No.1 of 1868.
To make provision for the more effectual suppression of Piracy.
[23rd May,1868.]
1.The Suppression of Piracy Ordinance,1868. 2.Every person who knowingly sets forth any pirate;or who
aids,assists,maintains,procures,commands,counsels,or advises
any person whomsoever to do or commit any piracy,shall be guilty
of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not
exceeding 15 years:
Provided that where in consequence of such setting forth,aid,
assistance,maintenance,procurement,command,counsel,or ad-
vice,a piracy with murder is committed,such person shall be guilty
of felony,and shall suffer death or be liable to imprisonment for
[s.3,comvined in s.2, by No.63 of 1911.]
4.Every person who-
(1)trades with any pirate,knowing him to be guilty of piracy
or to be fitted out with the intention of committing piracy;or
(2)with the like knowledge,furnishes any pirate with arms,
ammunitions ,provisions,or stores of any kind;or
(3)fits out any junk,vessel,or boat knowingly and with a design
to trade with,supply,or correspond with any pirate;or
(4)in any way consults,combines,confederates,or corresponds
with any pirate,knowing him to be guilty of piracy,
shall be guilty of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding 10 years.
5.Every person who-
(1)knowingly receives,entertains or conceals any person guilty
of an act of piracy;or
(2)takes into his custody,without lawful authority or excuse,
any junk,vessel,boat,goods,or chattels which has or have been
feloniously taken by such pirate,
shall be guilty of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding 10 years:Provided that the expression 'takes
into his custody' shall be satisfied by proof that the goods and
chattels alleged to have been taken into custody were found in any
house or premises,or on board any junk,vessel,or boat,within
which the person charged may be found and of which said goods
and chattels he is unable to give a satisfactory account. 6.Every person who,being found within the Colony on board
any junk,vessel,or boat equipped for the purposes of piracy ,is
unable to satosfy the Court that he was not on board such junk,
vessel,or boat with his own consent or with the knowledge that
the same was equipped for the purposes of piracy shall be guilty of
felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceed-
ing 3 years.
7.If any person is convicted of any offence under this Ordinance
whose age does not,in the opinion of the Court,exceed 16 years,it
shall be lawful for the Court,in addition to or in lieu of the sentence
passed or omitted to be passed,to direct such offender to be sent,
at the expiration of such sentence or forthwith,as the case may
be,to a Reformatory School (if the directors or managers thereof
are willing to receive him),and to be there detained for a period
not exceeding 5 years.
8.It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-council to frame regula-
tions to be enforced on summary conviction by such fines and
penalties as may be deemed expedient,including forfeiture of
vessel,for preventing all or any description of fishing vessels and
trading junks from carrying all or any description of arms or
munitions of war,including stink pots:Provided that such
penalties,irrespective of forfeiture of vessel,shall not exceed in
any one case a fine of 500 dollars or imprisonment for one year.
9.All local laws,statutes,Ordinances,and usages inconsistent
with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and the same are
hereby declared to be of no force and effect whatsoever within this
10.nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed in any way to
take away,abridge,or affect the jurisdiction now exercise by the
Supreme Court.
Short title. Setting forth pirate; where piracy with murder committed. Trading, etc., with pirate. Receiving, etc., pirate or taking into custody junk, etc., piratically stolen. Being found on board piratical junk, etc., and unable to prove non-complicity. Juvenile offenders. Regulations for prevention of carrying arms, etc., in fishing vessels and trading junks. Repeal of inconsistent laws. Saving of jurisdiction.
To make provision for the more effectual suppression of Piracy.
[23rd May,1868.]
1.The Suppression of Piracy Ordinance,1868. 2.Every person who knowingly sets forth any pirate;or who
aids,assists,maintains,procures,commands,counsels,or advises
any person whomsoever to do or commit any piracy,shall be guilty
of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not
exceeding 15 years:
Provided that where in consequence of such setting forth,aid,
assistance,maintenance,procurement,command,counsel,or ad-
vice,a piracy with murder is committed,such person shall be guilty
of felony,and shall suffer death or be liable to imprisonment for
[s.3,comvined in s.2, by No.63 of 1911.]
4.Every person who-
(1)trades with any pirate,knowing him to be guilty of piracy
or to be fitted out with the intention of committing piracy;or
(2)with the like knowledge,furnishes any pirate with arms,
ammunitions ,provisions,or stores of any kind;or
(3)fits out any junk,vessel,or boat knowingly and with a design
to trade with,supply,or correspond with any pirate;or
(4)in any way consults,combines,confederates,or corresponds
with any pirate,knowing him to be guilty of piracy,
shall be guilty of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding 10 years.
5.Every person who-
(1)knowingly receives,entertains or conceals any person guilty
of an act of piracy;or
(2)takes into his custody,without lawful authority or excuse,
any junk,vessel,boat,goods,or chattels which has or have been
feloniously taken by such pirate,
shall be guilty of felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding 10 years:Provided that the expression 'takes
into his custody' shall be satisfied by proof that the goods and
chattels alleged to have been taken into custody were found in any
house or premises,or on board any junk,vessel,or boat,within
which the person charged may be found and of which said goods
and chattels he is unable to give a satisfactory account. 6.Every person who,being found within the Colony on board
any junk,vessel,or boat equipped for the purposes of piracy ,is
unable to satosfy the Court that he was not on board such junk,
vessel,or boat with his own consent or with the knowledge that
the same was equipped for the purposes of piracy shall be guilty of
felony,and shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceed-
ing 3 years.
7.If any person is convicted of any offence under this Ordinance
whose age does not,in the opinion of the Court,exceed 16 years,it
shall be lawful for the Court,in addition to or in lieu of the sentence
passed or omitted to be passed,to direct such offender to be sent,
at the expiration of such sentence or forthwith,as the case may
be,to a Reformatory School (if the directors or managers thereof
are willing to receive him),and to be there detained for a period
not exceeding 5 years.
8.It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-council to frame regula-
tions to be enforced on summary conviction by such fines and
penalties as may be deemed expedient,including forfeiture of
vessel,for preventing all or any description of fishing vessels and
trading junks from carrying all or any description of arms or
munitions of war,including stink pots:Provided that such
penalties,irrespective of forfeiture of vessel,shall not exceed in
any one case a fine of 500 dollars or imprisonment for one year.
9.All local laws,statutes,Ordinances,and usages inconsistent
with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and the same are
hereby declared to be of no force and effect whatsoever within this
10.nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed in any way to
take away,abridge,or affect the jurisdiction now exercise by the
Supreme Court.
Short title. Setting forth pirate; where piracy with murder committed. Trading, etc., with pirate. Receiving, etc., pirate or taking into custody junk, etc., piratically stolen. Being found on board piratical junk, etc., and unable to prove non-complicity. Juvenile offenders. Regulations for prevention of carrying arms, etc., in fishing vessels and trading junks. Repeal of inconsistent laws. Saving of jurisdiction.
Short title. Setting forth pirate; where piracy with murder committed. Trading, etc., with pirate. Receiving, etc., pirate or taking into custody junk, etc., piratically stolen. Being found on board piratical junk, etc., and unable to prove non-complicity. Juvenile offenders. Regulations for prevention of carrying arms, etc., in fishing vessels and trading junks. Repeal of inconsistent laws. Saving of jurisdiction.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1868
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SUPPRESSION OF PIRACY ORDINANCE, 1868,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 26, 2025,