No. 1 of 1867.
Mahomedan Cemetery
For enabling Her Majesty to resume possession of the Mahome-
dan Cemetery. [10th August,1867.]
WHEREAS by an indenture dated 10th October,1858,all that piece
or parcel of ground described in the schedule was granted by Her
Majesty unto Sheik Mosdeen,Mahomed Arab,and Seik Jumma,
to hold the same for all the estate and interest by the said inden-
ture granted upon trust as a burial ground for the Mussulman
community in Hongkong (hereinafter called the old cemetery);
AND WHEREAS it has become expedient that no further burials
should take place therein;AND WHEREAS Her Majesty has been
pleased to grant another piece or parcel of ground for the purpose
of being used as a burial ground for the Mussulman community
in lieu of the piece or parcel of ground first hereinbefore men-
1.The Mahomedan Cemetery Ordinance,1867.
2.The said indenture shall become null and void as if the same
had never been made.
[s.3,rep.No.50 of 1911.]
4.-(1)It shall not be lawful to bury the dead in any part of the
old cemetery.
(2)Every person who buries any body,or in anywise acts or
assists in the burial of any body therein shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor,and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars,or
to imprisonment,without hard labour,for any term not exceeding
3 months.
5.The remains of any body buried in the old cemetery and any
monument or gravestone thereon may be removed by leave of the
All that piece or parcel of ground situate,lying,and being in the
sub-district of Victoria called Sei-Ying-Poon,abutting on the North
side thereof on Bonham Road and measuring thereon 300 feet;on the
South side thereof on ground now in the possession of the Govern-
ment and measuring thereon 350 feet;on the East dside thereof on
ground now in the possession of the Government and measuring
thereon 465 feet;and on the West side thereof on ground now in the
possession of the Government and measuring thereof 467 1/2 feet;
which said piece or parcel of ground contains in the whole 3 areas.
2 roods,31 perches,and 25 square yards,and is registered in the
Land Office as Inland Lot No. 582 in the names of Sheik Mosdeen,
Mahomed Arab,and Seik Jumma.
Short title. Cesser of estate in old cemetery. Prohibition of burials in old cemetery. Removal of remains from old cemetery.
Mahomedan Cemetery
For enabling Her Majesty to resume possession of the Mahome-
dan Cemetery. [10th August,1867.]
WHEREAS by an indenture dated 10th October,1858,all that piece
or parcel of ground described in the schedule was granted by Her
Majesty unto Sheik Mosdeen,Mahomed Arab,and Seik Jumma,
to hold the same for all the estate and interest by the said inden-
ture granted upon trust as a burial ground for the Mussulman
community in Hongkong (hereinafter called the old cemetery);
AND WHEREAS it has become expedient that no further burials
should take place therein;AND WHEREAS Her Majesty has been
pleased to grant another piece or parcel of ground for the purpose
of being used as a burial ground for the Mussulman community
in lieu of the piece or parcel of ground first hereinbefore men-
1.The Mahomedan Cemetery Ordinance,1867.
2.The said indenture shall become null and void as if the same
had never been made.
[s.3,rep.No.50 of 1911.]
4.-(1)It shall not be lawful to bury the dead in any part of the
old cemetery.
(2)Every person who buries any body,or in anywise acts or
assists in the burial of any body therein shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor,and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 100 dollars,or
to imprisonment,without hard labour,for any term not exceeding
3 months.
5.The remains of any body buried in the old cemetery and any
monument or gravestone thereon may be removed by leave of the
All that piece or parcel of ground situate,lying,and being in the
sub-district of Victoria called Sei-Ying-Poon,abutting on the North
side thereof on Bonham Road and measuring thereon 300 feet;on the
South side thereof on ground now in the possession of the Govern-
ment and measuring thereon 350 feet;on the East dside thereof on
ground now in the possession of the Government and measuring
thereon 465 feet;and on the West side thereof on ground now in the
possession of the Government and measuring thereof 467 1/2 feet;
which said piece or parcel of ground contains in the whole 3 areas.
2 roods,31 perches,and 25 square yards,and is registered in the
Land Office as Inland Lot No. 582 in the names of Sheik Mosdeen,
Mahomed Arab,and Seik Jumma.
Short title. Cesser of estate in old cemetery. Prohibition of burials in old cemetery. Removal of remains from old cemetery.
Short title. Cesser of estate in old cemetery. Prohibition of burials in old cemetery. Removal of remains from old cemetery.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1867
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MAHOMEDAN CEMETERY ORDINANCE, 1867,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 24, 2025,