Ordinance No. 6 of 1899.
New Territories (Exemption from Laws)
An Ordinance to exempt the New Territories from the
Operation of certain Laws and for other purposes
[18 th April 1899.]
WHEREAS by a Conviction dated the 9 th day of june 1898
between Her Majestry Queen Victoria and His Imperial
Majestry the Emperor of China it was provided that the limits of
British territory in the regions adjacent to the Colony of Hong Kong
describedin the said Convection and whereas by an Order of Her
Majestry in Council dated the 20th day of October 1898 it wa ordered
that the territories within the limits and for the term described in the
said Convection should be and the same were thereby declared to be
part and parcel of Her Majestry's Colony of Hong Kong in like manner
and for all intends and purpose as if they had originally formed part
of the said Colony and whereas it was urther ordered that it should
be competent for the Governopr of Hongkong by an dwith the advice.
and consent of the Legislative Council of the said Colony to make
laws for the peace order and good government of teh said territories
as part of the said Colony and whereas it was further ordered that
from a date to be fixed by proclaimation of the Governor of Hong Kong
all laws and Ordinance which should at such date be in force in the
said colony should take effect in the same territories and should remain
in force therein until the same hould have been altered or repealed
by her said majesty or by the governoor of hongkong , by and with
the advice or consent fo the legistive council; and whereas the date
so fixed by the proclaimation of the governor in pursuance of the
said order was the 17th day of april , 1899, adn the sid laws and
ordinnces accordingly then so took effect and are now in force ; and
whereas it is expedient to exempt the said territories from the operation
of certain of the said ordinances or parts thereof , and to prevent
doubts as to the effect of the extension of the colony upon existing
grants and contracts:
be it therefore enacted by the governor fo hongkong , wiht hte advice
and consent fo the legistive council thereof , as follows ;-
1. this ordinance may be cited as the new territories (exemption
from laws ) ordinance , 1899.
2. in this ordinance the expression 'new territories ' means the
additional territories acquired under the convention fo the 9th day fo
june , 1898, which is referred to in the preamble to this ordinance.
3-(1) the ordinances mentioned in the schedule to this ordinance
shall , to the extent set forth in the third column of the said schedule
respectively , not apply to the new territories, unless and until the
governor , by order-in-council notified in the gazette , otherwise directs.
(2) any rules , regulations , by-laws , order-in-coundil , notifications ,
or proclamations made under any ordinances or parts or ordinances
which do not for the tiem being apply to the new territories shall not
apply to the new territories , unless and until the governor , by order-in-
council notified in the gazette, otherwis directs .
4 where, in any existng grant of any right or privilege or farm or
in any existing contract , the expression ' the colony' or the word
' hongkong ' or any similar expression referring to geographiceal
limit or extent in relation to this colony occurs , the same shall apply
only to the territory which was within the limits of the colony at the
time when such grant or contract was made.
A.D. 1899.
Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Certain Ordinances not to apply to New Territories Schedule. See Ordinance No. 8 of 1900. Meaning of certain expressions relating to the Colony in existing grants and contracts. Section 3.
New Territories (Exemption from Laws)
An Ordinance to exempt the New Territories from the
Operation of certain Laws and for other purposes
[18 th April 1899.]
WHEREAS by a Conviction dated the 9 th day of june 1898
between Her Majestry Queen Victoria and His Imperial
Majestry the Emperor of China it was provided that the limits of
British territory in the regions adjacent to the Colony of Hong Kong
describedin the said Convection and whereas by an Order of Her
Majestry in Council dated the 20th day of October 1898 it wa ordered
that the territories within the limits and for the term described in the
said Convection should be and the same were thereby declared to be
part and parcel of Her Majestry's Colony of Hong Kong in like manner
and for all intends and purpose as if they had originally formed part
of the said Colony and whereas it was urther ordered that it should
be competent for the Governopr of Hongkong by an dwith the advice.
and consent of the Legislative Council of the said Colony to make
laws for the peace order and good government of teh said territories
as part of the said Colony and whereas it was further ordered that
from a date to be fixed by proclaimation of the Governor of Hong Kong
all laws and Ordinance which should at such date be in force in the
said colony should take effect in the same territories and should remain
in force therein until the same hould have been altered or repealed
by her said majesty or by the governoor of hongkong , by and with
the advice or consent fo the legistive council; and whereas the date
so fixed by the proclaimation of the governor in pursuance of the
said order was the 17th day of april , 1899, adn the sid laws and
ordinnces accordingly then so took effect and are now in force ; and
whereas it is expedient to exempt the said territories from the operation
of certain of the said ordinances or parts thereof , and to prevent
doubts as to the effect of the extension of the colony upon existing
grants and contracts:
be it therefore enacted by the governor fo hongkong , wiht hte advice
and consent fo the legistive council thereof , as follows ;-
1. this ordinance may be cited as the new territories (exemption
from laws ) ordinance , 1899.
2. in this ordinance the expression 'new territories ' means the
additional territories acquired under the convention fo the 9th day fo
june , 1898, which is referred to in the preamble to this ordinance.
3-(1) the ordinances mentioned in the schedule to this ordinance
shall , to the extent set forth in the third column of the said schedule
respectively , not apply to the new territories, unless and until the
governor , by order-in-council notified in the gazette , otherwise directs.
(2) any rules , regulations , by-laws , order-in-coundil , notifications ,
or proclamations made under any ordinances or parts or ordinances
which do not for the tiem being apply to the new territories shall not
apply to the new territories , unless and until the governor , by order-in-
council notified in the gazette, otherwis directs .
4 where, in any existng grant of any right or privilege or farm or
in any existing contract , the expression ' the colony' or the word
' hongkong ' or any similar expression referring to geographiceal
limit or extent in relation to this colony occurs , the same shall apply
only to the territory which was within the limits of the colony at the
time when such grant or contract was made.
A.D. 1899.
Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Certain Ordinances not to apply to New Territories Schedule. See Ordinance No. 8 of 1900. Meaning of certain expressions relating to the Colony in existing grants and contracts. Section 3.
A.D. 1899.
Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Certain Ordinances not to apply to New Territories Schedule. See Ordinance No. 8 of 1900. Meaning of certain expressions relating to the Colony in existing grants and contracts. Section 3.
Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Certain Ordinances not to apply to New Territories Schedule. See Ordinance No. 8 of 1900. Meaning of certain expressions relating to the Colony in existing grants and contracts. Section 3.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 6 of 1899
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NEW TERRITORIES (EXEMPTION FROM LAWS) ORDINANCE, 1899,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 12, 2025,