No. 1 of 1869.
To amend the Law relating to Promissory Oaths.
[24th September,1869.]
1. The Promissory Oaths Ordinance,1869. 2.The oath of allegiance shall be in form following:-
I, ,do swear that I will be faithful and bear
true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth,His Heirs
and Successors,according to law. So help me God.
3.The official oath shall be in the form following:-
I, , do swear that I will well and truly serve
His Majesty King George the Fifth in the office of .So
help me God.
4.The judicial oath shall be in the form following:-
I, ,do swear that I will well and truly serve
Our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth in the office of ,
and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and
usages of this Colony,without fear or favour,affection or ill will.
So help me God.
5.The oath of allgiance and the official oath shall be taken by
each of the officers named in Part I of the schedule as soon as
may be after his acceptance of office,and such oaths shall be ten-
dered by the officer and in the manner in that behalf mentioned
in the said Part.
6.The oath of allegiance and the judicial oath shall be taken
by each of the officers named in Part II of the schedule as soon as
may be after his acceptance of office,and such oaths shall be ten-
dered by the officer and in the manner in that behalf mentioned in
the said Part.
7.-(1)A member of the Executive Council shall take the oath
of allegiance and an oath of fidelity in the discharge of his duties
in the form following:-
I, ,being chosen and admitted of His
Majesty's Executive Council in this Colony,do swear that I will,
to the best of my judgment,at all times when thereto required,
freely give my counsel and advice to the Governor,Lieutenant-
Governor,or Officer Administering the Government of this Colony
for the time being,for the good management of the public affairs
of this Colony;that I will not directly or indirectly reveal such
matters as shall be debated in Council and committed to my
secrecy;but that I will in all things be a true and faithful
Councillor. So help me God.
(2)The said oaths shall be tendered by the Governor. 8.A member of the Legislative Council shall take the oath of
allegiance only,and the same shall be tendered by the Governor.
9.-(1)The Clerk of the Councils shall take the oath of
allegiance and an oath of secrecy in the form following:-
I, ,having been appointed Clerk of the
Councils in this Colony,do swear that I will not directly or
indirectly reveal such matters as shall be debated in the Executive
Council and committed to my secrecy. So help me God.
(2)The said oaths shall be tendered by the Colonial Secretary.
[s.10,rep. No. 8 of 1912.]
11.If any person declines or neglects,when any oath required
to be taken by him under this Ordinance is duly tendered,to take
such oath,he shall,is he has already entered on his office,vacate
the same,and,if he has not entered on his office,be disqualified
from entering on the same;but no person shall be compelled in
respect of the same appointment to the same office to take such
oath more times than one.
[s.12,rep.No. 8 of 1912.]
13.Where,previously to the commencement of this Ordinance,
the taken of the oaths of allegiance,supremacy,and abjuration,
or any two or one of such oaths,or any oath substituted therefor,
formed a condition precedent or subsequent to the attainment by
any person of any office,privilege,civil rights,exemption,or other
benefit,there shall be substituted for such oaths or any two or
one of them,or for such substituted oath,the oath of allegiance
prescribed by this Ordinance.
14.Where in any oath under this Ordinance the name of His
present Majesty is expressed,the name of the Sovereign for the
time being shall be substituted.
15.When an oath is required to be taken under this Ordinance,
every person permitted by law to make a solemn affirmation or
declaration instead of taking an oath may,instead of taking such
oath,make a solemn affirmation in the form of oath hereby ap-
pointed,substituting the words 'solemnly,sincerely,and truly
declare and affirm' for the word 'swear' and omitting the words
'So help me God.' SCHEDULE.
PART I.[s.5.]
The Colonial Secretary, The oaths to be tendered by the
The Attorney General, Governor.
The Treasurer, }
PART II.[s.6.]
The Judges, The Oaths to be tendered by the
{ Govenor.
The Registrar General, The oaths to be tendered by the
The Magistrates, Clerk of the Councils in the
The Marine Magistrate, presence of the Governor.
The Registrar of the Supreme
Court and the Deputy Re-
gistrars, }
The Justices of the Peace, The oaths to be tendered by a
{ Magistrate.
Short title. Oath of allegiance. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 2.] Official oath. [ib.s.3.] Judicial oath. [ib.s.4.] Persons to take oath of allegiance, and official oath. [ib.s.5.] Persons to take oath of allegiance and judicial oath. [ib.s.6.] Oaths of Executive Councillor. Oath of Legislative Councillor. Oaths of Clerk of Councils. Consequence of officer, etc., not taking required oath. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 7.] Oath of allegiance substituted for oaths of supremacy, and abjuration. [ib.s.8.] Use of name of Sovereign for time being. [ib.s.10.] Provisions for persons permitted to make affirmations. [ib.s.11.]
To amend the Law relating to Promissory Oaths.
[24th September,1869.]
1. The Promissory Oaths Ordinance,1869. 2.The oath of allegiance shall be in form following:-
I, ,do swear that I will be faithful and bear
true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth,His Heirs
and Successors,according to law. So help me God.
3.The official oath shall be in the form following:-
I, , do swear that I will well and truly serve
His Majesty King George the Fifth in the office of .So
help me God.
4.The judicial oath shall be in the form following:-
I, ,do swear that I will well and truly serve
Our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth in the office of ,
and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and
usages of this Colony,without fear or favour,affection or ill will.
So help me God.
5.The oath of allgiance and the official oath shall be taken by
each of the officers named in Part I of the schedule as soon as
may be after his acceptance of office,and such oaths shall be ten-
dered by the officer and in the manner in that behalf mentioned
in the said Part.
6.The oath of allegiance and the judicial oath shall be taken
by each of the officers named in Part II of the schedule as soon as
may be after his acceptance of office,and such oaths shall be ten-
dered by the officer and in the manner in that behalf mentioned in
the said Part.
7.-(1)A member of the Executive Council shall take the oath
of allegiance and an oath of fidelity in the discharge of his duties
in the form following:-
I, ,being chosen and admitted of His
Majesty's Executive Council in this Colony,do swear that I will,
to the best of my judgment,at all times when thereto required,
freely give my counsel and advice to the Governor,Lieutenant-
Governor,or Officer Administering the Government of this Colony
for the time being,for the good management of the public affairs
of this Colony;that I will not directly or indirectly reveal such
matters as shall be debated in Council and committed to my
secrecy;but that I will in all things be a true and faithful
Councillor. So help me God.
(2)The said oaths shall be tendered by the Governor. 8.A member of the Legislative Council shall take the oath of
allegiance only,and the same shall be tendered by the Governor.
9.-(1)The Clerk of the Councils shall take the oath of
allegiance and an oath of secrecy in the form following:-
I, ,having been appointed Clerk of the
Councils in this Colony,do swear that I will not directly or
indirectly reveal such matters as shall be debated in the Executive
Council and committed to my secrecy. So help me God.
(2)The said oaths shall be tendered by the Colonial Secretary.
[s.10,rep. No. 8 of 1912.]
11.If any person declines or neglects,when any oath required
to be taken by him under this Ordinance is duly tendered,to take
such oath,he shall,is he has already entered on his office,vacate
the same,and,if he has not entered on his office,be disqualified
from entering on the same;but no person shall be compelled in
respect of the same appointment to the same office to take such
oath more times than one.
[s.12,rep.No. 8 of 1912.]
13.Where,previously to the commencement of this Ordinance,
the taken of the oaths of allegiance,supremacy,and abjuration,
or any two or one of such oaths,or any oath substituted therefor,
formed a condition precedent or subsequent to the attainment by
any person of any office,privilege,civil rights,exemption,or other
benefit,there shall be substituted for such oaths or any two or
one of them,or for such substituted oath,the oath of allegiance
prescribed by this Ordinance.
14.Where in any oath under this Ordinance the name of His
present Majesty is expressed,the name of the Sovereign for the
time being shall be substituted.
15.When an oath is required to be taken under this Ordinance,
every person permitted by law to make a solemn affirmation or
declaration instead of taking an oath may,instead of taking such
oath,make a solemn affirmation in the form of oath hereby ap-
pointed,substituting the words 'solemnly,sincerely,and truly
declare and affirm' for the word 'swear' and omitting the words
'So help me God.' SCHEDULE.
PART I.[s.5.]
The Colonial Secretary, The oaths to be tendered by the
The Attorney General, Governor.
The Treasurer, }
PART II.[s.6.]
The Judges, The Oaths to be tendered by the
{ Govenor.
The Registrar General, The oaths to be tendered by the
The Magistrates, Clerk of the Councils in the
The Marine Magistrate, presence of the Governor.
The Registrar of the Supreme
Court and the Deputy Re-
gistrars, }
The Justices of the Peace, The oaths to be tendered by a
{ Magistrate.
Short title. Oath of allegiance. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 2.] Official oath. [ib.s.3.] Judicial oath. [ib.s.4.] Persons to take oath of allegiance, and official oath. [ib.s.5.] Persons to take oath of allegiance and judicial oath. [ib.s.6.] Oaths of Executive Councillor. Oath of Legislative Councillor. Oaths of Clerk of Councils. Consequence of officer, etc., not taking required oath. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 7.] Oath of allegiance substituted for oaths of supremacy, and abjuration. [ib.s.8.] Use of name of Sovereign for time being. [ib.s.10.] Provisions for persons permitted to make affirmations. [ib.s.11.]
Short title. Oath of allegiance. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 2.] Official oath. [ib.s.3.] Judicial oath. [ib.s.4.] Persons to take oath of allegiance, and official oath. [ib.s.5.] Persons to take oath of allegiance and judicial oath. [ib.s.6.] Oaths of Executive Councillor. Oath of Legislative Councillor. Oaths of Clerk of Councils. Consequence of officer, etc., not taking required oath. [31 & 32 Vict.c. 72 s. 7.] Oath of allegiance substituted for oaths of supremacy, and abjuration. [ib.s.8.] Use of name of Sovereign for time being. [ib.s.10.] Provisions for persons permitted to make affirmations. [ib.s.11.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1869
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PROMISSORY OATHS ORDINANCE, 1869,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed April 1, 2025,