be sued in respect thereof.
[No. 9 of 1904.]
For enabling the Tung Wa Hospital to acquire, mortgaye and sell
lands and hereditainents. [28th September, 1904.j
leasehold bereditaments and premises have been
purchased by, or for and on behalf of and are now being held
and enjoyed by, the Tung Wa Hospital: AND doubts
have arisen as to whether the power conferred upon the Tung
Wa Hospital by Ordinance No. 1, of 1870 to purchase,hold,
take and enjoy to themselves and their successors houses, lands
and hereditaments which might be required fnr the purposes of
the said hospital is sufficient to entitle the Tung Wa Hospital
to acquire, take, hold and enjoy houses, buildings, lands and
hereditament which inny not be directly required for the pur-
poses of the said hospital, but which have been,or may hereafter
be purchasnd out of, and for the, purpose of investing,the surplus
funds of the said hospital:AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient,
for the purpose of removing such doubts, that an Ordinance
should be passed vesting the said hereditaments and premises in
to Tung Wa Hospital and conferring upon the Tung Wa
Hospital power to acquire,hold,mortgage and sell any lands
and hereitaments in this Colony:-
[s. 1, rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
for the unexpired residue of the several and respective ternis of
years created by the Crown leases of the said lands respectively, but
subject to the payment of the Crown rent, or due proportion of
Crown rent reserved by such leases respectively and subject to the
performance and observance of the covenants and conditions and
subject to the provisions respcctively contained in such Crown
leases, so far as the same relate to the said hereditaments and
3. It shall and may be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital (with
the consent, in writing of the Governor) to purchase, or otherwise
acquire, hold, take and enjoy any messuages, land, tenements and
hereditaments whatsoever in this Colony.
4. It shall be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital vith the consent
in writing of the Governor to sell, exchange, mortgage or in any
manner dispose of, or, without such consent,to let or demise for
any tarm not exceeding 3 years, any of the messuages, lands, tene-
ments and hereditaments hereby vested in, or hereafter acquired by
the Tung Wa Hospital, and also to do any other act, matter or
thing in relation to any messuages,tenements and heredita-
ments which the Tung Wa Hospital shall deem necesary or
5. Upon any such sale, mortgage or disposition of any of the said
messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, the signature of
the Governor endorsed upon the deed or other document
effectuating such sale wortgage or disposition, shall be sufficient
evidence that the consent required by the last section has been
6, The Tung Wa Hospital may lend money on mortgage of any
messuages, lands,tenements or hereditaments,and may exercise all
the ordinary rights, powers and privileges or a mortgagee as to fore-
closure or sale of the wortgaged property, or otherwise.
7. All deeds, documents and other instruments requiring the seal
of the Tung Wa Hospital shall be seated with its common seal in
the presence of two dickwi and shall also be signed by them, and
such signing shall be taken as sufficient evidence of the due sealing
of such deeds, documents and other instruments.
8. The annual statement of the assets and liabilities of the cor-
poration required by section 15 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1870 shall
include a schedule of all messuages, lands, tenements, heredita-
ments, mortgages and other investments then held by the Tung
Wa Hospital.
9. Nothing herein contained shall affect, or be deemed to affect,
the rights of His Majesty the King.
1 Section A of Inland Lot No. 13. 10 Inland Lot No. 952.
2 Inland Lot No. 361. 11 Inland Lot No. 1082.
3 Inland Lot No. 50. 12 Inland Lot No. 1158.
4 Inland Lot No. 561. 13 Inland Lot No. 48.
5 Inland Lot No. 562. 14 Inland Lot No. 1440.
6 Remaining Portion of Inland Lot, 15. Inland Lot No. 1613.
No. 697. 16 Inland Lot No. 1637.
7 Inland Lot No. 764. 17. Inland Lot No. 1707.
8 lnland Lot No. 835. 18 Inland Lot No. 1718.
9 Inland Lot. No. 860.
Short title. Grant of incorporation to donors to the Tung Wa Hospital. Object and purpose of incorporation. Permanent board of direction. Election of members of board. General powers of directors, appointment of board of management, etc., Special powers to be exercised by directors with consent of Governor-in-Council. Regulations. Decisions of questions at meetings of directors Decisions of question as to interpretation of Ordinance. Inspection of hospital. Register of members, books of account, etc. Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases. Disposal of property of corporation in case of repeal of Ordinance. Short title Extension of Incorporation Ordinance, 1870, to branch hospital. Power to indemnify Government. Property vested in the Tung Wa Hospital. Power to acquire land. Power to sell, etc., and to demise. Proof of consent of on mortgage. Execution of deeds. Annual statement. Rights of Crown reserved.
Tung Wa Hospital Incorporation
For establishing a Chinese Hospital to be supported by Volun-
tary Contributions, and for crecting the same into an
Eleemosynary Corporation.
WHEREAS it has been proposed by the Governor, His Excellecy
Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell, to found a Chinese hospital for
the care and treat,ent, of the indigent sick, to be supported
by voluntuy contributions; AND WHEREAS Her Majesty Queen
Victoria has been graciously pleased, by way of endowment of
the said hospitall, to grant a piece of Crown land as a site for
the erection thereof, and also to authorise the paynnent out of
the public funds of the Colony of a donation of 15,000 dollars
towards the cost and expenses of erecting and maintaining the
same; AND WHEREAS several persons are donors to the funds of
the said intendedand have formed themselves into a
commitee for the purpose of carrying out the objects aforesaid;
AND WHEREAS, for the better accomplishment thereof,they have
applied to the Governor to grant to them an Ordinance of in-
corporation, which the Governor has consented to do, under and
subject to the conditions and provisions hereinafter contained:-
1. The Tung Wa Hospital Incorporation Ordinance, 1870.
2. Such and so many persons (being of Chinese origin) as may
become donors of any sum not under 10 dollars to the funds of the
said hospital and whose names axe entered upon the register of
members hereinafter provided,(hereinafter called 'members'),
shall be one body politic and corporate, in name and in deed, by
thn name of 'The Tung Wa Hospital,' with perpetual succession
and a common seal, and with power to purchase, hold, take and,
enjoy,to themselves and their successors, all houses, buildings,
lands, and hexeditaments which they may require for the pur-
poses of the said hospital; and shall and may sue and be sued in
their corporate name in all Courts.
3. The corporation is erected for the purpose of establish and
maintaining a public free hospital for the treatment of the indigent
sick among the Chinme population, and is to be supported. by
voluntary contributions and governed by a board of direction :
Provided,nevertheless,that it shall be lawful for the board of
direction to admit any Chinese patients into the said hospital on
payment of such charges and on such conditions as may be specified
in regulations made in that behalf.
[ss. 4, 5, rep. No. 62 of 1911]
6.-(1) A permanent hard of direction shall be formed, con-
sisting of not less than 6 and not more than 16 members of
the corporation (hereinafter called 'directors'), to be elected as
hereinafter mentioned , who shall appoint one of their body to be
(2) Every director shall hold office for the term of one year only,
but shall be re-eligible. at the expiration thereof.
7.-(1)The directors shall be elected as occasion may require,
by a majority of votes of members who are within the Colony at the
time of such election.
(2) Every such member shall, until otherwise provided by
regulation, be entitled to one vote only.
8. The directors shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance,have full power and authority generally to govern, direct, and
decide all matters whatsoever connected with the administration of
the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of the object
and purposes thereof, and may appoint a board of managemnt con-
sisting of so many members of the corporation as they may think
fit, who shall, under regulations inade by the directors in that
behalf,undertake and exercise the immediately supervision and
management of the hospital.
9. The directors shall have power, with the consent of the
Governor-in-Council, to change or vary the name and the common
seal of the corporation, and the amount of the donation to the funds
of the hospital herenibefore prescribed as a qualification for be-
coming a member, and the, term of office of the directors, and also
may, for reasonable cause and with such consent as aforesaid, refuse
to admit any person as a member,and may expel any existing
member and cause his name to be erased from the register.
10. The director shall have power to make regulations for their
procedure in the transaction of business and the maintenance of good
order at their for the mode of voting for the election
of directors and the appointment of the president thereof, for
the guidance of the board of management, and generally for all
matters relating to the administration and discipline of the
hospital : Provided always that a copy of such regulations shall be
furnished to the Secretary, and every such regulation shall
be subject to disallowance at any time by the Governor-in-Council.
11. All questions which may arise at any meeting of the directors
shall be decided by a majority of votes, and, in case of an equality
of votes, the president, in addition to his orginal vote, shall have a
casting vote.
12. In case any doubt or ambiguity arisus and any controversy
takes place among the directors as to the Interpretation of this
Ordinance, the same shall be referred to the Governor-in-Council,
whose decision tbereon shall be final.
[s. 13, rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
14. The hospital and all buildings and premises of the corpora-
tion shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of the
Registrar General, of the Principal Civil Madical Officer, and of
any other person whom the Governor may appoint in that behalf.
15. The directors shall-
(1) cause a register to be kept in which every person desiring to
become a member and being duly qualified shall,subject to the
provisions of section 9, be entitled to have his name inscribed;
(2) cause proper books of account to be kept, which shall be open
at all reasonable times to the inspection of members and of any
person whom the Governor-in-Council may appoint in that behalf;
(3) within one month after the expiration of every year of the
Chinese calendar, transmit to the Colonial Secretary a true state-
ment of the assets and liabilities of the corporation and an account
of its receipts and disbursernents during the previous year, and such
statement shall, if requred, be verified upon oath before a Justice
of the Pcace by two directors.
16. In case it is at any time shown, to the satisfaction of the
Governor-in-Council, that the corporation has ceased, or neglected,
or failed to carry out in a proper manner the object and purposes of
this Ordinance or to fulfil the conditions thereof, or that sufficient
funds cannot be obtained by voluntary contributions to defray the
necessary expenses of maintaining the said hospital, or that the
corporation is unable for any reason to pay its debts, it shall be law-
ful for the Governor, with the advice of the Council, by
an Ordinance to be passed for that purpose, to repeal this Ordinance
and to declare that the incorporation hereby granted shall cease and
determine and become absolutely void: Provided always that 6
months notice of the Governor's intention to pass such an Ordi-
nance shall be previously given to the corporation.
17. In case the incorporation hereby granted ceases under the
provisions of the last section, all the property and assets of the cor-
poration shall become vested in the Crown, subject to the rateable
payment thereout of the just debts and liabilities of the corporation,
to the extent of such property and assets and in such manner as
may be provided by the repealing Ordinance or by any order to be
made in that behalf by the Governor-in-Council.
[Schedule (of original donors), rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
[No. 1 of 1900.*]
For the establishment of a Hospital for Infectious Diseases in
connection with the Tung Wa Hospital.
[22nd March, 1900.]
WHEREAS it has been proposed to tho Governor by the Directors of
the Tung Wa Hospital that a branch hospital for the care and
treatment of indectious diseses amongst the Chinese,should heen.
graciously pleased, by way of endownment ,to consent to the
grant of a piece of Crown land as a sire ; AND WHEREAS doubts
have arisen as to whether it is within the powers of the Directors
to acquic the said piece of land and to build and direct the said
branch hospital ; AND WHEREAS doubts have also arisen as to
whether it is within the powers of the said Directors to bind in
any way the Tung Wa Hospital, or any of the members thereof,
or any of the propmly thereof ,in connection with any such agree-
ment as is hereinafter referred to;AND WHEREAS it is expedient
to remove such doubts : -
1. The Tung Wa Hospital Extension Ordinance, 1900.
2. The Tung Wa Hospital shall possess the same powers and
rights and be subject to the same liabilities and responsibilities in
connexion with the branch hospital for infectious diseases intended
to be built on the western side of Inland Lot No. 1082 as it
possesses and is subject to with regard to the Tung Wa Hospital ;
and the Directos of the Tung Wa Hospital shall have and exercise
the same powers and rights and be subject to the same, liabilities and
responsibilities in connexion with the said branch hospital as they
have and exercise and are subiket to ill connexion with the Tung Wa
Hospital, and the provisions of sections 14, 16, and 17 of Ordinance
No. 1 of 1870 shall apply to tIe, branch hospital in the same way as
they now apply to the Tung Wa Hospital.
3. Any two directors of the Tung Wa Hospital shall have power
to enter into an agreement, under the common seal, indemnifying
the Government from and against any action, suit, proceeding,
claim, or demand by any person in respect of the erection or occupa-
tion or use of, or otherwise howsoever in connexion with, the
branch hospital. And such agreement as aforesaid, when entered
into, shall be binding on the members and on the property of the
Tung Wa Hospital which may be sued in respect thereof.
[No. 9 of 1904.]
For enabling the Tung Wa Hospital to acquire, mortgaye and sell
lands and hereditainents. [28th September, 1904.j
leasehold bereditaments and premises have been
purchased by, or for and on behalf of and are now being held
and enjoyed by, the Tung Wa Hospital: AND doubts
have arisen as to whether the power conferred upon the Tung
Wa Hospital by Ordinance No. 1, of 1870 to purchase,hold,
take and enjoy to themselves and their successors houses, lands
and hereditaments which might be required fnr the purposes of
the said hospital is sufficient to entitle the Tung Wa Hospital
to acquire, take, hold and enjoy houses, buildings, lands and
hereditament which inny not be directly required for the pur-
poses of the said hospital, but which have been,or may hereafter
be purchasnd out of, and for the, purpose of investing,the surplus
funds of the said hospital:AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient,
for the purpose of removing such doubts, that an Ordinance
should be passed vesting the said hereditaments and premises in
to Tung Wa Hospital and conferring upon the Tung Wa
Hospital power to acquire,hold,mortgage and sell any lands
and hereitaments in this Colony:-
[s. 1, rep. No. 62 of 1911.]
for the unexpired residue of the several and respective ternis of
years created by the Crown leases of the said lands respectively, but
subject to the payment of the Crown rent, or due proportion of
Crown rent reserved by such leases respectively and subject to the
performance and observance of the covenants and conditions and
subject to the provisions respcctively contained in such Crown
leases, so far as the same relate to the said hereditaments and
3. It shall and may be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital (with
the consent, in writing of the Governor) to purchase, or otherwise
acquire, hold, take and enjoy any messuages, land, tenements and
hereditaments whatsoever in this Colony.
4. It shall be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital vith the consent
in writing of the Governor to sell, exchange, mortgage or in any
manner dispose of, or, without such consent,to let or demise for
any tarm not exceeding 3 years, any of the messuages, lands, tene-
ments and hereditaments hereby vested in, or hereafter acquired by
the Tung Wa Hospital, and also to do any other act, matter or
thing in relation to any messuages,tenements and heredita-
ments which the Tung Wa Hospital shall deem necesary or
5. Upon any such sale, mortgage or disposition of any of the said
messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, the signature of
the Governor endorsed upon the deed or other document
effectuating such sale wortgage or disposition, shall be sufficient
evidence that the consent required by the last section has been
6, The Tung Wa Hospital may lend money on mortgage of any
messuages, lands,tenements or hereditaments,and may exercise all
the ordinary rights, powers and privileges or a mortgagee as to fore-
closure or sale of the wortgaged property, or otherwise.
7. All deeds, documents and other instruments requiring the seal
of the Tung Wa Hospital shall be seated with its common seal in
the presence of two dickwi and shall also be signed by them, and
such signing shall be taken as sufficient evidence of the due sealing
of such deeds, documents and other instruments.
8. The annual statement of the assets and liabilities of the cor-
poration required by section 15 of Ordinance No. 1 of 1870 shall
include a schedule of all messuages, lands, tenements, heredita-
ments, mortgages and other investments then held by the Tung
Wa Hospital.
9. Nothing herein contained shall affect, or be deemed to affect,
the rights of His Majesty the King.
1 Section A of Inland Lot No. 13. 10 Inland Lot No. 952.
2 Inland Lot No. 361. 11 Inland Lot No. 1082.
3 Inland Lot No. 50. 12 Inland Lot No. 1158.
4 Inland Lot No. 561. 13 Inland Lot No. 48.
5 Inland Lot No. 562. 14 Inland Lot No. 1440.
6 Remaining Portion of Inland Lot, 15. Inland Lot No. 1613.
No. 697. 16 Inland Lot No. 1637.
7 Inland Lot No. 764. 17. Inland Lot No. 1707.
8 lnland Lot No. 835. 18 Inland Lot No. 1718.
9 Inland Lot. No. 860.
Short title. Grant of incorporation to donors to the Tung Wa Hospital. Object and purpose of incorporation. Permanent board of direction. Election of members of board. General powers of directors, appointment of board of management, etc., Special powers to be exercised by directors with consent of Governor-in-Council. Regulations. Decisions of questions at meetings of directors Decisions of question as to interpretation of Ordinance. Inspection of hospital. Register of members, books of account, etc. Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases. Disposal of property of corporation in case of repeal of Ordinance. Short title Extension of Incorporation Ordinance, 1870, to branch hospital. Power to indemnify Government. Property vested in the Tung Wa Hospital. Power to acquire land. Power to sell, etc., and to demise. Proof of consent of on mortgage. Execution of deeds. Annual statement. Rights of Crown reserved.
Short title. Grant of incorporation to donors to the Tung Wa Hospital. Object and purpose of incorporation. Permanent board of direction. Election of members of board. General powers of directors, appointment of board of management, etc., Special powers to be exercised by directors with consent of Governor-in-Council. Regulations. Decisions of questions at meetings of directors Decisions of question as to interpretation of Ordinance. Inspection of hospital. Register of members, books of account, etc. Provision for repeal of Ordinance in certain cases. Disposal of property of corporation in case of repeal of Ordinance. Short title Extension of Incorporation Ordinance, 1870, to branch hospital. Power to indemnify Government. Property vested in the Tung Wa Hospital. Power to acquire land. Power to sell, etc., and to demise. Proof of consent of on mortgage. Execution of deeds. Annual statement. Rights of Crown reserved.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TUNG WA HOSPITAL INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1870,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 16, 2024, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/788.