Civil Medical Staff (Discipline)
AN ORDINANCE to provide for the better enformcement of
discipline among the subordinate staff in the civil
medical department. [25th march, 1901.]
BE it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the legislative council thereof, as follows:- 1 this ordinance may be cited as the civil medical staff (discipline)
ordinance, 1901.
2 the principal civil medical officer may punish any subordinate
member of the staf in the civil medical department whose annual salary
does not exceed $500 for misconduct, or for neglect or
breach of duty, by a fine not exceding $10, which shall be
deducted by the principal civil medical officer from the pay of such
subordinate member.
3 the imposition of every such punishment shall be reported without
delay to the governor, who shall have power, if he thinks fit, to remit
such fine, either wholly or partially.
4 a record of every such punishment shall be entered in a book to be
kept for that purpose, which shall be called the subordinate staff's
misconduct book.
5 such fines shall be applied for the general benefit and advantage of
the subordinate members of the staff in the civil medical department,
in such manner as may from time to time be directed by the governor.
A.D. 1901. Ordinance No. 11 of 1901.
Short title.
Short title. Power to fine subordinate member of staff in Civil Medical Department. Reporting of fine to Governor. Keeping of record of fines. Application of fines.
Civil Medical Staff (Discipline)
AN ORDINANCE to provide for the better enformcement of
discipline among the subordinate staff in the civil
medical department. [25th march, 1901.]
BE it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the legislative council thereof, as follows:- 1 this ordinance may be cited as the civil medical staff (discipline)
ordinance, 1901.
2 the principal civil medical officer may punish any subordinate
member of the staf in the civil medical department whose annual salary
does not exceed $500 for misconduct, or for neglect or
breach of duty, by a fine not exceding $10, which shall be
deducted by the principal civil medical officer from the pay of such
subordinate member.
3 the imposition of every such punishment shall be reported without
delay to the governor, who shall have power, if he thinks fit, to remit
such fine, either wholly or partially.
4 a record of every such punishment shall be entered in a book to be
kept for that purpose, which shall be called the subordinate staff's
misconduct book.
5 such fines shall be applied for the general benefit and advantage of
the subordinate members of the staff in the civil medical department,
in such manner as may from time to time be directed by the governor.
A.D. 1901. Ordinance No. 11 of 1901.
Short title.
Short title. Power to fine subordinate member of staff in Civil Medical Department. Reporting of fine to Governor. Keeping of record of fines. Application of fines.
A.D. 1901. Ordinance No. 11 of 1901.
Short title.
Short title. Power to fine subordinate member of staff in Civil Medical Department. Reporting of fine to Governor. Keeping of record of fines. Application of fines.
Short title.
Short title. Power to fine subordinate member of staff in Civil Medical Department. Reporting of fine to Governor. Keeping of record of fines. Application of fines.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1901
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CIVIL MEDICAL STAFF (DISCIPLINE) ORDINANCE, 1901,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,